/** @file Copyright (c) 2024, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "PiSmmCpuCommon.h" /** Get SmmProfileData. @param[in, out] Size Return Size of SmmProfileData. @return Address of SmmProfileData **/ EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS GetSmmProfileData ( IN OUT UINT64 *Size ) { EFI_PEI_HOB_POINTERS SmmProfileDataHob; ASSERT (Size != NULL); // // Get Smm Profile Base from Memory Allocation HOB // SmmProfileDataHob.Raw = GetFirstHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION); while (SmmProfileDataHob.Raw != NULL) { // // Find gMmProfileDataHobGuid // if (CompareGuid (&SmmProfileDataHob.MemoryAllocation->AllocDescriptor.Name, &gMmProfileDataHobGuid)) { break; } SmmProfileDataHob.Raw = GetNextHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION, GET_NEXT_HOB (SmmProfileDataHob)); } ASSERT (SmmProfileDataHob.Raw != NULL); *Size = SmmProfileDataHob.MemoryAllocation->AllocDescriptor.MemoryLength; return SmmProfileDataHob.MemoryAllocation->AllocDescriptor.MemoryBaseAddress; } /** Return if the Address is forbidden as SMM communication buffer. @param[in] Address the address to be checked @return TRUE The address is forbidden as SMM communication buffer. @return FALSE The address is allowed as SMM communication buffer. **/ BOOLEAN IsSmmCommBufferForbiddenAddress ( IN UINT64 Address ) { EFI_PEI_HOB_POINTERS Hob; Hob.Raw = GetFirstHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR); while (Hob.Raw != NULL) { if ((Address >= Hob.ResourceDescriptor->PhysicalStart) && (Address < Hob.ResourceDescriptor->PhysicalStart + Hob.ResourceDescriptor->ResourceLength)) { return FALSE; } Hob.Raw = GET_NEXT_HOB (Hob); Hob.Raw = GetNextHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR, Hob.Raw); } return TRUE; } /** Build Memory Region from ResourceDescriptor HOBs by excluding Logging attribute range. @param[out] MemoryRegion Returned Non-Mmram Memory regions. @param[out] MemoryRegionCount A pointer to the number of Memory regions. **/ VOID BuildMemoryMapFromResDescHobs ( OUT MM_CPU_MEMORY_REGION **MemoryRegion, OUT UINTN *MemoryRegionCount ) { EFI_PEI_HOB_POINTERS Hob; UINTN Count; UINTN Index; ASSERT (MemoryRegion != NULL && MemoryRegionCount != NULL); *MemoryRegion = NULL; *MemoryRegionCount = 0; // // Get the count. // Count = 0; Hob.Raw = GetFirstHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR); while (Hob.Raw != NULL) { if ((Hob.ResourceDescriptor->ResourceAttribute & MM_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_LOGGING) == 0) { // // Resource HOBs describe all accessible non-smram regions. // Logging attribute range is treated as not present. Not-present ranges are not included in this memory map. // Count++; } Hob.Raw = GET_NEXT_HOB (Hob); Hob.Raw = GetNextHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR, Hob.Raw); } *MemoryRegionCount = Count; *MemoryRegion = (MM_CPU_MEMORY_REGION *)AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (MM_CPU_MEMORY_REGION) * Count); ASSERT (*MemoryRegion != NULL); Index = 0; Hob.Raw = GetFirstHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR); while (Hob.Raw != NULL) { if ((Hob.ResourceDescriptor->ResourceAttribute & MM_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_LOGGING) == 0) { ASSERT (Index < Count); (*MemoryRegion)[Index].Base = Hob.ResourceDescriptor->PhysicalStart; (*MemoryRegion)[Index].Length = Hob.ResourceDescriptor->ResourceLength; (*MemoryRegion)[Index].Attribute = EFI_MEMORY_XP; if (Hob.ResourceDescriptor->ResourceAttribute == EFI_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY_PROTECTED) { (*MemoryRegion)[Index].Attribute |= EFI_MEMORY_RO; } Index++; } Hob.Raw = GET_NEXT_HOB (Hob); Hob.Raw = GetNextHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR, Hob.Raw); } return; } /** Build extended protection MemoryRegion. The caller is responsible for freeing MemoryRegion via FreePool(). @param[out] MemoryRegion Returned Non-Mmram Memory regions. @param[out] MemoryRegionCount A pointer to the number of Memory regions. **/ VOID CreateExtendedProtectionRange ( OUT MM_CPU_MEMORY_REGION **MemoryRegion, OUT UINTN *MemoryRegionCount ) { BuildMemoryMapFromResDescHobs (MemoryRegion, MemoryRegionCount); } /** Create the Non-Mmram Memory Region within the ResourceDescriptor HOBs without Logging attribute. The caller is responsible for freeing MemoryRegion via FreePool(). @param[in] PhysicalAddressBits The bits of physical address to map. @param[out] MemoryRegion Returned Non-Mmram Memory regions. @param[out] MemoryRegionCount A pointer to the number of Memory regions. **/ VOID CreateNonMmramMemMap ( IN UINT8 PhysicalAddressBits, OUT MM_CPU_MEMORY_REGION **MemoryRegion, OUT UINTN *MemoryRegionCount ) { BuildMemoryMapFromResDescHobs (MemoryRegion, MemoryRegionCount); }