- Merged the local copy of XmlRoutines.py in buildgen into upper directory's XmlRoutines.py

- Removed the local copy of XmlRoutines.py in buildgen/AntTasks.pyc
- Used the XmlNode to replace XmlElement in SurfaceAreaElement.py

git-svn-id: https://edk2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/edk2/trunk/edk2@2310 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
This commit is contained in:
jwang36 2007-01-25 05:03:12 +00:00
parent 253fca1de3
commit 2082f93671
3 changed files with 132 additions and 219 deletions

View File

@ -16,44 +16,70 @@ import xml.dom.minidom
def XmlList(Dom, String):
"""Get a list of XML Elements using XPath style syntax."""
if String == "" :
if String == None or String == "" or Dom == None or Dom == "":
return []
if Dom.nodeType==Dom.DOCUMENT_NODE:
return XmlList(Dom.documentElement, String)
Dom = Dom.documentElement
if String[0] == "/":
return XmlList(Dom, String[1:])
TagList = String.split('/')
nodes = []
if Dom.nodeType == Dom.ELEMENT_NODE and Dom.tagName.strip() == TagList[0]:
if len(TagList) == 1:
nodes = [Dom]
restOfPath = "/".join(TagList[1:])
for child in Dom.childNodes:
nodes = nodes + XmlList(child, restOfPath)
String = String[1:]
tagList = String.split('/')
nodes = [Dom]
index = 0
end = len(tagList) - 1
while index <= end:
childNodes = []
for node in nodes:
if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == tagList[index]:
if index < end:
nodes = childNodes
childNodes = []
index += 1
return nodes
def XmlNode (Dom, String):
"""Return a single node that matches the String which is XPath style syntax."""
return XmlList (Dom, String)[0]
return None
if String == None or String == "" or Dom == None or Dom == "":
return ""
if Dom.nodeType==Dom.DOCUMENT_NODE:
Dom = Dom.documentElement
if String[0] == "/":
String = String[1:]
tagList = String.split('/')
index = 0
end = len(tagList) - 1
childNodes = [Dom]
while index <= end:
for node in childNodes:
if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == tagList[index]:
if index < end:
childNodes = node.childNodes
return node
index += 1
return ""
def XmlElement (Dom, String):
"""Return a single element that matches the String which is XPath style syntax."""
return XmlList (Dom, String)[0].firstChild.data.strip()
return XmlNode (Dom, String).firstChild.data.strip()
return ''
def XmlElementData (Dom):
"""Get the text for this element."""
if Dom == None or Dom == '' or Dom.firstChild == None:
return ''
return Dom.firstChild.data.strip()
def XmlAttribute (Dom, AttName):
"""Return a single attribute named AttName."""
if Dom == None or Dom == '':
return ''
return Dom.getAttribute(AttName)

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
# TODO: FFS layout, Flash, FV, PCD
import os, sys, re, getopt, string, glob, xml.dom.minidom, pprint, time, copy, shelve
import os, sys, re, getopt, string, glob, xml.dom.minidom, pprint, time, copy, shelve, pickle
from XmlRoutines import *
import FrameworkElement
import BuildConfig
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class LibraryDeclaration(FrameworkElement.LibraryInterface, SurfaceAreaElement):
def Parse(self):
dom = self._Root
self.Name = XmlAttribute(dom, "Name")
self.Path = os.path.normpath(XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/LibraryClass/IncludeHeader")))
self.Path = os.path.normpath(XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/LibraryClass/IncludeHeader")))
self.Dir = os.path.dirname(self.Path)
attribute = XmlAttribute(dom, "RecommendedInstanceGuid")
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ class LibraryClass(FrameworkElement.LibraryClass, SurfaceAreaElement):
def Parse(self):
dom = self._Root
self.Name = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/LibraryClass/Keyword"))
self.Name = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/LibraryClass/Keyword"))
self.Usage = self.GetUsage(dom)
self.Features = self.GetFeatureList(dom)
self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ class Protocol(FrameworkElement.Protocol, SurfaceAreaElement):
def Parse(self):
dom = self._Root
self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/Protocol/ProtocolCName"))
self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/Protocol/ProtocolCName"))
self.Usage = self.GetUsage(dom)
self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
self.Features = self.GetFeatureList(dom)
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ class ProtocolNotify(FrameworkElement.ProtocolNotify, SurfaceAreaElement):
def Parse(self):
dom = self._Root
self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/ProtocolNotify/ProtocolCName"))
self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/ProtocolNotify/ProtocolCName"))
self.Usage = self.GetUsage(dom)
self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
self.Features = self.GetFeatureList(dom)
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ class Ppi(FrameworkElement.Ppi, SurfaceAreaElement):
def Parse(self):
dom = self._Root
self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/Ppi/PpiCName"))
self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/Ppi/PpiCName"))
self.Usage = self.GetUsage(dom)
self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
self.Features = self.GetFeatureList(dom)
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ class PpiNotify(FrameworkElement.PpiNotify, SurfaceAreaElement):
