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/** @file
Save the S3 data to S3 boot script.
Copyright (c) 2006 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
This program and the accompanying materials
are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions
of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The
full text of the license may be found at
#include "InternalBootScriptLib.h"
Data structure usage:
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
+------------------------------+<------- PcdS3BootScriptTablePrivateDataPtr
| SCRIPT_TABLE_PRIVATE_DATA | (mS3BootScriptTablePtr, Before SmmReadyToLock)
| TableBase |--- PcdS3BootScriptTablePrivateSmmDataPtr
| TableLength |--|-- (mS3BootScriptTablePtr = mS3BootScriptTableSmmPtr, After SmmReadyToLock InSmm)
| TableMemoryPageNumber |--|-|----
| AtRuntime | | | |
| InSmm | | | |
| BootTimeScriptLength |--|-|---|---
| SmmLocked | | | | |
| BackFromS3 | | | | |
+------------------------------+ | | | |
| | | |
+------------------------------+<-- | | |
| TableLength |----|-- | |
+------------------------------+ | | | |
| ...... | | | | |
+------------------------------+<---- | | |
+------------------------------+<------ | |
| |
| |
mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox: | |
Used to restore data after back from S3| |
to handle potential INSERT boot script | |
at runtime. | |
+------------------------------+ | |
| Boot Time Boot Script | | |
| Before SmmReadyToLock | | |
| | | |
| | | |
+------------------------------+ | |
| Boot Time Boot Script | | |
| After SmmReadyToLock InSmm | | |
| | | |
| |
| |
mBootScriptDataGuid LockBox: (IN_PLACE) | |
Used to restore data at S3 resume. | |
+------------------------------+ | |
| Boot Time Boot Script | | |
| Before SmmReadyToLock | | |
| | | |
| | | |
+------------------------------+ | |
| Boot Time Boot Script | | |
| After SmmReadyToLock InSmm | | |
| | | |
| Runtime Boot Script | |
| After SmmReadyToLock InSmm | |
+------------------------------+ |
| ...... | |
mBootScriptTableBaseGuid LockBox: (IN_PLACE)
| mS3BootScriptTablePtr-> |
| TableBase |
mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox: (IN_PLACE)
SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE
at runtime. S3 will help restore it to
tell the Library the system is back from S3.
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
| TableBase |
| TableLength |
| TableMemoryPageNumber |
| AtRuntime |
| InSmm |
| BootTimeScriptLength |
| SmmLocked |
| BackFromS3 = TRUE |
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// Allocate SMM copy because we can not use mS3BootScriptTablePtr after SmmReadyToLock in InSmm.
EFI_GUID mBootScriptDataGuid = {
0xaea6b965, 0xdcf5, 0x4311, { 0xb4, 0xb8, 0xf, 0x12, 0x46, 0x44, 0x94, 0xd2 }
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
EFI_GUID mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid = {
0xb5af1d7a, 0xb8cf, 0x4eb3, { 0x89, 0x25, 0xa8, 0x20, 0xe1, 0x6b, 0x68, 0x7d }
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
EFI_GUID mBootScriptTableBaseGuid = {
0x1810ab4a, 0x2314, 0x4df6, { 0x81, 0xeb, 0x67, 0xc6, 0xec, 0x5, 0x85, 0x91 }
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
EFI_GUID mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid = {
0x627ee2da, 0x3bf9, 0x439b, { 0x92, 0x9f, 0x2e, 0xe, 0x6e, 0x9d, 0xba, 0x62 }
EFI_EVENT mEventDxeSmmReadyToLock = NULL;
VOID *mRegistrationSmmExitBootServices = NULL;
VOID *mRegistrationSmmLegacyBoot = NULL;
VOID *mRegistrationSmmReadyToLock = NULL;
BOOLEAN mS3BootScriptTableAllocated = FALSE;
BOOLEAN mS3BootScriptTableSmmAllocated = FALSE;
This is an internal function to add a terminate node the entry, recalculate the table
length and fill into the table.
@return the base address of the boot script table.
S3BootScriptInternalCloseTable (
UINT8 *S3TableBase;
S3TableBase = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase;
if (S3TableBase == NULL) {
// the table is not exist
return S3TableBase;
// Append the termination entry.
ScriptTerminate.Length = (UINT8) sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE);
CopyMem (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase + mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength, &ScriptTerminate, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE));
// fill the table length
ScriptTableInfo = (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER*)(mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase);
ScriptTableInfo->TableLength = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE);
return S3TableBase;
// NOTE: Here we did NOT adjust the mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength to
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE).
// Because maybe after SmmReadyToLock, we still need add entries into the table,
// and the entry should be added start before this TERMINATE node.
This function save boot script data to LockBox.
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
SaveBootScriptDataToLockBox (
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// Save whole memory copy into LockBox.
// It will be used to restore data at S3 resume.
Status = SaveLockBox (
(VOID *)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase,
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableMemoryPageNumber)
Status = SetLockBoxAttributes (&mBootScriptDataGuid, LOCK_BOX_ATTRIBUTE_RESTORE_IN_PLACE);
// Just need save TableBase.
// Do not update other field because they will NOT be used in S3.
Status = SaveLockBox (
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
(VOID *)&mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase,
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
Status = SetLockBoxAttributes (&mBootScriptTableBaseGuid, LOCK_BOX_ATTRIBUTE_RESTORE_IN_PLACE);
This is the Event call back function to notify the Library the system is entering
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
SmmLocked phase.
@param Event Pointer to this event
@param Context Event handler private data
S3BootScriptEventCallBack (
IN VOID *Context
VOID *Interface;
// Try to locate it because EfiCreateProtocolNotifyEvent will trigger it once when registration.
// Just return if it is not found.
Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (
if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
return ;
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// Here we should tell the library that we are entering SmmLocked phase.
// and the memory page number occupied by the table should not grow anymore.
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
if (!mS3BootScriptTablePtr->SmmLocked) {
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// Before SmmReadyToLock, we need not write the terminate node when adding a node to boot scipt table
// or else, that will impact the performance. However, after SmmReadyToLock, we should append terminate
// node on every add to boot script table.
S3BootScriptInternalCloseTable ();
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
mS3BootScriptTablePtr->SmmLocked = TRUE;
// Save BootScript data to lockbox
SaveBootScriptDataToLockBox ();
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
This is the Event call back function is triggered in SMM to notify the Library
the system is entering SmmLocked phase and set InSmm flag.
@param Protocol Points to the protocol's unique identifier
@param Interface Points to the interface instance
@param Handle The handle on which the interface was installed
@retval EFI_SUCCESS SmmEventCallback runs successfully
S3BootScriptSmmEventCallBack (
IN VOID *Interface,
// Check if it is already done
if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr == mS3BootScriptTableSmmPtr) {
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// Last chance to call-out, just make sure SmmLocked is set.
