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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This script runs the OpenSSL Configure script, then processes the
# resulting file list into our local OpensslLib[Crypto].inf and also
# takes copies of opensslconf.h and dso_conf.h.
# This only needs to be done once by a developer when updating to a
# new version of OpenSSL (or changing options, etc.). Normal users
# do not need to do this, since the results are stored in the EDK2
# git repository for them.
# Due to the script wrapping required to process the OpenSSL
# configuration data, each native architecture must be processed
# individually by the maintainer (in addition to the standard version):
# ./
# ./ X64
# ./ [Arch]
# Follow the command below to update the INF file:
# 1. OpensslLib.inf ,OpensslLibCrypto.inf and OpensslLibFull.inf
# ./
# 2. OpensslLibAccel.inf and OpensslLibFullAccel.inf
# ./ X64
# ./ X64Gcc
# ./ IA32
# ./ IA32Gcc
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Copy;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
use Text::Tabs;
my $comment_character;
# OpenSSL perlasm generator script does not transfer the copyright header
sub copy_license_header
my @args = split / /, shift; #Separate args by spaces
my $source = $args[1]; #Source file is second (after "perl")
my $target = pop @args; #Target file is always last
chop ($target); #Remove newline char
my $temp_file_name = "license.tmp";
open (my $source_file, "<" . $source) || die $source;
open (my $target_file, "<" . $target) || die $target;
open (my $temp_file, ">" . $temp_file_name) || die $temp_file_name;
#Add "generated file" warning
$source =~ s/^..//; #Remove leading "./"
print ($temp_file "$comment_character WARNING: do not edit!\r\n");
print ($temp_file "$comment_character Generated from $source\r\n");
print ($temp_file "$comment_character\r\n");
#Copy source file header to temp file
while (my $line = <$source_file>) {
next if ($line =~ /#!/); #Ignore shebang line
$line =~ s/#/$comment_character/; #Fix comment character for assembly
$line =~ s/\s+$/\r\n/; #Trim trailing whitepsace, fixup line endings
print ($temp_file $line);
last if ($line =~ /http/); #Last line of copyright header contains a web link
print ($temp_file "\r\n");
#Retrieve generated assembly contents
while (my $line = <$target_file>) {
$line =~ s/\s+$/\r\n/; #Trim trailing whitepsace, fixup line endings
print ($temp_file expand ($line)); #expand() replaces tabs with spaces
close ($source_file);
close ($target_file);
close ($temp_file);
move ($temp_file_name, $target) ||
die "Cannot replace \"" . $target . "\"!";
# Find the openssl directory name for use lib. We have to do this
# inside of BEGIN. The variables we create here, however, don't seem
# to be available to the main script, so we have to repeat the
# exercise.
my $inf_file;
my $uefi_config;
my $extension;
my $compile;
my $arch;
my @inf;
$inf_file = "OpensslLib.inf";
$uefi_config = "UEFI";
$arch = shift;
if (defined $arch) {
if (uc ($arch) eq "X64") {
$arch = "X64";
$uefi_config = "UEFI-x86_64";
$extension = "nasm";
$compile = "MSFT";
$comment_character = ";";
} elsif (uc ($arch) eq "X64GCC") {
$arch = "X64Gcc";
$uefi_config = "UEFI-x86_64-GCC";
$extension = "S";
$compile = "GCC";
$comment_character = "#";
} elsif (uc ($arch) eq "IA32") {
$arch = "IA32";
$uefi_config = "UEFI-x86";
$extension = "nasm";
$compile = "MSFT";
$comment_character = ";";
} elsif (uc ($arch) eq "IA32GCC") {
$arch = "IA32Gcc";
$uefi_config = "UEFI-x86-GCC";
$extension = "S";
$compile = "GCC";
$comment_character = "#";
} else {
die "Unsupported architecture \"" . $arch . "\"!";
$inf_file = "OpensslLibAccel.inf";
if ($extension eq "nasm") {
if (`nasm -v 2>&1`) {
#Presence of nasm executable will trigger inclusion of AVX instructions
die "\nCannot run assembly generators with NASM in path!\n\n";
# Prepare assembly folder
if (-d $arch) {
opendir my $dir, $arch ||
die "Cannot open assembly folder \"" . $arch . "\"!";
while (defined (my $file = readdir $dir)) {
if (-d "$arch/$file") {
next if $file eq ".";
next if $file eq "..";
remove_tree ("$arch/$file", {safe => 1}) ||
die "Cannot clean assembly folder \"" . "$arch/$file" . "\"!";
} else {
mkdir $arch ||
die "Cannot create assembly folder \"" . $arch . "\"!";
# Read the contents of the inf file
open( FD, "<" . $inf_file ) ||
die "Cannot open \"" . $inf_file . "\"!";
@inf = (<FD>);
close(FD) ||
die "Cannot close \"" . $inf_file . "\"!";
