mirror of https://github.com/acidanthera/audk.git
Save segment registers on stack in case the thunk code assembly calls CF9 soft reset and the x64 registers get cleared.
git-svn-id: https://edk2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/edk2/trunk/edk2@8124 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Intel Corporation
# Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009, Intel Corporation
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
# Real mode thunk
#include <EdkIIGlueBase.h>
.globl ASM_PFX(m16Start)
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@
ASM_PFX(m16Size): .word ASM_PFX(InternalAsmThunk16) - ASM_PFX(m16Start)
ASM_PFX(mThunk16Attr): .word _ThunkAttr - ASM_PFX(m16Start)
ASM_PFX(m16Gdt): .word _NullSeg - ASM_PFX(m16Start)
ASM_PFX(m16Gdt): .word ASM_PFX(NullSeg) - ASM_PFX(m16Start)
ASM_PFX(m16GdtrBase): .word _16GdtrBase - ASM_PFX(m16Start)
ASM_PFX(mTransition): .word _EntryPoint - ASM_PFX(m16Start)
@ -78,8 +79,8 @@ ASM_PFX(BackFromUserCode):
.byte 0x16 # push ss
.byte 0xe # push cs
.byte 0x66
call @Base # push eip
call L_Base # push eip
.byte 0x66
pushq $0 # reserved high order 32 bits of EFlags
.byte 0x66, 0x9c # pushfd actually
@ -92,17 +93,17 @@ ASM_PFX(BackFromUserCode):
.byte 0x66,0xba # mov edx, imm32
_ThunkAttr: .space 4
jz @1
jz L_1
movl $0x15cd2401,%eax # mov ax, 2401h & int 15h
cli # disable interrupts
jnc @2
jnc L_2
jz @2
jz L_2
inb $0x92,%al
orb $2,%al
outb %al, $0x92 # deactivate A20M#
movl %ss,%eax
lea IA32_REGS_SIZE(%esp), %bp
@ -115,9 +116,9 @@ _ThunkAttr: .space 4
addw %ax,%bp # add ebp, eax
movw %cs,%ax
shlw $4,%ax
lea (@64BitCode - @Base)(%ebx, %eax), %ax
.byte 0x66,0x2e,0x89,0x87 # mov cs:[bx + (@64Eip - @Base)], eax
.word @64Eip - @Base
lea (L_64BitCode - L_Base)(%ebx, %eax), %ax
.byte 0x66,0x2e,0x89,0x87 # mov cs:[bx + (L_64Eip - L_Base)], eax
.word L_64Eip - L_Base
.byte 0x66,0xb8 # mov eax, imm32
SavedCr4: .space 4
movq %rax, %cr4
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ SavedCr4: .space 4
# rdi in the instruction below is indeed bx in 16-bit code
.byte 0x66,0x2e # 2eh is "cs:" segment override
lgdt (SavedGdt - @Base)(%rdi)
lgdt (SavedGdt - L_Base)(%rdi)
.byte 0x66
movl $0xc0000080,%ecx
@ -134,17 +135,20 @@ SavedCr4: .space 4
.byte 0x66,0xb8 # mov eax, imm32
SavedCr0: .space 4
movq %rax, %cr0
.byte 0x66,0xea # jmp far cs:@64Bit
@64Eip: .space 4
.byte 0x66,0xea # jmp far cs:L_64Bit
L_64Eip: .space 4
SavedCs: .space 2
movq %r8, %rsp
.byte 0x90
.byte 0x67,0xbc # mov esp, imm32
SavedSp: .space 4 # restore stack
_EntryPoint: .long ASM_PFX(ToUserCode) - ASM_PFX(m16Start)
.word CODE16
_16Gdtr: .word GDT_SIZE - 1
_16GdtrBase: .quad _NullSeg
_16GdtrBase: .quad ASM_PFX(NullSeg)
_16Idtr: .word 0x3ff
.long 0
@ -169,16 +173,16 @@ ASM_PFX(ToUserCode):
movl %esi,%ss # set up 16-bit stack segment
movw %bx,%sp # set up 16-bit stack pointer
.byte 0x66 # make the following call 32-bit
call @Base1 # push eip
popw %bp # ebp <- address of @Base1
call L_Base1 # push eip
popw %bp # ebp <- address of L_Base1
pushq (IA32_REGS_SIZE + 2)(%esp)
lea 0x0c(%rsi), %eax
pushq %rax
lret # execution begins at next instruction
.byte 0x66,0x2e # CS and operand size override
lidt (_16Idtr - @Base1)(%rsi)
lidt (_16Idtr - L_Base1)(%rsi)
.byte 0x66,0x61 # popad
.byte 0x1f # pop ds
.byte 0x7 # pop es
@ -189,26 +193,26 @@ ASM_PFX(ToUserCode):
.byte 0x66 # make the following retf 32-bit
lret # transfer control to user code
.equ CODE16, ASM_PFX(16Code) - .
.equ DATA16, ASM_PFX(16Data) - .
.equ DATA32, ASM_PFX(32Data) - .
.equ CODE16, ASM_PFX(_16Code) - .
.equ DATA16, ASM_PFX(_16Data) - .
.equ DATA32, ASM_PFX(_32Data) - .
