# @ GenYamlCfg.py
# Copyright (c) 2020 - 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

import os
import sys
import re
import marshal
import string
import operator as op
import ast
import tkinter.messagebox as messagebox

from datetime import date
from collections import OrderedDict
from CommonUtility import value_to_bytearray, value_to_bytes, \
      bytes_to_value, get_bits_from_bytes, set_bits_to_bytes

# Generated file copyright header
__copyright_tmp__ = """/** @file

  Platform Configuration %s File.

  Copyright (c) %4d, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

  This file is automatically generated. Please do NOT modify !!!


def get_copyright_header(file_type, allow_modify=False):
    file_description = {
        'yaml': 'Boot Setting',
        'dlt': 'Delta',
        'inc': 'C Binary Blob',
        'h': 'C Struct Header'
    if file_type in ['yaml', 'dlt']:
        comment_char = '#'
        comment_char = ''
    lines = __copyright_tmp__.split('\n')
    if allow_modify:
        lines = [line for line in lines if 'Please do NOT modify' not in line]
    copyright_hdr = '\n'.join('%s%s' % (comment_char, line)
                              for line in lines)[:-1] + '\n'
    return copyright_hdr % (file_description[file_type], date.today().year)

def check_quote(text):
    if (text[0] == "'" and text[-1] == "'") or (text[0] == '"'
                                                and text[-1] == '"'):
        return True
    return False

def strip_quote(text):
    new_text = text.strip()
    if check_quote(new_text):
        return new_text[1:-1]
    return text

def strip_delimiter(text, delim):
    new_text = text.strip()
    if new_text:
        if new_text[0] == delim[0] and new_text[-1] == delim[-1]:
            return new_text[1:-1]
    return text

def bytes_to_bracket_str(bytes):
    return '{ %s }' % (', '.join('0x%02x' % i for i in bytes))

def array_str_to_value(val_str):
    val_str = val_str.strip()
    val_str = strip_delimiter(val_str, '{}')
    val_str = strip_quote(val_str)
    value = 0
    for each in val_str.split(',')[::-1]:
        each = each.strip()
        value = (value << 8) | int(each, 0)
    return value

def write_lines(lines, file):
    fo = open(file, "w")
    fo.write(''.join([x[0] for x in lines]))

def read_lines(file):
    if not os.path.exists(file):
        test_file = os.path.basename(file)
        if os.path.exists(test_file):
            file = test_file
    fi = open(file, 'r')
    lines = fi.readlines()
    return lines

def expand_file_value(path, value_str):
    result = bytearray()
    match = re.match("\\{\\s*FILE:(.+)\\}", value_str)
    if match:
        file_list = match.group(1).split(',')
        for file in file_list:
            file = file.strip()
            bin_path = os.path.join(path, file)
            result.extend(bytearray(open(bin_path, 'rb').read()))
            print('\n\n result ', result)
    return result

class ExpressionEval(ast.NodeVisitor):
    operators = {
        ast.Add:    op.add,
        ast.Sub:    op.sub,
        ast.Mult:   op.mul,
        ast.Div:    op.floordiv,
        ast.Mod:    op.mod,
        ast.Eq:     op.eq,
        ast.NotEq:  op.ne,
        ast.Gt:     op.gt,
        ast.Lt:     op.lt,
        ast.GtE:    op.ge,
        ast.LtE:    op.le,
        ast.BitXor: op.xor,
        ast.BitAnd: op.and_,
        ast.BitOr:  op.or_,
        ast.Invert: op.invert,
        ast.USub:   op.neg

    def __init__(self):
        self._debug = False
        self._expression = ''
        self._namespace = {}
        self._get_variable = None

    def eval(self, expr, vars={}):
        self._expression = expr
        if type(vars) is dict:
            self._namespace = vars
            self._get_variable = None
            self._namespace = {}
            self._get_variable = vars
        node = ast.parse(self._expression, mode='eval')
        result = self.visit(node.body)
        if self._debug:
            print('EVAL [ %s ] = %s' % (expr, str(result)))
        return result

    def visit_Name(self, node):
        if self._get_variable is not None:
            return self._get_variable(node.id)
            return self._namespace[node.id]

    def visit_Num(self, node):
        return node.n

    def visit_NameConstant(self, node):
        return node.value

    def visit_BoolOp(self, node):
        result = False
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.And):
            for value in node.values:
                result = self.visit(value)
                if not result:
        elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Or):
            for value in node.values:
                result = self.visit(value)
                if result:
        return True if result else False

    def visit_UnaryOp(self, node):
        val = self.visit(node.operand)
        return ExpressionEval.operators[type(node.op)](val)

    def visit_BinOp(self, node):
        lhs = self.visit(node.left)
        rhs = self.visit(node.right)
        return ExpressionEval.operators[type(node.op)](lhs, rhs)

    def visit_Compare(self, node):
        right = self.visit(node.left)
        result = True
        for operation, comp in zip(node.ops, node.comparators):
            if not result:
            left = right
            right = self.visit(comp)
            result = ExpressionEval.operators[type(operation)](left, right)
        return result

    def visit_Call(self, node):
        if node.func.id in ['ternary']:
            condition = self.visit(node.args[0])
            val_true = self.visit(node.args[1])
            val_false = self.visit(node.args[2])
            return val_true if condition else val_false
        elif node.func.id in ['offset', 'length']:
            if self._get_variable is not None:
                return self._get_variable(node.args[0].s, node.func.id)
            raise ValueError("Unsupported function: " + repr(node))

    def generic_visit(self, node):
        raise ValueError("malformed node or string: " + repr(node))

class CFG_YAML():
    TEMPLATE = 'template'
    CONFIGS = 'configs'
    VARIABLE = 'variable'

    def __init__(self):
        self.log_line = False
        self.allow_template = False
        self.cfg_tree = None
        self.tmp_tree = None
        self.var_dict = None
        self.def_dict = {}
        self.yaml_path = ''
        self.lines = []
        self.full_lines = []
        self.index = 0
        self.re_expand = re.compile(
        self.re_include = re.compile(r'(.+:\s+|\s*\-\s*)!include\s+(.+)')

    def count_indent(line):
        return next((i for i, c in enumerate(line) if not c.isspace()),

    def substitue_args(text, arg_dict):
        for arg in arg_dict:
            text = text.replace('$' + arg, arg_dict[arg])
        return text

    def dprint(*args):

    def process_include(self, line, insert=True):
        match = self.re_include.match(line)
        if not match:
            raise Exception("Invalid !include format '%s' !" % line.strip())

        prefix = match.group(1)
        include = match.group(2)
        if prefix.strip() == '-':
            prefix = ''
            adjust = 0
            adjust = 2

        include = strip_quote(include)
        request = CFG_YAML.count_indent(line) + adjust

        if self.log_line:
            # remove the include line itself
            del self.full_lines[-1]

        inc_path = os.path.join(self.yaml_path, include)
        if not os.path.exists(inc_path):
            # try relative path to project root
            try_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)
                                                    ), "../..", include)
            if os.path.exists(try_path):
                inc_path = try_path
                raise Exception("ERROR: Cannot open file '%s'." % inc_path)

        lines = read_lines(inc_path)
        current = 0
        same_line = False
        for idx, each in enumerate(lines):
            start = each.lstrip()
            if start == '' or start[0] == '#':

            if start[0] == '>':
                # append the content directly at the same line
                same_line = True

            start = idx
            current = CFG_YAML.count_indent(each)

        lines = lines[start+1:] if same_line else lines[start:]
        leading = ''
        if same_line:
            request = len(prefix)
            leading = '>'

        lines = [prefix + '%s\n' % leading] + [' ' * request +
                                               i[current:] for i in lines]
        if insert:
            self.lines = lines + self.lines

        return lines

    def process_expand(self, line):
        match = self.re_expand.match(line)
        if not match:
            raise Exception("Invalid !expand format '%s' !" % line.strip())
        lines = []
        prefix = match.group(1)
        temp_name = match.group(2)
        args = match.group(3)

