MdeModulePkg PeiCore: Recheck SwitchStackSignal after ProcessNotifyList()

in case PeiInstallPeiMemory() is done in a callback with
EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR_NOTIFY_DISPATCH, and the callback is registered on
a PPI that is installed in the last PEIM.

At the case, PeiCore SwitchStack code will be not being invoked.

Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0
Signed-off-by: Star Zeng <>
Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
Reviewed-by: Jiewen Yao <>

git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
This commit is contained in:
Star Zeng 2015-08-25 07:05:48 +00:00 committed by lzeng14
parent a60a462e53
commit bfb685da6f
1 changed files with 293 additions and 263 deletions

View File

@ -626,6 +626,291 @@ PeiCoreEntry (
PeiCore (SecCoreData, NULL, Private);
Check SwitchStackSignal and switch stack if SwitchStackSignal is TRUE.
@param[in] SecCoreData Points to a data structure containing information about the PEI core's operating
environment, such as the size and location of temporary RAM, the stack location and
the BFV location.
@param[in] Private Pointer to the private data passed in from caller.
PeiCheckAndSwitchStack (
VOID *LoadFixPeiCodeBegin;
UINT64 NewStackSize;
UINTN StackOffset;
BOOLEAN StackOffsetPositive;
UINTN TemporaryRamSize;
UINTN TemporaryStackSize;
VOID *TemporaryStackBase;
UINTN PeiTemporaryRamSize;
VOID *PeiTemporaryRamBase;
UINTN HoleMemSize;
UINTN HeapTemporaryRamSize;
UINTN TempSize1;
UINTN TempSize2;
UINTN Index;
PeiServices = (CONST EFI_PEI_SERVICES **) &Private->Ps;
if (Private->SwitchStackSignal) {
// Before switch stack from temporary memory to permenent memory, calculate the heap and stack
// usage in temporary memory for debuging.
UINT32 *StackPointer;
for (StackPointer = (UINT32*)SecCoreData->StackBase;
(StackPointer < (UINT32*)((UINTN)SecCoreData->StackBase + SecCoreData->StackSize)) \
&& (*StackPointer == INIT_CAR_VALUE);
StackPointer ++);
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Temp Stack : BaseAddress=0x%p Length=0x%X\n", SecCoreData->StackBase, (UINT32)SecCoreData->StackSize));
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Temp Heap : BaseAddress=0x%p Length=0x%X\n", Private->HobList.Raw, (UINT32)((UINTN) Private->HobList.HandoffInformationTable->EfiFreeMemoryBottom - (UINTN) Private->HobList.Raw)));
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Total temporary memory: %d bytes.\n", (UINT32)SecCoreData->TemporaryRamSize));
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, " temporary memory stack ever used: %d bytes.\n",
(UINT32)(SecCoreData->StackSize - ((UINTN) StackPointer - (UINTN)SecCoreData->StackBase))
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, " temporary memory heap used: %d bytes.\n",
(UINT32)((UINTN)Private->HobList.HandoffInformationTable->EfiFreeMemoryBottom - (UINTN)Private->HobList.Raw)
if (PcdGet64(PcdLoadModuleAtFixAddressEnable) != 0 && (Private->HobList.HandoffInformationTable->BootMode != BOOT_ON_S3_RESUME)) {
// Loading Module at Fixed Address is enabled
PeiLoadFixAddressHook (Private);
// If Loading Module at Fixed Address is enabled, Allocating memory range for Pei code range.
LoadFixPeiCodeBegin = AllocatePages((UINTN)PcdGet32(PcdLoadFixAddressPeiCodePageNumber));
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "LOADING MODULE FIXED INFO: PeiCodeBegin = 0x%lX, PeiCodeTop= 0x%lX\n", (UINT64)(UINTN)LoadFixPeiCodeBegin, (UINT64)((UINTN)LoadFixPeiCodeBegin + PcdGet32(PcdLoadFixAddressPeiCodePageNumber) * EFI_PAGE_SIZE)));
// Reserve the size of new stack at bottom of physical memory
// The size of new stack in permenent memory must be the same size
// or larger than the size of old stack in temporary memory.
