ArmVirtPkg: Add Platform CI and configuration for Core CI


Add new Azure Pipeline definitions to build and run ArmVirtPkg with:
  * Ubuntu GCC5
Add PyTool based build of ArmVirtPkg
Add extdep for managing the iasl dependency
Add for Core CI
Add for details and instructions

Cc: Laszlo Ersek <>
Cc: Ard Biesheuvel <>
Cc: Leif Lindholm <>
Signed-off-by: Michael Kubacki <>

Reviewed-by: Shenglei Zhang <>
Acked-by: Laszlo Ersek <>
Acked-by: Ard Biesheuvel <>
Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
This commit is contained in:
Sean Brogan 2020-04-19 01:04:11 -07:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent 4fcfd089aa
commit 0c7f189e60
5 changed files with 614 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
## @file
# Core CI configuration for ArmVirtPkg
# ArmVirtPkg is part of Platform Ci for builds so this is only
# used for code analysis.
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
## options defined .pytool/Plugin/CompilerPlugin
"CompilerPlugin": {
"DscPath": "" # Don't support this test
## options defined .pytool/Plugin/HostUnitTestCompilerPlugin
"HostUnitTestCompilerPlugin": {
"DscPath": "" # Don't support this test
## options defined .pytool/Plugin/CharEncodingCheck
"CharEncodingCheck": {
"IgnoreFiles": []
## options defined .pytool/Plugin/DependencyCheck
"DependencyCheck": {
"AcceptableDependencies": [
"ShellPkg/ShellPkg.dec" #Is this ok?
# For host based unit tests
# For UEFI shell based apps
"IgnoreInf": []
## options defined .pytool/Plugin/DscCompleteCheck
"DscCompleteCheck": {
"IgnoreInf": [""],
"DscPath": "" # Don't support this test
## options defined .pytool/Plugin/HostUnitTestDscCompleteCheck
"HostUnitTestDscCompleteCheck": {
"IgnoreInf": [""],
"DscPath": "" # Don't support this test
## options defined .pytool/Plugin/GuidCheck
"GuidCheck": {
"IgnoreGuidName": [],
"IgnoreGuidValue": [],
"IgnoreFoldersAndFiles": [],
"IgnoreDuplicates": [],
## options defined .pytool/Plugin/LibraryClassCheck
"LibraryClassCheck": {
"IgnoreHeaderFile": []
## options defined .pytool/Plugin/SpellCheck
"SpellCheck": {
"AuditOnly": False, # Fails right now with over 270 errors
"IgnoreFiles": [], # use gitignore syntax to ignore errors in matching files
"ExtendWords": [
], # words to extend to the dictionary for this package
"IgnoreStandardPaths": [], # Standard Plugin defined paths that should be ignore
"AdditionalIncludePaths": [] # Additional paths to spell check (wildcards supported)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
## @file
# Azure Pipeline build file for building a platform.
# Platform: ArmVirtQemu
# OS: Ubuntu
# Toolchain: GCC5
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
- master
- master
- job: Platform_CI
package: 'ArmVirtPkg'
vm_image: 'ubuntu-latest'
should_run: true
#Use matrix to speed up the build process
Build.File: "$(package)/PlatformCI/"
Build.Arch: "AARCH64"
Build.Flags: ""
Build.Target: "DEBUG"
Run.Flags: $(run_flags)
Run: $(should_run)
Build.File: "$(package)/PlatformCI/"
Build.Arch: "AARCH64"
Build.Flags: ""
Build.Target: "RELEASE"
Run.Flags: $(run_flags)
Run: $(should_run)
Build.File: "$(package)/PlatformCI/"
Build.Arch: "AARCH64"
Build.Flags: ""
Build.Target: "NOOPT"
Run.Flags: $(run_flags)
Run: $(should_run)
Build.File: "$(package)/PlatformCI/"
Build.Arch: "ARM"
Build.Flags: ""
Build.Target: "DEBUG"
Run.Flags: $(run_flags)
Run: $(should_run)
Build.File: "$(package)/PlatformCI/"
Build.Arch: "ARM"
Build.Flags: ""
Build.Target: "RELEASE"
Run.Flags: $(run_flags)
Run: $(should_run)
Build.File: "$(package)/PlatformCI/"
Build.Arch: "ARM"
Build.Flags: ""
Build.Target: "NOOPT"
Run.Flags: $(run_flags)
Run: $(should_run)
clean: all
vmImage: $(vm_image)
- template: ../../../.azurepipelines/templates/platform-build-run-steps.yml
tool_chain_tag: GCC5
build_pkg: $(package)
build_target: $(Build.Target)
build_arch: $(Build.Arch)
build_file: $(Build.File)
build_flags: $(Build.Flags)
run_flags: $(Run.Flags)
- bash: sudo apt-get install qemu
displayName: Install qemu
condition: and(gt(variables.pkg_count, 0), succeeded())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
# @file
# Script to Build ArmVirtPkg UEFI firmware
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
import os
import logging
import io
from edk2toolext.environment import shell_environment
from edk2toolext.environment.uefi_build import UefiBuilder
from edk2toolext.invocables.edk2_platform_build import BuildSettingsManager
from edk2toolext.invocables.edk2_setup import SetupSettingsManager, RequiredSubmodule
from edk2toolext.invocables.edk2_update import UpdateSettingsManager
from edk2toolext.invocables.edk2_pr_eval import PrEvalSettingsManager
from edk2toollib.utility_functions import RunCmd
from edk2toollib.utility_functions import GetHostInfo
# ####################################################################################### #
# Common Configuration #
# ####################################################################################### #
class CommonPlatform():
''' Common settings for this platform. Define static data here and use
for the different parts of stuart
PackagesSupported = ("ArmVirtPkg",)
ArchSupported = ("AARCH64", "ARM")
TargetsSupported = ("DEBUG", "RELEASE", "NOOPT")
Scopes = ('armvirt', 'edk2-build')
WorkspaceRoot = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", ".."))
