2015-04-29 04:42:58 +02:00
/** @file
UfsPassThruDxe driver is used to produce EFI_EXT_SCSI_PASS_THRU protocol interface
for upper layer application to execute UFS-supported SCSI cmds.
2018-06-27 15:08:52 +02:00
Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
2019-04-04 01:05:13 +02:00
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
2015-04-29 04:42:58 +02:00
// Host Capabilities Register Offsets
#define UFS_HC_CAP_OFFSET 0x0000 // Controller Capabilities
#define UFS_HC_VER_OFFSET 0x0008 // Version
#define UFS_HC_DDID_OFFSET 0x0010 // Device ID and Device Class
#define UFS_HC_PMID_OFFSET 0x0014 // Product ID and Manufacturer ID
#define UFS_HC_AHIT_OFFSET 0x0018 // Auto-Hibernate Idle Timer
// Operation and Runtime Register Offsets
#define UFS_HC_IS_OFFSET 0x0020 // Interrupt Status
#define UFS_HC_IE_OFFSET 0x0024 // Interrupt Enable
#define UFS_HC_STATUS_OFFSET 0x0030 // Host Controller Status
#define UFS_HC_ENABLE_OFFSET 0x0034 // Host Controller Enable
#define UFS_HC_UECPA_OFFSET 0x0038 // Host UIC Error Code PHY Adapter Layer
#define UFS_HC_UECDL_OFFSET 0x003c // Host UIC Error Code Data Link Layer
#define UFS_HC_UECN_OFFSET 0x0040 // Host UIC Error Code Network Layer
#define UFS_HC_UECT_OFFSET 0x0044 // Host UIC Error Code Transport Layer
#define UFS_HC_UECDME_OFFSET 0x0048 // Host UIC Error Code DME
#define UFS_HC_UTRIACR_OFFSET 0x004c // UTP Transfer Request Interrupt Aggregation Control Register
// UTP Transfer Register Offsets
#define UFS_HC_UTRLBA_OFFSET 0x0050 // UTP Transfer Request List Base Address
#define UFS_HC_UTRLBAU_OFFSET 0x0054 // UTP Transfer Request List Base Address Upper 32-Bits
#define UFS_HC_UTRLDBR_OFFSET 0x0058 // UTP Transfer Request List Door Bell Register
#define UFS_HC_UTRLCLR_OFFSET 0x005c // UTP Transfer Request List CLear Register
#define UFS_HC_UTRLRSR_OFFSET 0x0060 // UTP Transfer Request Run-Stop Register
// UTP Task Management Register Offsets
#define UFS_HC_UTMRLBA_OFFSET 0x0070 // UTP Task Management Request List Base Address
#define UFS_HC_UTMRLBAU_OFFSET 0x0074 // UTP Task Management Request List Base Address Upper 32-Bits
#define UFS_HC_UTMRLDBR_OFFSET 0x0078 // UTP Task Management Request List Door Bell Register
#define UFS_HC_UTMRLCLR_OFFSET 0x007c // UTP Task Management Request List CLear Register
#define UFS_HC_UTMRLRSR_OFFSET 0x0080 // UTP Task Management Run-Stop Register
// UIC Command Register Offsets
#define UFS_HC_UIC_CMD_OFFSET 0x0090 // UIC Command Register
#define UFS_HC_UCMD_ARG1_OFFSET 0x0094 // UIC Command Argument 1
#define UFS_HC_UCMD_ARG2_OFFSET 0x0098 // UIC Command Argument 2
#define UFS_HC_UCMD_ARG3_OFFSET 0x009c // UIC Command Argument 3
// UMA Register Offsets
#define UFS_HC_UMA_OFFSET 0x00b0 // Reserved for Unified Memory Extension
#define UFS_HC_HCE_EN BIT0
#define UFS_HC_HCS_DP BIT0
#define UFS_HC_IS_UCCS BIT10
#define UFS_HC_CAP_64ADDR BIT24
#define UFS_HC_CAP_NUTMRS (BIT16 | BIT17 | BIT18)
#define UFS_HC_CAP_NUTRS (BIT0 | BIT1 | BIT2 | BIT3 | BIT4)
2017-01-16 13:22:57 +01:00
// The initial value of the OCS field of UTP TRD or TMRD descriptor
// defined in JEDEC JESD223 specification
2015-04-29 04:42:58 +02:00
// A maximum of length of 256KB is supported by PRDT entry
#define UFS_MAX_DATA_LEN_PER_PRD 0x40000
#define UFS_LUN_0 0x00
#define UFS_LUN_1 0x01
#define UFS_LUN_2 0x02
#define UFS_LUN_3 0x03
#define UFS_LUN_4 0x04
#define UFS_LUN_5 0x05
#define UFS_LUN_6 0x06
#define UFS_LUN_7 0x07
#define UFS_WLUN_UFS_DEV 0xD0
#define UFS_WLUN_BOOT 0xB0
#define UFS_WLUN_RPMB 0xC4
#pragma pack(1)
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.2.1 Offset 00h: CAP - Controller Capabilities
typedef struct {
UINT8 Nutrs : 4; // Number of UTP Transfer Request Slots
