BaseTool: Enhance error handling.

Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.1
Signed-off-by: Bob Feng <>
Cc: Liming Gao <>
Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
This commit is contained in:
BobCF 2018-01-31 17:32:01 +08:00 committed by Liming Gao
parent 75771aebd3
commit 5db9414cc1
1 changed files with 67 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
ExtraData="%s.%s" % (TokenSpaceGuid, PcdCName))
if self._DecPcds[PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid].DatumType.strip() != ValueList[1].strip():
EdkLogger.error('build', FORMAT_INVALID, ErrStr , File=self.MetaFile, Line=LineNo,
EdkLogger.error('build', FORMAT_INVALID, "Pcd datumtype used in DSC file is not the same as its declaration in DEC file." , File=self.MetaFile, Line=LineNo,
ExtraData="%s.%s|%s" % (TokenSpaceGuid, PcdCName, Setting))
if (TokenSpaceGuid + '.' + PcdCName) in GlobalData.gPlatformPcds:
if GlobalData.gPlatformPcds[TokenSpaceGuid + '.' + PcdCName] != ValueList[Index]:
@ -1010,13 +1010,16 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
for str_pcd in StrPcdSet:
str_pcd_obj = Pcds.get((str_pcd[1], str_pcd[0]), None)
str_pcd_dec = self._DecPcds.get((str_pcd[1], str_pcd[0]), None)
if not isinstance (str_pcd_dec, StructurePcd):
EdkLogger.error('build', PARSER_ERROR,
"Pcd (%s.%s) is not declared as Structure PCD in DEC files. Arch: ['%s']" % (str_pcd[0], str_pcd[1], self._Arch),
File=self.MetaFile,Line = StrPcdSet[str_pcd][0][5])
if str_pcd_dec:
str_pcd_obj_str = StructurePcd()
if str_pcd_obj:
if str_pcd_obj.DefaultValue:
str_pcd_obj_str.DefaultFromDSC = str_pcd_obj.DefaultValue
str_pcd_obj_str.DefaultFromDSC = str_pcd_obj_str.DefaultValue
for str_pcd_data in StrPcdSet[str_pcd]:
if str_pcd_data[3] in SkuIds:
str_pcd_obj_str.AddOverrideValue(str_pcd_data[2], str(str_pcd_data[6]), 'DEFAULT' if str_pcd_data[3] == 'COMMON' else str_pcd_data[3],'STANDARD' if str_pcd_data[4] == 'COMMON' else str_pcd_data[4], self.MetaFile.File,LineNo=str_pcd_data[5])
@ -1154,7 +1157,7 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
File=self.MetaFile, Line=Dummy5)
if SkuName in (self.SkuIdMgr.SystemSkuId, 'DEFAULT', 'COMMON'):
if "." not in TokenSpaceGuid:
PcdSet.add((PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid, SkuName, Dummy4))
PcdSet.add((PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid, SkuName, Dummy5))
PcdDict[Arch, PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid, SkuName] = Setting
for PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid, SkuName, Dummy4 in PcdSet:
@ -1263,12 +1266,9 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
Process = subprocess.Popen(Command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
print 'ERROR: Can not execute command:', Command
EdkLogger.error('Build', COMMAND_FAILURE, 'Can not execute command: %s' % Command)
Result = Process.communicate()
if Process.returncode <> 0:
print 'ERROR: Can not collect output from command:', Command
return Result[0], Result[1]
return Process.returncode, Result[0], Result[1]
def IntToCString(self, Value, ValueSize):
Result = '"'
@ -1389,7 +1389,7 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
Value, ValueSize = ParseFieldValue (FieldList[FieldName][0])
except Exception:
print FieldList[FieldName][0]
EdkLogger.error('Build', FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid value format for %s. From %s Line %d " % (".".join((Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName,Pcd.TokenCName,FieldName)),FieldList[FieldName][1], FieldList[FieldName][2]))
if isinstance(Value, str):
CApp = CApp + ' Pcd->%s = %s; // From %s Line %d Value %s\n' % (FieldName, Value, FieldList[FieldName][1], FieldList[FieldName][2], FieldList[FieldName][0])
elif IsArray:
@ -1427,7 +1427,7 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
Value, ValueSize = ParseFieldValue (FieldList[FieldName][0])
except Exception:
print FieldList[FieldName][0]
EdkLogger.error('Build', FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid value format for %s. From %s Line %d " % (".".join((Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName,Pcd.TokenCName,FieldName)),FieldList[FieldName][1], FieldList[FieldName][2]))
if isinstance(Value, str):
CApp = CApp + ' Pcd->%s = %s; // From %s Line %d Value %s\n' % (FieldName, Value, FieldList[FieldName][1], FieldList[FieldName][2], FieldList[FieldName][0])
elif IsArray:
@ -1603,50 +1603,68 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
Messages = ''
if sys.platform == "win32":
StdOut, StdErr = self.ExecuteCommand ('nmake clean & nmake -f %s' % (MakeFileName))
