diff --git a/DynamicTablesPkg/DynamicTablesPkg.ci.yaml b/DynamicTablesPkg/DynamicTablesPkg.ci.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f39b801946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DynamicTablesPkg/DynamicTablesPkg.ci.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+## @file
+# CI configuration for DynamicTablesPkg
+# Copyright (c) 2020, ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+ ## options defined .pytool/Plugin/CompilerPlugin
+ "CompilerPlugin": {
+ "DscPath": "DynamicTablesPkg.dsc"
+ },
+ ## options defined .pytool/Plugin/HostUnitTestCompilerPlugin
+ "HostUnitTestCompilerPlugin": {
+ "DscPath": "" # Don't support this test
+ },
+ ## options defined .pytool/Plugin/CharEncodingCheck
+ "CharEncodingCheck": {
+ "IgnoreFiles": []
+ },
+ ## options defined .pytool/Plugin/DependencyCheck
+ "DependencyCheck": {
+ "AcceptableDependencies": [
+ "ArmPlatformPkg/ArmPlatformPkg.dec",
+ "EmbeddedPkg/EmbeddedPkg.dec",
+ "DynamicTablesPkg/DynamicTablesPkg.dec",
+ "MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec",
+ "MdePkg/MdePkg.dec"
+ ],
+ # For host based unit tests
+ "AcceptableDependencies-HOST_APPLICATION":[
+ "UnitTestFrameworkPkg/UnitTestFrameworkPkg.dec"
+ ],
+ # For UEFI shell based apps
+ "AcceptableDependencies-UEFI_APPLICATION":[],
+ "IgnoreInf": []
+ },
+ ## options defined .pytool/Plugin/DscCompleteCheck
+ "DscCompleteCheck": {
+ "IgnoreInf": [],
+ "DscPath": "DynamicTablesPkg.dsc"
+ },
+ ## options defined .pytool/Plugin/HostUnitTestDscCompleteCheck
+ "HostUnitTestDscCompleteCheck": {
+ "IgnoreInf": [""],
+ "DscPath": "" # Don't support this test
+ },
+ ## options defined .pytool/Plugin/GuidCheck
+ "GuidCheck": {
+ "IgnoreGuidName": [],
+ "IgnoreGuidValue": [],
+ "IgnoreFoldersAndFiles": [],
+ "IgnoreDuplicates": [],
+ },
+ ## options defined .pytool/Plugin/LibraryClassCheck
+ "LibraryClassCheck": {
+ "IgnoreHeaderFile": []
+ },
+ ## options defined .pytool/Plugin/SpellCheck
+ "SpellCheck": {
+ "AuditOnly": False,
+ "IgnoreFiles": [], # use gitignore syntax to ignore errors
+ # in matching files
+ "ExtendWords": [
+ "CCIDX",
+ "countof",
+ "MPIDR",
+ "pytool",
+ "Roadmap",
+ "SMMUV",
+ "standardised",
+ "TNSID",
+ "Vatos",
+ ], # words to extend to the dictionary for this package
+ "IgnoreStandardPaths": [], # Standard Plugin defined paths that
+ # should be ignore
+ "AdditionalIncludePaths": [] # Additional paths to spell check
+ # (wildcards supported)
+ }
diff --git a/DynamicTablesPkg/Readme.md b/DynamicTablesPkg/Readme.md
index bcaae6daa5..e17ed3ac6f 100644
--- a/DynamicTablesPkg/Readme.md
+++ b/DynamicTablesPkg/Readme.md
@@ -131,9 +131,80 @@ Ensure that the iASL compiler used for building *Dynamic Tables Framework* has t
This feature was made available in the *ACPICA Compiler update
[Version 20180508](https://www.acpica.org/node/156)*, dated 8 May 2018 (2018-05-08).
+Running CI builds locally
+The TianoCore EDKII project has introduced Core CI infrastructure using TianoCore EDKII Tools PIP modules:
+ - *[edk2-pytool-library](https://pypi.org/project/edk2-pytool-library)*
+ - *[edk2-pytool-extensions](https://pypi.org/project/edk2-pytool-extensions)*
+The instructions to setup the CI environment are in *'edk2\\.pytool\\Readme.md'*
+## Building DynamicTablesPkg with Pytools
+1. [Optional] Create a Python Virtual Environment - generally once per workspace
+ ```
+ python -m venv
+ e.g. python -m venv edk2-ci
+ ```
+2. [Optional] Activate Virtual Environment - each time new shell/command window is opened
+ ```
+ /Scripts/activate
+ e.g. On a windows host PC run:
+ edk2-ci\Scripts\activate.bat
+ ```
+3. Install Pytools - generally once per virtual env or whenever pip-requirements.txt changes
+ ```
+ pip install --upgrade -r pip-requirements.txt
+ ```
+4. Initialize & Update Submodules - only when submodules updated
+ ```
+ stuart_setup -c .pytool/CISettings.py TOOL_CHAIN_TAG= -a
+ e.g. stuart_setup -c .pytool/CISettings.py TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=GCC5
+ ```
+5. Initialize & Update Dependencies - only as needed when ext_deps change
+ ```
+ stuart_update -c .pytool/CISettings.py TOOL_CHAIN_TAG= -a
+ e.g. stuart_update -c .pytool/CISettings.py TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=GCC5
+ ```
+6. Compile the basetools if necessary - only when basetools C source files change
+ ```
+ python BaseTools/Edk2ToolsBuild.py -t
+ ```
+7. Compile DynamicTablesPkg
+ ```
+ stuart_build-c .pytool/CISettings.py TOOL_CHAIN_TAG= -a
+ e.g. stuart_ci_build -c .pytool/CISettings.py TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=GCC5 -p DynamicTablesPkg -a AARCH64 --verbose
+ ```
+ - use `stuart_build -c .pytool/CISettings.py -h` option to see help on additional options.
Refer to the following presentation from *UEFI Plugfest Seattle 2018*:
[Dynamic Tables Framework: A Step Towards Automatic Generation of Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) & System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) Tables](http://www.uefi.org/sites/default/files/resources/Arm_Dynamic%20Tables%20Framework%20A%20Step%20Towards%20Automatic%20Generation%20of%20Advanced%20Configuration%20and%20Power%20Interface%20%28ACPI%29%20%26%20System%20Management%20BIOS%20%28SMBIOS%29%20Tables%20_0.pdf)