// But if new stack is smaller than the size of old stack, we also reserve
// the size of old stack at bottom of permenent memory.
NewStackSize = RShiftU64 (Private->PhysicalMemoryLength, 1);
NewStackSize = ALIGN_VALUE (NewStackSize, EFI_PAGE_SIZE);
NewStackSize = MIN (PcdGet32(PcdPeiCoreMaxPeiStackSize), NewStackSize);
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Old Stack size %d, New stack size %d\n", (UINT32)SecCoreData->StackSize, (UINT32)NewStackSize));
ASSERT (NewStackSize >= SecCoreData->StackSize);
// Calculate stack offset and heap offset between temporary memory and new permement
// memory seperately.
TopOfOldStack = (UINTN)SecCoreData->StackBase + SecCoreData->StackSize;
TopOfNewStack = Private->PhysicalMemoryBegin + NewStackSize;
if (TopOfNewStack >= TopOfOldStack) {
StackOffsetPositive = TRUE;
StackOffset = (UINTN)(TopOfNewStack - TopOfOldStack);
} else {
StackOffsetPositive = FALSE;
StackOffset = (UINTN)(TopOfOldStack - TopOfNewStack);
Private->StackOffsetPositive = StackOffsetPositive;
Private->StackOffset = StackOffset;
// Build Stack HOB that describes the permanent memory stack
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Stack Hob: BaseAddress=0x%lX Length=0x%lX\n", TopOfNewStack - NewStackSize, NewStackSize));
BuildStackHob (TopOfNewStack - NewStackSize, NewStackSize);
// Cache information from SecCoreData into locals before SecCoreData is converted to a permanent memory address
TemporaryRamBase = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)SecCoreData->TemporaryRamBase;
TemporaryRamSize = SecCoreData->TemporaryRamSize;
TemporaryStackSize = SecCoreData->StackSize;
TemporaryStackBase = SecCoreData->StackBase;
PeiTemporaryRamSize = SecCoreData->PeiTemporaryRamSize;
PeiTemporaryRamBase = SecCoreData->PeiTemporaryRamBase;
// TemporaryRamSupportPpi is produced by platform's SEC
Status = PeiServicesLocatePpi (
if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
// Heap Offset
BaseOfNewHeap = TopOfNewStack;
if (BaseOfNewHeap >= (UINTN)SecCoreData->PeiTemporaryRamBase) {
Private->HeapOffsetPositive = TRUE;
Private->HeapOffset = (UINTN)(BaseOfNewHeap - (UINTN)SecCoreData->PeiTemporaryRamBase);
} else {
Private->HeapOffsetPositive = FALSE;
Private->HeapOffset = (UINTN)((UINTN)SecCoreData->PeiTemporaryRamBase - BaseOfNewHeap);
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Heap Offset = 0x%lX Stack Offset = 0x%lX\n", (UINT64) Private->HeapOffset, (UINT64) Private->StackOffset));
// Calculate new HandOffTable and PrivateData address in permanent memory's stack
if (StackOffsetPositive) {
SecCoreData = (CONST EFI_SEC_PEI_HAND_OFF *)((UINTN)(VOID *)SecCoreData + StackOffset);
Private = (PEI_CORE_INSTANCE *)((UINTN)(VOID *)Private + StackOffset);
} else {
SecCoreData = (CONST EFI_SEC_PEI_HAND_OFF *)((UINTN)(VOID *)SecCoreData - StackOffset);
Private = (PEI_CORE_INSTANCE *)((UINTN)(VOID *)Private - StackOffset);
// Temporary Ram Support PPI is provided by platform, it will copy
// temporary memory to permenent memory and do stack switching.
// After invoking Temporary Ram Support PPI, the following code's
// stack is in permanent memory.
TemporaryRamSupportPpi->TemporaryRamMigration (
(EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)(TopOfNewStack - TemporaryStackSize),
// Entry PEI Phase 2
PeiCore (SecCoreData, NULL, Private);
} else {
// Migrate the PEI Services Table pointer from temporary RAM to permanent RAM.