# ####################################################################################### #
# Configuration for Update & Setup #
# ####################################################################################### #
class SettingsManager(UpdateSettingsManager, SetupSettingsManager, PrEvalSettingsManager):
def GetPackagesSupported(self):
''' return iterable of edk2 packages supported by this build.
These should be edk2 workspace relative paths '''
return CommonPlatform.PackagesSupported
def GetArchitecturesSupported(self):
''' return iterable of edk2 architectures supported by this build '''
return CommonPlatform.ArchSupported
def GetTargetsSupported(self):
''' return iterable of edk2 target tags supported by this build '''
return CommonPlatform.TargetsSupported
def GetRequiredSubmodules(self):
''' return iterable containing RequiredSubmodule objects.
If no RequiredSubmodules return an empty iterable
rs = []
# intentionally declare this one with recursive false to avoid overhead
"CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl", False))
# To avoid maintenance of this file for every new submodule
# lets just parse the .gitmodules and add each if not already in list.
# The GetRequiredSubmodules is designed to allow a build to optimize
# the desired submodules but it isn't necessary for this repository.
result = io.StringIO()
ret = RunCmd("git", "config --file .gitmodules --get-regexp path", workingdir=self.GetWorkspaceRoot(), outstream=result)
# Cmd output is expected to look like:
# submodule.CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl.path CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl
# submodule.SoftFloat.path ArmPkg/Library/ArmSoftFloatLib/berkeley-softfloat-3
if ret == 0:
for line in result.getvalue().splitlines():
_, _, path = line.partition(" ")
if path is not None:
if path not in [x.path for x in rs]:
rs.append(RequiredSubmodule(path, True)) # add it with recursive since we don't know
return rs
def SetArchitectures(self, list_of_requested_architectures):
''' Confirm the requests architecture list is valid and configure SettingsManager
to run only the requested architectures.
Raise Exception if a list_of_requested_architectures is not supported
unsupported = set(list_of_requested_architectures) - \
if(len(unsupported) > 0):
errorString = (
"Unsupported Architecture Requested: " + " ".join(unsupported))
raise Exception(errorString)
self.ActualArchitectures = list_of_requested_architectures
def GetWorkspaceRoot(self):
''' get WorkspacePath '''
return CommonPlatform.WorkspaceRoot
def GetActiveScopes(self):
''' return tuple containing scopes that should be active for this process '''
scopes = CommonPlatform.Scopes
ActualToolChainTag = shell_environment.GetBuildVars().GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG", "")
if GetHostInfo().os.upper() == "LINUX" and ActualToolChainTag.upper().startswith("GCC"):
if "AARCH64" in self.ActualArchitectures:
scopes += ("gcc_aarch64_linux",)
if "ARM" in self.ActualArchitectures:
scopes += ("gcc_arm_linux",)
return scopes
def FilterPackagesToTest(self, changedFilesList: list, potentialPackagesList: list) -> list:
''' Filter other cases that this package should be built
based on changed files. This should cover things that can't
be detected as dependencies. '''
build_these_packages = []
possible_packages = potentialPackagesList.copy()
for f in changedFilesList:
# BaseTools files that might change the build
if "BaseTools" in f:
if os.path.splitext(f) not in [".txt", ".md"]:
build_these_packages = possible_packages
# if the azure pipeline platform template file changed
if "platform-build-run-steps.yml" in f:
build_these_packages = possible_packages
return build_these_packages
def GetPlatformDscAndConfig(self) -> tuple:
''' If a platform desires to provide its DSC then Policy 4 will evaluate if
any of the changes will be built in the dsc.
