UefiPayloadPkg: Clang dependency removal

REF: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4426

Use Python to replace llvm-objcopy in UniversalPayloadBuild.py.
1. AddSection32() and AddSection64(): Make a section named
<section> with the contents of <file>.
2. RemoveSection32() and RemoveSection64(): Remove <section>.
3. ReplaceFv (): remove the section before add the section
if the file exists.

Cc: Guo Dong <guo.dong@intel.com>
Cc: Ray Ni <ray.ni@intel.com>
Cc: Sean Rhodes <sean@starlabs.systems>
Cc: James Lu <james.lu@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: BruceX Wang <brucex.wang@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Gua Guo <gua.guo@intel.com>
This commit is contained in:
BruceX Wang 2023-04-26 14:32:01 +08:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent e5e1cd1a83
commit 95ef765839
4 changed files with 922 additions and 124 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
## @file
# OBJCOPY parser, it's used to replace FV
# Copyright (c) 2023, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
import argparse
from ctypes import *
import struct
class ElfSectionHeader64:
def __init__(self, sh_name, sh_type, sh_flags, sh_addr, sh_offset, sh_size, sh_link, sh_info, sh_addralign, sh_entsize):
self.sh_name = sh_name
self.sh_type = sh_type
self.sh_flags = sh_flags
self.sh_addr = sh_addr
self.sh_offset = sh_offset
self.sh_size = sh_size
self.sh_link = sh_link
self.sh_info = sh_info
self.sh_addralign = sh_addralign
self.sh_entsize = sh_entsize
def pack(self):
return struct.pack('<IIQQQQIIQQ', self.sh_name, self.sh_type, self.sh_flags, self.sh_addr, self.sh_offset, self.sh_size, self.sh_link, self.sh_info, self.sh_addralign, self.sh_entsize)
def unpack(cls, data):
unpacked_data = struct.unpack('<IIQQQQIIQQ', data)
return cls(*unpacked_data)
class ElfHeader64:
def __init__(self, data):
# Parse the ELF identification bytes
self.e_ident = struct.unpack('16s', data[:16])[0]
self.e_type = struct.unpack('H', data[16:18])[0]
self.e_machine = struct.unpack('H', data[18:20])[0]
self.e_version = struct.unpack('I', data[20:24])[0]
self.e_entry = struct.unpack('Q', data[24:32])[0]
self.e_phoff = struct.unpack('Q', data[32:40])[0]
self.e_shoff = struct.unpack('Q', data[40:48])[0]
self.e_flags = struct.unpack('I', data[48:52])[0]
self.e_ehsize = struct.unpack('H', data[52:54])[0]
self.e_phentsize = struct.unpack('H', data[54:56])[0]
self.e_phnum = struct.unpack('H', data[56:58])[0]
self.e_shentsize = struct.unpack('H', data[58:60])[0]
self.e_shnum = struct.unpack('H', data[60:62])[0]
self.e_shstrndx = struct.unpack('H', data[62:64])[0]
def pack(self):
# Pack the ELF header data into a binary string
data = b''
data += struct.pack('16s', self.e_ident)
data += struct.pack('H', self.e_type)
data += struct.pack('H', self.e_machine)
data += struct.pack('I', self.e_version)
data += struct.pack('Q', self.e_entry)
data += struct.pack('Q', self.e_phoff)
data += struct.pack('Q', self.e_shoff)
data += struct.pack('I', self.e_flags)
data += struct.pack('H', self.e_ehsize)
data += struct.pack('H', self.e_phentsize)
data += struct.pack('H', self.e_phnum)
data += struct.pack('H', self.e_shentsize)
data += struct.pack('H', self.e_shnum)
data += struct.pack('H', self.e_shstrndx)
return data
class Elf64_Phdr:
def __init__(self, data):
self.p_type = struct.unpack("<L", data[0:4])[0]
self.p_flags = struct.unpack("<L", data[4:8])[0]
self.p_offset = struct.unpack("<Q", data[8:16])[0]
self.p_vaddr = struct.unpack("<Q", data[16:24])[0]
self.p_paddr = struct.unpack("<Q", data[24:32])[0]
self.p_filesz = struct.unpack("<Q", data[32:40])[0]
self.p_memsz = struct.unpack("<Q", data[40:48])[0]
self.p_align = struct.unpack("<Q", data[48:56])[0]
def pack(self):
# Pack the Program header table into a binary string
data = b''
data += struct.pack('<L', self.p_type)
data += struct.pack('<L', self.p_flags)
data += struct.pack('<Q', self.p_offset)
data += struct.pack('<Q', self.p_vaddr)
data += struct.pack('<Q', self.p_paddr)
data += struct.pack('<Q', self.p_filesz)
data += struct.pack('<Q', self.p_memsz)
data += struct.pack('<Q', self.p_align)
return data
class ElfSectionHeader32:
def __init__(self, sh_name, sh_type, sh_flags, sh_addr, sh_offset, sh_size, sh_link, sh_info, sh_addralign, sh_entsize):
self.sh_name = sh_name
self.sh_type = sh_type
self.sh_flags = sh_flags
self.sh_addr = sh_addr
self.sh_offset = sh_offset
self.sh_size = sh_size
self.sh_link = sh_link
self.sh_info = sh_info
self.sh_addralign = sh_addralign
self.sh_entsize = sh_entsize
def pack(self):
return struct.pack('<IIIIIIIIII', self.sh_name, self.sh_type, self.sh_flags, self.sh_addr, self.sh_offset, self.sh_size, self.sh_link, self.sh_info, self.sh_addralign, self.sh_entsize)
def unpack(cls, data):
unpacked_data = struct.unpack('<IIIIIIIIII', data)
return cls(*unpacked_data)
class ElfHeader32:
def __init__(self, data):
# Parse the ELF identification bytes
self.e_ident = struct.unpack('16s', data[:16])[0]
self.e_type = struct.unpack('H', data[16:18])[0]
self.e_machine = struct.unpack('H', data[18:20])[0]
self.e_version = struct.unpack('I', data[20:24])[0]
self.e_entry = struct.unpack('I', data[24:28])[0]
self.e_phoff = struct.unpack('I', data[28:32])[0]
self.e_shoff = struct.unpack('I', data[32:36])[0]
self.e_flags = struct.unpack('I', data[36:40])[0]
self.e_ehsize = struct.unpack('H', data[40:42])[0]
self.e_phentsize = struct.unpack('H', data[42:44])[0]
self.e_phnum = struct.unpack('H', data[44:46])[0]
self.e_shentsize = struct.unpack('H', data[46:48])[0]
self.e_shnum = struct.unpack('H', data[48:50])[0]
self.e_shstrndx = struct.unpack('H', data[50:52])[0]
def pack(self):
# Pack the ELF header data into a binary string
data = b''
data += struct.pack('16s', self.e_ident)
data += struct.pack('H', self.e_type)
data += struct.pack('H', self.e_machine)
data += struct.pack('I', self.e_version)
data += struct.pack('I', self.e_entry)
data += struct.pack('I', self.e_phoff)
data += struct.pack('I', self.e_shoff)
data += struct.pack('I', self.e_flags)
data += struct.pack('H', self.e_ehsize)
data += struct.pack('H', self.e_phentsize)
data += struct.pack('H', self.e_phnum)
data += struct.pack('H', self.e_shentsize)
data += struct.pack('H', self.e_shnum)
data += struct.pack('H', self.e_shstrndx)
return data
class Elf32_Phdr:
def __init__(self, data):
self.p_type = struct.unpack("<L", data[0:4])[0]
self.p_offset = struct.unpack("<L", data[4:8])[0]
self.p_vaddr = struct.unpack("<L", data[8:12])[0]
self.p_paddr = struct.unpack("<L", data[12:16])[0]
self.p_filesz = struct.unpack("<L", data[16:20])[0]
self.p_memsz = struct.unpack("<L", data[20:24])[0]
self.p_flags = struct.unpack("<L", data[24:28])[0]
self.p_align = struct.unpack("<L", data[28:32])[0]
def pack(self):
# Pack the Program header table into a binary string
data = b''
data += struct.pack('<L', self.p_type)
data += struct.pack('<L', self.p_offset)
data += struct.pack('<L', self.p_vaddr)
data += struct.pack('<L', self.p_paddr)
data += struct.pack('<L', self.p_filesz)
data += struct.pack('<L', self.p_memsz)
data += struct.pack('<L', self.p_flags)
data += struct.pack('<L', self.p_align)
return data
def SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, AlignmentIndex):
