2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
## @file
# Create makefile for MS nmake and GNU make
2018-02-07 02:17:08 +01:00
# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
2019-04-04 01:03:11 +02:00
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
## Import Modules
2018-10-15 02:27:53 +02:00
from __future__ import absolute_import
2014-08-15 05:06:48 +02:00
import Common . LongFilePathOs as os
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
import sys
import string
import re
import os . path as path
2014-08-15 05:06:48 +02:00
from Common . LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
2015-10-08 11:27:14 +02:00
from Common . MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
from Common . BuildToolError import *
from Common . Misc import *
2018-05-19 12:50:25 +02:00
from Common . StringUtils import *
2018-07-13 12:18:37 +02:00
from . BuildEngine import *
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
import Common . GlobalData as GlobalData
2018-04-03 23:03:05 +02:00
from collections import OrderedDict
2018-08-24 18:33:17 +02:00
from Common . DataType import TAB_COMPILER_MSFT
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
## Regular expression for finding header file inclusions
2018-10-24 03:08:39 +02:00
gIncludePattern = re . compile ( r " ^[ \ t]*[# % ]?[ \ t]*include(?:[ \ t]*(?: \\ (?: \ r \ n| \ r| \ n))*[ \ t]*)*(?: \ (?[ \" <]?[ \ t]*)([- \ w. \\ /() \ t]+)(?:[ \ t]*[ \" >]? \ )?) " , re . MULTILINE | re . UNICODE | re . IGNORECASE )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
## Regular expression for matching macro used in header file inclusion
gMacroPattern = re . compile ( " ([_A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*)[ \t ]* \ ((.+) \ ) " , re . UNICODE )
gIsFileMap = { }
## pattern for include style in Edk.x code
gProtocolDefinition = " Protocol/ %(HeaderKey)s / %(HeaderKey)s .h "
gGuidDefinition = " Guid/ %(HeaderKey)s / %(HeaderKey)s .h "
gArchProtocolDefinition = " ArchProtocol/ %(HeaderKey)s / %(HeaderKey)s .h "
gPpiDefinition = " Ppi/ %(HeaderKey)s / %(HeaderKey)s .h "
gIncludeMacroConversion = {
" EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION " : gProtocolDefinition ,
" EFI_GUID_DEFINITION " : gGuidDefinition ,
" EFI_ARCH_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION " : gArchProtocolDefinition ,
" EFI_PROTOCOL_PRODUCER " : gProtocolDefinition ,
" EFI_PROTOCOL_CONSUMER " : gProtocolDefinition ,
" EFI_PROTOCOL_DEPENDENCY " : gProtocolDefinition ,
" EFI_ARCH_PROTOCOL_PRODUCER " : gArchProtocolDefinition ,
" EFI_ARCH_PROTOCOL_CONSUMER " : gArchProtocolDefinition ,
" EFI_ARCH_PROTOCOL_DEPENDENCY " : gArchProtocolDefinition ,
" EFI_PPI_DEFINITION " : gPpiDefinition ,
" EFI_PPI_PRODUCER " : gPpiDefinition ,
" EFI_PPI_CONSUMER " : gPpiDefinition ,
" EFI_PPI_DEPENDENCY " : gPpiDefinition ,
## default makefile type
gMakeType = " "
if sys . platform == " win32 " :
gMakeType = " nmake "
else :
gMakeType = " gmake "
## BuildFile class
# This base class encapsules build file and its generation. It uses template to generate
# the content of build file. The content of build file will be got from AutoGen objects.
class BuildFile ( object ) :
## template used to generate the build file (i.e. makefile if using make)
_TEMPLATE_ = TemplateString ( ' ' )
_DEFAULT_FILE_NAME_ = " Makefile "
## default file name for each type of build file
" nmake " : " Makefile " ,
" gmake " : " GNUmakefile "
## Fixed header string for makefile
# This file is auto-generated by build utility
# Module Name:
# %s
# Abstract:
# Auto-generated makefile for building modules, libraries or platform
## Header string for each type of build file
" nmake " : _MAKEFILE_HEADER % _FILE_NAME_ [ " nmake " ] ,
" gmake " : _MAKEFILE_HEADER % _FILE_NAME_ [ " gmake " ]
## shell commands which can be used in build file in the form of macro
# $(CP) copy file command
# $(MV) move file command
# $(RM) remove file command
# $(MD) create dir command
# $(RD) remove dir command
" nmake " : {
" CP " : " copy /y " ,
" MV " : " move /y " ,
" RM " : " del /f /q " ,
" MD " : " mkdir " ,
" RD " : " rmdir /s /q " ,
} ,
" gmake " : {
" CP " : " cp -f " ,
" MV " : " mv -f " ,
" RM " : " rm -f " ,
" MD " : " mkdir -p " ,
" RD " : " rm -r -f " ,
## directory separator
_SEP_ = {
" nmake " : " \\ " ,
" gmake " : " / "
## directory creation template
" nmake " : ' if not exist %(dir)s $(MD) %(dir)s ' ,
" gmake " : " $(MD) %(dir)s "
## directory removal template
" nmake " : ' if exist %(dir)s $(RD) %(dir)s ' ,
" gmake " : " $(RD) %(dir)s "
2017-11-22 08:42:25 +01:00
## cp if exist
" nmake " : ' if exist %(Src)s $(CP) %(Src)s %(Dst)s ' ,
" gmake " : " test -f %(Src)s && $(CP) %(Src)s %(Dst)s "
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
" nmake " : ' if exist %(dir)s cd %(dir)s ' ,
" gmake " : " test -e %(dir)s && cd %(dir)s "
" nmake " : ' if exist %(file)s " $(MAKE) " $(MAKE_FLAGS) -f %(file)s ' ,
" gmake " : ' test -e %(file)s && " $(MAKE) " $(MAKE_FLAGS) -f %(file)s '
" nmake " : ' !INCLUDE ' ,
" gmake " : " include "
2018-12-18 17:13:12 +01:00
_INC_FLAG_ = { TAB_COMPILER_MSFT : " /I " , " GCC " : " -I " , " INTEL " : " -I " , " RVCT " : " -I " , " NASM " : " -I " }
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
## Constructor of BuildFile
# @param AutoGenObject Object of AutoGen class
def __init__ ( self , AutoGenObject ) :
self . _AutoGenObject = AutoGenObject
self . _FileType = gMakeType
## Create build file
# @param FileType Type of build file. Only nmake and gmake are supported now.
# @retval TRUE The build file is created or re-created successfully
# @retval FALSE The build file exists and is the same as the one to be generated
def Generate ( self , FileType = gMakeType ) :
if FileType not in self . _FILE_NAME_ :
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , PARAMETER_INVALID , " Invalid build type [ %s ] " % FileType ,
ExtraData = " [ %s ] " % str ( self . _AutoGenObject ) )
self . _FileType = FileType
FileContent = self . _TEMPLATE_ . Replace ( self . _TemplateDict )
FileName = self . _FILE_NAME_ [ FileType ]
return SaveFileOnChange ( os . path . join ( self . _AutoGenObject . MakeFileDir , FileName ) , FileContent , False )
## Return a list of directory creation command string
# @param DirList The list of directory to be created
# @retval list The directory creation command list
def GetCreateDirectoryCommand ( self , DirList ) :
return [ self . _MD_TEMPLATE_ [ self . _FileType ] % { ' dir ' : Dir } for Dir in DirList ]
## Return a list of directory removal command string
# @param DirList The list of directory to be removed
# @retval list The directory removal command list
def GetRemoveDirectoryCommand ( self , DirList ) :
return [ self . _RD_TEMPLATE_ [ self . _FileType ] % { ' dir ' : Dir } for Dir in DirList ]
def PlaceMacro ( self , Path , MacroDefinitions = { } ) :
if Path . startswith ( " $( " ) :
return Path
else :
PathLength = len ( Path )
for MacroName in MacroDefinitions :
MacroValue = MacroDefinitions [ MacroName ]
MacroValueLength = len ( MacroValue )
2017-11-22 08:42:25 +01:00
if MacroValueLength == 0 :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
if MacroValueLength < = PathLength and Path . startswith ( MacroValue ) :
Path = " $( %s ) %s " % ( MacroName , Path [ MacroValueLength : ] )