        if prefix.strip() == '-':
            indent = 0
            indent = 2
        lines = self.process_expand_template(temp_name, prefix, args, indent)
        self.lines = lines + self.lines

    def process_expand_template(self, temp_name, prefix, args, indent=2):
        # expand text with arg substitution
        if temp_name not in self.tmp_tree:
            raise Exception("Could not find template '%s' !" % temp_name)
        parts = args.split(',')
        parts = [i.strip() for i in parts]
        num = len(parts)
        arg_dict = dict(zip(['(%d)' % (i + 1) for i in range(num)], parts))
        str_data = self.tmp_tree[temp_name]
        text = DefTemplate(str_data).safe_substitute(self.def_dict)
        text = CFG_YAML.substitue_args(text, arg_dict)
        target = CFG_YAML.count_indent(prefix) + indent
        current = CFG_YAML.count_indent(text)
        padding = target * ' '
        if indent == 0:
            leading = []
            leading = [prefix + '\n']
        text = leading + [(padding + i + '\n')[current:]
                          for i in text.splitlines()]
        return text

    def load_file(self, yaml_file):
        self.index = 0
        self.lines = read_lines(yaml_file)

    def peek_line(self):
        if len(self.lines) == 0:
            return None
            return self.lines[0]

    def put_line(self, line):
        self.lines.insert(0, line)
        if self.log_line:
            del self.full_lines[-1]

    def get_line(self):
        if len(self.lines) == 0:
            return None
            line = self.lines.pop(0)
            if self.log_line:
            return line

    def get_multiple_line(self, indent):
        text = ''
        newind = indent + 1
        while True:
            line = self.peek_line()
            if line is None:
            sline = line.strip()
            if sline != '':
                newind = CFG_YAML.count_indent(line)
                if newind <= indent:
            if sline != '':
                text = text + line
        return text

    def traverse_cfg_tree(self, handler):
        def _traverse_cfg_tree(root, level=0):
            # config structure
            for key in root:
                if type(root[key]) is OrderedDict:
                    level += 1
                    handler(key, root[key], level)
                    _traverse_cfg_tree(root[key], level)
                    level -= 1

    def count(self):
        def _count(name, cfgs, level):
            num[0] += 1
        num = [0]
        return num[0]

    def parse(self, parent_name='', curr=None, level=0):
        child = None
        last_indent = None
        key = ''
        temp_chk = {}

        while True:
            line = self.get_line()
            if line is None:

            curr_line = line.strip()
            if curr_line == '' or curr_line[0] == '#':

            indent = CFG_YAML.count_indent(line)
            if last_indent is None:
                last_indent = indent

            if indent != last_indent:
                # outside of current block,  put the line back to queue
                self.put_line(' ' * indent + curr_line)

            if curr_line.endswith(': >'):
                # multiline marker
                old_count = len(self.full_lines)
                line = self.get_multiple_line(indent)
                if self.log_line and not self.allow_template \
                   and '!include ' in line:
                    # expand include in template
                    new_lines = []
                    lines = line.splitlines()
                    for idx, each in enumerate(lines):
                        if '!include ' in each:
                            new_line = ''.join(self.process_include(each,
                    self.full_lines = self.full_lines[:old_count] + new_lines
                curr_line = curr_line + line

            if indent > last_indent:
                # child nodes
                if child is None:
                    raise Exception('Unexpected format at line: %s'
                                    % (curr_line))

                level += 1
                self.parse(key, child, level)
                level -= 1
                line = self.peek_line()
                if line is not None:
                    curr_line = line.strip()
                    indent = CFG_YAML.count_indent(line)
                    if indent >= last_indent:
                        # consume the line
                    # end of file
                    indent = -1

            if curr is None:
                curr = OrderedDict()

            if indent < last_indent:
                return curr

            marker1 = curr_line[0]
            marker2 = curr_line[-1]
            start = 1 if marker1 == '-' else 0
            pos = curr_line.find(': ')
            if pos > 0:
                child = None
                key = curr_line[start:pos].strip()
                if curr_line[pos + 2] == '>':
                    curr[key] = curr_line[pos + 3:]
                    # XXXX: !include / !expand
                    if '!include ' in curr_line:
                    elif '!expand ' in curr_line:
                        if self.allow_template and not self.log_line:
                        value_str = curr_line[pos + 2:].strip()
                        curr[key] = value_str
                        if self.log_line and value_str[0] == '{':
                            # expand {FILE: xxxx} format in the log line
                            if value_str[1:].rstrip().startswith('FILE:'):
                                value_bytes = expand_file_value(
                                    self.yaml_path, value_str)
                                value_str = bytes_to_bracket_str(value_bytes)
                                self.full_lines[-1] = line[
                                    :indent] + curr_line[:pos + 2] + value_str

            elif marker2 == ':':
                child = OrderedDict()
                key = curr_line[start:-1].strip()
                if key == '$ACTION':
                    # special virtual nodes, rename to ensure unique key
                    key = '$ACTION_%04X' % self.index
                    self.index += 1
                if key in curr:
                    if key not in temp_chk:
                        # check for duplicated keys at same level
                        temp_chk[key] = 1
                        raise Exception("Duplicated item '%s:%s' found !"
                                        % (parent_name, key))

                curr[key] = child
                if self.var_dict is None and key == CFG_YAML.VARIABLE:
                    self.var_dict = child
                if self.tmp_tree is None and key == CFG_YAML.TEMPLATE:
                    self.tmp_tree = child
                    if self.var_dict:
                        for each in self.var_dict:
                            txt = self.var_dict[each]
                            if type(txt) is str:
                                self.def_dict['(%s)' % each] = txt
                if self.tmp_tree and key == CFG_YAML.CONFIGS:
                    # apply template for the main configs
                    self.allow_template = True
                child = None
                # - !include cfg_opt.yaml
                if '!include ' in curr_line:

        return curr

    def load_yaml(self, opt_file):
        self.var_dict = None
        self.yaml_path = os.path.dirname(opt_file)
        yaml_tree = self.parse()
        self.tmp_tree = yaml_tree[CFG_YAML.TEMPLATE]
        self.cfg_tree = yaml_tree[CFG_YAML.CONFIGS]
        return self.cfg_tree

    def expand_yaml(self, opt_file):
        self.log_line = True
        self.log_line = False
        text = '\n'.join(self.full_lines)
        self.full_lines = []
        return text

class DefTemplate(string.Template):
    idpattern = '\\([_A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*\\)|[_A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*'

class CGenYamlCfg:
    bits_width = {'b': 1, 'B': 8, 'W': 16, 'D': 32, 'Q': 64}
    builtin_option = {'$EN_DIS': [('0', 'Disable'), ('1', 'Enable')]}
    exclude_struct = ['FSP_UPD_HEADER', 'FSPT_ARCH_UPD',
                      'FSPM_ARCH_UPD', 'FSPS_ARCH_UPD',
                      'GPIO_GPP_*', 'GPIO_CFG_DATA',
                      'GpioConfPad*', 'GpioPinConfig',
                      'BOOT_OPTION*', 'PLATFORMID_CFG_DATA', '\\w+_Half[01]']
    include_tag = ['GPIO_CFG_DATA']
    keyword_set = set(['name', 'type', 'option', 'help', 'length',
                       'value', 'order', 'struct', 'condition'])

    def __init__(self):
        self._mode = ''
        self._debug = False
        self._macro_dict = {}

    def initialize(self):
        self._old_bin = None
        self._cfg_tree = {}
        self._tmp_tree = {}
        self._cfg_list = []
        self._cfg_page = {'root': {'title': '', 'child': []}}
        self._cur_page = ''
        self._var_dict = {}
        self._def_dict = {}
        self._yaml_path = ''

    def deep_convert_dict(layer):
        # convert OrderedDict to list + dict
        new_list = layer
        if isinstance(layer, OrderedDict):
            new_list = list(layer.items())
            for idx, pair in enumerate(new_list):
                new_node = CGenYamlCfg.deep_convert_dict(pair[1])
                new_list[idx] = dict({pair[0]: new_node})
        return new_list

