2. Add MODULE_UNI_FILE file that contains the localized Abstract and Description of a module.
a. Addresses an information gap between INF files and the UEFI Distribution Packaging Specification XML schema
b. There will be an associated update to UPT in BaseTools to consume MODULE_UNI_FILE and associated UNI file during UDP creation that performs the INF -> XML conversion.
c. There will be an associated update to UPT in BaseTools to produce MODULE_UNI_FILE and associated UNI file during UDP installation that performs the XML -> INF conversion.
Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0
Signed-off-by: Gao, Liming <liming.gao@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Michael Kinney <michael.d.kinney@intel.com>
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/edk2/code/trunk/edk2@15918 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
1. Usage information in INF file comment blocks are either incomplete or incorrect.
This includes usage information for Protocols/PPIs/GUIDs/PCDs/HOBs/Events/BootModes.
The syntax for usage information in comment blocks is defined in the EDK II Module Information (INF) Specification
Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0
Signed-off-by: Gao, Liming <liming.gao@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Michael Kinney <michael.d.kinney@intel.com>
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/edk2/code/trunk/edk2@15917 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
1. Add SmmServicesTableLib library class/instance.
2. Add SmmIoLibCpuIo/SmmPciLibPciRootBridgeIo library instance.
3. Update some library INF to support SMM_CORE module type.
4. Update dec/dsc to include new modules.
git-svn-id: https://edk2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/edk2/trunk/edk2@9590 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
Update comments in PeiMemoryAllocationLib and UefiMemoryAllocationLib to match updates to MemoryAllocationLib.h.
Add ASSERT() statements in PeiMemoryAllocationLib for the FreePages() and FreeAlignedPages() if Pages is 0.
git-svn-id: https://edk2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/edk2/trunk/edk2@8275 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
Fix bug in Reallocate Pool functions in PEI Memory Allocation Lib. The wrong memory type was being allocated. This syncs the PEI Memory Allocation Lib with the fix that was previously made to the UEFI Memory Allocation Lib.
git-svn-id: https://edk2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/edk2/trunk/edk2@8269 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524