Add HostMemoryAllocationBelowAddressLib class and implementation that
uses OS specific services to perform pool and page allocations below
a specified address in a host based unit test application execution
environment. This library class is only required for mocking buffers
that are assumed to be below a specific address by code under test.
Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <>
Add use of DEBUG_CLEAR_MEMORY() macros on all allocation and free
operations in MemoryAllocationLibPosix to match behavior of all other
MemoryAllocationLib instances.
Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <>
Apply uncrustify changes to .c/.h files in the UnitTestFrameworkPkg package
Cc: Andrew Fish <>
Cc: Leif Lindholm <>
Cc: Michael D Kinney <>
Signed-off-by: Michael Kubacki <>
Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>
Add the following library instances that are used to
build unit tests for host and target environments.
* CmockaLib with cmocka submodule to:
* DebugLibPosix - Instance of DebugLib based on POSIX
APIs (e.g. printf).
* MemoryAllocationLibPosix - Instance of MemoryAllocationLib
based on POSIX APIs (e.g. malloc/free).
* UnitTestBootLibNull - Null instance of the UnitTestBootLib
* UnitTestBootLibUsbClass - UnitTestBootLib instances that
supports setting boot next to a USB device.
* UnitTestLib - UnitTestLib instance that is designed to work
with PEI, DXE, SMM, and UEFI Shell target environments.
* UnitTestLibCmocka - UintTestLib instance that uses cmocka
APIs and can only be use in a host environment.
* UnitTestPersistenceLibNull - Null instance of the
* UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem - UnitTestPersistenceLib
instance that can safe the unit test framework state to a
media device that supports the UEFI Simple File System
* UnitTestResultReportLibConOut - UnitTestResultReportLib
instance that sends report results to the UEFI standard
output console.
* UnitTestResultReportLibDebugLib - UnitTestResultReportLib
instance that sends report results to a DebugLib using
DEBUG() macros.
Cc: Sean Brogan <>
Cc: Bret Barkelew <>
Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <>
Reviewed-by: Bret Barkelew <>