    def deep_convert_list(layer):
        if isinstance(layer, list):
            od = OrderedDict({})
            for each in layer:
                if isinstance(each, dict):
                    key = next(iter(each))
                    od[key] = CGenYamlCfg.deep_convert_list(each[key])
            return od
            return layer

    def expand_include_files(file_path, cur_dir=''):
        if cur_dir == '':
            cur_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path)
            file_path = os.path.basename(file_path)

        input_file_path = os.path.join(cur_dir, file_path)
        file = open(input_file_path, "r")
        lines = file.readlines()
        new_lines = []
        for line_num, line in enumerate(lines):
            match = re.match("^!include\\s*(.+)?$", line.strip())
            if match:
                inc_path = match.group(1)
                tmp_path = os.path.join(cur_dir, inc_path)
                org_path = tmp_path
                if not os.path.exists(tmp_path):
                    cur_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname
                                            ), "..", "..")
                tmp_path = os.path.join(cur_dir, inc_path)
                if not os.path.exists(tmp_path):
                    raise Exception("ERROR: Cannot open include\
                                    file '%s'." % org_path)
                    new_lines.append(('# Included from file: %s\n' % inc_path,
                                      tmp_path, 0))
                    new_lines.append(('# %s\n' % ('=' * 80), tmp_path, 0))
                                     (inc_path, cur_dir))
                new_lines.append((line, input_file_path, line_num))

        return new_lines

    def format_struct_field_name(input, count=0):
        name = ''
        cap = True
        if '_' in input:
            input = input.lower()
        for each in input:
            if each == '_':
                cap = True
            elif cap:
                each = each.upper()
                cap = False
            name = name + each

        if count > 1:
            name = '%s[%d]' % (name, count)

        return name

    def get_mode(self):
        return self._mode

    def set_mode(self, mode):
        self._mode = mode

    def get_last_error(self):
        return ''

    def get_variable(self, var, attr='value'):
        if var in self._var_dict:
            var = self._var_dict[var]
            return var

        item = self.locate_cfg_item(var, False)
        if item is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot find variable '%s' !" % var)

        if item:
            if 'indx' in item:
                item = self.get_item_by_index(item['indx'])
            if attr == 'offset':
                var = item['offset']
            elif attr == 'length':
                var = item['length']
            elif attr == 'value':
                var = self.get_cfg_item_value(item)
                raise ValueError("Unsupported variable attribute '%s' !" %
        return var

    def eval(self, expr):
        def _handler(pattern):
            if pattern.group(1):
                target = 1
                target = 2
            result = self.get_variable(pattern.group(target))
            if result is None:
                raise ValueError('Unknown variable $(%s) !' %
            return hex(result)

        expr_eval = ExpressionEval()
        if '$' in expr:
            # replace known variable first
            expr = re.sub(r'\$\(([_a-zA-Z][\w\.]*)\)|\$([_a-zA-Z][\w\.]*)',
                          _handler, expr)
        return expr_eval.eval(expr, self.get_variable)

    def parse_macros(self, macro_def_str):
        # ['-DABC=1', '-D', 'CFG_DEBUG=1', '-D', 'CFG_OUTDIR=Build']
        self._macro_dict = {}
        is_expression = False
        for macro in macro_def_str:
            if macro.startswith('-D'):
                is_expression = True
                if len(macro) > 2:
                    macro = macro[2:]
            if is_expression:
                is_expression = False
                match = re.match("(\\w+)=(.+)", macro)
                if match:
                    self._macro_dict[match.group(1)] = match.group(2)
                    match = re.match("(\\w+)", macro)
                    if match:
                        self._macro_dict[match.group(1)] = ''
        if len(self._macro_dict) == 0:
            error = 1
            error = 0
            if self._debug:
                print("INFO : Macro dictionary:")
                for each in self._macro_dict:
                    print("       $(%s) = [ %s ]"
                          % (each, self._macro_dict[each]))
        return error

    def get_cfg_list(self, page_id=None):
        if page_id is None:
            # return full list
            return self._cfg_list
            # build a new list for items under a page ID
            cfgs = [i for i in self._cfg_list if i['cname'] and
                    (i['page'] == page_id)]
            return cfgs

    def get_cfg_page(self):
        return self._cfg_page

    def get_cfg_item_length(self, item):
        return item['length']

    def get_cfg_item_value(self, item, array=False):
        value_str = item['value']
        length = item['length']
        return self.get_value(value_str, length, array)

    def format_value_to_str(self, value, bit_length, old_value=''):
        # value is always int
        length = (bit_length + 7) // 8
        fmt = ''
        if old_value.startswith('0x'):
            fmt = '0x'
        elif old_value and (old_value[0] in ['"', "'", '{']):
            fmt = old_value[0]
            fmt = ''

        bvalue = value_to_bytearray(value, length)
        if fmt in ['"', "'"]:
            svalue = bvalue.rstrip(b'\x00').decode()
            value_str = fmt + svalue + fmt
        elif fmt == "{":
            value_str = '{ ' + ', '.join(['0x%02x' % i for i in bvalue]) + ' }'
        elif fmt == '0x':
            hex_len = length * 2
            if len(old_value) == hex_len + 2:
                fstr = '0x%%0%dx' % hex_len
                fstr = '0x%x'
            value_str = fstr % value
            if length <= 2:
                value_str = '%d' % value
            elif length <= 8:
                value_str = '0x%x' % value
                value_str = '{ ' + ', '.join(['0x%02x' % i for i in
                                              bvalue]) + ' }'
        return value_str

    def reformat_value_str(self, value_str, bit_length, old_value=None):
        value = self.parse_value(value_str, bit_length, False)
        if old_value is None:
            old_value = value_str
        new_value = self.format_value_to_str(value, bit_length, old_value)
        return new_value

    def get_value(self, value_str, bit_length, array=True):
        value_str = value_str.strip()
        if value_str[0] == "'" and value_str[-1] == "'" or \
           value_str[0] == '"' and value_str[-1] == '"':
            value_str = value_str[1:-1]
            bvalue = bytearray(value_str.encode())
            if len(bvalue) == 0:
                bvalue = bytearray(b'\x00')
            if array:
                return bvalue
                return bytes_to_value(bvalue)
            if value_str[0] in '{':
                value_str = value_str[1:-1].strip()
            value = 0
            for each in value_str.split(',')[::-1]:
                each = each.strip()
                value = (value << 8) | int(each, 0)
            if array:
                length = (bit_length + 7) // 8
                return value_to_bytearray(value, length)
                return value

    def parse_value(self, value_str, bit_length, array=True):
        length = (bit_length + 7) // 8
        if check_quote(value_str):
            value_str = bytes_to_bracket_str(value_str[1:-1].encode())
        elif (',' in value_str) and (value_str[0] != '{'):
            value_str = '{ %s }' % value_str
        if value_str[0] == '{':
            result = expand_file_value(self._yaml_path, value_str)
            if len(result) == 0:
                bin_list = value_str[1:-1].split(',')
                value = 0
                bit_len = 0
                unit_len = 1
                for idx, element in enumerate(bin_list):
                    each = element.strip()
                    if len(each) == 0:

                    in_bit_field = False
                    if each[0] in "'" + '"':
                        each_value = bytearray(each[1:-1], 'utf-8')
                    elif ':' in each:
                        match = re.match("^(.+):(\\d+)([b|B|W|D|Q])$", each)
                        if match is None:
                            raise SystemExit("Exception: Invald value\
list format '%s' !" % each)
                        if match.group(1) == '0' and match.group(2) == '0':
                            unit_len = CGenYamlCfg.bits_width[match.group(3)
                                                              ] // 8
                        cur_bit_len = int(match.group(2)
                                          ) * CGenYamlCfg.bits_width[
                        value += ((self.eval(match.group(1)) & (
                            1 << cur_bit_len) - 1)) << bit_len
                        bit_len += cur_bit_len
                        each_value = bytearray()
                        if idx + 1 < len(bin_list):
                            in_bit_field = True
                            each_value = value_to_bytearray(
                                self.eval(each.strip()), unit_len)
                        except Exception:
                            raise SystemExit("Exception: Value %d cannot \
fit into %s bytes !" % (each, unit_len))

