The PcdEnforceSecureRngAlgorithms Pcd enforces the use of RNG
algorithms defined by the UEFI spec. To re-use the Pcd in other
packages and have a generic mean to control the usage of unsecure
algorithms, move the Pcd to the MdePkg.
Continuous-integration-options: PatchCheck.ignore-multi-package
Signed-off-by: Pierre Gondois <>
Bug Overview:
PixieFail Bug #9
CWE-338 Use of Cryptographically Weak Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG)
Use of a Weak PseudoRandom Number Generator
Change Overview:
Updates all Instances of NET_RANDOM (NetRandomInitSeed ()) to either
> PseudoRandomU32 (
> OUT UINT32 *Output
> );
or (depending on the use case)
> PseudoRandom (
> OUT VOID *Output,
> IN UINTN OutputLength
> );
This is because the use of
The following code snippet PseudoRandomU32 () function is used:
> UINT32 Random;
> Status = PseudoRandomU32 (&Random);
> if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
> DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a failed to generate random number: %r\n",
__func__, Status));
> return Status;
> }
This also introduces a new PCD to enable/disable the use of the
secure implementation of algorithms for PseudoRandom () and
instead depend on the default implementation. This may be required for
some platforms where the UEFI Spec defined algorithms are not available.
> PcdEnforceSecureRngAlgorithms
If the platform does not have any one of the UEFI defined
secure RNG algorithms then the driver will assert.
Cc: Saloni Kasbekar <>
Cc: Zachary Clark-williams <>
Signed-off-by: Doug Flick [MSFT] <>
Reviewed-by: Saloni Kasbekar <>