def Parse(self):
dom = self._Root
self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PpiNotify/PpiCName"))
self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/PpiNotify/PpiCName"))
self.Usage = self.GetUsage(dom)
self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
self.Features = self.GetFeatureList(dom)
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ class Guid(FrameworkElement.Guid, SurfaceAreaElement):
def Parse(self):
dom = self._Root
self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/GuidCNames/GuidCName"))
self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/GuidCNames/GuidCName"))
self.Usage = self.GetUsage(dom)
self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
self.Features = self.GetFeatureList(dom)
@ -425,43 +425,43 @@ class Extern(FrameworkElement.Extern, SurfaceAreaElement):
self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
self.Features = self.GetFeatureList(dom)
extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/ModuleEntryPoint")
extern = XmlNode(dom, "/Extern/ModuleEntryPoint")
if extern is not None and extern is not '':
extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/ModuleUnloadImage")
extern = XmlNode(dom, "/Extern/ModuleUnloadImage")
if extern is not None and extern is not '':
extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/Constructor")
extern = XmlNode(dom, "/Extern/Constructor")
if extern is not None and extern is not '':
extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/Destructor")
extern = XmlNode(dom, "/Extern/Destructor")
if extern is not None and extern is not '':
extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/DriverBinding")
extern = XmlNode(dom, "/Extern/DriverBinding")
if extern is not None and extern is not '':
extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/ComponentName")
extern = XmlNode(dom, "/Extern/ComponentName")
if extern is not None and extern is not '':
extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/DriverConfig")
extern = XmlNode(dom, "/Extern/DriverConfig")
if extern is not None and extern is not '':
extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/DriverDiag")
extern = XmlNode(dom, "/Extern/DriverDiag")
if extern is not None and extern is not '':
extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/SetVirtualAddressMapCallBacks")
extern = XmlNode(dom, "/Extern/SetVirtualAddressMapCallBacks")
if extern is not None and extern is not '':
extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/ExitBootServicesCallBack")
extern = XmlNode(dom, "/Extern/ExitBootServicesCallBack")
if extern is not None and extern is not '':
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ class IndustryStdHeader(FrameworkElement.IncludeFile, SurfaceAreaElement):
def Parse(self):
dom = self._Root
self.Path = os.path.normpath(XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/IndustryStdHeader/IncludeHeader")))
self.Path = os.path.normpath(XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/IndustryStdHeader/IncludeHeader")))
self.Dir = os.path.dirname(self.Path)
self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
self.ModuleTypes = self.GetModuleTypeList(dom)
@ -495,8 +495,8 @@ class GuidDeclaration(FrameworkElement.Guid, SurfaceAreaElement):
def Parse(self):
dom = self._Root
self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/Entry/C_Name"))
self.GuidValue = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/Entry/GuidValue")).upper()
self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/Entry/C_Name"))
self.GuidValue = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/Entry/GuidValue")).upper()
self.Name = XmlAttribute(dom, "Name")
self.Types = self.GetGuidTypeList(dom)
self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
@ -518,12 +518,12 @@ class PcdDeclaration(FrameworkElement.Pcd, SurfaceAreaElement):
def Parse(self):
dom = self._Root
self.Types = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PcdEntry/ValidUsage")).split()
self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PcdEntry/C_Name"))
self.Token = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PcdEntry/Token"))
self.TokenSpace = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PcdEntry/TokenSpaceGuidCName"))
self.DatumType = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PcdEntry/DatumType"))
self.Default = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PcdEntry/DefaultValue"))
self.Types = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/PcdEntry/ValidUsage")).split()
self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/PcdEntry/C_Name"))
self.Token = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/PcdEntry/Token"))
self.TokenSpace = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/PcdEntry/TokenSpaceGuidCName"))
self.DatumType = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/PcdEntry/DatumType"))
self.Default = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/PcdEntry/DefaultValue"))
self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
self.ModuleTypes= self.GetModuleTypeList(dom)
@ -566,10 +566,10 @@ class PlatformModule(FrameworkElement.PlatformModule, SurfaceAreaElement):
for lib in libraryList:
self.Libraries.append(LibraryInstance(self._Workspace, self, lib))
dom = XmlElement(dom, "/ModuleSA/ModuleSaBuildOptions")
self.FvBindings = self.GetFvBindingList(XmlElement(dom, "/ModuleSaBuildOptions/FvBinding"))
