## @file # Global variables for GenFds # # Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## # Import Modules # import os import sys import subprocess import struct import array from Common.BuildToolError import * from Common import EdkLogger from Common.Misc import SaveFileOnChange ## Global variables # # class GenFdsGlobalVariable: FvDir = '' OutputDirDict = {} BinDir = '' # will be FvDir + os.sep + 'Ffs' FfsDir = '' FdfParser = None LibDir = '' WorkSpace = None WorkSpaceDir = '' EdkSourceDir = '' OutputDirFromDscDict = {} TargetName = '' ToolChainTag = '' RuleDict = {} ArchList = None VtfDict = {} ActivePlatform = None FvAddressFileName = '' VerboseMode = False DebugLevel = -1 SharpCounter = 0 SharpNumberPerLine = 40 FdfFile = '' FdfFileTimeStamp = 0 FixedLoadAddress = False SectionHeader = struct.Struct("3B 1B") ## SetDir() # # @param OutputDir Output directory # @param FdfParser FDF contents parser # @param Workspace The directory of workspace # @param ArchList The Arch list of platform # def SetDir (OutputDir, FdfParser, WorkSpace, ArchList): GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger( "GenFdsGlobalVariable.OutputDir :%s" %OutputDir) # GenFdsGlobalVariable.OutputDirDict = OutputDir GenFdsGlobalVariable.FdfParser = FdfParser GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace = WorkSpace GenFdsGlobalVariable.FvDir = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.OutputDirDict[ArchList[0]], 'FV') if not os.path.exists(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FvDir) : os.makedirs(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FvDir) GenFdsGlobalVariable.FfsDir = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FvDir, 'Ffs') if not os.path.exists(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FfsDir) : os.makedirs(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FfsDir) if ArchList != None: GenFdsGlobalVariable.ArchList = ArchList T_CHAR_LF = '\n' # # Create FV Address inf file # GenFdsGlobalVariable.FvAddressFileName = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FfsDir, 'FvAddress.inf') FvAddressFile = open (GenFdsGlobalVariable.FvAddressFileName, 'w') # # Add [Options] # FvAddressFile.writelines("[options]" + T_CHAR_LF) BsAddress = '0' for Arch in ArchList: if GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform, Arch].BsBaseAddress: BsAddress = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform, Arch].BsBaseAddress break FvAddressFile.writelines("EFI_BOOT_DRIVER_BASE_ADDRESS = " + \ BsAddress + \ T_CHAR_LF) RtAddress = '0' for Arch in ArchList: if GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform, Arch].RtBaseAddress: RtAddress = GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.BuildObject[GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform, Arch].RtBaseAddress FvAddressFile.writelines("EFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER_BASE_ADDRESS = " + \ RtAddress + \ T_CHAR_LF) FvAddressFile.close() ## ReplaceWorkspaceMacro() # # @param String String that may contain macro # def ReplaceWorkspaceMacro(String): Str = String.replace('$(WORKSPACE)', GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir) if os.path.exists(Str): if not os.path.isabs(Str): Str = os.path.abspath(Str) else: Str = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir, String) return os.path.normpath(Str) ## Check if the input files are newer than output files # # @param Output Path of output file # @param Input Path list of input files # # @retval True if Output doesn't exist, or any Input is newer # @retval False if all Input is older than Output # @staticmethod def NeedsUpdate(Output, Input): if