# Section entry Alignment
# Alignment is transfer to integer if AlignmentIndex is string.
if isinstance(AlignmentIndex, str):
int_num = int(AlignmentIndex, 16)
int_num = 10 * (int_num//16) + int_num % 16
int_num = AlignmentIndex
if (int_num != 0 or int_num != 1):
if ((len(NewUPLEntry) % int_num) != 0):
AlignNumber = int_num - (len(NewUPLEntry) % int_num)
if (AlignNumber != 0):
for x in range(AlignNumber):
NewUPLEntry = NewUPLEntry + bytearray(b'\0')
return NewUPLEntry
def SectionEntryFill(SectionEntry, Alignment, Value, Offset):
# Alignment
n = 0
if (len (Value) < Alignment):
Value = Value.zfill(Alignment)
for x in range(0, (Alignment//2)):
Index = '0x' + Value[n] + Value[n + 1]
SectionEntry[Offset - x] = int(Index,16)
n += 2
return SectionEntry
def ElfHeaderParser(UPLEntry):
# Read EI_CLASS, it stores information that elf with 32-bit or 64-bit architectures.
EI_CLASS = UPLEntry[4]
# If Elf is 64-bit objects.
if (EI_CLASS == 2):
# Elf header is stored at 0x0-0x40 in 64-bits objects
ElfHeaderData = UPLEntry[:64]
# If Elf is 32-bit objects.
# Elf header is stored at 0x0-0x34 in 32-bits objects
ElfHeaderData = UPLEntry[:53]
# If Elf is 64-bit objects.
if (EI_CLASS == 2):
elf_header = ElfHeader64(ElfHeaderData)
ElfHeaderOffset = elf_header.e_shoff
SectionHeaderEntryNumber = elf_header.e_shnum
StringIndexNumber = elf_header.e_shstrndx
SectionHeaderEntrySize = elf_header.e_shentsize
StringIndexEntryOffset = ElfHeaderOffset + (StringIndexNumber * SectionHeaderEntrySize)
unpacked_header = ElfSectionHeader64.unpack(UPLEntry[StringIndexEntryOffset: (StringIndexEntryOffset + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
StringIndexSize = unpacked_header.sh_size
StringIndexOffset = unpacked_header.sh_offset
# If elf is 32-bit objects.
elf_header = ElfHeader32(ElfHeaderData)
ElfHeaderOffset = elf_header.e_shoff
SectionHeaderEntryNumber = elf_header.e_shnum
StringIndexNumber = elf_header.e_shstrndx
SectionHeaderEntrySize = elf_header.e_shentsize
StringIndexEntryOffset = ElfHeaderOffset + (StringIndexNumber * SectionHeaderEntrySize)
unpacked_header = ElfSectionHeader32.unpack(UPLEntry[StringIndexEntryOffset: (StringIndexEntryOffset + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
StringIndexSize = unpacked_header.sh_size
StringIndexOffset = unpacked_header.sh_offset
return ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, StringIndexNumber, StringIndexEntryOffset, StringIndexSize, SectionHeaderEntrySize, StringIndexOffset, EI_CLASS
def FindSection(UPLEntry, SectionName):
ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, StringIndexNumber, _, StringIndexSize, SectionHeaderEntrySize, StringIndexOffset, EI_CLASS = ElfHeaderParser(UPLEntry)
# StringIndex is String Index section
StringIndex = UPLEntry[StringIndexOffset:StringIndexOffset+StringIndexSize]
# Section header isn't exist if SectionNameOffset = -1.
StringIndex = StringIndex.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')
SectionNameOffset = StringIndex.find(SectionName)
return SectionNameOffset, ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntrySize, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, StringIndexOffset, StringIndexNumber, EI_CLASS
def AddNewSectionEntry64(LastUPLEntrylen, StringIndexValue, SectionSize, Alignment):
# If elf is 64-bit objects.
NewSectionEntry = ElfSectionHeader64 (StringIndexValue, 1, 0, 0, LastUPLEntrylen, SectionSize, 0, 0, Alignment, 0)
sh_bytes = NewSectionEntry.pack()
return sh_bytes
def AddNewSectionEntry32(LastUPLEntrylen, StringIndexValue, SectionSize, Alignment):
# If elf is 32-bit objects.
NewSectionEntry = ElfSectionHeader32 (StringIndexValue, 1, 0, 0, LastUPLEntrylen, SectionSize, 0, 0, Alignment, 0)
sh_bytes = NewSectionEntry.pack()
return sh_bytes
def AddSectionHeader64(SHentry, NewUPLEntrylen, SectionHeaderEntrySize, Index, RemoveNameOffset, SectionName, StringIndexNumber):
SHentry = bytearray(SHentry)
unpacked_header = ElfSectionHeader64.unpack(SHentry[(Index * SectionHeaderEntrySize):((Index * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
# Section header of section 0 shows 0. It don't modify any offset.
if (Index != 0):
# read section offset.
unpacked_header.sh_offset = NewUPLEntrylen
# Modify offset of name in section entry
# if RemoveNameOffset != 0 that is remove function.
if (RemoveNameOffset != 0):
if (unpacked_header.sh_name > RemoveNameOffset):
