mirror of https://github.com/acidanthera/audk.git
added the support for new schema and old schema at the same time
git-svn-id: https://edk2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/edk2/trunk/edk2@510 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
This commit is contained in:
@ -1063,10 +1063,13 @@ public class GenBuildTask extends Task {
getProject().setProperty("SDB_FILES", "");
getProject().setProperty("BASE_NAME", baseName);
if (map.get("MsaHeader") != null) {
flag = GlobalData.MSA_AND_MBD;
MsaHeaderDocument.MsaHeader header = ((MsaHeaderDocument) map.get("MsaHeader")).getMsaHeader();
guid = header.getGuid().getStringValue();
componentType = header.getComponentType().toString();
guid = SurfaceAreaQuery.getModuleGuid();//header.getGuid().getStringValue();
componentType = SurfaceAreaQuery.getComponentType();//header.getComponentType().toString();
if (!componentType.equalsIgnoreCase("LIBRARY")) {
flag = GlobalData.MSA_AND_MBD;
} else {
flag = GlobalData.LIBMSA_AND_LIBMBD;
else if (map.get("MsaLibHeader") != null) {
@ -1080,7 +1083,7 @@ public class GenBuildTask extends Task {
if (componentType != null) {
getProject().setProperty("COMPONENT_TYPE", componentType);
if (guid != null) {
getProject().setProperty("FILE_GUID", guid);
@ -352,6 +352,7 @@ public class FpdParserTask extends Task {
Map<String, XmlObject> msaMap = GlobalData.getNativeMsa(baseName);
Map<String, XmlObject> mbdMap = GlobalData.getNativeMbd(baseName);
Map<String, XmlObject> fpdMap = new HashMap<String, XmlObject>();
Map<String, XmlObject> map = new HashMap<String, XmlObject>();
// Whether the Module SA has parsed before or not
@ -363,9 +364,13 @@ public class FpdParserTask extends Task {
// Here we can also put platform Build override
map = op.override(mbdMap, msaMap);
Map<String, XmlObject> overrideMap = op.override(
fpdMap = getPlatformOverrideInfo(moduleSAs[i]);
XmlObject buildOption = (XmlObject)fpdMap.get("BuildOptions");
buildOption = (XmlObject)fpdMap.get("PackageDependencies");
buildOption = (XmlObject)fpdMap.get("BuildOptions");
buildOption = op.override(buildOption, platformBuildOptions);
fpdMap.put("BuildOptions", ((BuildOptionsDocument)buildOption).getBuildOptions());
Map<String, XmlObject> overrideMap = op.override(fpdMap, OverrideProcess.deal(map));
GlobalData.registerModule(baseName, overrideMap);
} else {
map = GlobalData.getDoc(baseName);
@ -460,6 +465,7 @@ public class FpdParserTask extends Task {
Map<String, XmlObject> map = new HashMap<String, XmlObject>();
map.put("SourceFiles", sa.getSourceFiles());
map.put("Includes", sa.getIncludes());
map.put("PackageDependencies", null);
map.put("Libraries", sa.getLibraries());
map.put("Protocols", sa.getProtocols());
map.put("Events", sa.getEvents());
@ -472,7 +478,7 @@ public class FpdParserTask extends Task {
map.put("Formsets", sa.getFormsets());
map.put("Guids", sa.getGuids());
map.put("Externs", sa.getExterns());
map.put("BuildOptions", platformBuildOptions);
map.put("BuildOptions", sa.getBuildOptions());//platformBuildOptions);
return map;
package org.tianocore.build.global;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
@ -26,15 +27,18 @@ import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import org.tianocore.FilenameDocument;
import org.tianocore.FilenameDocument.Filename;
import org.tianocore.FrameworkDatabaseDocument;
import org.tianocore.MsaFilesDocument;
import org.tianocore.PackageListDocument;
import org.tianocore.PackageSurfaceAreaDocument;
import org.tianocore.MsaFilesDocument.MsaFiles.MsaFile;
import org.tianocore.MsaHeaderDocument.MsaHeader;
import org.tianocore.MsaLibHeaderDocument.MsaLibHeader;
import org.tianocore.build.pcd.entity.MemoryDatabaseManager;
import org.tianocore.PackageListDocument;
import org.tianocore.PackageSurfaceAreaDocument;
import org.tianocore.build.autogen.CommonDefinition;
import org.tianocore.build.fpd.FpdParserTask;
import org.tianocore.build.pcd.entity.MemoryDatabaseManager;
GlobalData provide initializing, instoring, querying and update global data.
