EmulatorPkg: Fix Source Level Debug on Windows

The Visual Studio Windows debugger will only load symbols for PE/COFF images
that Windows is aware of. Therefore, to enable source level debugging, all
PEI/DXE modules must be loaded via LoadLibrary() or LoadLibraryEx() and the
the instance in memory created by LoadLibrary() must be the one that is
actually executed.

The current source level debug implementation in EmulatorPkg for Windows is
inherited from the old Nt32Pkg. This implementation makes the assumption that
all PEI/DXE modules have a DLL export tables with a symbol named
InitializeDriver. Therefore, this source level debug implementation requires
all modules to be linked in a non-PI spec defined manner. Support for adding
the InitializeDriver symbol was removed in EmulatorPkg, which broke source
level debugging.

To fix this, the source level debugging implementation has been modified to
use the PE/COFF entry point directly. This brings the implementation into
compliance with the PI spec and should work with any PEIM/DXE driver.
Implementing this requires parsing the in-memory instance of the PE/COFF image
created by Windows to find the entrypoint and since PEIMs/DXE drivers are not
garunteed to have 4KB aligned sections, it also requires explicit configuration
of the page table using VirtualProtect().

With this fix, the debugging experience is now so good it is unprecedented!
In Visual Studio Code, add the following to launch.json:

  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "name": "EmulatorPkg Launch",
      "type": "cppvsdbg",
      "request": "launch",
      "program": "${workspaceFolder}/<path_to_build>/Build/EmulatorX64/DEBUG_<tool_chain>/X64/WinHost",
      "args": [],
      "stopAtEntry": false,
      "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/<path_to_build>/Build/EmulatorX64/DEBUG_<tool_chain>/X64/",
      "environment": [],
      "console": false,

Make modifications to the above template as nessesary and build EmulatorPkg.
Now, just add breakpoints directly in Visual Studio Code the way you would with
any other software project. When you start the debugger, it will halt at the
breakpoint automatically without any extra configuration required.