unpacked_header.sh_name -= RemoveNameOffset
# Modify size of name string section entry in section entry.
if (Index == StringIndexNumber):
unpacked_header.sh_size -= len (SectionName)
# added section
else :
if (Index == StringIndexNumber):
unpacked_header.sh_size += len (SectionName)
NewSHentry = ElfSectionHeader64 (
return NewSHentry
def AddSectionHeader32(SHentry, NewUPLEntrylen, SectionHeaderEntrySize, Index, RemoveNameOffset, SectionName, StringIndexNumber):
SHentry = bytearray(SHentry)
unpacked_header = ElfSectionHeader32.unpack(SHentry[(Index * SectionHeaderEntrySize):((Index * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
if (Index != 0):
NewSHentry = SHentry[(Index * SectionHeaderEntrySize):((Index * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)]
unpacked_header.sh_offset = NewUPLEntrylen
# Modify offset of name in section entry
# if RemoveNameOffset != 0 that is remove function.
if (RemoveNameOffset != 0):
if (unpacked_header.sh_name > RemoveNameOffset):
unpacked_header.sh_name -= RemoveNameOffset
# Modify size of name string section entry in section entry.
if (Index == StringIndexNumber):
unpacked_header.sh_size -= len (SectionName)
# added section
else :
if (Index == StringIndexNumber):
unpacked_header.sh_size += len (SectionName)
NewSHentry = ElfSectionHeader32 (
return NewSHentry
def ModifyPHSegmentOffset64(NewUPLEntry, ElfHeaderOffset, PHSegmentName):
# Modify offset and address of program header tables.
elf_header = ElfHeader64(NewUPLEntry[:64])
SHentry = NewUPLEntry[ElfHeaderOffset:]
# Elf program header tables start from 0x40 in 64-bits objects
PHentry = NewUPLEntry[64: 64 + (elf_header.e_phnum * elf_header.e_phentsize)]
PHdrs = []
SHdrs = []
for i in range(elf_header.e_shnum):
SHData = SHentry[(i * elf_header.e_shentsize): (i * elf_header.e_shentsize) + elf_header.e_shentsize]
unpacked_SectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader64.unpack(SHData)
for i in range(elf_header.e_phnum):
PHData = PHentry[(i * elf_header.e_phentsize): (i * elf_header.e_phentsize) + elf_header.e_phentsize]
unpacked_ProgramHeader = Elf64_Phdr(PHData)
if (PHSegmentName == '.text'):
PHdrs[0].p_offset = SHdrs[1].sh_offset
PHdrs[0].p_paddr = SHdrs[1].sh_addr
PHdrs[4].p_offset = SHdrs[1].sh_offset
PHdrs[4].p_paddr = SHdrs[1].sh_addr
elif (PHSegmentName == '.dynamic'):
PHdrs[1].p_offset = SHdrs[2].sh_offset
PHdrs[1].p_paddr = SHdrs[2].sh_addr
PHdrs[3].p_offset = SHdrs[2].sh_offset
PHdrs[3].p_paddr = SHdrs[2].sh_addr
elif (PHSegmentName == '.data'):
PHdrs[2].p_offset = SHdrs[3].sh_offset
PHdrs[2].p_paddr = SHdrs[3].sh_addr
packed_PHData = b''
for phdr in PHdrs:
packed_PHData += phdr.pack()
NewUPLEntry = bytearray(NewUPLEntry)
NewUPLEntry[64: 64 + (elf_header.e_phnum * elf_header.e_phentsize)] = packed_PHData
return NewUPLEntry
def ModifyPHSegmentOffset32(NewUPLEntry, ElfHeaderOffset, PHSegmentName):
# Modify offset and address of program header tables.
# Elf header is stored at 0x0-0x34 in 32-bits objects
elf_header = ElfHeader32(NewUPLEntry[:52])
SHentry = NewUPLEntry[ElfHeaderOffset:]
# Elf program header tables start from 0x34 in 32-bits objects
PHentry = NewUPLEntry[52: 52 + (elf_header.e_phnum * elf_header.e_phentsize)]
PHdrs = []
SHdrs = []
for i in range(elf_header.e_shnum):
SHData = SHentry[(i * elf_header.e_shentsize): (i * elf_header.e_shentsize) + elf_header.e_shentsize]
unpacked_SectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader32.unpack(SHData)
for i in range(elf_header.e_phnum):
PHData = PHentry[(i * elf_header.e_phentsize): (i * elf_header.e_phentsize) + elf_header.e_phentsize]
unpacked_ProgramHeader = Elf32_Phdr(PHData)
if (PHSegmentName == '.text'):
PHdrs[0].p_offset = SHdrs[1].sh_offset
PHdrs[0].p_paddr = SHdrs[1].sh_addr
PHdrs[0].p_vaddr = SHdrs[1].sh_addr
PHdrs[2].p_offset = SHdrs[1].sh_offset
PHdrs[2].p_paddr = SHdrs[1].sh_addr
PHdrs[0].p_vaddr = SHdrs[1].sh_addr
elif (PHSegmentName == '.data'):
PHdrs[1].p_offset = SHdrs[2].sh_offset
PHdrs[1].p_paddr = SHdrs[2].sh_addr
PHdrs[1].p_vaddr = SHdrs[2].sh_addr
packed_PHData = b''
for phdr in PHdrs:
packed_PHData += phdr.pack()
NewUPLEntry = bytearray(NewUPLEntry)
NewUPLEntry[52: 52 + (elf_header.e_phnum * elf_header.e_phentsize)] = packed_PHData
return NewUPLEntry
def RemoveSection64(UniversalPayloadEntry, RemoveSectionName):
# If elf is 64-bit objects.
# Get offsets as follows:
# 1. Section name which will remove in section name string.
# 2. Section which will remove.
# 3. Section header which will remove.
with open(UniversalPayloadEntry,'rb') as f:
UPLEntry = f.read()
RemoveSectionNameOffset, ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntrySize, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, _, StringIndexNumber, _ = FindSection(UPLEntry, RemoveSectionName)
if (RemoveSectionNameOffset == -1):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('Section: {} not found.'.format (RemoveSectionNameOffset))
# Read section header entry
SHentry = UPLEntry[ElfHeaderOffset:]
# find deleted fv section offset.
# Elf header is stored at 0x0-0x40 in 64-bits objects
elf_header = ElfHeader64(UPLEntry[:64])
Counter = 0
RemoveIndex = 0
RemoveNameOffset = 0
for Index in range(0, elf_header.e_shnum):
# Read Index of section header.
unpacked_SectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader64.unpack(SHentry[(Index * elf_header.e_shentsize):((Index * elf_header.e_shentsize) + elf_header.e_shentsize)])
# Find offset of section name which is removed.
if (unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_name == RemoveSectionNameOffset):