UINT8 Rsvd1 : 4;
UINT8 NoRtt; // Number of outstanding READY TO TRANSFER (RTT) requests supported
UINT8 Nutmrs : 3; // Number of UTP Task Management Request Slots
UINT8 Rsvd2 : 4;
UINT8 AutoHs : 1; // Auto-Hibernation Support
UINT8 As64 : 1; // 64-bit addressing supported
UINT8 Oodds : 1; // Out of order data delivery supported
UINT8 UicDmetms : 1; // UIC DME_TEST_MODE command supported
UINT8 Ume : 1; // Reserved for Unified Memory Extension
UINT8 Rsvd4 : 4;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.2.2 Offset 08h: VER - UFS Version
typedef struct {
UINT8 Vs : 4; // Version Suffix
UINT8 Mnr : 4; // Minor version number
UINT8 Mjr; // Major version number
UINT16 Rsvd1;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.2.3 Offset 10h: HCPID - Host Controller Product ID
#define UFS_HC_PID UINT32
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.2.4 Offset 14h: HCMID - Host Controller Manufacturer ID
#define UFS_HC_MID UINT32
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.2.5 Offset 18h: AHIT - Auto-Hibernate Idle Timer
typedef struct {
2018-06-27 15:08:52 +02:00
UINT32 Ahitv : 10; // Auto-Hibernate Idle Timer Value
2015-04-29 04:42:58 +02:00
UINT32 Ts : 3; // Timer scale
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 19;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.1 Offset 20h: IS - Interrupt Status
typedef struct {
UINT16 Utrcs : 1; // UTP Transfer Request Completion Status
UINT16 Udepri : 1; // UIC DME_ENDPOINT_RESET Indication
UINT16 Ue : 1; // UIC Error
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UINT16 Utms : 1; // UIC Test Mode Status
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2018-06-27 15:08:52 +02:00
UINT16 Upms : 1; // UIC Power Mode Status
UINT16 Uhxs : 1; // UIC Hibernate Exit Status
UINT16 Uhes : 1; // UIC Hibernate Enter Status
UINT16 Ulls : 1; // UIC Link Lost Status
2021-12-05 23:54:02 +01:00
2018-06-27 15:08:52 +02:00
UINT16 Ulss : 1; // UIC Link Startup Status
UINT16 Utmrcs : 1; // UTP Task Management Request Completion Status
UINT16 Uccs : 1; // UIC Command Completion Status
UINT16 Dfes : 1; // Device Fatal Error Status
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2018-06-27 15:08:52 +02:00
UINT16 Utpes : 1; // UTP Error Status
2015-04-29 04:42:58 +02:00
UINT16 Rsvd1 : 3;
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2015-04-29 04:42:58 +02:00
UINT16 Hcfes : 1; // Host Controller Fatal Error Status
UINT16 Sbfes : 1; // System Bus Fatal Error Status
UINT16 Rsvd2 : 14;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.2 Offset 24h: IE - Interrupt Enable
typedef struct {
UINT16 Utrce : 1; // UTP Transfer Request Completion Enable
UINT16 Udeprie : 1; // UIC DME_ENDPOINT_RESET Enable
UINT16 Uee : 1; // UIC Error Enable
UINT16 Utmse : 1; // UIC Test Mode Status Enable
2021-12-05 23:54:02 +01:00
2018-06-27 15:08:52 +02:00
UINT16 Upmse : 1; // UIC Power Mode Status Enable
2015-04-29 04:42:58 +02:00
UINT16 Uhxse : 1; // UIC Hibernate Exit Status Enable
2018-06-27 15:08:52 +02:00
UINT16 Uhese : 1; // UIC Hibernate Enter Status Enable
2015-04-29 04:42:58 +02:00
UINT16 Ullse : 1; // UIC Link Lost Status Enable
2021-12-05 23:54:02 +01:00
2015-04-29 04:42:58 +02:00
UINT16 Ulsse : 1; // UIC Link Startup Status Enable
UINT16 Utmrce : 1; // UTP Task Management Request Completion Enable
UINT16 Ucce : 1; // UIC Command Completion Enable
UINT16 Dfee : 1; // Device Fatal Error Enable
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2015-04-29 04:42:58 +02:00
UINT16 Utpee : 1; // UTP Error Enable
UINT16 Rsvd1 : 3;
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UINT16 Hcfee : 1; // Host Controller Fatal Error Enable
