/** @file Random number generator service that uses the SEED instruction to provide pseudorandom numbers. Copyright (c) 2024, Rivos, Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "BaseRngLibInternals.h" #define RISCV_CPU_FEATURE_ZKR_BITMASK 0x8 #define SEED_RETRY_LOOPS 100 // 64-bit Mersenne Twister implementation // A widely used pseudo random number generator. It performs bit shifts etc to // achieve the random number. It's output is determined by SEED value generated // by RISC-V SEED CSR" #define STATE_SIZE 312 #define MIDDLE 156 #define INIT_SHIFT 62 #define TWIST_MASK 0xb5026f5aa96619e9ULL #define INIT_FACT 6364136223846793005ULL #define SHIFT1 29 #define MASK1 0x5555555555555555ULL #define SHIFT2 17 #define MASK2 0x71d67fffeda60000ULL #define SHIFT3 37 #define MASK3 0xfff7eee000000000ULL #define SHIFT4 43 #define LOWER_MASK 0x7fffffff #define UPPER_MASK (~(UINT64)LOWER_MASK) static UINT64 mState[STATE_SIZE]; static UINTN mIndex = STATE_SIZE + 1; /** Initialize mState to defualt state. @param[in] S Input seed value **/ STATIC VOID SeedRng ( IN UINT64 S ) { UINTN I; mIndex = STATE_SIZE; mState[0] = S; for (I = 1; I < STATE_SIZE; I++) { mState[I] = (INIT_FACT * (mState[I - 1] ^ (mState[I - 1] >> INIT_SHIFT))) + I; } } /** Initializes mState with entropy values. The initialization is based on the Seed value populated in mState[0] which then influences all the other values in the mState array. Later values are retrieved from the same array instead of calling trng instruction every time. **/ STATIC VOID TwistRng ( VOID ) { UINTN I; UINT64 X; for (I = 0; I < STATE_SIZE; I++) { X = (mState[I] & UPPER_MASK) | (mState[(I + 1) % STATE_SIZE] & LOWER_MASK); X = (X >> 1) ^ (X & 1 ? TWIST_MASK : 0); mState[I] = mState[(I + MIDDLE) % STATE_SIZE] ^ X; } mIndex = 0; } // Defined in Seed.S extern UINT64 ReadSeed ( VOID ); /** Gets seed value by executing trng instruction (CSR 0x15) amd returns the see to the caller 64bit value. @param[out] Out Buffer pointer to store the 64-bit random value. @retval TRUE Random number generated successfully. @retval FALSE Failed to generate the random number. **/ STATIC BOOLEAN Get64BitSeed ( OUT UINT64 *Out ) { UINT64 Seed; UINTN Retry; UINTN ValidSeeds; UINTN NeededSeeds; UINT16 *Entropy; Retry = SEED_RETRY_LOOPS; Entropy = (UINT16 *)Out; NeededSeeds = sizeof (UINT64) / sizeof (UINT16); ValidSeeds = 0; if (!ArchIsRngSupported ()) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Get64BitSeed: HW not supported!\n")); return FALSE; } do { Seed = ReadSeed (); switch (Seed & SEED_OPST_MASK) { case SEED_OPST_ES16: Entropy[ValidSeeds++] = Seed & SEED_ENTROPY_MASK; if (ValidSeeds == NeededSeeds) { return TRUE; } break; case SEED_OPST_DEAD: DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Get64BitSeed: Unrecoverable error!\n")); return FALSE; case SEED_OPST_BIST: // fallthrough case SEED_OPST_WAIT: // fallthrough default: continue; } } while (--Retry); return FALSE; } /** Constructor library which initializes Seeds and mStatus array. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Intialization was successful. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Feature not supported. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI BaseRngLibConstructor ( VOID ) { UINT64 Seed; if (Get64BitSeed (&Seed)) { SeedRng (Seed); return EFI_SUCCESS; } else { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } /** Generates a 16-bit random number. @param[out] Rand Buffer pointer to store the 16-bit random value. @retval TRUE Random number generated successfully. @retval FALSE Failed to generate the random number. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ArchGetRandomNumber16 ( OUT UINT16 *Rand ) { UINT64 Rand64; if (ArchGetRandomNumber64 (&Rand64)) { *Rand = Rand64 & MAX_UINT16; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** Generates a 32-bit random number. @param[out] Rand Buffer pointer to store the 32-bit random value. @retval TRUE Random number generated successfully. @retval FALSE Failed to generate the random number. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ArchGetRandomNumber32 ( OUT UINT32 *Rand ) { UINT64 Rand64; if (ArchGetRandomNumber64 (&Rand64)) { *Rand = Rand64 & MAX_UINT32; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** Generates a 64-bit random number. @param[out] Rand Buffer pointer to store the 64-bit random value. @retval TRUE Random number generated successfully. @retval FALSE Failed to generate the random number. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ArchGetRandomNumber64 ( OUT UINT64 *Rand ) { UINT64 Y; // Never initialized. if (mIndex > STATE_SIZE) { return FALSE; } // Mersenne Twister if (mIndex == STATE_SIZE) { TwistRng (); } Y = mState[mIndex]; Y ^= (Y >> SHIFT1) & MASK1; Y ^= (Y << SHIFT2) & MASK2; Y ^= (Y << SHIFT3) & MASK3; Y ^= Y >> SHIFT4; mIndex++; *Rand = Y; return TRUE; } /** Checks whether SEED is supported. @retval TRUE SEED is supported. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ArchIsRngSupported ( VOID ) { return ((PcdGet64 (PcdRiscVFeatureOverride) & RISCV_CPU_FEATURE_ZKR_BITMASK) != 0); }