200 lines
6.9 KiB
200 lines
6.9 KiB
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$Win32Macro = 'WIN32_FIXME'
$sourceRoot = 'C:\openssh\Win32-OpenSSH'
[int]$g_code = 0
[int]$g_win32 = 0
[int]$g_unix = 0
function AnalyzeFile($file, [bool]$log)
$file = Join-Path $sourceRoot $file
if ($log) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray $file }
$content = Get-Content $file
[int]$commentlines = 0 #comments
[int]$emptylines = 0 #emptylines
[int]$code = 0 #all code lines
[int]$win32 = 0 #win32 only lines
[int]$win32substituted = 0#lines in win32 block that have a corresponding Unix block (#ifdef with #else)
[int]$unix = 0; #unix only lines
[int]$unixsubstituted = 0 #lines in unix block that have a corresponding Win32 block (#ifdef with #else)
[int]$total = 0
[int]$nestedmacros = 0 #tracks nested macro blocks inside a win32 or a unix block
[bool]$incommentblock = $false
[bool]$inWin32block = $false
[bool]$inUnixblock = $false
[int]$currentblockcode = 0
[bool]$insubstitutedblock = $false
foreach ($linestr in $content)
$line = [String]$linestr
$line = $line.Trim()
#skip if line is empty
if ($line.Length -gt 0)
if ($incommentblock)
if ($line.EndsWith('*/')) {$incommentblock = $false}
if ($line.StartsWith('//')) {$commentlines++}
elseif ($line.StartsWith('/*'))
if (!($line.EndsWith('*/'))) { $incommentblock = $true }
if ($inWin32block)
#keep skipping inner #ifdefs
if ($line.StartsWith('#ifdef')) {$nestedmacros++}
if ($line.EndsWith('#endif') -or $line.EndsWith('#else'))
if ($nestedmacros -eq 0)
$inWin32block = $false
if ($line.EndsWith('#else'))
$inUnixblock = $true
$insubstitutedblock = $true
$win32substituted += $currentblockcode
elseif ($insubstitutedblock)
$win32substituted += $currentblockcode
$insubstitutedblock = $false
$currentblockcode = 0
if ($line.EndsWith('#endif')) {$nestedmacros--}
elseif ($inUnixblock)
#keep skipping inner #ifdefs
if ($line.StartsWith('#ifdef')) {$nestedmacros++}
if ($line.EndsWith('#endif') -or $line.EndsWith('#else'))
if ($nestedmacros -eq 0)
$inUnixblock = $false
if ($line.EndsWith('#else'))
$inWin32block = $true
$insubstitutedblock = $true
$unixsubstituted += $currentblockcode
elseif ($insubstitutedblock)
$unixsubstituted += $currentblockcode
$insubstitutedblock = $false
$currentblockcode = 0
if ($line.EndsWith('#endif')) {$nestedmacros--}
if ($line.StartsWith('#ifdef') -and $line.Contains($Win32Macro))
$inWin32block = $true
$currentblockcode = 0
if ($line.StartsWith('#ifndef') -and $line.Contains($Win32Macro))
$inUnixblock = $true
$currentblockcode = 0;
else {$emptylines++}
if ($log)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow " Comments " $commentlines
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green " Blank " $emptylines
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan " Code " $code
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta " Total " $total " check("($commentlines+$emptylines+$code)")"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan " Win32 " $win32
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan " Unix " $unix
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan " Win32sub " $win32substituted
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan " Unixsub " $unixsubstituted
$global:g_code += $code
$global:g_win32 += $win32
$global:g_unix += $unix
function AnalyzeProject($project, [bool]$log)
if ($log) { Write-Host "Project: " $project}
$projectName = $project
$projectroot = Join-Path $sourceRoot 'contrib\win32\openssh'
$project = Join-Path $projectroot $project
$project = $project + '.vcxproj'
$global:g_code = 0
$global:g_win32 = 0
$global:g_unix = 0
$c = Get-Content $project
foreach ($ln in $c){
$l = [String]$ln
$l = $l.Trim()
if ($l.StartsWith('<ClCompile Include="$(OpenSSH-Src-Path)'))
$l = $l.Replace('<ClCompile Include="$(OpenSSH-Src-Path)','')
$l = $l.Substring(0, $l.IndexOf('"'))
AnalyzeFile $l $log
if ($log)
Write-Host " Total Code " $global:g_code
Write-Host " Win32 Code " $global:g_win32
Write-Host " Unix Code " $global:g_unix
Write-Host $projectName " " (100 - ($global:g_unix*100/($global:g_code - $global:g_win32))) "%"
AnalyzeProject libssh
AnalyzeProject scp
AnalyzeProject sftp
AnalyzeProject sftp-server
AnalyzeProject ssh
AnalyzeProject ssh-add
AnalyzeProject ssh-agent
AnalyzeProject sshd |