@ -291,27 +295,44 @@ public class GlobalData {
File packageFile = new File(packageFilename);
try {
PackageSurfaceAreaDocument spd = (PackageSurfaceAreaDocument) XmlObject.Factory.parse(packageFile);
List<FilenameDocument.Filename> msaFilenameList;
List<MsaFilesDocument.MsaFiles.MsaFile> msasList = spd.getPackageSurfaceArea().getMsaFiles()
Iterator msasIter = msasList.iterator();
while (msasIter.hasNext()) {
MsaFilesDocument.MsaFiles.MsaFile msas = (MsaFilesDocument.MsaFiles.MsaFile) msasIter.next();
String msaFilename = msas.getFilename().getStringValue();
if (msasList.size() == 0) {
msaFilenameList = spd.getPackageSurfaceArea().getMsaFiles().getFilenameList();
} else {
msaFilenameList = new ArrayList<FilenameDocument.Filename>(msasList.size());
Iterator msasIter = msasList.iterator();
while (msasIter.hasNext()) {
MsaFilesDocument.MsaFiles.MsaFile msaFile = (MsaFilesDocument.MsaFiles.MsaFile)msasIter.next();
Iterator msaFilenameIter = msaFilenameList.iterator();
while (msaFilenameIter.hasNext()) {
FilenameDocument.Filename msaFilename = (FilenameDocument.Filename)msaFilenameIter.next();
String filename = msaFilename.getStringValue();
File msaFile = new File(workspaceDir + File.separatorChar + GlobalData.getPackagePath(packageName)
+ File.separatorChar + msaFilename);
+ File.separatorChar + filename);
SurfaceAreaParser surfaceAreaParser = new SurfaceAreaParser();
Map<String, XmlObject> map = surfaceAreaParser.parseFile(msaFile);
String baseName = "";
XmlObject header = null;
if ((header = map.get("MsaHeader")) != null) {
baseName = ((MsaHeader) header).getBaseName().getStringValue();
if (((MsaHeader) header).isSetBaseName()) {
baseName = ((MsaHeader) header).getBaseName().getStringValue();
} else {
baseName = ((MsaHeader) header).getModuleName();
} else if ((header = map.get("MsaLibHeader")) != null) {
baseName = ((MsaLibHeader) header).getBaseName().getStringValue();
} else {
nativeMsa.put(baseName, map);
String[] info = { msaFilename, packageName };
String[] info = { filename, packageName };
moduleInfo.put(baseName, info);
} catch (Exception e) {
@ -472,7 +493,8 @@ public class GlobalData {
String mbdFilename = getMbdFilename(moduleName);
File mbdFile = new File(mbdFilename);
if (!mbdFile.exists()) {
throw new BuildException("Info: Surface Area file [" + mbdFile.getPath() + "] can't found.");
return null;
//throw new BuildException("Info: Surface Area file [" + mbdFile.getPath() + "] can't found.");
SurfaceAreaParser surfaceAreaParser = new SurfaceAreaParser();
Map<String, XmlObject> map = surfaceAreaParser.parseFile(mbdFile);
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import org.tianocore.ProtocolsDocument;
import org.tianocore.SourceFilesDocument;
import org.tianocore.SystemTablesDocument;
import org.tianocore.VariablesDocument;
import org.tianocore.PackageDependenciesDocument;
This class is used to override surface area information. For example, MBD can
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ public class OverrideProcess {
/// list of top elements of surface area
public static String[] topElements = { "LibraryClassDefinitions",
"SourceFiles", "Includes", "Libraries", "Protocols",
"SourceFiles", "Includes", "PackageDependencies", "Libraries", "Protocols",
"Events", "Hobs", "PPIs", "Variables", "BootModes",
