2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
## @file
# Routines for generating build report.
# This module contains the functionality to generate build report after
# build all target completes successfully.
2011-10-29 08:59:30 +02:00
# Copyright (c) 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
2010-05-18 07:04:32 +02:00
# This program and the accompanying materials
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
## Import Modules
import os
import re
import platform
import textwrap
import traceback
import sys
2010-05-18 07:04:32 +02:00
import time
2010-09-06 03:58:00 +02:00
import struct
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
from datetime import datetime
2010-05-18 07:04:32 +02:00
from StringIO import StringIO
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
from Common import EdkLogger
2010-05-18 07:04:32 +02:00
from Common.Misc import SaveFileOnChange
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
from Common.Misc import GuidStructureByteArrayToGuidString
from Common.Misc import GuidStructureStringToGuidString
from Common.InfClassObject import gComponentType2ModuleType
from Common.BuildToolError import FILE_WRITE_FAILURE
from Common.BuildToolError import CODE_ERROR
2012-04-10 09:18:20 +02:00
from Common.DataType import TAB_LINE_BREAK
from Common.DataType import TAB_DEPEX
from Common.DataType import TAB_SLASH
from Common.DataType import TAB_SPACE_SPLIT
from Common.DataType import TAB_BRG_PCD
from Common.DataType import TAB_BRG_LIBRARY
2012-05-23 10:27:14 +02:00
from Common.DataType import TAB_BACK_SLASH
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
## Pattern to extract contents in EDK DXS files
gDxsDependencyPattern = re.compile(r"DEPENDENCY_START(.+)DEPENDENCY_END", re.DOTALL)
## Pattern to find total FV total size, occupied size in flash report intermediate file
gFvTotalSizePattern = re.compile(r"EFI_FV_TOTAL_SIZE = (0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)")
gFvTakenSizePattern = re.compile(r"EFI_FV_TAKEN_SIZE = (0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)")
## Pattern to find module size and time stamp in module summary report intermediate file
gModuleSizePattern = re.compile(r"MODULE_SIZE = (\d+)")
gTimeStampPattern = re.compile(r"TIME_STAMP = (\d+)")
## Pattern to find GUID value in flash description files
gPcdGuidPattern = re.compile(r"PCD\((\w+)[.](\w+)\)")
## Pattern to collect offset, GUID value pair in the flash report intermediate file
gOffsetGuidPattern = re.compile(r"(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+) ([-A-Fa-f0-9]+)")
## Pattern to find module base address and entry point in fixed flash map file
gModulePattern = r"\n[-\w]+\s*\(([^,]+),\s*BaseAddress=%(Address)s,\s*EntryPoint=%(Address)s\)\s*\(GUID=([-0-9A-Fa-f]+)[^)]*\)"
gMapFileItemPattern = re.compile(gModulePattern % {"Address" : "(-?0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+)"})
## Pattern to find all module referenced header files in source files
gIncludePattern = re.compile(r'#include\s*["<]([^">]+)[">]')
gIncludePattern2 = re.compile(r"#include\s+EFI_([A-Z_]+)\s*[(]\s*(\w+)\s*[)]")
## Pattern to find the entry point for EDK module using EDKII Glue library
gGlueLibEntryPoint = re.compile(r"__EDKII_GLUE_MODULE_ENTRY_POINT__\s*=\s*(\w+)")
2012-04-10 09:18:20 +02:00
## Tags for MaxLength of line in report
gLineMaxLength = 120
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
## Tags for section start, end and separator
2012-04-10 09:18:20 +02:00
gSectionStart = ">" + "=" * (gLineMaxLength-2) + "<"
gSectionEnd = "<" + "=" * (gLineMaxLength-2) + ">" + "\n"
gSectionSep = "=" * gLineMaxLength
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
## Tags for subsection start, end and separator
2012-04-10 09:18:20 +02:00
gSubSectionStart = ">" + "-" * (gLineMaxLength-2) + "<"
gSubSectionEnd = "<" + "-" * (gLineMaxLength-2) + ">"
gSubSectionSep = "-" * gLineMaxLength
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
## The look up table to map PCD type to pair of report display type and DEC type
gPcdTypeMap = {
'FixedAtBuild' : ('FIXED', 'FixedAtBuild'),
'PatchableInModule': ('PATCH', 'PatchableInModule'),
'FeatureFlag' : ('FLAG', 'FeatureFlag'),
'Dynamic' : ('DYN', 'Dynamic'),
'DynamicHii' : ('DYNHII', 'Dynamic'),
'DynamicVpd' : ('DYNVPD', 'Dynamic'),
'DynamicEx' : ('DEX', 'Dynamic'),
'DynamicExHii' : ('DEXHII', 'Dynamic'),
'DynamicExVpd' : ('DEXVPD', 'Dynamic'),
## The look up table to map module type to driver type
gDriverTypeMap = {
'SEC' : '0x3 (SECURITY_CORE)',
'PEI_CORE' : '0x4 (PEI_CORE)',
'PEIM' : '0x6 (PEIM)',
'DXE_CORE' : '0x5 (DXE_CORE)',
'DXE_DRIVER' : '0x7 (DRIVER)',
'SMM_CORE' : '0xD (SMM_CORE)',
'SMM_DRIVER' : '0xA (SMM)', # Extension of module type to support PI 1.1 SMM drivers
2010-09-06 03:58:00 +02:00
## The look up table of the supported opcode in the dependency expression binaries
gOpCodeList = ["BEFORE", "AFTER", "PUSH", "AND", "OR", "NOT", "TRUE", "FALSE", "END", "SOR"]
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
# Writes a string to the file object.
# This function writes a string to the file object and a new line is appended
# afterwards. It may optionally wraps the string for better readability.
# @File The file object to write
# @String The string to be written to the file
# @Wrapper Indicates whether to wrap the string
def FileWrite(File, String, Wrapper=False):
if Wrapper:
String = textwrap.fill(String, 120)
File.write(String + "\r\n")