_NullSeg: .quad 0
ASM_PFX(NullSeg): .quad 0
.word -1
.word 0
.byte 0
.byte 0x9b
.byte 0x8f # 16-bit segment, 4GB limit
.byte 0
.word -1
.word 0
.byte 0
.byte 0x93
.byte 0x8f # 16-bit segment, 4GB limit
.byte 0
.word -1
.word 0
.byte 0
@ -226,7 +230,6 @@ ASM_PFX(32Data):
# IN OUT VOID *Transition
# );
# MISMATCH: "InternalAsmThunk16 PROC USES rbp rbx rsi rdi"
.globl ASM_PFX(InternalAsmThunk16)
@ -235,9 +238,13 @@ ASM_PFX(InternalAsmThunk16):
pushq %rsi
pushq %rdi
movl %ds, %r10d # r9 ~ r11 are not accessible in 16-bit
movl %es, %r11d # so use them for saving seg registers
movl %ss, %r9d
movq %ds, %rbx
pushq %rbx # Save ds segment register on the stack
movq %es, %rbx
pushq %rbx # Save es segment register on the stack
movq %ss, %rbx
pushq %rbx # Save ss segment register on the stack
.byte 0x0f, 0xa0 #push fs
.byte 0x0f, 0xa8 #push gs
movq %rcx, %rsi
@ -258,7 +265,7 @@ ASM_PFX(InternalAsmThunk16):
lea (_BackFromUserCode - ASM_PFX(m16Start))(%rdx), %ax
stosl # [edi] <- return address of user code
sgdt (SavedGdt - SavedCr4)(%rcx)
sidt 0x38(%rsp)
sidt 0x50(%rsp)
movq %cr0, %rax
movl %eax, (SavedCr0 - SavedCr4)(%rcx)
andl $0x7ffffffe,%eax # clear PE, PG bits
@ -272,22 +279,26 @@ ASM_PFX(InternalAsmThunk16):
movl %edx,%ss
lea -8(%rdx), %edx
lea @RetFromRealMode, %r8
lea L_RetFromRealMode, %r8
pushq %r8
movl %cs, %r8d
movw %r8w, (SavedCs - SavedCr4)(%rcx)
movq %rsp, %r8
movl %esp, (SavedSp - SavedCr4)(%rcx)
.byte 0xff, 0x69 # jmp (_EntryPoint - SavedCr4)(%rcx)
.byte _EntryPoint - SavedCr4
lidt 0x38(%rsp)
lidt 0x50(%rsp)
lea -IA32_REGS_SIZE(%rbp), %eax
.byte 0x0f, 0xa9 # pop gs
.byte 0x0f, 0xa1 # pop fs
movl %r9d, %ss
movl %r11d, %es
movl %r10d, %ds
popq %rbx
movq %rbx, %ss
popq %rbx
movq %rbx, %es
popq %rbx
movq %rbx, %ds
popq %rdi
popq %rsi
@ -138,7 +138,10 @@ SavedCr0 DD ?
@64Eip DD ?
SavedCs DW ?
mov rsp, r8 ; restore stack
db 090h
db 067h, 0bch ; mov esp, imm32
SavedSp DD ? ; restore stack
_BackFromUserCode ENDP
@ -228,9 +231,13 @@ GDT_SIZE = $ - _NullSeg
; );
InternalAsmThunk16 PROC USES rbp rbx rsi rdi
mov r10d, ds ; r9 ~ r11 are not accessible in 16-bit
mov r11d, es ; so use them for saving seg registers
mov r9d, ss
mov rbx, ds
push rbx ; Save ds segment register on the stack
mov rbx, es
push rbx ; Save es segment register on the stack
mov rbx, ss
push rbx ; Save ss segment register on the stack
push fs
push gs
mov rsi, rcx
@ -250,7 +257,7 @@ InternalAsmThunk16 PROC USES rbp rbx rsi rdi
lea ax, [rdx + (_BackFromUserCode - m16Start)] ; offset address
stosd ; [edi] <- return address of user code
sgdt fword ptr [rcx + (SavedGdt - SavedCr4)]
sidt fword ptr [rsp + 38h] ; save IDT stack in argument space
sidt fword ptr [rsp + 50h] ; save IDT stack in argument space
mov rax, cr0
mov [rcx + (SavedCr0 - SavedCr4)], eax
and eax, 7ffffffeh ; clear PE, PG bits
@ -268,17 +275,20 @@ InternalAsmThunk16 PROC USES rbp rbx rsi rdi
push r8
mov r8d, cs
mov [rcx + (SavedCs - SavedCr4)], r8w
mov r8, rsp
mov [rcx + (SavedSp - SavedCr4)], esp
jmp fword ptr [rcx + (_EntryPoint - SavedCr4)]
lidt fword ptr [rsp + 38h] ; restore protected mode IDTR
lidt fword ptr [rsp + 50h] ; restore protected mode IDTR
lea eax, [rbp - sizeof (IA32_REGS)]
pop gs
pop fs
mov ss, r9d
mov es, r11d
mov ds, r10d
pop rbx
mov ss, rbx
pop rbx
mov es, rbx
pop rbx
mov ds, rbx
InternalAsmThunk16 ENDP
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