"SystemTables", "DataHubs", "Formsets", "Guids", "Externs",
"PcdCoded", "BuildOptions" };
@ -178,6 +179,10 @@ public class OverrideProcess {
newMap.put("Includes", ((IncludesDocument) map.get("Includes"))
if (map.get("PackageDependencies") != null) {
newMap.put("PackageDependencies", ((PackageDependenciesDocument) map.get("PackageDependencies"))
if (map.get("Libraries") != null) {
newMap.put("Libraries", ((LibrariesDocument) map.get("Libraries"))
@ -285,8 +290,11 @@ public class OverrideProcess {
result.put("MsaHeader", override(l.get("MsaHeader"), null));
result.put("MsaLibHeader", override(l.get("MsaLibHeader"), null));
for (int i = 0; i < topElements.length; i++) {
result.put(topElements[i], override(h.get(topElements[i]), l
if (h != null) {
result.put(topElements[i], override(h.get(topElements[i]), l.get(topElements[i])));
} else {
result.put(topElements[i], override(l.get(topElements[i]), null));
return result;
@ -310,8 +318,7 @@ public class OverrideProcess {
XmlCursor hc = h.newCursor();
if (h.getClass() != l.getClass()) {
.println("Error: Two XmlObject does not with compliant format.");
System.out.println("Error: Two XmlObject does not with compliant format.");
return null;
if (!hc.toFirstChild()) {
@ -18,14 +18,15 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.tianocore.PackageSurfaceAreaDocument;
import org.tianocore.GuidDeclarationsDocument.GuidDeclarations;
import org.tianocore.IncludeHeaderDocument.IncludeHeader;
import org.tianocore.LibraryClassDeclarationDocument.LibraryClassDeclaration;
import org.tianocore.LibraryClassDeclarationsDocument.LibraryClassDeclarations;
import org.tianocore.PackageHeadersDocument.PackageHeaders;
import org.tianocore.PackageSurfaceAreaDocument;
import org.tianocore.PackageSurfaceAreaDocument.PackageSurfaceArea;
import org.tianocore.PpiDeclarationsDocument.PpiDeclarations;
import org.tianocore.PpiDeclarationsDocument.PpiDeclarations.Entry;
import org.tianocore.ProtocolDeclarationsDocument.ProtocolDeclarations;
@ -125,15 +126,14 @@ public class Spd {
if (packageHeader != null) {
List<IncludeHeader> headerList = packageHeader.getIncludeHeaderList();
IncludeHeader header;
for (int i = 0; i < headerList.size(); i++) {
header = (IncludeHeader)headerList.get(i);
try {
.toString(), headerList.get(i)
this.moduleInfo.put(header.getModuleType().toString(), header.getStringValue());
} catch (Exception e) {
.print("can't find ModuleHeaders ModuleType & includeHeader!\n");
System.out.print("can't find ModuleHeaders ModuleType & includeHeader!\n");
@ -149,19 +149,26 @@ public class Spd {
public void genPpiInfoList(PpiDeclarations ppiInfo) {
String[] cNameGuid = new String[2];
String guidString;
if (ppiInfo != null) {
List<PpiDeclarations.Entry> ppiEntryList = ppiInfo.getEntryList();
PpiDeclarations.Entry ppiEntry;
for (int i = 0; i < ppiEntryList.size(); i++) {
ppiEntry = (PpiDeclarations.Entry)ppiEntryList.get(i);
try {
cNameGuid[0] = ppiEntryList.get(i).getCName();
cNameGuid[1] = formatGuidName(ppiEntryList.get(i)
this.ppiInfo.put(ppiEntryList.get(i).getName(), new String[] {
cNameGuid[0], cNameGuid[1] });
if (ppiEntry.isSetGuidValue()) {
guidString = ppiEntry.getGuidValue();
} else {
guidString = ppiEntry.getGuid().getStringValue();
