2013-07-18 20:07:46 +02:00
/** @file
Default exception handler
Copyright ( c ) 2008 - 2010 , Apple Inc . All rights reserved . < BR >
2014-06-03 18:34:17 +02:00
Copyright ( c ) 2011 - 2014 , ARM Ltd . All rights reserved . < BR >
2013-07-18 20:07:46 +02:00
This program and the accompanying materials
are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
which accompanies this distribution . The full text of the license may be found at
http : //opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
* */
# include <Uefi.h>
# include <Library/UefiLib.h>
# include <Library/BaseLib.h>
# include <Library/DebugLib.h>
# include <Library/PeCoffGetEntryPointLib.h>
# include <Library/PrintLib.h>
# include <Library/ArmDisassemblerLib.h>
# include <Library/SerialPortLib.h>
# include <Guid/DebugImageInfoTable.h>
# include <Protocol/DebugSupport.h>
# include <Protocol/LoadedImage.h>
STATIC CHAR8 * gExceptionTypeString [ ] = {
" Synchronous " ,
" IRQ " ,
" FIQ " ,
" SError "
} ;
GetImageName (
IN UINTN FaultAddress ,
OUT UINTN * ImageBase ,
OUT UINTN * PeCoffSizeOfHeaders
) ;
2014-06-03 18:34:17 +02:00
DescribeInstructionOrDataAbort (
IN CHAR8 * AbortType ,
CHAR8 * AbortCause ;
switch ( Iss & 0x3f ) {
case 0x0 : AbortCause = " Address size fault, zeroth level of translation or translation table base register " ; break ;
case 0x1 : AbortCause = " Address size fault, first level " ; break ;
case 0x2 : AbortCause = " Address size fault, second level " ; break ;
case 0x3 : AbortCause = " Address size fault, third level " ; break ;
case 0x4 : AbortCause = " Translation fault, zeroth level " ; break ;
case 0x5 : AbortCause = " Translation fault, first level " ; break ;
case 0x6 : AbortCause = " Translation fault, second level " ; break ;
case 0x7 : AbortCause = " Translation fault, third level " ; break ;
case 0x9 : AbortCause = " Access flag fault, first level " ; break ;
case 0xa : AbortCause = " Access flag fault, second level " ; break ;
case 0xb : AbortCause = " Access flag fault, third level " ; break ;
case 0xd : AbortCause = " Permission fault, first level " ; break ;
case 0xe : AbortCause = " Permission fault, second level " ; break ;
case 0xf : AbortCause = " Permission fault, third level " ; break ;
case 0x10 : AbortCause = " Synchronous external abort " ; break ;
case 0x18 : AbortCause = " Synchronous parity error on memory access " ; break ;
case 0x11 : AbortCause = " Asynchronous external abort " ; break ;
case 0x19 : AbortCause = " Asynchronous parity error on memory access " ; break ;
case 0x14 : AbortCause = " Synchronous external abort on translation table walk, zeroth level " ; break ;
case 0x15 : AbortCause = " Synchronous external abort on translation table walk, first level " ; break ;
case 0x16 : AbortCause = " Synchronous external abort on translation table walk, second level " ; break ;
case 0x17 : AbortCause = " Synchronous external abort on translation table walk, third level " ; break ;
case 0x1c : AbortCause = " Synchronous parity error on memory access on translation table walk, zeroth level " ; break ;
case 0x1d : AbortCause = " Synchronous parity error on memory access on translation table walk, first level " ; break ;
case 0x1e : AbortCause = " Synchronous parity error on memory access on translation table walk, second level " ; break ;
case 0x1f : AbortCause = " Synchronous parity error on memory access on translation table walk, third level " ; break ;
case 0x21 : AbortCause = " Alignment fault " ; break ;
case 0x22 : AbortCause = " Debug event " ; break ;
case 0x30 : AbortCause = " TLB conflict abort " ; break ;
case 0x33 :
case 0x34 : AbortCause = " IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED " ; break ;
case 0x35 :
case 0x36 : AbortCause = " Domain fault " ; break ;
default : AbortCause = " " ; break ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " \n %a: %a \n " , AbortType , AbortCause ) ) ;
DescribeExceptionSyndrome (
CHAR8 * Message ;
Ec = Esr > > 26 ;
Iss = Esr & 0x00ffffff ;
switch ( Ec ) {
case 0x15 : Message = " SVC executed in AArch64 " ; break ;
case 0x20 :
case 0x21 : DescribeInstructionOrDataAbort ( " Instruction abort " , Iss ) ; return ;
case 0x22 : Message = " PC alignment fault " ; break ;
case 0x23 : Message = " SP alignment fault " ; break ;
case 0x24 :
case 0x25 : DescribeInstructionOrDataAbort ( " Data abort " , Iss ) ; return ;
default : return ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " \n %a \n " , Message ) ) ;
2013-07-18 20:07:46 +02:00
This is the default action to take on an unexpected exception
Since this is exception context don ' t do anything crazy like try to allcoate memory .