RemoveIndex = Counter
Counter += 1
Counter += 1
# Elf header is recombined.
# Elf header and program header table in front of first section are reserved.
# Elf header size is 0x40 with 64-bit object.
ElfHeaderSize = 64
ElfHandPH = ElfHeaderSize + (elf_header.e_phnum * elf_header.e_phentsize)
NewUPLEntry = UPLEntry[:ElfHandPH]
# Keep Section header and program header table, RemoveSection64() only recombined section and section header.
NewUPLEntry = bytearray(NewUPLEntry)
# Sections is recombined.
# 1. name of deleted section is removed in name string section.
# 2. deleted section is removed in dll file.
# 3. re-align sections before and after deleted section.
NewUPLEntrylen = []
for Index in range(0, (SectionHeaderEntryNumber)):
unpacked_SectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader64.unpack(SHentry[(Index * SectionHeaderEntrySize):((Index * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
if (Index == 0):
# Address alignment, section will align with alignment of next section.
AlignmentIndex = 8
if (SectionHeaderEntryNumber > 2):
unpacked_NextSectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader64.unpack(SHentry[((Index + 1) * SectionHeaderEntrySize):(((Index + 1) * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, unpacked_NextSectionHeader.sh_addralign)
# Section in front of removed section
elif (Index + 1 == RemoveIndex):
NewUPLEntry += UPLEntry[unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset:(unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset + unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_size)]
# Read section address alignment
# If section that will be removed in .dll is not first and last one .
# Address alignment, section will align with alignment of section after deleted section.
# Check next and the section after next are not end of section.
if ((Index + 2) < (SectionHeaderEntryNumber - 1)):
unpacked_Next2SectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader64.unpack(SHentry[((Index + 2) * SectionHeaderEntrySize):(((Index + 2) * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, unpacked_Next2SectionHeader.sh_addralign)
# It is align 8 bytes if next section or the section after next is last one.
AlignmentIndex = 8
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, AlignmentIndex)
# section is Deleted section
elif (Index == RemoveIndex):
# Don't add removed section to elf.
# Find offset of section name.
RemoveNameOffset = unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_name
# section is name string section.
elif (Index == StringIndexNumber):
# StringIndex is String Index section
StringIndex = UPLEntry[unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset:(unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset + unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_size)]
# Remove name of removed section in name string section.
# Section header isn't exist if RemoveSectionNameOffset equal to -1.
StringIndex = bytearray(StringIndex)
RemoveSectionName = bytearray(RemoveSectionName, encoding='utf-8')
RemoveSectionName = RemoveSectionName + bytes('\0', encoding='utf-8')
StringIndex = StringIndex.replace(RemoveSectionName,b'')
NewUPLEntry += StringIndex
# other sections.
NewUPLEntry += UPLEntry[unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset:(unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset + unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_size)]
# Address alignment, section will align with alignment of next section.
if (Index < (SectionHeaderEntryNumber - 1)):
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, unpacked_NextSectionHeader.sh_addralign)
# If section is last one.
AlignmentIndex = 8
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, AlignmentIndex)
SectionHeaderOffset = len(NewUPLEntry)
# Add section header
for Number in range(0, (SectionHeaderEntryNumber)):
if (Number != RemoveIndex):
NewSHentry = AddSectionHeader64(SHentry, NewUPLEntrylen[Number], SectionHeaderEntrySize, Number, RemoveNameOffset, RemoveSectionName, StringIndexNumber)
NewUPLEntry += NewSHentry
# Modify number of sections and offset of section header in Elf header.
elf_header.e_shoff = SectionHeaderOffset
elf_header.e_shnum -= 1
NewUPLEntry = elf_header.pack() + NewUPLEntry[64:]
# write to Elf.
with open(UniversalPayloadEntry,'wb') as f:
def RemoveSection32(UniversalPayloadEntry, RemoveSectionName):
# If elf is 32-bit objects.
# Get offsets as follows:
# 1. Section name which will remove in section name string.
# 2. Section which will remove.
# 3. Section header which will remove.
with open(UniversalPayloadEntry,'rb') as f:
UPLEntry = f.read()
RemoveSectionNameOffset, ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntrySize, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, _, StringIndexNumber, EI_CLASS = FindSection(UPLEntry, RemoveSectionName)
if (RemoveSectionNameOffset == -1):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('Section: {} not found.'.format (RemoveSectionNameOffset))
# Read section header entry
SHentry = UPLEntry[ElfHeaderOffset:]
# find deleted fv section offset.
# Elf header is stored at 0x0-0x34 in 32-bits objects
elf_header = ElfHeader32(UPLEntry[:52])
Counter = 0
RemoveIndex = 0
RemoveNameOffset = 0
for Index in range(0, elf_header.e_shnum):
# Read Index of section header.
unpacked_SectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader32.unpack(SHentry[(Index * elf_header.e_shentsize):((Index * elf_header.e_shentsize) + elf_header.e_shentsize)])
# Find offset of section name which is removed.
if (unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_name == RemoveSectionNameOffset):
RemoveIndex = Counter
Counter += 1
Counter += 1
# Elf header is recombined.
# Elf header and program header table in front of first section are reserved.
# Elf header size is 0x34 with 32-bit object.
ElfHeaderSize = 52
ElfHandPH = ElfHeaderSize + (elf_header.e_phnum * elf_header.e_phentsize)
NewUPLEntry = UPLEntry[:ElfHandPH]
# Keep Section header and program header table, RemoveSection32() only recombined section and section header.
NewUPLEntry = bytearray(NewUPLEntry)
# Sections is recombined.
# 1. name of deleted section is removed in name string section.
# 2. deleted section is removed in dll file.
# 3. re-align sections before and after deleted section.
NewUPLEntrylen = []
for Index in range(0, (SectionHeaderEntryNumber)):
unpacked_SectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader32.unpack(SHentry[(Index * SectionHeaderEntrySize):((Index * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
if (Index == 0):
# Address alignment, section will align with alignment of next section.
AlignmentIndex = 8
if (SectionHeaderEntryNumber > 2):
unpacked_NextSectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader32.unpack(SHentry[((Index + 1) * SectionHeaderEntrySize):(((Index + 1) * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, unpacked_NextSectionHeader.sh_addralign)
# Section in front of removed section
elif (Index + 1 == RemoveIndex):
NewUPLEntry += UPLEntry[unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset:(unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset + unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_size)]
# Read section address alignment
# If section that will be removed in .dll is not first and last one .
# Address alignment, section will align with alignment of section after deleted section.
# Check next and the section after next are not end of section.
if ((Index + 2) < (SectionHeaderEntryNumber - 1)):
unpacked_Next2SectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader32.unpack(SHentry[((Index + 2) * SectionHeaderEntrySize):(((Index + 2) * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, unpacked_Next2SectionHeader.sh_addralign)
# It is align 8 bytes if next section or the section after next is last one.
AlignmentIndex = 8
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, AlignmentIndex)
# section is Deleted section
elif (Index == RemoveIndex):