MigratePeiServicesTablePointer ();
// Heap Offset
BaseOfNewHeap = TopOfNewStack;
HoleMemBase = TopOfNewStack;
HoleMemSize = TemporaryRamSize - PeiTemporaryRamSize - TemporaryStackSize;
if (HoleMemSize != 0) {
// Make sure HOB List start address is 8 byte alignment.
BaseOfNewHeap = ALIGN_VALUE (BaseOfNewHeap + HoleMemSize, 8);
if (BaseOfNewHeap >= (UINTN)SecCoreData->PeiTemporaryRamBase) {
Private->HeapOffsetPositive = TRUE;
Private->HeapOffset = (UINTN)(BaseOfNewHeap - (UINTN)SecCoreData->PeiTemporaryRamBase);
} else {
Private->HeapOffsetPositive = FALSE;
Private->HeapOffset = (UINTN)((UINTN)SecCoreData->PeiTemporaryRamBase - BaseOfNewHeap);
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Heap Offset = 0x%lX Stack Offset = 0x%lX\n", (UINT64) Private->HeapOffset, (UINT64) Private->StackOffset));
// Migrate Heap
HeapTemporaryRamSize = (UINTN) (Private->HobList.HandoffInformationTable->EfiFreeMemoryBottom - Private->HobList.HandoffInformationTable->EfiMemoryBottom);
ASSERT (BaseOfNewHeap + HeapTemporaryRamSize <= Private->FreePhysicalMemoryTop);
CopyMem ((UINT8 *) (UINTN) BaseOfNewHeap, (UINT8 *) PeiTemporaryRamBase, HeapTemporaryRamSize);
// Migrate Stack
CopyMem ((UINT8 *) (UINTN) (TopOfNewStack - TemporaryStackSize), TemporaryStackBase, TemporaryStackSize);
// Copy Hole Range Data
// Convert PPI from Hole.
if (HoleMemSize != 0) {
// Prepare Hole
if (PeiTemporaryRamBase < TemporaryStackBase) {
TempBase1 = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) PeiTemporaryRamBase;
TempSize1 = PeiTemporaryRamSize;
TempBase2 = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) TemporaryStackBase;
TempSize2 = TemporaryStackSize;
} else {
TempBase1 = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) TemporaryStackBase;
TempSize1 = TemporaryStackSize;
TempBase2 =(EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) PeiTemporaryRamBase;
TempSize2 = PeiTemporaryRamSize;
if (TemporaryRamBase < TempBase1) {
Private->HoleData[0].Base = TemporaryRamBase;
Private->HoleData[0].Size = (UINTN) (TempBase1 - TemporaryRamBase);
if (TempBase1 + TempSize1 < TempBase2) {
Private->HoleData[1].Base = TempBase1 + TempSize1;
Private->HoleData[1].Size = (UINTN) (TempBase2 - TempBase1 - TempSize1);
if (TempBase2 + TempSize2 < TemporaryRamBase + TemporaryRamSize) {
Private->HoleData[2].Base = TempBase2 + TempSize2;
Private->HoleData[2].Size = (UINTN) (TemporaryRamBase + TemporaryRamSize - TempBase2 - TempSize2);
// Copy Hole Range data.
for (Index = 0; Index < HOLE_MAX_NUMBER; Index ++) {
if (Private->HoleData[Index].Size > 0) {
if (HoleMemBase > Private->HoleData[Index].Base) {
Private->HoleData[Index].OffsetPositive = TRUE;
Private->HoleData[Index].Offset = (UINTN) (HoleMemBase - Private->HoleData[Index].Base);
} else {
Private->HoleData[Index].OffsetPositive = FALSE;
Private->HoleData[Index].Offset = (UINTN) (Private->HoleData[Index].Base - HoleMemBase);
CopyMem ((VOID *) (UINTN) HoleMemBase, (VOID *) (UINTN) Private->HoleData[Index].Base, Private->HoleData[Index].Size);
HoleMemBase = HoleMemBase + Private->HoleData[Index].Size;
// Switch new stack
SwitchStack (
(VOID *) SecCoreData,
(VOID *) Private,
(VOID *) (UINTN) TopOfNewStack
// Code should not come here
Conduct PEIM dispatch.