cNameGuid[0] = ppiEntry.getCName();
cNameGuid[1] = formatGuidName(guidString);
this.ppiInfo.put(ppiEntry.getName(), new String[] { cNameGuid[0], cNameGuid[1] });
} catch (Exception e) {
.print("can't find GuidDeclarations C_Name & Guid!\n");
System.out.print("can't find GuidDeclarations C_Name & Guid!\n");
@ -177,20 +184,26 @@ public class Spd {
public void genProtocolInfoList(ProtocolDeclarations proInfo) {
String[] cNameGuid = new String[2];
String guidString;
if (proInfo != null) {
List<ProtocolDeclarations.Entry> protocolEntryList = proInfo.getEntryList();
ProtocolDeclarations.Entry protocolEntry;
for (int i = 0; i < protocolEntryList.size(); i++) {
protocolEntry = (ProtocolDeclarations.Entry)protocolEntryList.get(i);
try {
cNameGuid[0] = protocolEntryList.get(i).getCName();
cNameGuid[1] = formatGuidName(protocolEntryList.get(i)
if (protocolEntry.isSetGuidValue()) {
guidString = protocolEntry.getGuidValue();
} else {
guidString = protocolEntry.getGuid().getStringValue();
cNameGuid[0] = protocolEntry.getCName();
cNameGuid[1] = formatGuidName(guidString);
String temp = new String(protocolEntryList.get(i).getName());
this.protocolInfo.put(temp, new String[] { cNameGuid[0],
cNameGuid[1] });
String temp = new String(protocolEntry.getName());
this.protocolInfo.put(temp, new String[] { cNameGuid[0], cNameGuid[1] });
} catch (Exception e) {
.print("can't find ProtocolDeclarations C_Name & Guid!\n");
System.out.print("can't find ProtocolDeclarations C_Name & Guid!\n");
@ -207,15 +220,23 @@ public class Spd {
public void genGuidInfoList(GuidDeclarations guidInfo) {
String[] cNameGuid = new String[2];
String guidString;
if (guidInfo != null) {
List<GuidDeclarations.Entry> guidEntryList = guidInfo.getEntryList();
List<GuidDeclarations.Entry> guidEntryList = guidInfo.getEntryList();
GuidDeclarations.Entry guidEntry;
for (int i = 0; i < guidEntryList.size(); i++) {
cNameGuid[0] = guidEntryList.get(i).getCName();
cNameGuid[1] = formatGuidName(guidEntryList.get(i)
this.guidInfo.put(guidEntryList.get(i).getName(), new String[] {
cNameGuid[0], cNameGuid[1] });
guidEntry = (GuidDeclarations.Entry)guidEntryList.get(i);
if (guidEntry.isSetGuidValue()) {
guidString = guidEntry.getGuidValue();
} else {
guidString = guidEntry.getGuid().getStringValue();
cNameGuid[0] = guidEntry.getCName();
cNameGuid[1] = formatGuidName(guidString);
this.guidInfo.put(guidEntry.getName(), new String[] {cNameGuid[0], cNameGuid[1] });
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ public class SurfaceAreaParser {
msaMap.put("SourceFiles", doc.getModuleSurfaceArea().getSourceFiles());
msaMap.put("Includes", doc.getModuleSurfaceArea().getIncludes());
msaMap.put("PackageDependencies", doc.getModuleSurfaceArea().getPackageDependencies());
msaMap.put("Protocols", doc.getModuleSurfaceArea().getProtocols());
msaMap.put("Events", doc.getModuleSurfaceArea().getEvents());
@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ import org.tianocore.PPIsDocument;
import org.tianocore.PackageNameDocument;
import org.tianocore.ProtocolsDocument;
import org.tianocore.PcdCodedDocument.PcdCoded;
import org.tianocore.MsaHeaderDocument;
import org.tianocore.MsaHeaderDocument.MsaHeader;
SurfaceAreaQuery class is used to query Surface Area information from msa, mbd,
