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/** @file
The definition of CFormPkg's member function
Copyright (c) 2004 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
This program and the accompanying materials
are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
#include "string.h"
#include "EfiVfr.h"
#include "VfrError.h"
#include "VfrUtilityLib.h"
#define NO_QST_REFED "no question refered"
CHAR8 *Buffer;
UINT32 Size;
* The functions below are used for flags setting
static inline BOOLEAN _FLAGS_ZERO (
IN UINT8 &Flags
return Flags == 0;
static inline VOID _FLAG_CLEAR (
IN UINT8 &Flags,
Flags &= (~Mask);
static inline UINT8 _FLAG_TEST_AND_CLEAR (
IN UINT8 &Flags,
UINT8 Ret = Flags & Mask;
Flags &= (~Mask);
return Ret;
static inline UINT8 _IS_EQUAL (
IN UINT8 &Flags,
IN UINT8 Value
return Flags == Value;
* The definition of CIfrBin
typedef enum {
struct SPendingAssign {
CHAR8 *mKey; // key ! unique
VOID *mAddr;
UINT32 mLen;
UINT32 mLineNo;
CHAR8 *mMsg;
struct SPendingAssign *mNext;
SPendingAssign (IN CHAR8 *, IN VOID *, IN UINT32, IN UINT32, IN CONST CHAR8 *);
~SPendingAssign ();
VOID SetAddrAndLen (IN VOID *, IN UINT32);
VOID AssignValue (IN VOID *, IN UINT32);
CHAR8 * GetKey (VOID);
SPendingAssign (IN CONST SPendingAssign&); // Prevent copy-construction
SPendingAssign& operator= (IN CONST SPendingAssign&); // Prevent assignment
struct SBufferNode {
CHAR8 *mBufferStart;
CHAR8 *mBufferEnd;
CHAR8 *mBufferFree;
struct SBufferNode *mNext;
typedef struct {
BOOLEAN CompatibleMode;
EFI_GUID *OverrideClassGuid;
class CFormPkg {
UINT32 mBufferSize;
SBufferNode *mBufferNodeQueueHead;
SBufferNode *mBufferNodeQueueTail;
SBufferNode *mCurrBufferNode;
SBufferNode *mReadBufferNode;
UINT32 mReadBufferOffset;
UINT32 mPkgLength;
SBufferNode * GetBinBufferNodeForAddr (IN CHAR8 *);
SBufferNode * CreateNewNode ();
SBufferNode * GetNodeBefore (IN SBufferNode *);
EFI_VFR_RETURN_CODE InsertNodeBefore (IN SBufferNode *, IN SBufferNode *);
SPendingAssign *PendingAssignList;
CFormPkg (IN UINT32 BufferSize = 4096);
~CFormPkg ();
CHAR8 * IfrBinBufferGet (IN UINT32);
inline UINT32 GetPkgLength (VOID);
VOID Open ();
UINT32 Read (IN CHAR8 *, IN UINT32);
VOID Close ();
CFormPkg (IN CONST CFormPkg&); // Prevent copy-construction
CFormPkg& operator= (IN CONST CFormPkg&); // Prevent assignment
VOID DoPendingAssign (IN CHAR8 *, IN VOID *, IN UINT32);
bool HavePendingUnassigned (VOID);
VOID PendingAssignPrintAll (VOID);
EFI_VFR_RETURN_CODE DeclarePendingQuestion (
IN CVfrVarDataTypeDB &lCVfrVarDataTypeDB,
IN CVfrDataStorage &lCVfrDataStorage,
IN CVfrQuestionDB &lCVfrQuestionDB,
IN EFI_GUID *LocalFormSetGuid,
IN UINT32 LineNo,
OUT CHAR8 **InsertOpcodeAddr
EFI_VFR_RETURN_CODE AdjustDynamicInsertOpcode (
IN CHAR8 *LastFormEndAddr,
IN CHAR8 *InsertOpcodeAddr,
IN BOOLEAN CreateOpcodeAfterParsingVfr
CHAR8 * GetBufAddrBaseOnOffset (
IN UINT32 Offset
extern CFormPkg gCFormPkg;
extern CVfrStringDB gCVfrStringDB;
extern UINT32 gAdjustOpcodeOffset;
extern BOOLEAN gNeedAdjustOpcode;
struct SIfrRecord {
UINT32 mLineNo;
CHAR8 *mIfrBinBuf;
UINT8 mBinBufLen;
UINT32 mOffset;
SIfrRecord *mNext;
SIfrRecord (VOID);
~SIfrRecord (VOID);
struct QuestionDefaultRecord {
BOOLEAN mIsDefaultIdExist[EFI_HII_MAX_SUPPORT_DEFAULT_TYPE]; // Record the default id in mAllDefaultIdArray[EFI_HII_MAX_SUPPORT_DEFAULT_TYPE]
// whether exists in current question.
SIfrRecord *mDefaultValueRecord; // Point to the default value record in RecordList which has smallest default Id.
// (for checkbox it may be NULL, because the dedault value is always true when the flag is set.)
BOOLEAN mIsDefaultOpcode; // whether the default value with smallest default id is given by default opcode.
// (for oneof and checkbox default info may be given by flag.)
UINT16 mDefaultNumber; // The default number of this question.
class CIfrRecordInfoDB {
bool mSwitch;
UINT32 mRecordCount;
SIfrRecord *mIfrRecordListHead;
SIfrRecord *mIfrRecordListTail;
UINT8 mAllDefaultTypeCount;
SIfrRecord * GetRecordInfoFromIdx (IN UINT32);
BOOLEAN CheckQuestionOpCode (IN UINT8);
CIfrRecordInfoDB (VOID);
~CIfrRecordInfoDB (VOID);
inline VOID TurnOn (VOID) {
mSwitch = TRUE;
inline VOID TurnOff (VOID) {
mSwitch = FALSE;
SIfrRecord * GetRecordInfoFromOffset (IN UINT32);
VOID IfrAdjustOffsetForRecord (VOID);
BOOLEAN IfrAdjustDynamicOpcodeInRecords (IN BOOLEAN);
UINT32 IfrRecordRegister (IN UINT32, IN CHAR8 *, IN UINT8, IN UINT32);
VOID IfrRecordInfoUpdate (IN UINT32, IN UINT32, IN CHAR8*, IN UINT8, IN UINT32);
VOID IfrRecordOutput (IN FILE *, IN UINT32 LineNo);
VOID IfrRecordOutput (OUT PACKAGE_DATA &);
VOID IfrUpdateRecordInfoForDynamicOpcode (IN BOOLEAN);
VOID IfrCheckAddDefaultRecord (IN BOOLEAN, IN BOOLEAN);
VOID IfrGetDefaultStoreInfo ();
VOID IfrCreateDefaultRecord (IN UINT8 Size,IN UINT16 DefaultId,IN UINT8 Type,IN UINT32 LineNo,IN EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE Value);
VOID IfrCreateDefaultForQuestion (IN SIfrRecord *, IN QuestionDefaultRecord *);
VOID IfrParseDefaulInfoInQuestion (IN SIfrRecord *, OUT QuestionDefaultRecord *);
VOID IfrAddDefaultToBufferConfig (IN UINT16, IN SIfrRecord *,IN EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE);
CIfrRecordInfoDB (IN CONST CIfrRecordInfoDB&); // Prevent copy-construction