The tuple should be (<workspace relative path to dsc file>, <input dictionary of dsc key value pairs>)
return (os.path.join("ArmVirtPkg", "ArmVirtQemu.dsc"), {})
# ####################################################################################### #
# Actual Configuration for Platform Build #
# ####################################################################################### #
class PlatformBuilder(UefiBuilder, BuildSettingsManager):
def __init__(self):
def AddCommandLineOptions(self, parserObj):
''' Add command line options to the argparser '''
parserObj.add_argument('-a', "--arch", dest="build_arch", type=str, default="AARCH64",
help="Optional - Architecture to build. Default = AARCH64")
def RetrieveCommandLineOptions(self, args):
''' Retrieve command line options from the argparser '''
"TARGET_ARCH", args.build_arch.upper(), "From CmdLine")
"ACTIVE_PLATFORM", "ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu.dsc", "From CmdLine")
def GetWorkspaceRoot(self):
''' get WorkspacePath '''
return CommonPlatform.WorkspaceRoot
def GetPackagesPath(self):
''' Return a list of workspace relative paths that should be mapped as edk2 PackagesPath '''
return ()
def GetActiveScopes(self):
''' return tuple containing scopes that should be active for this process '''
scopes = CommonPlatform.Scopes
ActualToolChainTag = shell_environment.GetBuildVars().GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG", "")
Arch = shell_environment.GetBuildVars().GetValue("TARGET_ARCH", "")
if GetHostInfo().os.upper() == "LINUX" and ActualToolChainTag.upper().startswith("GCC"):
if "AARCH64" == Arch:
scopes += ("gcc_aarch64_linux",)
elif "ARM" == Arch:
scopes += ("gcc_arm_linux",)
return scopes
def GetName(self):
''' Get the name of the repo, platform, or product being build '''
''' Used for naming the log file, among others '''
# check the startup nsh flag and if set then rename the log file.
# this helps in CI so we don't overwrite the build log since running
# uses the stuart_build command.
if(shell_environment.GetBuildVars().GetValue("MAKE_STARTUP_NSH", "FALSE") == "TRUE"):
return "ArmVirtPkg_With_Run"
return "ArmVirtPkg"
def GetLoggingLevel(self, loggerType):
''' Get the logging level for a given type
base == lowest logging level supported
con == Screen logging
txt == plain text file logging
md == markdown file logging
return logging.DEBUG
def SetPlatformEnv(self):
logging.debug("PlatformBuilder SetPlatformEnv")
self.env.SetValue("PRODUCT_NAME", "ArmVirtQemu", "Platform Hardcoded")
self.env.SetValue("MAKE_STARTUP_NSH", "FALSE", "Default to false")
self.env.SetValue("QEMU_HEADLESS", "FALSE", "Default to false")
return 0
def PlatformPreBuild(self):
return 0
def PlatformPostBuild(self):
return 0
def FlashRomImage(self):
VirtualDrive = os.path.join(self.env.GetValue(
"BUILD_OUTPUT_BASE"), "VirtualDrive")
os.makedirs(VirtualDrive, exist_ok=True)
OutputPath_FV = os.path.join(
self.env.GetValue("BUILD_OUTPUT_BASE"), "FV")
Built_FV = os.path.join(OutputPath_FV, "QEMU_EFI.fd")
# pad fd to 64mb
with open(Built_FV, "ab") as fvfile:, os.SEEK_END)
additional = b'\0' * ((64 * 1024 * 1024)-fvfile.tell())
# QEMU must be on that path
# Unique Command and Args parameters per ARCH
if (self.env.GetValue("TARGET_ARCH").upper() == "AARCH64"):
cmd = "qemu-system-aarch64"
args = "-M virt"
args += " -cpu cortex-a57" # emulate cpu
elif(self.env.GetValue("TARGET_ARCH").upper() == "ARM"):
cmd = "qemu-system-arm"
args = "-M virt"
args += " -cpu cortex-a15" # emulate cpu
raise NotImplementedError()
# Common Args
args += " -pflash " + Built_FV # path to fw
args += " -m 1024" # 1gb memory
# turn off network
args += " -net none"
# Serial messages out
args += " -serial stdio"
# Mount disk with startup.nsh
args += f" -drive file=fat:rw:{VirtualDrive},format=raw,media=disk"
# Conditional Args
if (self.env.GetValue("QEMU_HEADLESS").upper() == "TRUE"):
args += " -display none" # no graphics
if (self.env.GetValue("MAKE_STARTUP_NSH").upper() == "TRUE"):
f = open(os.path.join(VirtualDrive, "startup.nsh"), "w")
f.write("BOOT SUCCESS !!! \n")
# add commands here
f.write("reset -s\n")
ret = RunCmd(cmd, args)
if ret == 0xc0000005:
# for some reason getting a c0000005 on successful return
return 0
return ret

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@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
# ArmVirtPkg - Platform CI
This describes the Azure DevOps based Platform CI for ArmVirtPkg and how
to use the same Pytools based build infrastructure locally.
