// /** @file // // String definitions for Setup formset. // // Copyright (c) 2016 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
// // This program and the accompanying materials // are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License // which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at // http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php // // THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. // // **/ /=# ///////////////////////////////// GENERIC DEFINITIONS ///////////////////////////////// #langdef en-US "English" #string STR_NULL #language en-US " " ///////////////////////////////// FORM SET ///////////////////////////////// #string STR_FORM_SET_HELP #language en-US "Select to manage" ///////////////////////////////// MULTIPLE FORMS ///////////////////////////////// #string STR_OPAL #language en-US "TCG Drive Management" ///////////////////////////////// MAIN MENU FORM ///////////////////////////////// #string STR_MAIN_PHY_DISKS_LBL #language en-US "Physical Disks:" #string STR_MAIN_OPAL_TITLE_LBL #language en-US "Allows user to choose drive to configure drive security. User can also set storage action policy for use of the TCG Block SID authentication feature." #string STR_MAIN_GOTO_DISK_INFO_0 #language en-US " " #string STR_MAIN_GOTO_DISK_INFO_1 #language en-US " " #string STR_MAIN_GOTO_DISK_INFO_2 #language en-US " " #string STR_MAIN_GOTO_DISK_INFO_3 #language en-US " " #string STR_MAIN_GOTO_DISK_INFO_4 #language en-US " " #string STR_MAIN_GOTO_DISK_INFO_5 #language en-US " " #string STR_MAIN_GOTO_DISK_INFO_HELP #language en-US "Select disk to see actions" #string STR_MAIN_NO_DISKS_PRESENT_LBL #language en-US "No disks connected to system" #string STR_MAIN_NO_DISKS_PRESENT_LBL_HELP #language en-US "The storage needs to be connected before EndOfDxe" ///////////////////////////////// DISK INFO MENU FORM ///////////////////////////////// #string STR_DISK_INFO_SELECTED_DISK_NAME #language en-US " " #string STR_DISK_INFO_TITLE_LBL #language en-US "Allows user to set and modify password; perform secure erase; and perform revert functions on drive." #string STR_DISK_INFO_LOCK #language en-US "Lock" #string STR_DISK_INFO_UNLOCK #language en-US "Unlock" #string STR_DISK_INFO_SET_ADMIN_PSWD #language en-US "Update Drive Admin Password" #string STR_DISK_INFO_SET_USER_PSWD #language en-US "Set Drive User Password" #string STR_DISK_INFO_SECURE_ERASE #language en-US "Secure Erase User Data" #string STR_DISK_INFO_PSID_REVERT #language en-US "PSID Revert to factory default" #string STR_DISK_INFO_REVERT #language en-US "Admin Revert to factory default and Disable" #string STR_DISK_INFO_DISABLE_USER #language en-US "Disable User" #string STR_DISK_INFO_ENABLE_FEATURE #language en-US "Enable Feature" #string STR_DISK_INFO_ENABLE_BLOCKSID #language en-US "TCG Storage Action" #string STR_ENABLED #language en-US "Enable BlockSID" #string STR_DISABLED #language en-US "Disable BlockSID" #string STR_NONE #language en-US "None" #string STR_DISK_INFO_ENABLE_BLOCKSID_TRUE #language en-US "Require physical presence when remote enable BlockSID" #string STR_DISK_INFO_ENABLE_BLOCKSID_FALSE #language en-US "Not require physical presence when remote enable BlockSID" #string STR_DISK_INFO_DISABLE_BLOCKSID_TRUE #language en-US "Require physical presence when remote disable BlockSID" #string STR_DISK_INFO_DISABLE_BLOCKSID_FALSE #language en-US "Not require physical presence when remote disable BlockSID" #string STR_BLOCKSID_STATUS_HELP #language en-US "BlockSID action change status" #string STR_BLOCKSID_STATUS #language en-US "Current BlockSID Status:" #string STR_BLOCKSID_STATUS1 #language en-US "" #string STR_BLOCKSID_STATUS2 #language en-US "" #string STR_BLOCKSID_STATUS3 #language en-US "" #string STR_OPAL_REQUESTS_LBL #language en-US "Options:" #string STR_DISK_INFO_LOCK_HELP #language en-US "Lock the disk" #string STR_DISK_INFO_UNLOCK_HELP #language en-US "Unlock the disk" #string STR_DISK_INFO_SET_ADMIN_PSWD_HELP #language en-US "Set password for the administrator, reset is required for the request to be processed in next boot" #string STR_DISK_INFO_SET_USER_PSWD_HELP #language en-US "Set password for User 1, reset is required for the request to be processed in next boot" #string STR_DISK_INFO_SECURE_ERASE_HELP #language en-US "Securely erase the disk, reset is required for the request to be processed in next boot" #string STR_DISK_INFO_REVERT_HELP #language en-US "Revert the disk to factory defaults, reset is required for the request to be processed in next boot" #string STR_DISK_INFO_PSID_REVERT_HELP #language en-US "Revert the disk to factory defaults, PSID is a 32 character case sensitive value, reset is required for the request to be processed in next boot" #string STR_DISK_INFO_DISABLE_USER_HELP #language en-US "Disable User, reset is required for the request to be processed in next boot" #string STR_DISK_INFO_ENABLE_FEATURE_HELP #language en-US "Enable Feature, reset is required for the request to be processed in next boot" #string STR_KEEP_USER_DATA_PROMPT #language en-US " Keep User Data" #string STR_KEEP_USER_DATA_HELP #language en-US "Check to keep user data, otherwise data will be lost" #string STR_DISK_INFO_ENABLE_BLOCKSID_HELP #language en-US "Change BlockSID actions, includes enable or disable BlockSID, Require or not require physical presence when remote enable or disable BlockSID"