2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
## @file
# Common routines used by all tools
2017-02-07 09:05:13 +01:00
# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
# Import Modules
2014-08-15 05:06:48 +02:00
import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
import sys
import string
import thread
import threading
import time
import re
import cPickle
import array
2014-08-28 15:53:34 +02:00
import shutil
2015-06-23 08:46:01 +02:00
from struct import pack
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
from UserDict import IterableUserDict
from UserList import UserList
from Common import EdkLogger as EdkLogger
from Common import GlobalData as GlobalData
from DataType import *
from BuildToolError import *
from CommonDataClass.DataClass import *
from Parsing import GetSplitValueList
2014-08-15 05:06:48 +02:00
from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
2015-10-08 11:27:14 +02:00
from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
## Regular expression used to find out place holders in string template
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
gPlaceholderPattern = re.compile("\$\{([^$()\s]+)\}", re.MULTILINE | re.UNICODE)
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
## Dictionary used to store file time stamp for quick re-access
gFileTimeStampCache = {} # {file path : file time stamp}
## Dictionary used to store dependencies of files
gDependencyDatabase = {} # arch : {file path : [dependent files list]}
2015-02-06 04:40:27 +01:00
def GetVariableOffset(mapfilepath, efifilepath, varnames):
""" Parse map file to get variable offset in current EFI file
@param mapfilepath Map file absolution path
@param efifilepath: EFI binary file full path
@param varnames iteratable container whose elements are variable names to be searched
@return List whos elements are tuple with variable name and raw offset
lines = []
f = open(mapfilepath, 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
return None
if len(lines) == 0: return None
firstline = lines[0].strip()
if (firstline.startswith("Archive member included ") and
firstline.endswith(" file (symbol)")):
return _parseForGCC(lines, efifilepath, varnames)
return _parseGeneral(lines, efifilepath, varnames)
def _parseForGCC(lines, efifilepath, varnames):
""" Parse map file generated by GCC linker """
status = 0
sections = []
varoffset = []
2016-11-30 09:02:21 +01:00
for index, line in enumerate(lines):
2015-02-06 04:40:27 +01:00
line = line.strip()
# status machine transection
if status == 0 and line == "Memory Configuration":
status = 1
elif status == 1 and line == 'Linker script and memory map':
status = 2
elif status ==2 and line == 'START GROUP':
status = 3
# status handler
2016-11-30 09:02:21 +01:00
if status == 3:
2015-02-06 04:40:27 +01:00
m = re.match('^([\w_\.]+) +([\da-fA-Fx]+) +([\da-fA-Fx]+)$', line)
if m != None:
for varname in varnames:
2017-02-07 09:05:13 +01:00
Str = ''
m = re.match("^.data.(%s)" % varname, line)
2015-02-06 04:40:27 +01:00
if m != None:
2017-02-07 09:05:13 +01:00
m = re.match(".data.(%s)$" % varname, line)
if m != None:
Str = lines[index + 1]
Str = line[len(".data.%s" % varname):]
if Str:
m = re.match('^([\da-fA-Fx]+) +([\da-fA-Fx]+)', Str.strip())
2016-11-30 09:02:21 +01:00
if m != None:
varoffset.append((varname, int(m.groups(0)[0], 16) , int(sections[-1][1], 16), sections[-1][0]))
2015-02-06 04:40:27 +01:00
if not varoffset:
return []
# get section information from efi file
efisecs = PeImageClass(efifilepath).SectionHeaderList
if efisecs == None or len(efisecs) == 0:
return []
redirection = 0
for efisec in efisecs:
for section in sections:
if section[0].strip() == efisec[0].strip() and section[0].strip() == '.text':
redirection = int(section[1], 16) - efisec[1]
ret = []
for var in varoffset:
for efisec in efisecs:
if var[1] >= efisec[1] and var[1] < efisec[1]+efisec[3]:
ret.append((var[0], hex(efisec[2] + var[1] - efisec[1] - redirection)))
return ret
def _parseGeneral(lines, efifilepath, varnames):
status = 0 #0 - beginning of file; 1 - PE section definition; 2 - symbol table
secs = [] # key = section name
varoffset = []
secRe = re.compile('^([\da-fA-F]+):([\da-fA-F]+) +([\da-fA-F]+)[Hh]? +([.\w\$]+) +(\w+)', re.UNICODE)
symRe = re.compile('^([\da-fA-F]+):([\da-fA-F]+) +([\.:\\\\\w\?@\$]+) +([\da-fA-F]+)', re.UNICODE)
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if re.match("^Start[' ']+Length[' ']+Name[' ']+Class", line):
status = 1
if re.match("^Address[' ']+Publics by Value[' ']+Rva\+Base", line):
status = 2
if re.match("^entry point at", line):
status = 3
if status == 1 and len(line) != 0:
m = secRe.match(line)
assert m != None, "Fail to parse the section in map file , line is %s" % line
sec_no, sec_start, sec_length, sec_name, sec_class = m.groups(0)
secs.append([int(sec_no, 16), int(sec_start, 16), int(sec_length, 16), sec_name, sec_class])
if status == 2 and len(line) != 0:
for varname in varnames:
m = symRe.match(line)
assert m != None, "Fail to parse the symbol in map file, line is %s" % line
sec_no, sym_offset, sym_name, vir_addr = m.groups(0)
sec_no = int(sec_no, 16)
sym_offset = int(sym_offset, 16)
vir_addr = int(vir_addr, 16)
m2 = re.match('^[_]*(%s)' % varname, sym_name)
if m2 != None:
# fond a binary pcd entry in map file
for sec in secs:
if sec[0] == sec_no and (sym_offset >= sec[1] and sym_offset < sec[1] + sec[2]):
varoffset.append([varname, sec[3], sym_offset, vir_addr, sec_no])
if not varoffset: return []
# get section information from efi file
efisecs = PeImageClass(efifilepath).SectionHeaderList
if efisecs == None or len(efisecs) == 0:
return []
ret = []
for var in varoffset:
index = 0
for efisec in efisecs:
index = index + 1
if var[1].strip() == efisec[0].strip():
ret.append((var[0], hex(efisec[2] + var[2])))
elif var[4] == index:
ret.append((var[0], hex(efisec[2] + var[2])))
return ret
2014-08-28 15:53:34 +02:00
## Routine to process duplicated INF
# This function is called by following two cases:
# Case 1 in DSC:
# [components.arch]
# Pkg/module/module.inf
# Pkg/module/module.inf {
# <Defines>
# FILE_GUID = 0D1B936F-68F3-4589-AFCC-FB8B7AEBC836
# }
# Case 2 in FDF:
# INF Pkg/module/module.inf
# INF FILE_GUID = 0D1B936F-68F3-4589-AFCC-FB8B7AEBC836 Pkg/module/module.inf
# This function copies Pkg/module/module.inf to
# Conf/.cache/0D1B936F-68F3-4589-AFCC-FB8B7AEBC836module.inf
# @param Path Original PathClass object
# @param BaseName New file base name
# @retval return the new PathClass object
def ProcessDuplicatedInf(Path, BaseName, Workspace):
Filename = os.path.split(Path.File)[1]
if '.' in Filename:
Filename = BaseName + Path.BaseName + Filename[Filename.rfind('.'):]
Filename = BaseName + Path.BaseName
# If -N is specified on command line, cache is disabled
# The directory has to be created
DbDir = os.path.split(GlobalData.gDatabasePath)[0]
if not os.path.exists(DbDir):
# A temporary INF is copied to database path which must have write permission
# The temporary will be removed at the end of build
# In case of name conflict, the file name is
# FILE_GUIDBaseName (0D1B936F-68F3-4589-AFCC-FB8B7AEBC836module.inf)
TempFullPath = os.path.join(DbDir,
RtPath = PathClass(Path.File, Workspace)