MakeCommand = 'nmake clean & nmake -f %s' % (MakeFileName)
returncode, StdOut, StdErr = self.ExecuteCommand (MakeCommand)
Messages = StdOut
StdOut, StdErr = self.ExecuteCommand ('make clean & make -f %s' % (MakeFileName))
MakeCommand = 'make clean & make -f %s' % (MakeFileName)
returncode, StdOut, StdErr = self.ExecuteCommand (MakeCommand)
Messages = StdErr
Messages = Messages.split('\n')
for Message in Messages:
if " error" in Message:
FileInfo = Message.strip().split('(')
if len (FileInfo) > 1:
FileName = FileInfo [0]
FileLine = FileInfo [1].split (')')[0]
FileInfo = Message.strip().split(':')
FileName = FileInfo [0]
FileLine = FileInfo [1]
File = open (FileName, 'r')
FileData = File.readlines()
error_line = FileData[int (FileLine) - 1]
if r"//" in error_line:
c_line,dsc_line = error_line.split(r"//")
dsc_line = error_line
message_itmes = Message.split(":")
Index = 0
for item in message_itmes:
if "PcdValueInit.c" in item:
Index = message_itmes.index(item)
message_itmes[Index] = dsc_line.strip()
EdkLogger.error("build", PCD_STRUCTURE_PCD_ERROR, ":".join(message_itmes[Index:]))
MessageGroup = []
if returncode <>0:
CAppBaseFileName = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, PcdValueInitName)
File = open (CAppBaseFileName + '.c', 'r')
FileData = File.readlines()
for Message in Messages:
if " error" in Message or "warning" in Message:
FileInfo = Message.strip().split('(')
if len (FileInfo) > 1:
FileName = FileInfo [0]
FileLine = FileInfo [1].split (')')[0]
FileInfo = Message.strip().split(':')
FileName = FileInfo [0]
FileLine = FileInfo [1]
if FileLine.isdigit():
error_line = FileData[int (FileLine) - 1]
if r"//" in error_line:
c_line,dsc_line = error_line.split(r"//")
dsc_line = error_line
message_itmes = Message.split(":")
Index = 0
if "PcdValueInit.c" not in Message:
for item in message_itmes:
if "PcdValueInit.c" in item:
Index = message_itmes.index(item)
message_itmes[Index] = dsc_line.strip()
if MessageGroup:
EdkLogger.error("build", PCD_STRUCTURE_PCD_ERROR, "\n".join(MessageGroup) )
EdkLogger.error('Build', COMMAND_FAILURE, 'Can not execute command: %s' % MakeCommand)
PcdValueInitExe = PcdValueInitName
if not sys.platform == "win32":
PcdValueInitExe = os.path.join(os.getenv("EDK_TOOLS_PATH"), 'Source', 'C', 'bin', PcdValueInitName)
StdOut, StdErr = self.ExecuteCommand (PcdValueInitExe + ' -i %s -o %s' % (InputValueFile, OutputValueFile))
File = open (OutputValueFile, 'r')
FileBuffer = File.readlines()
Command = PcdValueInitExe + ' -i %s -o %s' % (InputValueFile, OutputValueFile)
returncode, StdOut, StdErr = self.ExecuteCommand (Command)
if returncode <> 0:
EdkLogger.warn('Build', COMMAND_FAILURE, 'Can not collect output from command: %s' % Command)
FileBuffer = []
File = open (OutputValueFile, 'r')
FileBuffer = File.readlines()
StructurePcdSet = []
for Pcd in FileBuffer:
@ -1683,7 +1701,7 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
EdkLogger.error('build', PARAMETER_INVALID, 'Sku %s is not defined in [SkuIds] section' % SkuName,
File=self.MetaFile, Line=Dummy5)
if "." not in TokenSpaceGuid:
PcdList.append((PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid, SkuName, Dummy4))
PcdList.append((PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid, SkuName, Dummy5))
PcdDict[Arch, SkuName, PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid] = Setting
# Remove redundant PCD candidates, per the ARCH and SKU
@ -1839,7 +1857,7 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
EdkLogger.error('build', PARAMETER_INVALID, 'DefaultStores %s is not defined in [DefaultStores] section' % DefaultStore,
File=self.MetaFile, Line=Dummy5)
if "." not in TokenSpaceGuid:
PcdSet.add((PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid, SkuName,DefaultStore, Dummy4))
PcdSet.add((PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid, SkuName,DefaultStore, Dummy5))
PcdDict[Arch, SkuName, PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid,DefaultStore] = Setting
@ -1991,7 +2009,7 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
EdkLogger.error('build', PARAMETER_INVALID, 'Sku %s is not defined in [SkuIds] section' % SkuName,
File=self.MetaFile, Line=Dummy5)
if "." not in TokenSpaceGuid:
PcdList.append((PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid, SkuName, Dummy4))
PcdList.append((PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid, SkuName, Dummy5))
PcdDict[Arch, SkuName, PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid] = Setting
# Remove redundant PCD candidates, per the ARCH and SKU