UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Readme.md: Update documentation for latest features

* Add additional documentation about running tests locally
* Add a note about XML formatting
* Update readme with BaseLib and UNIT_TESTING_DEBUG

Cc: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kinney@intel.com>
Cc: Sean Brogan <sean.brogan@microsoft.com>
Signed-off-by: Bret Barkelew <Bret.Barkelew@microsoft.com>
Reviewed-by: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kinney@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Sean Brogan <sean.brogan@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
Bret Barkelew 2020-07-27 17:23:54 -07:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent 14132666fa
commit 4698f544d2
2 changed files with 167 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -229,6 +229,8 @@ https://api.cmocka.org/
## Development
### Iterating on a Single Test
When using the EDK2 Pytools for CI testing, the host-based unit tests will be built and run on any build that includes
the `NOOPT` build target.
@ -239,6 +241,169 @@ the following command will build only the SafeIntLib host-based test from the Md
stuart_ci_build -c .pytool/CISettings.py TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2017 -p MdePkg -t NOOPT BUILDMODULE=MdePkg/Test/UnitTest/Library/BaseSafeIntLib/TestBaseSafeIntLib.inf
### Hooking BaseLib
Most unit test mocking can be performed by the functions provided in the UnitTestFramework libraries, but since
BaseLib is consumed by the Framework itself, it requires different techniques to substitute parts of the
To solve some of this, the UnitTestFramework consumes a special implementation of BaseLib for host-based tests.
This implementation contains a [hook table](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/blob/e188ecc8b4aed8fdd26b731d43883861f5e5e7b4/MdePkg/Test/UnitTest/Include/Library/UnitTestHostBaseLib.h#L507)
that can be used to substitute test functionality for any of the BaseLib functions. By default, this implementation
will use the underlying BaseLib implementation, so the unit test writer only has to supply minimal code to test a
particular case.
### Debugging the Framework Itself
While most of the tests that are produced by the UnitTestFramework are easy to step through in a debugger, the Framework
itself consumes code (mostly Cmocka) that sets its own build flags. These flags cause parts of the Framework to not
export symbols and captures exceptions, and as such are harder to debug. We have provided a Stuart parameter to force
symbolic debugging to be enabled.
You can run a build by adding the `BLD_*_UNIT_TESTING_DEBUG=TRUE` parameter to enable this build option.
stuart_ci_build -c .pytool/CISettings.py TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2019 -p MdePkg -t NOOPT BLD_*_UNIT_TESTING_DEBUG=TRUE
## Building and Running Host-Based Tests
The EDK2 CI infrastructure provides a convenient way to run all host-based tests -- in the the entire tree or just
selected packages -- and aggregate all the the reports, including highlighting any failures. This functionality is
provided through the Stuart build system (published by EDK2-PyTools) and the `NOOPT` build target.
### Building Locally
First, to make sure you're working with the latest PyTools, run the following command:
# Would recommend to run this in a Python venv, but that's out of scope for this doc.
python -m pip install --upgrade -r ./pip-requirements.txt
After that, the following commands will set up the build and run the host-based tests.
# Setup repo for building
# stuart_setup -c ./.pytool/CISettings.py TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=<GCC5, VS2019, etc.>
stuart_setup -c ./.pytool/CISettings.py TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2019
# Update all binary dependencies
# stuart_update -c ./.pytool/CISettings.py TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=<GCC5, VS2019, etc.>
stuart_update -c ./.pytool/CISettings.py TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2019
