/** @file
PEIM to produce gPeiUsb2HostControllerPpiGuid based on gPeiUsbControllerPpiGuid
which is used to enable recovery function from USB Drivers.

Copyright (c) 2010 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>

SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


#include "EhcPeim.h"

  Allocate a block of memory to be used by the buffer pool.

  @param  Ehc            The EHCI device.
  @param  Pool           The buffer pool to allocate memory for.
  @param  Pages          How many pages to allocate.

  @return The allocated memory block or NULL if failed.

UsbHcAllocMemBlock (
  IN PEI_USB2_HC_DEV      *Ehc,
  IN  USBHC_MEM_POOL      *Pool,
  IN  UINTN               Pages
  USBHC_MEM_BLOCK         *Block;
  VOID                    *BufHost;
  VOID                    *Mapping;
  EFI_STATUS              Status;
  UINTN               PageNumber;

  Mapping = NULL;
  PageNumber =  sizeof(USBHC_MEM_BLOCK)/PAGESIZE +1;
  Status = PeiServicesAllocatePages (

  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      return NULL;
  ZeroMem ((VOID   *)(UINTN)TempPtr, PageNumber*EFI_PAGE_SIZE);

  // each bit in the bit array represents USBHC_MEM_UNIT
  // bytes of memory in the memory block.

  Block = (USBHC_MEM_BLOCK*)(UINTN)TempPtr;
  Block->BufLen   = EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (Pages);
  Block->BitsLen  = Block->BufLen / (USBHC_MEM_UNIT * 8);

  PageNumber =  (Block->BitsLen)/PAGESIZE +1;
  Status = PeiServicesAllocatePages (

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      return NULL;
  ZeroMem ((VOID   *)(UINTN)TempPtr, PageNumber*EFI_PAGE_SIZE);

  Block->Bits  = (UINT8 *)(UINTN)TempPtr;

  Status = IoMmuAllocateBuffer (
             (VOID **) &BufHost,
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return NULL;
  ZeroMem (BufHost, Pages*EFI_PAGE_SIZE);

  // Check whether the data structure used by the host controller
  // should be restricted into the same 4G
  if (Pool->Check4G && (Pool->Which4G != USB_HC_HIGH_32BIT (MappedAddr))) {
      return NULL;

  Block->BufHost  = BufHost;
  Block->Buf      = (UINT8 *) ((UINTN) MappedAddr);
  Block->Mapping  = Mapping;
  Block->Next      = NULL;

  return Block;


  Free the memory block from the memory pool.

  @param  Ehc            The EHCI device.
  @param  Pool           The memory pool to free the block from.
  @param  Block          The memory block to free.

UsbHcFreeMemBlock (
  IN PEI_USB2_HC_DEV      *Ehc,
  IN USBHC_MEM_POOL       *Pool,
  IN USBHC_MEM_BLOCK      *Block
  ASSERT ((Pool != NULL) && (Block != NULL));

  IoMmuFreeBuffer (Ehc->IoMmu, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (Block->BufLen), Block->BufHost, Block->Mapping);

  Alloc some memory from the block.

  @param  Block          The memory block to allocate memory from.
  @param  Units          Number of memory units to allocate.

  @return The pointer to the allocated memory. If couldn't allocate the needed memory,
          the return value is NULL.

UsbHcAllocMemFromBlock (
  IN  USBHC_MEM_BLOCK     *Block,
  IN  UINTN               Units
  UINTN                   Byte;
  UINT8                   Bit;
  UINTN                   StartByte;
  UINT8                   StartBit;
  UINTN                   Available;
  UINTN                   Count;

  ASSERT ((Block != 0) && (Units != 0));

  StartByte  = 0;
  StartBit   = 0;
  Available  = 0;

  for (Byte = 0, Bit = 0; Byte < Block->BitsLen;) {
    // If current bit is zero, the corresponding memory unit is
    // available, otherwise we need to restart our searching.
    // Available counts the consective number of zero bit.
    if (!USB_HC_BIT_IS_SET (Block->Bits[Byte], Bit)) {

      if (Available >= Units) {

      NEXT_BIT (Byte, Bit);

    } else {
      NEXT_BIT (Byte, Bit);

      Available  = 0;
      StartByte  = Byte;
      StartBit   = Bit;

  if (Available < Units) {
    return NULL;

  // Mark the memory as allocated
  Byte  = StartByte;
  Bit   = StartBit;

  for (Count = 0; Count < Units; Count++) {
    ASSERT (!USB_HC_BIT_IS_SET (Block->Bits[Byte], Bit));

    Block->Bits[Byte] = (UINT8) (Block->Bits[Byte] | (UINT8) USB_HC_BIT (Bit));
    NEXT_BIT (Byte, Bit);

  return Block->Buf + (StartByte * 8 + StartBit) * USBHC_MEM_UNIT;

  Calculate the corresponding pci bus address according to the Mem parameter.