CIfrRecordInfoDB& operator= (IN CONST CIfrRecordInfoDB&); // Prevent assignment
extern CIfrRecordInfoDB gCIfrRecordInfoDB;
* The definition of CIfrObj
extern BOOLEAN gCreateOp;
class CIfrObj {
BOOLEAN mDelayEmit;
CHAR8 *mObjBinBuf;
UINT8 mObjBinLen;
UINT32 mLineNo;
UINT32 mRecordIdx;
UINT32 mPkgOffset;
CIfrObj (IN UINT8 OpCode, OUT CHAR8 **IfrObj = NULL, IN UINT8 ObjBinLen = 0, IN BOOLEAN DelayEmit = FALSE);
virtual ~CIfrObj(VOID);
inline VOID SetLineNo (IN UINT32 LineNo) {
mLineNo = LineNo;
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
template<typename T>
inline T * GetObjBinAddr (VOID) {
return reinterpret_cast<T *>(mObjBinBuf);
inline UINT32 GetObjBinOffset (VOID) {
return mPkgOffset;
inline UINT8 GetObjBinLen (VOID) {
return mObjBinLen;
inline bool ExpendObjBin (IN UINT8 Size) {
if ((mDelayEmit == TRUE) && ((mObjBinLen + Size) > mObjBinLen)) {
mObjBinLen = mObjBinLen + Size;
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
inline bool ShrinkObjBin (IN UINT8 Size) {
if ((mDelayEmit == TRUE) && (mObjBinLen > Size)) {
mObjBinLen -= Size;
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
* The definition of CIfrOpHeader
class CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrOpHeader (IN UINT8 OpCode, IN VOID *StartAddr, IN UINT8 Length = 0);
CIfrOpHeader (IN CIfrOpHeader &);
CIfrOpHeader& operator=(IN CONST CIfrOpHeader &);
VOID IncLength (UINT8 Size) {
if ((mHeader->Length + Size) > mHeader->Length) {
mHeader->Length = mHeader->Length + Size;
VOID DecLength (UINT8 Size) {
if (mHeader->Length >= Size) {
mHeader->Length -= Size;
UINT8 GetLength () {
return mHeader->Length;
UINT8 GetScope () {
return mHeader->Scope;
VOID SetScope (IN UINT8 Scope) {
mHeader->Scope = Scope;
VOID UpdateHeader (IN EFI_IFR_OP_HEADER *Header) {
mHeader = Header;
UINT8 GetOpCode () {
return mHeader->OpCode;
extern UINT8 gScopeCount;
* The definition of CIfrStatementHeader
class CIfrStatementHeader {
CIfrStatementHeader (
) : mHeader ((EFI_IFR_STATEMENT_HEADER *)StartAddr) {
mHeader = StartAddr;
mHeader->Prompt = EFI_STRING_ID_INVALID;
EFI_IFR_STATEMENT_HEADER *GetStatementHeader () {
return mHeader;
VOID SetPrompt (IN EFI_STRING_ID Prompt) {
mHeader->Prompt = Prompt;
mHeader->Help = Help;
* The definition of CIfrQuestionHeader
class CIfrQuestionHeader : public CIfrStatementHeader {
return &(Qheader)->Header;
return mHeader->QuestionId;
return mHeader->VarStoreId;
if (Info != NULL) {
Info->mVarStoreId = mHeader->VarStoreId;
memmove (&Info->mVarStoreId, &mHeader->VarStoreInfo, sizeof (Info->mVarStoreId));
return mHeader->Flags;
CIfrQuestionHeader (
) : CIfrStatementHeader (QH2SH(StartAddr)) {
mHeader = StartAddr;
mHeader->QuestionId = EFI_QUESTION_ID_INVALID;
mHeader->VarStoreInfo.VarName = EFI_STRING_ID_INVALID;
mHeader->VarStoreInfo.VarOffset = EFI_VAROFFSET_INVALID;
mHeader->Flags = Flags;
VOID SetQuestionId (IN EFI_QUESTION_ID QuestionId) {
mHeader->QuestionId = QuestionId;
mHeader->VarStoreId = Info->mVarStoreId;
mHeader->VarStoreInfo.VarName = Info->mInfo.mVarName;
mHeader->VarStoreInfo.VarOffset = Info->mInfo.mVarOffset;
mHeader->Flags |= EFI_IFR_FLAG_READ_ONLY;
_FLAG_CLEAR (Flags, 0x02);
mHeader->Flags |= EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK;
// ignore NVAccessFlag
_FLAG_CLEAR (Flags, 0x08);
// Set LateCheck Flag to compatible for framework flag
// but it uses 0x20 as its flag, if in the future UEFI may take this flag
if (_FLAG_TEST_AND_CLEAR (Flags, 0x20)) {
mHeader->Flags |= 0x20;
VOID UpdateCIfrQuestionHeader (IN EFI_IFR_QUESTION_HEADER *Header) {
mHeader = Header;
* The definition of CIfrMinMaxStepData
class CIfrMinMaxStepData {
BOOLEAN IsNumeric;
CIfrMinMaxStepData (MINMAXSTEP_DATA *DataAddr, BOOLEAN NumericOpcode=FALSE) : mMinMaxStepData (DataAddr) {
mMinMaxStepData->u64.MinValue = 0;
mMinMaxStepData->u64.MaxValue = 0;
mMinMaxStepData->u64.Step = 0;
ValueIsSet = FALSE;
IsNumeric = NumericOpcode;
VOID SetMinMaxStepData (IN UINT64 MinValue, IN UINT64 MaxValue, IN UINT64 Step) {
if (!ValueIsSet) {
mMinMaxStepData->u64.MinValue = MinValue;
mMinMaxStepData->u64.MaxValue = MaxValue;
ValueIsSet = TRUE;
} else {
if (MinValue < mMinMaxStepData->u64.MinValue) {
mMinMaxStepData->u64.MinValue = MinValue;
if (MaxValue > mMinMaxStepData->u64.MaxValue) {
mMinMaxStepData->u64.MaxValue = MaxValue;
mMinMaxStepData->u64.Step = Step;
VOID SetMinMaxStepData (IN UINT32 MinValue, IN UINT32 MaxValue, IN UINT32 Step) {
if (!ValueIsSet) {
mMinMaxStepData->u32.MinValue = MinValue;
mMinMaxStepData->u32.MaxValue = MaxValue;
ValueIsSet = TRUE;
} else {
if (MinValue < mMinMaxStepData->u32.MinValue) {
mMinMaxStepData->u32.MinValue = MinValue;
if (MaxValue > mMinMaxStepData->u32.MaxValue) {
mMinMaxStepData->u32.MaxValue = MaxValue;
mMinMaxStepData->u32.Step = Step;
VOID SetMinMaxStepData (IN UINT16 MinValue, IN UINT16 MaxValue, IN UINT16 Step) {
if (!ValueIsSet) {
mMinMaxStepData->u16.MinValue = MinValue;
mMinMaxStepData->u16.MaxValue = MaxValue;
ValueIsSet = TRUE;
} else {
if (MinValue < mMinMaxStepData->u16.MinValue) {
mMinMaxStepData->u16.MinValue = MinValue;
if (MaxValue > mMinMaxStepData->u16.MaxValue) {
mMinMaxStepData->u16.MaxValue = MaxValue;
mMinMaxStepData->u16.Step = Step;
VOID SetMinMaxStepData (IN UINT8 MinValue, IN UINT8 MaxValue, IN UINT8 Step) {
if (!ValueIsSet) {
mMinMaxStepData->u8.MinValue = MinValue;
