The package list in FrameworkDatabase.db is important to the final quality of migration:
(1) It suggests the new package location: Translate package dependency Guid in MSA to Workspace relative path.
If the package dependency Guid cannot be found in current workspace a warning message is raised.
(2) It collects the Protocol/Guid/Ppi GuidCName a package contains.
The GuidCName acts as "clue" to add e.g. #include <Protocol/DiskIo.h> in CommonHeader.h
5. Example:
WORKSAPCE has already been set: $(WORKSPACE) = c:\work\EdkII.
a. MigrationMsa2Inf -f c:\work\EdkII\Nt32Pkg\WinNtThunkDxe\WinNtThunk.msa -o c:\work\EdkII\Nt32Pkg\WinNtThunkDxe\WinNtThunk.inf
b. MigrationMsa2Inf -f c:\work\EdkII\Nt32Pkg\WinNtThunkDxe\WinNtThunk.msa -a
Example a & b are equivalent to migrate WinNtThunk driver from EDKII to EDKII' code base.
c. MigrationMsa2Inf -f c:\work\EdkII\Nt32Pkg\WinNtThunkDxe\WinNtThunk.msa -a -c
The extra "-c" option performs several hardcode mapping due to the naming change in EDKII':
OldMdePkg Guid -> MdePkgGuid,
EdkModulePkg Guid -> MdeModulePkgGuid,
EdkGraphicsLib -> GraphicsLib
HiiLib -> HiiLibFramework
d. MigrationMsa2Inf -f c:\work\EdkII\Nt32Pkg\WinNtThunkDxe\WinNtThunk.msa -m
The extra "-m" option suppresses the generation of "CommonHeader.h" and leave all C files intact.
Instead, it generates "CommonHeader.txt". Developers can manually copy its content to a local common header file in a module.
6. Known Limitations:
a. Tool does not handle Exit Boot Services Callback & Virtual Address Changed Event. Developers need to handle it manually.
b. The #include <Library/AbcLib.h> is based on library class naming convention: The header filename for "AbcLib" class are "AbcLib.h" by convention.
c. The #include <Guid/Xyz.h>, <Protocol/Xyz.h> and <Ppi/Xyz.h> are added based on gGuidCName listed in MSA.
If a GuidCName cannot map to a package Guid/Protocol/Ppi header file, a warning message is raised.
If a module uses the definition in a pakcage Guid/Protocol/Ppi header file without list its associative GuidCName, the build will beak. Developer needs to manually add the include statement.
d. The [Depex] sections are generated from DXS files with Guid Macro translated to Guid CName by naming convention, etc.
If tool fails to "guess" the Guid CName from Guid Macro, it will leave the GuidMacro in [Depex] section for manual resolution.
e. When tool generates [Sources] section, the modifiers for source files are lost. (Need to add proper tool chain, etc)
f. When tool generates [LibraryClasses] section, the recommended library instances are lost. (No impact to build)