not os.path.exists(Output): return True # always update "Output" if no "Input" given if Input == None or len(Input) == 0: return True # if fdf file is changed after the 'Output" is generated, update the 'Output' OutputTime = os.path.getmtime(Output) if GenFdsGlobalVariable.FdfFileTimeStamp > OutputTime: return True for F in Input: # always update "Output" if any "Input" doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(F): return True # always update "Output" if any "Input" is newer than "Output" if os.path.getmtime(F) > OutputTime: return True return False @staticmethod def GenerateSection(Output, Input, Type=None, CompressionType=None, Guid=None, GuidHdrLen=None, GuidAttr=None, Ui=None, Ver=None): if not GenFdsGlobalVariable.NeedsUpdate(Output, Input): return GenFdsGlobalVariable.DebugLogger(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, "%s needs update because of newer %s" % (Output, Input)) Cmd = ["GenSec"] if Type not in [None, '']: Cmd += ["-s", Type] if CompressionType not in [None, '']: Cmd += ["-c", CompressionType] if Guid != None: Cmd += ["-g", Guid] if GuidHdrLen not in [None, '']: Cmd += ["-l", GuidHdrLen] if GuidAttr not in [None, '']: Cmd += ["-r", GuidAttr] if Ui not in [None, '']: #Cmd += ["-n", '"' + Ui + '"'] SectionData = array.array('B', [0,0,0,0]) SectionData.fromstring(Ui.encode("utf_16_le")) SectionData.append(0) SectionData.append(0) Len = len(SectionData) GenFdsGlobalVariable.SectionHeader.pack_into(SectionData, 0, Len & 0xff, (Len >> 8) & 0xff, (Len >> 16) & 0xff, 0x15) SaveFileOnChange(Output, SectionData.tostring()) elif Ver not in [None, '']: #Cmd += ["-j", Ver] SectionData = array.array('B', [0,0,0,0]) SectionData.fromstring(Ver.encode("utf_16_le")) SectionData.append(0) SectionData.append(0) Len = len(SectionData) GenFdsGlobalVariable.SectionHeader.pack_into(SectionData, 0, Len & 0xff, (Len >> 8) & 0xff, (Len >> 16) & 0xff, 0x14) SaveFileOnChange(Output, SectionData.tostring()) else: Cmd += ["-o", Output] Cmd += Input GenFdsGlobalVariable.CallExternalTool(Cmd, "Failed to generate section") @staticmethod def GenerateFfs(Output, Input, Type, Guid, Fixed=False, CheckSum=False, Align=None, SectionAlign=None): if not GenFdsGlobalVariable.NeedsUpdate(Output, Input): return GenFdsGlobalVariable.DebugLogger(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, "%s needs update because of newer %s" % (Output, Input)) Cmd = ["GenFfs", "-t", Type, "-g", Guid] if Fixed == True: Cmd += ["-x"] if CheckSum: Cmd += ["-s"] if Align not in [None, '']: Cmd += ["-a", Align] Cmd += ["-o", Output] for I in range(0, len(Input)): Cmd += ("-i", Input[I]) if SectionAlign not in [None, '', []] and SectionAlign[I] not in [None, '']: Cmd += ("-n", SectionAlign[I]) GenFdsGlobalVariable.CallExternalTool(Cmd, "Failed to generate FFS") @staticmethod def GenerateFirmwareVolume(Output, Input, BaseAddress=None, Capsule=False, Dump=False, AddressFile=None, MapFile=None, FfsList=[]): if not GenFdsGlobalVariable.NeedsUpdate(Output, Input+FfsList): return GenFdsGlobalVariable.DebugLogger(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, "%s needs update because of newer %s" % (Output, Input)) Cmd = ["GenFv"] if BaseAddress not in [None, '']: Cmd += ["-r", BaseAddress] if Capsule: Cmd += ["-c"] if Dump: Cmd += ["-p"] if AddressFile not in [None, '']: Cmd += ["-a", AddressFile] if MapFile not in [None, '']: Cmd += ["-m", MapFile] Cmd += ["-o", Output] for I in Input: Cmd += ["-i", I] GenFdsGlobalVariable.CallExternalTool(Cmd, "Failed to generate FV") @staticmethod def GenerateVtf(Output, Input, BaseAddress=None, FvSize=None): if not GenFdsGlobalVariable.NeedsUpdate(Output, Input): return