#string STR_FORM_SET_TITLE_HELP #language en-US "This is a sample driver which is used to test the browser op-code operations. This is for development purposes and not to be distributed in any form other than a test application. Here is a set of wide \wideAAAAAAAAA\narrow and narrow AAA!"
#language fr-FR "This is a sample driver which is used to test the browser op-code operations. This is for development purposes and not to be distributed in any form other than a test application. Here is a set of wide \wideAAAAAAAAA\narrow and narrow AAA!"
#string STR_FORM1_TITLE #language en-US "My First Setup Page"
#language fr-FR "Mi Primero Arreglo Página"
#string STR_FORM2_TITLE #language en-US "My Second Setup Page"
#language fr-FR "Mi Segunda Paginación De la Disposición"
#string STR_FORM3_TITLE #language en-US "My Third Setup Page"
#language fr-FR "Mi Tercera Paginación De la Disposición"
#string STR_FORM6_TITLE #language en-US "My Sixth Setup Page"
#language fr-FR "My Sixth Setup Page"
#string STR_DYNAMIC_TITLE #language en-US "My Dynamic Page"
#language fr-FR "My Dynamic Page Spanish"
#string STR_SUBTITLE_TEXT #language en-US "My subtitle text"
#language fr-FR "Mi texto del subtítulo"
#string STR_SUBTITLE_TEXT2 #language en-US " "
#language fr-FR " "
#string STR_CPU_STRING #language en-US "My CPU Speed is "
#language fr-FR "My CPU Speed is "
#string STR_CPU_STRING2 #language en-US " "
#language fr-FR " "
#string STR_NUMERIC_NUM_PROMPT #language en-US "Please select the number"
#string STR_ONE_OF_PROMPT_X_UEFI #language en-US "x-UEFI HII Option"
#language fr-FR "x-UEFI HII Option"
#language x-UEFI-ns "xUefiHiiOption"
#string STR_ONE_OF_PROMPT_X_UEFI_HELP #language en-US "This is an HII option which has REST_STYLE flag and x-UEFI namespace UNI string associated. This HII option could be configured by either in-band edk2 setup browser or the remote management in out-of-band such as Redfish service. This HII option is configured through EFI_KEYWORD_HANDLER_PROTOCOL."
#string STR_ONE_OF_PROMPT_NON_X_UEFI #language en-US "Non x-UEFI HII Option"
#language fr-FR "Non x-UEFI HII Option"
#string STR_ONE_OF_PROMPT_NON_X_UEFI_HELP #language en-US "This is a HII option which has REST_STYLE flag but without the x-UEFI namespace UNI string associated. This HII option could be configured by either setup browser or the remote management in out-of-band such as Redfish service. This HII option is configured through EFI HII Configuration Routing Protocol becasue it doesn't have x-UEFI namespace UNI string."
#string STR_ONE_OF_HELP #language en-US "My one-of help is going to be a long string to test out the efficiency of the ability of the I am tired of typing capabilities"
#language fr-FR "Mi uno- de ayuda va a ser una cadena larga a probar fuera de la eficacia de la capacidad del yo es cansada de capacidades el pulsar."
#string STR_ONE_OF_TEXT1 #language en-US "My one-of text #1"
#language fr-FR "Mi uno- del texto # 1"
#string STR_ONE_OF_TEXT2 #language en-US "My one-of text #2"
#language fr-FR "Mi uno- del texto # 2"
#string STR_ONE_OF_TEXT3 #language en-US "My one-of text #3"
#language fr-FR "Mi uno- del texto # 3"
#string STR_ONE_OF_TEXT4 #language en-US "Suppress the Checkbox"
#language fr-FR "Mi uno- del texto # 4"
#string STR_ONE_OF_TEXT5 #language en-US "GrayOut the Checkbox"
#string STR_CHECK_BOX_PROMPT #language en-US "Activate this check box"
#language fr-FR "Active Las Armas Nucleares"
#string STR_CHECK_BOX_HELP #language en-US "This is the help message for the activation of check boxes. This is not to be confused with activating Czech boxes, since one can never tell what the ramifications are of activating foreign controlled boxes are."
#language fr-FR "Éste es el mensaje de la ayuda para la activación del armamento nuclear. Cuál es exactamente resistente calcular fuera sobre de eso?"
#string STR_CHECK_DYNAMIC_HELP #language en-US "This is the help message for the activation of check boxes. This is not to be confused with activating Czech boxes, since one can never tell what the ramifications are of activating foreign controlled boxes are."
#language fr-FR "Spanish - This is the help message for the activation of check boxes. This is not to be confused with activating Czech boxes, since one can never tell what the ramifications are of activating foreign controlled boxes are."
#string STR_NUMERIC_PROMPT #language en-US "How old are you?"