S3BootScriptEventCallBack (NULL, NULL);
// Save a SMM copy. If TableBase is NOT null, it means SMM copy has been ready, skip copy mem.
if (mS3BootScriptTableSmmPtr->TableBase == NULL) {
CopyMem (mS3BootScriptTableSmmPtr, mS3BootScriptTablePtr, sizeof(*mS3BootScriptTablePtr));
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// Set InSmm, we allow boot script update when InSmm, but not allow boot script outside SMM.
// InSmm will only be checked if SmmLocked is TRUE.
mS3BootScriptTableSmmPtr->InSmm = TRUE;
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// We should not use ACPI Reserved copy, because it is not safe.
mS3BootScriptTablePtr = mS3BootScriptTableSmmPtr;
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
This function is to save boot time boot script data to LockBox.
Because there may be INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM.
The boot time copy will be used to restore data after back from S3.
Otherwise the data inserted may cause some boot time boot script data lost
if only BootScriptData used.
SaveBootTimeDataToLockBox (
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// ACPI Reserved copy is not safe, restore from BootScriptData LockBox first,
// and then save the data to BootScriptDataBootTime LockBox.
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
Status = RestoreLockBox (
// Save BootScriptDataBootTime
// It will be used to restore data after back from S3.
Status = SaveLockBox (
(VOID *) mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase,
This function save boot script SMM private data to LockBox with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime.
S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3.
SaveSmmPriviateDataToLockBoxAtRuntime (
// Save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE.
mS3BootScriptTablePtr->BackFromS3 = TRUE;
Status = SaveLockBox (
(VOID *) mS3BootScriptTablePtr,
Status = SetLockBoxAttributes (&mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid, LOCK_BOX_ATTRIBUTE_RESTORE_IN_PLACE);
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// Set BackFromS3 flag back to FALSE to indicate that now is not back from S3.
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
mS3BootScriptTablePtr->BackFromS3 = FALSE;
This is the Event call back function is triggered in SMM to notify the Library
the system is entering runtime phase.
@param[in] Protocol Points to the protocol's unique identifier
@param[in] Interface Points to the interface instance
@param[in] Handle The handle on which the interface was installed
@retval EFI_SUCCESS SmmAtRuntimeCallBack runs successfully
S3BootScriptSmmAtRuntimeCallBack (
IN VOID *Interface,
if (!mS3BootScriptTablePtr->AtRuntime) {
mS3BootScriptTablePtr->BootTimeScriptLength = (UINT32) (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE));
SaveBootTimeDataToLockBox ();
mS3BootScriptTablePtr->AtRuntime = TRUE;
SaveSmmPriviateDataToLockBoxAtRuntime ();
Library Constructor.
this function just identify it is a smm driver or non-smm driver linked against
with the library
@param ImageHandle The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.
@param SystemTable A pointer to the EFI System Table.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS The constructor always returns RETURN_SUCCESS.
S3BootScriptLibInitialize (
IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
VOID *Registration;
S3TablePtr = (SCRIPT_TABLE_PRIVATE_DATA*)(UINTN)PcdGet64(PcdS3BootScriptTablePrivateDataPtr);
// The Boot script private data is not be initialized. create it
if (S3TablePtr == 0) {
Buffer = SIZE_4GB - 1;
Status = gBS->AllocatePages (
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
mS3BootScriptTableAllocated = TRUE;
S3TablePtr = (VOID *) (UINTN) Buffer;
Status = PcdSet64S (PcdS3BootScriptTablePrivateDataPtr, (UINT64) (UINTN)S3TablePtr);
ZeroMem (S3TablePtr, sizeof(SCRIPT_TABLE_PRIVATE_DATA));
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// Create event to notify the library system enter the SmmLocked phase.
mEventDxeSmmReadyToLock = EfiCreateProtocolNotifyEvent (
ASSERT (mEventDxeSmmReadyToLock != NULL);
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
mS3BootScriptTablePtr = S3TablePtr;
// Get InSmm, we need to register SmmReadyToLock if this library is linked to SMM driver.
Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiSmmBase2ProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID**) &SmmBase2);
if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
Status = SmmBase2->InSmm (SmmBase2, &InSmm);
if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
if (!InSmm) {
// Good, we are in SMM
Status = SmmBase2->GetSmstLocation (SmmBase2, &mBootScriptSmst);
if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
S3TableSmmPtr = (SCRIPT_TABLE_PRIVATE_DATA*)(UINTN)PcdGet64(PcdS3BootScriptTablePrivateSmmDataPtr);
// The Boot script private data in SMM is not be initialized. create it
if (S3TableSmmPtr == 0) {
Status = mBootScriptSmst->SmmAllocatePool (
(VOID **) &S3TableSmmPtr
mS3BootScriptTableSmmAllocated = TRUE;
Status = PcdSet64S (PcdS3BootScriptTablePrivateSmmDataPtr, (UINT64) (UINTN)S3TableSmmPtr);
ZeroMem (S3TableSmmPtr, sizeof(SCRIPT_TABLE_PRIVATE_DATA));
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// Register SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification.
Status = mBootScriptSmst->SmmRegisterProtocolNotify (
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
Status = mBootScriptSmst->SmmRegisterProtocolNotify (
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
mS3BootScriptTableSmmPtr = S3TableSmmPtr;
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// Register SmmReadyToLock notification.
Status = mBootScriptSmst->SmmRegisterProtocolNotify (
Library Destructor to free the resources allocated by
S3BootScriptLibInitialize() and unregister callbacks.
NOTICE: The destructor doesn't support unloading as a separate action, and it
only supports unloading if the containing driver's entry point function fails.
@param ImageHandle The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.
@param SystemTable A pointer to the EFI System Table.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS The destructor always returns RETURN_SUCCESS.
S3BootScriptLibDeinitialize (
IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "%a() in %a module\n", __FUNCTION__, gEfiCallerBaseName));
if (mEventDxeSmmReadyToLock != NULL) {
// Close the DxeSmmReadyToLock event.
Status = gBS->CloseEvent (mEventDxeSmmReadyToLock);
if (mBootScriptSmst != NULL) {
if (mRegistrationSmmExitBootServices != NULL) {
// Unregister SmmExitBootServices notification.
Status = mBootScriptSmst->SmmRegisterProtocolNotify (
if (mRegistrationSmmLegacyBoot != NULL) {
// Unregister SmmLegacyBoot notification.
Status = mBootScriptSmst->SmmRegisterProtocolNotify (
if (mRegistrationSmmReadyToLock != NULL) {
// Unregister SmmReadyToLock notification.