foreach (@inf) {
if (/DEFINE\s+OPENSSL_PATH\s*=\s*([a-z]+)/) {
# We need to run Configure before we can include its result...
my $basedir = getcwd();
chdir($OPENSSL_PATH) ||
die "Cannot change to OpenSSL directory \"" . $OPENSSL_PATH . "\"";
# Configure UEFI
# OpenSSL1_1_1b doesn't support default rand-seed-os for UEFI
# UEFI only support --with-rand-seed=none
) == 0 ||
die "OpenSSL Configure failed!\n";
# Generate opensslconf.h per config data
"perl -I. -Mconfigdata util/ " .
"include/openssl/ " .
"> include/openssl/opensslconf.h"
) == 0 ||
die "Failed to generate opensslconf.h!\n";
# Generate dso_conf.h per config data
"perl -I. -Mconfigdata util/ " .
"include/crypto/ " .
"> include/crypto/dso_conf.h"
) == 0 ||
die "Failed to generate dso_conf.h!\n";
chdir($basedir) ||
die "Cannot change to base directory \"" . $basedir . "\"";
push @INC, $1;
# Retrieve file lists from OpenSSL configdata
use configdata qw/%unified_info/;
use configdata qw/%config/;
use configdata qw/%target/;
# Collect build flags from configdata
my $flags = "";
foreach my $f (@{$config{lib_defines}}) {
$flags .= " -D$f";
my @cryptofilelist = ();
my @sslfilelist = ();
my @ecfilelist = ();
my @asmfilelist = ();
my @asmbuild = ();
foreach my $product ((@{$unified_info{libraries}},
@{$unified_info{engines}})) {
foreach my $o (@{$unified_info{sources}->{$product}}) {
foreach my $s (@{$unified_info{sources}->{$o}}) {
# No need to add unused files in UEFI.
# So it can reduce porting time, compile time, library size.
next if $s =~ "crypto/bio/b_print.c";
next if $s =~ "crypto/rand/randfile.c";
next if $s =~ "crypto/store/";
next if $s =~ "crypto/err/err_all.c";
next if $s =~ "crypto/aes/aes_ecb.c";
if ($unified_info{generate}->{$s}) {
if (defined $arch) {
my $buildstring = "perl";
foreach my $arg (@{$unified_info{generate}->{$s}}) {
if ($arg =~ ".pl") {
$buildstring .= " ./openssl/$arg";
} elsif ($arg =~ "PERLASM_SCHEME") {
$buildstring .= " $target{perlasm_scheme}";
} elsif ($arg =~ "LIB_CFLAGS") {
$buildstring .= "$flags";
($s, my $path, undef) = fileparse($s, qr/\.[^.]*/);
$buildstring .= " ./$arch/$path$s.$extension";
make_path ("./$arch/$path");
push @asmbuild, "$buildstring\n";
push @asmfilelist, " $arch/$path$s.$extension |$compile\r\n";
if ($s =~ "/ec/" || $s =~ "/sm2/") {
push @ecfilelist, ' $(OPENSSL_PATH)/' . $s . "\r\n";
if ($product =~ "libssl") {
push @sslfilelist, ' $(OPENSSL_PATH)/' . $s . "\r\n";
push @cryptofilelist, ' $(OPENSSL_PATH)/' . $s . "\r\n";
# Update the perl script to generate the missing header files
my @dir_list = ();
for (sort keys %{$unified_info{dirinfo}}){
push @dir_list,$_;
my $dir = getcwd();
my @files = ();
my @headers = ();
chdir ("openssl");
@files = glob($_."/*.h");
push @headers, @files;
chdir ($dir);
foreach (@headers){
push @sslfilelist, ' $(OPENSSL_PATH)/' . $_ . "\r\n";
if ($_ =~ "/ec/" || $_ =~ "/sm2/") {
push @ecfilelist, ' $(OPENSSL_PATH)/' . $_ . "\r\n";
push @cryptofilelist, ' $(OPENSSL_PATH)/' . $_ . "\r\n";
# Generate assembly files
if (@asmbuild) {
print "\n--> Generating assembly files ... ";
foreach my $buildstring (@asmbuild) {
system ("$buildstring");
copy_license_header ($buildstring);
print "Done!";
# Update OpensslLib.inf with autogenerated file list
my @new_inf = ();
my $subbing = 0;
print "\n--> Updating $inf_file ... ";
foreach (@inf) {