UINT16 Sbfee : 1; // System Bus Fatal Error Enable
UINT16 Rsvd2 : 14;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.3 Offset 30h: HCS - Host Controller Status
typedef struct {
UINT8 Dp : 1; // Device Present
UINT8 UtrlRdy : 1; // UTP Transfer Request List Ready
UINT8 UtmrlRdy : 1; // UTP Task Management Request List Ready
UINT8 UcRdy : 1; // UIC COMMAND Ready
UINT8 Rsvd1 : 4;
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2015-04-29 04:42:58 +02:00
UINT8 Upmcrs : 3; // UIC Power Mode Change Request Status
UINT8 Rsvd2 : 1; // UIC Hibernate Exit Status Enable
UINT8 Utpec : 4; // UTP Error Code
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UINT8 TtagUtpE; // Task Tag of UTP error
UINT8 TlunUtpE; // Target LUN of UTP error
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.4 Offset 34h: HCE - Host Controller Enable
typedef struct {
UINT32 Hce : 1; // Host Controller Enable
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 31;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.5 Offset 38h: UECPA - Host UIC Error Code PHY Adapter Layer
typedef struct {
UINT32 Ec : 5; // UIC PHY Adapter Layer Error Code
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 26;
UINT32 Err : 1; // UIC PHY Adapter Layer Error
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.6 Offset 3ch: UECDL - Host UIC Error Code Data Link Layer
typedef struct {
UINT32 Ec : 15; // UIC Data Link Layer Error Code
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 16;
UINT32 Err : 1; // UIC Data Link Layer Error
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.7 Offset 40h: UECN - Host UIC Error Code Network Layer
typedef struct {
UINT32 Ec : 3; // UIC Network Layer Error Code
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 28;
UINT32 Err : 1; // UIC Network Layer Error
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.8 Offset 44h: UECT - Host UIC Error Code Transport Layer
typedef struct {
UINT32 Ec : 7; // UIC Transport Layer Error Code
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 24;
UINT32 Err : 1; // UIC Transport Layer Error
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.9 Offset 48h: UECDME - Host UIC Error Code
typedef struct {
UINT32 Ec : 1; // UIC DME Error Code
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 30;
UINT32 Err : 1; // UIC DME Error
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.10 Offset 4Ch: UTRIACR - UTP Transfer Request Interrupt Aggregation Control Register
typedef struct {
UINT8 IaToVal; // Interrupt aggregation timeout value
UINT8 IacTh : 5; // Interrupt aggregation counter threshold
UINT8 Rsvd1 : 3;
UINT8 Ctr : 1; // Counter and Timer Reset
UINT8 Rsvd2 : 3;
UINT8 Iasb : 1; // Interrupt aggregation status bit
UINT8 Rsvd3 : 3;
UINT8 IapwEn : 1; // Interrupt aggregation parameter write enable
UINT8 Rsvd4 : 6;
UINT8 IaEn : 1; // Interrupt Aggregation Enable/Disable
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.4.1 Offset 50h: UTRLBA - UTP Transfer Request List Base Address
typedef struct {
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 10;
UINT32 UtrlBa : 22; // UTP Transfer Request List Base Address
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.4.2 Offset 54h: UTRLBAU - UTP Transfer Request List Base Address Upper 32-bits
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.4.3 Offset 58h: UTRLDBR - UTP Transfer Request List Door Bell Register
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.4.4 Offset 5Ch: UTRLCLR - UTP Transfer Request List CLear Register
#if 0
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.4.5 Offset 60h: UTRLRSR - UTP Transfer Request List Run Stop Register
typedef struct {
UINT32 UtrlRsr : 1; // UTP Transfer Request List Run-Stop Register