# Don't add removed section to elf.
# Find offset of section name.
RemoveNameOffset = unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_name
# section is name string section.
elif (Index == StringIndexNumber):
# StringIndex is String Index section
StringIndex = UPLEntry[unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset:(unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset + unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_size)]
# Remove name of removed section in name string section.
# Section header isn't exist if RemoveSectionNameOffset equal to -1.
StringIndex = bytearray(StringIndex)
RemoveSectionName = bytearray(RemoveSectionName, encoding='utf-8')
RemoveSectionName = RemoveSectionName + bytes('\0', encoding='utf-8')
StringIndex = StringIndex.replace(RemoveSectionName,b'')
NewUPLEntry += StringIndex
# other sections.
NewUPLEntry += UPLEntry[unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset:(unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset + unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_size)]
# Address alignment, section will align with alignment of next section.
if (Index < (SectionHeaderEntryNumber - 1)):
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, unpacked_NextSectionHeader.sh_addralign)
# If section is last one.
AlignmentIndex = 8
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, AlignmentIndex)
SectionHeaderOffset = len(NewUPLEntry)
# Add section header
for Number in range(0, (SectionHeaderEntryNumber)):
if (Number != RemoveIndex):
NewSHentry = AddSectionHeader32(SHentry, NewUPLEntrylen[Number], SectionHeaderEntrySize, Number, RemoveNameOffset, RemoveSectionName, StringIndexNumber)
NewUPLEntry += NewSHentry
# Modify number of sections and offset of section header in Elf header.
elf_header.e_shoff = SectionHeaderOffset
elf_header.e_shnum -= 1
NewUPLEntry = elf_header.pack() + NewUPLEntry[52:]
# write to Elf.
with open(UniversalPayloadEntry,'wb') as f:
def AddSection64(UniversalPayloadEntry, AddSectionName, ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntrySize, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, StringIndexNumber, FileBinary, Alignment):
with open(UniversalPayloadEntry,'rb+') as f:
UPLEntry = f.read()
fFileBinary = open(FileBinary, 'rb')
Binary_File = fFileBinary.read()
ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, StringIndexNumber, _, _, SectionHeaderEntrySize, _, _ = ElfHeaderParser(UPLEntry)
# Read section header entry
SHentry = UPLEntry[ElfHeaderOffset:]
# Elf header is recombined.
# Elf header and program header table in front of first section are reserved.
# Elf header is stored at 0x0-0x40 in 64-bits objects
elf_header = ElfHeader64(UPLEntry[:64])
# Elf header size is 0x40 with 64-bit object.
ElfHeaderSize = 64
ElfHandPH = ElfHeaderSize + (elf_header.e_phnum * elf_header.e_phentsize)
NewUPLEntry = UPLEntry[:ElfHandPH]
# Keep Section header and program header table, AddSection64() only recombined section and section header.
NewUPLEntry = bytearray(NewUPLEntry)
# Sections is recombined.
# 1. name of added section is added in name string section.
# 2. added section is added in dll file.
# 3. re-align sections before and after added section.
NewUPLEntrylen = []
StringIndexValue = 0
for Index in range(0, SectionHeaderEntryNumber):
unpacked_SectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader64.unpack(SHentry[(Index * SectionHeaderEntrySize):((Index * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
# Sections is recombined.
if (Index == 0):
# Address alignment, section will align with alignment of next section.
AlignmentIndex = 8
if (SectionHeaderEntryNumber > 2):
unpacked_NextSectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader64.unpack(SHentry[((Index + 1) * SectionHeaderEntrySize):(((Index + 1) * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, unpacked_NextSectionHeader.sh_addralign)
# Section is last one.
elif (Index == (SectionHeaderEntryNumber - 1)):
# Add new section at the end.
NewUPLEntry += UPLEntry[unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset:(unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset + unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_size)]
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, Alignment)
LastUPLEntrylen = len(NewUPLEntry)
NewUPLEntry += Binary_File
# Address alignment, section will align with alignment of next section.
AlignmentIndex = 8
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, AlignmentIndex)
# section is name string section.
elif (Index == StringIndexNumber):
# StringIndex is String Index section
StringIndex = UPLEntry[unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset:(unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset + unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_size)]
# Read name of added Section after StringIndex is transform into string.
StringIndex = bytearray(StringIndex)
StringIndexValue = len(StringIndex)
AddSectionName = bytearray(AddSectionName, encoding='utf-8') + bytes('\0', encoding='utf-8')
StringIndex += AddSectionName
NewUPLEntry += StringIndex
# section after name string section but not last one.
elif ((Index > StringIndexNumber) and (Index < (SectionHeaderEntryNumber - 1))):
NewUPLEntry += UPLEntry[unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset:(unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset + unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_size)]
# Address alignment, section will align with alignment of next section.
unpacked_NextSectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader64.unpack(SHentry[((Index + 1) * SectionHeaderEntrySize):(((Index + 1) * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, unpacked_NextSectionHeader.sh_addralign)
# Section before name string section.
NewUPLEntry += UPLEntry[unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset:(unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset + unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_size)]
# Address alignment, section will align with alignment of next section.
if (Index < (SectionHeaderEntryNumber - 1)):
unpacked_NextSectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader64.unpack(SHentry[((Index + 1) * SectionHeaderEntrySize):(((Index + 1) * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, unpacked_NextSectionHeader.sh_addralign)
SectionHeaderOffset = len(NewUPLEntry)
RemoveNameOffset = 0
# Add section header
for Number in range(0, (SectionHeaderEntryNumber)):
NewSHentry = AddSectionHeader64(SHentry, NewUPLEntrylen[Number], SectionHeaderEntrySize, Number, RemoveNameOffset, AddSectionName, StringIndexNumber)
NewUPLEntry += NewSHentry
NewUPLEntry += bytearray(AddNewSectionEntry64(LastUPLEntrylen, StringIndexValue, len(Binary_File), Alignment))
# Modify number of sections and offset of section header in Elf header.
# Modify offset in in Elf header.
elf_header.e_shoff = SectionHeaderOffset
elf_header.e_shnum += 1
elf_header = elf_header.pack()
UPLEntryBin = elf_header + NewUPLEntry[64:]
# Modify offsets and address of program header table in elf.
PHSegmentName = '.text'
_, ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntrySize, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, _, StringIndexNumber, _ = FindSection(UPLEntryBin, PHSegmentName)
UPLEntryBin = ModifyPHSegmentOffset64(UPLEntryBin, ElfHeaderOffset, PHSegmentName)
# Modify offsets and address of program header table in elf.
PHSegmentName = '.dynamic'
_, ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntrySize, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, _, StringIndexNumber, _ = FindSection(UPLEntryBin, PHSegmentName)
UPLEntryBin = ModifyPHSegmentOffset64(UPLEntryBin, ElfHeaderOffset, PHSegmentName)