mMinMaxStepData->u8.MaxValue = MaxValue;
ValueIsSet = TRUE;
} else {
if (MinValue < mMinMaxStepData->u8.MinValue) {
mMinMaxStepData->u8.MinValue = MinValue;
if (MaxValue > mMinMaxStepData->u8.MaxValue) {
mMinMaxStepData->u8.MaxValue = MaxValue;
mMinMaxStepData->u8.Step = Step;
UINT64 GetMinData (UINT8 VarType, BOOLEAN IsBitVar) {
UINT64 MinValue = 0;
if (IsBitVar) {
MinValue = mMinMaxStepData->u32.MinValue;
return MinValue;
switch (VarType) {
MinValue = mMinMaxStepData->u64.MinValue;
MinValue = (UINT64) mMinMaxStepData->u32.MinValue;
MinValue = (UINT64) mMinMaxStepData->u16.MinValue;
MinValue = (UINT64) mMinMaxStepData->u8.MinValue;
return MinValue;
UINT64 GetMaxData (UINT8 VarType, BOOLEAN IsBitVar) {
UINT64 MaxValue = 0;
if (IsBitVar) {
MaxValue = mMinMaxStepData->u32.MaxValue;
return MaxValue;
switch (VarType) {
MaxValue = mMinMaxStepData->u64.MaxValue;
MaxValue = (UINT64) mMinMaxStepData->u32.MaxValue;
MaxValue = (UINT64) mMinMaxStepData->u16.MaxValue;
MaxValue = (UINT64) mMinMaxStepData->u8.MaxValue;
return MaxValue;
UINT64 GetStepData (UINT8 VarType, BOOLEAN IsBitVar) {
UINT64 MaxValue = 0;
if (IsBitVar) {
MaxValue = mMinMaxStepData->u32.Step;
return MaxValue;
switch (VarType) {
MaxValue = mMinMaxStepData->u64.Step;
MaxValue = (UINT64) mMinMaxStepData->u32.Step;
MaxValue = (UINT64) mMinMaxStepData->u16.Step;
MaxValue = (UINT64) mMinMaxStepData->u8.Step;
return MaxValue;
BOOLEAN IsNumericOpcode () {
return IsNumeric;
VOID UpdateCIfrMinMaxStepData (IN MINMAXSTEP_DATA *MinMaxStepData) {
mMinMaxStepData = MinMaxStepData;
static CIfrQuestionHeader *gCurrentQuestion = NULL;
static CIfrMinMaxStepData *gCurrentMinMaxData = NULL;
static BOOLEAN gIsOrderedList = FALSE;
static BOOLEAN gIsStringOp = FALSE;
* The definition of all of the UEFI IFR Objects
class CIfrFormSet : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
EFI_GUID *mClassGuid;
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrFormSet (UINT8 Size) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_FORM_SET_OP, (CHAR8 **)NULL, Size),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_FORM_SET_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_FORM_SET>())->Header, Size), mFormSet(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_FORM_SET>()) {
mFormSet->FormSetTitle = EFI_STRING_ID_INVALID;
mFormSet->Flags = 0;
memset (&mFormSet->Guid, 0, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
mClassGuid = (EFI_GUID *) (mFormSet + 1);
VOID SetGuid (IN EFI_GUID *Guid) {
memmove (&mFormSet->Guid, Guid, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
VOID SetFormSetTitle (IN EFI_STRING_ID FormSetTitle) {
mFormSet->FormSetTitle = FormSetTitle;
mFormSet->Help = Help;
VOID SetClassGuid (IN EFI_GUID *Guid) {
memmove (&(mClassGuid[mFormSet->Flags++]), Guid, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
UINT8 GetFlags() {
return mFormSet->Flags;
class CIfrEnd : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrEnd () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_END_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_END_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_END>())->Header) {}
class CIfrDefaultStore : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrDefaultStore () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_DEFAULTSTORE_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_DEFAULTSTORE_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_DEFAULTSTORE>())->Header), mDefaultStore(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_DEFAULTSTORE>()) {
mDefaultStore->DefaultId = EFI_VARSTORE_ID_INVALID;
mDefaultStore->DefaultName = EFI_STRING_ID_INVALID;
VOID SetDefaultName (IN EFI_STRING_ID DefaultName) {
mDefaultStore->DefaultName = DefaultName;
VOID SetDefaultId (IN UINT16 DefaultId) {
mDefaultStore->DefaultId = DefaultId;
class CIfrFormId {
UINT32 Index = (FormId / EFI_BITS_PER_UINT32);
UINT32 Offset = (FormId % EFI_BITS_PER_UINT32);
return (FormIdBitMap[Index] & (0x80000000 >> Offset)) == 0;
UINT32 Index = (FormId / EFI_BITS_PER_UINT32);
UINT32 Offset = (FormId % EFI_BITS_PER_UINT32);
FormIdBitMap[Index] |= (0x80000000 >> Offset);
class CIfrForm : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrForm () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_FORM_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_FORM_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_FORM>())->Header), mForm(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_FORM>()) {
mForm->FormId = 0;
if (FormId == 0) {
// FormId can't be 0.
if (CIfrFormId::ChekFormIdFree (FormId) == FALSE) {
mForm->FormId = FormId;
CIfrFormId::MarkFormIdUsed (FormId);
VOID SetFormTitle (IN EFI_STRING_ID FormTitle) {
mForm->FormTitle = FormTitle;
class CIfrFormMap : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrFormMap () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_FORM_MAP_OP, (CHAR8 **)NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_FORM_MAP), TRUE),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_FORM_MAP_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_FORM_MAP>())->Header), mFormMap(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_FORM_MAP>()) {
mFormMap->FormId = 0;
mMethodMap = (EFI_IFR_FORM_MAP_METHOD *) (mFormMap + 1);
if (FormId == 0) {
// FormId can't be 0.
