2011-08-26 09:46:26 +02:00
## @file
# This file is used to parse a xml file of .PKG file
# Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
# Import Modules
import re
from Library.Xml.XmlRoutines import XmlNode
from Library.Xml.XmlRoutines import CreateXmlElement
from Library.Xml.XmlRoutines import XmlList
from Library.Xml.XmlRoutines import XmlParseFile
from Core.DistributionPackageClass import DistributionPackageClass
from Object.POM.ModuleObject import DepexObject
from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidInfMoudleType
from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidInstallPath
from Library.Misc import IsEqualList
from Library.Misc import Sdict
from Logger.StringTable import ERR_XML_INVALID_VARIABLENAME
from Logger.StringTable import ERR_XML_INVALID_LIB_SUPMODLIST
from Logger.StringTable import ERR_XML_INVALID_EXTERN_SUPMODLIST
from Logger.StringTable import ERR_FILE_NAME_INVALIDE
from Logger.StringTable import ERR_XML_INVALID_BINARY_FILE_TYPE
from Logger.ToolError import PARSER_ERROR
from Logger.ToolError import FORMAT_INVALID
from Xml.CommonXml import DistributionPackageHeaderXml
from Xml.CommonXml import MiscellaneousFileXml
from Xml.CommonXml import UserExtensionsXml
from Xml.XmlParserMisc import ConvertVariableName
from Xml.XmlParserMisc import IsRequiredItemListNull
from Xml.ModuleSurfaceAreaXml import ModuleSurfaceAreaXml
from Xml.PackageSurfaceAreaXml import PackageSurfaceAreaXml
import Logger.Log as Logger
# DistributionPackageXml
class DistributionPackageXml(object):
def __init__(self):
self.DistP = DistributionPackageClass()
self.Pkg = ''
## ValidateDistributionPackage
# Check if any required item is missing in DistributionPackage
def ValidateDistributionPackage(self):
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage']
if self.DistP:
# Check DistributionPackage -> DistributionHeader
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', '']
CheckDict = {'DistributionHeader':self.DistP.Header }
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
if self.DistP.Header:
DpHeader = self.DistP.Header
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'DistributionHeader']
CheckDict = Sdict()
CheckDict['Name'] = DpHeader.GetName()
CheckDict['GUID'] = DpHeader.GetGuid()
CheckDict['Version'] = DpHeader.GetVersion()
CheckDict['Copyright'] = DpHeader.GetCopyright()
CheckDict['License'] = DpHeader.GetLicense()
CheckDict['Abstract'] = DpHeader.GetAbstract()
CheckDict['Vendor'] = DpHeader.GetVendor()
CheckDict['Date'] = DpHeader.GetDate()
CheckDict['XmlSpecification'] = DpHeader.GetXmlSpecification()
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'DistributionHeader']
CheckDict = CheckDict = {'DistributionHeader':'', }
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check Each Package
for Key in self.DistP.PackageSurfaceArea:
# Check Each Module
for Key in self.DistP.ModuleSurfaceArea:
ValidateMS(self.DistP.ModuleSurfaceArea[Key], ['DistributionPackage', 'ModuleSurfaceArea'])
# Check Each Tool
if self.DistP.Tools:
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'Tools', 'Header']
CheckDict = {'Name':self.DistP.Tools.GetName(), }
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
if not self.DistP.Tools.GetFileList():
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'Tools']
CheckDict = {'FileName':None, }
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
for Item in self.DistP.Tools.GetFileList():
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'Tools']
CheckDict = {'FileName':Item.GetURI(), }
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check Each Misc File
if self.DistP.MiscellaneousFiles:
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'MiscellaneousFiles', 'Header']
CheckDict = {'Name':self.DistP.MiscellaneousFiles.GetName(), }
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
if not self.DistP.MiscellaneousFiles.GetFileList():
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'MiscellaneousFiles']
CheckDict = {'FileName':None, }
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
for Item in self.DistP.MiscellaneousFiles.GetFileList():
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'MiscellaneousFiles']
CheckDict = {'FileName':Item.GetURI(), }
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check Each Distribution Level User Extension
for Item in self.DistP.UserExtensions:
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'UserExtensions']
CheckDict = {'UserId':Item.GetUserID(), }
