Port status bits are clear in original code, so no enumeration
takes place.
Changing this to prevent the status bits from being cleared
allows enumeration to proceed normally.
Cc: Star Zeng <star.zeng@intel.com>
Cc: Mike Turner <Michael.Turner@microsoft.com>
Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0
Signed-off-by: Mike Turner <Michael.Turner@microsoft.com>
Signed-off-by: Feng Tian <feng.tian@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Star Zeng <star.zeng@intel.com>
- abstrated to abstracted
- accessibla to accessible
- addres to address
- apropriate to appropriate
- arry to array
- availabe to available
- avaliable to available
- becasue to because
- correponding to corresponding
- etablished to established
- exeuction to execution
- extensiable to extensible
- fileds to fields
- loadding to loading
- ptototypes to prototypes
- prococol protocol
- requried to required
- resoruce to resource
- runing to running
- uild to build
Cc: Star Zeng <star.zeng@intel.com>
Cc: Feng Tian <feng.tian@intel.com>
Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0
Signed-off-by: Giri P Mudusuru <giri.p.mudusuru@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Star Zeng <star.zeng@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Feng Tian <feng.tian@intel.com>
1. Module UNI and Package UNI files are not DOS format. Convert them to DOS format.
2. Remove unused SectionExtractionDxeModStrs.uni and SectionExtractionPeiModStrs.uni
Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0
Signed-off-by: Gao, Liming <liming.gao@intel.com>
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/edk2/code/trunk/edk2@16044 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
2. Add MODULE_UNI_FILE file that contains the localized Abstract and Description of a module.
a. Addresses an information gap between INF files and the UEFI Distribution Packaging Specification XML schema
b. There will be an associated update to UPT in BaseTools to consume MODULE_UNI_FILE and associated UNI file during UDP creation that performs the INF -> XML conversion.
c. There will be an associated update to UPT in BaseTools to produce MODULE_UNI_FILE and associated UNI file during UDP installation that performs the XML -> INF conversion.
3. Add Module Extra UNI file that provides the localized Name of a module.
a. [UserExtensions.TianoCore."ExtraFiles"] provides an easy method for a module to specify extra files not listed in [Sources] or [Binaries] sections to be added to a UDP without having to list the files in the UPT package information data file.
b. There will be an associated update to UPT in BaseTools to package up files listed in [UserExtensions.TianoCore."ExtraFiles"] during UDP creation.
c. UNI file contains localized name of a module to go along with the localized Abstract and Description from the MODULE_UNI_FILE.
Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0
Signed-off-by: Zeng, Star <star.zeng@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Gao, Liming <liming.gao@intel.com>
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/edk2/code/trunk/edk2@15963 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
1. Usage information in INF file comment blocks are either incomplete or incorrect.
This includes usage information for Protocols/PPIs/GUIDs/PCDs/HOBs/Events/BootModes.
The syntax for usage information in comment blocks is defined in the EDK II Module Information (INF) Specification
Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0
Signed-off-by: Zeng, Star <star.zeng@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Gao, Liming <liming.gao@intel.com>
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/edk2/code/trunk/edk2@15962 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
GCC 4.6 generates a warning when a variable is set,
but never used.
Signed-off-by: jljusten
Reviewed-by: lgao4
Reviewed-by: erictian
Reviewed-by: rsun3
git-svn-id: https://edk2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/edk2/trunk/edk2@12617 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524