# Modify offsets and address of program header table in elf.
PHSegmentName = '.data'
_, ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntrySize, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, _, StringIndexNumber, _ = FindSection(UPLEntryBin, PHSegmentName)
UPLEntryBin = ModifyPHSegmentOffset64(UPLEntryBin, ElfHeaderOffset, PHSegmentName)
return UPLEntryBin
def AddSection32(UniversalPayloadEntry, AddSectionName, ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntrySize, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, StringIndexNumber, FileBinary, Alignment):
with open(UniversalPayloadEntry,'rb+') as f:
# Read Elf and binary which will be write to elf.
UPLEntry = f.read()
fFileBinary = open(FileBinary, 'rb')
Binary_File = fFileBinary.read()
ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, StringIndexNumber, _, _, SectionHeaderEntrySize, _, _ = ElfHeaderParser(UPLEntry)
# Read section header entry
SHentry = UPLEntry[ElfHeaderOffset:]
# Elf header is recombined.
# Elf header and program header table in front of first section are reserved.
# Elf header is stored at 0x0-0x34 in 32-bits objects
elf_header = ElfHeader32(UPLEntry[:52])
# Elf header size is 0x34 with 32-bit object.
ElfHeaderSize = 52
ElfHandPH = ElfHeaderSize + (elf_header.e_phnum * elf_header.e_phentsize)
NewUPLEntry = UPLEntry[:ElfHandPH]
# Keep Section header and program header table, AddSection64() only recombined section and section header.
NewUPLEntry = bytearray(NewUPLEntry)
# Sections is recombined.
# 1. name of added section is added in name string section.
# 2. added section is added in dll file.
# 3. re-align sections before and after added section.
NewUPLEntrylen = []
StringIndexValue = 0
for Index in range(0, SectionHeaderEntryNumber):
unpacked_SectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader32.unpack(SHentry[(Index * SectionHeaderEntrySize):((Index * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
# Sections is recombined.
if (Index == 0):
# Address alignment, section will align with alignment of next section.
AlignmentIndex = 8
if (SectionHeaderEntryNumber > 2):
unpacked_NextSectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader32.unpack(SHentry[((Index + 1) * SectionHeaderEntrySize):(((Index + 1) * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, unpacked_NextSectionHeader.sh_addralign)
# Section is last one.
elif (Index == (SectionHeaderEntryNumber - 1)):
# Add new section at the end.
NewUPLEntry += UPLEntry[unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset:(unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset + unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_size)]
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, Alignment)
LastUPLEntrylen = len(NewUPLEntry)
NewUPLEntry += Binary_File
# Address alignment, section will align with alignment of next section.
AlignmentIndex = 8
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, AlignmentIndex)
# section is name string section.
elif (Index == StringIndexNumber):
# StringIndex is String Index section
StringIndex = UPLEntry[unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset:(unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset + unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_size)]
# Read name of added Section after StringIndex is transform into string.
StringIndex = bytearray(StringIndex)
StringIndexValue = len(StringIndex)
AddSectionName = bytearray(AddSectionName, encoding='utf-8') + bytes('\0', encoding='utf-8')
StringIndex += AddSectionName
NewUPLEntry += StringIndex
# section after name string section but not last one.
elif ((Index > StringIndexNumber) and (Index < (SectionHeaderEntryNumber - 1))):
NewUPLEntry += UPLEntry[unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset:(unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset + unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_size)]
# Address alignment, section will align with alignment of next section.
unpacked_NextSectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader32.unpack(SHentry[((Index + 1) * SectionHeaderEntrySize):(((Index + 1) * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, unpacked_NextSectionHeader.sh_addralign)
# Section before name string section.
NewUPLEntry += UPLEntry[unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset:(unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_offset + unpacked_SectionHeader.sh_size)]
# Address alignment, section will align with alignment of next section.
if (Index < (SectionHeaderEntryNumber - 1)):
unpacked_NextSectionHeader = ElfSectionHeader32.unpack(SHentry[((Index + 1) * SectionHeaderEntrySize):(((Index + 1) * SectionHeaderEntrySize) + SectionHeaderEntrySize)])
NewUPLEntry = SectionAlignment(NewUPLEntry, unpacked_NextSectionHeader.sh_addralign)
SectionHeaderOffset = len(NewUPLEntry)
RemoveNameOffset = 0
# Add section header
for Number in range(0, (SectionHeaderEntryNumber)):
NewSHentry = AddSectionHeader32(SHentry, NewUPLEntrylen[Number], SectionHeaderEntrySize, Number, RemoveNameOffset, AddSectionName, StringIndexNumber)
NewUPLEntry += NewSHentry
NewUPLEntry += bytearray(AddNewSectionEntry32(LastUPLEntrylen, StringIndexValue, len(Binary_File), Alignment))
# Modify number of sections and offset of section header in Elf header.
# Modify offset in in Elf header.
elf_header.e_shoff = SectionHeaderOffset
elf_header.e_shnum += 1
PHTableSize = elf_header.e_phentsize
elf_header = elf_header.pack()
UPLEntryBin = elf_header + NewUPLEntry[52:]
# Modify offsets and address of program header table in elf.
PHSegmentName = '.text'
_, ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntrySize, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, _, StringIndexNumber, _ = FindSection(UPLEntryBin, PHSegmentName)
UPLEntryBin = ModifyPHSegmentOffset32(UPLEntryBin, ElfHeaderOffset, PHSegmentName)
# Modify offsets and address of program header table in elf. Its are stored at 0x08-0x0F and 0x10-0x17
PHSegmentName = '.data'
_, ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntrySize, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, _, StringIndexNumber, _ = FindSection(UPLEntryBin, PHSegmentName)
UPLEntryBin = ModifyPHSegmentOffset32(UPLEntryBin, ElfHeaderOffset, PHSegmentName)
return UPLEntryBin
def ReplaceFv (UniversalPayloadEntry, FileBinary, AddSectionName, Alignment = 16):
with open(UniversalPayloadEntry,'rb+') as f:
UPLEntry = f.read()
SectionNameOffset, ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntrySize, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, _, StringIndexNumber, EI_CLASS = FindSection(UPLEntry, AddSectionName)
# If elf is 64-bit objects.
if (EI_CLASS == 2):
# Remove section if it exists.
if (SectionNameOffset != -1):
RemoveSection64(UniversalPayloadEntry, AddSectionName)
# Add section.
NewUPLEntry = AddSection64(UniversalPayloadEntry, AddSectionName, ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntrySize, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, StringIndexNumber, FileBinary, Alignment)
# If elf is 32-bit objects.
# Remove section if it exists.
if (SectionNameOffset != -1):
RemoveSection32(UniversalPayloadEntry, AddSectionName)
# Add section.
NewUPLEntry = AddSection32(UniversalPayloadEntry, AddSectionName, ElfHeaderOffset, SectionHeaderEntrySize, SectionHeaderEntryNumber, StringIndexNumber, FileBinary, Alignment)
with open(UniversalPayloadEntry,'wb') as f:
return 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
## @file
# This file is used to replace FV.
# Copyright (c) 2023, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
## Both file path and directory path are accepted.
"IgnoreFiles": [

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import os
import shutil
import sys
from ctypes import *
from Tools.ElfFv import ReplaceFv
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
class UPLD_INFO_HEADER(LittleEndianStructure):
@ -36,106 +36,56 @@ class UPLD_INFO_HEADER(LittleEndianStructure):
self.ImageId = b'UEFI'
self.ProducerId = b'INTEL'
def GenSpecRevision (Argument):
(MajorStr, MinorStr) = Argument.split('.')