  @param  Pool           The memory pool of the host controller.
  @param  Mem            The pointer to host memory.
  @param  Size           The size of the memory region.

  @return the pci memory address
UsbHcGetPciAddressForHostMem (
  IN USBHC_MEM_POOL       *Pool,
  IN VOID                 *Mem,
  IN UINTN                Size
  USBHC_MEM_BLOCK         *Head;
  USBHC_MEM_BLOCK         *Block;
  UINTN                   AllocSize;
  UINTN                   Offset;

  Head      = Pool->Head;
  AllocSize = USBHC_MEM_ROUND (Size);

  if (Mem == NULL) {
    return 0;

  for (Block = Head; Block != NULL; Block = Block->Next) {
    // scan the memory block list for the memory block that
    // completely contains the allocated memory.
    if ((Block->BufHost <= (UINT8 *) Mem) && (((UINT8 *) Mem + AllocSize) <= (Block->BufHost + Block->BufLen))) {

  ASSERT ((Block != NULL));
  // calculate the pci memory address for host memory address.
  Offset = (UINT8 *)Mem - Block->BufHost;
  PhyAddr = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN) (Block->Buf + Offset);
  return PhyAddr;

  Insert the memory block to the pool's list of the blocks.

  @param  Head           The head of the memory pool's block list.
  @param  Block          The memory block to insert.

UsbHcInsertMemBlockToPool (
  IN USBHC_MEM_BLOCK      *Head,
  IN USBHC_MEM_BLOCK      *Block
  ASSERT ((Head != NULL) && (Block != NULL));
  Block->Next = Head->Next;
  Head->Next  = Block;

  Is the memory block empty?

  @param  Block   The memory block to check.

  @retval TRUE    The memory block is empty.
  @retval FALSE   The memory block isn't empty.

UsbHcIsMemBlockEmpty (
  UINTN                   Index;

  for (Index = 0; Index < Block->BitsLen; Index++) {
    if (Block->Bits[Index] != 0) {
      return FALSE;

  return TRUE;

  Initialize the memory management pool for the host controller.

  @param  Ehc                   The EHCI device.
  @param  Check4G               Whether the host controller requires allocated memory.
                                from one 4G address space.
  @param  Which4G               The 4G memory area each memory allocated should be from.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The memory pool is initialized.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCE   Fail to init the memory pool.

UsbHcInitMemPool (
  IN PEI_USB2_HC_DEV      *Ehc,
  IN BOOLEAN              Check4G,
  IN UINT32               Which4G
  USBHC_MEM_POOL          *Pool;
  UINTN               PageNumber;
  EFI_STATUS              Status;

  PageNumber =  sizeof(USBHC_MEM_POOL)/PAGESIZE +1;
  Status = PeiServicesAllocatePages (

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      return NULL;
  ZeroMem ((VOID   *)(UINTN)TempPtr, PageNumber*EFI_PAGE_SIZE);

  Pool = (USBHC_MEM_POOL *) ((UINTN) TempPtr);

  Pool->Check4G = Check4G;
  Pool->Which4G = Which4G;
  Pool->Head    = UsbHcAllocMemBlock (Ehc, Pool, USBHC_MEM_DEFAULT_PAGES);

  if (Pool->Head == NULL) {
    Pool = NULL;

  return Pool;

  Release the memory management pool.

  @param  Ehc                   The EHCI device.
  @param  Pool                  The USB memory pool to free.

  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      Fail to free the memory pool.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The memory pool is freed.