return Path
## ModuleMakefile class
# This class encapsules makefie and its generation for module. It uses template to generate
# the content of makefile. The content of makefile will be got from ModuleAutoGen object.
class ModuleMakefile ( BuildFile ) :
## template used to generate the makefile for module
_TEMPLATE_ = TemplateString ( ''' \
$ { makefile_header }
# Platform Macro Definition
PLATFORM_NAME = $ { platform_name }
PLATFORM_GUID = $ { platform_guid }
PLATFORM_VERSION = $ { platform_version }
PLATFORM_RELATIVE_DIR = $ { platform_relative_directory }
2016-04-13 07:09:17 +02:00
PLATFORM_DIR = $ { platform_dir }
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
PLATFORM_OUTPUT_DIR = $ { platform_output_directory }
# Module Macro Definition
MODULE_NAME = $ { module_name }
MODULE_GUID = $ { module_guid }
2015-06-10 09:50:59 +02:00
MODULE_NAME_GUID = $ { module_name_guid }
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
MODULE_VERSION = $ { module_version }
MODULE_TYPE = $ { module_type }
MODULE_FILE = $ { module_file }
MODULE_FILE_BASE_NAME = $ { module_file_base_name }
MODULE_RELATIVE_DIR = $ { module_relative_directory }
2014-08-28 15:53:34 +02:00
PACKAGE_RELATIVE_DIR = $ { package_relative_directory }
2016-02-21 01:46:58 +01:00
MODULE_DIR = $ { module_dir }
2017-11-22 08:42:25 +01:00
FFS_OUTPUT_DIR = $ { ffs_output_directory }
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
MODULE_ENTRY_POINT = $ { module_entry_point }
ARCH_ENTRY_POINT = $ { arch_entry_point }
IMAGE_ENTRY_POINT = $ { image_entry_point }
$ { BEGIN } $ { module_extra_defines }
$ { END }
# Build Configuration Macro Definition
ARCH = $ { architecture }
TOOLCHAIN = $ { toolchain_tag }
TOOLCHAIN_TAG = $ { toolchain_tag }
TARGET = $ { build_target }
# Build Directory Macro Definition
# PLATFORM_BUILD_DIR = ${platform_build_directory}
BUILD_DIR = $ { platform_build_directory }
BIN_DIR = $ ( BUILD_DIR ) $ { separator } $ { architecture }
MODULE_BUILD_DIR = $ { module_build_directory }
OUTPUT_DIR = $ { module_output_directory }
DEBUG_DIR = $ { module_debug_directory }
# Shell Command Macro
$ { BEGIN } $ { shell_command_code } = $ { shell_command }
$ { END }
# Tools definitions specific to this module
$ { BEGIN } $ { module_tool_definitions }
$ { END }
MAKE_FILE = $ { makefile_path }
# Build Macro
$ { BEGIN } $ { file_macro }
$ { END }
COMMON_DEPS = $ { BEGIN } $ { common_dependency_file } \\
$ { END }
# Overridable Target Macro Definitions
FORCE_REBUILD = force_build
BC_TARGET = $ { BEGIN } $ { backward_compatible_target } $ { END }
CODA_TARGET = $ { BEGIN } $ { remaining_build_target } \\
$ { END }
# Default target, which will build dependent libraries in addition to source files
all : mbuild
# Target used when called from platform makefile, which will bypass the build of dependent libraries
pbuild : $ ( INIT_TARGET ) $ ( BC_TARGET ) $ ( PCH_TARGET ) $ ( CODA_TARGET )
# ModuleTarget
mbuild : $ ( INIT_TARGET ) $ ( BC_TARGET ) gen_libs $ ( PCH_TARGET ) $ ( CODA_TARGET )
# Build Target used in multi-thread build mode, which will bypass the init and gen_libs targets
tbuild : $ ( BC_TARGET ) $ ( PCH_TARGET ) $ ( CODA_TARGET )
# Phony target which is used to force executing commands for a target
force_build :
\t - @
# Target to update the FD
fds : mbuild gen_fds
# Initialization target: print build information and create necessary directories
init : info dirs
info :
\t - @echo Building . . . $ ( MODULE_DIR ) $ { separator } $ ( MODULE_FILE ) [ $ ( ARCH ) ]
dirs :
$ { BEGIN } \t - @ $ { create_directory_command } \n $ { END }
strdefs :
\t - @ $ ( CP ) $ ( DEBUG_DIR ) $ { separator } AutoGen . h $ ( DEBUG_DIR ) $ { separator } $ ( MODULE_NAME ) StrDefs . h
# GenLibsTarget
gen_libs :
\t $ { BEGIN } @ " $(MAKE) " $ ( MAKE_FLAGS ) - f $ { dependent_library_build_directory } $ { separator } $ { makefile_name }
\t $ { END } @cd $ ( MODULE_BUILD_DIR )
# Build Flash Device Image
gen_fds :
\t @ " $(MAKE) " $ ( MAKE_FLAGS ) - f $ ( BUILD_DIR ) $ { separator } $ { makefile_name } fds
\t @cd $ ( MODULE_BUILD_DIR )
# Individual Object Build Targets
$ { BEGIN } $ { file_build_target }
$ { END }
# clean all intermediate files
clean :
\t $ { BEGIN } $ { clean_command }
2017-04-11 04:47:53 +02:00
\t $ { END } \t $ ( RM ) AutoGenTimeStamp
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# clean all generated files
cleanall :
$ { BEGIN } \t $ { cleanall_command }
$ { END } \t $ ( RM ) * . pdb * . idb > NUL 2 > & 1
\t $ ( RM ) $ ( BIN_DIR ) $ { separator } $ ( MODULE_NAME ) . efi
2017-04-11 04:47:53 +02:00
\t $ ( RM ) AutoGenTimeStamp
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# clean all dependent libraries built
cleanlib :
\t $ { BEGIN } - @ $ { library_build_command } cleanall
\t $ { END } @cd $ ( MODULE_BUILD_DIR ) \n \n ''' )
_FILE_MACRO_TEMPLATE = TemplateString ( " $ {macro_name} = $ {BEGIN} \\ \n $ {source_file} $ {END} \n " )
_BUILD_TARGET_TEMPLATE = TemplateString ( " $ {BEGIN} $ {target} : $ {deps} \n $ {END} \t $ {cmd} \n " )
## Constructor of ModuleMakefile
# @param ModuleAutoGen Object of ModuleAutoGen class
def __init__ ( self , ModuleAutoGen ) :
BuildFile . __init__ ( self , ModuleAutoGen )
self . PlatformInfo = self . _AutoGenObject . PlatformInfo
self . ResultFileList = [ ]
self . IntermediateDirectoryList = [ " $(DEBUG_DIR) " , " $(OUTPUT_DIR) " ]
self . FileBuildTargetList = [ ] # [(src, target string)]
self . BuildTargetList = [ ] # [target string]
self . PendingBuildTargetList = [ ] # [FileBuildRule objects]
self . CommonFileDependency = [ ]
self . FileListMacros = { }
self . ListFileMacros = { }
2019-04-18 13:20:46 +02:00
self . ObjTargetDict = OrderedDict ( )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
self . FileCache = { }
self . LibraryBuildCommandList = [ ]
self . LibraryFileList = [ ]
self . LibraryMakefileList = [ ]
self . LibraryBuildDirectoryList = [ ]
self . SystemLibraryList = [ ]
2018-04-03 23:03:05 +02:00
self . Macros = OrderedDict ( )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
self . Macros [ " OUTPUT_DIR " ] = self . _AutoGenObject . Macros [ " OUTPUT_DIR " ]
self . Macros [ " DEBUG_DIR " ] = self . _AutoGenObject . Macros [ " DEBUG_DIR " ]
self . Macros [ " MODULE_BUILD_DIR " ] = self . _AutoGenObject . Macros [ " MODULE_BUILD_DIR " ]
self . Macros [ " BIN_DIR " ] = self . _AutoGenObject . Macros [ " BIN_DIR " ]
self . Macros [ " BUILD_DIR " ] = self . _AutoGenObject . Macros [ " BUILD_DIR " ]
self . Macros [ " WORKSPACE " ] = self . _AutoGenObject . Macros [ " WORKSPACE " ]
2017-11-22 08:42:25 +01:00
self . Macros [ " FFS_OUTPUT_DIR " ] = self . _AutoGenObject . Macros [ " FFS_OUTPUT_DIR " ]
self . GenFfsList = ModuleAutoGen . GenFfsList
self . MacroList = [ ' FFS_OUTPUT_DIR ' , ' MODULE_GUID ' , ' OUTPUT_DIR ' ]
self . FfsOutputFileList = [ ]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# Compose a dict object containing information used to do replacement in template
2018-09-11 00:18:03 +02:00
def _TemplateDict ( self ) :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
if self . _FileType not in self . _SEP_ :
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , PARAMETER_INVALID , " Invalid Makefile type [ %s ] " % self . _FileType ,
ExtraData = " [ %s ] " % str ( self . _AutoGenObject ) )
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
MyAgo = self . _AutoGenObject
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
Separator = self . _SEP_ [ self . _FileType ]
# break build if no source files and binary files are found
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
if len ( MyAgo . SourceFileList ) == 0 and len ( MyAgo . BinaryFileList ) == 0 :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , AUTOGEN_ERROR , " No files to be built in module [ %s , %s , %s ] "
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
% ( MyAgo . BuildTarget , MyAgo . ToolChain , MyAgo . Arch ) ,
ExtraData = " [ %s ] " % str ( MyAgo ) )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# convert dependent libraries to build command
self . ProcessDependentLibrary ( )
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
if len ( MyAgo . Module . ModuleEntryPointList ) > 0 :
ModuleEntryPoint = MyAgo . Module . ModuleEntryPointList [ 0 ]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
else :
ModuleEntryPoint = " _ModuleEntryPoint "
2019-01-14 02:24:12 +01:00
ArchEntryPoint = ModuleEntryPoint
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
if MyAgo . Arch == " EBC " :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# EBC compiler always use "EfiStart" as entry point. Only applies to EdkII modules
ImageEntryPoint = " EfiStart "
else :
# EdkII modules always use "_ModuleEntryPoint" as entry point
ImageEntryPoint = " _ModuleEntryPoint "
2018-11-28 02:58:55 +01:00
for k , v in MyAgo . Module . Defines . items ( ) :
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
if k not in MyAgo . Macros :
MyAgo . Macros [ k ] = v
2016-03-23 07:54:36 +01:00
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
if ' MODULE_ENTRY_POINT ' not in MyAgo . Macros :
MyAgo . Macros [ ' MODULE_ENTRY_POINT ' ] = ModuleEntryPoint
if ' ARCH_ENTRY_POINT ' not in MyAgo . Macros :
MyAgo . Macros [ ' ARCH_ENTRY_POINT ' ] = ArchEntryPoint
if ' IMAGE_ENTRY_POINT ' not in MyAgo . Macros :
MyAgo . Macros [ ' IMAGE_ENTRY_POINT ' ] = ImageEntryPoint
2016-03-23 07:54:36 +01:00
2016-06-03 04:01:53 +02:00
2018-11-28 02:58:55 +01:00
for k , v in MyAgo . Module . Defines . items ( ) :
2016-06-03 04:01:53 +02:00
if ' PCI_COMPRESS ' == k and ' TRUE ' == v :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# tools definitions
ToolsDef = [ ]
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
IncPrefix = self . _INC_FLAG_ [ MyAgo . ToolChainFamily ]
for Tool in MyAgo . BuildOption :
for Attr in MyAgo . BuildOption [ Tool ] :
Value = MyAgo . BuildOption [ Tool ] [ Attr ]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
if Attr == " FAMILY " :
elif Attr == " PATH " :
ToolsDef . append ( " %s = %s " % ( Tool , Value ) )
else :