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is not a valid SpecRevision format (Major[8-bits].Minor[8-bits]).'.format (Argument))
# Spec Revision Bits 15 : 8 - Major Version. Bits 7 : 0 - Minor Version.
if len(MinorStr) > 0 and len(MinorStr) < 3:
Minor = int(MinorStr, 16) if len(MinorStr) == 2 else (int(MinorStr, 16) << 4)
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} Minor version of SpecRevision is not a valid integer value.'.format (Argument))
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is not a valid SpecRevision format (Major[8-bits].Minor[8-bits]).'.format (Argument))
def BuildUniversalPayload(Args):
def RunCommand(cmd):
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,cwd=os.environ['WORKSPACE'])
while True:
line = p.stdout.readline()
if not line:
if len(MajorStr) > 0 and len(MajorStr) < 3:
Major = int(MajorStr, 16)
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} Major version of SpecRevision is not a valid integer value.'.format (Argument))
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is not a valid SpecRevision format (Major[8-bits].Minor[8-bits]).'.format (Argument))
if p.returncode != 0:
print("- Failed - error happened when run command: %s"%cmd)
raise Exception("ERROR: when run command: %s"%cmd)
return int('0x{0:02x}{1:02x}'.format(Major, Minor), 0)
def Validate32BitInteger (Argument):
Value = int (Argument, 0)
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is not a valid integer value.'.format (Argument))
if Value < 0:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is a negative value.'.format (Argument))
if Value > 0xffffffff:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is larger than 32-bits.'.format (Argument))
return Value
def RunCommand(cmd):
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,cwd=os.environ['WORKSPACE'])
while True:
line = p.stdout.readline()
if not line:
if p.returncode != 0:
print("- Failed - error happened when run command: %s"%cmd)
raise Exception("ERROR: when run command: %s"%cmd)
def BuildUniversalPayload(Args, MacroList):
BuildTarget = Args.Target
ToolChain = Args.ToolChain
Quiet = "--quiet" if Args.Quiet else ""
ElfToolChain = 'CLANGDWARF'
BuildDir = os.path.join(os.environ['WORKSPACE'], os.path.normpath("Build/UefiPayloadPkgX64"))
BuildModule = ""
BuildArch = ""
if Args.Arch == 'X64':
BuildArch = "X64"
ObjCopyFlag = "elf64-x86-64"
EntryOutputDir = os.path.join(BuildDir, "{}_{}".format (BuildTarget, ElfToolChain), os.path.normpath("X64/UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadEntry/UniversalPayloadEntry/DEBUG/UniversalPayloadEntry.dll"))
BuildArch = "IA32 -a X64"
ObjCopyFlag = "elf32-i386"
EntryOutputDir = os.path.join(BuildDir, "{}_{}".format (BuildTarget, ElfToolChain), os.path.normpath("IA32/UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadEntry/UniversalPayloadEntry/DEBUG/UniversalPayloadEntry.dll"))
if Args.PreBuildUplBinary is not None:
EntryOutputDir = os.path.abspath(Args.PreBuildUplBinary)
EntryModuleInf = os.path.normpath("UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadEntry/UniversalPayloadEntry.inf")
DscPath = os.path.normpath("UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.dsc")
DxeFvOutputDir = os.path.join(BuildDir, "{}_{}".format (BuildTarget, ToolChain), os.path.normpath("FV/DXEFV.Fv"))
BdsFvOutputDir = os.path.join(BuildDir, "{}_{}".format (BuildTarget, ToolChain), os.path.normpath("FV/BDSFV.Fv"))
NetworkFvOutputDir = os.path.join(BuildDir, "{}_{}".format (BuildTarget, ToolChain), os.path.normpath("FV/NETWORKFV.Fv"))
PayloadReportPath = os.path.join(BuildDir, "UefiUniversalPayload.txt")
ModuleReportPath = os.path.join(BuildDir, "UefiUniversalPayloadEntry.txt")
UpldInfoFile = os.path.join(BuildDir, "UniversalPayloadInfo.bin")
if "CLANG_BIN" in os.environ:
LlvmObjcopyPath = os.path.join(os.environ["CLANG_BIN"], "llvm-objcopy")
LlvmObjcopyPath = "llvm-objcopy"
RunCommand('"%s" --version'%LlvmObjcopyPath)
print("- Failed - Please check if LLVM is installed or if CLANG_BIN is set correctly")
Pcds = ""
if (Args.pcd != None):
for PcdItem in Args.pcd:
Pcds += " --pcd {}".format (PcdItem)
Defines = ""
for key in MacroList:
Defines +=" -D {0}={1}".format(key, MacroList[key])
if (Args.Macro != None):
for MacroItem in Args.Macro:
Defines += " -D {}".format (MacroItem)
# Building DXE core and DXE drivers as DXEFV.
if Args.BuildEntryOnly == False:
PayloadReportPath = os.path.join(BuildDir, "UefiUniversalPayload.txt")
BuildPayload = "build -p {} -b {} -a X64 -t {} -y {} {}".format (DscPath, BuildTarget, ToolChain, PayloadReportPath, Quiet)
BuildPayload += Pcds
BuildPayload += Defines
@ -144,6 +94,7 @@ def BuildUniversalPayload(Args, MacroList):
# Building Universal Payload entry.
if Args.PreBuildUplBinary is None:
EntryModuleInf = os.path.normpath("UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadEntry/UniversalPayloadEntry.inf")
BuildModule = "build -p {} -b {} -a {} -m {} -t {} -y {} {}".format (DscPath, BuildTarget, BuildArch, EntryModuleInf, ElfToolChain, ModuleReportPath, Quiet)
BuildModule += Pcds
BuildModule += Defines
@ -151,59 +102,80 @@ def BuildUniversalPayload(Args, MacroList):
# Buid Universal Payload Information Section ".upld_info"
upld_info_hdr = UPLD_INFO_HEADER()
upld_info_hdr = UPLD_INFO_HEADER()
upld_info_hdr.SpecRevision = Args.SpecRevision
upld_info_hdr.Revision = Args.Revision
upld_info_hdr.ProducerId = Args.ProducerId.encode()[:16]
upld_info_hdr.ImageId = Args.ImageId.encode()[:16]
upld_info_hdr.Attribute |= 1 if BuildTarget == "DEBUG" else 0
upld_info_hdr.Revision = Args.Revision
upld_info_hdr.ProducerId = Args.ProducerId.encode()[:16]
upld_info_hdr.ImageId = Args.ImageId.encode()[:16]
upld_info_hdr.Attribute |= 1 if BuildTarget == "DEBUG" else 0
fp = open(UpldInfoFile, 'wb')
MultiFvList = []
if Args.BuildEntryOnly == False:
# Copy the DXEFV as a section in elf format Universal Payload entry.
remove_section = '"{}" -I {} -O {} --remove-section .upld_info --remove-section .upld.uefi_fv --remove-section .upld.bds_fv {}'.format (
add_section = '"{}" -I {} -O {} --add-section .upld_info={} --add-section .upld.uefi_fv={} --add-section .upld.bds_fv={} {}'.format (
set_section = '"{}" -I {} -O {} --set-section-alignment .upld_info=4 --set-section-alignment .upld.uefi_fv=16 --set-section-alignment .upld.bds_fv=16 {}'.format (
# Append network fv to sections if exists
if os.path.isfile(NetworkFvOutputDir):
index = remove_section.find(EntryOutputDir)
remove_section = remove_section[:index] + '--remove-section .upld.network_fv ' + remove_section[index:]
index = add_section.find(EntryOutputDir)
add_section = add_section[:index] + '--add-section .upld.network_fv=' + NetworkFvOutputDir + ' ' + add_section[index:]
index = set_section.find(EntryOutputDir)
set_section = set_section[:index] + '--set-section-alignment .upld.network_fv=16 ' + set_section[index:]
MultiFvList = [
['uefi_fv', os.path.join(BuildDir, "{}_{}".format (BuildTarget, ToolChain), os.path.normpath("FV/DXEFV.Fv")) ],
['bds_fv', os.path.join(BuildDir, "{}_{}".format (BuildTarget, ToolChain), os.path.normpath("FV/BDSFV.Fv")) ],
['network_fv', os.path.join(BuildDir, "{}_{}".format (BuildTarget, ToolChain), os.path.normpath("FV/NETWORKFV.Fv")) ],
AddSectionName = '.upld_info'
ReplaceFv (EntryOutputDir, UpldInfoFile, AddSectionName, Alignment = 4)
shutil.copy (EntryOutputDir, os.path.join(BuildDir, 'UniversalPayload.elf'))
return MultiFvList, os.path.join(BuildDir, 'UniversalPayload.elf')
def main():
def ValidateSpecRevision (Argument):
(MajorStr, MinorStr) = Argument.split('.')
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is not a valid SpecRevision format (Major[8-bits].Minor[8-bits]).'.format (Argument))
# Spec Revision Bits 15 : 8 - Major Version. Bits 7 : 0 - Minor Version.
if len(MinorStr) > 0 and len(MinorStr) < 3:
Minor = int(MinorStr, 16) if len(MinorStr) == 2 else (int(MinorStr, 16) << 4)
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} Minor version of SpecRevision is not a valid integer value.'.format (Argument))
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is not a valid SpecRevision format (Major[8-bits].Minor[8-bits]).'.format (Argument))
if len(MajorStr) > 0 and len(MajorStr) < 3:
Major = int(MajorStr, 16)
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} Major version of SpecRevision is not a valid integer value.'.format (Argument))
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is not a valid SpecRevision format (Major[8-bits].Minor[8-bits]).'.format (Argument))
return int('0x{0:02x}{1:02x}'.format(Major, Minor), 0)
def Validate32BitInteger (Argument):
Value = int (Argument, 0)
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is not a valid integer value.'.format (Argument))
if Value < 0:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is a negative value.'.format (Argument))
if Value > 0xffffffff:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is larger than 32-bits.'.format (Argument))
return Value
def ValidateAddFv (Argument):
Value = Argument.split ("=")
if len (Value) != 2:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is incorrect format with "xxx_fv=xxx.fv"'.format (Argument))
if Value[0][-3:] != "_fv":
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is incorrect format with "xxx_fv=xxx.fv"'.format (Argument))
if Value[1][-3:].lower () != ".fv":
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is incorrect format with "xxx_fv=xxx.fv"'.format (Argument))
if os.path.exists (Value[1]) == False:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('File {} is not found.'.format (Value[1]))
return Value
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='For building Universal Payload')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--ToolChain')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--Target', default='DEBUG')
@ -212,22 +184,32 @@ def main():
parser.add_argument('-i', '--ImageId', type=str, help='Specify payload ID (16 bytes maximal).', default ='UEFI')
parser.add_argument('-q', '--Quiet', action='store_true', help='Disable all build messages except FATAL ERRORS.')
parser.add_argument("-p", "--pcd", action="append")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--SpecRevision", type=GenSpecRevision, default ='0.7', help='Indicates compliance with a revision of this specification in the BCD format.')
parser.add_argument("-s", "--SpecRevision", type=ValidateSpecRevision, default ='0.7', help='Indicates compliance with a revision of this specification in the BCD format.')
parser.add_argument("-r", "--Revision", type=Validate32BitInteger, default ='0x0000010105', help='Revision of the Payload binary. Major.Minor.Revision.Build')
parser.add_argument("-o", "--ProducerId", default ='INTEL', help='A null-terminated OEM-supplied string that identifies the payload producer (16 bytes maximal).')
parser.add_argument("-e", "--BuildEntryOnly", action='store_true', help='Build UniversalPayload Entry file')
parser.add_argument("-pb", "--PreBuildUplBinary", default=None, help='Specify the UniversalPayload file')
MacroList = {}
parser.add_argument("-sk", "--SkipBuild", action='store_true', help='Skip UniversalPayload build')
parser.add_argument("-af", "--AddFv", type=ValidateAddFv, action='append', help='Add or replace specific FV into payload, Ex: uefi_fv=XXX.fv')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.Macro is not None:
for Argument in args.Macro:
if Argument.count('=') != 1:
print("Unknown variable passed in: %s"%Argument)
raise Exception("ERROR: Unknown variable passed in: %s"%Argument)
tokens = Argument.strip().split('=')
MacroList[tokens[0].upper()] = tokens[1]
BuildUniversalPayload(args, MacroList)
print ("Successfully build Universal Payload")
MultiFvList = []
UniversalPayloadBinary = args.PreBuildUplBinary
if (args.SkipBuild == False):
MultiFvList, UniversalPayloadBinary = BuildUniversalPayload(args)
if (args.AddFv != None):
for (SectionName, SectionFvFile) in args.AddFv:
MultiFvList.append ([SectionName, SectionFvFile])
if (UniversalPayloadBinary != None):
for (SectionName, SectionFvFile) in MultiFvList:
if os.path.exists (SectionFvFile) == False:
print ("Patch {}={} into {}".format (SectionName, SectionFvFile, UniversalPayloadBinary))
ReplaceFv (UniversalPayloadBinary, SectionFvFile, '.upld.{}'.format (SectionName))
print ("\nSuccessfully build Universal Payload")
if __name__ == '__main__':