/*++ Copyright (c) 1999 - 2002 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved This software and associated documentation (if any) is furnished under a license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of the license. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this software or documentation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Intel Corporation. Module Name: GenBsfImage.h Abstract: This file contains the relevant declarations required to generate Boot Strap File --*/ // // Module Coded to EFI 2.0 Coding Conventions // #ifndef _EFI_GEN_BSF_IMAGE_H #define _EFI_GEN_BSF_IMAGE_H // // External Files Referenced // #include #include #include #include "assert.h" // #include "TianoCommon.h" #include "Common/FirmwareFileSystem.h" #include "Common/FirmwareVolumeHeader.h" #include "ParseInf.h" // // Internal Constants // #define EFI_IPF_VTF1_GUID \ { \ 0xfa371c9b, 0x5a86, 0x4198, 0xab, 0xc2, 0xed, 0x3f, 0xaa, 0xce, 0xb0, 0x8b \ }; #define EFI_IPF_VTF2_GUID \ { \ 0x624a0d5a, 0x315f, 0x40b6, 0xa6, 0x33, 0xe5, 0xf7, 0xde, 0x58, 0x20, 0xa0 \ }; #define EFI_IA32_BOOT_STRAP_GUID \ { \ 0xd4260a8d, 0x356, 0x4f45, 0x85, 0xe9, 0xad, 0x1d, 0x79, 0x22, 0x79, 0xf0 \ }; #define CV_N_TYPE(a,b) (UINT8)(((UINT8)a << 7) + (UINT8)b) // Keeps the CV and Type in same byte field #define MAKE_VERSION(a,b) (UINT16)(((UINT16)a << 8) + (UINT16)b) #define FILE_NAME_SIZE 256 #define COMPONENT_NAME_SIZE 128 #define BSF_INPUT_FILE "BSF.INF" #define BSF_OUTPUT_FILE "Bsf.RAW" #define BSF_SYM_FILE "Bsf.SYM" #define FIT_SIGNATURE "_FIT_ " // // This is IA32 seccore // #define COMP_TYPE_SECCORE 0x0F // //Fit Type Definition // #define COMP_TYPE_FIT_HEADER 0x00 #define COMP_TYPE_FIT_PAL_B 0x01 // // This is generic PAL_A // #define COMP_TYPE_FIT_PAL_A 0x0F #define COMP_TYPE_FIT_PEICORE 0x10 #define COMP_TYPE_FIT_AUTOSCAN 0x30 #define COMP_TYPE_FIT_FV_BOOT 0x7E // //This is processor Specific PAL_A // #define COMP_TYPE_FIT_PAL_A_SPECIFIC 0x0E #define COMP_TYPE_FIT_UNUSED 0x7F #define FIT_TYPE_MASK 0x7F #define CHECKSUM_BIT_MASK 0x80 // // IPF processor address is cached bit // #define IPF_CACHE_BIT 0x8000000000000000 // // Size definition to calculate the location from top of address for // each component // #define SIZE_IA32_RESET_VECT 0x10 // 16 Bytes #define SIZE_SALE_ENTRY_POINT 0x08 // 8 Byte #define SIZE_FIT_TABLE_ADD 0x08 // 8 Byte #define SIZE_FIT_TABLE_PAL_A 0x10 #define SIZE_RESERVED 0x10 #define SIZE_TO_OFFSET_PAL_A_END (SIZE_IA32_RESET_VECT + SIZE_SALE_ENTRY_POINT + \ SIZE_FIT_TABLE_ADD + SIZE_FIT_TABLE_PAL_A + \ SIZE_RESERVED) #define SIZE_TO_PAL_A_FIT (SIZE_IA32_RESET_VECT + SIZE_SALE_ENTRY_POINT + \ SIZE_FIT_TABLE_ADD + SIZE_FIT_TABLE_PAL_A) #define SIZE_OF_PAL_HEADER 0x40 //PAL has 64 byte header // // Utility Name // #define UTILITY_NAME "GenBsfImage" // // Utility version information // #define UTILITY_MAJOR_VERSION 0 #define UTILITY_MINOR_VERSION 1 #define UTILITY_DATE __DATE__ // // The maximum number of arguments accepted from the command line. // #define ONE_BSF_ARGS 5 #define TWO_BSF_ARGS 9 // // The number of IA32 bsf arguments accepted from the command line. // #define IA32_ARGS 3 #define IA32_SOFT_FIT "IA32BsfAddress.inf" // // Internal Data Structure // typedef enum _LOC_TYPE { NONE, // In case there is - INF file FIRST_VTF, // First VTF SECOND_VTF, // Outside BSF } LOC_TYPE; typedef struct _PARSED_BSF_INFO { CHAR8 CompName[COMPONENT_NAME_SIZE]; LOC_TYPE LocationType; UINT8 CompType; UINT8 MajorVer; UINT8 MinorVer; UINT8 CheckSumRequired; BOOLEAN VersionPresent; // If it is TRUE, then, Version is in INF file BOOLEAN PreferredSize; BOOLEAN PreferredAddress; CHAR8 CompBinName[FILE_NAME_SIZE]; CHAR8 CompSymName[FILE_NAME_SIZE]; UINTN CompSize; UINT64 CompPreferredAddress; UINT32 Align; // // Fixed - warning C4133: '=' : incompatible types - from 'struct _ParsedBsfInfo *' to 'struct _PARSED_BSF_INFO *' // Fixed - warning C4133: '=' : incompatible types - from 'struct _ParsedBsfInfo *' to 'struct _PARSED_BSF_INFO *' // Fixed - warning C4133: '=' : incompatible types - from 'struct _ParsedBsfInfo *' to 'struct _PARSED_BSF_INFO *' // Fixed - warning C4133: '=' : incompatible types - from 'struct _ParsedBsfInfo *' to 'struct _PARSED_BSF_INFO *' // struct _PARSED_BSF_INFO *NextBsfInfo; } PARSED_BSF_INFO; #pragma pack (1) typedef struct { UINT64 CompAddress; UINT32 CompSize; UINT16 CompVersion; UINT8 CvAndType; UINT8 CheckSum; } FIT_TABLE; #pragma pack () // // The function that displays general utility information // VOID PrintUtilityInfo ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Displays the standard utility information to SDTOUT Arguments: None Returns: None --*/ ; // // The function that displays the utility usage message. // VOID PrintUsage ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Displays the utility usage syntax to STDOUT Arguments: None Returns: None --*/ ; // // Other Function Prototype Declarations // EFI_STATUS UpdateBsfBuffer( IN UINT64 StartAddress, IN UINT8 *Buffer, IN UINT64 DataSize, IN LOC_TYPE LocType ) /*++ Routine Description: Update the Firmware Volume Buffer with requested buffer data Arguments: StartAddress - StartAddress in buffer. This number will automatically point to right address in buffer where data needed to be updated. Buffer - Buffer pointer from data will be copied to memory mapped buffer. DataSize - Size of the data needed to be copied. LocType - The type of the BSF Returns: EFI_ABORTED - The input parameter is error EFI_SUCCESS - The function completed successfully --*/ ; EFI_STATUS UpdateSymFile ( IN UINT64 BaseAddress, IN CHAR8 *DestFileName, IN CHAR8 *SourceFileName ) /*++ Routine Description: This function adds the SYM tokens in the source file to the destination file. The SYM tokens are updated to reflect the base address. Arguments: BaseAddress - The base address for the new SYM tokens. DestFileName - The destination file. SourceFileName - The source file. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - The function completed successfully. EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - One of the input parameters was invalid. EFI_ABORTED - An error occurred. --*/ ; EFI_STATUS CalculateFitTableChecksum ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: This function will perform byte checksum on the FIT table, if the the checksum required field is set to CheckSum required. If the checksum is not required then checksum byte will have value as 0;. Arguments: NONE Returns: Status - Value returned by call to CalculateChecksum8 () EFI_SUCCESS - The function completed successfully --*/ ; EFI_STATUS GenerateBsfImage ( IN UINT64 StartAddress1, IN UINT64 Size1, IN UINT64 StartAddress2, IN UINT64 Size2 ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the main function which will be called from application. Arguments: StartAddress1 - The start address of the first BSF Size1 - The size of the first BSF StartAddress2 - The start address of the second BSF Size2 - The size of the second BSF Returns: EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - Can not allocate memory The return value can be any of the values returned by the calls to following functions: GetBsfRelatedInfoFromInfFile ProcessAndCreateBsf UpdateIA32ResetVector UpdateFfsHeader WriteBsfBinary --*/ ; EFI_STATUS PeimFixupInFitTable ( IN UINT64 StartAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: This function is an entry point to fixup SAL-E entry point. Arguments: StartAddress - StartAddress for PEIM..... Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - The function completed successfully EFI_ABORTED - Error Opening File --*/ ; EFI_STATUS Generate32BsfImage ( IN UINT64 BootFileStartAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the main IA32 function which will be called from application. (Now this tool is not used for IA32 platform, if it will be used in future, the relative functions need to be updated, the updating can refer to IPF functions) Arguments: BootFileStartAddress - Top Address of Boot File Returns: The return value can be any of the values returned by the calls to following functions: Get32BsfRelatedInfoFromInfFile CreateBsfBuffer ProcessAndCreate32Bsf Update32FfsHeader WriteBsfBinary --*/ ; EFI_STATUS GetTotal32BsfSize( IN UINT32 *BsfSize ) /*++ Routine Description: This function calculates total size for IA32 BSF which would be needed to create the buffer. This will be done using Passed Info link list and looking for the size of the components which belong to BSF. The addtional file header is accounted. Arguments: BSFSize - Pointer to the size of IA32 BSF Returns: EFI_ABORTED - Returned due to one of the following resons: (a) Error Opening File EFI_SUCCESS - The fuction completes successfully --*/ ; EFI_STATUS ProcessAndCreate32Bsf ( IN UINT64 Size ) /*++ Routine Description: This function process the link list created during INF file parsing and create component in IA32 BSF Arguments: Size - Size of the Firmware Volume of which, this BSF belongs to. Returns: EFI_UNSUPPORTED - Unknown component type EFI_SUCCESS - The function completed successfully --*/ ; EFI_STATUS CreateAndUpdateSeccore ( IN PARSED_BSF_INFO *BsfInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This function reads the binary file for seccore and update them in IA32 BSF Buffer Arguments: BsfInfo - Pointer to Parsed Info Returns: EFI_ABORTED - Due to one of the following reasons: (a)Error Opening File (b)The PAL_A Size is more than specified size status One of the values mentioned below returned from call to UpdateSymFile EFI_SUCCESS - The function completed successfully. EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - One of the input parameters was invalid. EFI_ABORTED - An error occurred.UpdateSymFile --*/ ; EFI_STATUS CreateAndUpdate32Component ( IN PARSED_BSF_INFO *BsfInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This function reads the binary file for each components. Add it at aligned address. Arguments: BsfInfo - Pointer to Parsed Info Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - The function completed successful EFI_ABORTED - Aborted due to one of the many reasons like: (a) Component Size greater than the specified size. (b) Error opening files. EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - Value returned from call to UpdateEntryPoint() --*/ ; EFI_STATUS Update32FfsHeader( IN UINT32 BsfSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Update the Firmware Volume Buffer with requested buffer data Arguments: BsfSize - Size of the IA32 BSF Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - The function completed successfully EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - The Ffs File Header Pointer is NULL --*/ ; EFI_STATUS Get32BsfRelatedInfoFromInfFile ( IN CHAR8 *FileName ) /*++ Routine Description: This function reads the input file, parse it and create a list of tokens which is parsed and used, to intialize the data related to IA32 BSF Arguments: FileName FileName which needed to be read to parse data Returns: EFI_ABORTED Error in opening file EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER File doesn't contain any valid informations EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Malloc Failed EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully --*/ ; VOID Initialize32InFileInfo ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: This function intializes the relevant global variable which is being used to store the information retrieved from IA32 INF file. Arguments: NONE Returns: NONE --*/ ; VOID ParseAndUpdate32Components ( IN PARSED_BSF_INFO *BsfInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This function intializes the relevant global variable which is being used to store the information retrieved from INF file. Arguments: BsfInfo - A pointer to the BSF Info Structure Returns: None --*/ ; EFI_STATUS Write32SoftFit( IN CHAR8 *FileName, IN PARSED_BSF_INFO *BsfInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: Write IA32 Firmware Volume component address from memory to a file. Arguments: FileName Output File Name which needed to be created/ BsfInfo Parsed info link Returns: EFI_ABORTED - Returned due to one of the following resons: (a) Error Opening File (b) Failing to copy buffers EFI_SUCCESS - The fuction completes successfully --*/ ; #endif