# Find all the header file that the module source directly includes.
# This function scans source code to find all header files the module may
# include. This is not accurate but very effective to find all the header
# file the module might include with #include statement.
# @Source The source file name
# @IncludePathList The list of include path to find the source file.
# @IncludeFiles The dictionary of current found include files.
def FindIncludeFiles(Source, IncludePathList, IncludeFiles):
FileContents = open(Source).read()
# Find header files with pattern #include "XXX.h" or #include <XXX.h>
for Match in gIncludePattern.finditer(FileContents):
FileName = Match.group(1).strip()
for Dir in [os.path.dirname(Source)] + IncludePathList:
FullFileName = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Dir, FileName))
if os.path.exists(FullFileName):
IncludeFiles[FullFileName.lower().replace("\\", "/")] = FullFileName
# Find header files with pattern like #include EFI_PPI_CONSUMER(XXX)
for Match in gIncludePattern2.finditer(FileContents):
Key = Match.group(2)
Type = Match.group(1)
if "ARCH_PROTOCOL" in Type:
FileName = "ArchProtocol/%(Key)s/%(Key)s.h" % {"Key" : Key}
elif "PROTOCOL" in Type:
FileName = "Protocol/%(Key)s/%(Key)s.h" % {"Key" : Key}
elif "PPI" in Type:
FileName = "Ppi/%(Key)s/%(Key)s.h" % {"Key" : Key}
elif "GUID" in Type:
FileName = "Guid/%(Key)s/%(Key)s.h" % {"Key" : Key}
for Dir in IncludePathList:
FullFileName = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Dir, FileName))
if os.path.exists(FullFileName):
IncludeFiles[FullFileName.lower().replace("\\", "/")] = FullFileName
2012-04-10 09:18:20 +02:00
## Split each lines in file
# This method is used to split the lines in file to make the length of each line
# less than MaxLength.
# @param Content The content of file
# @param MaxLength The Max Length of the line
def FileLinesSplit(Content=None, MaxLength=None):
ContentList = Content.split(TAB_LINE_BREAK)
NewContent = ''
NewContentList = []
for Line in ContentList:
while len(Line.rstrip()) > MaxLength:
LineSpaceIndex = Line.rfind(TAB_SPACE_SPLIT, 0, MaxLength)
LineSlashIndex = Line.rfind(TAB_SLASH, 0, MaxLength)
2012-05-23 10:27:14 +02:00
LineBackSlashIndex = Line.rfind(TAB_BACK_SLASH, 0, MaxLength)
if max(LineSpaceIndex, LineSlashIndex, LineBackSlashIndex) > 0:
LineBreakIndex = max(LineSpaceIndex, LineSlashIndex, LineBackSlashIndex)
LineBreakIndex = MaxLength
2012-04-10 09:18:20 +02:00
Line = Line[LineBreakIndex:]
if Line:
for NewLine in NewContentList:
NewContent += NewLine + TAB_LINE_BREAK
return NewContent
2010-09-06 03:58:00 +02:00
# Parse binary dependency expression section
# This utility class parses the dependency expression section and translate the readable
# GUID name and value.
class DepexParser(object):
# Constructor function for class DepexParser
# This constructor function collect GUID values so that the readable
# GUID name can be translated.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Wa Workspace context information
def __init__(self, Wa):
self._GuidDb = {}
2011-10-29 08:59:30 +02:00
for Pa in Wa.AutoGenObjectList:
for Package in Pa.PackageList:
for Protocol in Package.Protocols:
GuidValue = GuidStructureStringToGuidString(Package.Protocols[Protocol])
self._GuidDb[GuidValue.upper()] = Protocol
for Ppi in Package.Ppis:
GuidValue = GuidStructureStringToGuidString(Package.Ppis[Ppi])
self._GuidDb[GuidValue.upper()] = Ppi
for Guid in Package.Guids:
GuidValue = GuidStructureStringToGuidString(Package.Guids[Guid])
self._GuidDb[GuidValue.upper()] = Guid
2010-09-06 03:58:00 +02:00
# Parse the binary dependency expression files.
# This function parses the binary dependency expression file and translate it
# to the instruction list.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param DepexFileName The file name of binary dependency expression file.
def ParseDepexFile(self, DepexFileName):
DepexFile = open(DepexFileName, "rb")
DepexStatement = []
OpCode = DepexFile.read(1)
while OpCode:
Statement = gOpCodeList[struct.unpack("B", OpCode)[0]]
if Statement in ["BEFORE", "AFTER", "PUSH"]:
GuidValue = "%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X" % \
struct.unpack("LHHBBBBBBBB", DepexFile.read(16))
GuidString = self._GuidDb.get(GuidValue, GuidValue)
Statement = "%s %s" % (Statement, GuidString)
OpCode = DepexFile.read(1)
return DepexStatement
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
# Reports library information
# This class reports the module library subsection in the build report file.
class LibraryReport(object):
# Constructor function for class LibraryReport
# This constructor function generates LibraryReport object for
# a module.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param M Module context information
def __init__(self, M):
self.LibraryList = []
if int(str(M.AutoGenVersion), 0) >= 0x00010005:
self._EdkIIModule = True
self._EdkIIModule = False
for Lib in M.DependentLibraryList:
LibInfPath = str(Lib)
LibClassList = Lib.LibraryClass[0].LibraryClass
LibConstructorList = Lib.ConstructorList
LibDesstructorList = Lib.DestructorList
LibDepexList = Lib.DepexExpression[M.Arch, M.ModuleType]
self.LibraryList.append((LibInfPath, LibClassList, LibConstructorList, LibDesstructorList, LibDepexList))
# Generate report for module library information
# This function generates report for the module library.
# If the module is EDKII style one, the additional library class, library
# constructor/destructor and dependency expression may also be reported.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param File The file object for report
def GenerateReport(self, File):
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionStart)
2012-04-10 09:18:20 +02:00
FileWrite(File, TAB_BRG_LIBRARY)
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
if len(self.LibraryList) > 0:
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionSep)
for LibraryItem in self.LibraryList:
LibInfPath = LibraryItem[0]
FileWrite(File, LibInfPath)
# Report library class, library constructor and destructor for
# EDKII style module.
if self._EdkIIModule:
LibClass = LibraryItem[1]
EdkIILibInfo = ""
LibConstructor = " ".join(LibraryItem[2])
if LibConstructor:
EdkIILibInfo += " C = " + LibConstructor
LibDestructor = " ".join(LibraryItem[3])
if LibDestructor:
2010-03-12 11:54:01 +01:00
EdkIILibInfo += " D = " + LibDestructor
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
LibDepex = " ".join(LibraryItem[4])
if LibDepex:
EdkIILibInfo += " Depex = " + LibDepex
if EdkIILibInfo:
FileWrite(File, "{%s: %s}" % (LibClass, EdkIILibInfo))
FileWrite(File, "{%s}" % LibClass)
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionEnd)
# Reports dependency expression information
# This class reports the module dependency expression subsection in the build report file.
class DepexReport(object):
# Constructor function for class DepexReport
# This constructor function generates DepexReport object for
# a module. If the module source contains the DXS file (usually EDK
# style module), it uses the dependency in DXS file; otherwise,
# it uses the dependency expression from its own INF [Depex] section
# and then merges with the ones from its dependent library INF.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param M Module context information
def __init__(self, M):
self.Depex = ""
2010-09-06 03:58:00 +02:00
self._DepexFileName = os.path.join(M.BuildDir, "OUTPUT", M.Module.BaseName + ".depex")
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
ModuleType = M.ModuleType
if not ModuleType:
ModuleType = gComponentType2ModuleType.get(M.ComponentType, "")
2010-03-12 11:54:01 +01:00
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
for Source in M.SourceFileList:
if os.path.splitext(Source.Path)[1].lower() == ".dxs":
Match = gDxsDependencyPattern.search(open(Source.Path).read())
if Match:
self.Depex = Match.group(1).strip()
self.Source = "DXS"
self.Depex = M.DepexExpressionList.get(M.ModuleType, "")
self.ModuleDepex = " ".join(M.Module.DepexExpression[M.Arch, M.ModuleType])
if not self.ModuleDepex:
self.ModuleDepex = "(None)"
LibDepexList = []
for Lib in M.DependentLibraryList:
LibDepex = " ".join(Lib.DepexExpression[M.Arch, M.ModuleType]).strip()
if LibDepex != "":
LibDepexList.append("(" + LibDepex + ")")
self.LibraryDepex = " AND ".join(LibDepexList)
if not self.LibraryDepex:
self.LibraryDepex = "(None)"
self.Source = "INF"