@ -233,7 +235,8 @@ public class SurfaceAreaQuery {
} else {
xPath = new String[] {
"/Filename[not(@ArchType) or @ArchType='ALL' or @ArchType='" + arch + "']",
"/Filename[not(@SupArchList) and not(@ArchType) or @SupArchList='ALL' or @SupArchList='" + arch + "' or @ArchType='ALL' or @ArchType='" + arch + "']",
"/Filename[not(@SupArchList) and not(@ArchType) or @ArchType='ALL' or @ArchType='" + arch + "']",
"/Arch[@ArchType='ALL' or @ArchType='" + arch + "']/Filename"
@ -300,6 +303,7 @@ public class SurfaceAreaQuery {
} else {
xPath = new String[] {
"/Option[@SupArchList='ALL' or @SupArchList='" + arch + "']",
"/Arch[@ArchType='ALL' or @ArchType='" + arch + "']/Option"
@ -341,6 +345,17 @@ public class SurfaceAreaQuery {
return result;
public static String getModuleName() {
String[] xPath = new String[] { "/ModuleName", "/BaseName" };
XmlObject[] returns = get(xPath);
if (returns != null && returns.length > 0) {
return returns[0].toString();
return null;
Retrieve <xxxHeader>/ModuleType
@ -396,13 +411,18 @@ public class SurfaceAreaQuery {
} else {
xPath = new String[] {
"/PackageName[@SupArchList='ALL' or @SupArchList='" + arch + "']",
"/PackageName[@Arch='ALL' or @Arch='" + arch + "']",
"/Arch[@ArchType='ALL' or @ArchType='" + arch + "']/PackageName"
XmlObject[] returns = get("Includes", xPath);
if (returns == null || returns.length == 0) {
return null;
returns = get("PackageDependencies", xPath);
if (returns == null || returns.length == 0) {
return null;
List<String> packageNames = new ArrayList<String>();
@ -471,12 +491,34 @@ public class SurfaceAreaQuery {
@returns null if nothing is there
public static String getModuleGuid() {
String[] xPath = new String[] { "/Guid" };
String[] xPath = new String[] { "" };
XmlObject[] returns = get(xPath);
XmlObject[] returns = get("MsaHeader", xPath);
if (returns != null && returns.length > 0) {
GuidDocument.Guid guid = (GuidDocument.Guid) returns[0];
return guid.getStringValue();
MsaHeaderDocument.MsaHeader moduleHeader = (MsaHeaderDocument.MsaHeader) returns[0];
if (moduleHeader.isSetGuid()) {
return moduleHeader.getGuid().getStringValue();
} else if (moduleHeader.isSetGuidValue()) {
return moduleHeader.getGuidValue();
return null;
Retrieve module Guid string
@returns GUILD string if elements are found at the known xpath
@returns null if nothing is there
public static String getModuleGuidValue() {
String[] xPath = new String[] { "" };
XmlObject[] returns = get("MsaHeader", xPath);
if (returns != null && returns.length > 0) {
MsaHeaderDocument.MsaHeader moduleHeader = (MsaHeaderDocument.MsaHeader) returns[0];
return moduleHeader.getGuidValue();
return null;
@ -676,7 +718,8 @@ public class SurfaceAreaQuery {
xPath = new String[] {
"/Library" + usageAttribute,
"/Library" + archAttribute, //usageAttribute,
"/Library[not(@SupArchList) or @SupArchList='" + arch + "']",
"/Arch" + archAttribute + "/Library" + usageAttribute
@ -832,6 +875,11 @@ public class SurfaceAreaQuery {
XmlObject[] result = get("FrameworkPlatformDescription", xPath);
if (result == null) {
xPath = new String[] { "/FrameworkModules/*/ModuleSA" };
result = get("FrameworkPlatformDescription", xPath);
if (result != null) {
return (ModuleSADocument.ModuleSA[]) result;
return new ModuleSADocument.ModuleSA[0];
Reference in New Issue