# Modify the full path to temporary path, keep other unchanged
# To build same module more than once, the module path with FILE_GUID overridden has
# the file name FILE_GUIDmodule.inf, but the relative path (self.MetaFile.File) is the real path
# in DSC which is used as relative path by C files and other files in INF.
# A trick was used: all module paths are PathClass instances, after the initialization
# of PathClass, the PathClass.Path is overridden by the temporary INF path.
# The reason for creating a temporary INF is:
# Platform.Modules which is the base to create ModuleAutoGen objects is a dictionary,
# the key is the full path of INF, the value is an object to save overridden library instances, PCDs.
# A different key for the same module is needed to create different output directory,
# retrieve overridden PCDs, library instances.
# The BaseName is the FILE_GUID which is also the output directory name.
RtPath.Path = TempFullPath
RtPath.BaseName = BaseName
# If file exists, compare contents
if os.path.exists(TempFullPath):
with open(str(Path), 'rb') as f1: Src = f1.read()
with open(TempFullPath, 'rb') as f2: Dst = f2.read()
if Src == Dst:
return RtPath
shutil.copy2(str(Path), TempFullPath)
return RtPath
## Remove temporary created INFs whose paths were saved in gTempInfs
def ClearDuplicatedInf():
for File in GlobalData.gTempInfs:
if os.path.exists(File):
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
## callback routine for processing variable option
# This function can be used to process variable number of option values. The
# typical usage of it is specify architecure list on command line.
# (e.g. <tool> -a IA32 X64 IPF)
# @param Option Standard callback function parameter
# @param OptionString Standard callback function parameter
# @param Value Standard callback function parameter
# @param Parser Standard callback function parameter
# @retval
def ProcessVariableArgument(Option, OptionString, Value, Parser):
assert Value is None
Value = []
RawArgs = Parser.rargs
while RawArgs:
Arg = RawArgs[0]
if (Arg[:2] == "--" and len(Arg) > 2) or \
(Arg[:1] == "-" and len(Arg) > 1 and Arg[1] != "-"):
del RawArgs[0]
setattr(Parser.values, Option.dest, Value)
## Convert GUID string in xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx style to C structure style
# @param Guid The GUID string
# @retval string The GUID string in C structure style
def GuidStringToGuidStructureString(Guid):
GuidList = Guid.split('-')
Result = '{'
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
for Index in range(0, 3, 1):
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
Result = Result + '0x' + GuidList[Index] + ', '
Result = Result + '{0x' + GuidList[3][0:2] + ', 0x' + GuidList[3][2:4]
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
for Index in range(0, 12, 2):
Result = Result + ', 0x' + GuidList[4][Index:Index + 2]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
Result += '}}'
return Result
## Convert GUID structure in byte array to xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
# @param GuidValue The GUID value in byte array
# @retval string The GUID value in xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx format
def GuidStructureByteArrayToGuidString(GuidValue):
guidValueString = GuidValue.lower().replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace(" ", "").replace(";", "")
guidValueList = guidValueString.split(",")
if len(guidValueList) != 16:
return ''
#EdkLogger.error(None, None, "Invalid GUID value string %s" % GuidValue)
return "%02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x" % (
int(guidValueList[3], 16),
int(guidValueList[2], 16),
int(guidValueList[1], 16),
int(guidValueList[0], 16),
int(guidValueList[5], 16),
int(guidValueList[4], 16),
int(guidValueList[7], 16),
int(guidValueList[6], 16),
int(guidValueList[8], 16),
int(guidValueList[9], 16),
int(guidValueList[10], 16),
int(guidValueList[11], 16),
int(guidValueList[12], 16),
int(guidValueList[13], 16),
int(guidValueList[14], 16),
int(guidValueList[15], 16)
return ''
## Convert GUID string in C structure style to xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
# @param GuidValue The GUID value in C structure format
# @retval string The GUID value in xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx format
def GuidStructureStringToGuidString(GuidValue):
guidValueString = GuidValue.lower().replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace(" ", "").replace(";", "")
guidValueList = guidValueString.split(",")
if len(guidValueList) != 11:
return ''
#EdkLogger.error(None, None, "Invalid GUID value string %s" % GuidValue)
return "%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x" % (
int(guidValueList[0], 16),
int(guidValueList[1], 16),
int(guidValueList[2], 16),
int(guidValueList[3], 16),
int(guidValueList[4], 16),
int(guidValueList[5], 16),
int(guidValueList[6], 16),
int(guidValueList[7], 16),
int(guidValueList[8], 16),
int(guidValueList[9], 16),
int(guidValueList[10], 16)
return ''
## Convert GUID string in C structure style to xxxxxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxx
# @param GuidValue The GUID value in C structure format
# @retval string The GUID value in xxxxxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxx format
def GuidStructureStringToGuidValueName(GuidValue):
guidValueString = GuidValue.lower().replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace(" ", "")
guidValueList = guidValueString.split(",")
if len(guidValueList) != 11:
EdkLogger.error(None, FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid GUID value string [%s]" % GuidValue)
return "%08x_%04x_%04x_%02x%02x_%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x" % (
int(guidValueList[0], 16),
int(guidValueList[1], 16),
int(guidValueList[2], 16),
int(guidValueList[3], 16),
int(guidValueList[4], 16),
int(guidValueList[5], 16),
int(guidValueList[6], 16),
int(guidValueList[7], 16),
int(guidValueList[8], 16),
int(guidValueList[9], 16),
int(guidValueList[10], 16)
## Create directories
# @param Directory The directory name
def CreateDirectory(Directory):
if Directory == None or Directory.strip() == "":
return True
if not os.access(Directory, os.F_OK):
return False
return True
## Remove directories, including files and sub-directories in it
# @param Directory The directory name
def RemoveDirectory(Directory, Recursively=False):
if Directory == None or Directory.strip() == "" or not os.path.exists(Directory):
if Recursively:
CurrentDirectory = os.getcwd()
for File in os.listdir("."):
if os.path.isdir(File):
RemoveDirectory(File, Recursively)
## Check if given file is changed or not
# This method is used to check if a file is changed or not between two build
# actions. It makes use a cache to store files timestamp.
# @param File The path of file
# @retval True If the given file is changed, doesn't exist, or can't be
# found in timestamp cache
# @retval False If the given file is changed
def IsChanged(File):
if not os.path.exists(File):
return True
FileState = os.stat(File)
TimeStamp = FileState[-2]
if File in gFileTimeStampCache and TimeStamp == gFileTimeStampCache[File]:
FileChanged = False
FileChanged = True
gFileTimeStampCache[File] = TimeStamp
return FileChanged
## Store content in file
# This method is used to save file only when its content is changed. This is
# quite useful for "make" system to decide what will be re-built and what won't.
# @param File The path of file
# @param Content The new content of the file
# @param IsBinaryFile The flag indicating if the file is binary file or not
# @retval True If the file content is changed and the file is renewed
# @retval False If the file content is the same
def SaveFileOnChange(File, Content, IsBinaryFile=True):
if not IsBinaryFile:
Content = Content.replace("\n", os.linesep)
if os.path.exists(File):
if Content == open(File, "rb").read():
return False
EdkLogger.error(None, FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=File)
DirName = os.path.dirname(File)
if not CreateDirectory(DirName):
EdkLogger.error(None, FILE_CREATE_FAILURE, "Could not create directory %s" % DirName)
if DirName == '':
DirName = os.getcwd()
if not os.access(DirName, os.W_OK):
EdkLogger.error(None, PERMISSION_FAILURE, "Do not have write permission on directory %s" % DirName)
if GlobalData.gIsWindows:
from PyUtility import SaveFileToDisk
if not SaveFileToDisk(File, Content):
EdkLogger.error(None, FILE_CREATE_FAILURE, ExtraData=File)
Fd = open(File, "wb")
Fd = open(File, "wb")
except IOError, X:
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
EdkLogger.error(None, FILE_CREATE_FAILURE, ExtraData='IOError %s' % X)
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
return True
## Make a Python object persistent on file system
# @param Data The object to be stored in file
# @param File The path of file to store the object
def DataDump(Data, File):
Fd = None
Fd = open(File, 'wb')
cPickle.dump(Data, Fd, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
EdkLogger.error("", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=File, RaiseError=False)
if Fd != None:
## Restore a Python object from a file
# @param File The path of file stored the object
# @retval object A python object
# @retval None If failure in file operation
def DataRestore(File):
Data = None
Fd = None
Fd = open(File, 'rb')
Data = cPickle.load(Fd)
except Exception, e:
EdkLogger.verbose("Failed to load [%s]\n\t%s" % (File, str(e)))
Data = None
if Fd != None:
return Data
## Retrieve and cache the real path name in file system
# @param Root The root directory of path relative to
# @retval str The path string if the path exists
# @retval None If path doesn't exist
class DirCache:
_CACHE_ = set()
def __init__(self, Root):
self._Root = Root
for F in os.listdir(Root):
self._UPPER_CACHE_[F.upper()] = F
# =[] operator
def __getitem__(self, Path):
Path = Path[len(os.path.commonprefix([Path, self._Root])):]
if not Path:
return self._Root
if Path and Path[0] == os.path.sep:
Path = Path[1:]
if Path in self._CACHE_:
return os.path.join(self._Root, Path)
UpperPath = Path.upper()
if UpperPath in self._UPPER_CACHE_:
return os.path.join(self._Root, self._UPPER_CACHE_[UpperPath])
IndexList = []
LastSepIndex = -1
SepIndex = Path.find(os.path.sep)
while SepIndex > -1:
Parent = UpperPath[:SepIndex]
if Parent not in self._UPPER_CACHE_:
LastSepIndex = SepIndex
SepIndex = Path.find(os.path.sep, LastSepIndex + 1)
if LastSepIndex == -1:
return None
Cwd = os.getcwd()
SepIndex = LastSepIndex
while SepIndex > -1:
Parent = Path[:SepIndex]
ParentKey = UpperPath[:SepIndex]
if ParentKey not in self._UPPER_CACHE_:
return None
if Parent in self._CACHE_:
ParentDir = Parent
ParentDir = self._UPPER_CACHE_[ParentKey]
for F in os.listdir(ParentDir):
Dir = os.path.join(ParentDir, F)
self._UPPER_CACHE_[Dir.upper()] = Dir
SepIndex = Path.find(os.path.sep, SepIndex + 1)
if Path in self._CACHE_:
return os.path.join(self._Root, Path)
elif UpperPath in self._UPPER_CACHE_:
return os.path.join(self._Root, self._UPPER_CACHE_[UpperPath])
return None
## Get all files of a directory
# @param Root: Root dir
# @param SkipList : The files need be skipped
# @retval A list of all files
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
def GetFiles(Root, SkipList=None, FullPath=True):
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
OriPath = Root
FileList = []
for Root, Dirs, Files in os.walk(Root):
if SkipList:
for Item in SkipList:
if Item in Dirs:
for File in Files:
File = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
if not FullPath:
File = File[len(OriPath) + 1:]
return FileList
## Check if gvien file exists or not
# @param File File name or path to be checked
# @param Dir The directory the file is relative to
# @retval True if file exists
# @retval False if file doesn't exists
def ValidFile(File, Ext=None):
if Ext != None:
Dummy, FileExt = os.path.splitext(File)
if FileExt.lower() != Ext.lower():
return False
if not os.path.exists(File):
return False
return True
def RealPath(File, Dir='', OverrideDir=''):
NewFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Dir, File))
NewFile = GlobalData.gAllFiles[NewFile]
if not NewFile and OverrideDir:
NewFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(OverrideDir, File))
NewFile = GlobalData.gAllFiles[NewFile]
return NewFile
def RealPath2(File, Dir='', OverrideDir=''):
2014-09-16 10:33:40 +02:00
NewFile = None
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
if OverrideDir:
NewFile = GlobalData.gAllFiles[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(OverrideDir, File))]
if NewFile:
if OverrideDir[-1] == os.path.sep:
return NewFile[len(OverrideDir):], NewFile[0:len(OverrideDir)]
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
return NewFile[len(OverrideDir) + 1:], NewFile[0:len(OverrideDir)]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
if GlobalData.gAllFiles:
NewFile = GlobalData.gAllFiles[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Dir, File))]
2014-09-16 10:33:40 +02:00
if not NewFile:
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
NewFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Dir, File))
2014-09-16 10:33:40 +02:00
if not os.path.exists(NewFile):
return None, None
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
if NewFile:
if Dir:
if Dir[-1] == os.path.sep:
return NewFile[len(Dir):], NewFile[0:len(Dir)]
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
return NewFile[len(Dir) + 1:], NewFile[0:len(Dir)]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
return NewFile, ''
return None, None
## Check if gvien file exists or not
def ValidFile2(AllFiles, File, Ext=None, Workspace='', EfiSource='', EdkSource='', Dir='.', OverrideDir=''):
NewFile = File
if Ext != None:
Dummy, FileExt = os.path.splitext(File)
if FileExt.lower() != Ext.lower():
return False, File
# Replace the Edk macros
if OverrideDir != '' and OverrideDir != None:
if OverrideDir.find('$(EFI_SOURCE)') > -1:
OverrideDir = OverrideDir.replace('$(EFI_SOURCE)', EfiSource)
if OverrideDir.find('$(EDK_SOURCE)') > -1:
OverrideDir = OverrideDir.replace('$(EDK_SOURCE)', EdkSource)
# Replace the default dir to current dir
if Dir == '.':
Dir = os.getcwd()
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
Dir = Dir[len(Workspace) + 1:]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# First check if File has Edk definition itself
if File.find('$(EFI_SOURCE)') > -1 or File.find('$(EDK_SOURCE)') > -1:
NewFile = File.replace('$(EFI_SOURCE)', EfiSource)
NewFile = NewFile.replace('$(EDK_SOURCE)', EdkSource)
NewFile = AllFiles[os.path.normpath(NewFile)]
if NewFile != None:
return True, NewFile
# Second check the path with override value
if OverrideDir != '' and OverrideDir != None:
NewFile = AllFiles[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(OverrideDir, File))]
if NewFile != None:
return True, NewFile
# Last check the path with normal definitions
File = os.path.join(Dir, File)
NewFile = AllFiles[os.path.normpath(File)]
if NewFile != None:
return True, NewFile
return False, File
## Check if gvien file exists or not
def ValidFile3(AllFiles, File, Workspace='', EfiSource='', EdkSource='', Dir='.', OverrideDir=''):
# Replace the Edk macros
if OverrideDir != '' and OverrideDir != None:
if OverrideDir.find('$(EFI_SOURCE)') > -1:
OverrideDir = OverrideDir.replace('$(EFI_SOURCE)', EfiSource)
if OverrideDir.find('$(EDK_SOURCE)') > -1:
OverrideDir = OverrideDir.replace('$(EDK_SOURCE)', EdkSource)
# Replace the default dir to current dir
# Dir is current module dir related to workspace
if Dir == '.':