@ -654,30 +939,8 @@ PeiDispatcher (
UINTN SaveCurrentPeimCount;
UINTN SaveCurrentFvCount;
EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE SaveCurrentFileHandle;
UINT64 NewStackSize;
UINTN HeapTemporaryRamSize;
UINTN TemporaryRamSize;
UINTN TemporaryStackSize;
VOID *TemporaryStackBase;
UINTN PeiTemporaryRamSize;
VOID *PeiTemporaryRamBase;
UINTN StackOffset;
BOOLEAN StackOffsetPositive;
UINTN HoleMemSize;
VOID *LoadFixPeiCodeBegin;
UINTN TempSize1;
UINTN TempSize2;
UINTN Index;
PeiServices = (CONST EFI_PEI_SERVICES **) &Private->Ps;
PeimEntryPoint = NULL;
@ -853,247 +1116,7 @@ PeiDispatcher (
if (Private->SwitchStackSignal) {
// Before switch stack from temporary memory to permenent memory, calculate the heap and stack
// usage in temporary memory for debuging.
UINT32 *StackPointer;
for (StackPointer = (UINT32*)SecCoreData->StackBase;
(StackPointer < (UINT32*)((UINTN)SecCoreData->StackBase + SecCoreData->StackSize)) \
&& (*StackPointer == INIT_CAR_VALUE);
StackPointer ++);
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Temp Stack : BaseAddress=0x%p Length=0x%X\n", SecCoreData->StackBase, (UINT32)SecCoreData->StackSize));
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Temp Heap : BaseAddress=0x%p Length=0x%X\n", Private->HobList.Raw, (UINT32)((UINTN) Private->HobList.HandoffInformationTable->EfiFreeMemoryBottom - (UINTN) Private->HobList.Raw)));
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Total temporary memory: %d bytes.\n", (UINT32)SecCoreData->TemporaryRamSize));
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, " temporary memory stack ever used: %d bytes.\n",
(UINT32)(SecCoreData->StackSize - ((UINTN) StackPointer - (UINTN)SecCoreData->StackBase))
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, " temporary memory heap used: %d bytes.\n",
(UINT32)((UINTN)Private->HobList.HandoffInformationTable->EfiFreeMemoryBottom - (UINTN)Private->HobList.Raw)
if (PcdGet64(PcdLoadModuleAtFixAddressEnable) != 0 && (Private->HobList.HandoffInformationTable->BootMode != BOOT_ON_S3_RESUME)) {
// Loading Module at Fixed Address is enabled
PeiLoadFixAddressHook (Private);
// If Loading Module at Fixed Address is enabled, Allocating memory range for Pei code range.
LoadFixPeiCodeBegin = AllocatePages((UINTN)PcdGet32(PcdLoadFixAddressPeiCodePageNumber));
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "LOADING MODULE FIXED INFO: PeiCodeBegin = 0x%lX, PeiCodeTop= 0x%lX\n", (UINT64)(UINTN)LoadFixPeiCodeBegin, (UINT64)((UINTN)LoadFixPeiCodeBegin + PcdGet32(PcdLoadFixAddressPeiCodePageNumber) * EFI_PAGE_SIZE)));
// Reserve the size of new stack at bottom of physical memory
// The size of new stack in permenent memory must be the same size
// or larger than the size of old stack in temporary memory.
// But if new stack is smaller than the size of old stack, we also reserve
// the size of old stack at bottom of permenent memory.
NewStackSize = RShiftU64 (Private->PhysicalMemoryLength, 1);
NewStackSize = ALIGN_VALUE (NewStackSize, EFI_PAGE_SIZE);
NewStackSize = MIN (PcdGet32(PcdPeiCoreMaxPeiStackSize), NewStackSize);
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Old Stack size %d, New stack size %d\n", (UINT32)SecCoreData->StackSize, (UINT32)NewStackSize));
ASSERT (NewStackSize >= SecCoreData->StackSize);
// Calculate stack offset and heap offset between temporary memory and new permement
// memory seperately.