GenFdsGlobalVariable.DebugLogger(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, "%s needs update because of newer %s" % (Output, Input)) Cmd = ["GenVtf"] if BaseAddress not in [None, ''] and FvSize not in [None, ''] \ and len(BaseAddress) == len(FvSize): for I in range(0, len(BaseAddress)): Cmd += ["-r", BaseAddress[I], "-s", FvSize[I]] Cmd += ["-o", Output] for F in Input: Cmd += ["-f", F] GenFdsGlobalVariable.CallExternalTool(Cmd, "Failed to generate VTF") @staticmethod def GenerateFirmwareImage(Output, Input, Type="efi", SubType=None, Zero=False, Strip=False, Replace=False, TimeStamp=None, Join=False, Align=None, Padding=None, Convert=False): if not GenFdsGlobalVariable.NeedsUpdate(Output, Input): return GenFdsGlobalVariable.DebugLogger(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, "%s needs update because of newer %s" % (Output, Input)) Cmd = ["GenFw"] if Type.lower() == "te": Cmd += ["-t"] if SubType not in [None, '']: Cmd += ["-e", SubType] if TimeStamp not in [None, '']: Cmd += ["-s", TimeStamp] if Align not in [None, '']: Cmd += ["-a", Align] if Padding not in [None, '']: Cmd += ["-p", Padding] if Zero: Cmd += ["-z"] if Strip: Cmd += ["-l"] if Replace: Cmd += ["-r"] if Join: Cmd += ["-j"] if Convert: Cmd += ["-m"] Cmd += ["-o", Output] Cmd += Input GenFdsGlobalVariable.CallExternalTool(Cmd, "Failed to generate firmware image") @staticmethod def GenerateOptionRom(Output, EfiInput, BinaryInput, Compress=False, ClassCode=None, Revision=None, DeviceId=None, VendorId=None): InputList = [] Cmd = ["EfiRom"] if len(EfiInput) > 0: if Compress: Cmd += ["-ec"] else: Cmd += ["-e"] for EfiFile in EfiInput: Cmd += [EfiFile] InputList.append (EfiFile) if len(BinaryInput) > 0: Cmd += ["-b"] for BinFile in BinaryInput: Cmd += [BinFile] InputList.append (BinFile) # Check List if not GenFdsGlobalVariable.NeedsUpdate(Output, InputList): return GenFdsGlobalVariable.DebugLogger(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, "%s needs update because of newer %s" % (Output, InputList)) if ClassCode != None: Cmd += ["-l", ClassCode] if Revision != None: Cmd += ["-r", Revision] if DeviceId != None: Cmd += ["-i", DeviceId] if VendorId != None: Cmd += ["-f", VendorId] Cmd += ["-o", Output] GenFdsGlobalVariable.CallExternalTool(Cmd, "Failed to generate option rom") @staticmethod def GuidTool(Output, Input, ToolPath, Options=''): if not GenFdsGlobalVariable.NeedsUpdate(Output, Input): return GenFdsGlobalVariable.DebugLogger(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, "%s needs update because of newer %s" % (Output, Input)) Cmd = [ToolPath, Options] Cmd += ["-o", Output] Cmd += Input GenFdsGlobalVariable.CallExternalTool(Cmd, "Failed to call " + ToolPath) def CallExternalTool (cmd, errorMess): if type(cmd) not in (tuple, list): GenFdsGlobalVariable.ErrorLogger("ToolError! Invalid parameter type in call to CallExternalTool") if GenFdsGlobalVariable.DebugLevel != -1: cmd += ('--debug', str(GenFdsGlobalVariable.DebugLevel)) GenFdsGlobalVariable.InfLogger (cmd) if GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseMode: cmd += ('-v',) GenFdsGlobalVariable.InfLogger (cmd) else: sys.stdout.write ('#') sys.stdout.flush() GenFdsGlobalVariable.SharpCounter = GenFdsGlobalVariable.SharpCounter + 1 if GenFdsGlobalVariable.SharpCounter % GenFdsGlobalVariable.SharpNumberPerLine == 0: sys.stdout.write('\n') try: PopenObject = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE) except Exception, X: EdkLogger.error("GenFds", COMMAND_FAILURE, ExtraData="%s: %s" % (str(X), cmd[0])) (out, error) = PopenObject.communicate() while PopenObject.returncode == None : PopenObject.wait() if