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UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
Implement UnitTestLib
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Copyright (c) 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
#include <Uefi.h>
#include <Library/UnitTestLib.h>
#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
#include <Library/UnitTestPersistenceLib.h>
#include <Library/UnitTestResultReportLib.h>
/// Forward declaration of prototype
UpdateTestFromSave (
This function will determine whether the short name violates any rules that would
prevent it from being used as a reporting name or as a serialization name.
Example: If the name cannot be serialized to a filesystem file name.
@param[in] ShortTitleString A pointer to the short title string to be evaluated.
@retval TRUE The string is acceptable.
@retval FALSE The string should not be used.
IsFrameworkShortNameValid (
IN CHAR8 *ShortTitleString
// TODO: Finish this function.
return TRUE;
AllocateAndCopyString (
IN CHAR8 *StringToCopy
CHAR8 *NewString;
UINTN NewStringLength;
NewString = NULL;
NewStringLength = AsciiStrnLenS (StringToCopy, UNIT_TEST_MAX_STRING_LENGTH) + 1;
NewString = AllocatePool (NewStringLength * sizeof (CHAR8));
if (NewString != NULL) {
AsciiStrCpyS (NewString, NewStringLength, StringToCopy);
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
return NewString;
SetFrameworkFingerprint (
OUT UINT8 *Fingerprint,
UINT32 NewFingerprint;
// For this one we'll just use the title and version as the unique fingerprint.
NewFingerprint = CalculateCrc32 (Framework->Title, (AsciiStrLen (Framework->Title) * sizeof (CHAR8)));
NewFingerprint = (NewFingerprint >> 8) ^ CalculateCrc32 (Framework->VersionString, (AsciiStrLen (Framework->VersionString) * sizeof (CHAR8)));
CopyMem (Fingerprint, &NewFingerprint, UNIT_TEST_FINGERPRINT_SIZE);
SetSuiteFingerprint (
OUT UINT8 *Fingerprint,
UINT32 NewFingerprint;
// For this one, we'll use the fingerprint from the framework, and the title of the suite.
NewFingerprint = CalculateCrc32 (&Framework->Fingerprint[0], UNIT_TEST_FINGERPRINT_SIZE);
NewFingerprint = (NewFingerprint >> 8) ^ CalculateCrc32 (Suite->Title, (AsciiStrLen (Suite->Title) * sizeof (CHAR8)));
NewFingerprint = (NewFingerprint >> 8) ^ CalculateCrc32 (Suite->Name, (AsciiStrLen (Suite->Name) * sizeof (CHAR8)));
CopyMem (Fingerprint, &NewFingerprint, UNIT_TEST_FINGERPRINT_SIZE);
SetTestFingerprint (
OUT UINT8 *Fingerprint,
UINT32 NewFingerprint;
// For this one, we'll use the fingerprint from the suite, and the description and classname of the test.
NewFingerprint = CalculateCrc32 (&Suite->Fingerprint[0], UNIT_TEST_FINGERPRINT_SIZE);
NewFingerprint = (NewFingerprint >> 8) ^ CalculateCrc32 (Test->Description, (AsciiStrLen (Test->Description) * sizeof (CHAR8)));
NewFingerprint = (NewFingerprint >> 8) ^ CalculateCrc32 (Test->Name, (AsciiStrLen (Test->Name) * sizeof (CHAR8)));
CopyMem (Fingerprint, &NewFingerprint, UNIT_TEST_FINGERPRINT_SIZE);
CompareFingerprints (
IN UINT8 *FingerprintA,
IN UINT8 *FingerprintB
return (CompareMem (FingerprintA, FingerprintB, UNIT_TEST_FINGERPRINT_SIZE) == 0);
FreeUnitTestTestEntry (
if (TestEntry) {
if (TestEntry->UT.Description) {
FreePool (TestEntry->UT.Description);
if (TestEntry->UT.Name) {
FreePool (TestEntry->UT.Name);
FreePool (TestEntry);
FreeUnitTestSuiteEntry (
LIST_ENTRY *TestCaseList;
if (SuiteEntry) {
TestCaseList = &(SuiteEntry->UTS.TestCaseList);
TestCase = (UNIT_TEST_LIST_ENTRY *)GetFirstNode (TestCaseList);
while (&TestCase->Entry != TestCaseList) {
NextTestCase = (UNIT_TEST_LIST_ENTRY *)GetNextNode (TestCaseList, &TestCase->Entry);
RemoveEntryList (&TestCase->Entry);
FreeUnitTestTestEntry (TestCase);
TestCase = NextTestCase;
if (SuiteEntry->UTS.Title) {
FreePool (SuiteEntry->UTS.Title);
if (SuiteEntry->UTS.Name) {
FreePool (SuiteEntry->UTS.Name);
FreePool (SuiteEntry);
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
Cleanup a test framework.