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 31;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.5.1 Offset 70h: UTMRLBA - UTP Task Management Request List Base Address
typedef struct {
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 10;
UINT32 UtmrlBa : 22; // UTP Task Management Request List Base Address
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.5.2 Offset 74h: UTMRLBAU - UTP Task Management Request List Base Address Upper 32-bits
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.5.3 Offset 78h: UTMRLDBR - UTP Task Management Request List Door Bell Register
typedef struct {
UINT32 UtmrlDbr : 8; // UTP Task Management Request List Door bell Register
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 24;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.5.4 Offset 7Ch: UTMRLCLR - UTP Task Management Request List CLear Register
typedef struct {
UINT32 UtmrlClr : 8; // UTP Task Management List Clear Register
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 24;
#if 0
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.5.5 Offset 80h: UTMRLRSR - UTP Task Management Request List Run Stop Register
typedef struct {
UINT32 UtmrlRsr : 1; // UTP Task Management Request List Run-Stop Register
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 31;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.6.1 Offset 90h: UICCMD - UIC Command
typedef struct {
UINT32 CmdOp : 8; // Command Opcode
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 24;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.6.2 Offset 94h: UICCMDARG1 - UIC Command Argument 1
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.6.2 Offset 98h: UICCMDARG2 - UIC Command Argument 2
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.6.2 Offset 9ch: UICCMDARG3 - UIC Command Argument 3
// UIC command opcodes
typedef enum {
UfsUicDmeGet = 0x01,
UfsUicDmeSet = 0x02,
UfsUicDmePeerGet = 0x03,
UfsUicDmePeerSet = 0x04,
UfsUicDmePwrOn = 0x10,
UfsUicDmePwrOff = 0x11,
UfsUicDmeEnable = 0x12,
UfsUicDmeReset = 0x14,
UfsUicDmeEndpointReset = 0x15,
UfsUicDmeLinkStartup = 0x16,
UfsUicDmeHibernateEnter = 0x17,
UfsUicDmeHibernateExit = 0x18,
UfsUicDmeTestMode = 0x1A
// UTP Transfer Request Descriptor
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 24;
UINT32 Int : 1; /* Interrupt */
UINT32 Dd : 2; /* Data Direction */
UINT32 Rsvd2 : 1;
UINT32 Ct : 4; /* Command Type */
// DW1
UINT32 Rsvd3;
// DW2
UINT32 Ocs : 8; /* Overall Command Status */
UINT32 Rsvd4 : 24;
// DW3
UINT32 Rsvd5;
// DW4
UINT32 Rsvd6 : 7;
UINT32 UcdBa : 25; /* UTP Command Descriptor Base Address */
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// DW5
UINT32 UcdBaU; /* UTP Command Descriptor Base Address Upper 32-bits */
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// DW6
2018-06-27 15:08:52 +02:00
UINT16 RuL; /* Response UPIU Length */
2015-04-29 04:42:58 +02:00
UINT16 RuO; /* Response UPIU Offset */
// DW7
2018-06-27 15:08:52 +02:00
UINT16 PrdtL; /* PRDT Length */
2015-04-29 04:42:58 +02:00
UINT16 PrdtO; /* PRDT Offset */
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 2;
UINT32 DbAddr : 30; /* Data Base Address */
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// DW1
UINT32 DbAddrU; /* Data Base Address Upper 32-bits */
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// DW2
UINT32 Rsvd2;
// DW3
UINT32 DbCount : 18; /* Data Byte Count */
UINT32 Rsvd3 : 14;
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.3 - UTP Command UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode : 6; /* Transaction Type - 0x01*/
UINT8 Dd : 1;
UINT8 Hd : 1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Lun;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 CmdSet : 4; /* Command Set Type */