TopOfOldStack = (UINTN)SecCoreData->StackBase + SecCoreData->StackSize;
TopOfNewStack = Private->PhysicalMemoryBegin + NewStackSize;
if (TopOfNewStack >= TopOfOldStack) {
StackOffsetPositive = TRUE;
StackOffset = (UINTN)(TopOfNewStack - TopOfOldStack);
} else {
StackOffsetPositive = FALSE;
StackOffset = (UINTN)(TopOfOldStack - TopOfNewStack);
Private->StackOffsetPositive = StackOffsetPositive;
Private->StackOffset = StackOffset;
// Build Stack HOB that describes the permanent memory stack
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Stack Hob: BaseAddress=0x%lX Length=0x%lX\n", TopOfNewStack - NewStackSize, NewStackSize));
BuildStackHob (TopOfNewStack - NewStackSize, NewStackSize);
// Cache information from SecCoreData into locals before SecCoreData is converted to a permanent memory address
TemporaryRamBase = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)SecCoreData->TemporaryRamBase;
TemporaryRamSize = SecCoreData->TemporaryRamSize;
TemporaryStackSize = SecCoreData->StackSize;
TemporaryStackBase = SecCoreData->StackBase;
PeiTemporaryRamSize = SecCoreData->PeiTemporaryRamSize;
PeiTemporaryRamBase = SecCoreData->PeiTemporaryRamBase;
// TemporaryRamSupportPpi is produced by platform's SEC
Status = PeiServicesLocatePpi (
if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
// Heap Offset
BaseOfNewHeap = TopOfNewStack;
if (BaseOfNewHeap >= (UINTN)SecCoreData->PeiTemporaryRamBase) {
Private->HeapOffsetPositive = TRUE;
Private->HeapOffset = (UINTN)(BaseOfNewHeap - (UINTN)SecCoreData->PeiTemporaryRamBase);
} else {
Private->HeapOffsetPositive = FALSE;
Private->HeapOffset = (UINTN)((UINTN)SecCoreData->PeiTemporaryRamBase - BaseOfNewHeap);
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Heap Offset = 0x%lX Stack Offset = 0x%lX\n", (UINT64) Private->HeapOffset, (UINT64) Private->StackOffset));
// Calculate new HandOffTable and PrivateData address in permanent memory's stack
if (StackOffsetPositive) {
SecCoreData = (CONST EFI_SEC_PEI_HAND_OFF *)((UINTN)(VOID *)SecCoreData + StackOffset);
Private = (PEI_CORE_INSTANCE *)((UINTN)(VOID *)Private + StackOffset);
} else {
SecCoreData = (CONST EFI_SEC_PEI_HAND_OFF *)((UINTN)(VOID *)SecCoreData - StackOffset);
Private = (PEI_CORE_INSTANCE *)((UINTN)(VOID *)Private - StackOffset);
// Temporary Ram Support PPI is provided by platform, it will copy
// temporary memory to permenent memory and do stack switching.
// After invoking Temporary Ram Support PPI, the following code's
// stack is in permanent memory.
TemporaryRamSupportPpi->TemporaryRamMigration (
(EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)(TopOfNewStack - TemporaryStackSize),
// Entry PEI Phase 2
PeiCore (SecCoreData, NULL, Private);
} else {
// Migrate the PEI Services Table pointer from temporary RAM to permanent RAM.
MigratePeiServicesTablePointer ();
// Heap Offset
BaseOfNewHeap = TopOfNewStack;
HoleMemBase = TopOfNewStack;
HoleMemSize = TemporaryRamSize - PeiTemporaryRamSize - TemporaryStackSize;
if (HoleMemSize != 0) {
// Make sure HOB List start address is 8 byte alignment.