Reviewed-by: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kinney@intel.com>
Cc: Andrew Fish <afish@apple.com>
Cc: Ray Ni <ray.ni@intel.com>
Cc: Chasel Chiu <chasel.chiu@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
This commit is contained in:
Nate DeSimone 2023-09-22 13:32:41 -07:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent 58766a4729
commit cbfae3e8a9
1 changed files with 192 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
This code produces 128 K of temporary memory for the SEC stack by directly
allocate memory space with ReadWrite and Execute attribute.
Copyright (c) 2006 - 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
Copyright (c) 2006 - 2023, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
(C) Copyright 2016-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP<BR>
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ AddModHandle (
for (Index = 0; Index < mPdbNameModHandleArraySize; Index++, Array++) {
if (Array->PdbPointer == NULL) {
// Make a copy of the stirng and store the ModHandle
// Make a copy of the string and store the ModHandle
Handle = GetProcessHeap ();
Size = AsciiStrLen (ImageContext->PdbPointer) + 1;
@ -1056,26 +1056,45 @@ RemoveModHandle (
return NULL;
typedef struct {
UINT32 Size;
UINT32 Flags;
PeCoffLoaderRelocateImageExtraAction (
VOID *DllEntryPoint;
CHAR16 *DllFileName;
HMODULE Library;
UINTN Index;
VOID *DllEntryPoint;
CHAR16 *DllFileName;
HMODULE Library;
UINTN Index;
UINTN NumberOfSections;
UINTN RegionBase;
UINTN RegionSize;
UINT32 Flags;
DWORD NewProtection;
DWORD OldProtection;
ASSERT (ImageContext != NULL);
// If we load our own PE COFF images the Windows debugger can not source
// level debug our code. If a valid PDB pointer exists use it to load
// the *.dll file as a library using Windows* APIs. This allows
// source level debug. The image is still loaded and relocated
// in the Framework memory space like on a real system (by the code above),
// but the entry point points into the DLL loaded by the code below.
// If we load our own PE/COFF images the Windows debugger can not source
// level debug our code. If a valid PDB pointer exists use it to load
// the *.dll file as a library using Windows* APIs. This allows
// source level debug. The image is still loaded and relocated
// in the Framework memory space like on a real system (by the code above),
// but the entry point points into the DLL loaded by the code below.
DllEntryPoint = NULL;
@ -1106,27 +1125,176 @@ PeCoffLoaderRelocateImageExtraAction (
// Replace .PDB with .DLL on the filename
// Replace .PDB with .DLL in the filename
DllFileName[Index - 3] = 'D';
DllFileName[Index - 2] = 'L';
DllFileName[Index - 1] = 'L';
// Load the .DLL file into the user process's address space for source
// level debug
// Load the .DLL file into the process's address space for source level
// debug.
// EFI modules use the PE32 entry point for a different purpose than
// Windows. For Windows DLLs, the PE entry point is used for the DllMain()
// function. DllMain() has a very specific purpose; it initializes runtime
// libraries, instance data, and thread local storage. LoadLibrary()/
// LoadLibraryEx() will run the PE32 entry point and assume it to be a
// DllMain() implementation by default. By passing the
// DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES argument to LoadLibraryEx(), the execution
// of the entry point as a DllMain() function will be suppressed. This
// also prevents other modules that are referenced by the DLL from being
// loaded. We use LoadLibraryEx() to create a copy of the PE32
// image that the OS (and therefore the debugger) is aware of.
// Source level debugging is the only reason to do this.
Library = LoadLibraryEx (DllFileName, NULL, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES);
if (Library != NULL) {
// InitializeDriver is the entry point we put in all our EFI DLL's. The
// DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES argument to LoadLIbraryEx() suppresses the
// normal DLL entry point of DllMain, and prevents other modules that are
// referenced in side the DllFileName from being loaded. There is no error
// checking as the we can point to the PE32 image loaded by Tiano. This
// step is only needed for source level debugging
// Parse the PE32 image loaded by the OS and find the entry point
DllEntryPoint = (VOID *)(UINTN)GetProcAddress (Library, "InitializeDriver");
ZeroMem (&PeCoffImageContext, sizeof (PeCoffImageContext));
PeCoffImageContext.Handle = Library;
PeCoffImageContext.ImageRead = PeCoffLoaderImageReadFromMemory;
Status = PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo (&PeCoffImageContext);
if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || (PeCoffImageContext.ImageError != IMAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS)) {
SecPrint ("DLL is not a valid PE/COFF image.\n\r");
FreeLibrary (Library);
Library = NULL;
} else {
Hdr.Pe32 = (EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 *)((UINTN)Library + (UINTN)PeCoffImageContext.PeCoffHeaderOffset);
if (Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.Magic == EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC) {
// Use PE32 offset
DllEntryPoint = (VOID *)((UINTN)Library + (UINTN)Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint);
} else {
// Use PE32+ offset
DllEntryPoint = (VOID *)((UINTN)Library + (UINTN)Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint);
// Now we need to configure memory access for the copy of the PE32 image
// loaded by the OS.
// Most Windows DLLs are linked with sections 4KB aligned but EFI
// modules are not to reduce size. Because of this we need to compute
// the union of memory access attributes and explicitly configure
// each page.
(UINTN)Library +
PeCoffImageContext.PeCoffHeaderOffset +
sizeof (UINT32) +
NumberOfSections = (UINTN)(Hdr.Pe32->FileHeader.NumberOfSections);
Section = FirstSection;
SectionData = malloc (NumberOfSections * sizeof (IMAGE_SECTION_DATA));
if (SectionData == NULL) {
FreeLibrary (Library);
Library = NULL;
DllEntryPoint = NULL;
ZeroMem (SectionData, NumberOfSections * sizeof (IMAGE_SECTION_DATA));
// Extract the section data from the PE32 image
for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfSections; Index++) {
SectionData[Index].Base = (UINTN)Library + Section->VirtualAddress;
SectionData[Index].Size = Section->Misc.VirtualSize;
if (SectionData[Index].Size == 0) {
SectionData[Index].Size = Section->SizeOfRawData;
SectionData[Index].Flags = (Section->Characteristics &
Section += 1;
// Loop over every DWORD in memory and compute the union of the memory
// access bits.
End = (UINTN)Library + (UINTN)PeCoffImageContext.ImageSize;
RegionBase = (UINTN)Library;
RegionSize = 0;
Flags = 0;
for (Base = (UINTN)Library + sizeof (UINT32); Base < End; Base += sizeof (UINT32)) {
for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfSections; Index++) {
if ((SectionData[Index].Base <= Base) &&
((SectionData[Index].Base + SectionData[Index].Size) > Base))
Flags |= SectionData[Index].Flags;
// When a new page is reached configure the memory access for the
// previous page.
if (Base % SIZE_4KB == 0) {
RegionSize += SIZE_4KB;
} else {
NewProtection = PAGE_READWRITE;
} else {
NewProtection = PAGE_EXECUTE_READ;
} else {
NewProtection = PAGE_READONLY;
if (!VirtualProtect ((LPVOID)RegionBase, (SIZE_T)RegionSize, NewProtection, &OldProtection)) {
SecPrint ("Setting PE32 Section Access Failed\n\r");
FreeLibrary (Library);
free (SectionData);
Library = NULL;
DllEntryPoint = NULL;
Flags = 0;
RegionBase = Base;
RegionSize = 0;
free (SectionData);
// Configure the last partial page
if ((Library != NULL) && ((End - RegionBase) > 0)) {
} else {
NewProtection = PAGE_READWRITE;
} else {
NewProtection = PAGE_EXECUTE_READ;
} else {
NewProtection = PAGE_READONLY;
if (!VirtualProtect ((LPVOID)RegionBase, (SIZE_T)(End - RegionBase), NewProtection, &OldProtection)) {
SecPrint ("Setting PE32 Section Access Failed\n\r");
FreeLibrary (Library);
Library = NULL;
DllEntryPoint = NULL;
if ((Library != NULL) && (DllEntryPoint != NULL)) {
@ -1136,7 +1304,7 @@ PeCoffLoaderRelocateImageExtraAction (
// This DLL is either not loaded or already started, so source level debugging is supported.
ImageContext->EntryPoint = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)DllEntryPoint;
SecPrint ("LoadLibraryEx (\n\r %S,\n\r NULL, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES)\n\r", DllFileName);
SecPrint ("LoadLibraryEx (\n\r %S,\n\r NULL, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES) @ 0x%X\n\r", DllFileName, (int)(UINTN)Library);
} else {
SecPrint ("WARNING: No source level debug %S. \n\r", DllFileName);