SysCall: Refactored data segment selectors' switching.

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Mikhail Krichanov 2024-03-08 12:12:00 +03:00
parent 5b281e2c16
commit 8f29742b72
2 changed files with 25 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ typedef struct {
// Stack:
// rsp - User Rsp
// rbp - User Rbp
// rcx - Rip for SYSCALL
// r11 - User data segment selector
// rcx - User Rip for SYSCALL
// r11 - User RFLAGS for SYSCALL
// r9 - Argument 3
// r8 - Argument 2
// rdx - Argument 1 <- CoreRbp

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@ -94,6 +94,19 @@ copy:
%macro SetRing3DataSegmentSelectors 0
mov rcx, MSR_IA32_STAR
call ASM_PFX(AsmReadMsr64)
; rax = ((RING3_CODE64_SEL - 16) << 16 | RING0_CODE64_SEL) << 32
shr rax, 48
add rax, 8
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
@ -114,9 +127,6 @@ copy:
global ASM_PFX(CoreBootServices)
; Save User data segment selector temporarily in R11.
mov r11, ds
; Switch from User to Core data segment selectors.
mov ax, ss
mov ds, ax
@ -136,7 +146,7 @@ ASM_PFX(CoreBootServices):
push rbp
; Save return address for SYSRET.
push rcx
; Save User data segment selector.
; Save User RFLAGS for SYSRET.
push r11
; Save User Arguments [1..3].
push r9
@ -152,24 +162,20 @@ ASM_PFX(CoreBootServices):
call ASM_PFX(CallBootService)
push rax
pop rax
; Step over Arguments [1..3].
add rsp, 8*3
; Switch from Core to User data segment selectors.
pop r11
o16 mov ds, r11
o16 mov es, r11
o16 mov fs, r11
o16 mov gs, r11
; Prepare SYSRET arguments.
pop rcx
pop r11
pop rcx
; Switch to User Stack.
pop rbp
@ -194,31 +200,16 @@ global ASM_PFX(CallRing3)
; Save input Arguments.
push r12
mov r12, rcx
push rcx
; Extract User Data selector.
mov rcx, MSR_IA32_STAR
call ASM_PFX(AsmReadMsr64)
; rax = ((RING3_CODE64_SEL - 16) << 16 | RING0_CODE64_SEL) << 32
shr rax, 48
add rax, 8
; Set Data selectors
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
; Prepare SYSRET arguments.
mov rcx, [gRing3EntryPoint]
mov rdx, r12
pop rdx
pop r11
; Restore stack and registers.
pop r12
; Save Core Stack pointers and switch to User Stack.
mov [ASM_PFX(CoreRsp)], rsp
mov [ASM_PFX(CoreRbp)], rbp