Status = mBootScriptSmst->SmmRegisterProtocolNotify (
// Free the resources allocated and set PCDs to 0.
if (mS3BootScriptTableAllocated) {
Status = PcdSet64S (PcdS3BootScriptTablePrivateDataPtr, 0);
if ((mBootScriptSmst != NULL) && mS3BootScriptTableSmmAllocated) {
Status = mBootScriptSmst->SmmFreePool (mS3BootScriptTableSmmPtr);
Status = PcdSet64S (PcdS3BootScriptTablePrivateSmmDataPtr, 0);
To get the start address from which a new boot time s3 boot script entry will write into.
If the table is not exist, the functio will first allocate a buffer for the table
If the table buffer is not enough for the new entry, in non-smm mode, the funtion will
invoke reallocate to enlarge buffer.
@param EntryLength the new entry length.
@retval the address from which the a new s3 boot script entry will write into
S3BootScriptGetBootTimeEntryAddAddress (
UINT8 EntryLength
UINT8 *NewEntryPtr;
UINT32 TableLength;
UINT16 PageNumber;
S3TableBase = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)(mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase);
if (S3TableBase == 0) {
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// The table is not exist. This is the first to add entry.
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// Allocate ACPI script table space under 4G memory.
S3TableBase = 0xffffffff;
Status = gBS->AllocatePages (
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
2 + PcdGet16(PcdS3BootScriptRuntimeTableReservePageNumber),
if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
return 0;
// Fill Table Header
ScriptTableInfo->Length = (UINT8) sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER);
ScriptTableInfo->Version = BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_VERSION;
ScriptTableInfo->TableLength = 0; // will be calculate at CloseTable
mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER);
mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase = (UINT8*)(UINTN)S3TableBase;
mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableMemoryPageNumber = (UINT16)(2 + PcdGet16(PcdS3BootScriptRuntimeTableReservePageNumber));
// Here we do not count the reserved memory for runtime script table.
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
PageNumber = (UINT16) (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableMemoryPageNumber - PcdGet16(PcdS3BootScriptRuntimeTableReservePageNumber));
TableLength = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength;
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
if ((UINTN) EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE ((UINTN) PageNumber) < (UINTN) (TableLength + EntryLength + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE))) {
// The buffer is too small to hold the table, Reallocate the buffer
NewS3TableBase = 0xffffffff;
Status = gBS->AllocatePages (
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
2 + PageNumber + PcdGet16(PcdS3BootScriptRuntimeTableReservePageNumber),
if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
return 0;
CopyMem ((VOID*)(UINTN)NewS3TableBase, (VOID*)(UINTN)S3TableBase, TableLength);
gBS->FreePages (S3TableBase, mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableMemoryPageNumber);
mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase = (UINT8*)(UINTN)NewS3TableBase;
mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableMemoryPageNumber = (UINT16) (2 + PageNumber + PcdGet16(PcdS3BootScriptRuntimeTableReservePageNumber));
// calculate the the start address for the new entry.
NewEntryPtr = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase + TableLength;
// update the table lenghth
mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = TableLength + EntryLength;
// In the boot time, we will not append the termination entry to the boot script
// table until the callers think there is no boot time data that should be added and
// it is caller's responsibility to explicit call the CloseTable.
return NewEntryPtr;
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
To get the start address from which a new runtime(after SmmReadyToLock) s3 boot script entry will write into.
In this case, it should be ensured that there is enough buffer to hold the entry.
@param EntryLength the new entry length.
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
@retval the address from which the a new s3 runtime(after SmmReadyToLock) script entry will write into
S3BootScriptGetRuntimeEntryAddAddress (
UINT8 EntryLength
UINT8 *NewEntryPtr;
NewEntryPtr = NULL;
// Check if the memory range reserved for S3 Boot Script table is large enough to hold the node.
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
if ((UINTN) (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + EntryLength + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)) <= (UINTN) EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE ((UINTN) (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableMemoryPageNumber))) {
NewEntryPtr = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase + mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength;
mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + EntryLength;
// Append a terminate node on every insert
S3BootScriptInternalCloseTable ();
return (UINT8*)NewEntryPtr;
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
This function is to restore boot time boot script data from LockBox.
RestoreBootTimeDataFromLockBox (
UINTN LockBoxLength;
// Restore boot time boot script data from LockBox.
LockBoxLength = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->BootTimeScriptLength;
Status = RestoreLockBox (
(VOID *) mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase,
// Update the data to BootScriptData LockBox.
Status = UpdateLockBox (
(VOID *) mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase,
// Update TableLength.
mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32) (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->BootTimeScriptLength - sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE));
To get the start address from which a new s3 boot script entry will write into.
@param EntryLength the new entry length.
@retval the address from which the a new s3 boot script entry will write into
S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (
UINT8 EntryLength
UINT8* NewEntryPtr;
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->SmmLocked) {
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// We need check InSmm, because after SmmReadyToLock, only SMM driver is allowed to write boot script.
if (!mS3BootScriptTablePtr->InSmm) {
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// Add DEBUG ERROR, so that we can find it after SmmReadyToLock.
// Do not use ASSERT, because we may have test to invoke this interface.
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "FATAL ERROR: Set boot script outside SMM after SmmReadyToLock!!!\n"));
return NULL;
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->BackFromS3) {
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// Back from S3, restore boot time boot script data from LockBox
// and set BackFromS3 flag back to FALSE.
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
RestoreBootTimeDataFromLockBox ();
mS3BootScriptTablePtr->BackFromS3 = FALSE;
NewEntryPtr = S3BootScriptGetRuntimeEntryAddAddress (EntryLength);
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
} else {
NewEntryPtr = S3BootScriptGetBootTimeEntryAddAddress (EntryLength);
return NewEntryPtr;
Sync BootScript LockBox data.
@param Script The address from where the boot script has been added or updated.
SyncBootScript (
IN UINT8 *Script
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
UINT32 ScriptOffset;
UINT32 TotalScriptLength;
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
if (!mS3BootScriptTablePtr->SmmLocked || !mS3BootScriptTablePtr->InSmm) {
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
// If it is not after SmmReadyToLock in SMM,
// just return.
return ;
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
ScriptOffset = (UINT32) (Script - mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase);
TotalScriptLength = (UINT32) (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE));
// Update BootScriptData
// So in S3 resume, the data can be restored correctly.