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
def FromXml(self, Filename=None):
if Filename != None:
self.DistP = DistributionPackageClass()
# Load to XML
self.Pkg = XmlParseFile(Filename)
# Parse Header information
Tmp = DistributionPackageHeaderXml()
DistributionPackageHeader = \
Tmp.FromXml(XmlNode(self.Pkg, '/DistributionPackage/DistributionHeader'), 'DistributionHeader')
self.DistP.Header = DistributionPackageHeader
# Parse each PackageSurfaceArea
for Item in XmlList(self.Pkg, '/DistributionPackage/PackageSurfaceArea'):
Psa = PackageSurfaceAreaXml()
Package = Psa.FromXml(Item, 'PackageSurfaceArea')
self.DistP.PackageSurfaceArea[(Package.GetGuid(), \
Package.GetVersion(), \
Package.GetPackagePath())] = \
# Parse each ModuleSurfaceArea
for Item in XmlList(self.Pkg, '/DistributionPackage/ModuleSurfaceArea'):
Msa = ModuleSurfaceAreaXml()
Module = Msa.FromXml(Item, 'ModuleSurfaceArea', True)
2011-12-07 07:19:28 +01:00
ModuleKey = (Module.GetGuid(), Module.GetVersion(), Module.GetName(), Module.GetModulePath())
self.DistP.ModuleSurfaceArea[ModuleKey] = Module
2011-08-26 09:46:26 +02:00
# Parse Tools
Tmp = MiscellaneousFileXml()
self.DistP.Tools = Tmp.FromXml2(XmlNode(self.Pkg, '/DistributionPackage/Tools'), 'Tools')
# Parse MiscFiles
Tmp = MiscellaneousFileXml()
self.DistP.MiscellaneousFiles = \
Tmp.FromXml2(XmlNode(self.Pkg, \
'/DistributionPackage/MiscellaneousFiles'), \
# Parse UserExtensions
for Item in XmlList(self.Pkg, '/DistributionPackage/UserExtensions'):
Tmp = UserExtensionsXml()
self.DistP.UserExtensions.append(Tmp.FromXml2(Item, 'UserExtensions'))
# Check Required Items for XML
return self.DistP
def ToXml(self, DistP):
if self.DistP:
if DistP != None:
# Parse DistributionPackageHeader
Attrs = [['xmlns', 'http://www.uefi.org/2011/1.1'],
['xmlns:xsi', 'http:/www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'],
Root = CreateXmlElement('DistributionPackage', '', [], Attrs)
Tmp = DistributionPackageHeaderXml()
Root.appendChild(Tmp.ToXml(DistP.Header, 'DistributionHeader'))
# Parse each PackageSurfaceArea
for Package in DistP.PackageSurfaceArea.values():
Psa = PackageSurfaceAreaXml()
DomPackage = Psa.ToXml(Package)
# Parse each ModuleSurfaceArea
for Module in DistP.ModuleSurfaceArea.values():
Msa = ModuleSurfaceAreaXml()
DomModule = Msa.ToXml(Module)
# Parse Tools
Tmp = MiscellaneousFileXml()
ToolNode = Tmp.ToXml2(DistP.Tools, 'Tools')
if ToolNode is not None:
# Parse MiscFiles
Tmp = MiscellaneousFileXml()
MiscFileNode = Tmp.ToXml2(DistP.MiscellaneousFiles,
if MiscFileNode is not None:
XmlContent = Root.toprettyxml(indent=' ')
# Remove empty element
XmlContent = re.sub(r'[\s\r\n]*<[^<>=]*/>', '', XmlContent)
# Remove empty help text element
XmlContent = re.sub(r'[\s\r\n]*<HelpText Lang="en-US"/>', '',
# Remove SupArchList="COMMON" or "common"
XmlContent = \
'[\s\r\n]*"', '', XmlContent)
XmlContent = \
'[\s\r\n]*"', '', XmlContent)
# Remove <SupArchList> COMMON </SupArchList>
XmlContent = \
'</SupArchList>[\s\r\n]*', '', XmlContent)
# Remove <SupArchList> common </SupArchList>
XmlContent = \
'common[\s\r\n]*</SupArchList>[\s\r\n]*', '', XmlContent)
# Remove SupModList="COMMON" or "common"
XmlContent = \
'[\s\r\n]*"', '', XmlContent)
XmlContent = \
'[\s\r\n]*"', '', XmlContent)
return XmlContent
return ''
## ValidateMS
# Check if any required item is missing in ModuleSurfaceArea
# @param Module: The ModuleSurfaceArea to be checked
# @param XmlTreeLevel: The top level of Module
def ValidateMS(Module, TopXmlTreeLevel):
ValidateMS1(Module, TopXmlTreeLevel)
ValidateMS2(Module, TopXmlTreeLevel)
ValidateMS3(Module, TopXmlTreeLevel)
## ValidateMS1
# Check if any required item is missing in ModuleSurfaceArea
# @param Module: The ModuleSurfaceArea to be checked
# @param XmlTreeLevel: The top level of Module
def ValidateMS1(Module, TopXmlTreeLevel):
# Check Guids -> GuidCName
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['Guids']
for Item in Module.GetGuidList():
if Item == None:
CheckDict = {'GuidCName':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['Guids', 'GuidCName']
for Item in Module.GetGuidList():
CheckDict = {'CName':Item.GetCName(),
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
if Item.GetVariableName():
Result = ConvertVariableName(Item.GetVariableName())
if Result is None:
Msg = "->".join(Node for Node in XmlTreeLevel)
ErrorMsg = ERR_XML_INVALID_VARIABLENAME % (Item.GetVariableName(), Item.GetCName(), Msg)