# Generate report for module dependency expression information
# This function generates report for the module dependency expression.
2010-09-06 03:58:00 +02:00
# @param self The object pointer
# @param File The file object for report
# @param GlobalDepexParser The platform global Dependency expression parser object
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
2010-09-06 03:58:00 +02:00
def GenerateReport(self, File, GlobalDepexParser):
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
if not self.Depex:
2012-04-10 09:18:20 +02:00
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionStart)
FileWrite(File, TAB_DEPEX)
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionEnd)
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionStart)
2010-09-06 03:58:00 +02:00
if os.path.isfile(self._DepexFileName):
DepexStatements = GlobalDepexParser.ParseDepexFile(self._DepexFileName)
FileWrite(File, "Final Dependency Expression (DEPEX) Instructions")
for DepexStatement in DepexStatements:
FileWrite(File, " %s" % DepexStatement)
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionSep)
EdkLogger.warn(None, "Dependency expression file is corrupted", self._DepexFileName)
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
FileWrite(File, "Dependency Expression (DEPEX) from %s" % self.Source)
if self.Source == "INF":
FileWrite(File, "%s" % self.Depex, True)
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionSep)
FileWrite(File, "From Module INF: %s" % self.ModuleDepex, True)
FileWrite(File, "From Library INF: %s" % self.LibraryDepex, True)
FileWrite(File, "%s" % self.Depex)
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionEnd)
# Reports dependency expression information
# This class reports the module build flags subsection in the build report file.
class BuildFlagsReport(object):
# Constructor function for class BuildFlagsReport
# This constructor function generates BuildFlagsReport object for
# a module. It reports the build tool chain tag and all relevant
# build flags to build the module.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param M Module context information
def __init__(self, M):
BuildOptions = {}
# Add build flags according to source file extension so that
# irrelevant ones can be filtered out.
for Source in M.SourceFileList:
Ext = os.path.splitext(Source.File)[1].lower()
if Ext in [".c", ".cc", ".cpp"]:
BuildOptions["CC"] = 1
elif Ext in [".s", ".asm"]:
BuildOptions["PP"] = 1
BuildOptions["ASM"] = 1
elif Ext in [".vfr"]:
BuildOptions["VFRPP"] = 1
BuildOptions["VFR"] = 1
elif Ext in [".dxs"]:
BuildOptions["APP"] = 1
BuildOptions["CC"] = 1
elif Ext in [".asl"]:
BuildOptions["ASLPP"] = 1
BuildOptions["ASL"] = 1
elif Ext in [".aslc"]:
BuildOptions["ASLCC"] = 1
BuildOptions["ASLDLINK"] = 1
BuildOptions["CC"] = 1
elif Ext in [".asm16"]:
BuildOptions["ASMLINK"] = 1
BuildOptions["SLINK"] = 1
BuildOptions["DLINK"] = 1
# Save module build flags.
self.ToolChainTag = M.ToolChain
self.BuildFlags = {}
for Tool in BuildOptions:
self.BuildFlags[Tool + "_FLAGS"] = M.BuildOption.get(Tool, {}).get("FLAGS", "")
# Generate report for module build flags information
# This function generates report for the module build flags expression.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param File The file object for report
def GenerateReport(self, File):
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionStart)
FileWrite(File, "Build Flags")
FileWrite(File, "Tool Chain Tag: %s" % self.ToolChainTag)
for Tool in self.BuildFlags:
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionSep)
FileWrite(File, "%s = %s" % (Tool, self.BuildFlags[Tool]), True)
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionEnd)
# Reports individual module information
# This class reports the module section in the build report file.
# It comprises of module summary, module PCD, library, dependency expression,
# build flags sections.
class ModuleReport(object):
# Constructor function for class ModuleReport
# This constructor function generates ModuleReport object for
# a separate module in a platform build.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param M Module context information
# @param ReportType The kind of report items in the final report file
def __init__(self, M, ReportType):
self.ModuleName = M.Module.BaseName
self.ModuleInfPath = M.MetaFile.File
self.FileGuid = M.Guid
self.Size = 0
self.BuildTimeStamp = None
self.DriverType = ""
2010-03-12 11:54:01 +01:00
if not M.IsLibrary:
ModuleType = M.ModuleType
if not ModuleType:
ModuleType = gComponentType2ModuleType.get(M.ComponentType, "")
# If a module complies to PI 1.1, promote Module type to "SMM_DRIVER"
if ModuleType == "DXE_SMM_DRIVER":
PiSpec = M.Module.Specification.get("PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION", "0x00010000")
2011-10-29 08:59:30 +02:00
if int(PiSpec, 0) >= 0x0001000A:
2010-03-12 11:54:01 +01:00
ModuleType = "SMM_DRIVER"
self.DriverType = gDriverTypeMap.get(ModuleType, "0x2 (FREE_FORM)")
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
self.UefiSpecVersion = M.Module.Specification.get("UEFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION", "")
self.PiSpecVersion = M.Module.Specification.get("PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION", "")
self.PciDeviceId = M.Module.Defines.get("PCI_DEVICE_ID", "")
self.PciVendorId = M.Module.Defines.get("PCI_VENDOR_ID", "")
self.PciClassCode = M.Module.Defines.get("PCI_CLASS_CODE", "")
self._BuildDir = M.BuildDir
self.ModulePcdSet = {}
if "PCD" in ReportType:
# Collect all module used PCD set: module INF referenced directly or indirectly.
# It also saves module INF default values of them in case they exist.
for Pcd in M.ModulePcdList + M.LibraryPcdList:
self.ModulePcdSet.setdefault((Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.Type), (Pcd.InfDefaultValue, Pcd.DefaultValue))
self.LibraryReport = None
if "LIBRARY" in ReportType:
self.LibraryReport = LibraryReport(M)
self.DepexReport = None
if "DEPEX" in ReportType:
self.DepexReport = DepexReport(M)
if "BUILD_FLAGS" in ReportType:
self.BuildFlagsReport = BuildFlagsReport(M)