After tests are run, this will teardown the entire framework and free all
allocated data within.
@param[in] FrameworkHandle A handle to the current running framework that
dispatched the test. Necessary for recording
certain test events with the framework.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS All resources associated with framework were
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER FrameworkHandle is NULL.
FreeUnitTestFramework (
Framework = (UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK *)FrameworkHandle;
if (Framework) {
Suite = (UNIT_TEST_SUITE_LIST_ENTRY *)GetFirstNode (&Framework->TestSuiteList);
while ((LIST_ENTRY *)Suite != &Framework->TestSuiteList) {
NextSuite = (UNIT_TEST_SUITE_LIST_ENTRY *)GetNextNode (&Framework->TestSuiteList, (LIST_ENTRY *)Suite);
RemoveEntryList ((LIST_ENTRY *)Suite);
FreeUnitTestSuiteEntry (Suite);
Suite = NextSuite;
if (Framework->Title) {
FreePool (Framework->Title);
if (Framework->ShortTitle) {
FreePool (Framework->ShortTitle);
if (Framework->VersionString) {
FreePool (Framework->VersionString);
FreePool (Framework);
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
Method to Initialize the Unit Test framework. This function registers the
test name and also initializes the internal state of the test framework to
receive any new suites and tests.
@param[out] FrameworkHandle Unit test framework to be created.
@param[in] Title Null-terminated ASCII string that is the user
friendly name of the framework. String is
@param[in] ShortTitle Null-terminated ASCII short string that is the
short name of the framework with no spaces.
String is copied.
@param[in] VersionString Null-terminated ASCII version string for the
framework. String is copied.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The unit test framework was initialized.
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER FrameworkHandle is NULL.
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER VersionString is NULL.
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ShortTitle is invalid.
@retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources available to
initialize the unit test framework.
InitUnitTestFramework (
IN CHAR8 *Title,
IN CHAR8 *ShortTitle,
IN CHAR8 *VersionString
UINTN SaveStateSize;
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
NewFramework = NULL;
// First, check all pointers and make sure nothing's broked.
if ((FrameworkHandle == NULL) || (Title == NULL) ||
(ShortTitle == NULL) || (VersionString == NULL))
// Next, determine whether all of the strings are good to use.
if (!IsFrameworkShortNameValid (ShortTitle)) {
// Next, set aside some space to start messing with the framework.
NewFramework = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK));
if (NewFramework == NULL) {
// Next, set up all the test data.
NewFrameworkHandle = (UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_HANDLE)NewFramework;
NewFramework->Title = AllocateAndCopyString (Title);
NewFramework->ShortTitle = AllocateAndCopyString (ShortTitle);
NewFramework->VersionString = AllocateAndCopyString (VersionString);
NewFramework->Log = NULL;
NewFramework->CurrentTest = NULL;
NewFramework->SavedState = NULL;
if ((NewFramework->Title == NULL) ||
(NewFramework->ShortTitle == NULL) ||
(NewFramework->VersionString == NULL))
goto Exit;
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
InitializeListHead (&(NewFramework->TestSuiteList));
// Create the framework fingerprint.
SetFrameworkFingerprint (&NewFramework->Fingerprint[0], NewFramework);
// If there is a persisted context, load it now.
if (DoesCacheExist (NewFrameworkHandle)) {
Status = LoadUnitTestCache (NewFrameworkHandle, (VOID **)(&NewFramework->SavedState), &SaveStateSize);
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
// Don't actually report it as an error, but emit a warning.
DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a - Cache was detected, but failed to load.\n", __func__));
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
// If we're good, then let's copy the framework.
if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
*FrameworkHandle = NewFrameworkHandle;
} else {
// Otherwise, we need to undo this horrible thing that we've done.
FreeUnitTestFramework (NewFrameworkHandle);
return Status;
Registers a Unit Test Suite in the Unit Test Framework.
At least one test suite must be registered, because all test cases must be
within a unit test suite.
@param[out] SuiteHandle Unit test suite to create
@param[in] FrameworkHandle Unit test framework to add unit test suite to
@param[in] Title Null-terminated ASCII string that is the user
friendly name of the test suite. String is
@param[in] Name Null-terminated ASCII string that is the short
name of the test suite with no spaces. String
is copied.
@param[in] Setup Setup function, runs before suite. This is an
optional parameter that may be NULL.
@param[in] Teardown Teardown function, runs after suite. This is an
optional parameter that may be NULL.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The unit test suite was created.
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER SuiteHandle is NULL.
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER FrameworkHandle is NULL.
@retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources available to
initialize the unit test suite.
CreateUnitTestSuite (
IN CHAR8 *Title,
IN CHAR8 *Name,
Framework = (UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK *)FrameworkHandle;
// First, let's check to make sure that our parameters look good.
if ((SuiteHandle == NULL) || (Framework == NULL) || (Title == NULL) || (Name == NULL)) {
// Create the new entry.
NewSuiteEntry = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (UNIT_TEST_SUITE_LIST_ENTRY));
if (NewSuiteEntry == NULL) {
// Copy the fields we think we need.
NewSuiteEntry->UTS.NumTests = 0;
NewSuiteEntry->UTS.Title = AllocateAndCopyString (Title);
NewSuiteEntry->UTS.Name = AllocateAndCopyString (Name);
NewSuiteEntry->UTS.Setup = Setup;
NewSuiteEntry->UTS.Teardown = Teardown;
NewSuiteEntry->UTS.ParentFramework = FrameworkHandle;
InitializeListHead (&(NewSuiteEntry->Entry)); // List entry for sibling suites.
InitializeListHead (&(NewSuiteEntry->UTS.TestCaseList)); // List entry for child tests.
if (NewSuiteEntry->UTS.Title == NULL) {
goto Exit;
if (NewSuiteEntry->UTS.Name == NULL) {
goto Exit;
// Create the suite fingerprint.
SetSuiteFingerprint (&NewSuiteEntry->UTS.Fingerprint[0], Framework, &NewSuiteEntry->UTS);
// If everything is going well, add the new suite to the tail list for the framework.
if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
InsertTailList (&(Framework->TestSuiteList), (LIST_ENTRY *)NewSuiteEntry);
*SuiteHandle = (UNIT_TEST_SUITE_HANDLE)(&NewSuiteEntry->UTS);
} else {
// Otherwise, make with the destruction.
FreeUnitTestSuiteEntry (NewSuiteEntry);
return Status;
Adds test case to Suite
@param[in] SuiteHandle Unit test suite to add test to.
@param[in] Description Null-terminated ASCII string that is the user
friendly description of a test. String is copied.
@param[in] Name Null-terminated ASCII string that is the short name
of the test with no spaces. String is copied.
@param[in] Function Unit test function.
@param[in] Prerequisite Prerequisite function, runs before test. This is
an optional parameter that may be NULL.
@param[in] CleanUp Clean up function, runs after test. This is an
optional parameter that may be NULL.
@param[in] Context Pointer to context. This is an optional parameter
that may be NULL.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The unit test case was added to Suite.
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER SuiteHandle is NULL.
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Description is NULL.
@retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources available to
add the unit test case to Suite.