self.FfsLayouts = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/ModuleSaBuildOptions/FfsFormatKey")).split()
self.BuildOptions = self.GetBuildOptionList(XmlElement(dom, "/ModuleSaBuildOptions/Options"))
dom = XmlNode(dom, "/ModuleSA/ModuleSaBuildOptions")
self.FvBindings = self.GetFvBindingList(XmlNode(dom, "/ModuleSaBuildOptions/FvBinding"))
self.FfsLayouts = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/ModuleSaBuildOptions/FfsFormatKey")).split()
self.BuildOptions = self.GetBuildOptionList(XmlNode(dom, "/ModuleSaBuildOptions/Options"))
def Postprocess(self):
self.Module = self._Workspace.GetModule(self.GuidValue, self.Version,
@ -602,22 +602,22 @@ class ModuleSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Module, SurfaceAreaElement):
SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, package)
def _MsaHeader(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
self.Name = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/MsaHeader/ModuleName"))
self.Type = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/MsaHeader/ModuleType"))
self.GuidValue = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/MsaHeader/GuidValue")).upper()
self.Version = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/MsaHeader/Version"))
self.Name = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/MsaHeader/ModuleName"))
self.Type = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/MsaHeader/ModuleType"))
self.GuidValue = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/MsaHeader/GuidValue")).upper()
self.Version = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/MsaHeader/Version"))
def _ModuleDefinitions(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
self.Archs = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/ModuleDefinitions/SupportedArchitectures")).split()
self.IsBinary = self.GetBoolean(XmlElement(dom, "/ModuleDefinitions/BinaryModule"))
self.BaseName = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/ModuleDefinitions/OutputFileBasename"))
self.Archs = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/ModuleDefinitions/SupportedArchitectures")).split()
self.IsBinary = self.GetBoolean(XmlNode(dom, "/ModuleDefinitions/BinaryModule"))
self.BaseName = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/ModuleDefinitions/OutputFileBasename"))
def _LibraryClassDefinitions(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
lcList = []
for lc in XmlList(dom, "/LibraryClassDefinitions/LibraryClass"):
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ class ModuleSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Module, SurfaceAreaElement):
self._Elements["LibraryClassDefinitions"] = lcList
def _SourceFiles(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
srcList = []
for f in XmlList(dom, "/SourceFiles/Filename"):
@ -633,13 +633,13 @@ class ModuleSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Module, SurfaceAreaElement):
self._Elements["SourceFiles"] = srcList
def _NonProcessedFiles(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
for f in XmlList(dom, "/NonProcessedFiles/Filename"):
self.NonProcessedFiles.append(SourceFile(self._Workspace, self, f))
def _PackageDependencies(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
pdList = []
for pkg in XmlList(dom, "/PackageDependencies/Package"):
@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ class ModuleSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Module, SurfaceAreaElement):
self._Elements["PackageDependencies"] = pdList
def _Protocols(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
protocolList = []
@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ class ModuleSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Module, SurfaceAreaElement):
self._Elements["Protocols"] = protocolList
def _Ppis(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
ppiList = []
@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ class ModuleSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Module, SurfaceAreaElement):
self._Elements["PPIs"] = ppiList
def _Guids(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
guidList = []
for g in XmlList(dom, "/Guids/GuidCNames"):
@ -679,10 +679,10 @@ class ModuleSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Module, SurfaceAreaElement):
self._Elements["Guids"] = guidList
def _Externs(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
self.PcdIsDriver = self.GetBoolean(XmlElement(dom, "/Externs/PcdIsDriver"))
self.NeedsFlashMap_h = self.GetBoolean(XmlElement(dom, "/Externs/TianoR8FlashMap_h"))
self.PcdIsDriver = self.GetBoolean(XmlNode(dom, "/Externs/PcdIsDriver"))
self.NeedsFlashMap_h = self.GetBoolean(XmlNode(dom, "/Externs/TianoR8FlashMap_h"))
externList = []
specs = FrameworkElement.Extern()
@ -695,9 +695,9 @@ class ModuleSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Module, SurfaceAreaElement):
self._Elements["Externs"] = externList
def _ModuleBuildOptions(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
self.BuildOptions = self.GetBuildOptionList(XmlElement(dom, "/ModuleBuildOptions/Options"))
self.BuildOptions = self.GetBuildOptionList(XmlNode(dom, "/ModuleBuildOptions/Options"))
def _UserExtensions(self, xpath):
domList = XmlList(self._Root, xpath)
@ -837,14 +837,14 @@ class Workspace(FrameworkElement.Workspace, SurfaceAreaElement):