# Generate report for module information
# This function generates report for separate module expression
# in a platform build.
2010-09-06 03:58:00 +02:00
# @param self The object pointer
# @param File The file object for report
# @param GlobalPcdReport The platform global PCD report object
# @param GlobalPredictionReport The platform global Prediction report object
# @param GlobalDepexParser The platform global Dependency expression parser object
# @param ReportType The kind of report items in the final report file
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
2010-09-06 03:58:00 +02:00
def GenerateReport(self, File, GlobalPcdReport, GlobalPredictionReport, GlobalDepexParser, ReportType):
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
FileWrite(File, gSectionStart)
FwReportFileName = os.path.join(self._BuildDir, "DEBUG", self.ModuleName + ".txt")
if os.path.isfile(FwReportFileName):
FileContents = open(FwReportFileName).read()
Match = gModuleSizePattern.search(FileContents)
if Match:
self.Size = int(Match.group(1))
Match = gTimeStampPattern.search(FileContents)
if Match:
self.BuildTimeStamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(Match.group(1)))
except IOError:
EdkLogger.warn(None, "Fail to read report file", FwReportFileName)
FileWrite(File, "Module Summary")
FileWrite(File, "Module Name: %s" % self.ModuleName)
FileWrite(File, "Module INF Path: %s" % self.ModuleInfPath)
FileWrite(File, "File GUID: %s" % self.FileGuid)
if self.Size:
FileWrite(File, "Size: 0x%X (%.2fK)" % (self.Size, self.Size / 1024.0))
if self.BuildTimeStamp:
FileWrite(File, "Build Time Stamp: %s" % self.BuildTimeStamp)
if self.DriverType:
FileWrite(File, "Driver Type: %s" % self.DriverType)
if self.UefiSpecVersion:
FileWrite(File, "UEFI Spec Version: %s" % self.UefiSpecVersion)
if self.PiSpecVersion:
FileWrite(File, "PI Spec Version: %s" % self.PiSpecVersion)
if self.PciDeviceId:
FileWrite(File, "PCI Device ID: %s" % self.PciDeviceId)
if self.PciVendorId:
FileWrite(File, "PCI Vendor ID: %s" % self.PciVendorId)
if self.PciClassCode:
FileWrite(File, "PCI Class Code: %s" % self.PciClassCode)
FileWrite(File, gSectionSep)
if "PCD" in ReportType:
GlobalPcdReport.GenerateReport(File, self.ModulePcdSet)
if "LIBRARY" in ReportType:
if "DEPEX" in ReportType:
2010-09-06 03:58:00 +02:00
self.DepexReport.GenerateReport(File, GlobalDepexParser)
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
if "BUILD_FLAGS" in ReportType:
if "FIXED_ADDRESS" in ReportType and self.FileGuid:
GlobalPredictionReport.GenerateReport(File, self.FileGuid)
FileWrite(File, gSectionEnd)
# Reports platform and module PCD information
# This class reports the platform PCD section and module PCD subsection
# in the build report file.
class PcdReport(object):
# Constructor function for class PcdReport
# This constructor function generates PcdReport object a platform build.
# It collects the whole PCD database from platform DSC files, platform
# flash description file and package DEC files.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Wa Workspace context information
def __init__(self, Wa):
self.AllPcds = {}
self.MaxLen = 0
if Wa.FdfProfile:
self.FdfPcdSet = Wa.FdfProfile.PcdDict
self.FdfPcdSet = {}
self.ModulePcdOverride = {}
for Pa in Wa.AutoGenObjectList:
# Collect all platform referenced PCDs and grouped them by PCD token space
# GUID C Names
for Pcd in Pa.AllPcdList:
PcdList = self.AllPcds.setdefault(Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, {}).setdefault(Pcd.Type, [])
if Pcd not in PcdList:
if len(Pcd.TokenCName) > self.MaxLen:
self.MaxLen = len(Pcd.TokenCName)
for Module in Pa.Platform.Modules.values():
# Collect module override PCDs
for ModulePcd in Module.M.ModulePcdList + Module.M.LibraryPcdList:
TokenCName = ModulePcd.TokenCName
TokenSpaceGuid = ModulePcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName
ModuleDefault = ModulePcd.DefaultValue
ModulePath = os.path.basename(Module.M.MetaFile.File)
self.ModulePcdOverride.setdefault((TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuid), {})[ModulePath] = ModuleDefault
# Collect PCD DEC default value.
self.DecPcdDefault = {}
2011-10-29 08:59:30 +02:00
for Pa in Wa.AutoGenObjectList:
for Package in Pa.PackageList:
for (TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName, DecType) in Package.Pcds:
DecDefaultValue = Package.Pcds[TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName, DecType].DefaultValue
self.DecPcdDefault.setdefault((TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName, DecType), DecDefaultValue)
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
# Collect PCDs defined in DSC common section
self.DscPcdDefault = {}
for Platform in Wa.BuildDatabase.WorkspaceDb.PlatformList:
for (TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName) in Platform.Pcds:
DscDefaultValue = Platform.Pcds[(TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName)].DefaultValue
2010-05-18 07:04:32 +02:00
if DscDefaultValue:
self.DscPcdDefault[(TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName)] = DscDefaultValue
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
# Generate report for PCD information
# This function generates report for separate module expression
# in a platform build.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param File The file object for report
# @param ModulePcdSet Set of all PCDs referenced by module or None for
# platform PCD report
# @param DscOverridePcds Module DSC override PCDs set
def GenerateReport(self, File, ModulePcdSet):
if ModulePcdSet == None:
# For platform global PCD section
FileWrite(File, gSectionStart)
FileWrite(File, "Platform Configuration Database Report")
FileWrite(File, " *P - Platform scoped PCD override in DSC file")
FileWrite(File, " *F - Platform scoped PCD override in FDF file")
2010-03-23 12:46:50 +01:00
FileWrite(File, " *M - Module scoped PCD override")
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
FileWrite(File, gSectionSep)
# For module PCD sub-section
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionStart)
2012-04-10 09:18:20 +02:00
FileWrite(File, TAB_BRG_PCD)
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionSep)
for Key in self.AllPcds:
# Group PCD by their token space GUID C Name
First = True
for Type in self.AllPcds[Key]:
# Group PCD by their usage type
TypeName, DecType = gPcdTypeMap.get(Type, ("", Type))
for Pcd in self.AllPcds[Key][Type]:
# Get PCD default value and their override relationship
DecDefaultValue = self.DecPcdDefault.get((Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, DecType))
DscDefaultValue = self.DscPcdDefault.get((Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName))
DscDefaultValue = self.FdfPcdSet.get((Pcd.TokenCName, Key), DscDefaultValue)
InfDefaultValue = None
PcdValue = DecDefaultValue
if DscDefaultValue:
PcdValue = DscDefaultValue
if ModulePcdSet != None:
if (Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Type) not in ModulePcdSet:
InfDefault, PcdValue = ModulePcdSet[Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Type]
if InfDefault == "":
InfDefault = None
if First:
if ModulePcdSet == None:
FileWrite(File, "")
FileWrite(File, Key)
First = False
if Pcd.DatumType in ('UINT8', 'UINT16', 'UINT32', 'UINT64'):
PcdValueNumber = int(PcdValue.strip(), 0)
if DecDefaultValue == None:
DecMatch = True
DecDefaultValueNumber = int(DecDefaultValue.strip(), 0)
DecMatch = (DecDefaultValueNumber == PcdValueNumber)
if InfDefaultValue == None:
InfMatch = True
InfDefaultValueNumber = int(InfDefaultValue.strip(), 0)
InfMatch = (InfDefaultValueNumber == PcdValueNumber)
if DscDefaultValue == None:
DscMatch = True
DscDefaultValueNumber = int(DscDefaultValue.strip(), 0)
DscMatch = (DscDefaultValueNumber == PcdValueNumber)
if DecDefaultValue == None:
DecMatch = True
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
DecMatch = (DecDefaultValue.strip() == PcdValue.strip())
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
if InfDefaultValue == None:
InfMatch = True
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
InfMatch = (InfDefaultValue.strip() == PcdValue.strip())
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
if DscDefaultValue == None:
DscMatch = True
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
DscMatch = (DscDefaultValue.strip() == PcdValue.strip())
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
# Report PCD item according to their override relationship
if DecMatch and InfMatch:
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
FileWrite(File, ' %-*s: %6s %10s = %-22s' % (self.MaxLen, Pcd.TokenCName, TypeName, '('+Pcd.DatumType+')', PcdValue.strip()))
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
if DscMatch:
if (Pcd.TokenCName, Key) in self.FdfPcdSet:
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
FileWrite(File, ' *F %-*s: %6s %10s = %-22s' % (self.MaxLen, Pcd.TokenCName, TypeName, '('+Pcd.DatumType+')', PcdValue.strip()))
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
FileWrite(File, ' *P %-*s: %6s %10s = %-22s' % (self.MaxLen, Pcd.TokenCName, TypeName, '('+Pcd.DatumType+')', PcdValue.strip()))
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
FileWrite(File, ' *M %-*s: %6s %10s = %-22s' % (self.MaxLen, Pcd.TokenCName, TypeName, '('+Pcd.DatumType+')', PcdValue.strip()))
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
if TypeName in ('DYNHII', 'DEXHII', 'DYNVPD', 'DEXVPD'):
for SkuInfo in Pcd.SkuInfoList.values():
if TypeName in ('DYNHII', 'DEXHII'):
FileWrite(File, '%*s: %s: %s' % (self.MaxLen + 4, SkuInfo.VariableGuid, SkuInfo.VariableName, SkuInfo.VariableOffset))
FileWrite(File, '%*s' % (self.MaxLen + 4, SkuInfo.VpdOffset))
if not DscMatch and DscDefaultValue != None:
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
FileWrite(File, ' %*s = %s' % (self.MaxLen + 19, 'DSC DEFAULT', DscDefaultValue.strip()))
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
if not InfMatch and InfDefaultValue != None:
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
FileWrite(File, ' %*s = %s' % (self.MaxLen + 19, 'INF DEFAULT', InfDefaultValue.strip()))
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
if not DecMatch and DecDefaultValue != None:
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
FileWrite(File, ' %*s = %s' % (self.MaxLen + 19, 'DEC DEFAULT', DecDefaultValue.strip()))
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
if ModulePcdSet == None:
ModuleOverride = self.ModulePcdOverride.get((Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName), {})
for ModulePath in ModuleOverride:
ModuleDefault = ModuleOverride[ModulePath]
if Pcd.DatumType in ('UINT8', 'UINT16', 'UINT32', 'UINT64'):
ModulePcdDefaultValueNumber = int(ModuleDefault.strip(), 0)
Match = (ModulePcdDefaultValueNumber == PcdValueNumber)
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
Match = (ModuleDefault.strip() == PcdValue.strip())
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
if Match:
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
FileWrite(File, ' *M %-*s = %s' % (self.MaxLen + 19, ModulePath, ModuleDefault.strip()))
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
if ModulePcdSet == None:
FileWrite(File, gSectionEnd)
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionEnd)
# Reports platform and module Prediction information
# This class reports the platform execution order prediction section and
# module load fixed address prediction subsection in the build report file.
class PredictionReport(object):
# Constructor function for class PredictionReport
# This constructor function generates PredictionReport object for the platform.
# @param self: The object pointer
# @param Wa Workspace context information
def __init__(self, Wa):
self._MapFileName = os.path.join(Wa.BuildDir, Wa.Name + ".map")
self._MapFileParsed = False
self._EotToolInvoked = False
self._FvDir = Wa.FvDir
self._EotDir = Wa.BuildDir
self._FfsEntryPoint = {}
self._GuidMap = {}
self._SourceList = []
self.FixedMapDict = {}
self.ItemList = []
self.MaxLen = 0
# Collect all platform reference source files and GUID C Name
for Pa in Wa.AutoGenObjectList:
for Module in Pa.LibraryAutoGenList + Pa.ModuleAutoGenList:
2010-05-18 07:04:32 +02:00
# BASE typed modules are EFI agnostic, so we need not scan
# their source code to find PPI/Protocol produce or consume
# information.
if Module.ModuleType == "BASE":
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
# Add module referenced source files
IncludeList = {}
for Source in Module.SourceFileList:
if os.path.splitext(str(Source))[1].lower() == ".c":
self._SourceList.append(" " + str(Source))
FindIncludeFiles(Source.Path, Module.IncludePathList, IncludeList)
for IncludeFile in IncludeList.values():
self._SourceList.append(" " + IncludeFile)
for Guid in Module.PpiList:
self._GuidMap[Guid] = GuidStructureStringToGuidString(Module.PpiList[Guid])
for Guid in Module.ProtocolList:
self._GuidMap[Guid] = GuidStructureStringToGuidString(Module.ProtocolList[Guid])
for Guid in Module.GuidList:
self._GuidMap[Guid] = GuidStructureStringToGuidString(Module.GuidList[Guid])
if Module.Guid and not Module.IsLibrary:
EntryPoint = " ".join(Module.Module.ModuleEntryPointList)
if int(str(Module.AutoGenVersion), 0) >= 0x00010005:
RealEntryPoint = "_ModuleEntryPoint"
RealEntryPoint = EntryPoint
if EntryPoint == "_ModuleEntryPoint":
CCFlags = Module.BuildOption.get("CC", {}).get("FLAGS", "")
Match = gGlueLibEntryPoint.search(CCFlags)
if Match:
EntryPoint = Match.group(1)
self._FfsEntryPoint[Module.Guid.upper()] = (EntryPoint, RealEntryPoint)
# Collect platform firmware volume list as the input of EOT.
self._FvList = []
if Wa.FdfProfile:
for Fd in Wa.FdfProfile.FdDict:
for FdRegion in Wa.FdfProfile.FdDict[Fd].RegionList:
if FdRegion.RegionType != "FV":
for FvName in FdRegion.RegionDataList:
if FvName in self._FvList:
for Ffs in Wa.FdfProfile.FvDict[FvName.upper()].FfsList:
for Section in Ffs.SectionList:
for FvSection in Section.SectionList:
if FvSection.FvName in self._FvList:
except AttributeError:
# Parse platform fixed address map files
# This function parses the platform final fixed address map file to get
# the database of predicted fixed address for module image base, entry point
# etc.
# @param self: The object pointer
def _ParseMapFile(self):
if self._MapFileParsed:
self._MapFileParsed = True
if os.path.isfile(self._MapFileName):
FileContents = open(self._MapFileName).read()
for Match in gMapFileItemPattern.finditer(FileContents):
AddressType = Match.group(1)
BaseAddress = Match.group(2)
EntryPoint = Match.group(3)
Guid = Match.group(4).upper()
List = self.FixedMapDict.setdefault(Guid, [])
List.append((AddressType, BaseAddress, "*I"))
List.append((AddressType, EntryPoint, "*E"))
EdkLogger.warn(None, "Cannot open file to read", self._MapFileName)
# Invokes EOT tool to get the predicted the execution order.
# This function invokes EOT tool to calculate the predicted dispatch order
# @param self: The object pointer
def _InvokeEotTool(self):
if self._EotToolInvoked:
self._EotToolInvoked = True
FvFileList = []
for FvName in self._FvList:
FvFile = os.path.join(self._FvDir, FvName + ".Fv")
if os.path.isfile(FvFile):
if len(FvFileList) == 0:
# Write source file list and GUID file list to an intermediate file
# as the input for EOT tool and dispatch List as the output file
# from EOT tool.
SourceList = os.path.join(self._EotDir, "SourceFile.txt")
GuidList = os.path.join(self._EotDir, "GuidList.txt")
DispatchList = os.path.join(self._EotDir, "Dispatch.txt")
TempFile = open(SourceList, "w+")
for Item in self._SourceList:
FileWrite(TempFile, Item)
TempFile = open(GuidList, "w+")
for Key in self._GuidMap:
FileWrite(TempFile, "%s %s" % (Key, self._GuidMap[Key]))
from Eot.Eot import Eot
2010-05-18 07:04:32 +02:00
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
2010-05-18 07:04:32 +02:00
# Invoke EOT tool and echo its runtime performance
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
2010-05-18 07:04:32 +02:00
EotStartTime = time.time()
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
Eot(CommandLineOption=False, SourceFileList=SourceList, GuidList=GuidList,
FvFileList=' '.join(FvFileList), Dispatch=DispatchList, IsInit=True)
2010-05-18 07:04:32 +02:00
EotEndTime = time.time()
EotDuration = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(round(EotEndTime - EotStartTime))))
EdkLogger.quiet("EOT run time: %s\n" % EotDuration)
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
# Parse the output of EOT tool
for Line in open(DispatchList):
if len(Line.split()) < 4:
(Guid, Phase, FfsName, FilePath) = Line.split()
Symbol = self._FfsEntryPoint.get(Guid, [FfsName, ""])[0]
if len(Symbol) > self.MaxLen:
self.MaxLen = len(Symbol)
self.ItemList.append((Phase, Symbol, FilePath))
EdkLogger.quiet("(Python %s on %s\n%s)" % (platform.python_version(), sys.platform, traceback.format_exc()))
EdkLogger.warn(None, "Failed to generate execution order prediction report, for some error occurred in executing EOT.")
# Generate platform execution order report
# This function generates the predicted module execution order.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param File The file object for report
def _GenerateExecutionOrderReport(self, File):
if len(self.ItemList) == 0:
FileWrite(File, gSectionStart)
FileWrite(File, "Execution Order Prediction")
FileWrite(File, "*P PEI phase")
FileWrite(File, "*D DXE phase")
FileWrite(File, "*E Module INF entry point name")
FileWrite(File, "*N Module notification function name")
FileWrite(File, "Type %-*s %s" % (self.MaxLen, "Symbol", "Module INF Path"))
FileWrite(File, gSectionSep)
for Item in self.ItemList:
FileWrite(File, "*%sE %-*s %s" % (Item[0], self.MaxLen, Item[1], Item[2]))
FileWrite(File, gSectionStart)
# Generate Fixed Address report.
# This function generate the predicted fixed address report for a module
# specified by Guid.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param File The file object for report
# @param Guid The module Guid value.
# @param NotifyList The list of all notify function in a module
def _GenerateFixedAddressReport(self, File, Guid, NotifyList):
FixedAddressList = self.FixedMapDict.get(Guid)
if not FixedAddressList:
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionStart)
FileWrite(File, "Fixed Address Prediction")
FileWrite(File, "*I Image Loading Address")
FileWrite(File, "*E Entry Point Address")
FileWrite(File, "*N Notification Function Address")
FileWrite(File, "*F Flash Address")
FileWrite(File, "*M Memory Address")
FileWrite(File, "*S SMM RAM Offset")
FileWrite(File, "TOM Top of Memory")
FileWrite(File, "Type Address Name")
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionSep)
for Item in FixedAddressList:
Type = Item[0]
Value = Item[1]
Symbol = Item[2]
if Symbol == "*I":
Name = "(Image Base)"
elif Symbol == "*E":
Name = self._FfsEntryPoint.get(Guid, ["", "_ModuleEntryPoint"])[1]
elif Symbol in NotifyList:
Name = Symbol
Symbol = "*N"
if "Flash" in Type:
Symbol += "F"
elif "Memory" in Type:
Symbol += "M"
Symbol += "S"
if Value[0] == "-":
Value = "TOM" + Value
FileWrite(File, "%s %-16s %s" % (Symbol, Value, Name))
# Generate report for the prediction part
# This function generate the predicted fixed address report for a module or
# predicted module execution order for a platform.
# If the input Guid is None, then, it generates the predicted module execution order;
# otherwise it generated the module fixed loading address for the module specified by
# Guid.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param File The file object for report
# @param Guid The module Guid value.
def GenerateReport(self, File, Guid):
if Guid:
self._GenerateFixedAddressReport(File, Guid.upper(), [])
# Reports FD region information
# This class reports the FD subsection in the build report file.
# It collects region information of platform flash device.
# If the region is a firmware volume, it lists the set of modules
# and its space information; otherwise, it only lists its region name,
# base address and size in its sub-section header.
# If there are nesting FVs, the nested FVs will list immediate after
# this FD region subsection
class FdRegionReport(object):