AddTestCase (
IN CHAR8 *Description,
IN CHAR8 *Name,
Suite = (UNIT_TEST_SUITE *)SuiteHandle;
// First, let's check to make sure that our parameters look good.
if ((Suite == NULL) || (Description == NULL) || (Name == NULL) || (Function == NULL)) {
ParentFramework = (UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK *)Suite->ParentFramework;
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
// Create the new entry.
NewTestEntry = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (UNIT_TEST_LIST_ENTRY));
if (NewTestEntry == NULL) {
// Copy the fields we think we need.
NewTestEntry->UT.Description = AllocateAndCopyString (Description);
NewTestEntry->UT.Name = AllocateAndCopyString (Name);
NewTestEntry->UT.FailureMessage[0] = '\0';
NewTestEntry->UT.Log = NULL;
NewTestEntry->UT.Prerequisite = Prerequisite;
NewTestEntry->UT.CleanUp = CleanUp;
NewTestEntry->UT.RunTest = Function;
NewTestEntry->UT.Context = Context;
NewTestEntry->UT.Result = UNIT_TEST_PENDING;
NewTestEntry->UT.ParentSuite = SuiteHandle;
InitializeListHead (&(NewTestEntry->Entry)); // List entry for sibling tests.
if (NewTestEntry->UT.Description == NULL) {
goto Exit;
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
if (NewTestEntry->UT.Name == NULL) {
goto Exit;
// Create the test fingerprint.
SetTestFingerprint (&NewTestEntry->UT.Fingerprint[0], Suite, &NewTestEntry->UT);
// TODO: Make sure that duplicate fingerprints cannot be created.
// If there is saved test data, update this record.
if (ParentFramework->SavedState != NULL) {
UpdateTestFromSave (&NewTestEntry->UT, ParentFramework->SavedState);
// If everything is going well, add the new suite to the tail list for the framework.
if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
InsertTailList (&(Suite->TestCaseList), (LIST_ENTRY *)NewTestEntry);
} else {
// Otherwise, make with the destruction.
FreeUnitTestTestEntry (NewTestEntry);
return Status;
UpdateTestFromSave (
UINT8 *FloatingPointer;
UINTN Index;
// First, evaluate the inputs.
if ((Test == NULL) || (SavedState == NULL)) {
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
if (SavedState->TestCount == 0) {
// Next, determine whether a matching test can be found.
// Start at the beginning.
MatchingTest = NULL;
FloatingPointer = (UINT8 *)SavedState + sizeof (*SavedState);
for (Index = 0; Index < SavedState->TestCount; Index++) {
CurrentTest = (UNIT_TEST_SAVE_TEST *)FloatingPointer;
if (CompareFingerprints (&Test->Fingerprint[0], &CurrentTest->Fingerprint[0])) {
MatchingTest = CurrentTest;
// If there's a saved context, it's important that we iterate through the entire list.
if (!SavedState->HasSavedContext) {
// If we didn't find it, we have to increment to the next test.
FloatingPointer = (UINT8 *)CurrentTest + CurrentTest->Size;
// If a matching test was found, copy the status.
if (MatchingTest) {
// Override the test status with the saved status.
Test->Result = MatchingTest->Result;
Test->FailureType = MatchingTest->FailureType;
AsciiStrnCpyS (
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
// If there is a log string associated, grab that.
// We can tell that there's a log string because the "size" will be larger than
// the structure size.
// IMPORTANT NOTE: There are security implications here.
// This data is user-supplied and we're about to play kinda
// fast and loose with data buffers.
if (MatchingTest->Size > sizeof (UNIT_TEST_SAVE_TEST)) {
UnitTestLogInit (Test, (UINT8 *)MatchingTest->Log, MatchingTest->Size - sizeof (UNIT_TEST_SAVE_TEST));
// If the saved context exists and matches this test, grab it, too.
if (SavedState->HasSavedContext) {
// If there was a saved context, the "matching test" loop will have placed the FloatingPointer
// at the beginning of the context structure.
SavedContext = (UNIT_TEST_SAVE_CONTEXT *)FloatingPointer;
if (((SavedContext->Size - sizeof (UNIT_TEST_SAVE_CONTEXT)) > 0) &&
CompareFingerprints (&Test->Fingerprint[0], &SavedContext->Fingerprint[0]))
// Override the test context with the saved context.