Status = UpdateLockBox (
(VOID *)((UINTN)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase + ScriptOffset),
MdeModulePkg PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Remove a hidden assumption. What to do: 1. Remove a hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback". 1.1. Use SmmExitBootServices and SmmLegacyBoot notification to record AtRuntime flag. 1.2. Use mBootScriptDataBootTimeGuid LockBox to save boot time boot script data to handle potential INSERT boot script at runtime in SMM. 2. Do not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data and use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS. 2.1. Use mBootScriptSmmPrivateDataGuid LockBox to save boot script SMM private data with BackFromS3 = TRUE at runtime. S3 resume will help restore it to tell the Library the system is back from S3. Why to do: 1. The hidden assumption "No SMM driver writes BootScript between SmmReadyToLock and S3SleepEntryCallback" will cause confusion to the library's consumer and block the usage of "SMM driver writes BootScript after SmmReadyToLock". So Remove the assumption. 2. In original code, there might be a corner case that malicious code patch ACPINvs boot TableLength field same as SMM boot script. So that it can skip the table restore. The impact is that BootScript in SMM may be overridden by malicious code. -------------------- CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, (VOID*)mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER)); if (mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE) != TableHeader.TableLength) { // TableLength is in NVS ...... // // NOTE: We should NOT use TableHeader.TableLength, because it is already updated to be whole length. // mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = (UINT32)(mLockBoxLength - sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE)); ? This line can be skipped. -------------------- So use EfiReservedMemoryType instead of EfiACPIMemoryNVS as the code has been updated to not depend on OS to help restore ACPINvs data. Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0 Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <> Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <> git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2015-09-15 09:49:12 +02:00
TotalScriptLength - ScriptOffset
// Now the length field is updated, need sync to lockbox.
// So at S3 resume, the data can be restored correctly.
Status = UpdateLockBox (
sizeof (TotalScriptLength)
This is an function to close the S3 boot script table. The function could only be called in
BOOT time phase. To comply with the Framework spec definition on
EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_SAVE_PROTOCOL.CloseTable(), this function will fulfill following things:
1. Closes the specified boot script table
2. It allocates a new memory pool to duplicate all the boot scripts in the specified table.
Once this function is called, the table maintained by the library will be destroyed
after it is copied into the allocated pool.
3. Any attempts to add a script record after calling this function will cause a new table
to be created by the library.
4. The base address of the allocated pool will be returned in Address. Note that after
using the boot script table, the CALLER is responsible for freeing the pool that is allocated
by this function.
In Spec PI1.1, this EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_SAVE_PROTOCOL.CloseTable() is retired. To provides this API for now is
for Framework Spec compatibility.
If anyone does call CloseTable() on a real platform, then the caller is responsible for figuring out
how to get the script to run at S3 resume because the boot script maintained by the lib will be
@return the base address of the new copy of the boot script table.
@note this function could only called in boot time phase
S3BootScriptCloseTable (
UINT8 *S3TableBase;
UINT32 TableLength;
UINT8 *Buffer;
S3TableBase = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase;
if (S3TableBase == 0) {
return 0;
// Append the termination record the S3 boot script table
TableLength = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE);
// Allocate the buffer and copy the boot script to the buffer.
Status = gBS->AllocatePool (
(VOID **) &Buffer
if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
return 0;
CopyMem (Buffer, S3TableBase, TableLength);
// Destroy the table maintained by the library so that the next write operation
// will write the record to the first entry of the table.
// Fill the table header.
ScriptTableInfo = (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER*)S3TableBase;
ScriptTableInfo->Length = (UINT8) sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER);
ScriptTableInfo->TableLength = 0; // will be calculate at close the table
mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength = sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER);
return Buffer;
Save I/O write to boot script
@param Width The width of the I/O operations.Enumerated in S3_BOOT_SCRIPT_LIB_WIDTH.
@param Address The base address of the I/O operations.
@param Count The number of I/O operations to perform.
@param Buffer The source buffer from which to write data.
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
S3BootScriptSaveIoWrite (
IN UINT64 Address,
IN VOID *Buffer
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 *Script;
UINT8 WidthInByte;
WidthInByte = (UINT8) (0x01 << (Width & 0x03));
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_IO_WRITE) + (WidthInByte * Count));
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// save script data
ScriptIoWrite.Length = Length;
ScriptIoWrite.Width = Width;
ScriptIoWrite.Address = Address;
ScriptIoWrite.Count = (UINT32) Count;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptIoWrite, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_IO_WRITE));
CopyMem ((VOID*)(Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_IO_WRITE)), Buffer, WidthInByte * Count);
SyncBootScript (Script);
Adds a record for an I/O modify operation into a S3 boot script table
@param Width The width of the I/O operations.Enumerated in S3_BOOT_SCRIPT_LIB_WIDTH.
@param Address The base address of the I/O operations.
@param Data A pointer to the data to be OR-ed.
@param DataMask A pointer to the data mask to be AND-ed with the data read from the register
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
S3BootScriptSaveIoReadWrite (
IN UINT64 Address,
IN VOID *Data,
IN VOID *DataMask
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 *Script;
UINT8 WidthInByte;
WidthInByte = (UINT8) (0x01 << (Width & 0x03));
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_IO_READ_WRITE) + (WidthInByte * 2));
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptIoReadWrite.Length = Length;
ScriptIoReadWrite.Width = Width;
ScriptIoReadWrite.Address = Address;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptIoReadWrite, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_IO_READ_WRITE));
CopyMem ((VOID*)(Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_IO_READ_WRITE)), Data, WidthInByte);
CopyMem ((VOID*)(Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_IO_READ_WRITE) + WidthInByte), DataMask, WidthInByte);
SyncBootScript (Script);
Adds a record for a memory write operation into a specified boot script table.
@param Width The width of the I/O operations.Enumerated in S3_BOOT_SCRIPT_LIB_WIDTH.
@param Address The base address of the memory operations
@param Count The number of memory operations to perform.
@param Buffer The source buffer from which to write the data.
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
S3BootScriptSaveMemWrite (
IN UINT64 Address,
IN VOID *Buffer
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 *Script;
UINT8 WidthInByte;
WidthInByte = (UINT8) (0x01 << (Width & 0x03));
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_MEM_WRITE) + (WidthInByte * Count));
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptMemWrite.Length = Length;
ScriptMemWrite.Width = Width;
ScriptMemWrite.Address = Address;
ScriptMemWrite.Count = (UINT32) Count;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptMemWrite, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_MEM_WRITE));
CopyMem ((VOID*)(Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_MEM_WRITE)), Buffer, WidthInByte * Count);
SyncBootScript (Script);
Adds a record for a memory modify operation into a specified boot script table.
@param Width The width of the I/O operations.Enumerated in S3_BOOT_SCRIPT_LIB_WIDTH.
@param Address The base address of the memory operations. Address needs alignment if required
@param Data A pointer to the data to be OR-ed.
@param DataMask A pointer to the data mask to be AND-ed with the data read from the register.
