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/** @file
Intel FSP Header File definition from Intel Firmware Support Package External
Architecture Specification v2.0 and above.
Copyright (c) 2014 - 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
#ifndef __FSP_HEADER_FILE_H__
#define __FSP_HEADER_FILE_H__
/// Fixed FSP header offset in the FSP image
#define FSP_INFO_HEADER_OFF 0x94
#pragma pack(1)
/// FSP Information Header as described in FSP v2.0 Spec section 5.1.1.
typedef struct {
/// Byte 0x00: Signature ('FSPH') for the FSP Information Header.
UINT32 Signature;
/// Byte 0x04: Length of the FSP Information Header.
UINT32 HeaderLength;
/// Byte 0x08: Reserved.
UINT8 Reserved1[2];
/// Byte 0x0A: Indicates compliance with a revision of this specification in the BCD format.
/// For revision v2.3 the value will be 0x23.
UINT8 SpecVersion;
/// Byte 0x0B: Revision of the FSP Information Header.
/// The Current value for this field is 0x6.
UINT8 HeaderRevision;
/// Byte 0x0C: Revision of the FSP binary.
/// Major.Minor.Revision.Build
/// If FSP HeaderRevision is <= 5, the ImageRevision can be decoded as follows:
/// 7 : 0 - Build Number
/// 15 : 8 - Revision
/// 23 : 16 - Minor Version
/// 31 : 24 - Major Version
/// If FSP HeaderRevision is >= 6, ImageRevision specifies the low-order bytes of the build number and revision
/// while ExtendedImageRevision specifies the high-order bytes of the build number and revision.
/// 7 : 0 - Low Byte of Build Number
/// 15 : 8 - Low Byte of Revision
/// 23 : 16 - Minor Version
/// 31 : 24 - Major Version
UINT32 ImageRevision;
/// Byte 0x10: Signature string that will help match the FSP Binary to a supported HW configuration.
CHAR8 ImageId[8];
/// Byte 0x18: Size of the entire FSP binary.
UINT32 ImageSize;
/// Byte 0x1C: FSP binary preferred base address.
UINT32 ImageBase;
/// Byte 0x20: Attribute for the FSP binary.
UINT16 ImageAttribute;
/// Byte 0x22: Attributes of the FSP Component.
UINT16 ComponentAttribute;
/// Byte 0x24: Offset of the FSP configuration region.
UINT32 CfgRegionOffset;
/// Byte 0x28: Size of the FSP configuration region.
UINT32 CfgRegionSize;
/// Byte 0x2C: Reserved2.
UINT32 Reserved2;
/// Byte 0x30: The offset for the API to setup a temporary stack till the memory is initialized.
UINT32 TempRamInitEntryOffset;
/// Byte 0x34: Reserved3.
UINT32 Reserved3;
/// Byte 0x38: The offset for the API to inform the FSP about the different stages in the boot process.
UINT32 NotifyPhaseEntryOffset;
/// Byte 0x3C: The offset for the API to initialize the memory.
UINT32 FspMemoryInitEntryOffset;
/// Byte 0x40: The offset for the API to tear down temporary RAM.
UINT32 TempRamExitEntryOffset;
/// Byte 0x44: The offset for the API to initialize the CPU and chipset.
UINT32 FspSiliconInitEntryOffset;
/// Byte 0x48: Offset for the API for the optional Multi-Phase processor and chipset initialization.
/// This value is only valid if FSP HeaderRevision is >= 5.
/// If the value is set to 0x00000000, then this API is not available in this component.
UINT32 FspMultiPhaseSiInitEntryOffset;
/// Byte 0x4C: Extended revision of the FSP binary.
/// This value is only valid if FSP HeaderRevision is >= 6.
/// ExtendedImageRevision specifies the high-order byte of the revision and build number in the FSP binary revision.
/// 7 : 0 - High Byte of Build Number
/// 15 : 8 - High Byte of Revision
/// The FSP binary build number can be decoded as follows:
/// Build Number = (ExtendedImageRevision[7:0] << 8) | ImageRevision[7:0]
/// Revision = (ExtendedImageRevision[15:8] << 8) | ImageRevision[15:8]
/// Minor Version = ImageRevision[23:16]
/// Major Version = ImageRevision[31:24]
UINT16 ExtendedImageRevision;
/// Byte 0x4E: Reserved4.
UINT16 Reserved4;
/// Signature of the FSP Extended Header
/// FSP Information Extended Header as described in FSP v2.0 Spec section 5.1.2.
typedef struct {
/// Byte 0x00: Signature ('FSPE') for the FSP Extended Information Header.
UINT32 Signature;
/// Byte 0x04: Length of the table in bytes, including all additional FSP producer defined data.
UINT32 Length;
/// Byte 0x08: FSP producer defined revision of the table.
UINT8 Revision;
/// Byte 0x09: Reserved for future use.
UINT8 Reserved;
/// Byte 0x0A: FSP producer identification string
CHAR8 FspProducerId[6];
/// Byte 0x10: FSP producer implementation revision number. Larger numbers are assumed to be newer revisions.
UINT32 FspProducerRevision;
/// Byte 0x14: Size of the FSP producer defined data (n) in bytes.
UINT32 FspProducerDataSize;
/// Byte 0x18: FSP producer defined data of size (n) defined by FspProducerDataSize.
// A generic table search algorithm for additional tables can be implemented with a
// signature search algorithm until a terminator signature 'FSPP' is found.
#define FSP_FSPP_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32 ('F', 'S', 'P', 'P')
/// FSP Patch Table as described in FSP v2.0 Spec section 5.1.5.
typedef struct {
/// Byte 0x00: FSP Patch Table Signature "FSPP".
UINT32 Signature;
/// Byte 0x04: Size including the PatchData.
UINT16 HeaderLength;
/// Byte 0x06: Revision is set to 0x01.
UINT8 HeaderRevision;
/// Byte 0x07: Reserved for future use.
UINT8 Reserved;
/// Byte 0x08: Number of entries to Patch.
UINT32 PatchEntryNum;
/// Byte 0x0C: Patch Data.
//UINT32 PatchData[];
#pragma pack()
extern EFI_GUID gFspHeaderFileGuid;