help="ARCHS is one of list: IA32, X64, ARM, AARCH64, RISCV64, LOONGARCH64 or EBC, which overrides target.txt's TARGET_ARCH definition. To specify more archs, please repeat this option.")
help="Build the module specified by the INF file name argument.")
Parser.add_option("-b","--buildtarget",type="string",dest="BuildTarget",help="Using the TARGET to build the platform, overriding target.txt's TARGET definition.",
help="Build the platform using multi-threaded compiler. The value overrides target.txt's MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER. When value is set to 0, tool automatically detect number of "\
"processor threads, set value to 1 means disable multi-thread build, and set value to more than 1 means user specify the threads number to build.")
help="Flags that control the type of build report to generate. Must be one of: [PCD, LIBRARY, FLASH, DEPEX, BUILD_FLAGS, FIXED_ADDRESS, HASH, EXECUTION_ORDER]. "\
"To specify more than one flag, repeat this option on the command line and the default flag set is [PCD, LIBRARY, FLASH, DEPEX, HASH, BUILD_FLAGS, FIXED_ADDRESS]")
help="Specify the specific option to parse EDK UNI file. Must be one of: [-c, -s]. -c is for EDK framework UNI file, and -s is for EDK UEFI UNI file. "\
"This option can also be specified by setting *_*_*_BUILD_FLAGS in [BuildOptions] section of platform DSC. If they are both specified, this value "\
"will override the setting in [BuildOptions] section of platform DSC.")
Parser.add_option("--conf",action="store",type="string",dest="ConfDirectory",help="Specify the customized Conf directory.")
Parser.add_option("--check-usage",action="store_true",dest="CheckUsage",default=False,help="Check usage content of entries listed in INF file.")
Parser.add_option("--ignore-sources",action="store_true",dest="IgnoreSources",default=False,help="Focus to a binary build and ignore all source files")
Parser.add_option("--pcd",action="append",dest="OptionPcd",help="Set PCD value by command line. Format: \"PcdName=Value\"")
Parser.add_option("-l","--cmd-len",action="store",type="int",dest="CommandLength",help="Specify the maximum line length of build command. Default is 4096.")
Parser.add_option("--hash",action="store_true",dest="UseHashCache",default=False,help="Enable hash-based caching during build process.")
Parser.add_option("--binary-destination",action="store",type="string",dest="BinCacheDest",help="Generate a cache of binary files in the specified directory.")
Parser.add_option("--binary-source",action="store",type="string",dest="BinCacheSource",help="Consume a cache of binary files from the specified directory.")
Parser.add_option("--genfds-multi-thread",action="store_true",dest="GenfdsMultiThread",default=True,help="Enable GenFds multi thread to generate ffs file.")
Parser.add_option("--no-genfds-multi-thread",action="store_true",dest="NoGenfdsMultiThread",default=False,help="Disable GenFds multi thread to generate ffs file.")
Parser.add_option("--disable-include-path-check",action="store_true",dest="DisableIncludePathCheck",default=False,help="Disable the include path check for outside of package.")