# Discover all the nested FV name list.
# This is an internal worker function to discover the all the nested FV information
# in the parent firmware volume. It uses deep first search algorithm recursively to
# find all the FV list name and append them to the list.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FvName The name of current firmware file system
# @param Wa Workspace context information
def _DiscoverNestedFvList(self, FvName, Wa):
for Ffs in Wa.FdfProfile.FvDict[FvName.upper()].FfsList:
for Section in Ffs.SectionList:
for FvSection in Section.SectionList:
if FvSection.FvName in self.FvList:
self._GuidsDb[Ffs.NameGuid.upper()] = FvSection.FvName
self.FvInfo[FvSection.FvName] = ("Nested FV", 0, 0)
self._DiscoverNestedFvList(FvSection.FvName, Wa)
except AttributeError:
# Constructor function for class FdRegionReport
# This constructor function generates FdRegionReport object for a specified FdRegion.
# If the FdRegion is a firmware volume, it will recursively find all its nested Firmware
# volume list. This function also collects GUID map in order to dump module identification
# in the final report.
# @param self: The object pointer
# @param FdRegion The current FdRegion object
# @param Wa Workspace context information
def __init__(self, FdRegion, Wa):
self.Type = FdRegion.RegionType
self.BaseAddress = FdRegion.Offset
self.Size = FdRegion.Size
self.FvList = []
self.FvInfo = {}
self._GuidsDb = {}
self._FvDir = Wa.FvDir
# If the input FdRegion is not a firmware volume,
# we are done.
if self.Type != "FV":
# Find all nested FVs in the FdRegion
for FvName in FdRegion.RegionDataList:
if FvName in self.FvList:
self.FvInfo[FvName] = ("Fd Region", self.BaseAddress, self.Size)
self._DiscoverNestedFvList(FvName, Wa)
PlatformPcds = {}
# Collect PCDs declared in DEC files.
2011-10-29 08:59:30 +02:00
for Pa in Wa.AutoGenObjectList:
for Package in Pa.PackageList:
for (TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName, DecType) in Package.Pcds:
DecDefaultValue = Package.Pcds[TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName, DecType].DefaultValue
PlatformPcds[(TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName)] = DecDefaultValue
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
# Collect PCDs defined in DSC common section
for Platform in Wa.BuildDatabase.WorkspaceDb.PlatformList:
for (TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName) in Platform.Pcds:
DscDefaultValue = Platform.Pcds[(TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName)].DefaultValue
PlatformPcds[(TokenCName, TokenSpaceGuidCName)] = DscDefaultValue
# Add PEI and DXE a priori files GUIDs defined in PI specification.
self._GuidsDb["1B45CC0A-156A-428A-AF62-49864DA0E6E6"] = "PEI Apriori"
self._GuidsDb["FC510EE7-FFDC-11D4-BD41-0080C73C8881"] = "DXE Apriori"
# Add ACPI table storage file
self._GuidsDb["7E374E25-8E01-4FEE-87F2-390C23C606CD"] = "ACPI table storage"
for Pa in Wa.AutoGenObjectList:
for ModuleKey in Pa.Platform.Modules:
M = Pa.Platform.Modules[ModuleKey].M
InfPath = os.path.join(Wa.WorkspaceDir, M.MetaFile.File)
self._GuidsDb[M.Guid.upper()] = "%s (%s)" % (M.Module.BaseName, InfPath)
# Collect the GUID map in the FV firmware volume
for FvName in self.FvList:
for Ffs in Wa.FdfProfile.FvDict[FvName.upper()].FfsList:
# collect GUID map for binary EFI file in FDF file.
Guid = Ffs.NameGuid.upper()
Match = gPcdGuidPattern.match(Ffs.NameGuid)
if Match:
PcdTokenspace = Match.group(1)
PcdToken = Match.group(2)
if (PcdToken, PcdTokenspace) in PlatformPcds:
GuidValue = PlatformPcds[(PcdToken, PcdTokenspace)]
Guid = GuidStructureByteArrayToGuidString(GuidValue).upper()
for Section in Ffs.SectionList:
ModuleSectFile = os.path.join(Wa.WorkspaceDir, Section.SectFileName)
self._GuidsDb[Guid] = ModuleSectFile
except AttributeError:
except AttributeError:
# Internal worker function to generate report for the FD region
# This internal worker function to generate report for the FD region.
# It the type is firmware volume, it lists offset and module identification.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param File The file object for report
# @param Title The title for the FD subsection
# @param BaseAddress The base address for the FD region
# @param Size The size of the FD region
# @param FvName The FV name if the FD region is a firmware volume
def _GenerateReport(self, File, Title, Type, BaseAddress, Size=0, FvName=None):
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionStart)
FileWrite(File, Title)
FileWrite(File, "Type: %s" % Type)
FileWrite(File, "Base Address: 0x%X" % BaseAddress)
if self.Type == "FV":
FvTotalSize = 0
FvTakenSize = 0
FvFreeSize = 0
2011-09-18 14:17:25 +02:00
FvReportFileName = os.path.join(self._FvDir, FvName + ".Fv.txt")
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
# Collect size info in the firmware volume.
FvReport = open(FvReportFileName).read()
Match = gFvTotalSizePattern.search(FvReport)
if Match:
FvTotalSize = int(Match.group(1), 16)
Match = gFvTakenSizePattern.search(FvReport)
if Match:
FvTakenSize = int(Match.group(1), 16)
FvFreeSize = FvTotalSize - FvTakenSize
# Write size information to the report file.
FileWrite(File, "Size: 0x%X (%.0fK)" % (FvTotalSize, FvTotalSize / 1024.0))
FileWrite(File, "Fv Name: %s (%.1f%% Full)" % (FvName, FvTakenSize * 100.0 / FvTotalSize))
FileWrite(File, "Occupied Size: 0x%X (%.0fK)" % (FvTakenSize, FvTakenSize / 1024.0))
FileWrite(File, "Free Size: 0x%X (%.0fK)" % (FvFreeSize, FvFreeSize / 1024.0))
FileWrite(File, "Offset Module")
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionSep)
# Write module offset and module identification to the report file.
OffsetInfo = {}
for Match in gOffsetGuidPattern.finditer(FvReport):
Guid = Match.group(2).upper()
OffsetInfo[Match.group(1)] = self._GuidsDb.get(Guid, Guid)
OffsetList = OffsetInfo.keys()
for Offset in OffsetList:
FileWrite (File, "%s %s" % (Offset, OffsetInfo[Offset]))
except IOError:
EdkLogger.warn(None, "Fail to read report file", FvReportFileName)
FileWrite(File, "Size: 0x%X (%.0fK)" % (Size, Size / 1024.0))
FileWrite(File, gSubSectionEnd)
# Generate report for the FD region
# This function generates report for the FD region.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param File The file object for report
def GenerateReport(self, File):
if (len(self.FvList) > 0):
for FvItem in self.FvList:
Info = self.FvInfo[FvItem]
self._GenerateReport(File, Info[0], "FV", Info[1], Info[2], FvItem)
self._GenerateReport(File, "FD Region", self.Type, self.BaseAddress, self.Size)