# Don't generate MAKE_FLAGS in makefile. It's put in environment variable.
if Tool == " MAKE " :
# Remove duplicated include path, if any
if Attr == " FLAGS " :
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
Value = RemoveDupOption ( Value , IncPrefix , MyAgo . IncludePathList )
2019-04-16 04:43:04 +02:00
if self . _AutoGenObject . BuildRuleFamily == TAB_COMPILER_MSFT and Tool == ' CC ' and ' /GM ' in Value :
Value = Value . replace ( ' /MP ' , ' ' )
MyAgo . BuildOption [ Tool ] [ Attr ] = Value
2016-06-03 04:01:53 +02:00
if Tool == " OPTROM " and PCI_COMPRESS_Flag :
ValueList = Value . split ( )
if ValueList :
for i , v in enumerate ( ValueList ) :
if ' -e ' == v :
ValueList [ i ] = ' -ec '
Value = ' ' . join ( ValueList )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
ToolsDef . append ( " %s _ %s = %s " % ( Tool , Attr , Value ) )
ToolsDef . append ( " " )
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
# generate the Response file and Response flag
RespDict = self . CommandExceedLimit ( )
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
RespFileList = os . path . join ( MyAgo . OutputDir , ' respfilelist.txt ' )
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
if RespDict :
RespFileListContent = ' '
2018-04-17 16:40:15 +02:00
for Resp in RespDict :
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
RespFile = os . path . join ( MyAgo . OutputDir , str ( Resp ) . lower ( ) + ' .txt ' )
2016-03-23 07:54:36 +01:00
StrList = RespDict [ Resp ] . split ( ' ' )
UnexpandMacro = [ ]
NewStr = [ ]
for Str in StrList :
if ' $ ' in Str :
UnexpandMacro . append ( Str )
else :
NewStr . append ( Str )
UnexpandMacroStr = ' ' . join ( UnexpandMacro )
NewRespStr = ' ' . join ( NewStr )
SaveFileOnChange ( RespFile , NewRespStr , False )
ToolsDef . append ( " %s = %s " % ( Resp , UnexpandMacroStr + ' @ ' + RespFile ) )
2018-12-18 03:45:04 +01:00
RespFileListContent + = ' @ ' + RespFile + TAB_LINE_BREAK
RespFileListContent + = NewRespStr + TAB_LINE_BREAK
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
SaveFileOnChange ( RespFileList , RespFileListContent , False )
else :
if os . path . exists ( RespFileList ) :
os . remove ( RespFileList )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# convert source files and binary files to build targets
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
self . ResultFileList = [ str ( T . Target ) for T in MyAgo . CodaTargetList ]
if len ( self . ResultFileList ) == 0 and len ( MyAgo . SourceFileList ) != 0 :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , AUTOGEN_ERROR , " Nothing to build " ,
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
ExtraData = " [ %s ] " % str ( MyAgo ) )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
self . ProcessBuildTargetList ( )
2017-11-22 08:42:25 +01:00
self . ParserGenerateFfsCmd ( )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# Generate macros used to represent input files
FileMacroList = [ ] # macro name = file list
for FileListMacro in self . FileListMacros :
FileMacro = self . _FILE_MACRO_TEMPLATE . Replace (
" macro_name " : FileListMacro ,
" source_file " : self . FileListMacros [ FileListMacro ]
FileMacroList . append ( FileMacro )
# INC_LIST is special
FileMacro = " "
IncludePathList = [ ]
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
for P in MyAgo . IncludePathList :
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
IncludePathList . append ( IncPrefix + self . PlaceMacro ( P , self . Macros ) )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
if FileBuildRule . INC_LIST_MACRO in self . ListFileMacros :
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
self . ListFileMacros [ FileBuildRule . INC_LIST_MACRO ] . append ( IncPrefix + P )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
FileMacro + = self . _FILE_MACRO_TEMPLATE . Replace (
" macro_name " : " INC " ,
" source_file " : IncludePathList
FileMacroList . append ( FileMacro )
2018-12-18 17:13:12 +01:00
# Add support when compiling .nasm source files
for File in self . FileCache . keys ( ) :
if not str ( File ) . endswith ( ' .nasm ' ) :
IncludePathList = [ ]
for P in MyAgo . IncludePathList :
IncludePath = self . _INC_FLAG_ [ ' NASM ' ] + self . PlaceMacro ( P , self . Macros )
if IncludePath . endswith ( os . sep ) :
IncludePath = IncludePath . rstrip ( os . sep )
# When compiling .nasm files, need to add a literal backslash at each path
# To specify a literal backslash at the end of the line, precede it with a caret (^)
if P == MyAgo . IncludePathList [ - 1 ] and os . sep == ' \\ ' :
IncludePath = ' ' . join ( [ IncludePath , ' ^ ' , os . sep ] )
else :
IncludePath = os . path . join ( IncludePath , ' ' )
IncludePathList . append ( IncludePath )
FileMacroList . append ( self . _FILE_MACRO_TEMPLATE . Replace ( { " macro_name " : " NASM_INC " , " source_file " : IncludePathList } ) )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# Generate macros used to represent files containing list of input files
for ListFileMacro in self . ListFileMacros :
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
ListFileName = os . path . join ( MyAgo . OutputDir , " %s .lst " % ListFileMacro . lower ( ) [ : len ( ListFileMacro ) - 5 ] )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
FileMacroList . append ( " %s = %s " % ( ListFileMacro , ListFileName ) )
SaveFileOnChange (
ListFileName ,
" \n " . join ( self . ListFileMacros [ ListFileMacro ] ) ,
2019-04-16 04:43:04 +02:00
# Generate objlist used to create .obj file
for Type in self . ObjTargetDict :
NewLine = ' ' . join ( list ( self . ObjTargetDict [ Type ] ) )
FileMacroList . append ( " OBJLIST_ %s = %s " % ( list ( self . ObjTargetDict . keys ( ) ) . index ( Type ) , NewLine ) )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
BcTargetList = [ ]
MakefileName = self . _FILE_NAME_ [ self . _FileType ]
LibraryMakeCommandList = [ ]
for D in self . LibraryBuildDirectoryList :
Command = self . _MAKE_TEMPLATE_ [ self . _FileType ] % { " file " : os . path . join ( D , MakefileName ) }
LibraryMakeCommandList . append ( Command )
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
package_rel_dir = MyAgo . SourceDir
2015-06-16 06:23:00 +02:00
current_dir = self . Macros [ " WORKSPACE " ]
found = False
while not found and os . sep in package_rel_dir :
index = package_rel_dir . index ( os . sep )
2015-10-08 11:27:14 +02:00
current_dir = mws . join ( current_dir , package_rel_dir [ : index ] )
2016-06-03 03:29:06 +02:00
if os . path . exists ( current_dir ) :
for fl in os . listdir ( current_dir ) :
if fl . endswith ( ' .dec ' ) :
found = True
2015-06-16 06:23:00 +02:00
package_rel_dir = package_rel_dir [ index + 1 : ]
2014-08-28 15:53:34 +02:00
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
MakefileTemplateDict = {
" makefile_header " : self . _FILE_HEADER_ [ self . _FileType ] ,
" makefile_path " : os . path . join ( " $(MODULE_BUILD_DIR) " , MakefileName ) ,
" makefile_name " : MakefileName ,
" platform_name " : self . PlatformInfo . Name ,
" platform_guid " : self . PlatformInfo . Guid ,
" platform_version " : self . PlatformInfo . Version ,
" platform_relative_directory " : self . PlatformInfo . SourceDir ,
" platform_output_directory " : self . PlatformInfo . OutputDir ,
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
" ffs_output_directory " : MyAgo . Macros [ " FFS_OUTPUT_DIR " ] ,
" platform_dir " : MyAgo . Macros [ " PLATFORM_DIR " ] ,
" module_name " : MyAgo . Name ,
" module_guid " : MyAgo . Guid ,
" module_name_guid " : MyAgo . UniqueBaseName ,
" module_version " : MyAgo . Version ,
" module_type " : MyAgo . ModuleType ,
" module_file " : MyAgo . MetaFile . Name ,
" module_file_base_name " : MyAgo . MetaFile . BaseName ,
" module_relative_directory " : MyAgo . SourceDir ,
" module_dir " : mws . join ( self . Macros [ " WORKSPACE " ] , MyAgo . SourceDir ) ,
2014-08-28 15:53:34 +02:00
" package_relative_directory " : package_rel_dir ,
2018-11-28 02:58:55 +01:00
" module_extra_defines " : [ " %s = %s " % ( k , v ) for k , v in MyAgo . Module . Defines . items ( ) ] ,
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
" architecture " : MyAgo . Arch ,
" toolchain_tag " : MyAgo . ToolChain ,
" build_target " : MyAgo . BuildTarget ,
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
" platform_build_directory " : self . PlatformInfo . BuildDir ,
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
" module_build_directory " : MyAgo . BuildDir ,
" module_output_directory " : MyAgo . OutputDir ,
" module_debug_directory " : MyAgo . DebugDir ,
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
" separator " : Separator ,
" module_tool_definitions " : ToolsDef ,
2019-01-28 08:06:30 +01:00
" shell_command_code " : list ( self . _SHELL_CMD_ [ self . _FileType ] . keys ( ) ) ,
" shell_command " : list ( self . _SHELL_CMD_ [ self . _FileType ] . values ( ) ) ,
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
" module_entry_point " : ModuleEntryPoint ,
" image_entry_point " : ImageEntryPoint ,
" arch_entry_point " : ArchEntryPoint ,
" remaining_build_target " : self . ResultFileList ,
" common_dependency_file " : self . CommonFileDependency ,
" create_directory_command " : self . GetCreateDirectoryCommand ( self . IntermediateDirectoryList ) ,
" clean_command " : self . GetRemoveDirectoryCommand ( [ " $(OUTPUT_DIR) " ] ) ,
" cleanall_command " : self . GetRemoveDirectoryCommand ( [ " $(DEBUG_DIR) " , " $(OUTPUT_DIR) " ] ) ,
" dependent_library_build_directory " : self . LibraryBuildDirectoryList ,
" library_build_command " : LibraryMakeCommandList ,
" file_macro " : FileMacroList ,
" file_build_target " : self . BuildTargetList ,
" backward_compatible_target " : BcTargetList ,
return MakefileTemplateDict
2017-11-22 08:42:25 +01:00
def ParserGenerateFfsCmd ( self ) :
#Add Ffs cmd to self.BuildTargetList
OutputFile = ' '
DepsFileList = [ ]
for Cmd in self . GenFfsList :
if Cmd [ 2 ] :
for CopyCmd in Cmd [ 2 ] :
Src , Dst = CopyCmd
Src = self . ReplaceMacro ( Src )
Dst = self . ReplaceMacro ( Dst )
if Dst not in self . ResultFileList :
2018-05-18 02:06:52 +02:00
self . ResultFileList . append ( Dst )