if (CIfrFormId::ChekFormIdFree (FormId) == FALSE) {
mFormMap->FormId = FormId;
CIfrFormId::MarkFormIdUsed (FormId);
VOID SetFormMapMethod (IN EFI_STRING_ID MethodTitle, IN EFI_GUID *MethodGuid) {
if (ExpendObjBin (sizeof (EFI_IFR_FORM_MAP_METHOD))) {
IncLength (sizeof (EFI_IFR_FORM_MAP_METHOD));
mMethodMap->MethodTitle = MethodTitle;
memmove (&(mMethodMap->MethodIdentifier), MethodGuid, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
mMethodMap ++;
class CIfrVarStore : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_VARSTORE_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_VARSTORE>())->Header), mVarStore(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_VARSTORE>()) {
mVarStore->Size = 0;
memset (&mVarStore->Guid, 0, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
mVarStore->Name[0] = '\0';
VOID SetGuid (IN EFI_GUID *Guid) {
memmove (&mVarStore->Guid, Guid, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
VOID SetVarStoreId (IN EFI_VARSTORE_ID VarStoreId) {
mVarStore->VarStoreId = VarStoreId;
VOID SetSize (IN UINT16 Size) {
mVarStore->Size = Size;
VOID SetName (IN CHAR8 *Name) {
UINT8 Len;
if (Name != NULL) {
Len = (UINT8) strlen (Name);
if (Len != 0) {
if (ExpendObjBin (Len) == TRUE) {
IncLength (Len);
strcpy ((CHAR8 *)(mVarStore->Name), Name);
class CIfrVarStoreEfi : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_VARSTORE_EFI_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_VARSTORE_EFI>())->Header), mVarStoreEfi(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_VARSTORE_EFI>()) {
mVarStoreEfi->Size = 0;
memset (&mVarStoreEfi->Guid, 0, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
mVarStoreEfi->Name[0] = '\0';
VOID SetGuid (IN EFI_GUID *Guid) {
memmove (&mVarStoreEfi->Guid, Guid, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
VOID SetVarStoreId (IN UINT16 VarStoreId) {
mVarStoreEfi->VarStoreId = VarStoreId;
VOID SetAttributes (IN UINT32 Attributes) {
mVarStoreEfi->Attributes = Attributes;
VOID SetSize (IN UINT16 Size) {
mVarStoreEfi->Size = Size;
VOID SetName (IN CHAR8 *Name) {
UINT8 Len;
if (Name != NULL) {
Len = (UINT8) strlen (Name);
if (Len != 0) {
if (ExpendObjBin (Len) == TRUE) {
IncLength (Len);
strcpy ((CHAR8 *)(mVarStoreEfi->Name), Name);
VOID SetBinaryLength (IN UINT16 Size) {
UINT16 Len;
Len = sizeof (EFI_IFR_VARSTORE_EFI);
if (Size > Len) {
ExpendObjBin(Size - Len);
IncLength(Size - Len);
} else {
ShrinkObjBin(Len - Size);
DecLength(Len - Size);
class CIfrVarStoreNameValue : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrVarStoreNameValue () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_VARSTORE_NAME_VALUE_OP),
mVarStoreNameValue->VarStoreId = EFI_VAROFFSET_INVALID;
memset (&mVarStoreNameValue->Guid, 0, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
VOID SetGuid (IN EFI_GUID *Guid) {
memmove (&mVarStoreNameValue->Guid, Guid, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
VOID SetVarStoreId (IN UINT16 VarStoreId) {
mVarStoreNameValue->VarStoreId = VarStoreId;
class CIfrImage : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrImage () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_IMAGE_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_IMAGE_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_IMAGE>())->Header), mImage(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_IMAGE>()) {
VOID SetImageId (IN EFI_IMAGE_ID ImageId) {
mImage->Id = ImageId;
class CIfrModal : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrModal () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_MODAL_TAG_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_MODAL_TAG_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_MODAL_TAG>())->Header) {
class CIfrLocked : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrLocked () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_LOCKED_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_LOCKED_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_LOCKED>())->Header) {}
class CIfrRule : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrRule () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_RULE_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_RULE_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_RULE>())->Header), mRule(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_RULE>()) {
VOID SetRuleId (IN UINT8 RuleId) {
mRule->RuleId = RuleId;
static EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE gZeroEfiIfrTypeValue = {0, };
class CIfrDefault : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrDefault (
IN UINT8 Size,
IN EFI_IFR_TYPE_VALUE Value = gZeroEfiIfrTypeValue
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_DEFAULT_OP, (CHAR8 **)NULL, Size),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_DEFAULT_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_DEFAULT>())->Header, Size), mDefault(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_DEFAULT>()) {
mDefault->Type = Type;
mDefault->DefaultId = DefaultId;
memmove (&(mDefault->Value), &Value, Size - OFFSET_OF (EFI_IFR_DEFAULT, Value));
VOID SetDefaultId (IN UINT16 DefaultId) {
mDefault->DefaultId = DefaultId;
VOID SetType (IN UINT8 Type) {
mDefault->Type = Type;
memmove (&mDefault->Value, &Value, mDefault->Header.Length - OFFSET_OF (EFI_IFR_DEFAULT, Value));
class CIfrDefault2 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
EFI_IFR_DEFAULT_2 *mDefault;
CIfrDefault2 (
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_DEFAULT_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_DEFAULT_2>())->Header, sizeof (EFI_IFR_DEFAULT_2)), mDefault(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_DEFAULT_2>()) {
mDefault->Type = Type;
mDefault->DefaultId = DefaultId;
VOID SetDefaultId (IN UINT16 DefaultId) {
mDefault->DefaultId = DefaultId;
VOID SetType (IN UINT8 Type) {
mDefault->Type = Type;
class CIfrValue : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader{
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrValue () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_VALUE_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_VALUE_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_VALUE>())->Header) {}
class CIfrRead : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader{
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrRead () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_READ_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_READ_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_READ>())->Header) {}
class CIfrWrite : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader{
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrWrite () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_WRITE_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_WRITE_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_WRITE>())->Header) {}
class CIfrGet : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader{
CIfrGet (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_GET_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_GET_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GET>())->Header), mGet(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GET>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
mGet->VarStoreId = Info->mVarStoreId;
mGet->VarStoreInfo.VarName = Info->mInfo.mVarName;
mGet->VarStoreInfo.VarOffset = Info->mInfo.mVarOffset;
mGet->VarStoreType = Info->mVarType;
class CIfrSet : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader{
CIfrSet (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_SET_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_SET_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_SET>())->Header), mSet(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_SET>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
mSet->VarStoreId = Info->mVarStoreId;
mSet->VarStoreInfo.VarName = Info->mInfo.mVarName;
mSet->VarStoreInfo.VarOffset = Info->mInfo.mVarOffset;
mSet->VarStoreType = Info->mVarType;
class CIfrSubtitle : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrStatementHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrSubtitle () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_SUBTITLE_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_SUBTITLE_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_SUBTITLE>())->Header),
CIfrStatementHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_SUBTITLE>())->Statement), mSubtitle(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_SUBTITLE>()) {
mSubtitle->Flags = 0;
class CIfrText : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrStatementHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrText () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_TEXT_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_TEXT_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_TEXT>())->Header),
CIfrStatementHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_TEXT>())->Statement), mText(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_TEXT>()) {
VOID SetTextTwo (IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId) {
mText->TextTwo = StringId;
class CIfrRef : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrQuestionHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrRef () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_REF_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_REF_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REF>())->Header),
CIfrQuestionHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REF>())->Question), mRef(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REF>()) {
mRef->FormId = 0;
VOID SetFormId (IN EFI_FORM_ID FormId) {
mRef->FormId = FormId;
class CIfrRef2 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrQuestionHeader {
EFI_IFR_REF2 *mRef2;
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrRef2 () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_REF_OP, (CHAR8 **)NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_REF2)),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_REF_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REF2>())->Header, sizeof (EFI_IFR_REF2)),
CIfrQuestionHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REF2>())->Question), mRef2(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REF2>()) {
mRef2->FormId = 0;
VOID SetFormId (IN EFI_FORM_ID FormId) {
mRef2->FormId = FormId;
VOID SetQuestionId (IN EFI_QUESTION_ID QuestionId) {
mRef2->QuestionId = QuestionId;
class CIfrRef3 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrQuestionHeader {
EFI_IFR_REF3 *mRef3;
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrRef3 () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_REF_OP, (CHAR8 **)NULL, sizeof(EFI_IFR_REF3)),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_REF_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REF3>())->Header, sizeof (EFI_IFR_REF3)),
CIfrQuestionHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REF3>())->Question), mRef3(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REF3>()) {
mRef3->FormId = 0;
memset (&mRef3->FormSetId, 0, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
VOID SetFormId (IN EFI_FORM_ID FormId) {
mRef3->FormId = FormId;
VOID SetQuestionId (IN EFI_QUESTION_ID QuestionId) {
mRef3->QuestionId = QuestionId;
VOID SetFormSetId (IN EFI_GUID FormSetId) {
mRef3->FormSetId = FormSetId;
class CIfrRef4 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrQuestionHeader {
EFI_IFR_REF4 *mRef4;
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrRef4 () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_REF_OP, (CHAR8 **)NULL, sizeof(EFI_IFR_REF4)),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_REF_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REF4>())->Header, sizeof(EFI_IFR_REF4)),
CIfrQuestionHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REF4>())->Question), mRef4(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REF4>()) {
mRef4->FormId = 0;
memset (&mRef4->FormSetId, 0, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
mRef4->DevicePath = EFI_STRING_ID_INVALID;
VOID SetFormId (IN EFI_FORM_ID FormId) {
mRef4->FormId = FormId;
VOID SetQuestionId (IN EFI_QUESTION_ID QuestionId) {
mRef4->QuestionId = QuestionId;
VOID SetFormSetId (IN EFI_GUID FormSetId) {
mRef4->FormSetId = FormSetId;
VOID SetDevicePath (IN EFI_STRING_ID DevicePath) {
mRef4->DevicePath = DevicePath;
class CIfrRef5 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrQuestionHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrRef5 () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_REF_OP, (CHAR8 **)NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_REF5)),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_REF_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REF5>())->Header, sizeof (EFI_IFR_REF5)),
CIfrQuestionHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REF5>())->Question) {
class CIfrResetButton : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrStatementHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrResetButton () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_RESET_BUTTON_OP),
CIfrStatementHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_RESET_BUTTON>())->Statement), mResetButton(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_RESET_BUTTON>()) {
VOID SetDefaultId (IN UINT16 DefaultId) {
mResetButton->DefaultId = DefaultId;
class CIfrCheckBox : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrQuestionHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrCheckBox () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_CHECKBOX_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_CHECKBOX_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_CHECKBOX>())->Header),
CIfrQuestionHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_CHECKBOX>())->Question), mCheckBox(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_CHECKBOX>()) {
mCheckBox->Flags = 0;
gCurrentQuestion = this;
~CIfrCheckBox () {
gCurrentQuestion = NULL;
Ret = CIfrQuestionHeader::SetFlags (HFlags);
return Ret;
UINT8 GetFlags (VOID) {
return mCheckBox->Flags;
class CIfrAction : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrQuestionHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrAction () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_ACTION_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_ACTION_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_ACTION>())->Header),
CIfrQuestionHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_ACTION>())->Question), mAction(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_ACTION>()) {
mAction->QuestionConfig = EFI_STRING_ID_INVALID;
VOID SetQuestionConfig (IN EFI_STRING_ID QuestionConfig) {
mAction->QuestionConfig = QuestionConfig;
class CIfrDate : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrQuestionHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrDate () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_DATE_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_DATE_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_DATE>())->Header),
CIfrQuestionHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_DATE>())->Question), mDate(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_DATE>()) {
mDate->Flags = 0;
Ret = CIfrQuestionHeader::SetFlags (HFlags);
return Ret;
class CIfrNumeric : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrQuestionHeader, public CIfrMinMaxStepData {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrNumeric () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_OP, (CHAR8 **)NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_NUMERIC), TRUE),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_NUMERIC_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_NUMERIC>())->Header),
CIfrQuestionHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_NUMERIC>())->Question),
CIfrMinMaxStepData (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_NUMERIC>())->data, TRUE), mNumeric(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_NUMERIC>()) {
gCurrentQuestion = this;
gCurrentMinMaxData = this;
~CIfrNumeric () {
gCurrentQuestion = NULL;
gCurrentMinMaxData = NULL;
VOID ShrinkBinSize (IN UINT16 Size) {
// Update the buffer size which is truly be used later.
// Allocate buffer in gCFormPkg.
// Update the buffer pointer used by other class.
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
mNumeric = GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_NUMERIC>();
UpdateHeader (&mNumeric->Header);
EFI_VFR_RETURN_CODE SetFlags (IN UINT8 HFlags, IN UINT8 LFlags, BOOLEAN DisplaySettingsSpecified = FALSE) {
Ret = CIfrQuestionHeader::SetFlags (HFlags);
return Ret;
if (DisplaySettingsSpecified == FALSE) {
mNumeric->Flags = LFlags | EFI_IFR_DISPLAY_UINT_DEC;
} else {
mNumeric->Flags = LFlags;
EFI_VFR_RETURN_CODE SetFlagsForBitField (IN UINT8 HFlags, IN UINT8 LFlags, BOOLEAN DisplaySettingsSpecified = FALSE) {
Ret = CIfrQuestionHeader::SetFlags (HFlags);
return Ret;
if (DisplaySettingsSpecified == FALSE) {
mNumeric->Flags = LFlags | EDKII_IFR_DISPLAY_UINT_DEC_BIT;
} else {
mNumeric->Flags = LFlags;
UINT8 GetNumericFlags () {
return mNumeric->Flags;
class CIfrOneOf : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrQuestionHeader, public CIfrMinMaxStepData {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOneOf () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_ONE_OF_OP, (CHAR8 **)NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_ONE_OF), TRUE),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_ONE_OF_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_ONE_OF>())->Header),
CIfrQuestionHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_ONE_OF>())->Question),
CIfrMinMaxStepData (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_ONE_OF>())->data), mOneOf(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_ONE_OF>()) {
mOneOf->Flags = 0;
gCurrentQuestion = this;
gCurrentMinMaxData = this;
~CIfrOneOf () {
gCurrentQuestion = NULL;
gCurrentMinMaxData = NULL;
Ret = CIfrQuestionHeader::SetFlags (HFlags);
return Ret;
if (LFlags & EFI_IFR_DISPLAY) {
mOneOf->Flags = LFlags;
} else {
mOneOf->Flags = LFlags | EFI_IFR_DISPLAY_UINT_DEC;
EFI_VFR_RETURN_CODE SetFlagsForBitField (IN UINT8 HFlags, IN UINT8 LFlags) {
Ret = CIfrQuestionHeader::SetFlags (HFlags);
return Ret;
if (LFlags & EFI_IFR_DISPLAY) {
mOneOf->Flags = LFlags;
} else {
VOID ShrinkBinSize (IN UINT16 Size) {
// Update the buffer size which is truly be used later.
// Allocate buffer in gCFormPkg.
// Update the buffer pointer used by other class.