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
S3BootScriptSaveMemReadWrite (
IN UINT64 Address,
IN VOID *Data,
IN VOID *DataMask
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 *Script;
UINT8 WidthInByte;
WidthInByte = (UINT8) (0x01 << (Width & 0x03));
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_MEM_READ_WRITE) + (WidthInByte * 2));
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptMemReadWrite.Length = Length;
ScriptMemReadWrite.Width = Width;
ScriptMemReadWrite.Address = Address;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptMemReadWrite , sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_MEM_READ_WRITE));
CopyMem ((VOID*)(Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_MEM_READ_WRITE)), Data, WidthInByte);
CopyMem ((VOID*)(Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_MEM_READ_WRITE) + WidthInByte), DataMask, WidthInByte);
SyncBootScript (Script);
Adds a record for a PCI configuration space write operation into a specified boot script table.
@param Width The width of the I/O operations.Enumerated in S3_BOOT_SCRIPT_LIB_WIDTH.
@param Address The address within the PCI configuration space.
@param Count The number of PCI operations to perform.
@param Buffer The source buffer from which to write the data.
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
@note A known Limitations in the implementation which is 64bits operations are not supported.
S3BootScriptSavePciCfgWrite (
IN UINT64 Address,
IN VOID *Buffer
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 *Script;
UINT8 WidthInByte;
if (Width == S3BootScriptWidthUint64 ||
Width == S3BootScriptWidthFifoUint64 ||
Width == S3BootScriptWidthFillUint64) {
WidthInByte = (UINT8) (0x01 << (Width & 0x03));
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG_WRITE) + (WidthInByte * Count));
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptPciWrite.Length = Length;
ScriptPciWrite.Width = Width;
ScriptPciWrite.Address = Address;
ScriptPciWrite.Count = (UINT32) Count;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptPciWrite, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG_WRITE));
CopyMem ((VOID*)(Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG_WRITE)), Buffer, WidthInByte * Count);
SyncBootScript (Script);
Adds a record for a PCI configuration space modify operation into a specified boot script table.
@param Width The width of the I/O operations.Enumerated in S3_BOOT_SCRIPT_LIB_WIDTH.
@param Address The address within the PCI configuration space.
@param Data A pointer to the data to be OR-ed.The size depends on Width.
@param DataMask A pointer to the data mask to be AND-ed.
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN__SUCCESS Opcode is added.
@note A known Limitations in the implementation which is 64bits operations are not supported.
S3BootScriptSavePciCfgReadWrite (
IN UINT64 Address,
IN VOID *Data,
IN VOID *DataMask
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 *Script;
UINT8 WidthInByte;
if (Width == S3BootScriptWidthUint64 ||
Width == S3BootScriptWidthFifoUint64 ||
Width == S3BootScriptWidthFillUint64) {
WidthInByte = (UINT8) (0x01 << (Width & 0x03));
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG_READ_WRITE) + (WidthInByte * 2));
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptPciReadWrite.Length = Length;
ScriptPciReadWrite.Width = Width;
ScriptPciReadWrite.Address = Address;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptPciReadWrite, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG_READ_WRITE));
CopyMem ((VOID*)(Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG_READ_WRITE)), Data, WidthInByte);
CopyMem (
(VOID*)(Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG_READ_WRITE) + WidthInByte),
SyncBootScript (Script);
Adds a record for a PCI configuration 2 space write operation into a specified boot script table.
@param Width The width of the I/O operations.Enumerated in S3_BOOT_SCRIPT_LIB_WIDTH.
@param Segment The PCI segment number for Address.
@param Address The address within the PCI configuration space.
@param Count The number of PCI operations to perform.
@param Buffer The source buffer from which to write the data.
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
@note A known Limitations in the implementation which is 64bits operations are not supported.
S3BootScriptSavePciCfg2Write (
IN UINT16 Segment,
IN UINT64 Address,
IN VOID *Buffer
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 *Script;
UINT8 WidthInByte;
if (Width == S3BootScriptWidthUint64 ||
Width == S3BootScriptWidthFifoUint64 ||
Width == S3BootScriptWidthFillUint64) {
WidthInByte = (UINT8) (0x01 << (Width & 0x03));
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG2_WRITE) + (WidthInByte * Count));
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptPciWrite2.Length = Length;
ScriptPciWrite2.Width = Width;
ScriptPciWrite2.Address = Address;
ScriptPciWrite2.Segment = Segment;
ScriptPciWrite2.Count = (UINT32)Count;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptPciWrite2, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG2_WRITE));
CopyMem ((VOID*)(Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG2_WRITE)), Buffer, WidthInByte * Count);
SyncBootScript (Script);
Adds a record for a PCI configuration 2 space modify operation into a specified boot script table.
@param Width The width of the I/O operations.Enumerated in S3_BOOT_SCRIPT_LIB_WIDTH.
@param Segment The PCI segment number for Address.
@param Address The address within the PCI configuration space.
@param Data A pointer to the data to be OR-ed. The size depends on Width.
@param DataMask A pointer to the data mask to be AND-ed.
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
@note A known Limitations in the implementation which is 64bits operations are not supported.
S3BootScriptSavePciCfg2ReadWrite (
IN UINT16 Segment,
IN UINT64 Address,
IN VOID *Data,
IN VOID *DataMask
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 *Script;
UINT8 WidthInByte;
if (Width == S3BootScriptWidthUint64 ||
Width == S3BootScriptWidthFifoUint64 ||
Width == S3BootScriptWidthFillUint64) {
WidthInByte = (UINT8) (0x01 << (Width & 0x03));
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG2_READ_WRITE) + (WidthInByte * 2));
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptPciReadWrite2.Length = Length;
ScriptPciReadWrite2.Width = Width;
ScriptPciReadWrite2.Segment = Segment;
ScriptPciReadWrite2.Address = Address;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptPciReadWrite2, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG2_READ_WRITE));
CopyMem ((VOID*)(Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG2_READ_WRITE)), Data, WidthInByte);
CopyMem (
(VOID*)(Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG2_READ_WRITE) + WidthInByte),
SyncBootScript (Script);
Checks the parameter of S3BootScriptSaveSmbusExecute().
This function checks the input parameters of SmbusExecute(). If the input parameters are valid
for certain SMBus bus protocol, it will return EFI_SUCCESS; otherwise, it will return certain
error code based on the input SMBus bus protocol.
@param SmBusAddress Address that encodes the SMBUS Slave Address, SMBUS Command, SMBUS Data Length,
and PEC.
@param Operation Signifies which particular SMBus hardware protocol instance that
it will use to execute the SMBus transactions. This SMBus
hardware protocol is defined by the SMBus Specification and is
not related to EFI.
@param Length Signifies the number of bytes that this operation will do. The
maximum number of bytes can be revision specific and operation
specific. This field will contain the actual number of bytes that
are executed for this operation. Not all operations require this
@param Buffer Contains the value of data to execute to the SMBus slave device.
Not all operations require this argument. The length of this
buffer is identified by Length.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS All the parameters are valid for the corresponding SMBus bus
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Operation is not defined in EFI_SMBUS_OPERATION.