Dir = os.getcwd()
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
Dir = Dir[len(Workspace) + 1:]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
NewFile = File
RelaPath = AllFiles[os.path.normpath(Dir)]
NewRelaPath = RelaPath
# First check if File has Edk definition itself
if File.find('$(EFI_SOURCE)') > -1 or File.find('$(EDK_SOURCE)') > -1:
File = File.replace('$(EFI_SOURCE)', EfiSource)
File = File.replace('$(EDK_SOURCE)', EdkSource)
NewFile = AllFiles[os.path.normpath(File)]
if NewFile != None:
NewRelaPath = os.path.dirname(NewFile)
File = os.path.basename(NewFile)
#NewRelaPath = NewFile[:len(NewFile) - len(File.replace("..\\", '').replace("../", '')) - 1]
# Second check the path with override value
if OverrideDir != '' and OverrideDir != None:
NewFile = AllFiles[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(OverrideDir, File))]
if NewFile != None:
#NewRelaPath = os.path.dirname(NewFile)
NewRelaPath = NewFile[:len(NewFile) - len(File.replace("..\\", '').replace("../", '')) - 1]
# Last check the path with normal definitions
NewFile = AllFiles[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Dir, File))]
if NewFile != None:
# No file found
return NewRelaPath, RelaPath, File
def GetRelPath(Path1, Path2):
FileName = os.path.basename(Path2)
L1 = os.path.normpath(Path1).split(os.path.normpath('/'))
L2 = os.path.normpath(Path2).split(os.path.normpath('/'))
for Index in range(0, len(L1)):
if L1[Index] != L2[Index]:
FileName = '../' * (len(L1) - Index)
for Index2 in range(Index, len(L2)):
FileName = os.path.join(FileName, L2[Index2])
return os.path.normpath(FileName)
## Get GUID value from given packages
# @param CName The CName of the GUID
# @param PackageList List of packages looking-up in
2016-05-10 11:58:26 +02:00
# @param Inffile The driver file
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# @retval GuidValue if the CName is found in any given package
# @retval None if the CName is not found in all given packages
2016-05-10 11:58:26 +02:00
def GuidValue(CName, PackageList, Inffile = None):
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
for P in PackageList:
2016-05-10 11:58:26 +02:00
GuidKeys = P.Guids.keys()
if Inffile and P._PrivateGuids:
if not Inffile.startswith(P.MetaFile.Dir):
GuidKeys = (dict.fromkeys(x for x in P.Guids if x not in P._PrivateGuids)).keys()
if CName in GuidKeys:
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
return P.Guids[CName]
return None
## Get Protocol value from given packages
# @param CName The CName of the GUID
# @param PackageList List of packages looking-up in
2016-05-10 11:58:26 +02:00
# @param Inffile The driver file
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# @retval GuidValue if the CName is found in any given package
# @retval None if the CName is not found in all given packages
2016-05-10 11:58:26 +02:00
def ProtocolValue(CName, PackageList, Inffile = None):
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
for P in PackageList:
2016-05-10 11:58:26 +02:00
ProtocolKeys = P.Protocols.keys()
if Inffile and P._PrivateProtocols:
if not Inffile.startswith(P.MetaFile.Dir):
ProtocolKeys = (dict.fromkeys(x for x in P.Protocols if x not in P._PrivateProtocols)).keys()
if CName in ProtocolKeys:
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
return P.Protocols[CName]
return None
## Get PPI value from given packages
# @param CName The CName of the GUID
# @param PackageList List of packages looking-up in
2016-05-10 11:58:26 +02:00
# @param Inffile The driver file
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# @retval GuidValue if the CName is found in any given package
# @retval None if the CName is not found in all given packages
2016-05-10 11:58:26 +02:00
def PpiValue(CName, PackageList, Inffile = None):
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
for P in PackageList:
2016-05-10 11:58:26 +02:00
PpiKeys = P.Ppis.keys()
if Inffile and P._PrivatePpis:
if not Inffile.startswith(P.MetaFile.Dir):
PpiKeys = (dict.fromkeys(x for x in P.Ppis if x not in P._PrivatePpis)).keys()
if CName in PpiKeys:
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
return P.Ppis[CName]
return None
## A string template class
# This class implements a template for string replacement. A string template
# looks like following
# ${BEGIN} other_string ${placeholder_name} other_string ${END}
# The string between ${BEGIN} and ${END} will be repeated as many times as the
# length of "placeholder_name", which is a list passed through a dict. The
# "placeholder_name" is the key name of the dict. The ${BEGIN} and ${END} can
# be not used and, in this case, the "placeholder_name" must not a list and it
# will just be replaced once.
class TemplateString(object):
class Section(object):
_LIST_TYPES = [type([]), type(set()), type((0,))]
def __init__(self, TemplateSection, PlaceHolderList):
self._Template = TemplateSection
self._PlaceHolderList = []
# Split the section into sub-sections according to the position of placeholders
if PlaceHolderList:
self._SubSectionList = []
SubSectionStart = 0
# The placeholders passed in must be in the format of
# PlaceHolderName, PlaceHolderStartPoint, PlaceHolderEndPoint
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
for PlaceHolder, Start, End in PlaceHolderList:
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
SubSectionStart = End
if SubSectionStart < len(TemplateSection):
self._SubSectionList = [TemplateSection]
def __str__(self):
return self._Template + " : " + str(self._PlaceHolderList)
def Instantiate(self, PlaceHolderValues):
RepeatTime = -1
RepeatPlaceHolders = {}
NonRepeatPlaceHolders = {}
for PlaceHolder in self._PlaceHolderList:
if PlaceHolder not in PlaceHolderValues:
Value = PlaceHolderValues[PlaceHolder]
if type(Value) in self._LIST_TYPES:
if RepeatTime < 0:
RepeatTime = len(Value)
elif RepeatTime != len(Value):
"${%s} has different repeat time from others!" % PlaceHolder,
RepeatPlaceHolders["${%s}" % PlaceHolder] = Value
NonRepeatPlaceHolders["${%s}" % PlaceHolder] = Value
if NonRepeatPlaceHolders:
StringList = []
for S in self._SubSectionList:
if S not in NonRepeatPlaceHolders:
StringList = self._SubSectionList
if RepeatPlaceHolders:
TempStringList = []
for Index in range(RepeatTime):
for S in StringList:
if S not in RepeatPlaceHolders:
StringList = TempStringList
return "".join(StringList)
## Constructor
def __init__(self, Template=None):
self.String = ''
self.IsBinary = False
self._Template = Template
self._TemplateSectionList = self._Parse(Template)
## str() operator
# @retval string The string replaced
def __str__(self):
return self.String
## Split the template string into fragments per the ${BEGIN} and ${END} flags
# @retval list A list of TemplateString.Section objects
def _Parse(self, Template):
SectionStart = 0
SearchFrom = 0
MatchEnd = 0
PlaceHolderList = []
TemplateSectionList = []
while Template:
MatchObj = gPlaceholderPattern.search(Template, SearchFrom)
if not MatchObj:
if MatchEnd <= len(Template):
TemplateSection = TemplateString.Section(Template[SectionStart:], PlaceHolderList)
MatchString = MatchObj.group(1)
MatchStart = MatchObj.start()
MatchEnd = MatchObj.end()
if MatchString == self._REPEAT_START_FLAG:
if MatchStart > SectionStart:
TemplateSection = TemplateString.Section(Template[SectionStart:MatchStart], PlaceHolderList)
SectionStart = MatchEnd
PlaceHolderList = []
elif MatchString == self._REPEAT_END_FLAG:
TemplateSection = TemplateString.Section(Template[SectionStart:MatchStart], PlaceHolderList)
SectionStart = MatchEnd
PlaceHolderList = []
PlaceHolderList.append((MatchString, MatchStart - SectionStart, MatchEnd - SectionStart))
SearchFrom = MatchEnd
return TemplateSectionList
## Replace the string template with dictionary of placeholders and append it to previous one
# @param AppendString The string template to append
# @param Dictionary The placeholder dictionaries
def Append(self, AppendString, Dictionary=None):
if Dictionary:
SectionList = self._Parse(AppendString)
self.String += "".join([S.Instantiate(Dictionary) for S in SectionList])
self.String += AppendString
## Replace the string template with dictionary of placeholders
# @param Dictionary The placeholder dictionaries
# @retval str The string replaced with placeholder values
def Replace(self, Dictionary=None):
return "".join([S.Instantiate(Dictionary) for S in self._TemplateSectionList])