Logger.Error('\nUPT', PARSER_ERROR, ErrorMsg, RaiseError=True)
# Check Protocols -> Protocol
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['Protocols']
for Item in Module.GetProtocolList():
if Item == None:
CheckDict = {'Protocol':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['Protocols', 'Protocol']
for Item in Module.GetProtocolList():
CheckDict = {'CName':Item.GetCName(),
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check PPIs -> Ppi
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['PPIs']
for Item in Module.GetPpiList():
if Item == None:
CheckDict = {'Ppi':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['PPIs', 'Ppi']
for Item in Module.GetPpiList():
CheckDict = {'CName':Item.GetCName(),
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check PcdCoded -> Entry
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['PcdCoded']
for Item in Module.GetPcdList():
if Item == None:
CheckDict = {'PcdEntry':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['PcdCoded', 'PcdEntry']
for Item in Module.GetPcdList():
CheckDict = {'TokenSpaceGuidCname':Item.GetTokenSpaceGuidCName(),
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check Externs -> Extern
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['Externs']
for Item in Module.GetExternList():
if Item == None:
CheckDict = {'Extern':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# If SupArchList is used to identify different EntryPoint, UnloadImage, Constructor/Destructor elements and
# that SupArchList does not match ModuleSurfaceArea.ModuleProperties:SupArchList, the tool must exit gracefully,
# informing the user that the EDK II Build system does not support different EntryPoint, UnloadImage,
# Constructor or Destructor elements based on Architecture type. Two SupArchList attributes are considered
# identical if it lists the same CPU architectures in any order.
for Item in Module.GetExternList():
if len(Item.SupArchList) > 0:
if not IsEqualList(Item.SupArchList, Module.SupArchList):
ERR_XML_INVALID_EXTERN_SUPARCHLIST % (str(Item.SupArchList), str(Module.SupArchList)),
# Check DistributionPackage -> ModuleSurfaceArea -> UserExtensions
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['UserExtensions']
for Item in Module.GetUserExtensionList():
CheckDict = {'UserId':Item.GetUserID(), 'Identifier':Item.GetIdentifier()}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> MiscellaneousFiles -> Filename
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['MiscellaneousFiles']
for Item in Module.GetMiscFileList():
if not Item.GetFileList():
CheckDict = {'Filename':'', }
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
for File in Item.GetFileList():
CheckDict = {'Filename':File.GetURI(), }
## ValidateMS2
# Check if any required item is missing in ModuleSurfaceArea
# @param Module: The ModuleSurfaceArea to be checked
# @param XmlTreeLevel: The top level of Module
def ValidateMS2(Module, TopXmlTreeLevel):
# Check Header
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['Header']
CheckDict = Sdict()
CheckDict['Name'] = Module.GetName()
CheckDict['BaseName'] = Module.GetBaseName()
CheckDict['GUID'] = Module.GetGuid()
CheckDict['Version'] = Module.GetVersion()
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check ModuleProperties
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['ModuleProperties']
CheckDict = {'ModuleType':Module.GetModuleType(),
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
if not IsValidInstallPath(Module.GetModulePath()):
Logger.Error("UPT", FORMAT_INVALID, ERR_FILE_NAME_INVALIDE % Module.GetModulePath())
# Check ModuleProperties->BootMode
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['ModuleProperties'] + ['BootMode']
for Item in Module.GetBootModeList():
CheckDict = {'Usage':Item.GetUsage(),
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check ModuleProperties->Event
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['ModuleProperties'] + ['Event']
for Item in Module.GetEventList():
CheckDict = {'Usage':Item.GetUsage(),
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check ModuleProperties->Hob
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['ModuleProperties'] + ['HOB']
for Item in Module.GetHobList():
CheckDict = {'Usage':Item.GetUsage(),
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# The UDP Specification supports the module type of UEFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER, which is not present in the EDK II INF
