/** @file The AhciPei driver is used to manage ATA hard disk device working under AHCI mode at PEI phase. Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "AhciPei.h" #define ATA_CMD_TRUST_NON_DATA 0x5B #define ATA_CMD_TRUST_RECEIVE 0x5C #define ATA_CMD_TRUST_SEND 0x5E // // Look up table (IsWrite) for EFI_ATA_PASS_THRU_CMD_PROTOCOL // EFI_ATA_PASS_THRU_CMD_PROTOCOL mAtaPassThruCmdProtocols[2] = { EFI_ATA_PASS_THRU_PROTOCOL_PIO_DATA_IN, EFI_ATA_PASS_THRU_PROTOCOL_PIO_DATA_OUT }; // // Look up table (Lba48Bit, IsIsWrite) for ATA_CMD // UINT8 mAtaCommands[2][2] = { { ATA_CMD_READ_SECTORS, // 28-bit LBA; PIO read ATA_CMD_WRITE_SECTORS // 28-bit LBA; PIO write }, { ATA_CMD_READ_SECTORS_EXT, // 48-bit LBA; PIO read ATA_CMD_WRITE_SECTORS_EXT // 48-bit LBA; PIO write } }; // // Look up table (IsTrustSend) for ATA_CMD // UINT8 mAtaTrustCommands[2] = { ATA_CMD_TRUST_RECEIVE, // PIO read ATA_CMD_TRUST_SEND // PIO write }; // // Look up table (Lba48Bit) for maximum transfer block number // #define MAX_28BIT_TRANSFER_BLOCK_NUM 0x100 // // Due to limited resource for VTd PEI DMA buffer on platforms, the driver // limits the maximum transfer block number for 48-bit addressing. // Here, setting to 0x800 means that for device with 512-byte block size, the // maximum buffer for DMA mapping will be 1M bytes in size. // #define MAX_48BIT_TRANSFER_BLOCK_NUM 0x800 UINT32 mMaxTransferBlockNumber[2] = { MAX_28BIT_TRANSFER_BLOCK_NUM, MAX_48BIT_TRANSFER_BLOCK_NUM }; // // The maximum total sectors count in 28 bit addressing mode // #define MAX_28BIT_ADDRESSING_CAPACITY 0xfffffff /** Read AHCI Operation register. @param[in] AhciBar AHCI bar address. @param[in] Offset The operation register offset. @return The register content read. **/ UINT32 AhciReadReg ( IN UINTN AhciBar, IN UINT32 Offset ) { UINT32 Data; Data = 0; Data = MmioRead32 (AhciBar + Offset); return Data; } /** Write AHCI Operation register. @param[in] AhciBar AHCI bar address. @param[in] Offset The operation register offset. @param[in] Data The Data used to write down. **/ VOID AhciWriteReg ( IN UINTN AhciBar, IN UINT32 Offset, IN UINT32 Data ) { MmioWrite32 (AhciBar + Offset, Data); } /** Do AND operation with the value of AHCI Operation register. @param[in] AhciBar AHCI bar address. @param[in] Offset The operation register offset. @param[in] AndData The data used to do AND operation. **/ VOID AhciAndReg ( IN UINTN AhciBar, IN UINT32 Offset, IN UINT32 AndData ) { UINT32 Data; Data = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset); Data &= AndData; AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, Data); } /** Do OR operation with the Value of AHCI Operation register. @param[in] AhciBar AHCI bar address. @param[in] Offset The operation register offset. @param[in] OrData The Data used to do OR operation. **/ VOID AhciOrReg ( IN UINTN AhciBar, IN UINT32 Offset, IN UINT32 OrData ) { UINT32 Data; Data = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset); Data |= OrData; AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, Data); } /** Wait for memory set to the test Value. @param[in] AhciBar AHCI bar address. @param[in] Offset The memory offset to test. @param[in] MaskValue The mask Value of memory. @param[in] TestValue The test Value of memory. @param[in] Timeout The timeout, in 100ns units, for wait memory set. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The memory is not set. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The memory setting is time out. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The memory is correct set. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI AhciWaitMmioSet ( IN UINTN AhciBar, IN UINT32 Offset, IN UINT32 MaskValue, IN UINT32 TestValue, IN UINT64 Timeout ) { UINT32 Value; UINT32 Delay; Delay = (UINT32)(DivU64x32 (Timeout, 1000) + 1); do { Value = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset) & MaskValue; if (Value == TestValue) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // Stall for 100 microseconds. // MicroSecondDelay (100); Delay--; } while (Delay > 0); return EFI_TIMEOUT; } /** Check the memory status to the test value. @param[in] Address The memory address to test. @param[in] MaskValue The mask value of memory. @param[in] TestValue The test value of memory. @retval EFI_NOT_READY The memory is not set. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The memory is correct set. **/ EFI_STATUS AhciCheckMemSet ( IN UINTN Address, IN UINT32 MaskValue, IN UINT32 TestValue ) { UINT32 Value; Value = *(volatile UINT32 *)Address; Value &= MaskValue; if (Value == TestValue) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } else { return EFI_NOT_READY; } } /** Wait for the value of the specified system memory set to the test value. @param[in] Address The system memory address to test. @param[in] MaskValue The mask value of memory. @param[in] TestValue The test value of memory. @param[in] Timeout The timeout, in 100ns units, for wait memory set. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The system memory setting is time out. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The system memory is correct set. **/ EFI_STATUS AhciWaitMemSet ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Address, IN UINT32 MaskValue, IN UINT32 TestValue, IN UINT64 Timeout ) { UINT32 Value; UINT64 Delay; BOOLEAN InfiniteWait; if (Timeout == 0) { InfiniteWait = TRUE; } else { InfiniteWait = FALSE; } Delay = DivU64x32 (Timeout, 1000) + 1; do { // // Access system memory to see if the value is the tested one. // // The system memory pointed by Address will be updated by the // SATA Host Controller, "volatile" is introduced to prevent // compiler from optimizing the access to the memory address // to only read once. // Value = *(volatile UINT32 *)(UINTN)Address; Value &= MaskValue; if (Value == TestValue) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // Stall for 100 microseconds. // MicroSecondDelay (100); Delay--; } while (InfiniteWait || (Delay > 0)); return EFI_TIMEOUT; } /** Clear the port interrupt and error status. It will also clear HBA interrupt status. @param[in] AhciBar AHCI bar address. @param[in] Port The number of port. **/ VOID AhciClearPortStatus ( IN UINTN AhciBar, IN UINT8 Port ) { UINT32 Offset; // // Clear any error status // Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_SERR; AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset)); // // Clear any port interrupt status // Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_IS; AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset)); // // Clear any HBA interrupt status // AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, AHCI_IS_OFFSET, AhciReadReg (AhciBar, AHCI_IS_OFFSET)); } /** Enable the FIS running for giving port. @param[in] AhciBar AHCI bar address. @param[in] Port The number of port. @param[in] Timeout The timeout, in 100ns units, to enabling FIS. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The FIS enable setting fails. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The FIS enable setting is time out. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The FIS enable successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS AhciEnableFisReceive ( IN UINTN AhciBar, IN UINT8 Port, IN UINT64 Timeout ) { UINT32 Offset; Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CMD; AhciOrReg (AhciBar, Offset, AHCI_PORT_CMD_FRE); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Disable the FIS running for giving port. @param[in] AhciBar AHCI bar address. @param[in] Port The number of port. @param[in] Timeout The timeout value of disabling FIS, uses 100ns as a unit. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The FIS disable setting fails. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The FIS disable setting is time out. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The port is in running state. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The FIS disable successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS AhciDisableFisReceive ( IN UINTN AhciBar, IN UINT8 Port, IN UINT64 Timeout ) { UINT32 Offset; UINT32 Data; Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CMD; Data = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset); // // Before disabling Fis receive, the DMA engine of the port should NOT be in // running status. // if ((Data & (AHCI_PORT_CMD_ST | AHCI_PORT_CMD_CR)) != 0) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Check if the Fis receive DMA engine for the port is running. // if ((Data & AHCI_PORT_CMD_FR) != AHCI_PORT_CMD_FR) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } AhciAndReg (AhciBar, Offset, (UINT32) ~(AHCI_PORT_CMD_FRE)); return AhciWaitMmioSet ( AhciBar, Offset, AHCI_PORT_CMD_FR, 0, Timeout ); } /** Build the command list, command table and prepare the fis receiver. @param[in] Private The pointer to the PEI_AHCI_CONTROLLER_PRIVATE_DATA. @param[in] Port The number of port. @param[in] PortMultiplier The number of port multiplier. @param[in] FisIndex The offset index of the FIS base address. @param[in] CommandFis The control fis will be used for the transfer. @param[in] CommandList The command list will be used for the transfer. @param[in] CommandSlotNumber The command slot will be used for the transfer. @param[in,out] DataPhysicalAddr The pointer to the data buffer pci bus master address. @param[in] DataLength The data count to be transferred. **/ VOID AhciBuildCommand ( IN PEI_AHCI_CONTROLLER_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN UINT8 Port, IN UINT8 PortMultiplier, IN UINT8 FisIndex, IN EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_FIS *CommandFis, IN EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_LIST *CommandList, IN UINT8 CommandSlotNumber, IN OUT VOID *DataPhysicalAddr, IN UINT32 DataLength ) { EFI_AHCI_REGISTERS *AhciRegisters; UINTN AhciBar; UINT64 BaseAddr; UINT32 PrdtNumber; UINT32 PrdtIndex; UINTN RemainedData; UINTN MemAddr; DATA_64 Data64; UINT32 Offset; AhciRegisters = &Private->AhciRegisters; AhciBar = Private->MmioBase; // // Filling the PRDT // PrdtNumber = (UINT32)DivU64x32 ( (UINT64)DataLength + AHCI_MAX_DATA_PER_PRDT - 1, AHCI_MAX_DATA_PER_PRDT ); // // According to AHCI 1.3 spec, a PRDT entry can point to a maximum 4MB data block. // It also limits that the maximum amount of the PRDT entry in the command table // is 65535. // Current driver implementation supports up to a maximum of AHCI_MAX_PRDT_NUMBER // PRDT entries. // ASSERT (PrdtNumber <= AHCI_MAX_PRDT_NUMBER); if (PrdtNumber > AHCI_MAX_PRDT_NUMBER) { return; } Data64.Uint64 = (UINTN)(AhciRegisters->AhciRFis) + sizeof (EFI_AHCI_RECEIVED_FIS) * FisIndex; BaseAddr = Data64.Uint64; ZeroMem ((VOID *)((UINTN)BaseAddr), sizeof (EFI_AHCI_RECEIVED_FIS)); ZeroMem (AhciRegisters->AhciCmdTable, sizeof (EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_TABLE)); CommandFis->AhciCFisPmNum = PortMultiplier; CopyMem (&AhciRegisters->AhciCmdTable->CommandFis, CommandFis, sizeof (EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_FIS)); Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CMD; AhciAndReg (AhciBar, Offset, (UINT32) ~(AHCI_PORT_CMD_DLAE | AHCI_PORT_CMD_ATAPI)); RemainedData = (UINTN)DataLength; MemAddr = (UINTN)DataPhysicalAddr; CommandList->AhciCmdPrdtl = PrdtNumber; for (PrdtIndex = 0; PrdtIndex < PrdtNumber; PrdtIndex++) { if (RemainedData < AHCI_MAX_DATA_PER_PRDT) { AhciRegisters->AhciCmdTable->PrdtTable[PrdtIndex].AhciPrdtDbc = (UINT32)RemainedData - 1; } else { AhciRegisters->AhciCmdTable->PrdtTable[PrdtIndex].AhciPrdtDbc = AHCI_MAX_DATA_PER_PRDT - 1; } Data64.Uint64 = (UINT64)MemAddr; AhciRegisters->AhciCmdTable->PrdtTable[PrdtIndex].AhciPrdtDba = Data64.Uint32.Lower32; AhciRegisters->AhciCmdTable->PrdtTable[PrdtIndex].AhciPrdtDbau = Data64.Uint32.Upper32; RemainedData -= AHCI_MAX_DATA_PER_PRDT; MemAddr += AHCI_MAX_DATA_PER_PRDT; } // // Set the last PRDT to Interrupt On Complete // if (PrdtNumber > 0) { AhciRegisters->AhciCmdTable->PrdtTable[PrdtNumber - 1].AhciPrdtIoc = 1; } CopyMem ( (VOID *)((UINTN)AhciRegisters->AhciCmdList + (UINTN)CommandSlotNumber * sizeof (EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_LIST)), CommandList, sizeof (EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_LIST) ); Data64.Uint64 = (UINT64)(UINTN)AhciRegisters->AhciCmdTable; AhciRegisters->AhciCmdList[CommandSlotNumber].AhciCmdCtba = Data64.Uint32.Lower32; AhciRegisters->AhciCmdList[CommandSlotNumber].AhciCmdCtbau = Data64.Uint32.Upper32; AhciRegisters->AhciCmdList[CommandSlotNumber].AhciCmdPmp = PortMultiplier; } /** Build a command FIS. @param[in,out] CmdFis A pointer to the EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_FIS data structure. @param[in] AtaCommandBlock A pointer to the EFI_ATA_COMMAND_BLOCK data structure. **/ VOID AhciBuildCommandFis ( IN OUT EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_FIS *CmdFis, IN EFI_ATA_COMMAND_BLOCK *AtaCommandBlock ) { ZeroMem (CmdFis, sizeof (EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_FIS)); CmdFis->AhciCFisType = AHCI_FIS_REGISTER_H2D; // // Indicator it's a command // CmdFis->AhciCFisCmdInd = 0x1; CmdFis->AhciCFisCmd = AtaCommandBlock->AtaCommand; CmdFis->AhciCFisFeature = AtaCommandBlock->AtaFeatures; CmdFis->AhciCFisFeatureExp = AtaCommandBlock->AtaFeaturesExp; CmdFis->AhciCFisSecNum = AtaCommandBlock->AtaSectorNumber; CmdFis->AhciCFisSecNumExp = AtaCommandBlock->AtaSectorNumberExp; CmdFis->AhciCFisClyLow = AtaCommandBlock->AtaCylinderLow; CmdFis->AhciCFisClyLowExp = AtaCommandBlock->AtaCylinderLowExp; CmdFis->AhciCFisClyHigh = AtaCommandBlock->AtaCylinderHigh; CmdFis->AhciCFisClyHighExp = AtaCommandBlock->AtaCylinderHighExp; CmdFis->AhciCFisSecCount = AtaCommandBlock->AtaSectorCount; CmdFis->AhciCFisSecCountExp = AtaCommandBlock->AtaSectorCountExp; CmdFis->AhciCFisDevHead = (UINT8)(AtaCommandBlock->AtaDeviceHead | 0xE0); } /** Stop command running for giving port @param[in] AhciBar AHCI bar address. @param[in] Port The number of port. @param[in] Timeout The timeout value, in 100ns units, to stop. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The command stop unsuccessfully. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The operation is time out. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The command stop successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS AhciStopCommand ( IN UINTN AhciBar, IN UINT8 Port, IN UINT64 Timeout ) { UINT32 Offset; UINT32 Data; Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CMD; Data = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset); if ((Data & (AHCI_PORT_CMD_ST | AHCI_PORT_CMD_CR)) == 0) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } if ((Data & AHCI_PORT_CMD_ST) != 0) { AhciAndReg (AhciBar, Offset, (UINT32) ~(AHCI_PORT_CMD_ST)); } return AhciWaitMmioSet ( AhciBar, Offset, AHCI_PORT_CMD_CR, 0, Timeout ); } /** Start command for give slot on specific port. @param[in] AhciBar AHCI bar address. @param[in] Port The number of port. @param[in] CommandSlot The number of Command Slot. @param[in] Timeout The timeout value, in 100ns units, to start. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The command start unsuccessfully. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The operation is time out. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The command start successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS AhciStartCommand ( IN UINTN AhciBar, IN UINT8 Port, IN UINT8 CommandSlot, IN UINT64 Timeout ) { UINT32 CmdSlotBit; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 PortStatus; UINT32 StartCmd; UINT32 PortTfd; UINT32 Offset; UINT32 Capability; // // Collect AHCI controller information // Capability = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, AHCI_CAPABILITY_OFFSET); CmdSlotBit = (UINT32)(1 << CommandSlot); AhciClearPortStatus ( AhciBar, Port ); Status = AhciEnableFisReceive ( AhciBar, Port, Timeout ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CMD; PortStatus = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset); StartCmd = 0; if ((PortStatus & AHCI_PORT_CMD_ALPE) != 0) { StartCmd = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset); StartCmd &= ~AHCI_PORT_CMD_ICC_MASK; StartCmd |= AHCI_PORT_CMD_ACTIVE; } Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_TFD; PortTfd = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset); if ((PortTfd & (AHCI_PORT_TFD_BSY | AHCI_PORT_TFD_DRQ)) != 0) { if ((Capability & BIT24) != 0) { Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CMD; AhciOrReg (AhciBar, Offset, AHCI_PORT_CMD_CLO); AhciWaitMmioSet ( AhciBar, Offset, AHCI_PORT_CMD_CLO, 0, Timeout ); } } Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CMD; AhciOrReg (AhciBar, Offset, AHCI_PORT_CMD_ST | StartCmd); // // Setting the command // Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CI; AhciAndReg (AhciBar, Offset, 0); AhciOrReg (AhciBar, Offset, CmdSlotBit); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Start a PIO Data transfer on specific port. @param[in] Private The pointer to the PEI_AHCI_CONTROLLER_PRIVATE_DATA. @param[in] Port The number of port. @param[in] PortMultiplier The number of port multiplier. @param[in] FisIndex The offset index of the FIS base address. @param[in] Read The transfer direction. @param[in] AtaCommandBlock The EFI_ATA_COMMAND_BLOCK data. @param[in,out] AtaStatusBlock The EFI_ATA_STATUS_BLOCK data. @param[in,out] MemoryAddr The pointer to the data buffer. @param[in] DataCount The data count to be transferred. @param[in] Timeout The timeout value of PIO data transfer, uses 100ns as a unit. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The PIO data transfer abort with error occurs. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The operation is time out. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The device is not ready for transfer. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES The operation fails due to lack of resources. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The PIO data transfer executes successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS AhciPioTransfer ( IN PEI_AHCI_CONTROLLER_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN UINT8 Port, IN UINT8 PortMultiplier, IN UINT8 FisIndex, IN BOOLEAN Read, IN EFI_ATA_COMMAND_BLOCK *AtaCommandBlock, IN OUT EFI_ATA_STATUS_BLOCK *AtaStatusBlock, IN OUT VOID *MemoryAddr, IN UINT32 DataCount, IN UINT64 Timeout ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EDKII_IOMMU_OPERATION MapOp; UINTN MapLength; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhyAddr; VOID *MapData; EFI_AHCI_REGISTERS *AhciRegisters; UINTN AhciBar; BOOLEAN InfiniteWait; UINT32 Offset; UINT32 OldRfisLo; UINT32 OldRfisHi; UINT32 OldCmdListLo; UINT32 OldCmdListHi; DATA_64 Data64; UINT32 FisBaseAddr; UINT32 Delay; EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_FIS CFis; EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_LIST CmdList; UINT32 PortTfd; UINT32 PrdCount; BOOLEAN PioFisReceived; BOOLEAN D2hFisReceived; // // Current driver implementation supports up to a maximum of AHCI_MAX_PRDT_NUMBER // PRDT entries. // if (DataCount / (UINT32)AHCI_MAX_PRDT_NUMBER > AHCI_MAX_DATA_PER_PRDT) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Driver only support a maximum of 0x%x PRDT entries, " "current number of data byte 0x%x is too large, maximum allowed is 0x%x.\n", __FUNCTION__, AHCI_MAX_PRDT_NUMBER, DataCount, AHCI_MAX_PRDT_NUMBER * AHCI_MAX_DATA_PER_PRDT )); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } MapOp = Read ? EdkiiIoMmuOperationBusMasterWrite : EdkiiIoMmuOperationBusMasterRead; MapLength = DataCount; Status = IoMmuMap ( MapOp, MemoryAddr, &MapLength, &PhyAddr, &MapData ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || (MapLength != DataCount)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Fail to map data buffer.\n", __FUNCTION__)); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } AhciRegisters = &Private->AhciRegisters; AhciBar = Private->MmioBase; InfiniteWait = (Timeout == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; // // Fill FIS base address register // Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_FB; OldRfisLo = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset); Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_FBU; OldRfisHi = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset); Data64.Uint64 = (UINTN)(AhciRegisters->AhciRFis) + sizeof (EFI_AHCI_RECEIVED_FIS) * FisIndex; Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_FB; AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, Data64.Uint32.Lower32); Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_FBU; AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, Data64.Uint32.Upper32); // // Single task environment, we only use one command table for all port // Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CLB; OldCmdListLo = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset); Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CLBU; OldCmdListHi = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset); Data64.Uint64 = (UINTN)(AhciRegisters->AhciCmdList); Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CLB; AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, Data64.Uint32.Lower32); Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CLBU; AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, Data64.Uint32.Upper32); // // Package read needed // AhciBuildCommandFis (&CFis, AtaCommandBlock); ZeroMem (&CmdList, sizeof (EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_LIST)); CmdList.AhciCmdCfl = AHCI_FIS_REGISTER_H2D_LENGTH / 4; CmdList.AhciCmdW = Read ? 