# Build and run the tests
# stuart_ci_build -c ./.pytool/CISettings.py TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=<GCC5, VS2019, etc.> -t NOOPT [-p <Package Name>]
stuart_ci_build -c ./.pytool/CISettings.py TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2019 -t NOOPT -p MdePkg
### Evaluating the Results
In your immediate output, any build failures will be highlighted. You can see these below as "WARNING" and "ERROR" messages.
(edk_env) PS C:\_uefi\edk2> stuart_ci_build -c .\.pytool\CISettings.py TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2019 -t NOOPT -p MdePkg
SECTION - Loading Plugins
SECTION - Start Invocable Tool
SECTION - Getting Environment
SECTION - Loading plugins
SECTION - Building MdePkg Package
PROGRESS - --Running MdePkg: Host Unit Test Compiler Plugin NOOPT --
WARNING - Allowing Override for key TARGET_ARCH
PROGRESS - Start time: 2020-07-27 17:18:08.521672
PROGRESS - Setting up the Environment
PROGRESS - Running Pre Build
PROGRESS - Running Build NOOPT
PROGRESS - Running Post Build
SECTION - Run Host based Unit Tests
SUBSECTION - Testing for architecture: X64
WARNING - TestBaseSafeIntLibHost.exe Test Failed
WARNING - Test SafeInt8ToUint8 - UT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0x5b:5b, Result:5c)
c:\_uefi\edk2\MdePkg\Test\UnitTest\Library\BaseSafeIntLib\TestBaseSafeIntLib.c:35: error: Failure!
ERROR - Plugin Failed: Host-Based Unit Test Runner returned 1
CRITICAL - Post Build failed
PROGRESS - End time: 2020-07-27 17:18:19.792313 Total time Elapsed: 0:00:11
ERROR - --->Test Failed: Host Unit Test Compiler Plugin NOOPT returned 1
ERROR - Overall Build Status: Error
PROGRESS - There were 1 failures out of 1 attempts
SECTION - Summary
ERROR - Error
(edk_env) PS C:\_uefi\edk2>
If a test fails, you can run it manually to get more details...
(edk_env) PS C:\_uefi\edk2> .\Build\MdePkg\HostTest\NOOPT_VS2019\X64\TestBaseSafeIntLibHost.exe
Int Safe Lib Unit Test Application v0.1
------------ RUNNING ALL TEST SUITES --------------
RUNNING TEST SUITE: Int Safe Conversions Test Suite
[==========] Running 71 test(s).
[ RUN ] Test SafeInt8ToUint8
[ ERROR ] --- UT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0x5b:5b, Result:5c)
[ LINE ] --- c:\_uefi\edk2\MdePkg\Test\UnitTest\Library\BaseSafeIntLib\TestBaseSafeIntLib.c:35: error: Failure!
[ FAILED ] Test SafeInt8ToUint8
[ RUN ] Test SafeInt8ToUint16
[ OK ] Test SafeInt8ToUint16
[ RUN ] Test SafeInt8ToUint32
[ OK ] Test SafeInt8ToUint32
[ RUN ] Test SafeInt8ToUintn
[ OK ] Test SafeInt8ToUintn
You can also, if you are so inclined, read the output from the exact instance of the test that was run during
`stuart_ci_build`. The ouput file can be found on a path that looks like:
A sample of this output looks like:
Excerpt taken from:
Build\MdePkg\HostTest\NOOPT_VS2019\X64\TestBaseSafeIntLibHost.exe.Int Safe Conversions Test Suite.X64.result.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<testsuite name="Int Safe Conversions Test Suite" time="0.000" tests="71" failures="1" errors="0" skipped="0" >
<testcase name="Test SafeInt8ToUint8" time="0.000" >
<failure><![CDATA[UT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0x5c:5c, Result:5b)
c:\_uefi\MdePkg\Test\UnitTest\Library\BaseSafeIntLib\TestBaseSafeIntLib.c:35: error: Failure!]]></failure>
<testcase name="Test SafeInt8ToUint16" time="0.000" >
<testcase name="Test SafeInt8ToUint32" time="0.000" >
<testcase name="Test SafeInt8ToUintn" time="0.000" >
### XML Reporting Mode
Since these applications are built using the CMocka framework, they can also use the following env variables to output
in a structured XML rather than text:
CMOCKA_XML_FILE=<absolute or relative path to output file>
This mode is used by the test running plugin to aggregate the results for CI test status reporting in the web view.
### Important Note
This works on both Windows and Linux, but is currently limited to x64 architectures. Working on getting others, but we
also welcome contributions.
## Known Limitations

View File

@ -66,6 +66,8 @@
"Library/CmockaLib/cmocka/**/*.*" # not going to spell check a submodule
"ExtendWords": [ # words to extend to the dictionary for this package