# File Specification v. 1.23, so UPT must perform the following translation that include the generation of a
# [Depex] section.
if Module.ModuleType == "UEFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER":
Module.ModuleType = "DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER"
DxeObj = DepexObject()
DxeObj.SetDepex("gEfiBdsArchProtocolGuid AND \ngEfiCpuArchProtocolGuid AND\n" + \
"gEfiMetronomeArchProtocolGuid AND \ngEfiMonotonicCounterArchProtocolGuid AND\n" + \
"gEfiRealTimeClockArchProtocolGuid AND \ngEfiResetArchProtocolGuid AND\n" + \
"gEfiRuntimeArchProtocolGuid AND \ngEfiSecurityArchProtocolGuid AND\n" + \
"gEfiTimerArchProtocolGuid AND \ngEfiVariableWriteArchProtocolGuid AND\n" + \
"gEfiVariableArchProtocolGuid AND \ngEfiWatchdogTimerArchProtocolGuid")
Module.PeiDepex = []
Module.DxeDepex = []
Module.SmmDepex = []
# Check LibraryClassDefinitions -> LibraryClass
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['LibraryClassDefinitions']
for Item in Module.GetLibraryClassList():
if Item == None:
CheckDict = {'LibraryClass':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['LibraryClassDefinitions', 'LibraryClass']
IsLibraryModule = False
LibrarySupModList = []
for Item in Module.GetLibraryClassList():
CheckDict = {'Keyword':Item.GetLibraryClass(),
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# If the LibraryClass:SupModList is not "UNDEFINED" the LIBRARY_CLASS entry must have the list
# appended using the format:
# LIBRARY_CLASS = <ClassName> ["|" <Edk2ModuleTypeList>]
# Edk2ModuleTypeList ::= <ModuleType> [" " <ModuleType>]{0,}
# <ModuleTypes> ::= {"BASE"} {"SEC"} {"PEI_CORE"} {"PEIM"}
if len(Item.SupModuleList) > 0:
for SupModule in Item.SupModuleList:
if not IsValidInfMoudleType(SupModule):
ERR_XML_INVALID_LIB_SUPMODLIST % (Item.LibraryClass, str(SupModule)),
if Item.Usage == 'PRODUCES' or Item.Usage == 'SOMETIMES_PRODUCES':
IsLibraryModule = True
LibrarySupModList = Item.SupModuleList
# For Library modules (indicated by a LIBRARY_CLASS statement in the [Defines] section)
# If the SupModList attribute of the CONSTRUCTOR or DESTRUCTOR element does not match the Supported Module
# Types listed after "LIBRARY_CLASS = <Keyword> |", the tool should gracefully exit with an error message
# stating that there is a conflict in the module types the CONSTRUCTOR/DESTRUCTOR is to be used with and
# the Module types this Library supports.
if IsLibraryModule:
for Item in Module.GetExternList():
if Item.Constructor or Item.Destructor:
if hasattr(Item, 'SupModList') and len(Item.SupModList) > 0 and \
not IsEqualList(Item.SupModList, LibrarySupModList):
ERR_XML_INVALID_EXTERN_SUPMODLIST % (str(Item.SupModList), str(LibrarySupModList)),