0 : 1; AhciBuildCommand ( Private, Port, PortMultiplier, FisIndex, &CFis, &CmdList, 0, (VOID *)(UINTN)PhyAddr, DataCount ); Status = AhciStartCommand ( AhciBar, Port, 0, Timeout ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Exit; } // // Checking the status and wait the driver sending Data // FisBaseAddr = (UINT32)(UINTN)AhciRegisters->AhciRFis + sizeof (EFI_AHCI_RECEIVED_FIS) * FisIndex; if (Read) { // // Wait device sends the PIO setup fis before data transfer // Status = EFI_TIMEOUT; Delay = (UINT32)DivU64x32 (Timeout, 1000) + 1; do { PioFisReceived = FALSE; D2hFisReceived = FALSE; Offset = FisBaseAddr + AHCI_PIO_FIS_OFFSET; Status = AhciCheckMemSet (Offset, AHCI_FIS_TYPE_MASK, AHCI_FIS_PIO_SETUP); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a: PioFisReceived.\n", __FUNCTION__)); PioFisReceived = TRUE; } // // According to SATA 2.6 spec section 11.7, D2h FIS means an error encountered. // But Qemu and Marvel 9230 sata controller may just receive a D2h FIS from // device after the transaction is finished successfully. // To get better device compatibilities, we further check if the PxTFD's // ERR bit is set. By this way, we can know if there is a real error happened. // Offset = FisBaseAddr + AHCI_D2H_FIS_OFFSET; Status = AhciCheckMemSet (Offset, AHCI_FIS_TYPE_MASK, AHCI_FIS_REGISTER_D2H); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a: D2hFisReceived.\n", __FUNCTION__)); D2hFisReceived = TRUE; } if (PioFisReceived || D2hFisReceived) { Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_TFD; PortTfd = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, (UINT32)Offset); // // PxTFD will be updated if there is a D2H or SetupFIS received. // if ((PortTfd & AHCI_PORT_TFD_ERR) != 0) { Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; break; } PrdCount = *(volatile UINT32 *)(&(AhciRegisters->AhciCmdList[0].AhciCmdPrdbc)); if (PrdCount == DataCount) { Status = EFI_SUCCESS; break; } } // // Stall for 100 microseconds. // MicroSecondDelay (100); Delay--; if (Delay == 0) { Status = EFI_TIMEOUT; } } while (InfiniteWait || (Delay > 0)); } else { // // Wait for D2H Fis is received // Offset = FisBaseAddr + AHCI_D2H_FIS_OFFSET; Status = AhciWaitMemSet ( Offset, AHCI_FIS_TYPE_MASK, AHCI_FIS_REGISTER_D2H, Timeout ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: AhciWaitMemSet (%r)\n", __FUNCTION__, Status)); goto Exit; } Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_TFD; PortTfd = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, (UINT32)Offset); if ((PortTfd & AHCI_PORT_TFD_ERR) != 0) { Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } } Exit: AhciStopCommand ( AhciBar, Port, Timeout ); AhciDisableFisReceive ( AhciBar, Port, Timeout ); if (MapData != NULL) { IoMmuUnmap (MapData); } Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_FB; AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, OldRfisLo); Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_FBU; AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, OldRfisHi); Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CLB; AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, OldCmdListLo); Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CLBU; AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, OldCmdListHi); return Status; } /** Start a non data transfer on specific port. @param[in] Private The pointer to the PEI_AHCI_CONTROLLER_PRIVATE_DATA. @param[in] Port The number of port. @param[in] PortMultiplier The number of port multiplier. @param[in] FisIndex The offset index of the FIS base address. @param[in] AtaCommandBlock The EFI_ATA_COMMAND_BLOCK data. @param[in,out] AtaStatusBlock The EFI_ATA_STATUS_BLOCK data. @param[in] Timeout The timeout value of non data transfer, uses 100ns as a unit. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The non data transfer abort with error occurs. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The operation is time out. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The device is not ready for transfer. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The non data transfer executes successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS AhciNonDataTransfer ( IN PEI_AHCI_CONTROLLER_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN UINT8 Port, IN UINT8 PortMultiplier, IN UINT8 FisIndex, IN EFI_ATA_COMMAND_BLOCK *AtaCommandBlock, IN OUT EFI_ATA_STATUS_BLOCK *AtaStatusBlock, IN UINT64 Timeout ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN AhciBar; EFI_AHCI_REGISTERS *AhciRegisters; UINTN FisBaseAddr; UINTN Offset; UINT32 PortTfd; EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_FIS CFis; EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_LIST CmdList; AhciBar = Private->MmioBase; AhciRegisters = &Private->AhciRegisters; // // Package read needed // AhciBuildCommandFis (&CFis, AtaCommandBlock); ZeroMem (&CmdList, sizeof (EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_LIST)); CmdList.AhciCmdCfl = AHCI_FIS_REGISTER_H2D_LENGTH / 4; AhciBuildCommand ( Private, Port, PortMultiplier, FisIndex, &CFis, &CmdList, 0, NULL, 0 ); Status = AhciStartCommand ( AhciBar, Port, 0, Timeout ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Exit; } // // Wait device sends the Response Fis // FisBaseAddr = (UINTN)AhciRegisters->AhciRFis + sizeof (EFI_AHCI_RECEIVED_FIS) * FisIndex; Offset = FisBaseAddr + AHCI_D2H_FIS_OFFSET; Status = AhciWaitMemSet ( Offset, AHCI_FIS_TYPE_MASK, AHCI_FIS_REGISTER_D2H, Timeout ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Exit; } Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_TFD; PortTfd = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, (UINT32)Offset); if ((PortTfd & AHCI_PORT_TFD_ERR) != 0) { Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } Exit: AhciStopCommand ( AhciBar, Port, Timeout ); AhciDisableFisReceive ( AhciBar, Port, Timeout ); return Status; } /** Do AHCI HBA reset. @param[in] AhciBar AHCI bar address. @param[in] Timeout The timeout, in 100ns units, to reset. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR AHCI controller is failed to complete hardware reset. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The reset operation is time out. @retval EFI_SUCCESS AHCI controller is reset successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS AhciReset ( IN UINTN AhciBar, IN UINT64 Timeout ) { UINT32 Delay; UINT32 Value; UINT32 Capability; // // Collect AHCI controller information // Capability = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, AHCI_CAPABILITY_OFFSET); // // Enable AE before accessing any AHCI registers if Supports AHCI Mode Only is not set // if ((Capability & AHCI_CAP_SAM) == 0) { AhciOrReg (AhciBar, AHCI_GHC_OFFSET, AHCI_GHC_ENABLE); } AhciOrReg (AhciBar, AHCI_GHC_OFFSET, AHCI_GHC_RESET); Delay = (UINT32)(DivU64x32 (Timeout, 1000) + 1); do { Value = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, AHCI_GHC_OFFSET); if ((Value & AHCI_GHC_RESET) == 0) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // Stall for 100 microseconds. // MicroSecondDelay (100); Delay--; } while (Delay > 0); return EFI_TIMEOUT; } /** Send Identify Drive command to a specific device. @param[in] Private The pointer to the PEI_AHCI_CONTROLLER_PRIVATE_DATA. @param[in] Port The number of port. @param[in] PortMultiplier The port multiplier port number. @param[in] FisIndex The offset index of the FIS base address. @param[in] Buffer The data buffer to store IDENTIFY PACKET data. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The cmd executes successfully. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Buffer is NULL. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The cmd abort with error occurs. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The operation is time out. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The device is not ready for executing. **/ EFI_STATUS AhciIdentify ( IN PEI_AHCI_CONTROLLER_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN UINT8 Port, IN UINT8 PortMultiplier, IN UINT8 FisIndex, IN ATA_IDENTIFY_DATA *Buffer ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_ATA_COMMAND_BLOCK Acb; EFI_ATA_STATUS_BLOCK Asb; if (Buffer == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } ZeroMem (&Acb, sizeof (EFI_ATA_COMMAND_BLOCK)); ZeroMem (&Asb, sizeof (EFI_ATA_STATUS_BLOCK)); Acb.AtaCommand = ATA_CMD_IDENTIFY_DRIVE; Acb.AtaSectorCount = 1; Status = AhciPioTransfer ( Private, Port, PortMultiplier, FisIndex, TRUE, &Acb, &Asb, Buffer, sizeof (ATA_IDENTIFY_DATA), ATA_TIMEOUT ); return Status; } /** Collect the number of bits set within a port bitmap. @param[in] PortBitMap A 32-bit wide bit map of ATA AHCI ports. @retval The number of bits set in the bitmap. **/ UINT8 AhciGetNumberOfPortsFromMap ( IN UINT32 PortBitMap ) { UINT8 NumberOfPorts; NumberOfPorts = 0; while (PortBitMap != 0) { if ((PortBitMap & ((UINT32)BIT0)) != 0) { NumberOfPorts++; } PortBitMap = PortBitMap >> 1; } return NumberOfPorts; } /** Get the specified port number from a port bitmap. @param[in] PortBitMap A 32-bit wide bit map of ATA AHCI ports. @param[in] PortIndex The specified port index. @param[out] Port The port number of the port specified by PortIndex. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The specified port is found and its port number is in Port. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Cannot find the specified port within the port bitmap. **/ EFI_STATUS AhciGetPortFromMap ( IN UINT32 PortBitMap, IN UINT8 PortIndex, OUT UINT8 *Port ) { if (PortIndex == 0) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } *Port = 0; while (PortBitMap != 0) { if ((PortBitMap & ((UINT32)BIT0)) != 0) { PortIndex--; // // Found the port specified by PortIndex. // if (PortIndex == 0) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } } PortBitMap = PortBitMap >> 1; *Port = *Port + 1; } return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } /** Allocate transfer-related data struct which is used at AHCI mode. @param[in,out] Private A pointer to the PEI_AHCI_CONTROLLER_PRIVATE_DATA instance. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Data structures are allocated successfully. @retval Others Data structures are not allocated successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS AhciCreateTransferDescriptor ( IN OUT PEI_AHCI_CONTROLLER_PRIVATE_DATA *Private ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN AhciBar; EFI_AHCI_REGISTERS *AhciRegisters; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS DeviceAddress; VOID *Base; VOID *Mapping; UINT32 Capability; UINT32 PortImplementBitMap; UINT8 MaxPortNumber; UINT8 MaxCommandSlotNumber; UINTN MaxRFisSize; UINTN MaxCmdListSize; UINTN MaxCmdTableSize; AhciBar = Private->MmioBase; AhciRegisters = &Private->AhciRegisters; // // Collect AHCI controller information // Capability = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, AHCI_CAPABILITY_OFFSET); // // Get the number of command slots per port supported by this HBA. // MaxCommandSlotNumber = (UINT8)(((Capability & 0x1F00) >> 8) + 1); ASSERT (MaxCommandSlotNumber > 0); if (MaxCommandSlotNumber == 0) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // Get the highest bit of implemented ports which decides how many bytes are // allocated for recived FIS. // PortImplementBitMap = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, AHCI_PI_OFFSET); MaxPortNumber = (UINT8)(UINTN)(HighBitSet32 (PortImplementBitMap) + 1); if (MaxPortNumber == 0) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // Get the number of ports that actually needed to be initialized. // MaxPortNumber = MIN (MaxPortNumber, AhciGetNumberOfPortsFromMap (Private->PortBitMap)); // // Allocate memory for received FIS. // MaxRFisSize = MaxPortNumber * sizeof (EFI_AHCI_RECEIVED_FIS); Status = IoMmuAllocateBuffer ( EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (MaxRFisSize), &Base, &DeviceAddress, &Mapping ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } ASSERT (DeviceAddress == ((EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)Base)); AhciRegisters->AhciRFis = Base; AhciRegisters->AhciRFisMap = Mapping; AhciRegisters->MaxRFisSize = MaxRFisSize; ZeroMem (AhciRegisters->AhciRFis, EFI_PAGE_SIZE * EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (MaxRFisSize)); // // Allocate memory for command list. // Note that the implemenation is a single task model which only use a command // list for each port. // MaxCmdListSize = 1 * sizeof (EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_LIST); Status = IoMmuAllocateBuffer ( EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (MaxCmdListSize), &Base, &DeviceAddress, &Mapping ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ErrorExit; } ASSERT (DeviceAddress == ((EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)Base)); AhciRegisters->AhciCmdList = Base; AhciRegisters->AhciCmdListMap = Mapping; AhciRegisters->MaxCmdListSize = MaxCmdListSize; ZeroMem (AhciRegisters->AhciCmdList, EFI_PAGE_SIZE * EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (MaxCmdListSize)); // // Allocate memory for command table // According to AHCI 1.3 spec, a PRD table can contain maximum 65535 entries. // MaxCmdTableSize = sizeof (EFI_AHCI_COMMAND_TABLE); Status = IoMmuAllocateBuffer ( EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (MaxCmdTableSize), &Base, &DeviceAddress, &Mapping ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ErrorExit; } ASSERT (DeviceAddress == ((EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)Base)); AhciRegisters->AhciCmdTable = Base; AhciRegisters->AhciCmdTableMap = Mapping; AhciRegisters->MaxCmdTableSize = MaxCmdTableSize; ZeroMem (AhciRegisters->AhciCmdTable, EFI_PAGE_SIZE * EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (MaxCmdTableSize)); return EFI_SUCCESS; ErrorExit: if (AhciRegisters->AhciRFisMap != NULL) { IoMmuFreeBuffer ( EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (AhciRegisters->MaxRFisSize), AhciRegisters->AhciRFis, AhciRegisters->AhciRFisMap ); AhciRegisters->AhciRFis = NULL; } if (AhciRegisters->AhciCmdListMap != NULL) { IoMmuFreeBuffer ( EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (AhciRegisters->MaxCmdListSize), AhciRegisters->AhciCmdList, AhciRegisters->AhciCmdListMap ); AhciRegisters->AhciCmdList = NULL; } return Status; } /** Gets ATA device Capacity according to ATA 6. This function returns the capacity of the ATA device if it follows ATA 6 to support 48 bit addressing. @param[in] IdentifyData A pointer to ATA_IDENTIFY_DATA structure. @return The capacity of the ATA device or 0 if the device does not support 48-bit addressing defined in ATA 6. **/ EFI_LBA GetAtapi6Capacity ( IN ATA_IDENTIFY_DATA *IdentifyData ) { EFI_LBA Capacity; EFI_LBA TmpLba; UINTN Index; if ((IdentifyData->command_set_supported_83 & BIT10) == 0) { // // The device doesn't support 48 bit addressing // return 0; } // // 48 bit address feature set is supported, get maximum capacity // Capacity = 0; for (Index = 0; Index < 4; Index++) { // // Lower byte goes first: word[100] is the lowest word, word[103] is highest // TmpLba = IdentifyData->maximum_lba_for_48bit_addressing[Index]; Capacity |= LShiftU64 (TmpLba, 16 * Index); } return Capacity; } /** Identifies ATA device via the Identify data. This function identifies the ATA device and initializes the media information. @attention This is boundary function that may receive untrusted input. @attention The input is from peripheral hardware device. The Identify Drive command response data from an ATA device is the peripheral hardware input, so this routine will do basic validation for the Identify Drive command response data. @param[in,out] DeviceData A pointer to PEI_AHCI_ATA_DEVICE_DATA structure. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The device is successfully identified and media information is correctly initialized. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The device is not a valid ATA device (hard disk). **/ EFI_STATUS IdentifyAtaDevice ( IN OUT PEI_AHCI_ATA_DEVICE_DATA *DeviceData ) { ATA_IDENTIFY_DATA *IdentifyData; EFI_PEI_BLOCK_IO2_MEDIA *Media; EFI_LBA Capacity; UINT32 MaxSectorCount; UINT16 PhyLogicSectorSupport; IdentifyData = DeviceData->IdentifyData; Media = &DeviceData->Media; if ((IdentifyData->config & BIT15) != 0) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Not a hard disk device on Port 0x%x PortMultiplierPort 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, DeviceData->Port, DeviceData->PortMultiplier )); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "%a: Identify Device: Port 0x%x PortMultiplierPort 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, DeviceData->Port, DeviceData->PortMultiplier )); // // Skip checking whether the WORD 88 (supported UltraDMA by drive), since the // driver only support PIO data transfer for now. // // // Get the capacity information of the device. // Capacity = GetAtapi6Capacity (IdentifyData); if (Capacity > MAX_28BIT_ADDRESSING_CAPACITY) { // // Capacity exceeds 120GB. 48-bit addressing is really needed // DeviceData->Lba48Bit = TRUE; } else { // // This is a hard disk <= 120GB capacity, treat it as normal hard disk // Capacity = ((UINT32)IdentifyData->user_addressable_sectors_hi << 16) | IdentifyData->user_addressable_sectors_lo; DeviceData->Lba48Bit = FALSE; } if (Capacity == 0) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Invalid Capacity (0) for ATA device.\n", __FUNCTION__)); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } Media->LastBlock = (EFI_PEI_LBA)(Capacity - 1); Media->BlockSize = 0x200; // // Check whether Long Physical Sector Feature is supported // PhyLogicSectorSupport = IdentifyData->phy_logic_sector_support; DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "%a: PhyLogicSectorSupport = 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, PhyLogicSectorSupport )); if ((PhyLogicSectorSupport & (BIT14 | BIT15)) == BIT14) { // // Check logical block size // if ((PhyLogicSectorSupport & BIT12) != 0) { Media->BlockSize = (UINT32)(((IdentifyData->logic_sector_size_hi << 16) | IdentifyData->logic_sector_size_lo) * sizeof (UINT16)); } } // // Check BlockSize validity // MaxSectorCount = mMaxTransferBlockNumber[DeviceData->Lba48Bit]; if ((Media->BlockSize == 0) || (Media->BlockSize > MAX_UINT32 / MaxSectorCount)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Invalid BlockSize (0x%x).\n", __FUNCTION__, Media->BlockSize)); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "%a: BlockSize = 0x%x, LastBlock = 0x%lx\n", __FUNCTION__, Media->BlockSize, Media->LastBlock )); if ((IdentifyData->trusted_computing_support & BIT0) != 0) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a: Found Trust Computing feature support.\n", __FUNCTION__)); DeviceData->TrustComputing = TRUE; } Media->InterfaceType = MSG_SATA_DP; Media->RemovableMedia = FALSE; Media->MediaPresent = TRUE; Media->ReadOnly = FALSE; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Allocate device information data structure to contain device information. And insert the data structure to the tail of device list for tracing. @param[in,out] Private A pointer to the PEI_AHCI_CONTROLLER_PRIVATE_DATA instance. @param[in] DeviceIndex The device index. @param[in] Port The port number of the ATA device to send the command. @param[in] PortMultiplierPort The port multiplier port number of the ATA device to send the command. If there is no port multiplier, then specify 0xFFFF. @param[in] FisIndex The index of the FIS of the ATA device to send the command. @param[in] IdentifyData The data buffer to store the output of the IDENTIFY command. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Successfully insert the ATA device to the tail of device list. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough resource. **/ EFI_STATUS CreateNewDevice ( IN OUT PEI_AHCI_CONTROLLER_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN UINTN DeviceIndex, IN UINT16 Port, IN UINT16 PortMultiplier, IN UINT8 FisIndex, IN ATA_IDENTIFY_DATA *IdentifyData ) { PEI_AHCI_ATA_DEVICE_DATA *DeviceData; EFI_STATUS Status; DeviceData = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (PEI_AHCI_ATA_DEVICE_DATA)); if (DeviceData == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } if (IdentifyData != NULL) { DeviceData->IdentifyData = AllocateCopyPool (sizeof (ATA_IDENTIFY_DATA), IdentifyData); if (DeviceData->IdentifyData == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } } DeviceData->Signature = AHCI_PEI_ATA_DEVICE_DATA_SIGNATURE; DeviceData->Port = Port; DeviceData->PortMultiplier = PortMultiplier; DeviceData->FisIndex = FisIndex; DeviceData->DeviceIndex = DeviceIndex; DeviceData->Private = Private; Status = IdentifyAtaDevice (DeviceData); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (DeviceData->TrustComputing) { Private->TrustComputingDevices++; DeviceData->TrustComputingDeviceIndex = Private->TrustComputingDevices; } Private->ActiveDevices++; InsertTailList (&Private->DeviceList, &DeviceData->Link); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Initialize ATA host controller at AHCI mode. The function is designed to initialize ATA host controller. @param[in,out] Private A pointer to the PEI_AHCI_CONTROLLER_PRIVATE_DATA instance. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The ATA AHCI controller is initialized successfully. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough resource to complete while initializing the controller. @retval Others A device error occurred while initializing the controller. **/ EFI_STATUS AhciModeInitialization ( IN OUT PEI_AHCI_CONTROLLER_PRIVATE_DATA *Private ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN AhciBar; UINT32 Capability; UINT32 Value; UINT8 MaxPortNumber; UINT32 PortImplementBitMap; UINT32 PortInitializeBitMap; EFI_AHCI_REGISTERS *AhciRegisters; UINT8 PortIndex; UINT8 Port; DATA_64 Data64; UINT32 Data; UINT32 Offset; UINT32 PhyDetectDelay; UINTN DeviceIndex; ATA_IDENTIFY_DATA IdentifyData; AhciBar = Private->MmioBase; Status = AhciReset (AhciBar, AHCI_PEI_RESET_TIMEOUT); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: AHCI HBA reset failed with %r.