                    if not in_bit_field:
                        if bit_len > 0:
                            if bit_len % 8 != 0:
                                raise SystemExit("Exception: Invalid bit \
field alignment '%s' !" % value_str)
                            result.extend(value_to_bytes(value, bit_len // 8))
                        value = 0
                        bit_len = 0


        elif check_quote(value_str):
            result = bytearray(value_str[1:-1], 'utf-8')  # Excluding quotes
            result = value_to_bytearray(self.eval(value_str), length)

        if len(result) < length:
            result.extend(b'\x00' * (length - len(result)))
        elif len(result) > length:
            raise SystemExit("Exception: Value '%s' is too big to fit \
into %d bytes !" % (value_str, length))

        if array:
            return result
            return bytes_to_value(result)

        return result

    def get_cfg_item_options(self, item):
        tmp_list = []
        if item['type'] == "Combo":
            if item['option'] in CGenYamlCfg.builtin_option:
                for op_val, op_str in CGenYamlCfg.builtin_option[item['option'
                    tmp_list.append((op_val, op_str))
                opt_list = item['option'].split(',')
                for option in opt_list:
                    option = option.strip()
                        (op_val, op_str) = option.split(':')
                    except Exception:
                        raise SystemExit("Exception: Invalide \
option format '%s' !" % option)
                    tmp_list.append((op_val, op_str))
        return tmp_list

    def get_page_title(self, page_id, top=None):
        if top is None:
            top = self.get_cfg_page()['root']
        for node in top['child']:
            page_key = next(iter(node))
            if page_id == page_key:
                return node[page_key]['title']
                result = self.get_page_title(page_id, node[page_key])
                if result is not None:
                    return result
        return None

    def print_pages(self, top=None, level=0):
        if top is None:
            top = self.get_cfg_page()['root']
        for node in top['child']:
            page_id = next(iter(node))
            print('%s%s: %s' % ('  ' * level, page_id, node[page_id]['title']))
            level += 1
            self.print_pages(node[page_id], level)
            level -= 1

    def get_item_by_index(self, index):
        return self._cfg_list[index]

    def get_item_by_path(self, path):
        node = self.locate_cfg_item(path)
        if node:
            return self.get_item_by_index(node['indx'])
            return None

    def locate_cfg_path(self, item):
        def _locate_cfg_path(root, level=0):
            # config structure
            if item is root:
                return path
            for key in root:
                if type(root[key]) is OrderedDict:
                    level += 1
                    ret = _locate_cfg_path(root[key], level)
                    if ret:
                        return ret
            return None
        path = []
        return _locate_cfg_path(self._cfg_tree)

    def locate_cfg_item(self, path, allow_exp=True):
        def _locate_cfg_item(root, path, level=0):
            if len(path) == level:
                return root
            next_root = root.get(path[level], None)
            if next_root is None:
                if allow_exp:
                    raise Exception('Not a valid CFG config option path: %s' %
                    return None
            return _locate_cfg_item(next_root, path, level + 1)

        path_nodes = path.split('.')
        return _locate_cfg_item(self._cfg_tree, path_nodes)

    def traverse_cfg_tree(self, handler, top=None):
        def _traverse_cfg_tree(root, level=0):
            # config structure
            for key in root:
                if type(root[key]) is OrderedDict:
                    level += 1
                    handler(key, root[key], level)
                    _traverse_cfg_tree(root[key], level)
                    level -= 1

        if top is None:
            top = self._cfg_tree

    def print_cfgs(self, root=None, short=True, print_level=256):
        def _print_cfgs(name, cfgs, level):

            if 'indx' in cfgs:
                act_cfg = self.get_item_by_index(cfgs['indx'])
                offset = 0
                length = 0
                value = ''
                if CGenYamlCfg.STRUCT in cfgs:
                    cfg = cfgs[CGenYamlCfg.STRUCT]
                    offset = int(cfg['offset'])
                    length = int(cfg['length'])
                    if 'value' in cfg:
                        value = cfg['value']
                if length == 0:
                act_cfg = dict({'value': value, 'offset': offset,
                                'length': length})
            value = act_cfg['value']
            bit_len = act_cfg['length']
            offset = (act_cfg['offset'] + 7) // 8
            if value != '':
                    value = self.reformat_value_str(act_cfg['value'],
                except Exception:
                    value = act_cfg['value']
            length = bit_len // 8
            bit_len = '(%db)' % bit_len if bit_len % 8 else '' * 4
            if level <= print_level:
                if short and len(value) > 40:
                    value = '%s ... %s' % (value[:20], value[-20:])
                print('%04X:%04X%-6s %s%s : %s' % (offset, length, bit_len,
                                                   '  ' * level, name, value))


    def build_var_dict(self):
        def _build_var_dict(name, cfgs, level):
            if level <= 2:
                if CGenYamlCfg.STRUCT in cfgs:
                    struct_info = cfgs[CGenYamlCfg.STRUCT]
                    self._var_dict['_LENGTH_%s_' % name] = struct_info[
                        'length'] // 8
                    self._var_dict['_OFFSET_%s_' % name] = struct_info[
                        'offset'] // 8

        self._var_dict = {}
        self._var_dict['_LENGTH_'] = self._cfg_tree[CGenYamlCfg.STRUCT][
            'length'] // 8
        return 0

    def add_cfg_page(self, child, parent, title=''):
        def _add_cfg_page(cfg_page, child, parent):
            key = next(iter(cfg_page))
            if parent == key:
                cfg_page[key]['child'].append({child: {'title': title,
                                                       'child': []}})
                return True
                result = False
                for each in cfg_page[key]['child']:
                    if _add_cfg_page(each, child, parent):
                        result = True
                return result

        return _add_cfg_page(self._cfg_page, child, parent)

    def set_cur_page(self, page_str):
        if not page_str:

        if ',' in page_str:
            page_list = page_str.split(',')
            page_list = [page_str]
        for page_str in page_list:
            parts = page_str.split(':')
            if len(parts) in [1, 3]:
                page = parts[0].strip()
                if len(parts) == 3:
                    # it is a new page definition, add it into tree
                    parent = parts[1] if parts[1] else 'root'
                    parent = parent.strip()
                    if parts[2][0] == '"' and parts[2][-1] == '"':
                        parts[2] = parts[2][1:-1]

                    if not self.add_cfg_page(page, parent, parts[2]):
                        raise SystemExit("Error: Cannot find parent page \
'%s'!" % parent)
                raise SystemExit("Error: Invalid page format '%s' !"
                                 % page_str)
            self._cur_page = page

    def extend_variable(self, line):
        # replace all variables
        if line == '':
            return line
        loop = 2
        while loop > 0:
            line_after = DefTemplate(line).safe_substitute(self._def_dict)
            if line == line_after:
            loop -= 1
            line = line_after
        return line_after

    def reformat_number_per_type(self, itype, value):
        if check_quote(value) or value.startswith('{'):
            return value
        parts = itype.split(',')
        if len(parts) > 3 and parts[0] == 'EditNum':
            num_fmt = parts[1].strip()
            num_fmt = ''
        if num_fmt == 'HEX' and not value.startswith('0x'):
            value = '0x%X' % int(value, 10)
        elif num_fmt == 'DEC' and value.startswith('0x'):
            value = '%d' % int(value, 16)
        return value

    def add_cfg_item(self, name, item, offset, path):

        self.set_cur_page(item.get('page', ''))

        if name[0] == '$':
            # skip all virtual node
            return 0

        if not set(item).issubset(CGenYamlCfg.keyword_set):
            for each in list(item):
                if each not in CGenYamlCfg.keyword_set:
                    raise Exception("Invalid attribute '%s' for '%s'!" %
                                    (each, '.'.join(path)))

        length = item.get('length', 0)
        if type(length) is str:
            match = re.match("^(\\d+)([b|B|W|D|Q])([B|W|D|Q]?)\\s*$", length)
            if match:
                unit_len = CGenYamlCfg.bits_width[match.group(2)]
                length = int(match.group(1), 10) * unit_len
                    length = int(length, 0) * 8
                except Exception:
                    raise Exception("Invalid length field '%s' for '%s' !" %
                                    (length, '.'.join(path)))

                if offset % 8 > 0:
                    raise Exception("Invalid alignment for field '%s' for \
'%s' !" % (name, '.'.join(path)))
            # define is length in bytes
            length = length * 8

        if not name.isidentifier():
            raise Exception("Invalid config name '%s' for '%s' !" %
                            (name, '.'.join(path)))

        itype = str(item.get('type', 'Reserved'))
        value = str(item.get('value', ''))
        if value:
            if not (check_quote(value) or value.startswith('{')):
                if ',' in value:
                    value = '{ %s }' % value
                    value = self.reformat_number_per_type(itype, value)

        help = str(item.get('help', ''))
        if '\n' in help:
            help = ' '.join([i.strip() for i in help.splitlines()])

        option = str(item.get('option', ''))
        if '\n' in option:
            option = ' '.join([i.strip() for i in option.splitlines()])