BaseOfNewHeap = ALIGN_VALUE (BaseOfNewHeap + HoleMemSize, 8);
if (BaseOfNewHeap >= (UINTN)SecCoreData->PeiTemporaryRamBase) {
Private->HeapOffsetPositive = TRUE;
Private->HeapOffset = (UINTN)(BaseOfNewHeap - (UINTN)SecCoreData->PeiTemporaryRamBase);
} else {
Private->HeapOffsetPositive = FALSE;
Private->HeapOffset = (UINTN)((UINTN)SecCoreData->PeiTemporaryRamBase - BaseOfNewHeap);
DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Heap Offset = 0x%lX Stack Offset = 0x%lX\n", (UINT64) Private->HeapOffset, (UINT64) Private->StackOffset));
// Migrate Heap
HeapTemporaryRamSize = (UINTN) (Private->HobList.HandoffInformationTable->EfiFreeMemoryBottom - Private->HobList.HandoffInformationTable->EfiMemoryBottom);
ASSERT (BaseOfNewHeap + HeapTemporaryRamSize <= Private->FreePhysicalMemoryTop);
CopyMem ((UINT8 *) (UINTN) BaseOfNewHeap, (UINT8 *) PeiTemporaryRamBase, HeapTemporaryRamSize);
// Migrate Stack
CopyMem ((UINT8 *) (UINTN) (TopOfNewStack - TemporaryStackSize), TemporaryStackBase, TemporaryStackSize);
// Copy Hole Range Data
// Convert PPI from Hole.
if (HoleMemSize != 0) {
// Prepare Hole
if (PeiTemporaryRamBase < TemporaryStackBase) {
TempBase1 = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) PeiTemporaryRamBase;
TempSize1 = PeiTemporaryRamSize;
TempBase2 = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) TemporaryStackBase;
TempSize2 = TemporaryStackSize;
} else {
TempBase1 = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) TemporaryStackBase;
TempSize1 = TemporaryStackSize;
TempBase2 =(EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) PeiTemporaryRamBase;
TempSize2 = PeiTemporaryRamSize;
if (TemporaryRamBase < TempBase1) {
Private->HoleData[0].Base = TemporaryRamBase;
Private->HoleData[0].Size = (UINTN) (TempBase1 - TemporaryRamBase);
if (TempBase1 + TempSize1 < TempBase2) {
Private->HoleData[1].Base = TempBase1 + TempSize1;
Private->HoleData[1].Size = (UINTN) (TempBase2 - TempBase1 - TempSize1);
if (TempBase2 + TempSize2 < TemporaryRamBase + TemporaryRamSize) {
Private->HoleData[2].Base = TempBase2 + TempSize2;
Private->HoleData[2].Size = (UINTN) (TemporaryRamBase + TemporaryRamSize - TempBase2 - TempSize2);
// Copy Hole Range data.
for (Index = 0; Index < HOLE_MAX_NUMBER; Index ++) {
if (Private->HoleData[Index].Size > 0) {
if (HoleMemBase > Private->HoleData[Index].Base) {
Private->HoleData[Index].OffsetPositive = TRUE;
Private->HoleData[Index].Offset = (UINTN) (HoleMemBase - Private->HoleData[Index].Base);
} else {
Private->HoleData[Index].OffsetPositive = FALSE;
Private->HoleData[Index].Offset = (UINTN) (Private->HoleData[Index].Base - HoleMemBase);
CopyMem ((VOID *) (UINTN) HoleMemBase, (VOID *) (UINTN) Private->HoleData[Index].Base, Private->HoleData[Index].Size);
HoleMemBase = HoleMemBase + Private->HoleData[Index].Size;
// Switch new stack
SwitchStack (
(VOID *) SecCoreData,
(VOID *) Private,
(VOID *) (UINTN) TopOfNewStack
// Code should not come here
PeiCheckAndSwitchStack (SecCoreData, Private);
// Process the Notify list and dispatch any notifies for
@ -1101,6 +1124,13 @@ PeiDispatcher (
ProcessNotifyList (Private);
// Recheck SwitchStackSignal after ProcessNotifyList()
// in case PeiInstallPeiMemory() is done in a callback with
PeiCheckAndSwitchStack (SecCoreData, Private);
if ((Private->PeiMemoryInstalled) && (Private->Fv[FvCount].PeimState[PeimCount] == PEIM_STATE_REGISITER_FOR_SHADOW) && \
(Private->HobList.HandoffInformationTable->BootMode != BOOT_ON_S3_RESUME || PcdGetBool (PcdShadowPeimOnS3Boot))) {