diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/Library/MpInitLib/MpLib.c b/UefiCpuPkg/Library/MpInitLib/MpLib.c
index 07426274f6..6d977d45bc 100644
--- a/UefiCpuPkg/Library/MpInitLib/MpLib.c
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/Library/MpInitLib/MpLib.c
@@ -1141,20 +1141,6 @@ RestoreWakeupBuffer(
-  Calculate the size of the reset stack.
-  @return                 Total amount of memory required for stacks
-GetApResetStackSize (
-  )
-  return AP_RESET_STACK_SIZE * PcdGet32(PcdCpuMaxLogicalProcessorNumber);
   Calculate the size of the reset vector.
@@ -1170,11 +1156,23 @@ GetApResetVectorSize (
   UINTN  Size;
-  Size = ALIGN_VALUE (AddressMap->RendezvousFunnelSize +
-                        AddressMap->SwitchToRealSize +
-                        sizeof (MP_CPU_EXCHANGE_INFO),
-                      CPU_STACK_ALIGNMENT);
-  Size += GetApResetStackSize ();
+  Size = AddressMap->RendezvousFunnelSize +
+           AddressMap->SwitchToRealSize +
+           sizeof (MP_CPU_EXCHANGE_INFO);
+  //
+  // The AP reset stack is only used by SEV-ES guests. Do not add to the
+  // allocation if SEV-ES is not enabled.
+  //
+  if (PcdGetBool (PcdSevEsIsEnabled)) {
+    //
+    // Stack location is based on APIC ID, so use the total number of
+    // processors for calculating the total stack area.
+    //
+    Size += AP_RESET_STACK_SIZE * PcdGet32 (PcdCpuMaxLogicalProcessorNumber);
+  }
   return Size;