        # extend variables for value and condition
        condition = str(item.get('condition', ''))
        if condition:
            condition = self.extend_variable(condition)
        value = self.extend_variable(value)

        order = str(item.get('order', ''))
        if order:
            if '.' in order:
                (major, minor) = order.split('.')
                order = int(major, 16)
                order = int(order, 16)
            order = offset

        cfg_item = dict()
        cfg_item['length'] = length
        cfg_item['offset'] = offset
        cfg_item['value'] = value
        cfg_item['type'] = itype
        cfg_item['cname'] = str(name)
        cfg_item['name'] = str(item.get('name', ''))
        cfg_item['help'] = help
        cfg_item['option'] = option
        cfg_item['page'] = self._cur_page
        cfg_item['order'] = order
        cfg_item['path'] = '.'.join(path)
        cfg_item['condition'] = condition
        if 'struct' in item:
            cfg_item['struct'] = item['struct']

        item['indx'] = len(self._cfg_list) - 1

        # remove used info for reducing pkl size
        item.pop('option', None)
        item.pop('condition', None)
        item.pop('help', None)
        item.pop('name', None)
        item.pop('page', None)

        return length

    def build_cfg_list(self, cfg_name='', top=None, path=[],
                       info={'offset': 0}):
        if top is None:
            top = self._cfg_tree
            info = {'offset': 0}

        start = info['offset']
        is_leaf = True
        for key in top:
            if type(top[key]) is OrderedDict:
                is_leaf = False
                self.build_cfg_list(key, top[key], path, info)

        if is_leaf:
            length = self.add_cfg_item(cfg_name, top, info['offset'], path)
            info['offset'] += length
        elif cfg_name == '' or (cfg_name and cfg_name[0] != '$'):
            # check first element for struct
            first = next(iter(top))
            struct_str = CGenYamlCfg.STRUCT
            if first != struct_str:
                struct_node = OrderedDict({})
                top[struct_str] = struct_node
                top.move_to_end(struct_str, False)
                struct_node = top[struct_str]
            struct_node['offset'] = start
            struct_node['length'] = info['offset'] - start
            if struct_node['length'] % 8 != 0:
                raise SystemExit("Error: Bits length not aligned for %s !" %

    def get_field_value(self, top=None):
        def _get_field_value(name, cfgs, level):
            if 'indx' in cfgs:
                act_cfg = self.get_item_by_index(cfgs['indx'])
                if act_cfg['length'] == 0:
                value = self.get_value(act_cfg['value'], act_cfg['length'],
                set_bits_to_bytes(result, act_cfg['offset'] -
                                  struct_info['offset'], act_cfg['length'],

        if top is None:
            top = self._cfg_tree
        struct_info = top[CGenYamlCfg.STRUCT]
        result = bytearray((struct_info['length'] + 7) // 8)
        self.traverse_cfg_tree(_get_field_value, top)
        return result

    def set_field_value(self, top, value_bytes, force=False):
        def _set_field_value(name, cfgs, level):
            if 'indx' not in cfgs:
            act_cfg = self.get_item_by_index(cfgs['indx'])
            if force or act_cfg['value'] == '':
                value = get_bits_from_bytes(full_bytes,
                                            act_cfg['offset'] -
                act_val = act_cfg['value']
                if act_val == '':
                    act_val = '%d' % value
                act_val = self.reformat_number_per_type(act_cfg
                act_cfg['value'] = self.format_value_to_str(
                    value, act_cfg['length'], act_val)

        if 'indx' in top:
            # it is config option
            value = bytes_to_value(value_bytes)
            act_cfg = self.get_item_by_index(top['indx'])
            act_cfg['value'] = self.format_value_to_str(
                value, act_cfg['length'], act_cfg['value'])
            # it is structure
            struct_info = top[CGenYamlCfg.STRUCT]
            length = struct_info['length'] // 8
            full_bytes = bytearray(value_bytes[:length])
            if len(full_bytes) < length:
                full_bytes.extend(bytearray(length - len(value_bytes)))
            self.traverse_cfg_tree(_set_field_value, top)

    def update_def_value(self):
        def _update_def_value(name, cfgs, level):
            if 'indx' in cfgs:
                act_cfg = self.get_item_by_index(cfgs['indx'])
                if act_cfg['value'] != '' and act_cfg['length'] > 0:
                        act_cfg['value'] = self.reformat_value_str(
                            act_cfg['value'], act_cfg['length'])
                    except Exception:
                        raise Exception("Invalid value expression '%s' \
for '%s' !" % (act_cfg['value'], act_cfg['path']))
                if CGenYamlCfg.STRUCT in cfgs and 'value' in \
                    curr = cfgs[CGenYamlCfg.STRUCT]
                    value_bytes = self.get_value(curr['value'],
                                                 curr['length'], True)
                    self.set_field_value(cfgs, value_bytes)

        self.traverse_cfg_tree(_update_def_value, self._cfg_tree)

    def evaluate_condition(self, item):
        expr = item['condition']
        result = self.parse_value(expr, 1, False)
        return result

    def detect_fsp(self):
        cfg_segs = self.get_cfg_segment()
        if len(cfg_segs) == 3:
            fsp = True
            for idx, seg in enumerate(cfg_segs):
                if not seg[0].endswith('UPD_%s' % 'TMS'[idx]):
                    fsp = False
            fsp = False
        if fsp:
        return fsp

    def get_cfg_segment(self):
        def _get_cfg_segment(name, cfgs, level):
            if 'indx' not in cfgs:
                if name.startswith('$ACTION_'):
                    if 'find' in cfgs:
                        find[0] = cfgs['find']
                if find[0]:
                    act_cfg = self.get_item_by_index(cfgs['indx'])
                    segments.append([find[0], act_cfg['offset'] // 8, 0])
                    find[0] = ''

        find = ['']
        segments = []
        self.traverse_cfg_tree(_get_cfg_segment, self._cfg_tree)
        cfg_len = self._cfg_tree[CGenYamlCfg.STRUCT]['length'] // 8
        if len(segments) == 0:
            segments.append(['', 0, cfg_len])

        segments.append(['', cfg_len, 0])
        cfg_segs = []
        for idx, each in enumerate(segments[:-1]):
            cfg_segs.append((each[0], each[1],
                             segments[idx+1][1] - each[1]))

        return cfg_segs

    def get_bin_segment(self, bin_data):
        cfg_segs = self.get_cfg_segment()
        bin_segs = []
        for seg in cfg_segs:
            key = seg[0].encode()
            if key == 0:
                bin_segs.append([seg[0], 0, len(bin_data)])
            pos = bin_data.find(key)
            if pos >= 0:
                # ensure no other match for the key
                next_pos = bin_data.find(key, pos + len(seg[0]))
                if next_pos >= 0:
                    if key == b'$SKLFSP$' or key == b'$BSWFSP$':
                        string = ('Warning: Multiple matches for %s in '
                                  'binary!\n\nA workaround applied to such '
                                  'FSP 1.x binary to use second'
                                  ' match instead of first match!' % key)
                        messagebox.showwarning('Warning!', string)
                        pos = next_pos
                        print("Warning: Multiple matches for '%s' "
                              "in binary, the 1st instance will be used !"
                              % seg[0])
                bin_segs.append([seg[0], pos, seg[2]])
                raise Exception("Could not find '%s' in binary !"
                                % seg[0])