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
mOneOf = GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_ONE_OF>();
UpdateHeader (&mOneOf->Header);
class CIfrString : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrQuestionHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrString () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_STRING_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_STRING_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_STRING>())->Header),
CIfrQuestionHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_STRING>())->Question), mString(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_STRING>()) {
mString->Flags = 0;
mString->MinSize = 0;
mString->MaxSize = 0;
gCurrentQuestion = this;
~CIfrString () {
gCurrentQuestion = NULL;
Ret = CIfrQuestionHeader::SetFlags (HFlags);
return Ret;
VOID SetMinSize (IN UINT8 Flags) {
mString->MinSize = Flags;
VOID SetMaxSize (IN UINT8 MaxSize) {
mString->MaxSize = MaxSize;
class CIfrPassword : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrQuestionHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrPassword () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_PASSWORD_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_PASSWORD_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_PASSWORD>())->Header),
CIfrQuestionHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_PASSWORD>())->Question), mPassword(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_PASSWORD>()) {
mPassword->MinSize = 0;
mPassword->MaxSize = 0;
gCurrentQuestion = this;
~CIfrPassword () {
gCurrentQuestion = NULL;
VOID SetMinSize (IN UINT16 MinSize) {
mPassword->MinSize = MinSize;
VOID SetMaxSize (IN UINT16 MaxSize) {
mPassword->MaxSize = MaxSize;
class CIfrOrderedList : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrQuestionHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOrderedList () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_ORDERED_LIST_OP),
CIfrQuestionHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_ORDERED_LIST>())->Question), mOrderedList(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_ORDERED_LIST>()) {
mOrderedList->MaxContainers = 0;
mOrderedList->Flags = 0;
gCurrentQuestion = this;
~CIfrOrderedList () {
gCurrentQuestion = NULL;
VOID SetMaxContainers (IN UINT8 MaxContainers) {
mOrderedList->MaxContainers = MaxContainers;
Ret = CIfrQuestionHeader::SetFlags (HFlags);
return Ret;
mOrderedList->Flags |= EFI_IFR_UNIQUE_SET;
mOrderedList->Flags |= EFI_IFR_NO_EMPTY_SET;
class CIfrTime : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader, public CIfrQuestionHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrTime () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_TIME_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_TIME_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_TIME>())->Header),
CIfrQuestionHeader (&(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_TIME>())->Question), mTime(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_TIME>()) {
mTime->Flags = 0;
Ret = CIfrQuestionHeader::SetFlags (HFlags);
return Ret;
class CIfrDisableIf : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrDisableIf () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_DISABLE_IF_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_DISABLE_IF_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_DISABLE_IF>())->Header) {}
class CIfrSuppressIf : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrSuppressIf () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_SUPPRESS_IF_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_SUPPRESS_IF_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_SUPPRESS_IF>())->Header) {}
class CIfrGrayOutIf : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrGrayOutIf () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_GRAY_OUT_IF_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_GRAY_OUT_IF_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GRAY_OUT_IF>())->Header) {}
class CIfrInconsistentIf : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrInconsistentIf () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_INCONSISTENT_IF_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_INCONSISTENT_IF_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_INCONSISTENT_IF>())->Header), mInconsistentIf(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_INCONSISTENT_IF>()) {
mInconsistentIf->Error = EFI_STRING_ID_INVALID;
VOID SetError (IN EFI_STRING_ID Error) {
mInconsistentIf->Error = Error;
class CIfrWarningIf : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrWarningIf () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_WARNING_IF_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_WARNING_IF_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_WARNING_IF>())->Header), mWarningIf(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_WARNING_IF>()) {
mWarningIf->Warning = EFI_STRING_ID_INVALID;
mWarningIf->TimeOut = 0;
VOID SetWarning (IN EFI_STRING_ID Warning) {
mWarningIf->Warning = Warning;
VOID SetTimeOut (IN UINT8 TimeOut) {
mWarningIf->TimeOut = TimeOut;
class CIfrNoSubmitIf : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrNoSubmitIf () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_NO_SUBMIT_IF_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_NO_SUBMIT_IF_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_NO_SUBMIT_IF>())->Header), mNoSubmitIf(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_NO_SUBMIT_IF>()) {
VOID SetError (IN EFI_STRING_ID Error) {
mNoSubmitIf->Error = Error;
class CIfrRefresh : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrRefresh () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_REFRESH_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_REFRESH_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REFRESH>())->Header), mRefresh(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REFRESH>()) {
mRefresh->RefreshInterval = 0;
VOID SetRefreshInterval (IN UINT8 RefreshInterval) {
mRefresh->RefreshInterval = RefreshInterval;
class CIfrRefreshId : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrRefreshId () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_REFRESH_ID_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_REFRESH_ID_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REFRESH_ID>())->Header), mRefreshId(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_REFRESH_ID>()) {
memset (&mRefreshId->RefreshEventGroupId, 0, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
VOID SetRefreshEventGroutId (IN EFI_GUID *RefreshEventGroupId) {
memmove (&mRefreshId->RefreshEventGroupId, RefreshEventGroupId, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
class CIfrVarStoreDevice : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrVarStoreDevice () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_VARSTORE_DEVICE_OP),
mVarStoreDevice->DevicePath = EFI_STRING_ID_INVALID;
VOID SetDevicePath (IN EFI_STRING_ID DevicePath) {
mVarStoreDevice->DevicePath = DevicePath;
class CIfrOneOfOption : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOneOfOption (UINT8 Size) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_ONE_OF_OPTION_OP, (CHAR8 **)NULL, Size),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_ONE_OF_OPTION_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_ONE_OF_OPTION>())->Header, Size), mOneOfOption(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_ONE_OF_OPTION>()) {
mOneOfOption->Flags = 0;
mOneOfOption->Option = EFI_STRING_ID_INVALID;
mOneOfOption->Type = EFI_IFR_TYPE_OTHER;
memset (&mOneOfOption->Value, 0, Size - OFFSET_OF (EFI_IFR_ONE_OF_OPTION, Value));
VOID SetOption (IN EFI_STRING_ID Option) {
mOneOfOption->Option = Option;
mOneOfOption->Flags = 0;
mOneOfOption->Flags |= EFI_IFR_OPTION_DEFAULT;
mOneOfOption->Flags |= EFI_IFR_TYPE_NUM_SIZE_8;
} else if (_IS_EQUAL (LFlags, EFI_IFR_TYPE_NUM_SIZE_16)) {
mOneOfOption->Flags |= EFI_IFR_TYPE_NUM_SIZE_16;
} else if (_IS_EQUAL (LFlags, EFI_IFR_TYPE_NUM_SIZE_32)) {
mOneOfOption->Flags |= EFI_IFR_TYPE_NUM_SIZE_32;
} else if (_IS_EQUAL (LFlags, EFI_IFR_TYPE_NUM_SIZE_64)) {
mOneOfOption->Flags |= EFI_IFR_TYPE_NUM_SIZE_64;
} else if (_IS_EQUAL (LFlags, EFI_IFR_TYPE_BOOLEAN)) {
mOneOfOption->Flags |= EFI_IFR_TYPE_BOOLEAN;
} else if (_IS_EQUAL (LFlags, EFI_IFR_TYPE_TIME)) {
mOneOfOption->Flags |= EFI_IFR_TYPE_TIME;
} else if (_IS_EQUAL (LFlags, EFI_IFR_TYPE_DATE)) {
mOneOfOption->Flags |= EFI_IFR_TYPE_DATE;
} else if (_IS_EQUAL (LFlags, EFI_IFR_TYPE_STRING)) {
mOneOfOption->Flags |= EFI_IFR_TYPE_STRING;
} else if (_IS_EQUAL (LFlags, EFI_IFR_TYPE_OTHER)) {
mOneOfOption->Flags |= EFI_IFR_TYPE_OTHER;
VOID SetType (IN UINT8 Type) {
mOneOfOption->Type = Type;
memmove (&mOneOfOption->Value, &Value, mOneOfOption->Header.Length - OFFSET_OF (EFI_IFR_ONE_OF_OPTION, Value));
UINT8 GetFlags (VOID) {
return mOneOfOption->Flags;
static EFI_GUID IfrTianoGuid = EFI_IFR_TIANO_GUID;
static EFI_GUID IfrFrameworkGuid = EFI_IFR_FRAMEWORK_GUID;
class CIfrClass : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrClass () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_GUID_OP, (CHAR8 **)NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_CLASS)),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_GUID_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GUID_CLASS>())->Header, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_CLASS)), mClass(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GUID_CLASS>()) {
mClass->ExtendOpCode = EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_CLASS;
mClass->Guid = IfrTianoGuid;
VOID SetClass (IN UINT16 Class) {
mClass->Class = Class;
class CIfrSubClass : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrSubClass () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_GUID_OP, (CHAR8 **)NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_SUBCLASS)),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_GUID_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GUID_SUBCLASS>())->Header, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_SUBCLASS)), mSubClass(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GUID_SUBCLASS>()) {
mSubClass->Guid = IfrTianoGuid;
VOID SetSubClass (IN UINT16 SubClass) {
mSubClass->SubClass = SubClass;
class CIfrLabel : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrLabel () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_GUID_OP, (CHAR8 **)NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL)),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_GUID_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL>())->Header, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL)), mLabel(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL>()) {
mLabel->ExtendOpCode = EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_LABEL;
mLabel->Guid = IfrTianoGuid;
VOID SetNumber (IN UINT16 Number) {
mLabel->Number = Number;
class CIfrBanner : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrBanner () : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_GUID_OP, (CHAR8 **)NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_BANNER)),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_GUID_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GUID_BANNER>())->Header, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_BANNER)), mBanner(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GUID_BANNER>()) {
mBanner->ExtendOpCode = EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_BANNER;
mBanner->Guid = IfrTianoGuid;
VOID SetTitle (IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId) {
mBanner->Title = StringId;
VOID SetLine (IN UINT16 Line) {
mBanner->LineNumber = Line;
VOID SetAlign (IN UINT8 Align) {
mBanner->Alignment = Align;
class CIfrOptionKey : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrOptionKey (
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_GUID_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GUID_OPTIONKEY>())->Header, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_OPTIONKEY)), mOptionKey(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GUID_OPTIONKEY>()) {
mOptionKey->Guid = IfrFrameworkGuid;
mOptionKey->QuestionId = QuestionId;
mOptionKey->OptionValue = OptionValue;
mOptionKey->KeyValue = KeyValue;
class CIfrVarEqName : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrVarEqName (
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_GUID_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GUID_VAREQNAME>())->Header, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_VAREQNAME)), mVarEqName(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GUID_VAREQNAME>()) {
mVarEqName->Guid = IfrFrameworkGuid;
mVarEqName->QuestionId = QuestionId;
mVarEqName->NameId = NameId;
class CIfrTimeout : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrTimeout (IN UINT16 Timeout = 0) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_GUID_OP, (CHAR8 **)NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_TIMEOUT)),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_GUID_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GUID_TIMEOUT>())->Header, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID_TIMEOUT)), mTimeout(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GUID_TIMEOUT>()) {
mTimeout->ExtendOpCode = EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_TIMEOUT;
mTimeout->Guid = IfrTianoGuid;
mTimeout->TimeOut = Timeout;
VOID SetTimeout (IN UINT16 Timeout) {
mTimeout->TimeOut = Timeout;
class CIfrGuid : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrGuid (UINT8 Size) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_GUID_OP, (CHAR8 **)NULL, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID)+Size),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_GUID_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GUID>())->Header, sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID)+Size), mGuid(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GUID>()) {
memset (&mGuid->Guid, 0, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
VOID SetGuid (IN EFI_GUID *Guid) {
memmove (&mGuid->Guid, Guid, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
VOID SetData (IN UINT8* DataBuff, IN UINT8 Size) {
memmove ((UINT8 *)mGuid + sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID), DataBuff, Size);
class CIfrDup : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrDup (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_DUP_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_DUP_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_DUP>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrEqIdId : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrEqIdId (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_EQ_ID_ID_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_EQ_ID_ID_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_EQ_ID_ID>())->Header), mEqIdId(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_EQ_ID_ID>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
VOID SetQuestionId1 (
IN CHAR8 *VarIdStr,
IN UINT32 LineNo
) {
if (QuestionId != EFI_QUESTION_ID_INVALID) {
mEqIdId->QuestionId1 = QuestionId;
} else {
gCFormPkg.AssignPending (VarIdStr, (VOID *)(&mEqIdId->QuestionId1), sizeof (EFI_QUESTION_ID), LineNo, NO_QST_REFED);
VOID SetQuestionId2 (
IN CHAR8 *VarIdStr,
IN UINT32 LineNo
) {
if (QuestionId != EFI_QUESTION_ID_INVALID) {
mEqIdId->QuestionId2 = QuestionId;
} else {
gCFormPkg.AssignPending (VarIdStr, (VOID *)(&mEqIdId->QuestionId2), sizeof (EFI_QUESTION_ID), LineNo, NO_QST_REFED);
class CIfrEqIdVal : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrEqIdVal (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_EQ_ID_VAL_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_EQ_ID_VAL>())->Header), mEqIdVal(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_EQ_ID_VAL>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
VOID SetQuestionId (
IN CHAR8 *VarIdStr,
IN UINT32 LineNo
) {
if (QuestionId != EFI_QUESTION_ID_INVALID) {
mEqIdVal->QuestionId = QuestionId;
} else {
gCFormPkg.AssignPending (VarIdStr, (VOID *)(&mEqIdVal->QuestionId), sizeof (EFI_QUESTION_ID), LineNo, NO_QST_REFED);
VOID SetValue (IN UINT16 Value) {
mEqIdVal->Value = Value;
class CIfrEqIdList : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrEqIdList (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_EQ_ID_VAL_LIST_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_EQ_ID_VAL_LIST>())->Header), mEqIdVList(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_EQ_ID_VAL_LIST>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
mEqIdVList->ListLength = 0;
mEqIdVList->ValueList[0] = 0;
VOID UpdateIfrBuffer (
) {
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
mEqIdVList = GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_EQ_ID_VAL_LIST>();
UpdateHeader (&mEqIdVList->Header);
VOID SetQuestionId (
IN CHAR8 *VarIdStr,
IN UINT32 LineNo
) {
if (QuestionId != EFI_QUESTION_ID_INVALID) {
mEqIdVList->QuestionId = QuestionId;
} else {
gCFormPkg.AssignPending (VarIdStr, (VOID *)(&mEqIdVList->QuestionId), sizeof (EFI_QUESTION_ID), LineNo, NO_QST_REFED);
VOID SetListLength (IN UINT16 ListLength) {
mEqIdVList->ListLength = ListLength;
VOID SetValueList (IN UINT16 Index, IN UINT16 Value) {
if (Index == 0) {
mEqIdVList->ValueList[0] = Value;
if (ExpendObjBin (sizeof (UINT16)) ==TRUE) {
IncLength (sizeof (UINT16));
mEqIdVList->ValueList[Index] = Value;
class CIfrQuestionRef1 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrQuestionRef1 (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF1_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF1>())->Header), mQuestionRef1(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF1>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
mQuestionRef1->QuestionId = EFI_QUESTION_ID_INVALID;
VOID SetQuestionId (
IN CHAR8 *VarIdStr,
IN UINT32 LineNo
) {
if (QuestionId != EFI_QUESTION_ID_INVALID) {
mQuestionRef1->QuestionId = QuestionId;
} else {
gCFormPkg.AssignPending (VarIdStr, (VOID *)(&mQuestionRef1->QuestionId), sizeof (EFI_QUESTION_ID), LineNo, NO_QST_REFED);
class CIfrQuestionRef2 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrQuestionRef2 (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF2_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF2>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrQuestionRef3 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrQuestionRef3 (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF3_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF3>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrQuestionRef3_2 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF3_2 *mQuestionRef3_2;
CIfrQuestionRef3_2 (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF3_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF3_2>())->Header, sizeof (EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF3_2)), mQuestionRef3_2(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF3_2>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
mQuestionRef3_2->DevicePath = EFI_STRING_ID_INVALID;
VOID SetDevicePath (IN EFI_STRING_ID DevicePath) {
mQuestionRef3_2->DevicePath = DevicePath;
class CIfrQuestionRef3_3 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF3_3 *mQuestionRef3_3;
CIfrQuestionRef3_3 (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF3_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF3_3>())->Header, sizeof (EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF3_3)), mQuestionRef3_3(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_QUESTION_REF3_3>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
mQuestionRef3_3->DevicePath = EFI_STRING_ID_INVALID;
memset (&mQuestionRef3_3->Guid, 0, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
VOID SetDevicePath (IN EFI_STRING_ID DevicePath) {
mQuestionRef3_3->DevicePath = DevicePath;
VOID SetGuid (IN EFI_GUID *Guid) {
mQuestionRef3_3->Guid = *Guid;
class CIfrRuleRef : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrRuleRef (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_RULE_REF_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_RULE_REF>())->Header), mRuleRef(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_RULE_REF>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
VOID SetRuleId (IN UINT8 RuleId) {
mRuleRef->RuleId = RuleId;
class CIfrStringRef1 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrStringRef1 (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_STRING_REF1_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_STRING_REF1>())->Header), mStringRef1(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_STRING_REF1>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
mStringRef1->StringId = EFI_STRING_ID_INVALID;
VOID SetStringId (IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId) {
mStringRef1->StringId = StringId;
class CIfrStringRef2 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrStringRef2 (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_STRING_REF2_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_STRING_REF2>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrThis : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrThis (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_THIS_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_THIS_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_THIS>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrSecurity : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrSecurity (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_SECURITY_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_SECURITY>())->Header), mSecurity(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_SECURITY>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
memset (&mSecurity->Permissions, 0, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
VOID SetPermissions (IN EFI_GUID *Permissions) {
memmove (&mSecurity->Permissions, Permissions, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
class CIfrUint8 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
EFI_IFR_UINT8 *mUint8;
CIfrUint8 (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_UINT8_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_UINT8_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_UINT8>())->Header), mUint8(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_UINT8>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
VOID SetValue (IN UINT8 Value) {
mUint8->Value = Value;
class CIfrUint16 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
EFI_IFR_UINT16 *mUint16;
CIfrUint16 (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_UINT16_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_UINT16_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_UINT16>())->Header), mUint16(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_UINT16>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
VOID SetValue (IN UINT16 Value) {
mUint16->Value = Value;
class CIfrUint32 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
EFI_IFR_UINT32 *mUint32;
CIfrUint32 (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_UINT32_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_UINT32_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_UINT32>())->Header), mUint32(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_UINT32>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
VOID SetValue (IN UINT32 Value) {
mUint32->Value = Value;
class CIfrUint64 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
EFI_IFR_UINT64 *mUint64;
CIfrUint64 (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_UINT64_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_UINT64_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_UINT64>())->Header), mUint64(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_UINT64>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
VOID SetValue (IN UINT64 Value) {
mUint64->Value = Value;