push @new_inf, " DEFINE OPENSSL_FLAGS_CONFIG =" . $flags . "\r\n";
if ( $_ =~ "# Autogenerated files list starts here" ) {
push @new_inf, $_, @cryptofilelist, @sslfilelist;
$subbing = 1;
if (defined $arch) {
my $arch_asmfile_flag = "# Autogenerated " . $arch . " files list starts here";
if ($_ =~ $arch_asmfile_flag) {
push @new_inf, $_, @asmfilelist;
$subbing = 1;
if ( $_ =~ "# Autogenerated files list ends here" ) {
push @new_inf, $_;
$subbing = 0;
push @new_inf, $_
unless ($subbing);
my $new_inf_file = $inf_file . ".new";
open( FD, ">" . $new_inf_file ) ||
die $new_inf_file;
print( FD @new_inf ) ||
die $new_inf_file;
close(FD) ||
die $new_inf_file;
rename( $new_inf_file, $inf_file ) ||
die "rename $inf_file";
print "Done!";
if (!defined $arch) {
# Update OpensslLibCrypto.inf with auto-generated file list (no libssl)
$inf_file = "OpensslLibCrypto.inf";
# Read the contents of the inf file
@inf = ();
@new_inf = ();
open( FD, "<" . $inf_file ) ||
die "Cannot open \"" . $inf_file . "\"!";
@inf = (<FD>);
close(FD) ||
die "Cannot close \"" . $inf_file . "\"!";
$subbing = 0;
print "\n--> Updating OpensslLibCrypto.inf ... ";
foreach (@inf) {
if ( $_ =~ "# Autogenerated files list starts here" ) {
push @new_inf, $_, @cryptofilelist;
$subbing = 1;
if ( $_ =~ "# Autogenerated files list ends here" ) {
push @new_inf, $_;
$subbing = 0;
push @new_inf, $_
unless ($subbing);
$new_inf_file = $inf_file . ".new";
open( FD, ">" . $new_inf_file ) ||
die $new_inf_file;
print( FD @new_inf ) ||
die $new_inf_file;
close(FD) ||
die $new_inf_file;
rename( $new_inf_file, $inf_file ) ||
die "rename $inf_file";
print "Done!";
# Update OpensslLibFull.inf with autogenerated file list
if (!defined $arch) {
$inf_file = "OpensslLibFull.inf";
} else {
$inf_file = "OpensslLibFullAccel.inf";
# Read the contents of the inf file
@inf = ();
@new_inf = ();
open( FD, "<" . $inf_file ) ||
die "Cannot open \"" . $inf_file . "\"!";
@inf = (<FD>);
close(FD) ||
die "Cannot close \"" . $inf_file . "\"!";
$subbing = 0;
print "\n--> Updating $inf_file ... ";
foreach (@inf) {
if ( $_ =~ "# Autogenerated files list starts here" ) {
push @new_inf, $_, @cryptofilelist, @sslfilelist, @ecfilelist;
$subbing = 1;
if (defined $arch) {
my $arch_asmfile_flag = "# Autogenerated " . $arch . " files list starts here";
if ($_ =~ $arch_asmfile_flag) {
push @new_inf, $_, @asmfilelist;
$subbing = 1;
if ( $_ =~ "# Autogenerated files list ends here" ) {
push @new_inf, $_;
$subbing = 0;
push @new_inf, $_
unless ($subbing);
$new_inf_file = $inf_file . ".new";
open( FD, ">" . $new_inf_file ) ||
die $new_inf_file;
print( FD @new_inf ) ||
die $new_inf_file;
close(FD) ||
die $new_inf_file;
rename( $new_inf_file, $inf_file ) ||
die "rename $inf_file";
print "Done!";
# Copy opensslconf.h and dso_conf.h generated from OpenSSL Configuration
print "\n--> Duplicating opensslconf.h into Include/openssl ... ";
"perl -pe 's/\\n/\\r\\n/' " .
"< " . $OPENSSL_PATH . "/include/openssl/opensslconf.h " .
"> " . $OPENSSL_PATH . "/../../Include/openssl/opensslconf.h"
) == 0 ||
die "Cannot copy opensslconf.h!";
print "Done!";
print "\n--> Duplicating dso_conf.h into Include/crypto ... ";
"perl -pe 's/\\n/\\r\\n/' " .
"< " . $OPENSSL_PATH . "/include/crypto/dso_conf.h" .
"> " . $OPENSSL_PATH . "/../../Include/crypto/dso_conf.h"
) == 0 ||
die "Cannot copy dso_conf.h!";
print "Done!\n";
print "\nProcessing Files Done!\n";