## Progress indicator class
# This class makes use of thread to print progress on console.
class Progressor:
# for avoiding deadloop
_StopFlag = None
_ProgressThread = None
_CheckInterval = 0.25
## Constructor
# @param OpenMessage The string printed before progress charaters
# @param CloseMessage The string printed after progress charaters
# @param ProgressChar The charater used to indicate the progress
# @param Interval The interval in seconds between two progress charaters
def __init__(self, OpenMessage="", CloseMessage="", ProgressChar='.', Interval=1.0):
self.PromptMessage = OpenMessage
self.CodaMessage = CloseMessage
self.ProgressChar = ProgressChar
self.Interval = Interval
if Progressor._StopFlag == None:
Progressor._StopFlag = threading.Event()
## Start to print progress charater
# @param OpenMessage The string printed before progress charaters
def Start(self, OpenMessage=None):
if OpenMessage != None:
self.PromptMessage = OpenMessage
if Progressor._ProgressThread == None:
Progressor._ProgressThread = threading.Thread(target=self._ProgressThreadEntry)
## Stop printing progress charater
# @param CloseMessage The string printed after progress charaters
def Stop(self, CloseMessage=None):
OriginalCodaMessage = self.CodaMessage
if CloseMessage != None:
self.CodaMessage = CloseMessage
self.CodaMessage = OriginalCodaMessage
## Thread entry method
def _ProgressThreadEntry(self):
sys.stdout.write(self.PromptMessage + " ")
TimeUp = 0.0
while not Progressor._StopFlag.isSet():
if TimeUp <= 0.0:
TimeUp = self.Interval
TimeUp -= self._CheckInterval
sys.stdout.write(" " + self.CodaMessage + "\n")
## Abort the progress display
def Abort():
if Progressor._StopFlag != None:
if Progressor._ProgressThread != None:
Progressor._ProgressThread = None
## A dict which can access its keys and/or values orderly
# The class implements a new kind of dict which its keys or values can be
# accessed in the order they are added into the dict. It guarantees the order
# by making use of an internal list to keep a copy of keys.
class sdict(IterableUserDict):
## Constructor
def __init__(self):
self._key_list = []
## [] operator
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if key not in self._key_list:
IterableUserDict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
## del operator
def __delitem__(self, key):
IterableUserDict.__delitem__(self, key)
## used in "for k in dict" loop to ensure the correct order
def __iter__(self):
return self.iterkeys()
## len() support
def __len__(self):
return len(self._key_list)
## "in" test support
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self._key_list
## indexof support
def index(self, key):
return self._key_list.index(key)
## insert support
def insert(self, key, newkey, newvalue, order):
index = self._key_list.index(key)
if order == 'BEFORE':
self._key_list.insert(index, newkey)
IterableUserDict.__setitem__(self, newkey, newvalue)
elif order == 'AFTER':
self._key_list.insert(index + 1, newkey)
IterableUserDict.__setitem__(self, newkey, newvalue)
## append support
def append(self, sdict):
for key in sdict:
if key not in self._key_list:
IterableUserDict.__setitem__(self, key, sdict[key])
def has_key(self, key):
return key in self._key_list
## Empty the dict
def clear(self):
self._key_list = []
## Return a copy of keys
def keys(self):
keys = []
for key in self._key_list:
return keys
## Return a copy of values
def values(self):
values = []
for key in self._key_list:
return values
## Return a copy of (key, value) list
def items(self):
items = []
for key in self._key_list:
items.append((key, self[key]))
return items
## Iteration support
def iteritems(self):
return iter(self.items())
## Keys interation support
def iterkeys(self):
return iter(self.keys())
## Values interation support
def itervalues(self):
return iter(self.values())
## Return value related to a key, and remove the (key, value) from the dict
def pop(self, key, *dv):
value = None
if key in self._key_list:
value = self[key]
elif len(dv) != 0 :
value = kv[0]
return value
## Return (key, value) pair, and remove the (key, value) from the dict
def popitem(self):
key = self._key_list[-1]
value = self[key]
return key, value
def update(self, dict=None, **kwargs):
if dict != None:
for k, v in dict.items():
self[k] = v
if len(kwargs):
for k, v in kwargs.items():
self[k] = v
## Dictionary with restricted keys
class rdict(dict):
## Constructor
def __init__(self, KeyList):
for Key in KeyList:
dict.__setitem__(self, Key, "")
## []= operator
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if key not in self:
EdkLogger.error("RestrictedDict", ATTRIBUTE_SET_FAILURE, "Key [%s] is not allowed" % key,
ExtraData=", ".join(dict.keys(self)))
dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
## =[] operator
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key not in self:
return ""
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
## del operator
def __delitem__(self, key):
EdkLogger.error("RestrictedDict", ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_DENIED, ExtraData="del")
## Empty the dict
def clear(self):
for Key in self:
self.__setitem__(Key, "")
## Return value related to a key, and remove the (key, value) from the dict
def pop(self, key, *dv):
EdkLogger.error("RestrictedDict", ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_DENIED, ExtraData="pop")
## Return (key, value) pair, and remove the (key, value) from the dict
def popitem(self):
EdkLogger.error("RestrictedDict", ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_DENIED, ExtraData="popitem")
## Dictionary using prioritized list as key
class tdict:
_ListType = type([])
_TupleType = type(())
_Wildcard = 'COMMON'
_ValidWildcardList = ['COMMON', 'DEFAULT', 'ALL', '*', 'PLATFORM']
def __init__(self, _Single_=False, _Level_=2):
self._Level_ = _Level_
self.data = {}
self._Single_ = _Single_
# =[] operator
def __getitem__(self, key):
KeyType = type(key)
RestKeys = None
if KeyType == self._ListType or KeyType == self._TupleType:
FirstKey = key[0]
if len(key) > 1:
RestKeys = key[1:]
elif self._Level_ > 1:
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
RestKeys = [self._Wildcard for i in range(0, self._Level_ - 1)]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
FirstKey = key
if self._Level_ > 1:
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
RestKeys = [self._Wildcard for i in range(0, self._Level_ - 1)]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
if FirstKey == None or str(FirstKey).upper() in self._ValidWildcardList:
FirstKey = self._Wildcard
if self._Single_:
return self._GetSingleValue(FirstKey, RestKeys)
return self._GetAllValues(FirstKey, RestKeys)
def _GetSingleValue(self, FirstKey, RestKeys):
Value = None
#print "%s-%s" % (FirstKey, self._Level_) ,
if self._Level_ > 1:
if FirstKey == self._Wildcard:
if FirstKey in self.data:
Value = self.data[FirstKey][RestKeys]
if Value == None:
for Key in self.data:
Value = self.data[Key][RestKeys]
if Value != None: break
if FirstKey in self.data:
Value = self.data[FirstKey][RestKeys]
if Value == None and self._Wildcard in self.data:
#print "Value=None"
Value = self.data[self._Wildcard][RestKeys]
if FirstKey == self._Wildcard:
if FirstKey in self.data:
Value = self.data[FirstKey]
if Value == None:
for Key in self.data:
Value = self.data[Key]
