/** @file RedfishHostInterfaceDxe builds up SMBIOS Type 42h host interface record for Redfish service host interface using EFI MBIOS Protocol. RedfishHostInterfacePlatformLib is the platform-level library which provides the content of Redfish host interface type 42h record. Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
(C) Copyright 2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
Copyright (C) 2022 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static EFI_EVENT mPlatformHostInterfaceReadylEvent = NULL; static VOID *mPlatformHostInterfaceReadyRegistration = NULL; /** Create SMBIOS type 42 record for Redfish host interface. @retval EFI_SUCCESS SMBIOS type 42 record is created. @retval Others Fail to create SMBIOS 42 record. **/ EFI_STATUS RedfishCreateSmbiosTable42 ( VOID ) { REDFISH_INTERFACE_DATA *DeviceDescriptor; UINT8 DeviceDataLength; UINT8 DeviceType; EFI_STATUS Status; MC_HOST_INTERFACE_PROTOCOL_RECORD *ProtocolRecord; VOID *ProtocolRecords; VOID *NewProtocolRecords; UINT8 ProtocolCount; UINT8 CurrentProtocolsDataLength; UINT8 NewProtocolsDataLength; UINT8 ProtocolDataSize; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE42 *Type42Record; EFI_SMBIOS_PROTOCOL *Smbios; EFI_SMBIOS_HANDLE MemArrayMappedAddrSmbiosHandle; // // Get platform Redfish host interface device type descriptor data. // Status = RedfishPlatformHostInterfaceDeviceDescriptor (&DeviceType, &DeviceDescriptor); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if (Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: No Redfish host interface descriptor is provided on this platform.", __func__)); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Fail to get device descriptor, %r.", __func__, Status)); return Status; } if ((DeviceType != REDFISH_HOST_INTERFACE_DEVICE_TYPE_USB_V2) && (DeviceType != REDFISH_HOST_INTERFACE_DEVICE_TYPE_PCI_PCIE_V2) ) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Only support either protocol type 04h or 05h as Redfish host interface.", __func__)); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (DeviceType == REDFISH_HOST_INTERFACE_DEVICE_TYPE_PCI_PCIE_V2) { DeviceDataLength = DeviceDescriptor->DeviceDescriptor.PciPcieDeviceV2.Length; } else { DeviceDataLength = DeviceDescriptor->DeviceDescriptor.UsbDeviceV2.Length; } // // Loop to get platform Redfish host interface protocol type data. // ProtocolRecord = NULL; ProtocolRecords = NULL; NewProtocolRecords = NULL; Type42Record = NULL; ProtocolCount = 0; CurrentProtocolsDataLength = 0; NewProtocolsDataLength = 0; while (TRUE) { Status = RedfishPlatformHostInterfaceProtocolData (&ProtocolRecord, ProtocolCount); if (Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) { break; } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Fail to get Redfish host interafce protocol type data.", __func__)); if (ProtocolRecords != NULL) { FreePool (ProtocolRecords); } if (ProtocolRecord != NULL) { FreePool (ProtocolRecord); } return Status; } ProtocolDataSize = sizeof (MC_HOST_INTERFACE_PROTOCOL_RECORD) - sizeof (ProtocolRecord->ProtocolTypeData) + ProtocolRecord->ProtocolTypeDataLen; NewProtocolsDataLength += ProtocolDataSize; if (ProtocolRecords == NULL) { ProtocolRecords = AllocateZeroPool (NewProtocolsDataLength); if (ProtocolRecords == NULL) { FreePool (ProtocolRecord); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } CopyMem ((VOID *)ProtocolRecords, (VOID *)ProtocolRecord, ProtocolDataSize); NewProtocolRecords = ProtocolRecords; } else { NewProtocolRecords = ReallocatePool (CurrentProtocolsDataLength, NewProtocolsDataLength, (VOID *)ProtocolRecords); if (NewProtocolRecords == NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Fail to allocate memory for Redfish host interface protocol data.", __func__)); FreePool (ProtocolRecords); FreePool (ProtocolRecord); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } CopyMem ( (VOID *)((UINT8 *)NewProtocolRecords + CurrentProtocolsDataLength), (VOID *)ProtocolRecord, ProtocolDataSize ); } FreePool (ProtocolRecord); CurrentProtocolsDataLength = NewProtocolsDataLength; ProtocolCount++; } if (ProtocolCount == 0) { goto ON_EXIT; } // // Construct SMBIOS Type 42h for Redfish host inteface. // // SMBIOS type 42 Record for Redfish Interface // 00h Type BYTE 42 Management Controller Host Interface structure indicator // 01h Length BYTE Varies Length of the structure, a minimum of 09h // 02h Handle WORD Varies // 04h Interface Type BYTE Varies Management Controller Interface Type. // 05h Interface Specific Data Length (n) // 06h Interface Specific data // 06h+n number of protocols defined for the host