UsbHcFreeMemPool (
  IN PEI_USB2_HC_DEV      *Ehc,
  IN USBHC_MEM_POOL       *Pool

  ASSERT (Pool->Head != NULL);

  // Unlink all the memory blocks from the pool, then free them.
  for (Block = Pool->Head->Next; Block != NULL; Block = Block->Next) {
    UsbHcFreeMemBlock (Ehc, Pool, Block);

  UsbHcFreeMemBlock (Ehc, Pool, Pool->Head);

  return EFI_SUCCESS;

  Allocate some memory from the host controller's memory pool
  which can be used to communicate with host controller.

  @param  Ehc       The EHCI device.
  @param  Pool      The host controller's memory pool.
  @param  Size      Size of the memory to allocate.

  @return The allocated memory or NULL.

UsbHcAllocateMem (
  IN PEI_USB2_HC_DEV      *Ehc,
  IN  USBHC_MEM_POOL      *Pool,
  IN  UINTN               Size
  USBHC_MEM_BLOCK         *Head;
  USBHC_MEM_BLOCK         *Block;
  USBHC_MEM_BLOCK         *NewBlock;
  VOID                    *Mem;
  UINTN                   AllocSize;
  UINTN                   Pages;

  Mem       = NULL;
  AllocSize = USBHC_MEM_ROUND (Size);
  Head      = Pool->Head;
  ASSERT (Head != NULL);

  // First check whether current memory blocks can satisfy the allocation.
  for (Block = Head; Block != NULL; Block = Block->Next) {
    Mem = UsbHcAllocMemFromBlock (Block, AllocSize / USBHC_MEM_UNIT);

    if (Mem != NULL) {
      ZeroMem (Mem, Size);

  if (Mem != NULL) {
    return Mem;

  // Create a new memory block if there is not enough memory
  // in the pool. If the allocation size is larger than the
  // default page number, just allocate a large enough memory
  // block. Otherwise allocate default pages.
    Pages = EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (AllocSize) + 1;
  } else {
  NewBlock = UsbHcAllocMemBlock (Ehc,Pool, Pages);

  if (NewBlock == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  // Add the new memory block to the pool, then allocate memory from it
  UsbHcInsertMemBlockToPool (Head, NewBlock);
  Mem = UsbHcAllocMemFromBlock (NewBlock, AllocSize / USBHC_MEM_UNIT);

  if (Mem != NULL) {
    ZeroMem (Mem, Size);

  return Mem;

  Free the allocated memory back to the memory pool.

  @param  Ehc            The EHCI device.
  @param  Pool           The memory pool of the host controller.
  @param  Mem            The memory to free.
  @param  Size           The size of the memory to free.

UsbHcFreeMem (
  IN PEI_USB2_HC_DEV      *Ehc,
  IN USBHC_MEM_POOL       *Pool,
  IN VOID                 *Mem,
  IN UINTN                Size
  USBHC_MEM_BLOCK         *Head;
  USBHC_MEM_BLOCK         *Block;
  UINT8                   *ToFree;
  UINTN                   AllocSize;
  UINTN                   Byte;
  UINTN                   Bit;
  UINTN                   Count;

  Head      = Pool->Head;
  AllocSize = USBHC_MEM_ROUND (Size);
  ToFree    = (UINT8 *) Mem;

  for (Block = Head; Block != NULL; Block = Block->Next) {
    // scan the memory block list for the memory block that
    // completely contains the memory to free.
    if ((Block->Buf <= ToFree) && ((ToFree + AllocSize) <= (Block->Buf + Block->BufLen))) {
      // compute the start byte and bit in the bit array
      Byte  = ((ToFree - Block->Buf) / USBHC_MEM_UNIT) / 8;
      Bit   = ((ToFree - Block->Buf) / USBHC_MEM_UNIT) % 8;

      // reset associated bits in bit array
      for (Count = 0; Count < (AllocSize / USBHC_MEM_UNIT); Count++) {
        ASSERT (USB_HC_BIT_IS_SET (Block->Bits[Byte], Bit));

        Block->Bits[Byte] = (UINT8) (Block->Bits[Byte] ^ USB_HC_BIT (Bit));
        NEXT_BIT (Byte, Bit);


  // If Block == NULL, it means that the current memory isn't
  // in the host controller's pool. This is critical because
  // the caller has passed in a wrong memory point
  ASSERT (Block != NULL);

  // Release the current memory block if it is empty and not the head
  if ((Block != Head) && UsbHcIsMemBlockEmpty (Block)) {
    UsbHcFreeMemBlock (Ehc, Pool, Block);

  return ;