UINT8 Rsvd1 : 4;
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT8 Rsvd3;
UINT8 Rsvd4;
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd5;
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian - 0x0000 */
// DW3
UINT32 ExpDataTranLen; /* Expected Data Transfer Length - Big Endian */
// DW4 - DW7
UINT8 Cdb[16];
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.4 - UTP Response UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode : 6; /* Transaction Type - 0x21*/
UINT8 Dd : 1;
UINT8 Hd : 1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Lun;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 CmdSet : 4; /* Command Set Type */
UINT8 Rsvd1 : 4;
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT8 Response; /* Response */
UINT8 Status; /* Status */
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 DevInfo; /* Device Information */
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian */
// DW3
UINT32 ResTranCount; /* Residual Transfer Count - Big Endian */
// DW4 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd3[16];
// Data Segment - Sense Data
UINT16 SenseDataLen; /* Sense Data Length - Big Endian */
UINT8 SenseData[18]; /* Sense Data */
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.5 - UTP Data-Out UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode : 6; /* Transaction Type - 0x02*/
UINT8 Dd : 1;
UINT8 Hd : 1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Lun;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd1[4];
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian */
// DW3
UINT32 DataBufOffset; /* Data Buffer Offset - Big Endian */
// DW4
UINT32 DataTranCount; /* Data Transfer Count - Big Endian */
// DW5 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd3[12];
// Data Segment - Data to be sent out
// UINT8 Data[]; /* Data to be sent out, maximum is 65535 bytes */
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.6 - UTP Data-In UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode : 6; /* Transaction Type - 0x22*/
UINT8 Dd : 1;
UINT8 Hd : 1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Lun;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd1[4];
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian */
// DW3
UINT32 DataBufOffset; /* Data Buffer Offset - Big Endian */
// DW4
UINT32 DataTranCount; /* Data Transfer Count - Big Endian */
// DW5 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd3[12];
// Data Segment - Data to be read
// UINT8 Data[]; /* Data to be read, maximum is 65535 bytes */
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.7 - UTP Ready-To-Transfer UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode : 6; /* Transaction Type - 0x31*/
UINT8 Dd : 1;
UINT8 Hd : 1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Lun;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd1[4];
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian - 0x0000 */
// DW3
UINT32 DataBufOffset; /* Data Buffer Offset - Big Endian */
// DW4
UINT32 DataTranCount; /* Data Transfer Count - Big Endian */
// DW5 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd3[12];
// Data Segment - Data to be read
// UINT8 Data[]; /* Data to be read, maximum is 65535 bytes */
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.8 - UTP Task Management Request UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode : 6; /* Transaction Type - 0x04*/
UINT8 Dd : 1;
UINT8 Hd : 1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Lun;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT8 TskManFunc; /* Task Management Function */
UINT8 Rsvd2[2];
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd3;