Test->Context = (VOID *)SavedContext->Data;
SerializeState (
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
IN UINTN ContextToSaveSize
LIST_ENTRY *SuiteListHead;
LIST_ENTRY *TestListHead;
UINT32 TestCount;
UINT32 TotalSize;
UINTN LogSize;
UNIT_TEST *UnitTest;
UINT8 *FloatingPointer;
Framework = (UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK *)FrameworkHandle;
Header = NULL;
// First, let's not make assumptions about the parameters.
if ((Framework == NULL) ||
((ContextToSave != NULL) && (ContextToSaveSize == 0)) ||
(ContextToSaveSize > MAX_UINT32))
return NULL;
// Next, we've gotta figure out the resources that will be required to serialize the
// the framework state so that we can persist it.
// To start with, we're gonna need a header.
TotalSize = sizeof (UNIT_TEST_SAVE_HEADER);
// Now we need to figure out how many tests there are.
TestCount = 0;
// Iterate all suites.
SuiteListHead = &Framework->TestSuiteList;
for (Suite = GetFirstNode (SuiteListHead); Suite != SuiteListHead; Suite = GetNextNode (SuiteListHead, Suite)) {
// Iterate all tests within the suite.
TestListHead = &((UNIT_TEST_SUITE_LIST_ENTRY *)Suite)->UTS.TestCaseList;
for (Test = GetFirstNode (TestListHead); Test != TestListHead; Test = GetNextNode (TestListHead, Test)) {
UnitTest = &((UNIT_TEST_LIST_ENTRY *)Test)->UT;
// Account for the size of a test structure.
TotalSize += sizeof (UNIT_TEST_SAVE_TEST);
// If there's a log, make sure to account for the log size.
if (UnitTest->Log != NULL) {
// The +1 is for the NULL character. Can't forget the NULL character.
LogSize = (AsciiStrLen (UnitTest->Log) + 1) * sizeof (CHAR8);
ASSERT (LogSize < MAX_UINT32);
TotalSize += (UINT32)LogSize;
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
// Increment the test count.
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
// If there are no tests, we're done here.
if (TestCount == 0) {
return NULL;
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
// Add room for the context, if there is one.
if (ContextToSave != NULL) {
TotalSize += sizeof (UNIT_TEST_SAVE_CONTEXT) + (UINT32)ContextToSaveSize;
// Now that we know the size, we need to allocate space for the serialized output.
Header = AllocateZeroPool (TotalSize);
if (Header == NULL) {
return NULL;
// Alright, let's start setting up some data.
Header->SaveStateSize = TotalSize;
CopyMem (&Header->Fingerprint[0], &Framework->Fingerprint[0], UNIT_TEST_FINGERPRINT_SIZE);
CopyMem (&Header->StartTime, &Framework->StartTime, sizeof (EFI_TIME));
Header->TestCount = TestCount;
Header->HasSavedContext = FALSE;
// Start adding all of the test cases.
// Set the floating pointer to the start of the current test save buffer.
FloatingPointer = (UINT8 *)Header + sizeof (UNIT_TEST_SAVE_HEADER);
// Iterate all suites.
SuiteListHead = &Framework->TestSuiteList;
for (Suite = GetFirstNode (SuiteListHead); Suite != SuiteListHead; Suite = GetNextNode (SuiteListHead, Suite)) {
// Iterate all tests within the suite.
TestListHead = &((UNIT_TEST_SUITE_LIST_ENTRY *)Suite)->UTS.TestCaseList;
for (Test = GetFirstNode (TestListHead); Test != TestListHead; Test = GetNextNode (TestListHead, Test)) {
TestSaveData = (UNIT_TEST_SAVE_TEST *)FloatingPointer;
UnitTest = &((UNIT_TEST_LIST_ENTRY *)Test)->UT;
// Save the fingerprint.
CopyMem (&TestSaveData->Fingerprint[0], &UnitTest->Fingerprint[0], UNIT_TEST_FINGERPRINT_SIZE);
// Save the result.