if Value != None: break
if FirstKey in self.data:
Value = self.data[FirstKey]
elif self._Wildcard in self.data:
Value = self.data[self._Wildcard]
return Value
def _GetAllValues(self, FirstKey, RestKeys):
Value = []
if self._Level_ > 1:
if FirstKey == self._Wildcard:
for Key in self.data:
Value += self.data[Key][RestKeys]
if FirstKey in self.data:
Value += self.data[FirstKey][RestKeys]
if self._Wildcard in self.data:
Value += self.data[self._Wildcard][RestKeys]
if FirstKey == self._Wildcard:
for Key in self.data:
if FirstKey in self.data:
if self._Wildcard in self.data:
return Value
## []= operator
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
KeyType = type(key)
RestKeys = None
if KeyType == self._ListType or KeyType == self._TupleType:
FirstKey = key[0]
if len(key) > 1:
RestKeys = key[1:]
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
RestKeys = [self._Wildcard for i in range(0, self._Level_ - 1)]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
FirstKey = key
if self._Level_ > 1:
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
RestKeys = [self._Wildcard for i in range(0, self._Level_ - 1)]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
if FirstKey in self._ValidWildcardList:
FirstKey = self._Wildcard
if FirstKey not in self.data and self._Level_ > 0:
self.data[FirstKey] = tdict(self._Single_, self._Level_ - 1)
if self._Level_ > 1:
self.data[FirstKey][RestKeys] = value
self.data[FirstKey] = value
def SetGreedyMode(self):
self._Single_ = False
if self._Level_ > 1:
for Key in self.data:
def SetSingleMode(self):
self._Single_ = True
if self._Level_ > 1:
for Key in self.data:
def GetKeys(self, KeyIndex=0):
assert KeyIndex >= 0
if KeyIndex == 0:
return set(self.data.keys())
keys = set()
for Key in self.data:
keys |= self.data[Key].GetKeys(KeyIndex - 1)
return keys
## Boolean chain list
class Blist(UserList):
def __init__(self, initlist=None):
UserList.__init__(self, initlist)
def __setitem__(self, i, item):
if item not in [True, False]:
if item == 0:
item = False
item = True
self.data[i] = item
def _GetResult(self):
Value = True
for item in self.data:
Value &= item
return Value
Result = property(_GetResult)
def ParseConsoleLog(Filename):
Opr = open(os.path.normpath(Filename), 'r')
Opw = open(os.path.normpath(Filename + '.New'), 'w+')
for Line in Opr.readlines():
if Line.find('.efi') > -1:
Line = Line[Line.rfind(' ') : Line.rfind('.efi')].strip()
Opw.write('%s\n' % Line)
2016-10-12 07:28:36 +02:00
def AnalyzePcdExpression(Setting):
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
Setting = Setting.strip()
# There might be escaped quote in a string: \", \\\"
Data = Setting.replace('\\\\', '//').replace('\\\"', '\\\'')
# There might be '|' in string and in ( ... | ... ), replace it with '-'
NewStr = ''
InStr = False
Pair = 0
for ch in Data:
if ch == '"':
InStr = not InStr
elif ch == '(' and not InStr:
Pair += 1
elif ch == ')' and not InStr:
Pair -= 1
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
if (Pair > 0 or InStr) and ch == TAB_VALUE_SPLIT:
NewStr += '-'
NewStr += ch
FieldList = []
StartPos = 0
while True:
Pos = NewStr.find(TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, StartPos)
if Pos < 0:
StartPos = Pos + 1
2016-10-12 07:28:36 +02:00
return FieldList
## AnalyzeDscPcd
# Analyze DSC PCD value, since there is no data type info in DSC
# This fuction is used to match functions (AnalyzePcdData, AnalyzeHiiPcdData, AnalyzeVpdPcdData) used for retrieving PCD value from database
# 1. Feature flag: TokenSpace.PcdCName|PcdValue
# 2. Fix and Patch:TokenSpace.PcdCName|PcdValue[|MaxSize]
# 3. Dynamic default:
# TokenSpace.PcdCName|PcdValue[|VOID*[|MaxSize]]
# TokenSpace.PcdCName|PcdValue
# 4. Dynamic VPD:
# TokenSpace.PcdCName|VpdOffset[|VpdValue]
# TokenSpace.PcdCName|VpdOffset[|MaxSize[|VpdValue]]
# 5. Dynamic HII:
# TokenSpace.PcdCName|HiiString|VaiableGuid|VariableOffset[|HiiValue]
# PCD value needs to be located in such kind of string, and the PCD value might be an expression in which
# there might have "|" operator, also in string value.
# @param Setting: String contain information described above with "TokenSpace.PcdCName|" stripped
# @param PcdType: PCD type: feature, fixed, dynamic default VPD HII
# @param DataType: The datum type of PCD: VOID*, UNIT, BOOL
# @retval:
# ValueList: A List contain fields described above
# IsValid: True if conforming EBNF, otherwise False
# Index: The index where PcdValue is in ValueList
def AnalyzeDscPcd(Setting, PcdType, DataType=''):
FieldList = AnalyzePcdExpression(Setting)
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
IsValid = True
Value = FieldList[0]
Size = ''
if len(FieldList) > 1:
Type = FieldList[1]
# Fix the PCD type when no DataType input
if Type == 'VOID*':
DataType = 'VOID*'
Size = FieldList[1]
if len(FieldList) > 2:
Size = FieldList[2]
if DataType == 'VOID*':
IsValid = (len(FieldList) <= 3)
IsValid = (len(FieldList) <= 1)
return [Value, '', Size], IsValid, 0
Value = FieldList[0]
Size = Type = ''
if len(FieldList) > 1:
Type = FieldList[1]
Type = DataType
if len(FieldList) > 2:
Size = FieldList[2]
if Type == 'VOID*':
if Value.startswith("L"):
Size = str((len(Value)- 3 + 1) * 2)
elif Value.startswith("{"):
Size = str(len(Value.split(",")))
Size = str(len(Value) -2 + 1 )
if DataType == 'VOID*':
IsValid = (len(FieldList) <= 3)
IsValid = (len(FieldList) <= 1)
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
return [Value, Type, Size], IsValid, 0
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
VpdOffset = FieldList[0]
Value = Size = ''
if not DataType == 'VOID*':
if len(FieldList) > 1:
Value = FieldList[1]
if len(FieldList) > 1:
Size = FieldList[1]
if len(FieldList) > 2:
Value = FieldList[2]
if DataType == 'VOID*':
IsValid = (len(FieldList) <= 3)
IsValid = (len(FieldList) <= 2)
return [VpdOffset, Size, Value], IsValid, 2
HiiString = FieldList[0]
2015-04-10 08:59:47 +02:00
Guid = Offset = Value = Attribute = ''
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
if len(FieldList) > 1:
Guid = FieldList[1]
if len(FieldList) > 2:
Offset = FieldList[2]
if len(FieldList) > 3:
Value = FieldList[3]
2015-04-10 08:59:47 +02:00
if len(FieldList) > 4:
Attribute = FieldList[4]
IsValid = (3 <= len(FieldList) <= 5)
return [HiiString, Guid, Offset, Value, Attribute], IsValid, 3
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
return [], False, 0
## AnalyzePcdData
# Analyze the pcd Value, Datum type and TokenNumber.
# Used to avoid split issue while the value string contain "|" character
# @param[in] Setting: A String contain value/datum type/token number information;
# @retval ValueList: A List contain value, datum type and toke number.
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
def AnalyzePcdData(Setting):
ValueList = ['', '', '']
ValueRe = re.compile(r'^\s*L?\".*\|.*\"')
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
PtrValue = ValueRe.findall(Setting)
ValueUpdateFlag = False
if len(PtrValue) >= 1:
Setting = re.sub(ValueRe, '', Setting)
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
ValueUpdateFlag = True
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
TokenList = Setting.split(TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)
ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList
if ValueUpdateFlag:
ValueList[0] = PtrValue[0]