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Length/Buffer is NULL for operations except for EfiSmbusQuickRead
and EfiSmbusQuickWrite. Length is outside the range of valid
@retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The SMBus operation or PEC is not supported.
@retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Buffer is not sufficient for this operation.
CheckParameters (
IN UINTN SmBusAddress,
IN VOID *Buffer
UINTN RequiredLen;
Command = SMBUS_LIB_COMMAND (SmBusAddress);
PecCheck = SMBUS_LIB_PEC (SmBusAddress);
// Set default value to be 2:
// for SmbusReadWord, SmbusWriteWord and SmbusProcessCall.
RequiredLen = 2;
switch (Operation) {
case EfiSmbusQuickRead:
case EfiSmbusQuickWrite:
if (PecCheck || Command != 0) {
case EfiSmbusReceiveByte:
case EfiSmbusSendByte:
if (Command != 0) {
// Cascade to check length parameter.
case EfiSmbusReadByte:
case EfiSmbusWriteByte:
RequiredLen = 1;
// Cascade to check length parameter.
case EfiSmbusReadWord:
case EfiSmbusWriteWord:
case EfiSmbusProcessCall:
if (Buffer == NULL || Length == NULL) {
} else if (*Length < RequiredLen) {
*Length = RequiredLen;
case EfiSmbusReadBlock:
case EfiSmbusWriteBlock:
case EfiSmbusBWBRProcessCall:
if ((Buffer == NULL) ||
(Length == NULL) ||
(*Length < MIN_SMBUS_BLOCK_LEN) ||
(*Length > MAX_SMBUS_BLOCK_LEN)) {
return Status;
Adds a record for an SMBus command execution into a specified boot script table.
@param SmBusAddress Address that encodes the SMBUS Slave Address, SMBUS Command, SMBUS Data Length, and PEC.
@param Operation Indicates which particular SMBus protocol it will use to execute the SMBus
@param Length A pointer to signify the number of bytes that this operation will do.
@param Buffer Contains the value of data to execute to the SMBUS slave device.
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
S3BootScriptSaveSmbusExecute (
IN UINTN SmBusAddress,
IN UINTN *Length,
IN VOID *Buffer
UINTN BufferLength;
UINT8 DataSize;
UINT8 *Script;
if (Length == NULL) {
BufferLength = 0;
} else {
BufferLength = *Length;
Status = CheckParameters (SmBusAddress, Operation, &BufferLength, Buffer);
if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
return Status;
DataSize = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_SMBUS_EXECUTE) + BufferLength);
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (DataSize);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptSmbusExecute.Length = DataSize;
ScriptSmbusExecute.SmBusAddress = (UINT64) SmBusAddress;
ScriptSmbusExecute.Operation = Operation;
ScriptSmbusExecute.DataSize = (UINT32) BufferLength;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptSmbusExecute, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_SMBUS_EXECUTE));
CopyMem (
SyncBootScript (Script);
Adds a record for an execution stall on the processor into a specified boot script table.
@param Duration Duration in microseconds of the stall
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
S3BootScriptSaveStall (
IN UINTN Duration
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 *Script;
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_STALL));
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptStall.Length = Length;
ScriptStall.Duration = Duration;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptStall, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_STALL));
SyncBootScript (Script);
Adds a record for dispatching specified arbitrary code into a specified boot script table.
@param EntryPoint Entry point of the code to be dispatched.
@param Context Argument to be passed into the EntryPoint of the code to be dispatched.
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
S3BootScriptSaveDispatch2 (
IN VOID *EntryPoint,
IN VOID *Context
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 *Script;
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_DISPATCH_2));
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptDispatch2.Length = Length;
ScriptDispatch2.EntryPoint = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)EntryPoint;
ScriptDispatch2.Context = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)Context;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptDispatch2, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_DISPATCH_2));
SyncBootScript (Script);
Adds a record for memory reads of the memory location and continues when the exit criteria is
satisfied or after a defined duration.
Please aware, below interface is different with PI specification, Vol 5:
"Duration" below is microseconds, while "Delay" in PI specification means
the number of 100ns units to poll.
@param Width The width of the memory operations.
@param Address The base address of the memory operations.
@param BitMask A pointer to the bit mask to be AND-ed with the data read from the register.
@param BitValue A pointer to the data value after to be Masked.
@param Duration Duration in microseconds of the stall.
@param LoopTimes The times of the register polling.
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
S3BootScriptSaveMemPoll (
IN UINT64 Address,
IN VOID *BitMask,
IN VOID *BitValue,
IN UINTN Duration,
IN UINT64 LoopTimes
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 *Script;
UINT8 WidthInByte;
WidthInByte = (UINT8) (0x01 << (Width & 0x03));
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_MEM_POLL) + (WidthInByte * 2));
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptMemPoll.Length = Length;
ScriptMemPoll.Width = Width;
ScriptMemPoll.Address = Address;
ScriptMemPoll.Duration = Duration;
ScriptMemPoll.LoopTimes = LoopTimes;
CopyMem ((UINT8 *) (Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_MEM_POLL)), BitValue, WidthInByte);
CopyMem ((UINT8 *) (Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_MEM_POLL) + WidthInByte), BitMask, WidthInByte);
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptMemPoll, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_MEM_POLL));
SyncBootScript (Script);
Store arbitrary information in the boot script table. This opcode is a no-op on dispatch and is only
used for debugging script issues.
@param InformationLength Length of the data in bytes
@param Information Information to be logged in the boot scrpit
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
S3BootScriptSaveInformation (
IN UINT32 InformationLength,
IN VOID *Information
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 *Script;
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_INFORMATION) + InformationLength);
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptInformation.Length = Length;
ScriptInformation.InformationLength = InformationLength;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptInformation, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_INFORMATION));
CopyMem ((VOID*)(Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_INFORMATION)), (VOID *) Information, (UINTN) InformationLength);
SyncBootScript (Script);
Store a string in the boot script table. This opcode is a no-op on dispatch and is only
used for debugging script issues.
@param String The string to save to boot script table
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
S3BootScriptSaveInformationAsciiString (
return S3BootScriptSaveInformation (
(UINT32) AsciiStrLen (String) + 1,
(VOID*) String
Adds a record for dispatching specified arbitrary code into a specified boot script table.
@param EntryPoint Entry point of the code to be dispatched.
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
S3BootScriptSaveDispatch (
IN VOID *EntryPoint
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 *Script;
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_DISPATCH));
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptDispatch.Length = Length;
ScriptDispatch.EntryPoint = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)EntryPoint;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptDispatch, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_DISPATCH));
SyncBootScript (Script);
Adds a record for I/O reads the I/O location and continues when the exit criteria is satisfied or after a
defined duration.
@param Width The width of the I/O operations.
