## @file # Install distribution package. # # Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available # under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this # distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ''' MkPkg ''' ## # Import Modules # from os import remove from os import getcwd from os import chdir import os.path from sys import stdin from sys import platform from traceback import format_exc from platform import python_version import md5 from time import strftime from time import localtime from uuid import uuid4 from Logger import StringTable as ST from Logger.ToolError import OPTION_UNKNOWN_ERROR from Logger.ToolError import OPTION_VALUE_INVALID from Logger.ToolError import ABORT_ERROR from Logger.ToolError import UPT_REPKG_ERROR from Logger.ToolError import CODE_ERROR from Logger.ToolError import FatalError from Logger.ToolError import FILE_NOT_FOUND import Logger.Log as Logger from Xml.XmlParser import DistributionPackageXml from Xml.IniToXml import IniToXml from Library import GlobalData from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidPath from Core.DistributionPackageClass import DistributionPackageClass from Core.PackageFile import PackageFile ## CheckForExistingDp # # Check if there is a same name DP file existing # @param Path: The path to be checked # def CheckForExistingDp(Path): if os.path.exists(Path): Logger.Info(ST.MSG_DISTRIBUTION_PACKAGE_FILE_EXISTS % Path) Input = stdin.readline() Input = Input.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '') if Input.upper() != "Y": Logger.Error("\nMkPkg", ABORT_ERROR, ST.ERR_USER_ABORT, RaiseError=True) ## Tool entrance method # # This method mainly dispatch specific methods per the command line options. # If no error found, return zero value so the caller of this tool can know # if it's executed successfully or not. # # def Main(Options = None): if Options == None: Logger.Error("\nMkPkg", OPTION_UNKNOWN_ERROR, ST.ERR_OPTION_NOT_FOUND) try: DataBase = GlobalData.gDB ContentFileClosed = True WorkspaceDir = GlobalData.gWORKSPACE # # Init PackFileToCreate # if not Options.PackFileToCreate: Logger.Error("\nMkPkg", OPTION_UNKNOWN_ERROR, ST.ERR_OPTION_NOT_FOUND) # # Handle if the distribution package file already exists # CheckForExistingDp(Options.PackFileToCreate) # # Check package file existing and valid # CheckFileList('.DEC', Options.PackageFileList, ST.ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_NAME, ST.ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_PATH) # # Check module file existing and valid # CheckFileList('.INF', Options.ModuleFileList, ST.ERR_INVALID_MODULE_NAME, ST.ERR_INVALID_MODULE_PATH) # # Get list of files that installed with RePackage attribute available # RePkgDict = DataBase.GetRePkgDict() ContentFile = PackageFile(GlobalData.gCONTENT_FILE, "w") ContentFileClosed = False # # Add temp distribution header # if Options.PackageInformationDataFile: XmlFile = IniToXml(Options.PackageInformationDataFile) DistPkg = DistributionPackageXml().FromXml(XmlFile) remove(XmlFile) # # add distribution level tool/misc files # before pack, current dir should be workspace dir, else the full # path will be in the pack file # Cwd = getcwd() chdir(WorkspaceDir) ToolObject = DistPkg.Tools MiscObject = DistPkg.MiscellaneousFiles FileList = [] if ToolObject: FileList += ToolObject.GetFileList() if MiscObject: FileList += MiscObject.GetFileList() for FileObject in FileList: # # If you have unicode file names, please convert them to byte # strings in your desired encoding before passing them to # write(). # FromFile = os.path.normpath(FileObject.GetURI()).encode('utf_8') FileFullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, FromFile)) if FileFullPath in RePkgDict: (DpGuid, DpVersion, DpName, Repackage) = RePkgDict[FileFullPath] if not Repackage: Logger.Error("\nMkPkg", UPT_REPKG_ERROR, ST.ERR_UPT_REPKG_ERROR, ExtraData=ST.MSG_REPKG_CONFLICT %\ (FileFullPath, DpGuid, DpVersion, DpName) ) else: DistPkg.Header.RePackage = True ContentFile.PackFile(FromFile) chdir(Cwd) # # Add init dp information # else: DistPkg = DistributionPackageClass() DistPkg.Header.Name = 'Distribution Package' DistPkg.Header.Guid = str(uuid4()) DistPkg.Header.Version = '1.0' DistPkg.GetDistributionPackage(WorkspaceDir, Options.PackageFileList, \ Options.ModuleFileList) FileList, MetaDataFileList = DistPkg.GetDistributionFileList() for File in FileList + MetaDataFileList: FileFullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, File)) # # check whether file was included in a distribution that can not # be repackaged # if FileFullPath in RePkgDict: (DpGuid, DpVersion, DpName, Repackage) = RePkgDict[FileFullPath] if not Repackage: Logger.Error("\nMkPkg", UPT_REPKG_ERROR, ST.ERR_UPT_REPKG_ERROR, ExtraData = \ ST.MSG_REPKG_CONFLICT %(FileFullPath, DpName, \ DpGuid, DpVersion) ) else: DistPkg.Header.RePackage = True Cwd = getcwd() chdir(WorkspaceDir) ContentFile.PackFiles(FileList) chdir(Cwd) Logger.Verbose(ST.MSG_COMPRESS_DISTRIBUTION_PKG) ContentFile.Close() ContentFileClosed = True # # Add Md5Sigature # DistPkg.Header.Signature = md5.new(open(str(ContentFile), 'rb').read()).hexdigest() # # Add current Date # DistPkg.Header.Date = str(strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", localtime())) # # Finish final dp file # DistPkgFile = PackageFile(Options.PackFileToCreate, "w") DistPkgFile.PackFile(str(ContentFile)) DistPkgXml = DistributionPackageXml() DistPkgFile.PackData(DistPkgXml.ToXml(DistPkg), GlobalData.gDESC_FILE) DistPkgFile.Close() Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_FINISH) ReturnCode = 0 except FatalError, XExcept: ReturnCode = XExcept.args[0] if Logger.GetLevel() <= Logger.DEBUG_9: Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_PYTHON_ON % \ (python_version(), platform) + format_exc()) except KeyboardInterrupt: ReturnCode = ABORT_ERROR if Logger.GetLevel() <= Logger.DEBUG_9: Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_PYTHON_ON % \ (python_version(), platform) + format_exc()) except OSError: pass except: Logger.Error( "\nMkPkg", CODE_ERROR, ST.ERR_UNKNOWN_FATAL_CREATING_ERR % \ Options.PackFileToCreate, ExtraData=ST.MSG_SEARCH_FOR_HELP, RaiseError=False ) Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_PYTHON_ON % \ (python_version(), platform) + format_exc()) ReturnCode = CODE_ERROR finally: if os.path.exists(GlobalData.gCONTENT_FILE): if not ContentFileClosed: ContentFile.Close() os.remove(GlobalData.gCONTENT_FILE) return ReturnCode ## CheckFileList # # @param QualifiedExt: QualifiedExt # @param FileList: FileList # @param ErrorStringExt: ErrorStringExt # @param ErrorStringFullPath: ErrorStringFullPath # def CheckFileList(QualifiedExt, FileList, ErrorStringExt, ErrorStringFullPath): if not FileList: return WorkspaceDir = GlobalData.gWORKSPACE WorkspaceDir = os.path.normpath(WorkspaceDir) for Item in FileList: Ext = os.path.splitext(Item)[1] if Ext.upper() != QualifiedExt.upper(): Logger.Error("\nMkPkg", OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, \ ErrorStringExt % Item) Item = os.path.normpath(Item) Path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, Item)) if not os.path.exists(Path): Logger.Error("\nMkPkg", FILE_NOT_FOUND, ST.ERR_NOT_FOUND % Item) elif Item == Path: Logger.Error("\nMkPkg", OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, ErrorStringFullPath % Item) elif not IsValidPath(Item, WorkspaceDir): Logger.Error("\nMkPkg", OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, \ ErrorStringExt % Item) if not os.path.split(Item)[0]: Logger.Error("\nMkPkg", OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, \ ST.ERR_INVALID_METAFILE_PATH % Item)