def _FdbHeader(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
self.Name = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/FdbHeader/DatabaseName"))
self.GuidValue = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/FdbHeader/GuidValue")).upper()
self.Version = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/FdbHeader/Version"))
self.Name = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/FdbHeader/DatabaseName"))
self.GuidValue = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/FdbHeader/GuidValue")).upper()
self.Version = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/FdbHeader/Version"))
def _PackageList(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
fileList = XmlList(dom, "/PackageList/Filename")
@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ class Workspace(FrameworkElement.Workspace, SurfaceAreaElement):
if len(self._Elements["PlatformList"]) > 0:
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
fileList = XmlList(dom, "/PlatformList/Filename")
@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ class Workspace(FrameworkElement.Workspace, SurfaceAreaElement):
self._Elements["PlatformList"] = platforms
def _FarList(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
fileList = XmlList(dom, "/FarList/Filename")
@ -1199,18 +1199,18 @@ class PackageSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Package, SurfaceAreaElement):
SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, workspace, None, True, True)
def _SpdHeader(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
self.Name = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/SpdHeader/PackageName"))
self.GuidValue = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/SpdHeader/GuidValue")).upper()
self.Version = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/SpdHeader/Version"))
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
self.Name = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/SpdHeader/PackageName"))
self.GuidValue = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/SpdHeader/GuidValue")).upper()
self.Version = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/SpdHeader/Version"))
def _PackageDefinitions(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
self.ReadOnly = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PackageDefinitions/ReadOnly"))
self.Repackage = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PackageDefinitions/RePackage"))
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
self.ReadOnly = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/PackageDefinitions/ReadOnly"))
self.Repackage = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/PackageDefinitions/RePackage"))
def _LibraryClassDeclarations(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
lcdList = XmlList(dom, "/LibraryClassDeclarations/LibraryClass")
lcds = []
for lc in lcdList:
@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ class PackageSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Package, SurfaceAreaElement):
self._Elements["LibraryClassDeclarations"] = lcds
def _IndustryStdIncludes(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
headerList = XmlList(dom, "/IndustryStdIncludes/IndustryStdHeader")
headers = []
for h in headerList:
@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@ class PackageSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Package, SurfaceAreaElement):
self._Elements["IndustryStdIncludes"] = headers
def _MsaFiles(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
msaFileList = XmlList(dom, "/MsaFiles/Filename")
msaFiles = []
for msa in msaFileList:
@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ class PackageSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Package, SurfaceAreaElement):
self._Elements["MsaFiles"] = msaFiles
def _PackageHeaders(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
headerList = XmlList(dom, "/PackageHeaders/IncludePkgHeader")
headers = []
for h in headerList:
@ -1243,7 +1243,7 @@ class PackageSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Package, SurfaceAreaElement):
self._Elements["PackageHeaders"] = headers
def _GuidDeclarations(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
guidList = XmlList(dom, "/GuidDeclarations/Entry")
guids = []
for guid in guidList:
@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ class PackageSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Package, SurfaceAreaElement):
self._Elements["GuidDeclarations"] = guids
def _ProtocolDeclarations(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
protocolList = XmlList(dom, "/ProtocolDeclarations/Entry")
protocols = []
for p in protocolList:
@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ class PackageSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Package, SurfaceAreaElement):
self._Elements["ProtocolDeclarations"] = protocols
def _PpiDeclarations(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
ppiList = XmlList(dom, "/PpiDeclarations/Entry")
ppis = []
for p in ppiList:
@ -1267,7 +1267,7 @@ class PackageSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Package, SurfaceAreaElement):
self._Elements["PpiDeclarations"] = ppis
def _PcdDeclarations(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
pcdList = XmlList(dom, "/PcdDeclarations/PcdEntry")
pcds = []
for p in pcdList:
@ -1339,27 +1339,27 @@ class PlatformSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Platform, SurfaceAreaElement):
SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace)
def _PlatformHeader(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
self.Name = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PlatformHeader/PlatformName"))
self.GuidValue = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PlatformHeader/GuidValue")).upper()
self.Version = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PlatformHeader/Version"))
self.Name = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/PlatformHeader/PlatformName"))
self.GuidValue = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/PlatformHeader/GuidValue")).upper()
self.Version = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/PlatformHeader/Version"))
def _PlatformDefinitions(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
self.Archs = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PlatformDefinitions/SupportedArchitectures")).split()
self.Archs = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/PlatformDefinitions/SupportedArchitectures")).split()
if self.Archs == []:
raise Exception("No ARCH specified in platform " + self.Path)
self.Targets = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PlatformDefinitions/BuildTargets")).split()
self.OutputPath = os.path.normpath(XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PlatformDefinitions/OutputDirectory")))
self.Targets = XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/PlatformDefinitions/BuildTargets")).split()
self.OutputPath = os.path.normpath(XmlElementData(XmlNode(dom, "/PlatformDefinitions/OutputDirectory")))
def _Flash(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
def _FrameworkModules(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
moduleList = XmlList(dom, "/FrameworkModules/ModuleSA")
modules = []
@ -1368,13 +1368,13 @@ class PlatformSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Platform, SurfaceAreaElement):
self._Elements["FrameworkModules"] = modules
def _DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
def _BuildOptions(self, xpath):
dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
dom = XmlNode(self._Root, xpath)
if dom == '': return
self.BuildOptions = self.GetBuildOptionList(XmlElement(dom, "/BuildOptions/Options"))
self.BuildOptions = self.GetBuildOptionList(XmlNode(dom, "/BuildOptions/Options"))
# print self.BuildOptions
def _UserExtensions(self, xpath):
@ -1519,6 +1519,7 @@ def PrintWorkspace(ws):
if __name__ == "__main__":
# os.environ["WORKSPACE"]
workspacePath = os.getenv("WORKSPACE", os.getcwd())
workspacePath = "C:\\home\\src\\R9\\pbuild"
saFile = ""
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
saFile = os.path.join(workspacePath, "Tools/Conf/FrameworkDatabase.db")
@ -1529,16 +1530,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
startTime = time.clock()
sa = Workspace(workspacePath, [], [])
## dbak = None
## if os.path.exists("workspace.bak"):
## dbak = shelve.open("workspace.bak", protocol=2)
## sa = dbak.db
## dbak.close()
## else:
## sa = FrameworkDatabase(saFile)
## dbak = shelve.open("workspace.bak", protocol=2)
## dbak.db = sa
## dbak.close()
# sa = PackageSurfaceArea(saFile)
# sa = PlatformSurfaceArea(saFile)
# sa = ModuleSurfaceArea(saFile)

View File

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
"""This is an XML API that uses a syntax similar to XPath, but it is written in
standard python so that no extra python packages are required to use it."""
import xml.dom.minidom
def XmlList(Dom, String):
"""Get a list of XML Elements using XPath style syntax."""
if String == "" or Dom == None or not isinstance(Dom, xml.dom.Node):
return []
if String[0] == "/":
String = String[1:]
if Dom.nodeType==Dom.DOCUMENT_NODE:
Dom = Dom.documentElement
tagList = String.split('/')
nodes = [Dom]
childNodes = []
index = 0
end = len(tagList) - 1
while index <= end:
for node in nodes:
if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == tagList[index]:
if index < end:
nodes = childNodes
childNodes = []
index += 1
return nodes
def XmlElement (Dom, String):
"""Return a single element that matches the String which is XPath style syntax."""
if String == "" or Dom == None or not isinstance(Dom, xml.dom.Node):
return ""
if String[0] == "/":
String = String[1:]
if Dom.nodeType==Dom.DOCUMENT_NODE:
Dom = Dom.documentElement
tagList = String.split('/')
childNodes = [Dom]
index = 0
end = len(tagList) - 1
while index <= end:
for node in childNodes:
if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == tagList[index]:
if index < end:
childNodes = node.childNodes
return node
index += 1
return ""
def XmlElementData (Dom):
"""Get the text for this element."""
if Dom == None or Dom == '' or Dom.firstChild == None:
return ''
return Dom.firstChild.data.strip(' ')
def XmlAttribute (Dom, String):
"""Return a single attribute that named by String."""
if Dom == None or Dom == '':
return ''
return Dom.getAttribute(String).strip(' ')
return ''
def XmlTopTag(Dom):
"""Return the name of the Root or top tag in the XML tree."""
if Dom == None or Dom == '' or Dom.firstChild == None:
return ''
return Dom.firstChild.nodeName
# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another
# script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Nothing to do here. Could do some unit tests.