/** @file Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI TimerConstructor ( VOID ) { UINTN Timer = PcdGet32(PcdOmap35xxFreeTimer); UINT32 TimerBaseAddress = TimerBase(Timer); if ((MmioRead32 (TimerBaseAddress + GPTIMER_TCLR) & TCLR_ST_ON) == 0) { // Set source clock for GPT3 & GPT4 to SYS_CLK MmioOr32 (CM_CLKSEL_PER, CM_CLKSEL_PER_CLKSEL_GPT3_SYS | CM_CLKSEL_PER_CLKSEL_GPT4_SYS); // Set count & reload registers MmioWrite32 (TimerBaseAddress + GPTIMER_TCRR, 0x00000000); MmioWrite32 (TimerBaseAddress + GPTIMER_TLDR, 0x00000000); // Disable interrupts MmioWrite32 (TimerBaseAddress + GPTIMER_TIER, TIER_TCAR_IT_DISABLE | TIER_OVF_IT_DISABLE | TIER_MAT_IT_DISABLE); // Start Timer MmioWrite32 (TimerBaseAddress + GPTIMER_TCLR, TCLR_AR_AUTORELOAD | TCLR_ST_ON); // Disable OMAP Watchdog timer (WDT2) MmioWrite32 (WDTIMER2_BASE + WSPR, 0xAAAA); DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Magic delay to disable watchdog timers properly.\n")); MmioWrite32 (WDTIMER2_BASE + WSPR, 0x5555); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } UINTN EFIAPI MicroSecondDelay ( IN UINTN MicroSeconds ) { UINT64 NanoSeconds; NanoSeconds = MultU64x32(MicroSeconds, 1000); while (NanoSeconds > (UINTN)-1) { NanoSecondDelay((UINTN)-1); NanoSeconds -= (UINTN)-1; } NanoSecondDelay(NanoSeconds); return MicroSeconds; } UINTN EFIAPI NanoSecondDelay ( IN UINTN NanoSeconds ) { UINT32 Delay; UINT32 StartTime; UINT32 CurrentTime; UINT32 ElapsedTime; UINT32 TimerCountRegister; Delay = (NanoSeconds / PcdGet32(PcdEmbeddedPerformanceCounterPeriodInNanoseconds)) + 1; TimerCountRegister = TimerBase(PcdGet32(PcdOmap35xxFreeTimer)) + GPTIMER_TCRR; StartTime = MmioRead32 (TimerCountRegister); do { CurrentTime = MmioRead32 (TimerCountRegister); ElapsedTime = CurrentTime - StartTime; } while (ElapsedTime < Delay); NanoSeconds = ElapsedTime * PcdGet32(PcdEmbeddedPerformanceCounterPeriodInNanoseconds); return NanoSeconds; } UINT64 EFIAPI GetPerformanceCounter ( VOID ) { return (UINT64)MmioRead32 (TimerBase(PcdGet32(PcdOmap35xxFreeTimer)) + GPTIMER_TCRR); } UINT64 EFIAPI GetPerformanceCounterProperties ( OUT UINT64 *StartValue, OPTIONAL OUT UINT64 *EndValue OPTIONAL ) { if (StartValue != NULL) { // Timer starts with the reload value *StartValue = (UINT64)MmioRead32 (TimerBase(PcdGet32(PcdOmap35xxFreeTimer)) + GPTIMER_TLDR); } if (EndValue != NULL) { // Timer counts up to 0xFFFFFFFF *EndValue = 0xFFFFFFFF; } return PcdGet64(PcdEmbeddedPerformanceCounterFrequencyInHz); } /** Converts elapsed ticks of performance counter to time in nanoseconds. This function converts the elapsed ticks of running performance counter to time value in unit of nanoseconds. @param Ticks The number of elapsed ticks of running performance counter. @return The elapsed time in nanoseconds. **/ UINT64 EFIAPI GetTimeInNanoSecond ( IN UINT64 Ticks ) { UINT32 Period; Period = PcdGet32 (PcdEmbeddedPerformanceCounterPeriodInNanoseconds); return (Ticks * Period); }