@ param ExceptionType Type of the exception
@ param SystemContext Register state at the time of the Exception
* */
DefaultExceptionHandler (
CHAR8 Buffer [ 100 ] ;
UINTN CharCount ;
2014-06-03 18:34:17 +02:00
CharCount = AsciiSPrint ( Buffer , sizeof ( Buffer ) , " \n \n %a Exception at 0x%016lx \n " , gExceptionTypeString [ ExceptionType ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > ELR ) ;
2013-07-18 20:07:46 +02:00
SerialPortWrite ( ( UINT8 * ) Buffer , CharCount ) ;
CHAR8 * Pdb ;
UINTN ImageBase ;
UINTN PeCoffSizeOfHeader ;
Pdb = GetImageName ( SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > ELR , & ImageBase , & PeCoffSizeOfHeader ) ;
if ( Pdb ! = NULL ) {
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " %a loaded at 0x%016lx \n " , Pdb , ImageBase ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " \n X0 0x%016lx X1 0x%016lx X2 0x%016lx X3 0x%016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X0 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X1 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X2 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X3 ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " X4 0x%016lx X5 0x%016lx X6 0x%016lx X7 0x%016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X4 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X5 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X6 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X7 ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " X8 0x%016lx X9 0x%016lx X10 0x%016lx X11 0x%016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X8 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X9 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X10 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X11 ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " X12 0x%016lx X13 0x%016lx X14 0x%016lx X15 0x%016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X12 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X13 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X14 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X15 ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " X16 0x%016lx X17 0x%016lx X18 0x%016lx X19 0x%016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X16 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X17 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X18 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X19 ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " X20 0x%016lx X21 0x%016lx X22 0x%016lx X23 0x%016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X20 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X21 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X22 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X23 ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " X24 0x%016lx X25 0x%016lx X26 0x%016lx X27 0x%016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X24 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X25 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X26 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X27 ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " X28 0x%016lx FP 0x%016lx LR 0x%016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > X28 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > FP , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > LR ) ) ;
/* We save these as 128bit numbers, but have to print them as two 64bit numbers,
so swap the 64 bit words to correctly represent a 128 bit number . */
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " \n V0 0x%016lx %016lx V1 0x%016lx %016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V0 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V0 [ 0 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V1 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V1 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " V2 0x%016lx %016lx V3 0x%016lx %016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V2 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V2 [ 0 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V3 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V3 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " V4 0x%016lx %016lx V5 0x%016lx %016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V4 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V4 [ 0 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V5 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V5 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " V6 0x%016lx %016lx V7 0x%016lx %016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V6 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V6 [ 0 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V7 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V7 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " V8 0x%016lx %016lx V9 0x%016lx %016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V8 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V8 [ 0 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V9 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V9 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " V10 0x%016lx %016lx V11 0x%016lx %016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V10 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V10 [ 0 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V11 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V11 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " V12 0x%016lx %016lx V13 0x%016lx %016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V12 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V12 [ 0 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V13 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V13 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " V14 0x%016lx %016lx V15 0x%016lx %016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V14 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V14 [ 0 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V15 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V15 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " V16 0x%016lx %016lx V17 0x%016lx %016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V16 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V16 [ 0 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V17 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V17 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " V18 0x%016lx %016lx V19 0x%016lx %016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V18 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V18 [ 0 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V19 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V19 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " V20 0x%016lx %016lx V21 0x%016lx %016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V20 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V20 [ 0 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V21 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V21 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " V22 0x%016lx %016lx V23 0x%016lx %016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V22 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V22 [ 0 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V23 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V23 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " V24 0x%016lx %016lx V25 0x%016lx %016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V24 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V24 [ 0 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V25 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V25 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " V26 0x%016lx %016lx V27 0x%016lx %016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V26 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V26 [ 0 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V27 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V27 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " V28 0x%016lx %016lx V29 0x%016lx %016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V28 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V28 [ 0 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V29 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V29 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " V30 0x%016lx %016lx V31 0x%016lx %016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V30 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V30 [ 0 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V31 [ 1 ] , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > V31 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " \n SP 0x%016lx ELR 0x%016lx SPSR 0x%08lx FPSR 0x%08lx \n ESR 0x%08lx FAR 0x%016lx \n " , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > SP , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > ELR , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > SPSR , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > FPSR , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > ESR , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > FAR ) ) ;
DEBUG ( ( EFI_D_ERROR , " \n ESR : EC 0x%02x IL 0x%x ISS 0x%08x \n " , ( SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > ESR & 0xFC000000 ) > > 26 , ( SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > ESR > > 25 ) & 0x1 , SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > ESR & 0x1FFFFFF ) ) ;
2014-06-03 18:34:17 +02:00
DescribeExceptionSyndrome ( SystemContext . SystemContextAArch64 - > ESR ) ;
2016-05-09 16:14:15 +02:00
CpuDeadLoop ( ) ;
2013-07-18 20:07:46 +02:00