/*++ Copyright (c) 2004 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: VfrError.cpp Abstract: --*/ #include "stdio.h" #include "string.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "VfrError.h" static SVFR_ERROR_HANDLE VFR_ERROR_HANDLE_TABLE [] = { { VFR_RETURN_SUCCESS, NULL }, { VFR_RETURN_ERROR_SKIPED, NULL }, { VFR_RETURN_FATAL_ERROR, ": fatal error!!" }, { VFR_RETURN_MISMATCHED, ": unexpected token" }, { VFR_RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER, ": invalid parameter" }, { VFR_RETURN_OUT_FOR_RESOURCES, ": system out of memory" }, { VFR_RETURN_UNSUPPORTED, ": unsupported" }, { VFR_RETURN_REDEFINED, ": already defined" }, { VFR_RETURN_FORMID_REDEFINED, ": form id already defined" }, { VFR_RETURN_QUESTIONID_REDEFINED, ": question id already defined" }, { VFR_RETURN_VARSTOREID_REDEFINED, ": varstore id already defined" }, { VFR_RETURN_UNDEFINED, ": undefined" }, { VFR_RETURN_VAR_NOTDEFINED_BY_QUESTION, ": some variable has not defined by a question"}, { VFR_RETURN_GET_EFIVARSTORE_ERROR, ": get efi varstore error"}, { VFR_RETURN_EFIVARSTORE_USE_ERROR, ": can not use the efi varstore like this" }, { VFR_RETURN_EFIVARSTORE_SIZE_ERROR, ": unsupport efi varstore size should be <= 8 bytes" }, { VFR_RETURN_GET_NVVARSTORE_ERROR, ": get name value varstore error" }, { VFR_RETURN_QVAR_REUSE, ": variable reused by more than one question" }, { VFR_RETURN_FLAGS_UNSUPPORTED, ": flags unsupported" }, { VFR_RETURN_ERROR_ARRARY_NUM, ": array number error" }, { VFR_RETURN_DATA_STRING_ERROR, ": data field string error or not support"}, { VFR_RETURN_DEFAULT_VALUE_REDEFINED, ": default value re-defined with different value"}, { VFR_RETURN_CONSTANT_ONLY, ": only constant is allowed in the expression"}, { VFR_RETURN_CODEUNDEFINED, ": undefined Error Code" } }; CVfrErrorHandle::CVfrErrorHandle ( VOID ) { mInputFileName = NULL; mScopeRecordListHead = NULL; mScopeRecordListTail = NULL; mVfrErrorHandleTable = VFR_ERROR_HANDLE_TABLE; } CVfrErrorHandle::~CVfrErrorHandle ( VOID ) { SVfrFileScopeRecord *pNode = NULL; if (mInputFileName != NULL) { delete mInputFileName; } while (mScopeRecordListHead != NULL) { pNode = mScopeRecordListHead; mScopeRecordListHead = mScopeRecordListHead->mNext; delete pNode; } mScopeRecordListHead = NULL; mScopeRecordListTail = NULL; mVfrErrorHandleTable = NULL; } VOID CVfrErrorHandle::SetInputFile ( IN INT8 *InputFile ) { if (InputFile != NULL) { mInputFileName = new INT8[strlen(InputFile) + 1]; strcpy (mInputFileName, InputFile); } } SVfrFileScopeRecord::SVfrFileScopeRecord ( IN INT8 *Record, IN UINT32 LineNum ) { UINT32 Index; INT8 *FileName = NULL; INT8 *Str = NULL; mWholeScopeLine = LineNum; mNext = NULL; Str = strchr (Record, ' '); mScopeLineStart = atoi (++Str); Str = strchr (Str, '\"'); FileName = ++Str; while((Str = strstr (FileName, "\\\\")) != NULL) { FileName = Str + 2; } if ((mFileName = new INT8[strlen(FileName)]) != NULL) { for (Index = 0; FileName[Index] != '\"'; Index++) { mFileName[Index] = FileName[Index]; } mFileName[Index] = '\0'; } return; } SVfrFileScopeRecord::~SVfrFileScopeRecord ( VOID ) { if (mFileName != NULL) { delete mFileName; } } VOID CVfrErrorHandle::ParseFileScopeRecord ( IN INT8 *Record, IN UINT32 WholeScopeLine ) { INT8 *FullPathName = NULL; SVfrFileScopeRecord *pNode = NULL; if (Record == NULL) { return; } if ((pNode = new SVfrFileScopeRecord(Record, WholeScopeLine)) == NULL) { return; } if (mScopeRecordListHead == NULL) { mScopeRecordListTail = mScopeRecordListHead = pNode; } else { mScopeRecordListTail->mNext = pNode; mScopeRecordListTail = pNode; } } VOID CVfrErrorHandle::GetFileNameLineNum ( IN UINT32 LineNum, OUT INT8 **FileName, OUT UINT32 *FileLine ) { SVfrFileScopeRecord *pNode = NULL; if ((FileName == NULL) || (FileLine == NULL)) { return; } *FileName = NULL; *FileLine = 0xFFFFFFFF; // // Some errors occur before scope record list been built. // if (mScopeRecordListHead == NULL) { *FileLine = LineNum; *FileName = mInputFileName; return ; } for (pNode = mScopeRecordListHead; pNode->mNext != NULL; pNode = pNode->mNext) { if ((LineNum > pNode->mWholeScopeLine) && (pNode->mNext->mWholeScopeLine > LineNum)) { *FileName = pNode->mFileName; *FileLine = LineNum - pNode->mWholeScopeLine + pNode->mScopeLineStart - 1; return ; } } *FileName = pNode->mFileName; *FileLine = LineNum - pNode->mWholeScopeLine + pNode->mScopeLineStart - 1; } VOID CVfrErrorHandle::PrintMsg ( IN UINT32 LineNum, IN INT8 *TokName, IN INT8 *MsgType, IN INT8 *ErrorMsg ) { INT8 *FileName = NULL; UINT32 FileLine; GetFileNameLineNum (LineNum, &FileName, &FileLine); printf ("%s line %d: %s %s %s\n", FileName, FileLine, MsgType, TokName, ErrorMsg); } UINT8 CVfrErrorHandle::HandleError ( IN EFI_VFR_RETURN_CODE ErrorCode, IN UINT32 LineNum, IN INT8 *TokName ) { UINT32 Index; INT8 *FileName = NULL; UINT32 FileLine; INT8 *ErrorMsg = NULL; if (mVfrErrorHandleTable == NULL) { return 1; } for (Index = 0; mVfrErrorHandleTable[Index].mErrorCode != VFR_RETURN_CODEUNDEFINED; Index++) { if (ErrorCode == mVfrErrorHandleTable[Index].mErrorCode) { ErrorMsg = mVfrErrorHandleTable[Index].mErrorMsg; break; } } if (ErrorMsg != NULL) { GetFileNameLineNum (LineNum, &FileName, &FileLine); printf ("%s line %d: error %s %s\n", FileName, FileLine, TokName, ErrorMsg); return 1; } else { return 0; } } CVfrErrorHandle gCVfrErrorHandle;