2017-11-22 08:42:25 +01:00
if ' %s : ' % ( Dst ) not in self . BuildTargetList :
self . BuildTargetList . append ( " %s : " % ( Dst ) )
self . BuildTargetList . append ( ' \t ' + self . _CP_TEMPLATE_ [ self . _FileType ] % { ' Src ' : Src , ' Dst ' : Dst } )
FfsCmdList = Cmd [ 0 ]
for index , Str in enumerate ( FfsCmdList ) :
if ' -o ' == Str :
OutputFile = FfsCmdList [ index + 1 ]
2019-04-03 04:17:02 +02:00
if ' -i ' == Str or " -oi " == Str :
2017-11-22 08:42:25 +01:00
if DepsFileList == [ ] :
DepsFileList = [ FfsCmdList [ index + 1 ] ]
else :
DepsFileList . append ( FfsCmdList [ index + 1 ] )
DepsFileString = ' ' . join ( DepsFileList ) . strip ( )
if DepsFileString == ' ' :
OutputFile = self . ReplaceMacro ( OutputFile )
2018-05-18 02:06:52 +02:00
self . ResultFileList . append ( OutputFile )
2017-11-22 08:42:25 +01:00
DepsFileString = self . ReplaceMacro ( DepsFileString )
self . BuildTargetList . append ( ' %s : %s ' % ( OutputFile , DepsFileString ) )
CmdString = ' ' . join ( FfsCmdList ) . strip ( )
CmdString = self . ReplaceMacro ( CmdString )
self . BuildTargetList . append ( ' \t %s ' % CmdString )
self . ParseSecCmd ( DepsFileList , Cmd [ 1 ] )
for SecOutputFile , SecDepsFile , SecCmd in self . FfsOutputFileList :
self . BuildTargetList . append ( ' %s : %s ' % ( self . ReplaceMacro ( SecOutputFile ) , self . ReplaceMacro ( SecDepsFile ) ) )
self . BuildTargetList . append ( ' \t %s ' % self . ReplaceMacro ( SecCmd ) )
self . FfsOutputFileList = [ ]
def ParseSecCmd ( self , OutputFileList , CmdTuple ) :
for OutputFile in OutputFileList :
for SecCmdStr in CmdTuple :
SecDepsFileList = [ ]
SecCmdList = SecCmdStr . split ( )
CmdName = SecCmdList [ 0 ]
for index , CmdItem in enumerate ( SecCmdList ) :
if ' -o ' == CmdItem and OutputFile == SecCmdList [ index + 1 ] :
index = index + 1
while index + 1 < len ( SecCmdList ) :
if not SecCmdList [ index + 1 ] . startswith ( ' - ' ) :
SecDepsFileList . append ( SecCmdList [ index + 1 ] )
index = index + 1
if CmdName == ' Trim ' :
SecDepsFileList . append ( os . path . join ( ' $(DEBUG_DIR) ' , os . path . basename ( OutputFile ) . replace ( ' offset ' , ' efi ' ) ) )
if OutputFile . endswith ( ' .ui ' ) or OutputFile . endswith ( ' .ver ' ) :
2018-06-25 12:31:33 +02:00
SecDepsFileList . append ( os . path . join ( ' $(MODULE_DIR) ' , ' $(MODULE_FILE) ' ) )
2017-11-22 08:42:25 +01:00
self . FfsOutputFileList . append ( ( OutputFile , ' ' . join ( SecDepsFileList ) , SecCmdStr ) )
if len ( SecDepsFileList ) > 0 :
self . ParseSecCmd ( SecDepsFileList , CmdTuple )
else :
def ReplaceMacro ( self , str ) :
for Macro in self . MacroList :
if self . _AutoGenObject . Macros [ Macro ] and self . _AutoGenObject . Macros [ Macro ] in str :
str = str . replace ( self . _AutoGenObject . Macros [ Macro ] , ' $( ' + Macro + ' ) ' )
return str
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
def CommandExceedLimit ( self ) :
FlagDict = {
' CC ' : { ' Macro ' : ' $(CC_FLAGS) ' , ' Value ' : False } ,
' PP ' : { ' Macro ' : ' $(PP_FLAGS) ' , ' Value ' : False } ,
' APP ' : { ' Macro ' : ' $(APP_FLAGS) ' , ' Value ' : False } ,
' ASLPP ' : { ' Macro ' : ' $(ASLPP_FLAGS) ' , ' Value ' : False } ,
' VFRPP ' : { ' Macro ' : ' $(VFRPP_FLAGS) ' , ' Value ' : False } ,
' ASM ' : { ' Macro ' : ' $(ASM_FLAGS) ' , ' Value ' : False } ,
' ASLCC ' : { ' Macro ' : ' $(ASLCC_FLAGS) ' , ' Value ' : False } ,
RespDict = { }
FileTypeList = [ ]
IncPrefix = self . _INC_FLAG_ [ self . _AutoGenObject . ToolChainFamily ]
# base on the source files to decide the file type
for File in self . _AutoGenObject . SourceFileList :
for type in self . _AutoGenObject . FileTypes :
if File in self . _AutoGenObject . FileTypes [ type ] :
if type not in FileTypeList :
FileTypeList . append ( type )
# calculate the command-line length
if FileTypeList :
for type in FileTypeList :
BuildTargets = self . _AutoGenObject . BuildRules [ type ] . BuildTargets
for Target in BuildTargets :
CommandList = BuildTargets [ Target ] . Commands
for SingleCommand in CommandList :
Tool = ' '
SingleCommandLength = len ( SingleCommand )
SingleCommandList = SingleCommand . split ( )
if len ( SingleCommandList ) > 0 :
2018-04-17 16:40:15 +02:00
for Flag in FlagDict :
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
if ' $( ' + Flag + ' ) ' in SingleCommandList [ 0 ] :
Tool = Flag
if Tool :
2018-08-03 17:11:06 +02:00
if ' PATH ' not in self . _AutoGenObject . BuildOption [ Tool ] :
2018-02-07 02:17:08 +01:00
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , AUTOGEN_ERROR , " %s _PATH doesn ' t exist in %s ToolChain and %s Arch. " % ( Tool , self . _AutoGenObject . ToolChain , self . _AutoGenObject . Arch ) , ExtraData = " [ %s ] " % str ( self . _AutoGenObject ) )
2018-08-03 17:11:06 +02:00
SingleCommandLength + = len ( self . _AutoGenObject . BuildOption [ Tool ] [ ' PATH ' ] )
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
for item in SingleCommandList [ 1 : ] :
if FlagDict [ Tool ] [ ' Macro ' ] in item :
2018-08-03 17:11:06 +02:00
if ' FLAGS ' not in self . _AutoGenObject . BuildOption [ Tool ] :
2018-02-07 02:17:08 +01:00
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , AUTOGEN_ERROR , " %s _FLAGS doesn ' t exist in %s ToolChain and %s Arch. " % ( Tool , self . _AutoGenObject . ToolChain , self . _AutoGenObject . Arch ) , ExtraData = " [ %s ] " % str ( self . _AutoGenObject ) )
2018-08-03 17:11:06 +02:00
Str = self . _AutoGenObject . BuildOption [ Tool ] [ ' FLAGS ' ]
2018-04-17 16:40:15 +02:00
for Option in self . _AutoGenObject . BuildOption :
2016-03-23 07:54:36 +01:00
for Attr in self . _AutoGenObject . BuildOption [ Option ] :
if Str . find ( Option + ' _ ' + Attr ) != - 1 :
Str = Str . replace ( ' $( ' + Option + ' _ ' + Attr + ' ) ' , self . _AutoGenObject . BuildOption [ Option ] [ Attr ] )
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
while ( Str . find ( ' $( ' ) != - 1 ) :
2018-04-17 16:40:15 +02:00
for macro in self . _AutoGenObject . Macros :
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
MacroName = ' $( ' + macro + ' ) '
if ( Str . find ( MacroName ) != - 1 ) :
Str = Str . replace ( MacroName , self . _AutoGenObject . Macros [ macro ] )
else :
2016-03-23 07:54:36 +01:00
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
SingleCommandLength + = len ( Str )
elif ' $(INC) ' in item :
2018-08-03 17:11:06 +02:00
SingleCommandLength + = self . _AutoGenObject . IncludePathLength + len ( IncPrefix ) * len ( self . _AutoGenObject . IncludePathList )
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
elif item . find ( ' $( ' ) != - 1 :
Str = item
2018-04-17 16:40:15 +02:00
for Option in self . _AutoGenObject . BuildOption :
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
for Attr in self . _AutoGenObject . BuildOption [ Option ] :
if Str . find ( Option + ' _ ' + Attr ) != - 1 :
Str = Str . replace ( ' $( ' + Option + ' _ ' + Attr + ' ) ' , self . _AutoGenObject . BuildOption [ Option ] [ Attr ] )
while ( Str . find ( ' $( ' ) != - 1 ) :
2018-04-17 16:40:15 +02:00
for macro in self . _AutoGenObject . Macros :
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
MacroName = ' $( ' + macro + ' ) '
if ( Str . find ( MacroName ) != - 1 ) :
Str = Str . replace ( MacroName , self . _AutoGenObject . Macros [ macro ] )
else :
2016-03-23 07:54:36 +01:00
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
SingleCommandLength + = len ( Str )
if SingleCommandLength > GlobalData . gCommandMaxLength :
FlagDict [ Tool ] [ ' Value ' ] = True
# generate the response file content by combine the FLAGS and INC
2018-04-17 16:40:15 +02:00
for Flag in FlagDict :
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
if FlagDict [ Flag ] [ ' Value ' ] :
Key = Flag + ' _RESP '
RespMacro = FlagDict [ Flag ] [ ' Macro ' ] . replace ( ' FLAGS ' , ' RESP ' )
Value = self . _AutoGenObject . BuildOption [ Flag ] [ ' FLAGS ' ]
2018-08-03 17:11:06 +02:00
for inc in self . _AutoGenObject . IncludePathList :
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
Value + = ' ' + IncPrefix + inc
2018-04-17 16:40:15 +02:00
for Option in self . _AutoGenObject . BuildOption :
2016-03-23 07:54:36 +01:00
for Attr in self . _AutoGenObject . BuildOption [ Option ] :
if Value . find ( Option + ' _ ' + Attr ) != - 1 :
Value = Value . replace ( ' $( ' + Option + ' _ ' + Attr + ' ) ' , self . _AutoGenObject . BuildOption [ Option ] [ Attr ] )
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
while ( Value . find ( ' $( ' ) != - 1 ) :
2018-04-17 16:40:15 +02:00
for macro in self . _AutoGenObject . Macros :
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
MacroName = ' $( ' + macro + ' ) '
if ( Value . find ( MacroName ) != - 1 ) :
Value = Value . replace ( MacroName , self . _AutoGenObject . Macros [ macro ] )
else :
2016-03-23 07:54:36 +01:00
2016-11-03 08:44:17 +01:00
if self . _AutoGenObject . ToolChainFamily == ' GCC ' :
RespDict [ Key ] = Value . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' / ' )
else :
RespDict [ Key ] = Value
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
for Target in BuildTargets :
for i , SingleCommand in enumerate ( BuildTargets [ Target ] . Commands ) :
if FlagDict [ Flag ] [ ' Macro ' ] in SingleCommand :
2018-06-25 12:31:33 +02:00
BuildTargets [ Target ] . Commands [ i ] = SingleCommand . replace ( ' $(INC) ' , ' ' ) . replace ( FlagDict [ Flag ] [ ' Macro ' ] , RespMacro )
2016-03-16 04:06:44 +01:00
return RespDict
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
def ProcessBuildTargetList ( self ) :
# Search dependency file list for each source file
ForceIncludedFile = [ ]
for File in self . _AutoGenObject . AutoGenFileList :
if File . Ext == ' .h ' :
ForceIncludedFile . append ( File )
SourceFileList = [ ]
2017-09-15 10:14:17 +02:00
OutPutFileList = [ ]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
for Target in self . _AutoGenObject . IntroTargetList :
SourceFileList . extend ( Target . Inputs )
2017-09-15 10:14:17 +02:00
OutPutFileList . extend ( Target . Outputs )
if OutPutFileList :
for Item in OutPutFileList :
if Item in SourceFileList :
SourceFileList . remove ( Item )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