## Supported Configuration Details
This solution for building and running ArmVirtPkg has only been validated with Ubuntu
18.04 and the GCC5 toolchain. Two different firmware builds are supported and are
described below.
| Configuration name | Architecture | DSC File |Additional Flags |
| :---------- | :----- | :----- | :---- |
| AARCH64 | AARCH64 | ArmVirtQemu.dsc | None |
| ARM | ARM | ArmVirtQemu.dsc | None |
## EDK2 Developer environment
- [Python 3.8.x - Download & Install](
- [GIT - Download & Install](
- [QEMU - Download, Install, and add to your path](
- [Edk2 Source](
- Additional packages found necessary for Ubuntu 18.04
- apt-get install gcc g++ make uuid-dev
Note: edksetup, Submodule initialization and manual installation of NASM, iASL, or
the required cross-compiler toolchains are **not** required, this is handled by the
Pytools build system.
## Building with Pytools for ArmVirtPkg
1. [Optional] Create a Python Virtual Environment - generally once per workspace
``` bash
python -m venv <name of virtual environment>
2. [Optional] Activate Virtual Environment - each time new shell opened
- Windows
``` bash
<name of virtual environment>/Scripts/activate.bat
- Linux
source <name of virtual environment>/bin/activate
3. Install Pytools - generally once per virtual env or whenever pip-requirements.txt changes
``` bash
pip install --upgrade -r pip-requirements.txt
4. Initialize & Update Submodules - only when submodules updated
``` bash
stuart_setup -c ArmVirtPkg/PlatformCI/ TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=<TOOL_CHAIN_TAG> -a <TARGET_ARCH>
5. Initialize & Update Dependencies - only as needed when ext_deps change
``` bash
stuart_update -c ArmVirtPkg/PlatformCI/ TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=<TOOL_CHAIN_TAG> -a <TARGET_ARCH>
6. Compile the basetools if necessary - only when basetools C source files change
``` bash
python BaseTools/ -t <ToolChainTag>
7. Compile Firmware
``` bash
stuart_build -c ArmVirtPkg/PlatformCI/ TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=<TOOL_CHAIN_TAG> -a <TARGET_ARCH>
- use `stuart_build -c ArmVirtPkg/PlatformCI/ -h` option to see additional
options like `--clean`
8. Running Emulator
- You can add `--FlashRom` to the end of your build command and the emulator will run after the
build is complete.
- or use the `--FlashOnly` feature to just run the emulator.
``` bash
stuart_build -c ArmVirtPkg/PlatformCI/ TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=<TOOL_CHAIN_TAG> -a <TARGET_ARCH> --FlashOnly
### Notes
1. Including the expected build architecture and toolchain to the _stuart_update_ command is critical.
This is because there are extra scopes and tools that will be resolved during the update step that
need to match your build step.
2. Configuring *ACTIVE_PLATFORM* and *TARGET_ARCH* in Conf/target.txt is **not** required. This
environment is set by based upon the `[-a <TARGET_ARCH>]` parameter.
3. QEMU must be on your path. On Windows this is a manual process and not part of the QEMU installer.
**NOTE:** Logging the execution output will be in the normal stuart log as well as to your console.
### Custom Build Options
**MAKE_STARTUP_NSH=TRUE** will output a *startup.nsh* file to the location mapped as fs0. This is
used in CI in combination with the `--FlashOnly` feature to run QEMU to the UEFI shell and then execute
the contents of *startup.nsh*.
**QEMU_HEADLESS=TRUE** Since CI servers run headless QEMU must be told to run with no display otherwise
an error occurs. Locally you don't need to set this.
### Passing Build Defines
To pass build defines through _stuart_build_, prepend `BLD_*_`to the define name and pass it on the
command-line. _stuart_build_ currently requires values to be assigned, so add an`=1` suffix for bare defines.
For example, to enable the TPM2 support, instead of the traditional "-D TPM2_ENABLE=TRUE", the stuart_build
command-line would be:
`stuart_build -c ArmVirtPkg/PlatformCI/ BLD_*_TPM2_ENABLE=TRUE`
## References
- [Installing and using Pytools](
- More on [python virtual environments](

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
## @file
# Download iasl executable tool from a package
# - package contains different binaries based on host
# Add the folder with the tool to the path
# This is only downloaded for scope armvirt thus
# should have no impact on the asl compiler used by any
# other platform build
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
"id": "iasl-armvirt-1",
"scope": "armvirt",
"type": "nuget",
"name": "iasl",
"source": "",
"version": "20190215.0.0",
"flags": ["set_path", "host_specific"],