        return bin_segs

    def extract_cfg_from_bin(self, bin_data):
        # get cfg bin length
        cfg_bins = bytearray()
        bin_segs = self.get_bin_segment(bin_data)
        for each in bin_segs:
            cfg_bins.extend(bin_data[each[1]:each[1] + each[2]])
        return cfg_bins

    def save_current_to_bin(self):
        cfg_bins = self.generate_binary_array()
        if self._old_bin is None:
            return cfg_bins

        bin_data = bytearray(self._old_bin)
        bin_segs = self.get_bin_segment(self._old_bin)
        cfg_off = 0
        for each in bin_segs:
            length = each[2]
            bin_data[each[1]:each[1] + length] = cfg_bins[cfg_off:
                                                          + length]
            cfg_off += length
        print('Patched the loaded binary successfully !')

        return bin_data

    def load_default_from_bin(self, bin_data):
        self._old_bin = bin_data
        cfg_bins = self.extract_cfg_from_bin(bin_data)
        self.set_field_value(self._cfg_tree, cfg_bins, True)
        return cfg_bins

    def generate_binary_array(self, path=''):
        if path == '':
            top = None
            top = self.locate_cfg_item(path)
            if not top:
                raise Exception("Invalid configuration path '%s' !"
                                % path)
        return self.get_field_value(top)

    def generate_binary(self, bin_file_name, path=''):
        bin_file = open(bin_file_name, "wb")
        return 0

    def write_delta_file(self, out_file, platform_id, out_lines):
        dlt_fd = open(out_file, "w")
        dlt_fd.write("%s\n" % get_copyright_header('dlt', True))
        if platform_id is not None:
            dlt_fd.write('# Delta configuration values for '
                         'platform ID 0x%04X\n'
                         % platform_id)
        for line in out_lines:
            dlt_fd.write('%s\n' % line)

    def override_default_value(self, dlt_file):
        error = 0
        dlt_lines = CGenYamlCfg.expand_include_files(dlt_file)

        platform_id = None
        for line, file_path, line_num in dlt_lines:
            line = line.strip()
            if not line or line.startswith('#'):
            match = re.match("\\s*([\\w\\.]+)\\s*\\|\\s*(.+)", line)
            if not match:
                raise Exception("Unrecognized line '%s' "
                                "(File:'%s' Line:%d) !"
                                % (line, file_path, line_num + 1))

            path = match.group(1)
            value_str = match.group(2)
            top = self.locate_cfg_item(path)
            if not top:
                raise Exception(
                    "Invalid configuration '%s' (File:'%s' Line:%d) !" %
                    (path, file_path, line_num + 1))

            if 'indx' in top:
                act_cfg = self.get_item_by_index(top['indx'])
                bit_len = act_cfg['length']
                struct_info = top[CGenYamlCfg.STRUCT]
                bit_len = struct_info['length']

            value_bytes = self.parse_value(value_str, bit_len)
            self.set_field_value(top, value_bytes, True)

            if path == 'PLATFORMID_CFG_DATA.PlatformId':
                platform_id = value_str

        if platform_id is None:
            raise Exception(
                "PLATFORMID_CFG_DATA.PlatformId is missing "
                "in file '%s' !" %

        return error

    def generate_delta_file_from_bin(self, delta_file, old_data,
                                     new_data, full=False):
        new_data = self.load_default_from_bin(new_data)
        lines = []
        platform_id = None
        def_platform_id = 0

        for item in self._cfg_list:
            if not full and (item['type'] in ['Reserved']):
            old_val = get_bits_from_bytes(old_data, item['offset'],
            new_val = get_bits_from_bytes(new_data, item['offset'],

            full_name = item['path']
            if 'PLATFORMID_CFG_DATA.PlatformId' == full_name:
                def_platform_id = old_val
            if new_val != old_val or full:
                val_str = self.reformat_value_str(item['value'],
                text = '%-40s | %s' % (full_name, val_str)

        if self.get_mode() != 'FSP':
            if platform_id is None or def_platform_id == platform_id:
                platform_id = def_platform_id
                print("WARNING: 'PlatformId' configuration is "
                      "same as default %d!" % platform_id)

            lines.insert(0, '%-40s | %s\n\n' %
                          '0x%04X' % platform_id))
            platform_id = None

        self.write_delta_file(delta_file, platform_id, lines)

        return 0

    def generate_delta_file(self, delta_file, bin_file, bin_file2, full=False):
        fd = open(bin_file, 'rb')
        new_data = self.extract_cfg_from_bin(bytearray(fd.read()))

        if bin_file2 == '':
            old_data = self.generate_binary_array()
            old_data = new_data
            fd = open(bin_file2, 'rb')
            new_data = self.extract_cfg_from_bin(bytearray(fd.read()))

        return self.generate_delta_file_from_bin(delta_file,
                                                 old_data, new_data, full)

    def prepare_marshal(self, is_save):
        if is_save:
            # Ordered dict is not marshallable, convert to list
            self._cfg_tree = CGenYamlCfg.deep_convert_dict(self._cfg_tree)
            # Revert it back
            self._cfg_tree = CGenYamlCfg.deep_convert_list(self._cfg_tree)

    def generate_yml_file(self, in_file, out_file):
        cfg_yaml = CFG_YAML()
        text = cfg_yaml.expand_yaml(in_file)
        yml_fd = open(out_file, "w")
        return 0

    def write_cfg_header_file(self, hdr_file_name, tag_mode,
                              tag_dict, struct_list):
        lines = []
        if self.get_mode() == 'FSP':
            lines.append('#include <FspUpd.h>\n')

        tag_mode = tag_mode & 0x7F
        tag_list = sorted(list(tag_dict.items()), key=lambda x: x[1])
        for tagname, tagval in tag_list:
            if (tag_mode == 0 and tagval >= 0x100) or \
               (tag_mode == 1 and tagval < 0x100):
            lines.append('#define    %-30s 0x%03X\n' % (
                'CDATA_%s_TAG' % tagname[:-9], tagval))

        name_dict = {}
        new_dict = {}
        for each in struct_list:
            if (tag_mode == 0 and each['tag'] >= 0x100) or \
               (tag_mode == 1 and each['tag'] < 0x100):
            new_dict[each['name']] = (each['alias'], each['count'])
            if each['alias'] not in name_dict:
                name_dict[each['alias']] = 1
                                                each['node'], new_dict))
        lines.append('#pragma pack()\n\n')

        self.write_header_file(lines, hdr_file_name)

    def write_header_file(self, txt_body, file_name, type='h'):
        file_name_def = os.path.basename(file_name).replace('.', '_')
        file_name_def = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', file_name_def)
        file_name_def = re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2',

        lines = []
        lines.append("%s\n" % get_copyright_header(type))
        lines.append("#ifndef __%s__\n" % file_name_def)
        lines.append("#define __%s__\n\n" % file_name_def)
        if type == 'h':
            lines.append("#pragma pack(1)\n\n")
        if type == 'h':
            lines.append("#pragma pack()\n\n")