# If the module is not a library module, the MODULE_TYPE listed in the ModuleSurfaceArea.Header must match the
# SupModList attribute. If these conditions cannot be met, the tool must exit gracefully, informing the user
# that the EDK II Build system does not currently support the features required by this Module.
if not IsLibraryModule:
for Item in Module.GetExternList():
if hasattr(Item, 'SupModList') and len(Item.SupModList) > 0 and \
not IsEqualList(Item.SupModList, [Module.ModuleType]):
ERR_XML_INVALID_EXTERN_SUPMODLIST_NOT_LIB % (str(Module.ModuleType), str(Item.SupModList)),
# Check SourceFiles
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['SourceFiles']
for Item in Module.GetSourceFileList():
if Item == None:
CheckDict = {'Filename':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['SourceFiles']
for Item in Module.GetSourceFileList():
CheckDict = {'Filename':Item.GetSourceFile()}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
for ItemCount in range(len(Module.GetBinaryFileList())):
Item = Module.GetBinaryFileList()[ItemCount]
if Item and len(Item.FileNamList) > 0 and Item.FileNamList[0].FileType == 'FREEFORM':
Item.FileNamList[0].FileType = 'SUBTYPE_GUID'
Module.GetBinaryFileList()[ItemCount] = Item
if Item and len(Item.FileNamList) > 0 and Item.FileNamList[0].FileType == 'DISPOSABLE':
## ValidateMS3
# Check if any required item is missing in ModuleSurfaceArea
# @param Module: The ModuleSurfaceArea to be checked
# @param XmlTreeLevel: The top level of Module
def ValidateMS3(Module, TopXmlTreeLevel):
# Check PackageDependencies -> Package
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['PackageDependencies']
for Item in Module.GetPackageDependencyList():
if Item == None:
CheckDict = {'Package':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['PackageDependencies', 'Package']
for Item in Module.GetPackageDependencyList():
CheckDict = {'GUID':Item.GetGuid()}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check BinaryFiles -> BinaryFile
for Item in Module.GetBinaryFileList():
if Item == None:
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['BinaryFiles']
CheckDict = {'BinaryFile':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
if not Item.GetFileNameList():
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['BinaryFiles', 'BinaryFile']
CheckDict = {'Filename':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['BinaryFiles', 'BinaryFile']
for File in Item.GetFileNameList():
CheckDict = {'Filename':File.GetFilename(),
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
for AsBuilt in Item.GetAsBuiltList():
# Check LibInstance
if len(AsBuilt.LibraryInstancesList) == 1 and not AsBuilt.LibraryInstancesList[0]:
CheckDict = {'GUID':''}
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['BinaryFiles', 'BinaryFile', 'AsBuilt', 'LibraryInstances']
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
for LibItem in AsBuilt.LibraryInstancesList:
CheckDict = {'Guid':LibItem.Guid,
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['BinaryFiles', 'BinaryFile', 'AsBuilt', 'LibraryInstances']
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check PatchPcd
for PatchPcdItem in AsBuilt.PatchPcdList:
CheckDict = {'TokenSpaceGuidValue':PatchPcdItem.TokenSpaceGuidValue,
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['BinaryFiles', 'BinaryFile', 'AsBuilt', 'PatchPcdValue']
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check PcdError
for PcdErrorItem in PatchPcdItem.PcdErrorsList:
CheckDict = {'ErrorNumber':PcdErrorItem.ErrorNumber}
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['BinaryFiles', 'BinaryFile', 'AsBuilt',
'PatchPcdValue', 'PcdError']
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check PcdEx
for PcdExItem in AsBuilt.PcdExValueList:
CheckDict = {'TokenSpaceGuidValue':PcdExItem.TokenSpaceGuidValue,
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['BinaryFiles', 'BinaryFile', 'AsBuilt', 'PcdExValue']
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check PcdError
for PcdErrorItem in PcdExItem.PcdErrorsList:
CheckDict = {'ErrorNumber':PcdErrorItem.ErrorNumber}
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['BinaryFiles', 'BinaryFile', 'AsBuilt',
'PcdExValue', 'PcdError']
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check SmmDepex
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['SmmDepex']
for Item in Module.GetSmmDepex():
CheckDict = {'Expression':Item.GetDepex()}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check PeiDepex
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['PeiDepex']
for Item in Module.GetPeiDepex():
CheckDict = {'Expression':Item.GetDepex()}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check DxeDepex
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['DxeDepex']
for Item in Module.GetDxeDepex():
CheckDict = {'Expression':Item.GetDepex()}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check <UserExtensions>
XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['UserExtensions']
for Item in Module.GetUserExtensionList():
CheckDict = {'UserId':Item.GetUserID(), 'Identifier':Item.GetIdentifier()}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
## ValidatePS1
# ValidatePS1
def ValidatePS1(Package):
# Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> Header
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'Header']
CheckDict = Sdict()
CheckDict['Name'] = Package.GetName()
CheckDict['BaseName'] = Package.GetBaseName()
CheckDict['GUID'] = Package.GetGuid()
CheckDict['Version'] = Package.GetVersion()
CheckDict['PackagePath'] = Package.GetPackagePath()
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
if not IsValidInstallPath(Package.GetPackagePath()):
Logger.Error("UPT", FORMAT_INVALID, ERR_FILE_NAME_INVALIDE % Package.GetPackagePath())
# Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> ClonedFrom
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'ClonedFrom']
for Item in Package.GetClonedFromList():
if Item == None:
CheckDict = Sdict()
CheckDict['GUID'] = ''
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
CheckDict = Sdict()
CheckDict['GUID'] = Item.GetPackageGuid()
CheckDict['Version'] = Item.GetPackageVersion()
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> LibraryClassDeclarations -> LibraryClass
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'LibraryClassDeclarations']
for Item in Package.GetLibraryClassList():
if Item == None:
CheckDict = {'LibraryClass':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'LibraryClassDeclarations', 'LibraryClass']
for Item in Package.GetLibraryClassList():
CheckDict = {'Keyword':Item.GetLibraryClass(),
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> IndustryStandardIncludes -> IndustryStandardHeader
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'IndustryStandardIncludes']
for Item in Package.GetStandardIncludeFileList():
if Item == None:
CheckDict = {'IndustryStandardHeader':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'IndustryStandardIncludes', 'IndustryStandardHeader']
for Item in Package.GetStandardIncludeFileList():
CheckDict = {'HeaderFile':Item.GetFilePath()}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> PackageIncludes -> PackageHeader
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'PackageIncludes']
for Item in Package.GetPackageIncludeFileList():
if Item == None:
CheckDict = {'PackageHeader':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'PackageIncludes', 'PackageHeader']
for Item in Package.GetPackageIncludeFileList():
CheckDict = {'HeaderFile':Item.GetFilePath()}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
## ValidatePS2
# ValidatePS2
def ValidatePS2(Package):
# Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> Modules -> ModuleSurfaceArea
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'Modules', 'ModuleSurfaceArea']
for Item in Package.GetModuleDict().values():
ValidateMS(Item, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> GuidDeclarations Entry
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'GuidDeclarations']
for Item in Package.GetGuidList():
if Item == None:
CheckDict = {'Entry':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'GuidDeclarations', 'Entry']
for Item in Package.GetGuidList():
CheckDict = {'CName':Item.GetCName(),
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> ProtocolDeclarations -> Entry
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'ProtocolDeclarations']
for Item in Package.GetProtocolList():
if Item == None:
CheckDict = {'Entry':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'ProtocolDeclarations', 'Entry']
for Item in Package.GetProtocolList():
CheckDict = {'CName':Item.GetCName(),
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> PpiDeclarations -> Entry
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'PpiDeclarations']
for Item in Package.GetPpiList():
if Item == None:
CheckDict = {'Entry':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'PpiDeclarations', 'Entry']
for Item in Package.GetPpiList():
CheckDict = {'CName':Item.GetCName(),
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> PcdDeclarations -> Entry
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'PcdDeclarations']
for Item in Package.GetPcdList():
if Item == None:
CheckDict = {'PcdEntry':''}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'PcdDeclarations', 'PcdEntry']
for Item in Package.GetPcdList():
CheckDict = {'TokenSpaceGuidCname':Item.GetTokenSpaceGuidCName(),
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> UserExtensions
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'UserExtensions']
for Item in Package.GetUserExtensionList():
CheckDict = {'UserId':Item.GetUserID(), 'Identifier':Item.GetIdentifier()}
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
# Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> MiscellaneousFiles -> Filename
XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'MiscellaneousFiles']
for Item in Package.GetMiscFileList():
if not Item.GetFileList():
CheckDict = {'Filename':'', }
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
for File in Item.GetFileList():
CheckDict = {'Filename':File.GetURI(), }
IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
## ValidatePackageSurfaceArea
# Check if any required item is missing in PackageSurfaceArea
# @param Package: The PackageSurfaceArea to be checked
def ValidatePackageSurfaceArea(Package):