BaseTools: Optimize GenerateByteArrayValue and CollectPlatformGuids APIs

During the Incremental build GenerateByteArrayValue used to generate the
ByteArrayValue even when there is no change in the PCD/VPDs. which is
time consuming API based on the number of PCD/VPDs and SKU IDs.

The optimization is that GenerateByteArrayValue is used to store the
StructuredPcdsData in a JSON file for each of the arch. and during the
Incremental build this API will check, if there is any change in the
Structured PCD/VPDs then rest of the flow remains the same.
if there is no change then it will return the provious build data.

during the 1st build StructuredPcdsData.json is not exists,
StructuredPcdsData will be dumped to json file. and it will copy the
output.txt as well.
Note: as the output.txt are different for different Arch, so it will be
stored in the Arch folder.
During the Incremental build check if there is any change in Structured
PCD/VPD. if there is a change in Structured VPD/PCD then recreate the
StructuredPcdsData.json, and rest of the flow remains same.
if there is no change in VPD/PCD read the output.txt and return the data

Unit Test:
Test1: Modified the Structured Pcds default from DEC file. current flow
is executing.
Test2: Override the default value of the PCD from DEC file. current flow
is executing.
Test3: Modified/Override the PCD from DSC file. current flow executing
Test4: Modified/Override the FDF from DSC file. current flow executing
Test5: update the default value from Command Line.current flow executing
Test6: Build without change in PCD in DSC, FDF, DEC and Command Line the
proposed changes will be executing, and the return data remains the same
with and without the changes.
Test7: Build with and without modified the include headers of Structured
PCDs. if there is any change in those Structured PCD header then
current flow will be executed.

With these changes it's helping to save around ~2.5min to ~3.5min of
Incremental build time in my build environment.

Sample PR:

Cc: Yuwei Chen <>
Cc: Rebecca Cran <>
Cc: Liming Gao <>
Cc: Bob Feng <>
Cc: Amy Chan <>
Cc: Sai Chaganty <>
Cc: Digant H Solanki <>
Signed-off-by: Ashraf Ali S <>
Reviewed-by: Yuwei Chen <>
This commit is contained in: 2024-02-07 09:20:35 -08:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent 4d1f0babe2
commit 8f316e99ec
2 changed files with 139 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -160,20 +160,16 @@ class WorkspaceAutoGen(AutoGen):
def CollectPlatformGuids(self):
oriInfList = []
oriPkgSet = set()
PlatformPkg = set()
pkgSet = set()
for Arch in self.ArchList:
Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
oriInfList = Platform.Modules
for ModuleFile in oriInfList:
ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Platform._Arch, Platform._Target, Platform._Toolchain]
for Pkg in oriPkgSet:
Guids = Pkg.Guids
if Platform.Packages:
for Pkg in PlatformPkg:
for Pkg in pkgSet:
Guids = Pkg.Guids