class CIfrTrue : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrTrue (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_TRUE_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_TRUE_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_TRUE>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrFalse : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrFalse (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_FALSE_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_FALSE>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrOne : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrOne (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_ONE_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_ONE_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_ONE>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrOnes : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrOnes (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_ONES_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_ONES_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_ONES>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrZero : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrZero (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_ZERO_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_ZERO_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_ZERO>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrUndefined : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrUndefined (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_UNDEFINED_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_UNDEFINED>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrVersion : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrVersion (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_VERSION_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_VERSION>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrLength : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrLength (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_LENGTH_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_LENGTH>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrNot : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrNot (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_NOT_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_NOT_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_NOT>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrBitWiseNot : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrBitWiseNot (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_BITWISE_NOT_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_BITWISE_NOT>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrToBoolean : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrToBoolean (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_TO_BOOLEAN_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_TO_BOOLEAN>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrToString : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrToString (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_TO_STRING_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_TO_STRING>())->Header), mToString(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_TO_STRING>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
VOID SetFormat (IN UINT8 Format) {
mToString->Format = Format;
class CIfrToUint : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrToUint (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_TO_UINT_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_TO_UINT>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrToUpper : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrToUpper (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_TO_UPPER_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_TO_UPPER>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrToLower : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrToLower (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_TO_LOWER_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_TO_LOWER>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrAdd : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrAdd (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_ADD_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_ADD_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_ADD>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrBitWiseAnd : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrBitWiseAnd (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_BITWISE_AND_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_BITWISE_AND>())->Header) {
class CIfrBitWiseOr : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrBitWiseOr (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_BITWISE_OR_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_BITWISE_OR>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrAnd : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrAnd (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_AND_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_AND_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_AND>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrCatenate : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrCatenate (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_CATENATE_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_CATENATE>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrDivide : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrDivide (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_DIVIDE_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_DIVIDE>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrEqual : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrEqual (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_EQUAL_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_EQUAL>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrGreaterEqual : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrGreaterEqual (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrGreaterThan : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrGreaterThan (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_GREATER_THAN_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_GREATER_THAN>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrLessEqual : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrLessEqual (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_LESS_EQUAL_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_LESS_EQUAL>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrLessThan : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrLessThan (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_LESS_THAN_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_LESS_THAN>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrMap : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader{
CIfrMap (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_MAP_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_MAP_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_MAP>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrMatch : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrMatch (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_MATCH_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_MATCH>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrMatch2 : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
EFI_IFR_MATCH2 *mMatch2;
CIfrMatch2 (
IN UINT32 LineNo,
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_MATCH2_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_MATCH2_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_MATCH2>())->Header), mMatch2(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_MATCH2>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
memmove (&mMatch2->SyntaxType, Guid, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
class CIfrMultiply : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrMultiply (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_MULTIPLY_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_MULTIPLY>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrModulo : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrModulo (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_MODULO_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_MODULO>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrNotEqual : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrNotEqual (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_NOT_EQUAL_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_NOT_EQUAL>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrOr : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrOr (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_OR_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_OR_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_OR>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrShiftLeft : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrShiftLeft (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_SHIFT_LEFT_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_SHIFT_LEFT>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrShiftRight : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrShiftRight (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_SHIFT_RIGHT_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_SHIFT_RIGHT>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrSubtract : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrSubtract (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_SUBTRACT_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_SUBTRACT>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrConditional : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrConditional (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrFind : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrFind (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_FIND_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_FIND_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_FIND>())->Header), mFind(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_FIND>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
VOID SetFormat (IN UINT8 Format) {
mFind->Format = Format;
class CIfrMid : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrMid (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_MID_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_MID_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_MID>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrToken : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrToken (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_TOKEN_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_TOKEN>())->Header) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);
class CIfrSpan : public CIfrObj, public CIfrOpHeader {
CIfrSpan (
IN UINT32 LineNo
BaseTools: resolve initialization order errors in VfrFormPkg.h clang generates many warnings warning: field 'XXX' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized] for VfrFormPkg.h. VfrFormPkg.h defines many classes derived from CIfrObj (along with other base classes.) Each of these derived classes defines a non-static member field that serves as a duplicate pointer to an original pointer defined in the CIfrObj base class, but cast to a different pointer type. The derived class constructor passes the duplicate pointer to base class constructors: 1) Once passes the address of the duplicate pointer to the CIfrObj constructor to have it initialized. 2) Then passes the duplicate pointer to one or more subsequent base class constructors to be used. Both 1) and 2) constitute undefined behavior in C++. C++ prescribes that base classes are initialized before non-static members when initializing a derived class. So when base class constructors are executing, it is not permitted to assume any non-static members of the derived class exist (even to the stage of having their storage allocated.) clang does not issue warnings for 1), but issues warnings -Wuninitialized for 2). This coding methodology is resolved as follows: a) The CIfrObj object accessor method for retrieving the original pointer is revised to a template member function that returns the original pointer cast to a desired target type. b) The call to CIfrObj constructor is no longer used to initialize the duplicate pointer in the derived class. c) Any subsequent calls to a base class constructor that need to use the pointer, retrieve it from the CIfrObj base class using the template accessor method. d) If the derived class makes no further use of the pointer, then the duplicate pointer defined in it is eliminated. e) If the derived class needs the duplicate pointer for other use, the duplicate pointer remains in the derived class and is initialized in proper order from the original pointer in CIfrObj. f) Existing source code that previously used the CIfrObj pointer accessor method is revised to use the template method. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1 Signed-off-by: Zenith432 <> Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
2017-12-06 17:46:37 +01:00
) : CIfrObj (EFI_IFR_SPAN_OP),
CIfrOpHeader (EFI_IFR_SPAN_OP, &(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_SPAN>())->Header), mSpan(GetObjBinAddr<EFI_IFR_SPAN>()) {
SetLineNo (LineNo);