2018-07-19 19:57:39 +02:00
FileDependencyDict = self . GetFileDependency (
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
SourceFileList ,
ForceIncludedFile ,
self . _AutoGenObject . IncludePathList + self . _AutoGenObject . BuildOptionIncPathList
2019-05-29 18:26:48 +02:00
2019-08-15 16:26:17 +02:00
self . DependencyHeaderFileSet = set ( )
if FileDependencyDict :
for Dependency in FileDependencyDict . values ( ) :
self . DependencyHeaderFileSet . update ( set ( Dependency ) )
2019-08-12 17:32:11 +02:00
# Get a set of unique package includes from MetaFile
parentMetaFileIncludes = set ( )
for aInclude in self . _AutoGenObject . PackageIncludePathList :
aIncludeName = str ( aInclude )
parentMetaFileIncludes . add ( aIncludeName . lower ( ) )
2019-05-29 18:26:48 +02:00
# Check if header files are listed in metafile
2019-08-12 17:32:11 +02:00
# Get a set of unique module header source files from MetaFile
2019-05-29 18:26:48 +02:00
headerFilesInMetaFileSet = set ( )
for aFile in self . _AutoGenObject . SourceFileList :
aFileName = str ( aFile )
if not aFileName . endswith ( ' .h ' ) :
headerFilesInMetaFileSet . add ( aFileName . lower ( ) )
2019-08-12 17:32:11 +02:00
# Get a set of unique module autogen files
2019-05-29 18:26:48 +02:00
localAutoGenFileSet = set ( )
for aFile in self . _AutoGenObject . AutoGenFileList :
localAutoGenFileSet . add ( str ( aFile ) . lower ( ) )
2019-08-12 17:32:11 +02:00
# Get a set of unique module dependency header files
2019-05-29 18:26:48 +02:00
# Exclude autogen files and files not in the source directory
2019-08-12 17:32:11 +02:00
# and files that are under the package include list
2019-05-29 18:26:48 +02:00
headerFileDependencySet = set ( )
localSourceDir = str ( self . _AutoGenObject . SourceDir ) . lower ( )
for Dependency in FileDependencyDict . values ( ) :
for aFile in Dependency :
aFileName = str ( aFile ) . lower ( )
2019-08-12 17:32:11 +02:00
# Exclude non-header files
2019-05-29 18:26:48 +02:00
if not aFileName . endswith ( ' .h ' ) :
2019-08-12 17:32:11 +02:00
# Exclude autogen files
2019-05-29 18:26:48 +02:00
if aFileName in localAutoGenFileSet :
2019-08-12 17:32:11 +02:00
# Exclude include out of local scope
2019-05-29 18:26:48 +02:00
if localSourceDir not in aFileName :
2019-08-12 17:32:11 +02:00
# Exclude files covered by package includes
pathNeeded = True
for aIncludePath in parentMetaFileIncludes :
if aIncludePath in aFileName :
pathNeeded = False
if not pathNeeded :
# Keep the file to be checked
2019-05-29 18:26:48 +02:00
headerFileDependencySet . add ( aFileName )
# Check if a module dependency header file is missing from the module's MetaFile
for aFile in headerFileDependencySet :
if aFile in headerFilesInMetaFileSet :
2019-05-29 18:26:49 +02:00
if GlobalData . gUseHashCache :
2019-08-15 16:26:19 +02:00
GlobalData . gModuleBuildTracking [ self . _AutoGenObject ] = ' FAIL_METAFILE '
2019-05-29 18:26:48 +02:00
EdkLogger . warn ( " build " , " Module MetaFile [Sources] is missing local header! " ,
ExtraData = " Local Header: " + aFile + " not found in " + self . _AutoGenObject . MetaFile . Path
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
DepSet = None
2018-07-19 19:57:39 +02:00
for File , Dependency in FileDependencyDict . items ( ) :
if not Dependency :
FileDependencyDict [ File ] = [ ' $(FORCE_REBUILD) ' ]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
BaseTools: Skip module AutoGen by comparing timestamp.
The BaseTool Build.py AutoGen parse INF meta-file and generate
AutoGen.c/AutoGen.h/makefile. When we only change .c .h code, the
AutoGen might be not necessary, but Build.py spend a lot of time on it.
There's a -u flag to skip all module's AutoGen. In my environment, it save
35%~50% of time in rebuild a ROM.
However, if user change one .INF meta-file, then -u flag is not available.
AutoGen can compare meta-file's timestamp and decide if the module's
AutoGen can be skipped. With this, when a module's INF is changed, we
only run this module's AutoGen, we don't need to run other module's.
In the end of a module's AutoGen, we create a AutoGenTimeStamp.
The file save a file list that related to this module's AutoGen.
In other word, the file list in AutoGenTimeStamp is INPUT files of
module AutoGen, AutoGenTimeStamp file is OUTPUT.
During rebuild, we compare time stamp between INPUT and OUTPUT, and
decide if we can skip it.
Below is the Input/Output of a module's AutoGen.
1. All the DSC/DEC/FDF used by the platform.
2. Macro and PCD defined by Build Options such as "build -D AAA=TRUE
--pcd BbbPcd=0".
3. INF file of a module.
4. Source files of a module, list in [Sources] section of INF.
5. All the library link by the module.
6. All the .h files included by the module's sources.
This patch save my build time. When I make a change without touching
DSC/DEC/FDF, it is absolutely much faster than original rebuild,
35%~50% time saving in my environment
(compare to original tool rebuild time).
If I change any DSC/DEC/FDF, there's no performance improve, because it
can't skip any module's AutoGen.
Please note that if your environment will generate DSC/FDF during prebuild,
it will not skip any AutoGen because of DSC timestamp is changed. This will
require prebuild script not to update metafile when content is not changed.
2017-02-24 08:26:19 +01:00
2018-07-19 19:57:39 +02:00
self . _AutoGenObject . AutoGenDepSet | = set ( Dependency )
BaseTools: Skip module AutoGen by comparing timestamp.
The BaseTool Build.py AutoGen parse INF meta-file and generate
AutoGen.c/AutoGen.h/makefile. When we only change .c .h code, the
AutoGen might be not necessary, but Build.py spend a lot of time on it.
There's a -u flag to skip all module's AutoGen. In my environment, it save
35%~50% of time in rebuild a ROM.
However, if user change one .INF meta-file, then -u flag is not available.
AutoGen can compare meta-file's timestamp and decide if the module's
AutoGen can be skipped. With this, when a module's INF is changed, we
only run this module's AutoGen, we don't need to run other module's.
In the end of a module's AutoGen, we create a AutoGenTimeStamp.
The file save a file list that related to this module's AutoGen.
In other word, the file list in AutoGenTimeStamp is INPUT files of
module AutoGen, AutoGenTimeStamp file is OUTPUT.
During rebuild, we compare time stamp between INPUT and OUTPUT, and
decide if we can skip it.
Below is the Input/Output of a module's AutoGen.
1. All the DSC/DEC/FDF used by the platform.
2. Macro and PCD defined by Build Options such as "build -D AAA=TRUE
--pcd BbbPcd=0".
3. INF file of a module.
4. Source files of a module, list in [Sources] section of INF.
5. All the library link by the module.
6. All the .h files included by the module's sources.
This patch save my build time. When I make a change without touching
DSC/DEC/FDF, it is absolutely much faster than original rebuild,
35%~50% time saving in my environment
(compare to original tool rebuild time).
If I change any DSC/DEC/FDF, there's no performance improve, because it
can't skip any module's AutoGen.
Please note that if your environment will generate DSC/FDF during prebuild,
it will not skip any AutoGen because of DSC timestamp is changed. This will
require prebuild script not to update metafile when content is not changed.
2017-02-24 08:26:19 +01:00
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# skip non-C files
if File . Ext not in [ " .c " , " .C " ] or File . Name == " AutoGen.c " :
2018-03-26 22:25:43 +02:00
elif DepSet is None :
2018-07-19 19:57:39 +02:00
DepSet = set ( Dependency )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
else :
2018-07-19 19:57:39 +02:00
DepSet & = set ( Dependency )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# in case nothing in SourceFileList
2018-03-26 22:25:43 +02:00
if DepSet is None :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
DepSet = set ( )
# Extract common files list in the dependency files
2018-10-15 02:27:53 +02:00
for File in DepSet :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
self . CommonFileDependency . append ( self . PlaceMacro ( File . Path , self . Macros ) )
2019-04-16 04:43:04 +02:00
CmdSumDict = { }
CmdTargetDict = { }
CmdCppDict = { }
DependencyDict = FileDependencyDict . copy ( )
2018-07-19 19:57:39 +02:00
for File in FileDependencyDict :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# skip non-C files
if File . Ext not in [ " .c " , " .C " ] or File . Name == " AutoGen.c " :
2018-07-19 19:57:39 +02:00
NewDepSet = set ( FileDependencyDict [ File ] )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
NewDepSet - = DepSet
2018-10-15 02:27:53 +02:00
FileDependencyDict [ File ] = [ " $(COMMON_DEPS) " ] + list ( NewDepSet )
2019-04-16 04:43:04 +02:00
DependencyDict [ File ] = list ( NewDepSet )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# Convert target description object to target string in makefile
2019-04-18 13:20:46 +02:00
if self . _AutoGenObject . BuildRuleFamily == TAB_COMPILER_MSFT and TAB_C_CODE_FILE in self . _AutoGenObject . Targets :
for T in self . _AutoGenObject . Targets [ TAB_C_CODE_FILE ] :
NewFile = self . PlaceMacro ( str ( T ) , self . Macros )
if not self . ObjTargetDict . get ( T . Target . SubDir ) :
self . ObjTargetDict [ T . Target . SubDir ] = set ( )
self . ObjTargetDict [ T . Target . SubDir ] . add ( NewFile )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
for Type in self . _AutoGenObject . Targets :
2018-10-15 02:27:53 +02:00
for T in self . _AutoGenObject . Targets [ Type ] :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# Generate related macros if needed
if T . GenFileListMacro and T . FileListMacro not in self . FileListMacros :
self . FileListMacros [ T . FileListMacro ] = [ ]
if T . GenListFile and T . ListFileMacro not in self . ListFileMacros :
self . ListFileMacros [ T . ListFileMacro ] = [ ]
if T . GenIncListFile and T . IncListFileMacro not in self . ListFileMacros :
self . ListFileMacros [ T . IncListFileMacro ] = [ ]
Deps = [ ]
2019-04-16 04:43:04 +02:00
CCodeDeps = [ ]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# Add force-dependencies
for Dep in T . Dependencies :