View File

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ from functools import reduce
from Common.Misc import SaveFileOnChange
from Workspace.BuildClassObject import PlatformBuildClassObject, StructurePcd, PcdClassObject, ModuleBuildClassObject
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
import json
import shutil
def _IsFieldValueAnArray (Value):
Value = Value.strip()
@ -56,6 +58,7 @@ def _IsFieldValueAnArray (Value):
PcdValueInitName = 'PcdValueInit'
PcdValueCommonName = 'PcdValueCommon'
StructuredPcdsDataName = 'StructuredPcdsData.json'
PcdMainCHeader = '''
@ -2750,6 +2753,63 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
i +=1
return ccflags
def GetStructurePcdSet (self, OutputValueFile):
if not os.path.isfile(OutputValueFile):
EdkLogger.error("GetStructurePcdSet", FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Output.txt doesn't exist", ExtraData=OutputValueFile)
return []
File = open (OutputValueFile, 'r')
FileBuffer = File.readlines()
#start update structure pcd final value
StructurePcdSet = []
for Pcd in FileBuffer:
PcdValue = Pcd.split ('|')
PcdInfo = PcdValue[0].split ('.')
StructurePcdSet.append((PcdInfo[0], PcdInfo[1], PcdInfo[2], PcdInfo[3], PcdValue[2].strip()))
return StructurePcdSet
def GetBuildOptionsValueList(self):
if sys.platform == "win32":
BuildOptions = OrderedDict()
for Options in self.BuildOptions:
if Options[2] != EDKII_NAME:
Family = Options[0]
if Family and Family != self.ToolChainFamily:
Target, Tag, Arch, Tool, Attr = Options[1].split("_")
if Tool != 'CC':
if Attr != "FLAGS":
if Target == TAB_STAR or Target == self._Target:
if Tag == TAB_STAR or Tag == self._Toolchain:
if 'COMMON' not in BuildOptions:
BuildOptions['COMMON'] = set()
if Arch == TAB_STAR:
BuildOptions['COMMON']|= self.ParseCCFlags(self.BuildOptions[Options])
if Arch in self.SupArchList:
if Arch not in BuildOptions:
BuildOptions[Arch] = set()
BuildOptions[Arch] |= self.ParseCCFlags(self.BuildOptions[Options])
if BuildOptions:
ArchBuildOptions = {arch:flags for arch,flags in BuildOptions.items() if arch != 'COMMON'}
if len(ArchBuildOptions.keys()) == 1:
BuildOptions['COMMON'] |= (list(ArchBuildOptions.values())[0])
elif len(ArchBuildOptions.keys()) > 1:
CommonBuildOptions = reduce(lambda x,y: x&y, ArchBuildOptions.values())
BuildOptions['COMMON'] |= CommonBuildOptions
ValueList = [item for item in BuildOptions['COMMON'] if item.startswith((r"/U","-U"))]
ValueList.extend([item for item in BuildOptions['COMMON'] if item.startswith((r"/D", "-D"))])
CC_FLAGS += " ".join(ValueList)
return CC_FLAGS
def GenerateByteArrayValue (self, StructuredPcds):
# Generate/Compile/Run C application to determine if there are any flexible array members
@ -2757,6 +2817,66 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
if not StructuredPcds:
StructuredPcdsData = {}
StoredStructuredPcdObjectPaths = {}
SkipPcdValueInit = False
CC_FLAGS = self.GetBuildOptionsValueList()
for PcdName in StructuredPcds:
Pcd = StructuredPcds[PcdName]
TokenSpaceGuidCName = Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName
TokenCName = Pcd.TokenCName
# Create a key using TokenSpaceGuidCName and TokenCName
StructuredPcdsData[f"{TokenSpaceGuidCName}_{TokenCName}"] = {
"DefaultValueFromDec": Pcd.DefaultValueFromDec,
"DefaultValues": Pcd.DefaultValues,
"PcdFieldValueFromComm": Pcd.PcdFieldValueFromComm,
"PcdFieldValueFromFdf": Pcd.PcdFieldValueFromFdf,
"DefaultFromDSC": Pcd.DefaultFromDSC,
"PcdFiledValueFromDscComponent": Pcd.PcdFiledValueFromDscComponent
# Store the CC Flags
StructuredPcdsData["CC_FLAGS"] = CC_FLAGS
# If the output path doesn't exists then create it
if not os.path.exists(self.OutputPath):
StructuredPcdsDataPath = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, self._Arch, StructuredPcdsDataName)
PcdRecordOutputValueFile = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, self._Arch, 'Output.txt')
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(StructuredPcdsDataPath)):
# Check if the StructuredPcdsData.json exists or not
# if exits then it might be a incremental build then check if the StructuredPcdsData has been changed or not.
# if changed then proceed further, if not changed then return the stored data from earlier build
if os.path.isfile(StructuredPcdsDataPath):