interface (typically 1) // 07h+n Include a Protocol Record for each protocol supported. // Type42Record = (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE42 *)AllocateZeroPool ( sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE42) - 4 + DeviceDataLength + 1 /// For Protocol Record Count + CurrentProtocolsDataLength + 2 /// Double NULL terminator/ ); if (Type42Record == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ON_EXIT; } Type42Record->Hdr.Type = EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_MANAGEMENT_CONTROLLER_HOST_INTERFACE; Type42Record->Hdr.Length = sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE42) - 4 + DeviceDataLength + 1 + CurrentProtocolsDataLength; Type42Record->Hdr.Handle = 0; Type42Record->InterfaceType = MCHostInterfaceTypeNetworkHostInterface; // Network Host Interface // // Fill in InterfaceTypeSpecificDataLength field // Type42Record->InterfaceTypeSpecificDataLength = DeviceDataLength; // // Fill in InterfaceTypeSpecificData field // CopyMem (Type42Record->InterfaceTypeSpecificData, DeviceDescriptor, DeviceDataLength); FreePool (DeviceDescriptor); DeviceDescriptor = NULL; // // Fill in InterfaceTypeSpecificData Protocol Count field // *(Type42Record->InterfaceTypeSpecificData + DeviceDataLength) = ProtocolCount; // // Fill in Redfish Protocol Data // CopyMem ( Type42Record->InterfaceTypeSpecificData + DeviceDataLength + 1, NewProtocolRecords, CurrentProtocolsDataLength ); // // 5. Add Redfish interface data record to SMBIOS table 42 // Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiSmbiosProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&Smbios); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } MemArrayMappedAddrSmbiosHandle = SMBIOS_HANDLE_PI_RESERVED; Status = Smbios->Add ( Smbios, NULL, &MemArrayMappedAddrSmbiosHandle, (EFI_SMBIOS_TABLE_HEADER *)Type42Record ); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "RedfishPlatformDxe: Smbios->Add() - %r\n", Status)); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } Status = EFI_SUCCESS; ON_EXIT: if (DeviceDescriptor != NULL) { FreePool (DeviceDescriptor); } if (NewProtocolRecords != NULL) { FreePool (NewProtocolRecords); } if (Type42Record != NULL) { FreePool (Type42Record); } return Status; } /** Notification event of platform Redfish Host Interface readiness. @param[in] Event Event whose notification function is being invoked. @param[in] Context The pointer to the notification function's context, which is implementation-dependent. **/ VOID EFIAPI PlatformHostInterfaceInformationReady ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a: Platform Redfish Host Interface informtion is ready\n", __func__)); RedfishCreateSmbiosTable42 (); // // Close event so we don't create multiple type 42 records // gBS->CloseEvent (Event); mPlatformHostInterfaceReadylEvent = NULL; return; } /** Main entry for this driver. @param ImageHandle Image handle this driver. @param SystemTable Pointer to SystemTable. @retval EFI_SUCCESS This function always complete successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI RedfishHostInterfaceDxeEntryPoint ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_GUID *ReadyGuid; DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a: Entry\n.", __func__)); // // Check if the Redfish Host Interface depends on // the specific protocol installation. // Status = RedfishPlatformHostInterfaceNotification (&ReadyGuid); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, " Create protocol install notification to know the installation of platform Redfish host interface readiness\n")); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, " Protocol GUID: %g\n", ReadyGuid)); // // Register event for ReadyGuid protocol installed by // platform Redfish host interface library. // Status = gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, PlatformHostInterfaceInformationReady, NULL, &mPlatformHostInterfaceReadylEvent ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, " Fail to create event for the installation of platform Redfish host interface readiness.\n")); return Status; } Status = gBS->RegisterProtocolNotify ( ReadyGuid, mPlatformHostInterfaceReadylEvent, &mPlatformHostInterfaceReadyRegistration ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, " Fail to register event for the installation of platform Redfish host interface readiness.\n")); return Status; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } if ((Status == EFI_UNSUPPORTED) || (Status == EFI_ALREADY_STARTED)) { Status = RedfishCreateSmbiosTable42 (); } // Return other erros. return Status; }