return ValueList
## AnalyzeHiiPcdData
# Analyze the pcd Value, variable name, variable Guid and variable offset.
# Used to avoid split issue while the value string contain "|" character
# @param[in] Setting: A String contain VariableName, VariableGuid, VariableOffset, DefaultValue information;
# @retval ValueList: A List contaian VariableName, VariableGuid, VariableOffset, DefaultValue.
def AnalyzeHiiPcdData(Setting):
ValueList = ['', '', '', '']
TokenList = GetSplitValueList(Setting)
ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList
return ValueList
## AnalyzeVpdPcdData
# Analyze the vpd pcd VpdOffset, MaxDatumSize and InitialValue.
# Used to avoid split issue while the value string contain "|" character
# @param[in] Setting: A String contain VpdOffset/MaxDatumSize/InitialValue information;
# @retval ValueList: A List contain VpdOffset, MaxDatumSize and InitialValue.
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
def AnalyzeVpdPcdData(Setting):
ValueList = ['', '', '']
ValueRe = re.compile(r'\s*L?\".*\|.*\"\s*$')
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
PtrValue = ValueRe.findall(Setting)
ValueUpdateFlag = False
if len(PtrValue) >= 1:
Setting = re.sub(ValueRe, '', Setting)
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
ValueUpdateFlag = True
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
TokenList = Setting.split(TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)
ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList
if ValueUpdateFlag:
ValueList[2] = PtrValue[0]
return ValueList
## check format of PCD value against its the datum type
# For PCD value setting
def CheckPcdDatum(Type, Value):
if Type == "VOID*":
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
ValueRe = re.compile(r'\s*L?\".*\"\s*$')
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
if not (((Value.startswith('L"') or Value.startswith('"')) and Value.endswith('"'))
or (Value.startswith('{') and Value.endswith('}'))
return False, "Invalid value [%s] of type [%s]; must be in the form of {...} for array"\
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
", or \"...\" for string, or L\"...\" for unicode string" % (Value, Type)
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
elif ValueRe.match(Value):
# Check the chars in UnicodeString or CString is printable
if Value.startswith("L"):
Value = Value[2:-1]
Value = Value[1:-1]
Printset = set(string.printable)
if not set(Value).issubset(Printset):
PrintList = list(Printset)
return False, "Invalid PCD string value of type [%s]; must be printable chars %s." % (Type, PrintList)
elif Type == 'BOOLEAN':
if Value not in ['TRUE', 'True', 'true', '0x1', '0x01', '1', 'FALSE', 'False', 'false', '0x0', '0x00', '0']:
return False, "Invalid value [%s] of type [%s]; must be one of TRUE, True, true, 0x1, 0x01, 1"\
", FALSE, False, false, 0x0, 0x00, 0" % (Value, Type)
elif Type in [TAB_UINT8, TAB_UINT16, TAB_UINT32, TAB_UINT64]:
Value = long(Value, 0)
return False, "Invalid value [%s] of type [%s];"\
" must be a hexadecimal, decimal or octal in C language format." % (Value, Type)
return False, "Invalid type [%s]; must be one of VOID*, BOOLEAN, UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64." % (Type)
return True, ""
## Split command line option string to list
# subprocess.Popen needs the args to be a sequence. Otherwise there's problem
# in non-windows platform to launch command
def SplitOption(OptionString):
OptionList = []
LastChar = " "
OptionStart = 0
QuotationMark = ""
for Index in range(0, len(OptionString)):
CurrentChar = OptionString[Index]
if CurrentChar in ['"', "'"]:
if QuotationMark == CurrentChar:
QuotationMark = ""
elif QuotationMark == "":
QuotationMark = CurrentChar
elif QuotationMark:
if CurrentChar in ["/", "-"] and LastChar in [" ", "\t", "\r", "\n"]:
if Index > OptionStart:
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
OptionList.append(OptionString[OptionStart:Index - 1])
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
OptionStart = Index
LastChar = CurrentChar
return OptionList
def CommonPath(PathList):
P1 = min(PathList).split(os.path.sep)
P2 = max(PathList).split(os.path.sep)
for Index in xrange(min(len(P1), len(P2))):
if P1[Index] != P2[Index]:
return os.path.sep.join(P1[:Index])
return os.path.sep.join(P1)
2014-08-28 15:53:34 +02:00
# Convert string to C format array
def ConvertStringToByteArray(Value):
Value = Value.strip()
if not Value:
return None
if Value[0] == '{':
if not Value.endswith('}'):
return None
Value = Value.replace(' ', '').replace('{', '').replace('}', '')
ValFields = Value.split(',')
for Index in range(len(ValFields)):
ValFields[Index] = str(int(ValFields[Index], 0))
except ValueError:
return None
Value = '{' + ','.join(ValFields) + '}'
return Value
Unicode = False
if Value.startswith('L"'):
if not Value.endswith('"'):
return None
Value = Value[1:]
Unicode = True
elif not Value.startswith('"') or not Value.endswith('"'):
return None
Value = eval(Value) # translate escape character
NewValue = '{'
for Index in range(0,len(Value)):
if Unicode:
NewValue = NewValue + str(ord(Value[Index]) % 0x10000) + ','
NewValue = NewValue + str(ord(Value[Index]) % 0x100) + ','
Value = NewValue + '0}'
return Value
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
class PathClass(object):
def __init__(self, File='', Root='', AlterRoot='', Type='', IsBinary=False,
Arch='COMMON', ToolChainFamily='', Target='', TagName='', ToolCode=''):
self.Arch = Arch
self.File = str(File)
if os.path.isabs(self.File):
self.Root = ''
self.AlterRoot = ''
self.Root = str(Root)
self.AlterRoot = str(AlterRoot)
# Remove any '.' and '..' in path
if self.Root:
2015-10-08 11:27:14 +02:00
self.Root = mws.getWs(self.Root, self.File)
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
self.Path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.Root, self.File))
self.Root = os.path.normpath(CommonPath([self.Root, self.Path]))
# eliminate the side-effect of 'C:'
if self.Root[-1] == ':':
self.Root += os.path.sep
# file path should not start with path separator
if self.Root[-1] == os.path.sep:
self.File = self.Path[len(self.Root):]
2015-12-01 05:22:16 +01:00
self.File = self.Path[len(self.Root) + 1:]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
self.Path = os.path.normpath(self.File)
self.SubDir, self.Name = os.path.split(self.File)
self.BaseName, self.Ext = os.path.splitext(self.Name)
if self.Root:
if self.SubDir:
self.Dir = os.path.join(self.Root, self.SubDir)
self.Dir = self.Root
self.Dir = self.SubDir
if IsBinary:
self.Type = Type
self.Type = self.Ext.lower()
self.IsBinary = IsBinary
self.Target = Target
self.TagName = TagName
self.ToolCode = ToolCode
self.ToolChainFamily = ToolChainFamily
self._Key = None
## Convert the object of this class to a string
# Convert member Path of the class to a string
# @retval string Formatted String
def __str__(self):
return self.Path
## Override __eq__ function
# Check whether PathClass are the same
# @retval False The two PathClass are different
# @retval True The two PathClass are the same
def __eq__(self, Other):
if type(Other) == type(self):
return self.Path == Other.Path
return self.Path == str(Other)
## Override __cmp__ function
# Customize the comparsion operation of two PathClass
# @retval 0 The two PathClass are different
# @retval -1 The first PathClass is less than the second PathClass
# @retval 1 The first PathClass is Bigger than the second PathClass
def __cmp__(self, Other):
if type(Other) == type(self):
OtherKey = Other.Path
OtherKey = str(Other)
SelfKey = self.Path
if SelfKey == OtherKey:
return 0
elif SelfKey > OtherKey:
return 1
return -1
## Override __hash__ function
# Use Path as key in hash table
# @retval string Key for hash table
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.Path)
def _GetFileKey(self):
if self._Key == None:
self._Key = self.Path.upper() # + self.ToolChainFamily + self.TagName + self.ToolCode + self.Target
return self._Key
def _GetTimeStamp(self):
return os.stat(self.Path)[8]
def Validate(self, Type='', CaseSensitive=True):
if GlobalData.gCaseInsensitive:
CaseSensitive = False
if Type and Type.lower() != self.Type:
return FILE_TYPE_MISMATCH, '%s (expect %s but got %s)' % (self.File, Type, self.Type)
RealFile, RealRoot = RealPath2(self.File, self.Root, self.AlterRoot)
if not RealRoot and not RealFile:
RealFile = self.File
if self.AlterRoot:
RealFile = os.path.join(self.AlterRoot, self.File)
elif self.Root:
RealFile = os.path.join(self.Root, self.File)
2015-10-08 11:27:14 +02:00
if len (mws.getPkgPath()) == 0:
return FILE_NOT_FOUND, os.path.join(self.AlterRoot, RealFile)
return FILE_NOT_FOUND, "%s is not found in packages path:\n\t%s" % (self.File, '\n\t'.join(mws.getPkgPath()))
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
ErrorCode = 0
ErrorInfo = ''
if RealRoot != self.Root or RealFile != self.File:
if CaseSensitive and (RealFile != self.File or (RealRoot != self.Root and RealRoot != self.AlterRoot)):
ErrorInfo = self.File + '\n\t' + RealFile + " [in file system]"
self.SubDir, self.Name = os.path.split(RealFile)
self.BaseName, self.Ext = os.path.splitext(self.Name)
if self.SubDir:
self.Dir = os.path.join(RealRoot, self.SubDir)
self.Dir = RealRoot
self.File = RealFile
self.Root = RealRoot
self.Path = os.path.join(RealRoot, RealFile)
return ErrorCode, ErrorInfo
Key = property(_GetFileKey)
TimeStamp = property(_GetTimeStamp)
