UefiCpuPkg: Use Top of each AP's stack to save CpuMpData

To remove the dependency of CPU register, 4/8 byte at the top of the
stack is occupied for CpuMpData. BIST information is also taken care
here. This modification is only for PEI phase, since in DXE phase
CpuMpData is accessed via global variable.

Signed-off-by: Yuanhao Xie <yuanhao.xie@intel.com>
Cc: Eric Dong <eric.dong@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Ray Ni <ray.ni@intel.com>
Cc: Rahul Kumar <rahul1.kumar@intel.com>
This commit is contained in:
Yuanhao Xie 2022-08-19 14:17:28 +08:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent 76cf3d35e6
commit 9ab2b34dd4
5 changed files with 59 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -179,6 +179,14 @@ ProgramStack:
mov esp, dword [edi + CPU_INFO_IN_HOB.ApTopOfStack]
; Reserve 4 bytes for CpuMpData.
; When the AP wakes up again via INIT-SIPI-SIPI, push 0 will cause the existing CpuMpData to be overwritten with 0.
; CpuMpData is filled in via InitializeApData() during the first time INIT-SIPI-SIPI,
; while overwirrten may occurs when under ApInHltLoop but InitFlag is not set to ApInitConfig.
; Therefore reservation is implemented by sub esp instead of push 0.
sub esp, 4
push ebp ; push BIST data at top of AP stack
xor ebp, ebp ; clear ebp for call stack trace
push ebp

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@ -599,6 +599,7 @@ InitializeApData (
CpuInfoInHob = (CPU_INFO_IN_HOB *)(UINTN)CpuMpData->CpuInfoInHob;
CpuInfoInHob[ProcessorNumber].InitialApicId = GetInitialApicId ();
@ -606,6 +607,12 @@ InitializeApData (
CpuInfoInHob[ProcessorNumber].Health = BistData;
CpuInfoInHob[ProcessorNumber].ApTopOfStack = ApTopOfStack;
// AP_STACK_DATA is stored at the top of AP Stack
ApStackData = (AP_STACK_DATA *)((UINTN)ApTopOfStack - sizeof (AP_STACK_DATA));
ApStackData->MpData = CpuMpData;
CpuMpData->CpuData[ProcessorNumber].Waiting = FALSE;
CpuMpData->CpuData[ProcessorNumber].CpuHealthy = (BistData == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
@ -651,6 +658,7 @@ ApWakeupFunction (
UINT64 ApTopOfStack;
UINTN CurrentApicMode;
// AP finished assembly code and begin to execute C code
@ -676,7 +684,9 @@ ApWakeupFunction (
// This is first time AP wakeup, get BIST information from AP stack
ApTopOfStack = CpuMpData->Buffer + (ProcessorNumber + 1) * CpuMpData->CpuApStackSize;
BistData = *(UINT32 *)((UINTN)ApTopOfStack - sizeof (UINTN));
ApStackData = (AP_STACK_DATA *)((UINTN)ApTopOfStack - sizeof (AP_STACK_DATA));
BistData = (UINT32)ApStackData->Bist;
// CpuMpData->CpuData[0].VolatileRegisters is initialized based on BSP environment,
// to initialize AP in InitConfig path.
@ -1824,14 +1834,22 @@ MpInitLibInitialize (
AsmGetAddressMap (&AddressMap);
GetApResetVectorSize (&AddressMap, &ApResetVectorSizeBelow1Mb, &ApResetVectorSizeAbove1Mb);
ApStackSize = PcdGet32 (PcdCpuApStackSize);
ApLoopMode = GetApLoopMode (&MonitorFilterSize);
// ApStackSize must be power of 2
ASSERT ((ApStackSize & (ApStackSize - 1)) == 0);
ApLoopMode = GetApLoopMode (&MonitorFilterSize);
// Save BSP's Control registers for APs.
SaveVolatileRegisters (&VolatileRegisters);
BufferSize = ApStackSize * MaxLogicalProcessorNumber;
BufferSize = ApStackSize * MaxLogicalProcessorNumber;
// Allocate extra ApStackSize to let AP stack align on ApStackSize bounday
BufferSize += ApStackSize;
BufferSize += MonitorFilterSize * MaxLogicalProcessorNumber;
BufferSize += ApResetVectorSizeBelow1Mb;
BufferSize = ALIGN_VALUE (BufferSize, 8);
@ -1841,13 +1859,13 @@ MpInitLibInitialize (
MpBuffer = AllocatePages (EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (BufferSize));
ASSERT (MpBuffer != NULL);
ZeroMem (MpBuffer, BufferSize);
Buffer = (UINTN)MpBuffer;
Buffer = ALIGN_VALUE ((UINTN)MpBuffer, ApStackSize);
// The layout of the Buffer is as below:
// The layout of the Buffer is as below (lower address on top):
// +--------------------+ <-- Buffer
// AP Stacks (N)
// +--------------------+ <-- Buffer (Pointer of CpuMpData is stored in the top of each AP's stack.)
// AP Stacks (N) (StackTop = (RSP + ApStackSize) & ~ApStackSize))
// +--------------------+ <-- MonitorBuffer
// AP Monitor Filters (N)
// +--------------------+ <-- BackupBufferAddr (CpuMpData->BackupBuffer)
@ -1855,7 +1873,7 @@ MpInitLibInitialize (
// +--------------------+
// Padding
// +--------------------+ <-- ApIdtBase (8-byte boundary)
// AP IDT All APs share one separate IDT. So AP can get address of CPU_MP_DATA from IDT Base.
// AP IDT All APs share one separate IDT.
// +--------------------+ <-- CpuMpData
// +--------------------+ <-- CpuMpData->CpuData
@ -1892,10 +1910,11 @@ MpInitLibInitialize (
// Make sure no memory usage outside of the allocated buffer.
// (ApStackSize - (Buffer - (UINTN)MpBuffer)) is the redundant caused by alignment
(CpuMpData->CpuInfoInHob + sizeof (CPU_INFO_IN_HOB) * MaxLogicalProcessorNumber) ==
Buffer + BufferSize
(UINTN)MpBuffer + BufferSize - (ApStackSize - Buffer + (UINTN)MpBuffer)