        # Don't rewrite if the contents are the same
        create = True
        if os.path.exists(file_name):
            hdr_file = open(file_name, "r")
            org_txt = hdr_file.read()

            new_txt = ''.join(lines)
            if org_txt == new_txt:
                create = False

        if create:
            hdr_file = open(file_name, "w")

    def generate_data_inc_file(self, dat_inc_file_name, bin_file=None):
        # Put a prefix GUID before CFGDATA so that it can be located later on
        prefix = b'\xa7\xbd\x7f\x73\x20\x1e\x46\xd6\
        if bin_file:
            fin = open(bin_file, 'rb')
            bin_dat = prefix + bytearray(fin.read())
            bin_dat = prefix + self.generate_binary_array()

        file_name = os.path.basename(dat_inc_file_name).upper()
        file_name = file_name.replace('.', '_')

        txt_lines = []

        txt_lines.append("UINT8  mConfigDataBlob[%d] = {\n" % len(bin_dat))
        count = 0
        line = ['  ']
        for each in bin_dat:
            line.append('0x%02X, ' % each)
            count = count + 1
            if (count & 0x0F) == 0:
                line = ['  ']
        if len(line) > 1:
            txt_lines.append(''.join(line) + '\n')

        self.write_header_file(txt_lines, dat_inc_file_name, 'inc')

        return 0

    def get_struct_array_info(self, input):
        parts = input.split(':')
        if len(parts) > 1:
            var = parts[1]
            input = parts[0]
            var = ''
        array_str = input.split('[')
        name = array_str[0]
        if len(array_str) > 1:
            num_str = ''.join(c for c in array_str[-1] if c.isdigit())
            num_str = '1000' if len(num_str) == 0 else num_str
            array_num = int(num_str)
            array_num = 0
        return name, array_num, var

    def process_multilines(self, string, max_char_length):
        multilines = ''
        string_length = len(string)
        current_string_start = 0
        string_offset = 0
        break_line_dict = []
        if len(string) <= max_char_length:
            while (string_offset < string_length):
                if string_offset >= 1:
                    if string[string_offset - 1] == '\\' and string[
                       string_offset] == 'n':
                        break_line_dict.append(string_offset + 1)
                string_offset += 1
            if break_line_dict != []:
                for each in break_line_dict:
                    multilines += "  %s\n" % string[
                    current_string_start = each
                if string_length - current_string_start > 0:
                    multilines += "  %s\n" % string[
                multilines = "  %s\n" % string
            new_line_start = 0
            new_line_count = 0
            found_space_char = False
            while (string_offset < string_length):
                if string_offset >= 1:
                    if new_line_count >= max_char_length - 1:
                        if string[string_offset] == ' ' and \
                           string_length - string_offset > 10:
                                                   + new_line_count)
                            new_line_start = new_line_start + new_line_count
                            new_line_count = 0
                            found_space_char = True
                        elif string_offset == string_length - 1 and \
                                found_space_char is False:
                    if string[string_offset - 1] == '\\' and string[
                       string_offset] == 'n':
                        break_line_dict.append(string_offset + 1)
                        new_line_start = string_offset + 1
                        new_line_count = 0
                string_offset += 1
                new_line_count += 1
            if break_line_dict != []:
                for each in break_line_dict:
                    if each > 0:
                        multilines += "  %s\n" % string[
                    current_string_start = each
                if string_length - current_string_start > 0:
                    multilines += "  %s\n" % \
        return multilines

    def create_field(self, item, name, length, offset, struct,
                     bsf_name, help, option, bits_length=None):
        pos_name = 28
        name_line = ''
        # help_line = ''
        # option_line = ''

        if length == 0 and name == 'dummy':
            return '\n'

        if bits_length == 0:
            return '\n'

        is_array = False
        if length in [1, 2, 4, 8]:
            type = "UINT%d" % (length * 8)
            is_array = True
            type = "UINT8"

        if item and item['value'].startswith('{'):
            type = "UINT8"
            is_array = True

        if struct != '':
            struct_base = struct.rstrip('*')
            name = '*' * (len(struct) - len(struct_base)) + name
            struct = struct_base
            type = struct
            if struct in ['UINT8', 'UINT16', 'UINT32', 'UINT64']:
                is_array = True
                unit = int(type[4:]) // 8
                length = length / unit
                is_array = False

        if is_array:
            name = name + '[%d]' % length

        if len(type) < pos_name:
            space1 = pos_name - len(type)
            space1 = 1

        if bsf_name != '':
            name_line = " %s\n" % bsf_name
            name_line = "N/A\n"

        # if help != '':
            # help_line = self.process_multilines(help, 80)

        # if option != '':
            # option_line = self.process_multilines(option, 80)

        if offset is None:
            offset_str = '????'
            offset_str = '0x%04X' % offset

        if bits_length is None:
            bits_length = ''
            bits_length = ' : %d' % bits_length

        # return "\n/** %s%s%s**/\n  %s%s%s%s;\n" % (name_line, help_line,
        # option_line, type, ' ' * space1, name, bits_length)
        return "\n  /* Offset %s: %s */\n  %s%s%s%s;\n" % (
            offset_str, name_line.strip(), type, ' ' * space1,
            name, bits_length)

    def create_struct(self, cname, top, struct_dict):
        index = 0
        last = ''
        lines = []
        off_base = -1

        if cname in struct_dict:
            if struct_dict[cname][2]:
                return []
        lines.append('\ntypedef struct {\n')
        for field in top:
            if field[0] == '$':

            index += 1

            t_item = top[field]
            if 'indx' not in t_item:
                if CGenYamlCfg.STRUCT not in top[field]:

                if struct_dict[field][1] == 0:

                append = True
                struct_info = top[field][CGenYamlCfg.STRUCT]

                if 'struct' in struct_info:
                    struct, array_num, var = self.get_struct_array_info(
                    if array_num > 0:
                        if last == struct:
                            append = False
                            last = struct
                        if var == '':
                            var = field

                        field = CGenYamlCfg.format_struct_field_name(
                            var, struct_dict[field][1])
                    struct = struct_dict[field][0]
                    field = CGenYamlCfg.format_struct_field_name(
                        field, struct_dict[field][1])

                if append:
                    offset = t_item['$STRUCT']['offset'] // 8
                    if off_base == -1:
                        off_base = offset
                    line = self.create_field(None, field, 0, 0, struct,
                                             '', '', '')
                    lines.append('  %s' % line)
                    last = struct

            item = self.get_item_by_index(t_item['indx'])
            if item['cname'] == 'CfgHeader' and index == 1 or \
               (item['cname'] == 'CondValue' and index == 2):

            bit_length = None
            length = (item['length'] + 7) // 8
            match = re.match("^(\\d+)([b|B|W|D|Q])([B|W|D|Q]?)",
            if match and match.group(2) == 'b':
                bit_length = int(match.group(1))
                if match.group(3) != '':
                    length = CGenYamlCfg.bits_width[match.group(3)] // 8
                    length = 4
            offset = item['offset'] // 8
            if off_base == -1:
                off_base = offset
            struct = item.get('struct', '')
            name = field
            prompt = item['name']
            help = item['help']
            option = item['option']
            line = self.create_field(item, name, length, offset, struct,
                                     prompt, help, option, bit_length)
            lines.append('  %s' % line)
            last = struct

        lines.append('\n} %s;\n\n' % cname)

        return lines

    def write_fsp_sig_header_file(self, hdr_file_name):
        hdr_fd = open(hdr_file_name, 'w')
        hdr_fd.write("%s\n" % get_copyright_header('h'))
        hdr_fd.write("#ifndef __FSPUPD_H__\n"
                     "#define __FSPUPD_H__\n\n"
                     "#include <FspEas.h>\n\n"
                     "#pragma pack(1)\n\n")
        lines = []
        for fsp_comp in 'TMS':
            top = self.locate_cfg_item('FSP%s_UPD' % fsp_comp)
            if not top:
                raise Exception('Could not find FSP UPD definition !')
            bins = self.get_field_value(top)
            lines.append("#define FSP%s_UPD_SIGNATURE"
                         "    0x%016X  /* '%s' */\n\n"
                         % (fsp_comp, bytes_to_value(bins[:8]),
        hdr_fd.write("#pragma pack()\n\n"

    def create_header_file(self, hdr_file_name, com_hdr_file_name='', path=''):