Deps . append ( self . PlaceMacro ( str ( Dep ) , self . Macros ) )
2019-04-16 04:43:04 +02:00
if Dep != ' $(MAKE_FILE) ' :
CCodeDeps . append ( self . PlaceMacro ( str ( Dep ) , self . Macros ) )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# Add inclusion-dependencies
2018-07-19 19:57:39 +02:00
if len ( T . Inputs ) == 1 and T . Inputs [ 0 ] in FileDependencyDict :
for F in FileDependencyDict [ T . Inputs [ 0 ] ] :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
Deps . append ( self . PlaceMacro ( str ( F ) , self . Macros ) )
# Add source-dependencies
for F in T . Inputs :
NewFile = self . PlaceMacro ( str ( F ) , self . Macros )
# In order to use file list macro as dependency
if T . GenListFile :
2019-02-06 08:44:39 +01:00
# gnu tools need forward slash path separator, even on Windows
2014-11-18 03:38:20 +01:00
self . ListFileMacros [ T . ListFileMacro ] . append ( str ( F ) . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' / ' ) )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
self . FileListMacros [ T . FileListMacro ] . append ( NewFile )
elif T . GenFileListMacro :
self . FileListMacros [ T . FileListMacro ] . append ( NewFile )
else :
Deps . append ( NewFile )
2019-07-15 16:42:45 +02:00
for key in self . FileListMacros :
self . FileListMacros [ key ] . sort ( )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# Use file list macro as dependency
if T . GenFileListMacro :
Deps . append ( " $( %s ) " % T . FileListMacro )
2017-12-04 03:25:43 +01:00
Deps . append ( " $( %s ) " % T . ListFileMacro )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
2019-04-16 04:43:04 +02:00
if self . _AutoGenObject . BuildRuleFamily == TAB_COMPILER_MSFT and Type == TAB_C_CODE_FILE :
T , CmdTarget , CmdTargetDict , CmdCppDict = self . ParserCCodeFile ( T , Type , CmdSumDict , CmdTargetDict , CmdCppDict , DependencyDict )
TargetDict = { " target " : self . PlaceMacro ( T . Target . Path , self . Macros ) , " cmd " : " \n \t " . join ( T . Commands ) , " deps " : CCodeDeps }
CmdLine = self . _BUILD_TARGET_TEMPLATE . Replace ( TargetDict ) . rstrip ( ) . replace ( ' \t $(OBJLIST ' , ' $(OBJLIST ' )
if T . Commands :
CmdLine = ' %s %s ' % ( CmdLine , TAB_LINE_BREAK )
if CCodeDeps or CmdLine :
self . BuildTargetList . append ( CmdLine )
else :
TargetDict = { " target " : self . PlaceMacro ( T . Target . Path , self . Macros ) , " cmd " : " \n \t " . join ( T . Commands ) , " deps " : Deps }
self . BuildTargetList . append ( self . _BUILD_TARGET_TEMPLATE . Replace ( TargetDict ) )
def ParserCCodeFile ( self , T , Type , CmdSumDict , CmdTargetDict , CmdCppDict , DependencyDict ) :
if not CmdSumDict :
for item in self . _AutoGenObject . Targets [ Type ] :
CmdSumDict [ item . Target . SubDir ] = item . Target . BaseName
for CppPath in item . Inputs :
Path = self . PlaceMacro ( CppPath . Path , self . Macros )
if CmdCppDict . get ( item . Target . SubDir ) :
CmdCppDict [ item . Target . SubDir ] . append ( Path )
else :
CmdCppDict [ item . Target . SubDir ] = [ ' $(MAKE_FILE) ' , Path ]
if CppPath . Path in DependencyDict :
for Temp in DependencyDict [ CppPath . Path ] :
try :
Path = self . PlaceMacro ( Temp . Path , self . Macros )
except :
if Path not in ( self . CommonFileDependency + CmdCppDict [ item . Target . SubDir ] ) :
CmdCppDict [ item . Target . SubDir ] . append ( Path )
if T . Commands :
CommandList = T . Commands [ : ]
for Item in CommandList [ : ] :
SingleCommandList = Item . split ( )
2019-04-23 05:21:22 +02:00
if len ( SingleCommandList ) > 0 and self . CheckCCCmd ( SingleCommandList ) :
2019-04-16 04:43:04 +02:00
for Temp in SingleCommandList :
if Temp . startswith ( ' /Fo ' ) :
CmdSign = ' %s %s ' % ( Temp . rsplit ( TAB_SLASH , 1 ) [ 0 ] , TAB_SLASH )
else : continue
if CmdSign not in list ( CmdTargetDict . keys ( ) ) :
CmdTargetDict [ CmdSign ] = Item . replace ( Temp , CmdSign )
else :
CmdTargetDict [ CmdSign ] = " %s %s " % ( CmdTargetDict [ CmdSign ] , SingleCommandList [ - 1 ] )
Index = CommandList . index ( Item )
CommandList . pop ( Index )
2019-07-21 05:31:11 +02:00
if SingleCommandList [ - 1 ] . endswith ( " %s %s .c " % ( TAB_SLASH , CmdSumDict [ CmdSign [ 3 : ] . rsplit ( TAB_SLASH , 1 ) [ 0 ] ] ) ) :
2019-04-16 04:43:04 +02:00
Cpplist = CmdCppDict [ T . Target . SubDir ]
Cpplist . insert ( 0 , ' $(OBJLIST_ %d ): $(COMMON_DEPS) ' % list ( self . ObjTargetDict . keys ( ) ) . index ( T . Target . SubDir ) )
T . Commands [ Index ] = ' %s \n \t %s ' % ( ' \\ \n \t ' . join ( Cpplist ) , CmdTargetDict [ CmdSign ] )
else :
T . Commands . pop ( Index )
return T , CmdSumDict , CmdTargetDict , CmdCppDict
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
2019-04-23 05:21:22 +02:00
def CheckCCCmd ( self , CommandList ) :
for cmd in CommandList :
if ' $(CC) ' in cmd :
return True
return False
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
## For creating makefile targets for dependent libraries
def ProcessDependentLibrary ( self ) :
for LibraryAutoGen in self . _AutoGenObject . LibraryAutoGenList :
2019-08-15 16:26:17 +02:00
if not LibraryAutoGen . IsBinaryModule :
2016-06-13 12:00:52 +02:00
self . LibraryBuildDirectoryList . append ( self . PlaceMacro ( LibraryAutoGen . BuildDir , self . Macros ) )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
## Return a list containing source file's dependencies
# @param FileList The list of source files
# @param ForceInculeList The list of files which will be included forcely
# @param SearchPathList The list of search path
# @retval dict The mapping between source file path and its dependencies
def GetFileDependency ( self , FileList , ForceInculeList , SearchPathList ) :
Dependency = { }
for F in FileList :
2019-08-15 16:26:17 +02:00
Dependency [ F ] = GetDependencyList ( self . _AutoGenObject , self . FileCache , F , ForceInculeList , SearchPathList )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
return Dependency
## CustomMakefile class
# This class encapsules makefie and its generation for module. It uses template to generate
# the content of makefile. The content of makefile will be got from ModuleAutoGen object.
class CustomMakefile ( BuildFile ) :
## template used to generate the makefile for module with custom makefile
_TEMPLATE_ = TemplateString ( ''' \
$ { makefile_header }
# Platform Macro Definition
PLATFORM_NAME = $ { platform_name }
PLATFORM_GUID = $ { platform_guid }
PLATFORM_VERSION = $ { platform_version }
PLATFORM_RELATIVE_DIR = $ { platform_relative_directory }
2016-04-14 18:28:19 +02:00
PLATFORM_DIR = $ { platform_dir }
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
PLATFORM_OUTPUT_DIR = $ { platform_output_directory }
# Module Macro Definition
MODULE_NAME = $ { module_name }
MODULE_GUID = $ { module_guid }
2015-06-10 09:50:59 +02:00
MODULE_NAME_GUID = $ { module_name_guid }
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
MODULE_VERSION = $ { module_version }
MODULE_TYPE = $ { module_type }
MODULE_FILE = $ { module_file }
MODULE_FILE_BASE_NAME = $ { module_file_base_name }
MODULE_RELATIVE_DIR = $ { module_relative_directory }
2016-02-21 01:46:58 +01:00
MODULE_DIR = $ { module_dir }
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# Build Configuration Macro Definition
ARCH = $ { architecture }
TOOLCHAIN = $ { toolchain_tag }
TOOLCHAIN_TAG = $ { toolchain_tag }
TARGET = $ { build_target }
# Build Directory Macro Definition
# PLATFORM_BUILD_DIR = ${platform_build_directory}
BUILD_DIR = $ { platform_build_directory }
BIN_DIR = $ ( BUILD_DIR ) $ { separator } $ { architecture }
MODULE_BUILD_DIR = $ { module_build_directory }
OUTPUT_DIR = $ { module_output_directory }
DEBUG_DIR = $ { module_debug_directory }
# Tools definitions specific to this module
$ { BEGIN } $ { module_tool_definitions }
$ { END }
MAKE_FILE = $ { makefile_path }
# Shell Command Macro
$ { BEGIN } $ { shell_command_code } = $ { shell_command }
$ { END }
$ { custom_makefile_content }
# Target used when called from platform makefile, which will bypass the build of dependent libraries
pbuild : init all
# ModuleTarget
mbuild : init all
# Build Target used in multi-thread build mode, which no init target is needed
tbuild : all
# Initialization target: print build information and create necessary directories
init :
\t - @echo Building . . . $ ( MODULE_DIR ) $ { separator } $ ( MODULE_FILE ) [ $ ( ARCH ) ]
$ { BEGIN } \t - @ $ { create_directory_command } \n $ { END } \
''' )
## Constructor of CustomMakefile
# @param ModuleAutoGen Object of ModuleAutoGen class
def __init__ ( self , ModuleAutoGen ) :
BuildFile . __init__ ( self , ModuleAutoGen )
self . PlatformInfo = self . _AutoGenObject . PlatformInfo
self . IntermediateDirectoryList = [ " $(DEBUG_DIR) " , " $(OUTPUT_DIR) " ]
# Compose a dict object containing information used to do replacement in template
2018-09-11 00:18:03 +02:00
def _TemplateDict ( self ) :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
Separator = self . _SEP_ [ self . _FileType ]
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
MyAgo = self . _AutoGenObject
if self . _FileType not in MyAgo . CustomMakefile :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
EdkLogger . error ( ' build ' , OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED , " No custom makefile for %s " % self . _FileType ,
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
ExtraData = " [ %s ] " % str ( MyAgo ) )
2016-02-21 01:46:58 +01:00
MakefilePath = mws . join (
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
MyAgo . WorkspaceDir ,
MyAgo . CustomMakefile [ self . _FileType ]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
try :
CustomMakefile = open ( MakefilePath , ' r ' ) . read ( )
except :
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
EdkLogger . error ( ' build ' , FILE_OPEN_FAILURE , File = str ( MyAgo ) ,
ExtraData = MyAgo . CustomMakefile [ self . _FileType ] )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# tools definitions
ToolsDef = [ ]
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
for Tool in MyAgo . BuildOption :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# Don't generate MAKE_FLAGS in makefile. It's put in environment variable.