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian - 0x0000 */
// DW3
UINT32 InputParam1; /* Input Parameter 1 - Big Endian */
// DW4
UINT32 InputParam2; /* Input Parameter 2 - Big Endian */
// DW5
UINT32 InputParam3; /* Input Parameter 3 - Big Endian */
// DW6 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd4[8];
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.9 - UTP Task Management Response UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode : 6; /* Transaction Type - 0x24*/
UINT8 Dd : 1;
UINT8 Hd : 1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Lun;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd1[2];
UINT8 Resp; /* Response */
UINT8 Rsvd2;
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd3;
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian - 0x0000 */
// DW3
UINT32 OutputParam1; /* Output Parameter 1 - Big Endian */
// DW4
UINT32 OutputParam2; /* Output Parameter 2 - Big Endian */
// DW5 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd4[12];
// UTP Task Management Request Descriptor
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT32 Rsvd1 : 24;
UINT32 Int : 1; /* Interrupt */
UINT32 Rsvd2 : 7;
// DW1
UINT32 Rsvd3;
// DW2
UINT32 Ocs : 8; /* Overall Command Status */
UINT32 Rsvd4 : 24;
// DW3
UINT32 Rsvd5;
// DW4 - DW11
UTP_TM_REQ_UPIU TmReq; /* Task Management Request UPIU */
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// DW12 - DW19
UTP_TM_RESP_UPIU TmResp; /* Task Management Response UPIU */
typedef struct {
UINT8 Opcode;
UINT8 DescId;
UINT8 Index;
UINT8 Selector;
UINT16 Rsvd1;
UINT16 Length;
UINT32 Value;
UINT32 Rsvd2;
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.10 - UTP Query Request UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode : 6; /* Transaction Type - 0x16*/
UINT8 Dd : 1;
UINT8 Hd : 1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT8 QueryFunc; /* Query Function */
UINT8 Rsvd3[2];
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd4;
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian */
// DW3 - 6
UTP_UPIU_TSF Tsf; /* Transaction Specific Fields */
// DW7
UINT8 Rsvd5[4];
// Data Segment - Data to be transferred
// UINT8 Data[]; /* Data to be transferred, maximum is 65535 bytes */
typedef enum {
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeNop = 0x00,
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeRdDesc = 0x01,
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeWrDesc = 0x02,
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeRdAttr = 0x03,
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeWrAttr = 0x04,
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeRdFlag = 0x05,
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeSetFlag = 0x06,
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeClrFlag = 0x07,
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeTogFlag = 0x08
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.11 - UTP Query Response UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode : 6; /* Transaction Type - 0x36*/
UINT8 Dd : 1;
UINT8 Hd : 1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT8 QueryFunc; /* Query Function */
UINT8 QueryResp; /* Query Response */
UINT8 Rsvd3;
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 DevInfo; /* Device Information */
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian */
// DW3 - 6
UTP_UPIU_TSF Tsf; /* Transaction Specific Fields */
// DW7
UINT8 Rsvd4[4];
// Data Segment - Data to be transferred
// UINT8 Data[]; /* Data to be transferred, maximum is 65535 bytes */
typedef enum {
UfsUtpQueryResponseSuccess = 0x00,
UfsUtpQueryResponseParamNotReadable = 0xF6,