# Reports FD information
# This class reports the FD section in the build report file.
# It collects flash device information for a platform.
class FdReport(object):
# Constructor function for class FdReport
# This constructor function generates FdReport object for a specified
# firmware device.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Fd The current Firmware device object
# @param Wa Workspace context information
def __init__(self, Fd, Wa):
self.FdName = Fd.FdUiName
self.BaseAddress = Fd.BaseAddress
self.Size = Fd.Size
self.FdRegionList = [FdRegionReport(FdRegion, Wa) for FdRegion in Fd.RegionList]
# Generate report for the firmware device.
# This function generates report for the firmware device.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param File The file object for report
def GenerateReport(self, File):
FileWrite(File, gSectionStart)
FileWrite(File, "Firmware Device (FD)")
FileWrite(File, "FD Name: %s" % self.FdName)
FileWrite(File, "Base Address: %s" % self.BaseAddress)
FileWrite(File, "Size: 0x%X (%.0fK)" % (self.Size, self.Size / 1024.0))
if len(self.FdRegionList) > 0:
FileWrite(File, gSectionSep)
for FdRegionItem in self.FdRegionList:
FileWrite(File, gSectionEnd)
# Reports platform information
# This class reports the whole platform information
class PlatformReport(object):
# Constructor function for class PlatformReport
# This constructor function generates PlatformReport object a platform build.
# It generates report for platform summary, flash, global PCDs and detailed
# module information for modules involved in platform build.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Wa Workspace context information
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
# @param MaList The list of modules in the platform build
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
def __init__(self, Wa, MaList, ReportType):
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
self._WorkspaceDir = Wa.WorkspaceDir
self.PlatformName = Wa.Name
self.PlatformDscPath = Wa.Platform
self.Architectures = " ".join(Wa.ArchList)
self.ToolChain = Wa.ToolChain
self.Target = Wa.BuildTarget
self.OutputPath = os.path.join(Wa.WorkspaceDir, Wa.OutputDir)
self.BuildEnvironment = platform.platform()
self.PcdReport = None
if "PCD" in ReportType:
self.PcdReport = PcdReport(Wa)
self.FdReportList = []
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
if "FLASH" in ReportType and Wa.FdfProfile and MaList == None:
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
for Fd in Wa.FdfProfile.FdDict:
self.FdReportList.append(FdReport(Wa.FdfProfile.FdDict[Fd], Wa))
self.PredictionReport = None
if "FIXED_ADDRESS" in ReportType or "EXECUTION_ORDER" in ReportType:
self.PredictionReport = PredictionReport(Wa)
2010-09-06 03:58:00 +02:00
self.DepexParser = None
if "DEPEX" in ReportType:
self.DepexParser = DepexParser(Wa)
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
self.ModuleReportList = []
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
if MaList != None:
2010-03-12 11:54:01 +01:00
self._IsModuleBuild = True
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
for Ma in MaList:
self.ModuleReportList.append(ModuleReport(Ma, ReportType))
2010-03-12 11:54:01 +01:00
self._IsModuleBuild = False
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
for Pa in Wa.AutoGenObjectList:
for ModuleKey in Pa.Platform.Modules:
self.ModuleReportList.append(ModuleReport(Pa.Platform.Modules[ModuleKey].M, ReportType))
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
# Generate report for the whole platform.
# This function generates report for platform information.
# It comprises of platform summary, global PCD, flash and
# module list sections.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param File The file object for report
# @param BuildDuration The total time to build the modules
# @param ReportType The kind of report items in the final report file
def GenerateReport(self, File, BuildDuration, ReportType):
FileWrite(File, "Platform Summary")
FileWrite(File, "Platform Name: %s" % self.PlatformName)
FileWrite(File, "Platform DSC Path: %s" % self.PlatformDscPath)
FileWrite(File, "Architectures: %s" % self.Architectures)
FileWrite(File, "Tool Chain: %s" % self.ToolChain)
FileWrite(File, "Target: %s" % self.Target)
FileWrite(File, "Output Path: %s" % self.OutputPath)
FileWrite(File, "Build Environment: %s" % self.BuildEnvironment)
FileWrite(File, "Build Duration: %s" % BuildDuration)
FileWrite(File, "Report Content: %s" % ", ".join(ReportType))
2010-03-12 11:54:01 +01:00
if not self._IsModuleBuild:
if "PCD" in ReportType:
self.PcdReport.GenerateReport(File, None)
if "FLASH" in ReportType:
for FdReportListItem in self.FdReportList:
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
for ModuleReportItem in self.ModuleReportList:
2010-09-06 03:58:00 +02:00
ModuleReportItem.GenerateReport(File, self.PcdReport, self.PredictionReport, self.DepexParser, ReportType)
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
2010-03-12 11:54:01 +01:00
if not self._IsModuleBuild:
if "EXECUTION_ORDER" in ReportType:
self.PredictionReport.GenerateReport(File, None)
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
## BuildReport class
# This base class contain the routines to collect data and then
# applies certain format to the output report
class BuildReport(object):
# Constructor function for class BuildReport
# This constructor function generates BuildReport object a platform build.
# It generates report for platform summary, flash, global PCDs and detailed
# module information for modules involved in platform build.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param ReportFile The file name to save report file
# @param ReportType The kind of report items in the final report file
def __init__(self, ReportFile, ReportType):
self.ReportFile = ReportFile
if ReportFile:
self.ReportList = []
self.ReportType = []
if ReportType:
for ReportTypeItem in ReportType:
if ReportTypeItem not in self.ReportType:
# Adds platform report to the list
# This function adds a platform report to the final report list.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Wa Workspace context information
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
# @param MaList The list of modules in the platform build
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
def AddPlatformReport(self, Wa, MaList=None):
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
if self.ReportFile:
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
self.ReportList.append((Wa, MaList))
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
# Generates the final report.
# This function generates platform build report. It invokes GenerateReport()
# method for every platform report in the list.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param BuildDuration The total time to build the modules
def GenerateReport(self, BuildDuration):
if self.ReportFile:
2010-05-18 07:04:32 +02:00
File = StringIO('')
2010-03-04 06:29:52 +01:00
for (Wa, MaList) in self.ReportList:
PlatformReport(Wa, MaList, self.ReportType).GenerateReport(File, BuildDuration, self.ReportType)
2012-04-10 09:18:20 +02:00
Content = FileLinesSplit(File.getvalue(), gLineMaxLength)
SaveFileOnChange(self.ReportFile, Content, True)
2010-05-18 07:04:32 +02:00
EdkLogger.quiet("Build report can be found at %s" % os.path.abspath(self.ReportFile))
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
except IOError:
EdkLogger.error(None, FILE_WRITE_FAILURE, ExtraData=self.ReportFile)
EdkLogger.error("BuildReport", CODE_ERROR, "Unknown fatal error when generating build report", ExtraData=self.ReportFile, RaiseError=False)
EdkLogger.quiet("(Python %s on %s\n%s)" % (platform.python_version(), sys.platform, traceback.format_exc()))
2010-03-12 11:54:01 +01:00
2010-03-01 00:39:39 +01:00
# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another script.
if __name__ == '__main__':