PopenObject.returncode != 0 or GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseMode or GenFdsGlobalVariable.DebugLevel != -1: GenFdsGlobalVariable.InfLogger ("Return Value = %d" %PopenObject.returncode) GenFdsGlobalVariable.InfLogger (out) GenFdsGlobalVariable.InfLogger (error) if PopenObject.returncode != 0: print "###", cmd EdkLogger.error("GenFds", COMMAND_FAILURE, errorMess) def VerboseLogger (msg): EdkLogger.verbose(msg) def InfLogger (msg): EdkLogger.info(msg) def ErrorLogger (msg, File = None, Line = None, ExtraData = None): EdkLogger.error('GenFds', GENFDS_ERROR, msg, File, Line, ExtraData) def DebugLogger (Level, msg): EdkLogger.debug(Level, msg) ## ReplaceWorkspaceMacro() # # @param Str String that may contain macro # @param MacroDict Dictionary that contains macro value pair # def MacroExtend (Str, MacroDict = {}, Arch = 'COMMON'): if Str == None : return None Dict = {'$(WORKSPACE)' : GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir, '$(EDK_SOURCE)' : GenFdsGlobalVariable.EdkSourceDir, # '$(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)': GenFdsGlobalVariable.OutputDirFromDsc, '$(TARGET)' : GenFdsGlobalVariable.TargetName, '$(TOOL_CHAIN_TAG)' : GenFdsGlobalVariable.ToolChainTag } OutputDir = GenFdsGlobalVariable.OutputDirFromDscDict[GenFdsGlobalVariable.ArchList[0]] if Arch != 'COMMON' and Arch in GenFdsGlobalVariable.ArchList: OutputDir = GenFdsGlobalVariable.OutputDirFromDscDict[Arch] Dict['$(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)'] = OutputDir if MacroDict != None and len (MacroDict) != 0: Dict.update(MacroDict) for key in Dict.keys(): if Str.find(key) >= 0 : Str = Str.replace (key, Dict[key]) if Str.find('$(ARCH)') >= 0: if len(GenFdsGlobalVariable.ArchList) == 1: Str = Str.replace('$(ARCH)', GenFdsGlobalVariable.ArchList[0]) else: EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "No way to determine $(ARCH) for %s" % Str) return Str ## GetPcdValue() # # @param PcdPattern pattern that labels a PCD. # def GetPcdValue (PcdPattern): if PcdPattern == None : return None PcdPair = PcdPattern.lstrip('PCD(').rstrip(')').strip().split('.') TokenSpace = PcdPair[0] TokenCName = PcdPair[1] PcdValue = '' for Platform in GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.PlatformList: PcdDict = Platform.Pcds for Key in PcdDict: PcdObj = PcdDict[Key] if (PcdObj.TokenCName == TokenCName) and (PcdObj.TokenSpaceGuidCName == TokenSpace): if PcdObj.Type != 'FixedAtBuild': EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "%s is not FixedAtBuild type." % PcdPattern) if PcdObj.DatumType != 'VOID*': EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "%s is not VOID* datum type." % PcdPattern) PcdValue = PcdObj.DefaultValue return PcdValue for Package in GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpace.PackageList: PcdDict = Package.Pcds for Key in PcdDict: PcdObj = PcdDict[Key] if (PcdObj.TokenCName == TokenCName) and (PcdObj.TokenSpaceGuidCName == TokenSpace): if PcdObj.Type != 'FixedAtBuild': EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "%s is not FixedAtBuild type." % PcdPattern) if PcdObj.DatumType != 'VOID*': EdkLogger.error("GenFds", GENFDS_ERROR, "%s is not VOID* datum type." % PcdPattern) PcdValue = PcdObj.DefaultValue return PcdValue return PcdValue SetDir = staticmethod(SetDir) ReplaceWorkspaceMacro = staticmethod(ReplaceWorkspaceMacro) CallExternalTool = staticmethod(CallExternalTool) VerboseLogger = staticmethod(VerboseLogger) InfLogger = staticmethod(InfLogger) ErrorLogger = staticmethod(ErrorLogger) DebugLogger = staticmethod(DebugLogger) MacroExtend = staticmethod (MacroExtend) GetPcdValue = staticmethod(GetPcdValue)