## Parse PE image to get the required PE informaion.
class PeImageClass():
## Constructor
# @param File FilePath of PeImage
def __init__(self, PeFile):
self.FileName = PeFile
self.IsValid = False
self.Size = 0
self.EntryPoint = 0
self.SectionAlignment = 0
self.SectionHeaderList = []
self.ErrorInfo = ''
PeObject = open(PeFile, 'rb')
self.ErrorInfo = self.FileName + ' can not be found\n'
# Read DOS header
ByteArray = array.array('B')
ByteArray.fromfile(PeObject, 0x3E)
ByteList = ByteArray.tolist()
# DOS signature should be 'MZ'
if self._ByteListToStr (ByteList[0x0:0x2]) != 'MZ':
self.ErrorInfo = self.FileName + ' has no valid DOS signature MZ'
# Read 4 byte PE Signature
PeOffset = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[0x3C:0x3E])
ByteArray = array.array('B')
ByteArray.fromfile(PeObject, 4)
# PE signature should be 'PE\0\0'
if ByteArray.tostring() != 'PE\0\0':
self.ErrorInfo = self.FileName + ' has no valid PE signature PE00'
# Read PE file header
ByteArray = array.array('B')
ByteArray.fromfile(PeObject, 0x14)
ByteList = ByteArray.tolist()
SecNumber = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[0x2:0x4])
if SecNumber == 0:
self.ErrorInfo = self.FileName + ' has no section header'
# Read PE optional header
OptionalHeaderSize = self._ByteListToInt(ByteArray[0x10:0x12])
ByteArray = array.array('B')
ByteArray.fromfile(PeObject, OptionalHeaderSize)
ByteList = ByteArray.tolist()
self.EntryPoint = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[0x10:0x14])
self.SectionAlignment = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[0x20:0x24])
self.Size = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[0x38:0x3C])
# Read each Section Header
for Index in range(SecNumber):
ByteArray = array.array('B')
ByteArray.fromfile(PeObject, 0x28)
ByteList = ByteArray.tolist()
SecName = self._ByteListToStr(ByteList[0:8])
SecVirtualSize = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[8:12])
SecRawAddress = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[20:24])
SecVirtualAddress = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[12:16])
self.SectionHeaderList.append((SecName, SecVirtualAddress, SecRawAddress, SecVirtualSize))
self.IsValid = True
def _ByteListToStr(self, ByteList):
String = ''
for index in range(len(ByteList)):
if ByteList[index] == 0:
String += chr(ByteList[index])
return String
def _ByteListToInt(self, ByteList):
Value = 0
for index in range(len(ByteList) - 1, -1, -1):
Value = (Value << 8) | int(ByteList[index])
return Value
class SkuClass():
def __init__(self,SkuIdentifier='', SkuIds={}):
self.AvailableSkuIds = sdict()
self.SkuIdSet = []
2015-04-10 09:06:13 +02:00
self.SkuIdNumberSet = []
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
if SkuIdentifier == '' or SkuIdentifier is None:
self.SkuIdSet = ['DEFAULT']
2015-04-10 09:06:13 +02:00
self.SkuIdNumberSet = ['0U']
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
elif SkuIdentifier == 'ALL':
self.SkuIdSet = SkuIds.keys()
2015-04-10 09:06:13 +02:00
self.SkuIdNumberSet = [num.strip() + 'U' for num in SkuIds.values()]
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
r = SkuIdentifier.split('|')
self.SkuIdSet=[r[k].strip() for k in range(len(r))]
2015-04-10 09:06:13 +02:00
k = None
self.SkuIdNumberSet = [SkuIds[k].strip() + 'U' for k in self.SkuIdSet]
except Exception:
EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID,
ExtraData = "SKU-ID [%s] is not supported by the platform. [Valid SKU-ID: %s]"
% (k, " ".join(SkuIds.keys())))
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
if len(self.SkuIdSet) == 2 and 'DEFAULT' in self.SkuIdSet and SkuIdentifier != 'ALL':
2015-04-10 09:06:13 +02:00
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
for each in self.SkuIdSet:
if each in SkuIds:
self.AvailableSkuIds[each] = SkuIds[each]
EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID,
ExtraData="SKU-ID [%s] is not supported by the platform. [Valid SKU-ID: %s]"
% (each, " ".join(SkuIds.keys())))
def __SkuUsageType(self):
if len(self.SkuIdSet) == 1:
if self.SkuIdSet[0] == 'DEFAULT':
return SkuClass.DEFAULT
return SkuClass.SINGLE
return SkuClass.MULTIPLE
def __GetAvailableSkuIds(self):
return self.AvailableSkuIds
def __GetSystemSkuID(self):
if self.__SkuUsageType() == SkuClass.SINGLE:
return self.SkuIdSet[0]
return 'DEFAULT'
2015-04-10 09:06:13 +02:00
def __GetAvailableSkuIdNumber(self):
return self.SkuIdNumberSet
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
SystemSkuId = property(__GetSystemSkuID)
AvailableSkuIdSet = property(__GetAvailableSkuIds)
SkuUsageType = property(__SkuUsageType)
2015-04-10 09:06:13 +02:00
AvailableSkuIdNumSet = property(__GetAvailableSkuIdNumber)
2015-06-23 08:46:01 +02:00
# Pack a registry format GUID
def PackRegistryFormatGuid(Guid):
Guid = Guid.split('-')
return pack('=LHHBBBBBBBB',
int(Guid[0], 16),
int(Guid[1], 16),
int(Guid[2], 16),
int(Guid[3][-4:-2], 16),
int(Guid[3][-2:], 16),
int(Guid[4][-12:-10], 16),
int(Guid[4][-10:-8], 16),
int(Guid[4][-8:-6], 16),
int(Guid[4][-6:-4], 16),
int(Guid[4][-4:-2], 16),
int(Guid[4][-2:], 16)
2014-01-27 06:23:15 +01:00
# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another
# script.
if __name__ == '__main__':