@param Address The base address of the I/O operations.
@param Data The comparison value used for the polling exit criteria.
@param DataMask Mask used for the polling criteria. The bits in the bytes below Width which are zero
in Data are ignored when polling the memory address.
@param Delay The number of 100ns units to poll. Note that timer available may be of poorer
granularity so the delay may be longer.
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
S3BootScriptSaveIoPoll (
IN UINT64 Address,
IN VOID *Data,
IN VOID *DataMask,
IN UINT64 Delay
UINT8 WidthInByte;
UINT8 *Script;
UINT8 Length;
WidthInByte = (UINT8) (0x01 << (Width & 0x03));
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_IO_POLL) + (WidthInByte * 2));
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptIoPoll.Length = (UINT8) (sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_IO_POLL) + (WidthInByte * 2));
ScriptIoPoll.Width = Width;
ScriptIoPoll.Address = Address;
ScriptIoPoll.Delay = Delay;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptIoPoll, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_IO_POLL));
CopyMem ((UINT8 *) (Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_IO_POLL)), Data, WidthInByte);
CopyMem ((UINT8 *) (Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_IO_POLL) + WidthInByte), DataMask, WidthInByte);
SyncBootScript (Script);
Adds a record for PCI configuration space reads and continues when the exit criteria is satisfied or
after a defined duration.
@param Width The width of the I/O operations.
@param Address The address within the PCI configuration space.
@param Data The comparison value used for the polling exit criteria.
@param DataMask Mask used for the polling criteria. The bits in the bytes below Width which are zero
in Data are ignored when polling the memory address
@param Delay The number of 100ns units to poll. Note that timer available may be of poorer
granularity so the delay may be longer.
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
@note A known Limitations in the implementation which is 64bits operations are not supported.
S3BootScriptSavePciPoll (
IN UINT64 Address,
IN VOID *Data,
IN VOID *DataMask,
IN UINT64 Delay
UINT8 *Script;
UINT8 WidthInByte;
UINT8 Length;
if (Width == S3BootScriptWidthUint64 ||
Width == S3BootScriptWidthFifoUint64 ||
Width == S3BootScriptWidthFillUint64) {
WidthInByte = (UINT8) (0x01 << (Width & 0x03));
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG_POLL) + (WidthInByte * 2));
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptPciPoll.Length = (UINT8) (sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG_POLL) + (WidthInByte * 2));
ScriptPciPoll.Width = Width;
ScriptPciPoll.Address = Address;
ScriptPciPoll.Delay = Delay;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptPciPoll, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG_POLL));
CopyMem ((UINT8 *) (Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG_POLL)), Data, WidthInByte);
CopyMem ((UINT8 *) (Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG_POLL) + WidthInByte), DataMask, WidthInByte);
SyncBootScript (Script);
Adds a record for PCI configuration space reads and continues when the exit criteria is satisfied or
after a defined duration.
@param Width The width of the I/O operations.
@param Segment The PCI segment number for Address.
@param Address The address within the PCI configuration space.
@param Data The comparison value used for the polling exit criteria.
@param DataMask Mask used for the polling criteria. The bits in the bytes below Width which are zero
in Data are ignored when polling the memory address
@param Delay The number of 100ns units to poll. Note that timer available may be of poorer
granularity so the delay may be longer.
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
@note A known Limitations in the implementation which is 64bits operations are not supported.
S3BootScriptSavePci2Poll (
IN UINT16 Segment,
IN UINT64 Address,
IN VOID *Data,
IN VOID *DataMask,
IN UINT64 Delay
UINT8 WidthInByte;
UINT8 *Script;
UINT8 Length;
if (Width == S3BootScriptWidthUint64 ||
Width == S3BootScriptWidthFifoUint64 ||
Width == S3BootScriptWidthFillUint64) {
WidthInByte = (UINT8) (0x01 << (Width & 0x03));
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG2_POLL) + (WidthInByte * 2));
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptPci2Poll.Length = (UINT8) (sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG2_POLL) + (WidthInByte * 2));
ScriptPci2Poll.Width = Width;
ScriptPci2Poll.Segment = Segment;
ScriptPci2Poll.Address = Address;
ScriptPci2Poll.Delay = Delay;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptPci2Poll, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG2_POLL));
CopyMem ((UINT8 *) (Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG2_POLL)), Data, WidthInByte);
CopyMem ((UINT8 *) (Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_PCI_CONFIG2_POLL) + WidthInByte), DataMask, WidthInByte);
SyncBootScript (Script);
Do the calculation of start address from which a new s3 boot script entry will write into.
@param EntryLength The new entry length.
@param Position specifies the position in the boot script table where the opcode will be
inserted, either before or after, depending on BeforeOrAfter.
@param BeforeOrAfter The flag to indicate to insert the nod before or after the position.
This parameter is effective when InsertFlag is TRUE
@param Script return out the position from which the a new s3 boot script entry will write into
S3BootScriptCalculateInsertAddress (
IN UINT8 EntryLength,
OUT UINT8 **Script
UINTN TableLength;
UINT8 *S3TableBase;
UINTN PositionOffset;
// The entry inserting to table is already added to the end of the table
TableLength = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength - EntryLength;
S3TableBase = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase ;
// calculate the Position offset
if (Position != NULL) {
PositionOffset = (UINTN) ((UINT8 *)Position - S3TableBase);
// If the BeforeOrAfter is FALSE, that means to insert the node right after the node.
if (!BeforeOrAfter) {
CopyMem ((VOID*)&ScriptHeader, Position, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_COMMON_HEADER));
PositionOffset += (ScriptHeader.Length);
// Insert the node before the adjusted Position
CopyMem (S3TableBase+PositionOffset+EntryLength, S3TableBase+PositionOffset, TableLength - PositionOffset);
// calculate the the start address for the new entry.
*Script = S3TableBase + PositionOffset;
} else {
if (!BeforeOrAfter) {
// Insert the node to the end of the table
*Script = S3TableBase + TableLength;
} else {
// Insert the node to the beginning of the table
PositionOffset = (UINTN) sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER);
CopyMem (S3TableBase+PositionOffset+EntryLength, S3TableBase+PositionOffset, TableLength - PositionOffset);
*Script = S3TableBase + PositionOffset;
Move the last boot script entry to the position
@param BeforeOrAfter Specifies whether the opcode is stored before (TRUE) or after (FALSE) the position
in the boot script table specified by Position. If Position is NULL or points to
NULL then the new opcode is inserted at the beginning of the table (if TRUE) or end
of the table (if FALSE).
@param Position On entry, specifies the position in the boot script table where the opcode will be
inserted, either before or after, depending on BeforeOrAfter. On exit, specifies
the position of the inserted opcode in the boot script table.
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES The table is not available.
@retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER The Position is not a valid position in the boot script table.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is inserted.
S3BootScriptMoveLastOpcode (
IN BOOLEAN BeforeOrAfter,
UINT8* Script;
VOID *TempPosition;
UINTN StartAddress;
UINT32 TableLength;
BOOLEAN ValidatePosition;
UINT8* LastOpcode;
ValidatePosition = FALSE;
TempPosition = (Position == NULL) ? NULL:(*Position);
// Check that the script is initialized and synced without adding an entry to the script.
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (0);
if (Script == NULL) {
Script = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase;
StartAddress = (UINTN) Script;
TableLength = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength;
Script = Script + sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER);
LastOpcode = Script;
// Find the last boot Script Entry which is not the terminate node
while ((UINTN) Script < (UINTN) (StartAddress + TableLength)) {
CopyMem ((VOID*)&ScriptHeader, Script, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_COMMON_HEADER));
if (TempPosition != NULL && TempPosition == Script) {
// If the position is specified, the position must be pointed to a boot script entry start address.
ValidatePosition = TRUE;
LastOpcode = Script;
Script = Script + ScriptHeader.Length;
// If the position is specified, but not the start of a boot script entry, it is a invalid input
if (TempPosition != NULL && !ValidatePosition) {
CopyMem ((VOID*)&ScriptHeader, LastOpcode, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_COMMON_HEADER));
CopyMem((VOID*)TempBootScriptEntry, LastOpcode, ScriptHeader.Length);
// Find the right position to write the node in
S3BootScriptCalculateInsertAddress (
// Copy the node to Boot script table
CopyMem((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)TempBootScriptEntry, ScriptHeader.Length);
SyncBootScript (Script);
// return out the Position
if (Position != NULL) {
*Position = Script;
Create a Label node in the boot script table.
@param BeforeOrAfter Specifies whether the opcode is stored before (TRUE) or after (FALSE) the position
in the boot script table specified by Position. If Position is NULL or points to
NULL then the new opcode is inserted at the beginning of the table (if TRUE) or end
of the table (if FALSE).
@param Position On entry, specifies the position in the boot script table where the opcode will be
inserted, either before or after, depending on BeforeOrAfter. On exit, specifies
the position of the inserted opcode in the boot script table.
@param InformationLength Length of the label in bytes
@param Information Label to be logged in the boot scrpit
@retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER The Position is not a valid position in the boot script table.
@retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for the table do operation.
@retval RETURN_SUCCESS Opcode is added.
S3BootScriptLabelInternal (
IN BOOLEAN BeforeOrAfter,
IN UINT32 InformationLength,
IN CONST CHAR8 *Information
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 *Script;
Length = (UINT8)(sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_INFORMATION) + InformationLength);
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (Length);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Build script data
ScriptInformation.OpCode = S3_BOOT_SCRIPT_LIB_LABEL_OPCODE;
ScriptInformation.Length = Length;
ScriptInformation.InformationLength = InformationLength;
CopyMem ((VOID*)Script, (VOID*)&ScriptInformation, sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_INFORMATION));
CopyMem ((VOID*)(Script + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_INFORMATION)), (VOID *) Information, (UINTN) InformationLength);
SyncBootScript (Script);
return S3BootScriptMoveLastOpcode (BeforeOrAfter, Position);
Find a label within the boot script table and, if not present, optionally create it.
@param BeforeOrAfter Specifies whether the opcode is stored before (TRUE)
or after (FALSE) the position in the boot script table
specified by Position.
@param CreateIfNotFound Specifies whether the label will be created if the label
does not exists (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
@param Position On entry, specifies the position in the boot script table
where the opcode will be inserted, either before or after,
depending on BeforeOrAfter. On exit, specifies the position
of the inserted opcode in the boot script table.
@param Label Points to the label which will be inserted in the boot script table.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation succeeded. A record was added into the
specified script table.
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The parameter is illegal or the given boot script is not supported.
If the opcode is unknow or not supported because of the PCD
Feature Flags.
@retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There is insufficient memory to store the boot script.
S3BootScriptLabel (
IN BOOLEAN BeforeOrAfter,
IN BOOLEAN CreateIfNotFound,
UINT8* Script;
UINTN StartAddress;
UINT32 TableLength;
UINT32 LabelLength;
// Check NULL Label
if (Label == NULL) {
// Check empty Label
if (Label[0] == '\0') {
// Check that the script is initialized and synced without adding an entry to the script.
// The code must search for the label first before it knows if a new entry needs
// to be added.
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (0);
if (Script == NULL) {
// Check the header and search for existing label.
Script = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase;
CopyMem ((VOID*)&TableHeader, Script, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TABLE_HEADER));
if (TableHeader.OpCode != S3_BOOT_SCRIPT_LIB_TABLE_OPCODE) {
StartAddress = (UINTN) Script;
TableLength = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength;
Script = Script + TableHeader.Length;
while ((UINTN) Script < (UINTN) (StartAddress + TableLength)) {
CopyMem ((VOID*)&ScriptHeader, Script, sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_COMMON_HEADER));
if (ScriptHeader.OpCode == S3_BOOT_SCRIPT_LIB_LABEL_OPCODE) {
if (AsciiStrCmp ((CHAR8 *)(UINTN)(Script+sizeof(EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_INFORMATION)), Label) == 0) {
(*Position) = Script;
Script = Script + ScriptHeader.Length;
if (CreateIfNotFound) {
LabelLength = (UINT32)AsciiStrSize(Label);
return S3BootScriptLabelInternal (BeforeOrAfter,Position, LabelLength, Label);
} else {
Compare two positions in the boot script table and return their relative position.
@param Position1 The positions in the boot script table to compare
@param Position2 The positions in the boot script table to compare
@param RelativePosition On return, points to the result of the comparison
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation succeeded. A record was added into the
specified script table.
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The parameter is illegal or the given boot script is not supported.
If the opcode is unknow or not supported because of the PCD
Feature Flags.
@retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There is insufficient memory to store the boot script.
S3BootScriptCompare (
IN UINT8 *Position1,
IN UINT8 *Position2,
OUT UINTN *RelativePosition
UINT8* Script;
UINT32 TableLength;
if (RelativePosition == NULL) {
// Check that the script is initialized and synced without adding an entry to the script.
Script = S3BootScriptGetEntryAddAddress (0);
if (Script == NULL) {
Script = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableBase;
// mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength does not include the termination node, so add it up
TableLength = mS3BootScriptTablePtr->TableLength + sizeof (EFI_BOOT_SCRIPT_TERMINATE);
if (Position1 < Script || Position1 > Script+TableLength) {
if (Position2 < Script || Position2 > Script+TableLength) {
*RelativePosition = (Position1 < Position2)?-1:((Position1 == Position2)?0:1);