with open(StructuredPcdsDataPath, 'r') as file:
StoredStructuredPcdsData = json.load(file)
# OBJECTS will have the modified time, which needs to be checked later
StoredStructuredPcdObjectPaths = StoredStructuredPcdsData.pop("OBJECTS", {})
if StructuredPcdsData == StoredStructuredPcdsData:
SkipPcdValueInit = True
for filename, file_mtime in StoredStructuredPcdObjectPaths.items():
f_mtime = os.path.getmtime(filename)
# check if the include_file are modified or not,
# if modified then generate the PcdValueInit
if f_mtime != file_mtime:
SkipPcdValueInit = False
if SkipPcdValueInit:
return self.GetStructurePcdSet(PcdRecordOutputValueFile)
InitByteValue = ""
CApp = PcdMainCHeader
@ -2832,8 +2952,6 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
CApp = CApp + PcdMainCEntry + '\n'
if not os.path.exists(self.OutputPath):
CAppBaseFileName = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, PcdValueInitName)
SaveFileOnChange(CAppBaseFileName + '.c', CApp, False)
@ -2890,42 +3008,6 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
MakeApp = MakeApp + '\n'
if sys.platform == "win32":
BuildOptions = OrderedDict()
for Options in self.BuildOptions:
if Options[2] != EDKII_NAME:
Family = Options[0]
if Family and Family != self.ToolChainFamily:
Target, Tag, Arch, Tool, Attr = Options[1].split("_")
if Tool != 'CC':
if Attr != "FLAGS":
if Target == TAB_STAR or Target == self._Target:
if Tag == TAB_STAR or Tag == self._Toolchain:
if 'COMMON' not in BuildOptions:
BuildOptions['COMMON'] = set()
if Arch == TAB_STAR:
BuildOptions['COMMON']|= self.ParseCCFlags(self.BuildOptions[Options])
if Arch in self.SupArchList:
if Arch not in BuildOptions:
BuildOptions[Arch] = set()
BuildOptions[Arch] |= self.ParseCCFlags(self.BuildOptions[Options])
if BuildOptions:
ArchBuildOptions = {arch:flags for arch,flags in BuildOptions.items() if arch != 'COMMON'}
if len(ArchBuildOptions.keys()) == 1:
BuildOptions['COMMON'] |= (list(ArchBuildOptions.values())[0])
elif len(ArchBuildOptions.keys()) > 1:
CommonBuildOptions = reduce(lambda x,y: x&y, ArchBuildOptions.values())
BuildOptions['COMMON'] |= CommonBuildOptions
ValueList = [item for item in BuildOptions['COMMON'] if item.startswith((r"/U","-U"))]
ValueList.extend([item for item in BuildOptions['COMMON'] if item.startswith((r"/D", "-D"))])
CC_FLAGS += " ".join(ValueList)
MakeApp += CC_FLAGS
if sys.platform == "win32":
@ -2946,7 +3028,9 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
SearchPathList.append(os.path.normpath(mws.join(GlobalData.gGlobalDefines["EDK_TOOLS_PATH"], "BaseTools/Source/C/Common")))
SearchPathList.extend(str(item) for item in IncSearchList)
IncFileList = GetDependencyList(IncludeFileFullPaths, SearchPathList)
StructuredPcdsData["OBJECTS"] = {}
for include_file in IncFileList:
StructuredPcdsData["OBJECTS"][include_file] = os.path.getmtime(include_file)
MakeApp += "$(OBJECTS) : %s\n" % include_file
if sys.platform == "win32":
PcdValueCommonPath = os.path.normpath(mws.join(GlobalData.gGlobalDefines["EDK_TOOLS_PATH"], "Source\C\Common\PcdValueCommon.c"))
@ -3042,17 +3126,18 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
if returncode != 0:
EdkLogger.warn('Build', COMMAND_FAILURE, 'Can not collect output from command: %s\n%s\n%s\n' % (Command, StdOut, StdErr))
#start update structure pcd final value
File = open (OutputValueFile, 'r')
FileBuffer = File.readlines()
# In 1st build create the StructuredPcdsData.json
# update the record as PCD Input has been changed if its incremental build
with open(StructuredPcdsDataPath, 'w') as file:
json.dump(StructuredPcdsData, file, indent=2)
StructurePcdSet = []
for Pcd in FileBuffer:
PcdValue = Pcd.split ('|')
PcdInfo = PcdValue[0].split ('.')
StructurePcdSet.append((PcdInfo[0], PcdInfo[1], PcdInfo[2], PcdInfo[3], PcdValue[2].strip()))
return StructurePcdSet
# Copy update output file for each Arch
shutil.copyfile(OutputValueFile, PcdRecordOutputValueFile)
#start update structure pcd final value
return self.GetStructurePcdSet(OutputValueFile)
def NeedUpdateOutput(OutputFile, ValueCFile, StructureInput):