        def _build_header_struct(name, cfgs, level):
            if CGenYamlCfg.STRUCT in cfgs:
                if 'CfgHeader' in cfgs:
                    # collect CFGDATA TAG IDs
                    cfghdr = self.get_item_by_index(cfgs['CfgHeader']['indx'])
                    tag_val = array_str_to_value(cfghdr['value']) >> 20
                    tag_dict[name] = tag_val
                    if level == 1:
                        tag_curr[0] = tag_val
                struct_dict[name] = (level, tag_curr[0], cfgs)
        if path == 'FSP_SIG':
        tag_curr = [0]
        tag_dict = {}
        struct_dict = {}

        if path == '':
            top = None
            top = self.locate_cfg_item(path)
            if not top:
                raise Exception("Invalid configuration path '%s' !" % path)
            _build_header_struct(path, top, 0)
        self.traverse_cfg_tree(_build_header_struct, top)

        if tag_curr[0] == 0:
            hdr_mode = 2
            hdr_mode = 1

        if re.match('FSP[TMS]_UPD', path):
            hdr_mode |= 0x80

        # filter out the items to be built for tags and structures
        struct_list = []
        for each in struct_dict:
            match = False
            for check in CGenYamlCfg.exclude_struct:
                if re.match(check, each):
                    match = True
                    if each in tag_dict:
                        if each not in CGenYamlCfg.include_tag:
                            del tag_dict[each]
            if not match:
                struct_list.append({'name': each, 'alias': '', 'count': 0,
                                    'level': struct_dict[each][0],
                                    'tag': struct_dict[each][1],
                                    'node': struct_dict[each][2]})

        # sort by level so that the bottom level struct
        # will be build first to satisfy dependencies
        struct_list = sorted(struct_list, key=lambda x: x['level'],

        # Convert XXX_[0-9]+ to XXX as an array hint
        for each in struct_list:
            cfgs = each['node']
            if 'struct' in cfgs['$STRUCT']:
                each['alias'], array_num, var = self.get_struct_array_info(
                match = re.match('(\\w+)(_\\d+)', each['name'])
                if match:
                    each['alias'] = match.group(1)
                    each['alias'] = each['name']

        # count items for array build
        for idx, each in enumerate(struct_list):
            if idx > 0:
                last_struct = struct_list[idx-1]['node']['$STRUCT']
                curr_struct = each['node']['$STRUCT']
                if struct_list[idx-1]['alias'] == each['alias'] and \
                   curr_struct['length'] == last_struct['length'] and \
                   curr_struct['offset'] == last_struct['offset'] + \
                    for idx2 in range(idx-1, -1, -1):
                        if struct_list[idx2]['count'] > 0:
                            struct_list[idx2]['count'] += 1
            each['count'] = 1

        # generate common header
        if com_hdr_file_name:
            self.write_cfg_header_file(com_hdr_file_name, 0, tag_dict,

        # generate platform header
        self.write_cfg_header_file(hdr_file_name, hdr_mode, tag_dict,

        return 0

    def load_yaml(self, cfg_file):
        cfg_yaml = CFG_YAML()
        self._cfg_tree = cfg_yaml.load_yaml(cfg_file)
        self._def_dict = cfg_yaml.def_dict
        self._yaml_path = os.path.dirname(cfg_file)
        return 0

def usage():
          "GenYamlCfg Version 0.50",
          "    GenYamlCfg  GENINC  BinFile              IncOutFile "
          "  [-D Macros]",

          "    GenYamlCfg  GENPKL  YamlFile             PklOutFile "
          "  [-D Macros]",
          "    GenYamlCfg  GENBIN  YamlFile[;DltFile]   BinOutFile "
          "  [-D Macros]",
          "    GenYamlCfg  GENDLT  YamlFile[;BinFile]   DltOutFile "
          "  [-D Macros]",
          "    GenYamlCfg  GENYML  YamlFile             YamlOutFile"
          "  [-D Macros]",
          "    GenYamlCfg  GENHDR  YamlFile             HdrOutFile "
          "  [-D Macros]"

def main():
    # Parse the options and args
    argc = len(sys.argv)
    if argc < 4:
        return 1

    gen_cfg_data = CGenYamlCfg()
    command = sys.argv[1].upper()
    out_file = sys.argv[3]
    if argc >= 5 and gen_cfg_data.parse_macros(sys.argv[4:]) != 0:
        raise Exception("ERROR: Macro parsing failed !")

    file_list = sys.argv[2].split(';')
    if len(file_list) >= 2:
        yml_file = file_list[0]
        dlt_file = file_list[1]
    elif len(file_list) == 1:
        yml_file = file_list[0]
        dlt_file = ''
        raise Exception("ERROR: Invalid parameter '%s' !" % sys.argv[2])
    yml_scope = ''
    if '@' in yml_file:
        parts = yml_file.split('@')
        yml_file = parts[0]
        yml_scope = parts[1]

    if command == "GENDLT" and yml_file.endswith('.dlt'):
        # It needs to expand an existing DLT file
        dlt_file = yml_file
        lines = gen_cfg_data.expand_include_files(dlt_file)
        write_lines(lines, out_file)
        return 0

    if command == "GENYML":
        if not yml_file.lower().endswith('.yaml'):
            raise Exception('Only YAML file is supported !')
        gen_cfg_data.generate_yml_file(yml_file, out_file)
        return 0

    bin_file = ''
    if (yml_file.lower().endswith('.bin')) and (command == "GENINC"):
        # It is binary file
        bin_file = yml_file
        yml_file = ''

    if bin_file:
        gen_cfg_data.generate_data_inc_file(out_file, bin_file)
        return 0

    cfg_bin_file = ''
    cfg_bin_file2 = ''
    if dlt_file:
        if command == "GENDLT":
            cfg_bin_file = dlt_file
            dlt_file = ''
            if len(file_list) >= 3:
                cfg_bin_file2 = file_list[2]

    if yml_file.lower().endswith('.pkl'):
        with open(yml_file, "rb") as pkl_file:
            gen_cfg_data.__dict__ = marshal.load(pkl_file)

        # Override macro definition again for Pickle file
        if argc >= 5:
        if command == 'GENPKL':
            with open(out_file, "wb") as pkl_file:
                marshal.dump(gen_cfg_data.__dict__, pkl_file)
            json_file = os.path.splitext(out_file)[0] + '.json'
            fo = open(json_file, 'w')
            path_list = []
            cfgs = {'_cfg_page': gen_cfg_data._cfg_page,
                    '_cfg_list': gen_cfg_data._cfg_list,
                    '_path_list': path_list}
            # optimize to reduce size
            path = None
            for each in cfgs['_cfg_list']:
                new_path = each['path'][:-len(each['cname'])-1]
                if path != new_path:
                    path = new_path
                    each['path'] = path
                    del each['path']
                if each['order'] == each['offset']:
                    del each['order']
                del each['offset']

                # value is just used to indicate display type
                value = each['value']
                if value.startswith('0x'):
                    hex_len = ((each['length'] + 7) // 8) * 2
                    if len(value) == hex_len:
                        value = 'x%d' % hex_len
                        value = 'x'
                    each['value'] = value
                elif value and value[0] in ['"', "'", '{']:
                    each['value'] = value[0]
                    del each['value']

            return 0

    if dlt_file:


    if command == "GENBIN":
        if len(file_list) == 3:
            old_data = gen_cfg_data.generate_binary_array()
            fi = open(file_list[2], 'rb')
            new_data = bytearray(fi.read())
            if len(new_data) != len(old_data):
                raise Exception("Binary file '%s' length does not match, \
ignored !" % file_list[2])

        gen_cfg_data.generate_binary(out_file, yml_scope)

    elif command == "GENDLT":
        full = True if 'FULL' in gen_cfg_data._macro_dict else False
        gen_cfg_data.generate_delta_file(out_file, cfg_bin_file,
                                         cfg_bin_file2, full)

    elif command == "GENHDR":
        out_files = out_file.split(';')
        brd_out_file = out_files[0].strip()
        if len(out_files) > 1:
            com_out_file = out_files[1].strip()
            com_out_file = ''
        gen_cfg_data.create_header_file(brd_out_file, com_out_file, yml_scope)

    elif command == "GENINC":

    elif command == "DEBUG":

        raise Exception("Unsuported command '%s' !" % command)

    return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':