#language fr-FR "fr-FR: Order Platform Override driver priority"
#string STR_TITLE_ORDER_HELP #language en-US "Select the drivers you need to add as previous controller's override driver in the following check box, and go on to order them priority in this entry. '?' means you have not select the driver"
#language fr-FR "fr-FR: Select the drivers you need to add as previous controller's override driver in the following check box, and go on to order them priority in this entry. '?' means you have not select the driver"
#string STR_GOTO_HELP_DRIVER #language en-US "Select the controller device path which you need combine override drivers, '**' means you have saved its info before"
#language fr-FR "fr-FR: Select the controller device path which you need combine override drivers"
#string STR_NULL_STRING #language en-US ""
#language fr-FR ""
#string STR_GOTO_PREVIOUS #language en-US "Go to Previous Menu"