The "-r" parameter was not added to the application so remove it from
the help string.
The standards section is also updated to point to the current
specification location on
Cc: Nate DeSimone <>
Cc: Ankit Sinha <>
Signed-off-by: Michael Kubacki <>
Reviewed-by: Ankit Sinha <>
Adds a new UEFI application called "PrmInfo" that allows a user
to display and test Platform Runtime Mechanism (PRM) modules.
Execute the application help command for detailed usage
instructions and examples of how to use the application:
"PrmInfo -?"
This application is intended to be helpful during PRM enabling
by allowing the user to:
1. Confirm that their firmware port of the PRM infrastructure
implemented in this package is functioning correctly.
2. Quickly get information about what PRM modules and handlers
are present on a given system.
3. Quickly test PRM handlers without booting to a fully featured
operating system.
4. Develop and exercise PRM handlers prior to the availability of
an operating system that is PRM aware.
Adds a brief section to about the PrmInfo UEFI application
with a link to allow the reader to find more information about the
application if interested.
Cc: Andrew Fish <>
Cc: Kang Gao <>
Cc: Michael D Kinney <>
Cc: Michael Kubacki <>
Cc: Leif Lindholm <>
Cc: Benjamin You <>
Cc: Liu Yun <>
Cc: Ankit Sinha <>
Cc: Nate DeSimone <>
Signed-off-by: Michael Kubacki <>
Acked-by: Michael D Kinney <>
Acked-by: Liming Gao <>
Acked-by: Leif Lindholm <>
Reviewed-by: Ankit Sinha <>