\n", __FUNCTION__, Status)); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // Collect AHCI controller information // Capability = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, AHCI_CAPABILITY_OFFSET); // // Make sure that GHC.AE bit is set before accessing any AHCI registers. // Value = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, AHCI_GHC_OFFSET); if ((Value & AHCI_GHC_ENABLE) == 0) { AhciOrReg (AhciBar, AHCI_GHC_OFFSET, AHCI_GHC_ENABLE); } Status = AhciCreateTransferDescriptor (Private); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Transfer-related data allocation failed with %r.\n", __FUNCTION__, Status )); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Get the number of command slots per port supported by this HBA. // MaxPortNumber = (UINT8)((Capability & 0x1F) + 1); // // Get the bit map of those ports exposed by this HBA. // It indicates which ports that the HBA supports are available for software // to use. // PortImplementBitMap = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, AHCI_PI_OFFSET); // // Get the number of ports that actually needed to be initialized. // MaxPortNumber = MIN (MaxPortNumber, (UINT8)(UINTN)(HighBitSet32 (PortImplementBitMap) + 1)); MaxPortNumber = MIN (MaxPortNumber, AhciGetNumberOfPortsFromMap (Private->PortBitMap)); PortInitializeBitMap = Private->PortBitMap & PortImplementBitMap; AhciRegisters = &Private->AhciRegisters; DeviceIndex = 0; // // Enumerate ATA ports // for (PortIndex = 1; PortIndex <= MaxPortNumber; PortIndex++) { Status = AhciGetPortFromMap (PortInitializeBitMap, PortIndex, &Port); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // No more available port, just break out of the loop. // break; } if ((PortImplementBitMap & (BIT0 << Port)) != 0) { // // Initialize FIS Base Address Register and Command List Base Address // Register for use. // Data64.Uint64 = (UINTN)(AhciRegisters->AhciRFis) + sizeof (EFI_AHCI_RECEIVED_FIS) * (PortIndex - 1); Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_FB; AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, Data64.Uint32.Lower32); Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_FBU; AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, Data64.Uint32.Upper32); Data64.Uint64 = (UINTN)(AhciRegisters->AhciCmdList); Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CLB; AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, Data64.Uint32.Lower32); Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CLBU; AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, Data64.Uint32.Upper32); Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CMD; Data = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset); if ((Data & AHCI_PORT_CMD_CPD) != 0) { AhciOrReg (AhciBar, Offset, AHCI_PORT_CMD_POD); } if ((Capability & AHCI_CAP_SSS) != 0) { AhciOrReg (AhciBar, Offset, AHCI_PORT_CMD_SUD); } // // Disable aggressive power management. // Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_SCTL; AhciOrReg (AhciBar, Offset, AHCI_PORT_SCTL_IPM_INIT); // // Disable the reporting of the corresponding interrupt to system software. // Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_IE; AhciAndReg (AhciBar, Offset, 0); // // Enable FIS Receive DMA engine for the first D2H FIS. // Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CMD; AhciOrReg (AhciBar, Offset, AHCI_PORT_CMD_FRE); // // Wait no longer than 15 ms to wait the Phy to detect the presence of a device. // PhyDetectDelay = AHCI_BUS_PHY_DETECT_TIMEOUT; Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_SSTS; do { Data = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset) & AHCI_PORT_SSTS_DET_MASK; if ((Data == AHCI_PORT_SSTS_DET_PCE) || (Data == AHCI_PORT_SSTS_DET)) { break; } MicroSecondDelay (1000); PhyDetectDelay--; } while (PhyDetectDelay > 0); if (PhyDetectDelay == 0) { // // No device detected at this port. // Clear PxCMD.SUD for those ports at which there are no device present. // Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_CMD; AhciAndReg (AhciBar, Offset, (UINT32) ~(AHCI_PORT_CMD_SUD)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: No device detected at Port %d.\n", __FUNCTION__, Port)); continue; } // // According to SATA1.0a spec section 5.2, we need to wait for PxTFD.BSY and PxTFD.DRQ // and PxTFD.ERR to be zero. The maximum wait time is 16s which is defined at ATA spec. // PhyDetectDelay = 16 * 1000; do { Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_SERR; if (AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset) != 0) { AhciWriteReg (AhciBar, Offset, AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset)); } Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_TFD; Data = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset) & AHCI_PORT_TFD_MASK; if (Data == 0) { break; } MicroSecondDelay (1000); PhyDetectDelay--; } while (PhyDetectDelay > 0); if (PhyDetectDelay == 0) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Port %d device presence detected but phy not ready (TFD=0x%x).\n", __FUNCTION__, Port, Data )); continue; } // // When the first D2H register FIS is received, the content of PxSIG register is updated. // Offset = AHCI_PORT_START + Port * AHCI_PORT_REG_WIDTH + AHCI_PORT_SIG; Status = AhciWaitMmioSet ( AhciBar, Offset, 0x0000FFFF, 0x00000101, 160000000 ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Error occurred when waiting for the first D2H register FIS - %r\n", __FUNCTION__, Status )); continue; } Data = AhciReadReg (AhciBar, Offset); if ((Data & AHCI_ATAPI_SIG_MASK) == AHCI_ATA_DEVICE_SIG) { Status = AhciIdentify (Private, Port, 0, PortIndex - 1, &IdentifyData); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: AhciIdentify() failed with %r\n", __FUNCTION__, Status)); continue; } DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a: ATA hard disk found on Port %d.\n", __FUNCTION__, Port)); } else { continue; } // // Found an ATA hard disk device, add it into the device list. // DeviceIndex++; CreateNewDevice ( Private, DeviceIndex, Port, 0xFFFF, PortIndex - 1, &IdentifyData ); } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Transfer data from ATA device. This function performs one ATA pass through transaction to transfer data from/to ATA device. It chooses the appropriate ATA command and protocol to invoke PassThru interface of ATA pass through. @param[in] DeviceData A pointer to PEI_AHCI_ATA_DEVICE_DATA structure. @param[in,out] Buffer The pointer to the current transaction buffer. @param[in] StartLba The starting logical block address to be accessed. @param[in] TransferLength The block number or sector count of the transfer. @param[in] IsWrite Indicates whether it is a write operation. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The data transfer is complete successfully. @return others Some error occurs when transferring data. **/ EFI_STATUS TransferAtaDevice ( IN PEI_AHCI_ATA_DEVICE_DATA *DeviceData, IN OUT VOID *Buffer, IN EFI_LBA StartLba, IN UINT32 TransferLength, IN BOOLEAN IsWrite ) { PEI_AHCI_CONTROLLER_PRIVATE_DATA *Private; EDKII_PEI_ATA_PASS_THRU_PPI *AtaPassThru; EFI_ATA_COMMAND_BLOCK Acb; EFI_ATA_PASS_THRU_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; Private = DeviceData->Private; AtaPassThru = &Private->AtaPassThruPpi; // // Ensure Lba48Bit and IsWrite are valid boolean values // ASSERT ((UINTN)DeviceData->Lba48Bit < 2); ASSERT ((UINTN)IsWrite < 2); if (((UINTN)DeviceData->Lba48Bit >= 2) || ((UINTN)IsWrite >= 2)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Prepare for ATA command block. // ZeroMem (&Acb, sizeof (EFI_ATA_COMMAND_BLOCK)); Acb.AtaCommand = mAtaCommands[DeviceData->Lba48Bit][IsWrite]; Acb.AtaSectorNumber = (UINT8)StartLba; Acb.AtaCylinderLow = (UINT8)RShiftU64 (StartLba, 8); Acb.AtaCylinderHigh = (UINT8)RShiftU64 (StartLba, 16); Acb.AtaDeviceHead = (UINT8)(BIT7 | BIT6 | BIT5 | (DeviceData->PortMultiplier == 0xFFFF ? 0 : (DeviceData->PortMultiplier << 4))); Acb.AtaSectorCount = (UINT8)TransferLength; if (DeviceData->Lba48Bit) { Acb.AtaSectorNumberExp = (UINT8)RShiftU64 (StartLba, 24); Acb.AtaCylinderLowExp = (UINT8)RShiftU64 (StartLba, 32); Acb.AtaCylinderHighExp = (UINT8)RShiftU64 (StartLba, 40); Acb.AtaSectorCountExp = (UINT8)(TransferLength >> 8); } else { Acb.AtaDeviceHead = (UINT8)(Acb.AtaDeviceHead | RShiftU64 (StartLba, 24)); } // // Prepare for ATA pass through packet. // ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (EFI_ATA_PASS_THRU_COMMAND_PACKET)); if (IsWrite) { Packet.OutDataBuffer = Buffer; Packet.OutTransferLength = TransferLength; } else { Packet.InDataBuffer = Buffer; Packet.InTransferLength = TransferLength; } Packet.Asb = NULL; Packet.Acb = &Acb; Packet.Protocol = mAtaPassThruCmdProtocols[IsWrite]; Packet.Length = EFI_ATA_PASS_THRU_LENGTH_SECTOR_COUNT; // // |------------------------|-----------------| // | ATA PIO Transfer Mode | Transfer Rate | // |------------------------|-----------------| // | PIO Mode 0 | 3.3Mbytes/sec | // |------------------------|-----------------| // | PIO Mode 1 | 5.2Mbytes/sec | // |------------------------|-----------------| // | PIO Mode 2 | 8.3Mbytes/sec | // |------------------------|-----------------| // | PIO Mode 3 | 11.1Mbytes/sec | // |------------------------|-----------------| // | PIO Mode 4 | 16.6Mbytes/sec | // |------------------------|-----------------| // // As AtaBus is used to manage ATA devices, we have to use the lowest transfer // rate to calculate the possible maximum timeout value for each read/write // operation. The timout value is rounded up to nearest integar and here an // additional 30s is added to follow ATA spec in which it mentioned that the // device may take up to 30s to respond commands in the Standby/Idle mode. // // Calculate the maximum timeout value for PIO read/write operation. // Packet.Timeout = TIMER_PERIOD_SECONDS ( DivU64x32 ( MultU64x32 (TransferLength, DeviceData->Media.BlockSize), 3300000 ) + 31 ); return AtaPassThru->PassThru ( AtaPassThru, DeviceData->Port, DeviceData->PortMultiplier, &Packet ); } /** Trust transfer data from/to ATA device. This function performs one ATA pass through transaction to do a trust transfer from/to ATA device. It chooses the appropriate ATA command and protocol to invoke PassThru interface of ATA pass through. @param[in] DeviceData Pointer to PEI_AHCI_ATA_DEVICE_DATA structure. @param[in,out] Buffer The pointer to the current transaction buffer. @param[in] SecurityProtocolId The value of the "Security Protocol" parameter of the security protocol command to be sent. @param[in] SecurityProtocolSpecificData The value of the "Security Protocol Specific" parameter of the security protocol command to be sent. @param[in] TransferLength The block number or sector count of the transfer. @param[in] IsTrustSend Indicates whether it is a trust send operation or not. @param[in] Timeout The timeout, in 100ns units, to use for the execution of the security protocol command. A Timeout value of 0 means that this function will wait indefinitely for the security protocol command to execute. If Timeout is greater than zero, then this function will return EFI_TIMEOUT if the time required to execute the receive data command is greater than Timeout. @param[out] TransferLengthOut A pointer to a buffer to store the size in bytes of the data written to the buffer. Ignore it when IsTrustSend is TRUE. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The data transfer is complete successfully. @return others Some error occurs when transferring data. **/ EFI_STATUS TrustTransferAtaDevice ( IN PEI_AHCI_ATA_DEVICE_DATA *DeviceData, IN OUT VOID *Buffer, IN UINT8 SecurityProtocolId, IN UINT16 SecurityProtocolSpecificData, IN UINTN TransferLength, IN BOOLEAN IsTrustSend, IN UINT64 Timeout, OUT UINTN *TransferLengthOut ) { PEI_AHCI_CONTROLLER_PRIVATE_DATA *Private; EDKII_PEI_ATA_PASS_THRU_PPI *AtaPassThru; EFI_ATA_COMMAND_BLOCK Acb; EFI_ATA_PASS_THRU_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; EFI_STATUS Status; VOID *NewBuffer; Private = DeviceData->Private; AtaPassThru = &Private->AtaPassThruPpi; // // Ensure IsTrustSend are valid boolean values // ASSERT ((UINTN)IsTrustSend < 2); if ((UINTN)IsTrustSend >= 2) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Prepare for ATA command block. // ZeroMem (&Acb, sizeof (EFI_ATA_COMMAND_BLOCK)); if (TransferLength == 0) { Acb.AtaCommand = ATA_CMD_TRUST_NON_DATA; } else { Acb.AtaCommand = mAtaTrustCommands[IsTrustSend]; } Acb.AtaFeatures = SecurityProtocolId; Acb.AtaSectorCount = (UINT8)(TransferLength / 512); Acb.AtaSectorNumber = (UINT8)((TransferLength / 512) >> 8); // // NOTE: ATA Spec has no explicitly definition for Security Protocol Specific layout. // Here use big endian for Cylinder register. // Acb.AtaCylinderHigh = (UINT8)SecurityProtocolSpecificData; Acb.AtaCylinderLow = (UINT8)(SecurityProtocolSpecificData >> 8); Acb.AtaDeviceHead = (UINT8)(BIT7 | BIT6 | BIT5 | (DeviceData->PortMultiplier == 0xFFFF ? 0 : (DeviceData->PortMultiplier << 4))); // // Prepare for ATA pass through packet. // ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (EFI_ATA_PASS_THRU_COMMAND_PACKET)); if (TransferLength == 0) { Packet.InTransferLength = 0; Packet.OutTransferLength = 0; Packet.Protocol = EFI_ATA_PASS_THRU_PROTOCOL_ATA_NON_DATA; } else if (IsTrustSend) { // // Check the alignment of the incoming buffer prior to invoking underlying // ATA PassThru PPI. // if ((AtaPassThru->Mode->IoAlign > 1) && !IS_ALIGNED (Buffer, AtaPassThru->Mode->IoAlign)) { NewBuffer = AllocateAlignedPages ( EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (TransferLength), AtaPassThru->Mode->IoAlign ); if (NewBuffer == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } CopyMem (NewBuffer, Buffer, TransferLength); Buffer = NewBuffer; } Packet.OutDataBuffer = Buffer; Packet.OutTransferLength = (UINT32)TransferLength; Packet.Protocol = mAtaPassThruCmdProtocols[IsTrustSend]; } else { Packet.InDataBuffer = Buffer; Packet.InTransferLength = (UINT32)TransferLength; Packet.Protocol = mAtaPassThruCmdProtocols[IsTrustSend]; } Packet.Asb = NULL; Packet.Acb = &Acb; Packet.Timeout = Timeout; Packet.Length = EFI_ATA_PASS_THRU_LENGTH_BYTES; Status = AtaPassThru->PassThru ( AtaPassThru, DeviceData->Port, DeviceData->PortMultiplier, &Packet ); if (TransferLengthOut != NULL) { if (!IsTrustSend) { *TransferLengthOut = Packet.InTransferLength; } } return Status; }