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@ -301,6 +301,14 @@ struct _CPU_MP_DATA {
UINT64 GhcbBase;
// AP_STACK_DATA is stored at the top of each AP stack.
typedef struct {
#define AP_SAFE_STACK_SIZE 128

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@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ EnableDebugAgent (
Get pointer to CPU MP Data structure.
For BSP, the pointer is retrieved from HOB.
For AP, the structure is just after IDT.
For AP, the structure is stored in the top of each AP's stack.
@return The pointer to CPU MP Data structure.
@ -100,15 +100,17 @@ GetCpuMpData (
UINTN ApTopOfStack;
ApicBaseMsr.Uint64 = AsmReadMsr64 (MSR_IA32_APIC_BASE);
if (ApicBaseMsr.Bits.BSP == 1) {
CpuMpData = GetCpuMpDataFromGuidedHob ();
ASSERT (CpuMpData != NULL);
} else {
AsmReadIdtr (&Idtr);
CpuMpData = (CPU_MP_DATA *)(Idtr.Base + Idtr.Limit + 1);
ApTopOfStack = ALIGN_VALUE ((UINTN)&ApTopOfStack, (UINTN)PcdGet32 (PcdCpuApStackSize));
ApStackData = (AP_STACK_DATA *)((UINTN)ApTopOfStack- sizeof (AP_STACK_DATA));
CpuMpData = (CPU_MP_DATA *)ApStackData->MpData;
return CpuMpData;

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@ -239,11 +239,20 @@ ProgramStack:
mov rsp, qword [rdi + CPU_INFO_IN_HOB.ApTopOfStack]
; Reserve 8 bytes for CpuMpData.
; When the AP wakes up again via INIT-SIPI-SIPI, push 0 will cause the existing CpuMpData to be overwritten with 0.
; CpuMpData is filled in via InitializeApData() during the first time INIT-SIPI-SIPI,
; while overwirrten may occurs when under ApInHltLoop but InitFlag is not set to ApInitConfig.
; Therefore reservation is implemented by sub rsp instead of push 0.
sub rsp, 8
push rbp ; Push BIST data at top of AP stack
xor rbp, rbp ; Clear ebp for call stack trace
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push qword 0 ; Push 8 bytes for alignment
mov rax, qword [esi + MP_CPU_EXCHANGE_INFO_FIELD (InitializeFloatingPointUnits)]
sub rsp, 20h
call rax ; Call assembly function to initialize FPU per UEFI spec