/* * include/kerberosIV/des.h * * Copyright 1987, 1988, 1994, 2002 by the Massachusetts Institute of * Technology. All Rights Reserved. * * Export of this software from the United States of America may * require a specific license from the United States Government. * It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating * export to obtain such a license before exporting. * * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and * without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that * the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining * to distribution of the software without specific, written prior * permission. Furthermore if you modify this software you must label * your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a * fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software. * M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of * this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express * or implied warranty. * * Include file for the Data Encryption Standard library. */ #if defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__) #include #include #if TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #error "Use KfM 4.0 SDK headers for CFM compilation." #endif #ifdef AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_2_AND_LATER_BUT_DEPRECATED_IN_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 #define KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_2_AND_LATER_BUT_DEPRECATED_IN_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 #endif #endif /* defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__) */ /* Macro to add deprecated attribute to DES types and functions */ /* Currently only defined on Mac OS X 10.5 and later. */ #ifndef KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED #define KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED #endif #ifdef __cplusplus #ifndef KRBINT_BEGIN_DECLS #define KRBINT_BEGIN_DECLS extern "C" { #define KRBINT_END_DECLS } #endif #else #define KRBINT_BEGIN_DECLS #define KRBINT_END_DECLS #endif #ifndef KRB5INT_DES_TYPES_DEFINED #define KRB5INT_DES_TYPES_DEFINED #include KRBINT_BEGIN_DECLS #if TARGET_OS_MAC # pragma pack(push,2) #endif #if UINT_MAX >= 0xFFFFFFFFUL #define DES_INT32 int #define DES_UINT32 unsigned int #else #define DES_INT32 long #define DES_UINT32 unsigned long #endif typedef unsigned char des_cblock[8] /* crypto-block size */ KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; /* * Key schedule. * * This used to be * * typedef struct des_ks_struct { * union { DES_INT32 pad; des_cblock _;} __; * } des_key_schedule[16]; * * but it would cause trouble if DES_INT32 were ever more than 4 * bytes. The reason is that all the encryption functions cast it to * (DES_INT32 *), and treat it as if it were DES_INT32[32]. If * 2*sizeof(DES_INT32) is ever more than sizeof(des_cblock), the * caller-allocated des_key_schedule will be overflowed by the key * scheduling functions. We can't assume that every platform will * have an exact 32-bit int, and nothing should be looking inside a * des_key_schedule anyway. */ typedef struct des_ks_struct { DES_INT32 _[2]; } des_key_schedule[16] KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; #if TARGET_OS_MAC # pragma pack(pop) #endif KRBINT_END_DECLS #endif /* KRB5INT_DES_TYPES_DEFINED */ /* only do the whole thing once */ #ifndef DES_DEFS /* * lib/crypto/des/des_int.h defines KRB5INT_CRYPTO_DES_INT temporarily * to avoid including the defintions and declarations below. The * reason that the crypto library needs to include this file is that * it needs to have its types aligned with krb4's types. */ #ifndef KRB5INT_CRYPTO_DES_INT #define DES_DEFS #if defined(_WIN32) #ifndef KRB4 #define KRB4 1 #endif #include #endif #include /* need FILE for des_cblock_print_file */ KRBINT_BEGIN_DECLS #if TARGET_OS_MAC # pragma pack(push,2) #endif /* Windows declarations */ #ifndef KRB5_CALLCONV #define KRB5_CALLCONV #define KRB5_CALLCONV_C #endif #define DES_KEY_SZ (sizeof(des_cblock)) #define DES_ENCRYPT 1 #define DES_DECRYPT 0 #ifndef NCOMPAT #define C_Block des_cblock #define Key_schedule des_key_schedule #define ENCRYPT DES_ENCRYPT #define DECRYPT DES_DECRYPT #define KEY_SZ DES_KEY_SZ #define string_to_key des_string_to_key #define read_pw_string des_read_pw_string #define random_key des_random_key #define pcbc_encrypt des_pcbc_encrypt #define key_sched des_key_sched #define cbc_encrypt des_cbc_encrypt #define cbc_cksum des_cbc_cksum #define C_Block_print des_cblock_print #define quad_cksum des_quad_cksum typedef struct des_ks_struct bit_64; #endif #define des_cblock_print(x) des_cblock_print_file(x, stdout) /* * Function Prototypes */ int KRB5_CALLCONV des_key_sched (C_Block, Key_schedule) KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; int KRB5_CALLCONV des_pcbc_encrypt (C_Block *in, C_Block *out, long length, const des_key_schedule schedule, C_Block *ivec, int enc) KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; unsigned long KRB5_CALLCONV des_quad_cksum (const unsigned char *in, unsigned DES_INT32 *out, long length, int out_count, C_Block *seed) KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; /* * XXX ABI change: used to return void; also, cns/kfm have signed long * instead of unsigned long length. */ unsigned long KRB5_CALLCONV des_cbc_cksum(const des_cblock *, des_cblock *, unsigned long, const des_key_schedule, const des_cblock *) KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; int KRB5_CALLCONV des_string_to_key (const char *, C_Block) KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; void afs_string_to_key(char *, char *, des_cblock) KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; /* XXX ABI change: used to return krb5_error_code */ int KRB5_CALLCONV des_read_password(des_cblock *, char *, int) KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; int KRB5_CALLCONV des_ecb_encrypt(des_cblock *, des_cblock *, const des_key_schedule, int) KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; /* XXX kfm/cns have signed long length */ int des_cbc_encrypt(des_cblock *, des_cblock *, unsigned long, const des_key_schedule, const des_cblock *, int) KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; void des_fixup_key_parity(des_cblock) KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; int des_check_key_parity(des_cblock) KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; int KRB5_CALLCONV des_new_random_key(des_cblock) KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; void des_init_random_number_generator(des_cblock) KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; int des_random_key(des_cblock *) KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; int des_is_weak_key(des_cblock) KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; void des_cblock_print_file(des_cblock *, FILE *fp) KRB5INT_DES_DEPRECATED; #if TARGET_OS_MAC # pragma pack(pop) #endif KRBINT_END_DECLS #endif /* KRB5INT_CRYPTO_DES_INT */ #endif /* DES_DEFS */