## @file # This file is used to create/update/query/erase table for files # # Copyright (c) 2008, Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## # Import Modules # import os import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger from CommonDataClass import DataClass from CommonDataClass.DataClass import FileClass ## Convert to SQL required string format def ConvertToSqlString(StringList): return map(lambda s: "'" + s.replace("'", "''") + "'", StringList) ## TableFile # # This class defined a common table # # @param object: Inherited from object class # # @param Cursor: Cursor of the database # @param TableName: Name of the table # class Table(object): _COLUMN_ = '' _ID_STEP_ = 1 _ID_MAX_ = 0x80000000 _DUMMY_ = 0 def __init__(self, Cursor, Name='', IdBase=0, Temporary=False): self.Cur = Cursor self.Table = Name self.IdBase = int(IdBase) self.ID = int(IdBase) self.Temporary = Temporary def __str__(self): return self.Table ## Create table # # Create a table # def Create(self, NewTable=True): if NewTable: self.Drop() if self.Temporary: SqlCommand = """create temp table IF NOT EXISTS %s (%s)""" % (self.Table, self._COLUMN_) else: SqlCommand = """create table IF NOT EXISTS %s (%s)""" % (self.Table, self._COLUMN_) EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_8, SqlCommand) self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand) self.ID = self.GetId() ## Insert table # # Insert a record into a table # def Insert(self, *Args): self.ID = self.ID + self._ID_STEP_ if self.ID >= (self.IdBase + self._ID_MAX_): self.ID = self.IdBase + self._ID_STEP_ Values = ", ".join([str(Arg) for Arg in Args]) SqlCommand = "insert into %s values(%s, %s)" % (self.Table, self.ID, Values) EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, SqlCommand) self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand) return self.ID ## Query table # # Query all records of the table # def Query(self): SqlCommand = """select * from %s""" % self.Table self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand) for Rs in self.Cur: EdkLogger.verbose(str(Rs)) TotalCount = self.GetId() ## Drop a table # # Drop the table # def Drop(self): SqlCommand = """drop table IF EXISTS %s""" % self.Table self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand) ## Get count # # Get a count of all records of the table # # @retval Count: Total count of all records # def GetCount(self): SqlCommand = """select count(ID) from %s""" % self.Table Record = self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand).fetchall() return Record[0][0] def GetId(self): SqlCommand = """select max(ID) from %s""" % self.Table Record = self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand).fetchall() Id = Record[0][0] if Id == None: Id = self.IdBase return Id ## Init the ID of the table # # Init the ID of the table # def InitID(self): self.ID = self.GetId() ## Exec # # Exec Sql Command, return result # # @param SqlCommand: The SqlCommand to be executed # # @retval RecordSet: The result after executed # def Exec(self, SqlCommand): EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, SqlCommand) self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand) RecordSet = self.Cur.fetchall() return RecordSet def SetEndFlag(self): self.Exec("insert into %s values(%s)" % (self.Table, self._DUMMY_)) def IsIntegral(self): Result = self.Exec("select min(ID) from %s" % (self.Table)) if Result[0][0] != -1: return False return True ## TableFile # # This class defined a table used for file # # @param object: Inherited from object class # class TableFile(Table): _COLUMN_ = ''' ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR NOT NULL, ExtName VARCHAR, Path VARCHAR, FullPath VARCHAR NOT NULL, Model INTEGER DEFAULT 0, TimeStamp SINGLE NOT NULL ''' def __init__(self, Cursor): Table.__init__(self, Cursor, 'File') ## Insert table # # Insert a record into table File # # @param Name: Name of a File # @param ExtName: ExtName of a File # @param Path: Path of a File # @param FullPath: FullPath of a File # @param Model: Model of a File # @param TimeStamp: TimeStamp of a File # def Insert(self, Name, ExtName, Path, FullPath, Model, TimeStamp): (Name, ExtName, Path, FullPath) = ConvertToSqlString((Name, ExtName, Path, FullPath)) return Table.Insert( self, Name, ExtName, Path, FullPath, Model, TimeStamp ) ## InsertFile # # Insert one file to table # # @param FileFullPath: The full path of the file # @param Model: The model of the file # # @retval FileID: The ID after record is inserted # def InsertFile(self, FileFullPath, Model): (Filepath, Name) = os.path.split(FileFullPath) (Root, Ext) = os.path.splitext(FileFullPath) TimeStamp = os.stat(FileFullPath)[8] File = FileClass(-1, Name, Ext, Filepath, FileFullPath, Model, '', [], [], []) return self.Insert( Name, Ext, Filepath, FileFullPath, Model, TimeStamp ) ## Get ID of a given file # # @param FilePath Path of file # # @retval ID ID value of given file in the table # def GetFileId(self, FilePath): QueryScript = "select ID from %s where FullPath = '%s'" % (self.Table, FilePath) RecordList = self.Exec(QueryScript) if len(RecordList) == 0: return None return RecordList[0][0] ## Get type of a given file # # @param FileId ID of a file # # @retval file_type Model value of given file in the table # def GetFileType(self, FileId): QueryScript = "select Model from %s where ID = '%s'" % (self.Table, FileId) RecordList = self.Exec(QueryScript) if len(RecordList) == 0: return None return RecordList[0][0] ## Get file timestamp of a given file # # @param FileId ID of file # # @retval timestamp TimeStamp value of given file in the table # def GetFileTimeStamp(self, FileId): QueryScript = "select TimeStamp from %s where ID = '%s'" % (self.Table, FileId) RecordList = self.Exec(QueryScript) if len(RecordList) == 0: return None return RecordList[0][0] ## Update the timestamp of a given file # # @param FileId ID of file # @param TimeStamp Time stamp of file # def SetFileTimeStamp(self, FileId, TimeStamp): self.Exec("update %s set TimeStamp=%s where ID='%s'" % (self.Table, TimeStamp, FileId)) ## Get list of file with given type # # @param FileType Type value of file # # @retval file_list List of files with the given type # def GetFileList(self, FileType): RecordList = self.Exec("select FullPath from %s where Model=%s" % (self.Table, FileType)) if len(RecordList) == 0: return [] return [R[0] for R in RecordList] ## TableDataModel # # This class defined a table used for data model # # @param object: Inherited from object class # # class TableDataModel(Table): _COLUMN_ = """ ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, CrossIndex INTEGER NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR NOT NULL, Description VARCHAR """ def __init__(self, Cursor): Table.__init__(self, Cursor, 'DataModel') ## Insert table # # Insert a record into table DataModel # # @param ID: ID of a ModelType # @param CrossIndex: CrossIndex of a ModelType # @param Name: Name of a ModelType # @param Description: Description of a ModelType # def Insert(self, CrossIndex, Name, Description): (Name, Description) = ConvertToSqlString((Name, Description)) return Table.Insert(self, CrossIndex, Name, Description) ## Init table # # Create all default records of table DataModel # def InitTable(self): EdkLogger.verbose("\nInitialize table DataModel started ...") Count = self.GetCount() if Count != None and Count != 0: return for Item in DataClass.MODEL_LIST: CrossIndex = Item[1] Name = Item[0] Description = Item[0] self.Insert(CrossIndex, Name, Description) EdkLogger.verbose("Initialize table DataModel ... DONE!") ## Get CrossIndex # # Get a model's cross index from its name # # @param ModelName: Name of the model # @retval CrossIndex: CrossIndex of the model # def GetCrossIndex(self, ModelName): CrossIndex = -1 SqlCommand = """select CrossIndex from DataModel where name = '""" + ModelName + """'""" self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand) for Item in self.Cur: CrossIndex = Item[0] return CrossIndex