if Tool == " MAKE " :
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
for Attr in MyAgo . BuildOption [ Tool ] :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
if Attr == " FAMILY " :
elif Attr == " PATH " :
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
ToolsDef . append ( " %s = %s " % ( Tool , MyAgo . BuildOption [ Tool ] [ Attr ] ) )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
else :
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
ToolsDef . append ( " %s _ %s = %s " % ( Tool , Attr , MyAgo . BuildOption [ Tool ] [ Attr ] ) )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
ToolsDef . append ( " " )
MakefileName = self . _FILE_NAME_ [ self . _FileType ]
MakefileTemplateDict = {
" makefile_header " : self . _FILE_HEADER_ [ self . _FileType ] ,
" makefile_path " : os . path . join ( " $(MODULE_BUILD_DIR) " , MakefileName ) ,
" platform_name " : self . PlatformInfo . Name ,
" platform_guid " : self . PlatformInfo . Guid ,
" platform_version " : self . PlatformInfo . Version ,
" platform_relative_directory " : self . PlatformInfo . SourceDir ,
" platform_output_directory " : self . PlatformInfo . OutputDir ,
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
" platform_dir " : MyAgo . Macros [ " PLATFORM_DIR " ] ,
" module_name " : MyAgo . Name ,
" module_guid " : MyAgo . Guid ,
" module_name_guid " : MyAgo . UniqueBaseName ,
" module_version " : MyAgo . Version ,
" module_type " : MyAgo . ModuleType ,
" module_file " : MyAgo . MetaFile ,
" module_file_base_name " : MyAgo . MetaFile . BaseName ,
" module_relative_directory " : MyAgo . SourceDir ,
" module_dir " : mws . join ( MyAgo . WorkspaceDir , MyAgo . SourceDir ) ,
" architecture " : MyAgo . Arch ,
" toolchain_tag " : MyAgo . ToolChain ,
" build_target " : MyAgo . BuildTarget ,
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
" platform_build_directory " : self . PlatformInfo . BuildDir ,
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
" module_build_directory " : MyAgo . BuildDir ,
" module_output_directory " : MyAgo . OutputDir ,
" module_debug_directory " : MyAgo . DebugDir ,
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
" separator " : Separator ,
" module_tool_definitions " : ToolsDef ,
2019-01-28 08:06:30 +01:00
" shell_command_code " : list ( self . _SHELL_CMD_ [ self . _FileType ] . keys ( ) ) ,
" shell_command " : list ( self . _SHELL_CMD_ [ self . _FileType ] . values ( ) ) ,
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
" create_directory_command " : self . GetCreateDirectoryCommand ( self . IntermediateDirectoryList ) ,
" custom_makefile_content " : CustomMakefile
return MakefileTemplateDict
## PlatformMakefile class
# This class encapsules makefie and its generation for platform. It uses
# template to generate the content of makefile. The content of makefile will be
# got from PlatformAutoGen object.
class PlatformMakefile ( BuildFile ) :
## template used to generate the makefile for platform
_TEMPLATE_ = TemplateString ( ''' \
$ { makefile_header }
# Platform Macro Definition
PLATFORM_NAME = $ { platform_name }
PLATFORM_GUID = $ { platform_guid }
PLATFORM_VERSION = $ { platform_version }
PLATFORM_FILE = $ { platform_file }
2016-04-14 18:28:19 +02:00
PLATFORM_DIR = $ { platform_dir }
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
PLATFORM_OUTPUT_DIR = $ { platform_output_directory }
# Build Configuration Macro Definition
TOOLCHAIN = $ { toolchain_tag }
TOOLCHAIN_TAG = $ { toolchain_tag }
TARGET = $ { build_target }
# Build Directory Macro Definition
BUILD_DIR = $ { platform_build_directory }
FV_DIR = $ { platform_build_directory } $ { separator } FV
# Shell Command Macro
$ { BEGIN } $ { shell_command_code } = $ { shell_command }
$ { END }
MAKE = $ { make_path }
MAKE_FILE = $ { makefile_path }
# Default target
all : init build_libraries build_modules
# Initialization target: print build information and create necessary directories
init :
\t - @echo Building . . . $ ( PLATFORM_FILE ) [ $ { build_architecture_list } ]
\t $ { BEGIN } - @ $ { create_directory_command }
\t $ { END }
# library build target
libraries : init build_libraries
# module build target
modules : init build_libraries build_modules
# Build all libraries:
build_libraries :
$ { BEGIN } \t @ " $(MAKE) " $ ( MAKE_FLAGS ) - f $ { library_makefile_list } pbuild
$ { END } \t @cd $ ( BUILD_DIR )
# Build all modules:
build_modules :
$ { BEGIN } \t @ " $(MAKE) " $ ( MAKE_FLAGS ) - f $ { module_makefile_list } pbuild
$ { END } \t @cd $ ( BUILD_DIR )
# Clean intermediate files
clean :
\t $ { BEGIN } - @ $ { library_build_command } clean
\t $ { END } $ { BEGIN } - @ $ { module_build_command } clean
\t $ { END } @cd $ ( BUILD_DIR )
# Clean all generated files except to makefile
cleanall :
$ { BEGIN } \t $ { cleanall_command }
$ { END }
# Clean all library files
cleanlib :
\t $ { BEGIN } - @ $ { library_build_command } cleanall
\t $ { END } @cd $ ( BUILD_DIR ) \n
''' )
## Constructor of PlatformMakefile
# @param ModuleAutoGen Object of PlatformAutoGen class
def __init__ ( self , PlatformAutoGen ) :
BuildFile . __init__ ( self , PlatformAutoGen )
self . ModuleBuildCommandList = [ ]
self . ModuleMakefileList = [ ]
self . IntermediateDirectoryList = [ ]
self . ModuleBuildDirectoryList = [ ]
self . LibraryBuildDirectoryList = [ ]
2014-08-18 06:59:01 +02:00
self . LibraryMakeCommandList = [ ]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# Compose a dict object containing information used to do replacement in template
2018-09-11 00:18:03 +02:00
def _TemplateDict ( self ) :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
Separator = self . _SEP_ [ self . _FileType ]
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
MyAgo = self . _AutoGenObject
if " MAKE " not in MyAgo . ToolDefinition or " PATH " not in MyAgo . ToolDefinition [ " MAKE " ] :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , OPTION_MISSING , " No MAKE command defined. Please check your tools_def.txt! " ,
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
ExtraData = " [ %s ] " % str ( MyAgo ) )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
self . IntermediateDirectoryList = [ " $(BUILD_DIR) " ]
self . ModuleBuildDirectoryList = self . GetModuleBuildDirectoryList ( )
self . LibraryBuildDirectoryList = self . GetLibraryBuildDirectoryList ( )
MakefileName = self . _FILE_NAME_ [ self . _FileType ]
LibraryMakefileList = [ ]
LibraryMakeCommandList = [ ]
for D in self . LibraryBuildDirectoryList :
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
D = self . PlaceMacro ( D , { " BUILD_DIR " : MyAgo . BuildDir } )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
Makefile = os . path . join ( D , MakefileName )
Command = self . _MAKE_TEMPLATE_ [ self . _FileType ] % { " file " : Makefile }
LibraryMakefileList . append ( Makefile )
LibraryMakeCommandList . append ( Command )
2014-08-18 06:59:01 +02:00
self . LibraryMakeCommandList = LibraryMakeCommandList
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
ModuleMakefileList = [ ]
ModuleMakeCommandList = [ ]
for D in self . ModuleBuildDirectoryList :
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
D = self . PlaceMacro ( D , { " BUILD_DIR " : MyAgo . BuildDir } )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
Makefile = os . path . join ( D , MakefileName )
Command = self . _MAKE_TEMPLATE_ [ self . _FileType ] % { " file " : Makefile }
ModuleMakefileList . append ( Makefile )
ModuleMakeCommandList . append ( Command )
MakefileTemplateDict = {
" makefile_header " : self . _FILE_HEADER_ [ self . _FileType ] ,
" makefile_path " : os . path . join ( " $(BUILD_DIR) " , MakefileName ) ,
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
" make_path " : MyAgo . ToolDefinition [ " MAKE " ] [ " PATH " ] ,
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
" makefile_name " : MakefileName ,
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
" platform_name " : MyAgo . Name ,
" platform_guid " : MyAgo . Guid ,
" platform_version " : MyAgo . Version ,
" platform_file " : MyAgo . MetaFile ,
" platform_relative_directory " : MyAgo . SourceDir ,
" platform_output_directory " : MyAgo . OutputDir ,
" platform_build_directory " : MyAgo . BuildDir ,
" platform_dir " : MyAgo . Macros [ " PLATFORM_DIR " ] ,
" toolchain_tag " : MyAgo . ToolChain ,
" build_target " : MyAgo . BuildTarget ,
2019-01-28 08:06:30 +01:00
" shell_command_code " : list ( self . _SHELL_CMD_ [ self . _FileType ] . keys ( ) ) ,
" shell_command " : list ( self . _SHELL_CMD_ [ self . _FileType ] . values ( ) ) ,
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
" build_architecture_list " : MyAgo . Arch ,
" architecture " : MyAgo . Arch ,
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
" separator " : Separator ,
" create_directory_command " : self . GetCreateDirectoryCommand ( self . IntermediateDirectoryList ) ,
" cleanall_command " : self . GetRemoveDirectoryCommand ( self . IntermediateDirectoryList ) ,
" library_makefile_list " : LibraryMakefileList ,
" module_makefile_list " : ModuleMakefileList ,
" library_build_command " : LibraryMakeCommandList ,
" module_build_command " : ModuleMakeCommandList ,
return MakefileTemplateDict
## Get the root directory list for intermediate files of all modules build
# @retval list The list of directory
def GetModuleBuildDirectoryList ( self ) :
DirList = [ ]
for ModuleAutoGen in self . _AutoGenObject . ModuleAutoGenList :
2014-08-28 15:53:34 +02:00
if not ModuleAutoGen . IsBinaryModule :
DirList . append ( os . path . join ( self . _AutoGenObject . BuildDir , ModuleAutoGen . BuildDir ) )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
return DirList
## Get the root directory list for intermediate files of all libraries build
# @retval list The list of directory
def GetLibraryBuildDirectoryList ( self ) :
DirList = [ ]
for LibraryAutoGen in self . _AutoGenObject . LibraryAutoGenList :
2019-08-15 16:26:17 +02:00
if not LibraryAutoGen . IsBinaryModule :
2014-08-28 15:53:34 +02:00
DirList . append ( os . path . join ( self . _AutoGenObject . BuildDir , LibraryAutoGen . BuildDir ) )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