#language fr-FR "Cómo viejo es usted?"
#string STR_NUMERIC_STEP_PROMPT #language en-US "How old are you? (Step)"
#language fr-FR "Cómo viejo es usted?(Step)"
#string STR_NUMERIC_PROMPT1 #language en-US "How tall are you?"
#language fr-FR "Cómo viejo es usted?"
#string STR_NUMERIC_READONLY_PROMPT #language en-US "How old are you?(Readonly)"
#language fr-FR "Cómo viejo es usted?(Readonly)"
#string STR_NUMERIC_MANUAL_PROMPT #language en-US "How old are you? (Manual)"
#language fr-FR "Cómo viejo es usted? (Manual)"
#string STR_TALL_HEX_PROMPT #language en-US "How tall are you? (Hex)"
#string STR_NUMERIC_HELP0 #language en-US "This is the help for those who are too old to understand the question. Type how old you are in a numeric value. The valid range in this case is from 0 to 240. Let's see if you actually read this help and figure that out."
#language fr-FR "This is the help for those who are too old to understand the question. Type how old you are in a numeric value. The valid range in this case is from 0 to 240. Let's see if you actually read this help and figure that out."
#string STR_NUMERIC_HELP1 #language en-US "This is the help for those who are curious about body height. Type how tall you are in a numeric value. The valid range in this case is from 0 to 250. Let's see if you actually read this help and figure that out."
#language fr-FR "This is the help for those who are curious about body height. Type how tall you are in a numeric value. The valid range in this case is from 0 to 250. Let's see if you actually read this help and figure that out."
#string STR_NUMERIC_HELP2 #language en-US "This is the help for those who are too old to understand the question. Adjust how old you are step by step. The valid range in this case is from 0 to 243 in step of 1. Let's see if you actually read this help and figure that out."
#language fr-FR "This is the help for those who are too old to understand the question. Adjust how old you are step by step. The valid range in this case is from 0 to 243 in step of 1. Let's see if you actually read this help and figure that out."
#string STR_NUMERIC_HELP3 #language en-US "This is the help for those who are curious about body height. Type how tall you are in a numeric value. The valid range in this case is from 0 to 190. Let's see if you actually read this help and figure that out."
#language fr-FR "Ésta es la ayuda para los que sean demasiado viejos entender la pregunta. Pulse cómo es viejo usted está en años."
#string STR_PASSWORD_PROMPT #language en-US "Set the system password"
#language fr-FR "Cuál es la palabra mágica?"
#string STR_TEXT_SECRUITY_TEST_TEXT #language en-US "Access only permitted for Admin"
#language fr-FR "Access only permitted for Admin"
#string STR_TEXT_SECRUITY_TEST_HELP #language en-US "If this label is not gray, then current user has admin access setup permission. If this label is gray, then current user has no admin access setup permission."
#language fr-FR "If this label is not gray, then current user has admin access setup permission. If this label is gray, then current user has no admin access setup permission."
#string STR_DATE_HELP #language en-US "This is the help for the Date (month/day/year). (Error checking will be done against month/day/year combinations that are not supported.)"
#language fr-FR "Esto es la ayuda para el Fecha (mes/día/las). (Verificar de error se hará contra vez mes/día/las combinaciones de año que no se sostienen.)"
#string STR_SUBMITTED_CALLBACK_TEST_HELP #language en-US "Change the value and press F10 to submmit will pop up a dialogue to show SUBMITTED Callback has been triggered"
#language fr-FR "Change the value and press F10 to submmit will pop up a dialogue to show SUBMITTED Callback has been triggered"
#string STR_BIT_NEST_NUMERIC_HELP #language en-US "The numeric refer to nested bit field, the Standard default is 6 Manufacture default is 7"
#language fr-FR "The numeric refer to nested bit field, the Standard default is 6 Manufacture default is 7"
#string BYTE_QUESTION_NEST_BIT_PROMPT #language en-US "Use byte field in NEST_BIT structure"
#language fr-FR "Use byte field in NEST_BIT structure"
#string BYTE_QUESTION_NEST_BIT_HELP #language en-US "The Question refer to byte field in NEST_BIT structure"
#language fr-FR "The Question refer to byte field in NEST_BIT structure"
#string STR_BIT_NEST_NUMERIC_DEFAULT_HELP #language en-US "NEST_BIT numeric, default value form callback function, the Standard default is C Manufacture default is D"
#language fr-FR "NEST_BIT numeric, default value form callback function, the Standard default is C Manufacture default is D"
#string STR_UNION_BYTE_NUMERIC_HELP #language en-US "Question refer to byte field in UNION type efivastore, the Standard default is 7 Manufacture default is 8"
#language fr-FR "Question refer to byte field in UNION type efivastore, the Standard default is 7 Manufacture default is 8"