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UfsUtpQueryResponseParamNotWriteable = 0xF7,
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UfsUtpQueryResponseParamAlreadyWritten = 0xF8,
UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidLen = 0xF9,
UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidVal = 0xFA,
UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidSelector = 0xFB,
UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidIndex = 0xFC,
UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidIdn = 0xFD,
UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidOpc = 0xFE,
UfsUtpQueryResponseGeneralFailure = 0xFF
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.12 - UTP Reject UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode : 6; /* Transaction Type - 0x3F*/
UINT8 Dd : 1;
UINT8 Hd : 1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Lun;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd1[2];
UINT8 Response; /* Response - 0x01 */
UINT8 Rsvd2;
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 DevInfo; /* Device Information - 0x00 */
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian - 0x0000 */
// DW3
UINT8 HdrSts; /* Basic Header Status */
UINT8 Rsvd3;
UINT8 E2ESts; /* End-to-End Status */
UINT8 Rsvd4;
// DW4 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd5[16];
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.13 - UTP NOP OUT UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode : 6; /* Transaction Type - 0x00*/
UINT8 Dd : 1;
UINT8 Hd : 1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd2[4];
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd3;
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian - 0x0000 */
// DW3 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd4[20];
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.14 - UTP NOP IN UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode : 6; /* Transaction Type - 0x20*/
UINT8 Dd : 1;
UINT8 Hd : 1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd2[2];
UINT8 Resp; /* Response - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd3;
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 DevInfo; /* Device Information - 0x00 */
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian - 0x0000 */
// DW3 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd4[20];
// UFS Descriptors
typedef enum {
UfsDeviceDesc = 0x00,
UfsConfigDesc = 0x01,
UfsUnitDesc = 0x02,
UfsInterConnDesc = 0x04,
UfsStringDesc = 0x05,
UfsGeometryDesc = 0x07,
UfsPowerDesc = 0x08
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section - Device Descriptor
typedef struct {
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 DescType;
UINT8 Device;
UINT8 DevClass;
UINT8 DevSubClass;
UINT8 Protocol;
UINT8 NumLun;
UINT8 NumWLun;
UINT8 BootEn;
UINT8 DescAccessEn;
UINT8 InitPowerMode;
UINT8 HighPriorityLun;
UINT8 SecureRemovalType;
UINT8 SecurityLun;
UINT8 BgOpsTermLat;
UINT8 InitActiveIccLevel;
UINT16 SpecVersion;
UINT16 ManufactureDate;
UINT8 ManufacturerName;
UINT8 ProductName;
UINT8 SerialName;
UINT8 OemId;
UINT16 ManufacturerId;
UINT8 Ud0BaseOffset;
UINT8 Ud0ConfParamLen;
UINT8 DevRttCap;
UINT16 PeriodicRtcUpdate;
UINT8 Rsvd1[17];
UINT8 Rsvd2[16];
typedef struct {
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 DescType;
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT8 BootEn;
UINT8 DescAccessEn;
UINT8 InitPowerMode;
UINT8 HighPriorityLun;
UINT8 SecureRemovalType;
UINT8 InitActiveIccLevel;
UINT16 PeriodicRtcUpdate;
UINT8 Rsvd2[5];
typedef struct {
UINT8 LunEn;
UINT8 BootLunId;
UINT8 LunWriteProt;
UINT8 MemType;
UINT32 NumAllocUnits;
UINT8 DataReliability;
UINT8 LogicBlkSize;
UINT8 ProvisionType;
UINT16 CtxCap;
UINT8 Rsvd1[3];
