For replace function, when target Ffs and new ffs are with
same size, the output file can not be generated successfully.
This patch fixes this issue.
Cc: Rebecca Cran <>
Cc: Bob Feng <>
Cc: Liming Gao <>
Signed-off-by: Yuwei Chen <>
Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <>
Reviewed-by: Bob Feng <>
The FMMT python tool is used for firmware files operation, which has
the Fv/FFs-based 'View'&'Add'&'Delete'&'Replace' operation function:
1.Parse a FD(Firmware Device) / FV(Firmware Volume) / FFS(Firmware Files)
2.Add a new FFS into a FV file (both included in a FD file or not)
3.Replace an FFS in a FV file with a new FFS file
4.Delete an FFS in a FV file (both included in a FD file or not)
5.Extract the FFS from a FV file (both included in a FD file or not)
This version of FMMT Python tool does not support PEIM rebase feature,
this feature will be added in future update.
Currently the FMMT C tool is saved in edk2-staging repo, but its
quality and coding style can't meet the Edk2 quality, which is hard to
maintain (Hard/Duplicate Code; Regression bugs; Restrict usage).
The new Python version keeps same functions with origin C version. It
has higher quality and better coding style, and it is much easier to
extend new functions and to maintain.
RFC Link:
Staging Link:
Cc: Bob Feng <>
Cc: Liming Gao <>
Signed-off-by: Yuwei Chen <>
Reviewed-by: Bob Feng <>
Acked-by: Liming Gao <>