TestSaveData->Result = UnitTest->Result;
TestSaveData->FailureType = UnitTest->FailureType;
AsciiStrnCpyS (&TestSaveData->FailureMessage[0], UNIT_TEST_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, &UnitTest->FailureMessage[0], UNIT_TEST_MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
// If there is a log, save the log.
FloatingPointer += sizeof (UNIT_TEST_SAVE_TEST);
if (UnitTest->Log != NULL) {
// The +1 is for the NULL character. Can't forget the NULL character.
LogSize = (AsciiStrLen (UnitTest->Log) + 1) * sizeof (CHAR8);
CopyMem (FloatingPointer, UnitTest->Log, LogSize);
FloatingPointer += LogSize;
// Update the size once the structure is complete.
// NOTE: Should this be a straight cast without validation?
TestSaveData->Size = (UINT32)(FloatingPointer - (UINT8 *)TestSaveData);
// If there is a context to save, let's do that now.
if ((ContextToSave != NULL) && (Framework->CurrentTest != NULL)) {
TestSaveContext = (UNIT_TEST_SAVE_CONTEXT *)FloatingPointer;
TestSaveContext->Size = (UINT32)ContextToSaveSize + sizeof (UNIT_TEST_SAVE_CONTEXT);
CopyMem (&TestSaveContext->Fingerprint[0], &Framework->CurrentTest->Fingerprint[0], UNIT_TEST_FINGERPRINT_SIZE);
CopyMem (((UINT8 *)TestSaveContext + sizeof (UNIT_TEST_SAVE_CONTEXT)), ContextToSave, ContextToSaveSize);
Header->HasSavedContext = TRUE;
return Header;
Leverages a framework-specific mechanism (see UnitTestPersistenceLib if you're
a framework author) to save the state of the executing framework along with
any allocated data so that the test may be resumed upon reentry. A test case
should pass any needed context (which, to prevent an infinite loop, should be
at least the current execution count) which will be saved by the framework and
passed to the test case upon resume.
This should be called while the current test framework is valid and active. It is
generally called from within a test case prior to quitting or rebooting.
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
@param[in] ContextToSave A buffer of test case-specific data to be saved
along with framework state. Will be passed as
"Context" to the test case upon resume. This
is an optional parameter that may be NULL.
@param[in] ContextToSaveSize Size of the ContextToSave buffer.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The framework state and context were saved.
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND An active framework handle was not found.
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ContextToSave is not NULL and
ContextToSaveSize is 0.
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ContextToSave is >= 4GB.
@retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources available to
save the framework and context state.
@retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The framework and context state could not be
saved to a persistent storage device due to a
device error.
SaveFrameworkState (
IN UINTN ContextToSaveSize
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
Header = NULL;
FrameworkHandle = GetActiveFrameworkHandle ();
if (FrameworkHandle == NULL) {
DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a - Could not save state! FrameworkHandle not initialized\n", __func__));
// Return a unique error code if the framework is not set.
if (FrameworkHandle == NULL) {
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
// First, let's not make assumptions about the parameters.
if (((ContextToSave != NULL) && (ContextToSaveSize == 0)) ||
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
(ContextToSaveSize > MAX_UINT32))
// Now, let's package up all the data for saving.
Header = SerializeState (FrameworkHandle, ContextToSave, ContextToSaveSize);
if (Header == NULL) {
// All that should be left to do is save it using the associated persistence lib.
Status = SaveUnitTestCache (FrameworkHandle, Header, Header->SaveStateSize);
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a - Could not save state! %r\n", __func__, Status));
UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library: Add library instances Add the following library instances that are used to build unit tests for host and target environments. * CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to: * DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. printf). * MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free). * UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib * UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that supports setting boot next to a USB device. * UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments. * UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka APIs and can only be use in a host environment. * UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestPersistenceLib * UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System Protocol. * UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard output console. * UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using DEBUG() macros. Cc: Sean Brogan <> Cc: Bret Barkelew <> Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <> Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
2020-01-22 19:07:17 +01:00
// Free data that was used.
FreePool (Header);
return Status;