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section - Configuration Descriptor
typedef struct {
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section - Geometry Descriptor
typedef struct {
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 DescType;
UINT8 MediaTech;
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT64 TotalRawDevCapacity;
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT32 SegSize;
UINT8 AllocUnitSize;
UINT8 MinAddrBlkSize;
UINT8 OptReadBlkSize;
UINT8 OptWriteBlkSize;
UINT8 MaxInBufSize;
UINT8 MaxOutBufSize;
UINT8 RpmbRwSize;
UINT8 Rsvd3;
UINT8 DataOrder;
UINT8 MaxCtxIdNum;
UINT8 SysDataTagUnitSize;
UINT8 SysDataResUnitSize;
UINT8 SupSecRemovalTypes;
UINT16 SupMemTypes;
UINT32 SysCodeMaxNumAllocUnits;
UINT16 SupCodeCapAdjFac;
UINT32 NonPersMaxNumAllocUnits;
UINT16 NonPersCapAdjFac;
UINT32 Enhance1MaxNumAllocUnits;
UINT16 Enhance1CapAdjFac;
UINT32 Enhance2MaxNumAllocUnits;
UINT16 Enhance2CapAdjFac;
UINT32 Enhance3MaxNumAllocUnits;
UINT16 Enhance3CapAdjFac;
UINT32 Enhance4MaxNumAllocUnits;
UINT16 Enhance4CapAdjFac;
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section - Unit Descriptor
typedef struct {
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 DescType;
UINT8 UnitIdx;
UINT8 LunEn;
UINT8 BootLunId;
UINT8 LunWriteProt;
UINT8 LunQueueDep;
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT8 MemType;
UINT8 DataReliability;
UINT8 LogicBlkSize;
UINT64 LogicBlkCount;
UINT32 EraseBlkSize;
UINT8 ProvisionType;
UINT64 PhyMemResCount;
UINT16 CtxCap;
UINT8 LargeUnitGranularity;
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section - RPMB Unit Descriptor
typedef struct {
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 DescType;
UINT8 UnitIdx;
UINT8 LunEn;
UINT8 BootLunId;
UINT8 LunWriteProt;
UINT8 LunQueueDep;
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT8 MemType;
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT8 LogicBlkSize;
UINT64 LogicBlkCount;
UINT32 EraseBlkSize;
UINT8 ProvisionType;
UINT64 PhyMemResCount;
UINT8 Rsvd3[3];
typedef struct {
UINT16 Value : 10;
UINT16 Rsvd1 : 4;
UINT16 Unit : 2;
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section - Power Parameter Descriptor
typedef struct {
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 DescType;
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section - InterConnect Descriptor
typedef struct {
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 DescType;
UINT16 UniProVer;
UINT16 MphyVer;
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section - - String Descriptor
typedef struct {
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 DescType;
CHAR16 Unicode[126];
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 14.2 - Flags
typedef enum {
UfsFlagDevInit = 0x01,
UfsFlagPermWpEn = 0x02,
UfsFlagPowerOnWpEn = 0x03,
UfsFlagBgOpsEn = 0x04,
UfsFlagPurgeEn = 0x06,
UfsFlagPhyResRemoval = 0x08,
UfsFlagBusyRtc = 0x09,
2018-06-27 15:08:52 +02:00
UfsFlagPermDisFwUpdate = 0x0B
2015-04-29 04:42:58 +02:00
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 14.2 - Attributes
typedef enum {
UfsAttrBootLunEn = 0x00,
UfsAttrCurPowerMode = 0x02,
UfsAttrActiveIccLevel = 0x03,
UfsAttrOutOfOrderDataEn = 0x04,
UfsAttrBgOpStatus = 0x05,
UfsAttrPurgeStatus = 0x06,
UfsAttrMaxDataInSize = 0x07,
UfsAttrMaxDataOutSize = 0x08,
UfsAttrDynCapNeeded = 0x09,
UfsAttrRefClkFreq = 0x0a,
UfsAttrConfigDescLock = 0x0b,
UfsAttrMaxNumOfRtt = 0x0c,
UfsAttrExceptionEvtCtrl = 0x0d,
UfsAttrExceptionEvtSts = 0x0e,
UfsAttrSecondsPassed = 0x0f,
UfsAttrContextConf = 0x10,
UfsAttrCorrPrgBlkNum = 0x11
typedef enum {
UfsNoData = 0,
UfsDataOut = 1,
UfsDataIn = 2,
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