return DirList
## TopLevelMakefile class
# This class encapsules makefie and its generation for entrance makefile. It
# uses template to generate the content of makefile. The content of makefile
# will be got from WorkspaceAutoGen object.
class TopLevelMakefile ( BuildFile ) :
## template used to generate toplevel makefile
2014-08-28 15:53:34 +02:00
_TEMPLATE_ = TemplateString ( ''' $ {BEGIN} \t GenFds -f $ {fdf_file} --conf=$ {conf_directory} -o $ {platform_build_directory} -t $ {toolchain_tag} -b $ {build_target} -p $ {active_platform} -a $ {build_architecture_list} $ {extra_options} $ {END} $ {BEGIN} -r $ {fd} $ {END} $ {BEGIN} -i $ {fv} $ {END} $ {BEGIN} -C $ {cap} $ {END} $ {BEGIN} -D $ {macro} $ {END} ''' )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
## Constructor of TopLevelMakefile
# @param Workspace Object of WorkspaceAutoGen class
def __init__ ( self , Workspace ) :
BuildFile . __init__ ( self , Workspace )
self . IntermediateDirectoryList = [ ]
# Compose a dict object containing information used to do replacement in template
2018-09-11 00:18:03 +02:00
def _TemplateDict ( self ) :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
Separator = self . _SEP_ [ self . _FileType ]
# any platform autogen object is ok because we just need common information
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
MyAgo = self . _AutoGenObject
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
if " MAKE " not in MyAgo . ToolDefinition or " PATH " not in MyAgo . ToolDefinition [ " MAKE " ] :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , OPTION_MISSING , " No MAKE command defined. Please check your tools_def.txt! " ,
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
ExtraData = " [ %s ] " % str ( MyAgo ) )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
for Arch in MyAgo . ArchList :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
self . IntermediateDirectoryList . append ( Separator . join ( [ " $(BUILD_DIR) " , Arch ] ) )
self . IntermediateDirectoryList . append ( " $(FV_DIR) " )
# TRICK: for not generating GenFds call in makefile if no FDF file
MacroList = [ ]
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
if MyAgo . FdfFile is not None and MyAgo . FdfFile != " " :
FdfFileList = [ MyAgo . FdfFile ]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# macros passed to GenFds
MacroDict = { }
MacroDict . update ( GlobalData . gGlobalDefines )
MacroDict . update ( GlobalData . gCommandLineDefines )
for MacroName in MacroDict :
if MacroDict [ MacroName ] != " " :
MacroList . append ( ' " %s = %s " ' % ( MacroName , MacroDict [ MacroName ] . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' \\ \\ ' ) ) )
else :
MacroList . append ( ' " %s " ' % MacroName )
else :
FdfFileList = [ ]
# pass extra common options to external program called in makefile, currently GenFds.exe
ExtraOption = ' '
LogLevel = EdkLogger . GetLevel ( )
if LogLevel == EdkLogger . VERBOSE :
ExtraOption + = " -v "
elif LogLevel < = EdkLogger . DEBUG_9 :
ExtraOption + = " -d %d " % ( LogLevel - 1 )
elif LogLevel == EdkLogger . QUIET :
ExtraOption + = " -q "
if GlobalData . gCaseInsensitive :
ExtraOption + = " -c "
2017-11-22 08:42:25 +01:00
if GlobalData . gEnableGenfdsMultiThread :
ExtraOption + = " --genfds-multi-thread "
2014-08-28 15:53:34 +02:00
if GlobalData . gIgnoreSource :
ExtraOption + = " --ignore-sources "
2018-03-08 06:56:21 +01:00
for pcd in GlobalData . BuildOptionPcd :
if pcd [ 2 ] :
pcdname = ' . ' . join ( pcd [ 0 : 3 ] )
else :
pcdname = ' . ' . join ( pcd [ 0 : 2 ] )
if pcd [ 3 ] . startswith ( ' { ' ) :
ExtraOption + = " --pcd " + pcdname + ' = ' + ' H ' + ' " ' + pcd [ 3 ] + ' " '
else :
ExtraOption + = " --pcd " + pcdname + ' = ' + pcd [ 3 ]
2016-04-20 03:32:52 +02:00
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
MakefileName = self . _FILE_NAME_ [ self . _FileType ]
SubBuildCommandList = [ ]
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
for A in MyAgo . ArchList :
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
Command = self . _MAKE_TEMPLATE_ [ self . _FileType ] % { " file " : os . path . join ( " $(BUILD_DIR) " , A , MakefileName ) }
SubBuildCommandList . append ( Command )
MakefileTemplateDict = {
" makefile_header " : self . _FILE_HEADER_ [ self . _FileType ] ,
" makefile_path " : os . path . join ( " $(BUILD_DIR) " , MakefileName ) ,
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
" make_path " : MyAgo . ToolDefinition [ " MAKE " ] [ " PATH " ] ,
" platform_name " : MyAgo . Name ,
" platform_guid " : MyAgo . Guid ,
" platform_version " : MyAgo . Version ,
" platform_build_directory " : MyAgo . BuildDir ,
2014-08-28 15:53:34 +02:00
" conf_directory " : GlobalData . gConfDirectory ,
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
" toolchain_tag " : MyAgo . ToolChain ,
" build_target " : MyAgo . BuildTarget ,
2019-01-28 08:06:30 +01:00
" shell_command_code " : list ( self . _SHELL_CMD_ [ self . _FileType ] . keys ( ) ) ,
" shell_command " : list ( self . _SHELL_CMD_ [ self . _FileType ] . values ( ) ) ,
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
' arch ' : list ( MyAgo . ArchList ) ,
" build_architecture_list " : ' , ' . join ( MyAgo . ArchList ) ,
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
" separator " : Separator ,
" create_directory_command " : self . GetCreateDirectoryCommand ( self . IntermediateDirectoryList ) ,
" cleanall_command " : self . GetRemoveDirectoryCommand ( self . IntermediateDirectoryList ) ,
" sub_build_command " : SubBuildCommandList ,
" fdf_file " : FdfFileList ,
2018-06-27 23:27:48 +02:00
" active_platform " : str ( MyAgo ) ,
" fd " : MyAgo . FdTargetList ,
" fv " : MyAgo . FvTargetList ,
" cap " : MyAgo . CapTargetList ,
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
" extra_options " : ExtraOption ,
" macro " : MacroList ,
return MakefileTemplateDict
## Get the root directory list for intermediate files of all modules build
# @retval list The list of directory
def GetModuleBuildDirectoryList ( self ) :
DirList = [ ]
for ModuleAutoGen in self . _AutoGenObject . ModuleAutoGenList :
2014-08-28 15:53:34 +02:00
if not ModuleAutoGen . IsBinaryModule :
DirList . append ( os . path . join ( self . _AutoGenObject . BuildDir , ModuleAutoGen . BuildDir ) )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
return DirList
## Get the root directory list for intermediate files of all libraries build
# @retval list The list of directory
def GetLibraryBuildDirectoryList ( self ) :
DirList = [ ]
for LibraryAutoGen in self . _AutoGenObject . LibraryAutoGenList :
2019-08-15 16:26:17 +02:00
if not LibraryAutoGen . IsBinaryModule :
2014-08-28 15:53:34 +02:00
DirList . append ( os . path . join ( self . _AutoGenObject . BuildDir , LibraryAutoGen . BuildDir ) )
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
return DirList
2019-08-15 16:26:17 +02:00
## Find dependencies for one source file
# By searching recursively "#include" directive in file, find out all the
# files needed by given source file. The dependencies will be only searched
# in given search path list.
# @param File The source file
# @param ForceInculeList The list of files which will be included forcely
# @param SearchPathList The list of search path
# @retval list The list of files the given source file depends on
def GetDependencyList ( AutoGenObject , FileCache , File , ForceList , SearchPathList ) :
EdkLogger . debug ( EdkLogger . DEBUG_1 , " Try to get dependency files for %s " % File )
FileStack = [ File ] + ForceList
DependencySet = set ( )
if AutoGenObject . Arch not in gDependencyDatabase :
gDependencyDatabase [ AutoGenObject . Arch ] = { }
DepDb = gDependencyDatabase [ AutoGenObject . Arch ]
while len ( FileStack ) > 0 :
F = FileStack . pop ( )
FullPathDependList = [ ]
if F in FileCache :
for CacheFile in FileCache [ F ] :
FullPathDependList . append ( CacheFile )
if CacheFile not in DependencySet :
FileStack . append ( CacheFile )
DependencySet . update ( FullPathDependList )
CurrentFileDependencyList = [ ]
if F in DepDb :
CurrentFileDependencyList = DepDb [ F ]
else :
try :
Fd = open ( F . Path , ' rb ' )
FileContent = Fd . read ( )
Fd . close ( )
except BaseException as X :
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , FILE_OPEN_FAILURE , ExtraData = F . Path + " \n \t " + str ( X ) )
if len ( FileContent ) == 0 :
try :
if FileContent [ 0 ] == 0xff or FileContent [ 0 ] == 0xfe :
FileContent = FileContent . decode ( ' utf-16 ' )
else :
FileContent = FileContent . decode ( )
except :
# The file is not txt file. for example .mcb file
IncludedFileList = gIncludePattern . findall ( FileContent )
for Inc in IncludedFileList :
Inc = Inc . strip ( )
# if there's macro used to reference header file, expand it
HeaderList = gMacroPattern . findall ( Inc )
if len ( HeaderList ) == 1 and len ( HeaderList [ 0 ] ) == 2 :
HeaderType = HeaderList [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
HeaderKey = HeaderList [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
if HeaderType in gIncludeMacroConversion :
Inc = gIncludeMacroConversion [ HeaderType ] % { " HeaderKey " : HeaderKey }
else :
# not known macro used in #include, always build the file by
# returning a empty dependency
FileCache [ File ] = [ ]
return [ ]
Inc = os . path . normpath ( Inc )
CurrentFileDependencyList . append ( Inc )
DepDb [ F ] = CurrentFileDependencyList
CurrentFilePath = F . Dir
PathList = [ CurrentFilePath ] + SearchPathList
for Inc in CurrentFileDependencyList :
for SearchPath in PathList :
FilePath = os . path . join ( SearchPath , Inc )
if FilePath in gIsFileMap :
if not gIsFileMap [ FilePath ] :
# If isfile is called too many times, the performance is slow down.
elif not os . path . isfile ( FilePath ) :
gIsFileMap [ FilePath ] = False
else :
gIsFileMap [ FilePath ] = True
FilePath = PathClass ( FilePath )
FullPathDependList . append ( FilePath )
if FilePath not in DependencySet :
FileStack . append ( FilePath )
else :
EdkLogger . debug ( EdkLogger . DEBUG_9 , " %s included by %s was not found " \
" in any given path: \n \t %s " % ( Inc , F , " \n \t " . join ( SearchPathList ) ) )
FileCache [ F ] = FullPathDependList
DependencySet . update ( FullPathDependList )
DependencySet . update ( ForceList )
if File in DependencySet :
DependencySet . remove ( File )
DependencyList = list ( DependencySet ) # remove duplicate ones
return DependencyList
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another script.
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
2019-08-15 16:26:17 +02:00